August 04, 2004

Solid Math

Jaws says it best about this:

A true story + Mossad Agents + killing terrorist scumbags = hell yeah!

Posted by Mad Mikey at August 4, 2004 09:08 AM | TrackBack

There better be some great special effects in the movie! Especially since the Mossad liquidated one of the terrorists via a pressure bomb in his bed, and another via phone bomb. Kaboom!

Posted by: jaws at August 4, 2004 02:59 PM

is this story true??? I can't believe it! Spielberg is going to cause the Hollywood lefty-looney heads to explode with a movie that actually puts Arabs/Pals in a poor light. but the story is an important one that many don't even really know about (hell, Israeli death and suffering is soooo passe!). the shit that went down afterwards was made for a movie. Ehud Barak dressed as a woman (he and his Mossad partner were acting like an innocent couple), took a small boat to the shores of Lebanon, and went door-to-door to take out the men that were responsible for the Munich tragedy. funny thing is that many people think of Barak as some wuss, relative to other Israeli leaders. truth is, the dude has brass balls. and big ones! can't wait to see this.

Posted by: nathaile at August 4, 2004 04:13 PM

It's totally true!
But Barak wasn't actually in the Mossad you know, he was just head of Sayeret Matkal at the time. The dress operation is still one of my favorite stories

Posted by: jaws at August 4, 2004 07:43 PM
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