The dawning of Newton's Third Law:
Whoopi slams GOP Calls outrage over Prez bashing 'a little fake'
WASHINGTON - Whoopi Goldberg lashed out at Republicans again yesterday, branding them hypocrites for trying to "punish" her for joking about the President.
Fired from her gig as SlimFast spokeswoman, the salty entertainer hit back at Republicans who threatened a SlimFast boycott over sexual puns she made about President Bush's name at a Democratic fund-raiser.
"America's heart and soul is freedom of expression without fear of reprisal," she said in a statement.Come on Whoopi - take a little responsibility, huh? And don't do what Janeane Garafalo did and say 'Oh yeah, I LIKE criticism' cause we all know what a bang-up job she's doing over at Air America...."I find all this feigned indignation about 'Bush bashing' quite disingenuous," she said, noting the Bush administration has savagely gone after critics like former Sen. Max Cleland, Iraq whistleblower Joseph Wilson and ex-terrorism chief Richard Clarke.
"For the Republican Party to pretend this is new to them seems a little fake," she said.
"The fact that I am no longer the spokesman for SlimFast makes me sad, but not as sad as someone trying to punish me for exercising my right as an American to speak my mind."
The Bush-Cheney campaign has been making a lot of hay out of Goldberg's set at last week's celebrity gala at Radio City Music Hall, professing shock at her blue jokes.
Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman called the event a "hatefest" that proves John Kerry doesn't "share the same values" as the rest of America.
Kerry, who is trying to woo swing voters, did not stand by his celeb supporters. On the defensive, he distanced himself from Goldberg and said through spokesmen that he thought her comments were inappropriate.
Running mate John Edwards was asked about the flap yesterday by Fox News. "They weren't speaking for me, and they weren't speaking for John Kerry," he said, adding the ticket is "focused on our positive, optimistic vision of hope."
Mehlman has repeatedly demanded that Kerry's camp release a video of the event, even going so far as to promise not to use the footage in ads.
Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill said tartly that he could have the video after Bush releases his military records and details of Vice President Cheney's secret energy task force.
Diversity promoter Asa Khalif, who has made headlines for accusing celebrities of insensitivity, cried foul in the Goldberg firing. "I smell racism from beginning to end," said Khalif, head of Racial Unity USA in Pennsylvania. "SlimFast must realize that black women have every right to voice their views."
"...without fear of reprisal..."
No, without fear of being thrown into jail for dissing our guvmint, you stewpid cow.
There will be reprisals. That's also part of our freedoms. We don't like you or what you have to say, and we can hit you where it counts - the wallet.
And racisim? I am so fucking sick of the blacks always using that argument. It would just as despciable if a white, hispanic or whatever rainbow color person had said the same.
Posted by: GrumpyBunny at July 16, 2004 11:45 AMAnd I am so fucking sick and tired of republicans crying like little kids in a playground whenever someone disses their beloved asshole. Grow up fellas, people make jokes about sprout the monkey king, he's dumber than Quail and clumsier than Ford. He's an easy target. He talks to god ferchrissakes. In my profession, people are medicated for that.
What I'm disappointed in is Kerry Edwards trying to distance themselves. They were frigging jokes, a comedy routine. That's what they should have said... it was a stand up routine by a comedienne, get a life.
Posted by: scroff at July 16, 2004 04:59 PMThis is so lame, Mikey. How long are you gonna beat this? Been lissenin to Rush, lately? Boy oh boy, I can see the headlines now, "Whoopi Swings Election In Moonbat's Favor".
The only thing Smirkey can do is attack, because his record is in-defensible.
Posted by: deuddersun at July 16, 2004 06:51 PMIt's not lame - it's action vs. reaction. Just like when Michael Savage did his thing and MSNBC canned him.
Posted by: Mad Mikey at July 16, 2004 07:25 PMNot to change the subject or anything (but ya know I'm gunna)...
Mikey, keep yer eye peeled from any emails or comments from Paul of Light and Dark. I talked to him tonight and he's more then happy to give you hand getting this place customized.
Told ya he's a sweetheart....
(And, I told him you're one, too...)
That's far fetched as a comparison, Mikey. Savage was canned by MSNBC not because the Democrats threatened a boycott but because he, among other things and just being a total asshole, suggested a caller he labeled a 'sodomite' should die of AIDS. Big difference between that and a comedienne making off color jokes about bush.
So does this mean people can lose their jobs for making off color jokes about the president? What if everyone who made Monica-cigar-Clinton jokes got fired?
What pisses me off, besides the whiney little republicans, is Kerry trying to cover his ass and not taking her back. Spineless.
Posted by: scroff at July 17, 2004 10:14 AMStevie: Can do girl.
Scroff: Can't say much to sooth your anger - it's just IMO the "politics of life". I would be just as sympathetic (READ ZERO SYMPATHY) if some Hollywood pea-brain got up started raggin on Kerry as naseum (sp?).
As for Kerry being spineless and distancing himself away from all this when he was laughing his ass off during this fundraiser - it's just what most Republicans/conservatives see in him: NOTHING. He can't stand on anything - that's why we love to rag on him cause he flip-flops on everything.
That's why I'm confident that Bush will win the election by a wide margin....
Posted by: Mad Mikey at July 17, 2004 11:25 AMAnd THIS folderol is why I stay completely outta politics.
C'mon guys... play nice. No politician, no matter which one it is, is worth friends gettin' all stiff-necked and pissy with each other.
Matter of fact, I do believe that this is the offical reason number 2,972 why it is that the entire concept of politics is not a good one.
Like Lily Tomlin says... "Why woulda ya wanna win a rat race? Yer still a rat."
Hugs on both of ya....
Posted by: Stevie at July 17, 2004 01:43 PMNo worries Steve - Scroff and I agreed to disagree a long time back.
Posted by: Mad Mikey at July 17, 2004 10:12 PMYea, no big, Stevie. We put down the flame throwers a while ago.
Don't get me wrong, Mad One. I'm not crying for Whoopie, she don't need the bucks or the job. But the republicans are like a bunch of spoiled little brats. Whenever they don't like something they try to get rid of it, from the Reagan movie to F911 to a buncha other crap I can't recall right now. With all the real stuff there is to discuss and be concerned about.... gaghjh!
Anyway... how's the bp? :)
Posted by: scroff at July 18, 2004 01:18 AMStevie, if you think we're fighting now, you should stick around, lol! Hell, even scroff and I went at each other hammer and tong over at AWW. And check out Activist San Diego if you wanna see real flame wars! Sometimes we're at each other's throats, sometimes we defend each other, depends on the particular issue.
As for politics, well, these are politically oriented sites, scroff, ruthalla and I lean to the left, Mikey, Nat, and others lean to the right. Nobody's probably going to change anybody's mind, (ya never know, tho), but even tho it's serious, we're having fun in our own demented way. So, relax, enjoy, jump in anytime!
Peace. Love.
Vote for Nixon in '72. Why change dicks in the middle of a screw?
Posted by: deuddersun at July 18, 2004 07:22 PMHe's right - on somethings we'll never agree and on others we're reading from the same page. Just goes to show you that some Americans aren't totally divided as some would have you think.
Sheesh - I met Scroff & Ruthie in the middle of a flame war almost a year ago and we all learned to slightly chill on our attacks. Deudd I met through Scoff/Ruthie over at AWW and I'm a little glad that I didn't get into a flame war with him - he get's nasty.
Vote for Nixon in '72. Why change dicks in the middle of a screw? LOL
Posted by: Mad Mikey at July 19, 2004 06:40 AM