Citizen Smash posts a message from a Marine on the ground in Iraq and he says 'It Ain't That Bad'.
Go take a look and then compare it to the 'Message of Doom' that just appeared in the news lately.
Who you gonna believe: arm-chair pundits thousands of miles away or someone who is right there?
Comments on No Doom
but Mikey,
|| Posted by ruthie, September 18, 2004 10:28 PM ||there are plenty of soldiers on the ground that think "it is so bad."
doesnt matter to him....he will beleiove anything that caters to his delusions.
|| Posted by nunya, September 20, 2004 11:01 AM ||I don't have the figures handy, but the re-enlistment rates are through the roof, especially for troops in Iraq.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 20, 2004 12:13 PM ||that is because these folks ar being forced to re-enlist.
take your head out of your ass
|| Posted by nunya, September 20, 2004 01:23 PM ||Wrong. I'm talking about voluntary re-enlistments. If they choose not to - yes, there is the possibility/probability of being extended.
And as for 'taking my head out of my ass' - watch you attitude or you'll find yourself banned. That's how your previous comments were deleted - cause you were being belligerent.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 20, 2004 02:17 PM ||mikey, you honestly think i cannot get back onto this site if you ban my ip? really now.
|| Posted by nunya, September 25, 2004 03:38 AM ||Sure you could. But you'd find anything you wrote deleted and it would be an increasing hassle to circumvent the IP ban.
Wouldn't it be easier to act in a civil manner instead of acting like an asshat?
Your choice sport but you're in the House of Mikey here.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 25, 2004 06:53 AM ||More like the Apartment of Mikey. If even that, your not even being hosted, your just sponging off of someone elses domain name, so it is more like the Sublet of Mikey.
|| Posted by nunya, September 25, 2004 08:08 PM ||It would be the House if you would be hosting your own shit on your own servers.
As it were, you just moved from one slum (blogspot) to another (mu.nu).
It's still more than you have at the moment and the point still is: this is my turf and the rules of my turf are:
Behave and let's have a civilized conversation, or act like an asshat and get deleted cause I am in control.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:56 PM |||| , 01:59 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Face of a Patriot
This is worth reading - a guy who bounces back after being wounded in Iraq. This is the face of a patriot.
Comments on Face of a Patriot
How come Scroff has no comment on this?
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 09:21 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:52 PM |||| , 06:19 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Threatened by a 3-Year Old?
This is messed up:
Read More of "Threatened by a 3-Year Old?"Geez, it kind of makes me wonder just how much foaming-at-the-mouth will occur when President Bush is re-elected. Maybe I should get some hip waders on order?
(Michelle sees the overflowing love too.)
UPDATE: The International Union Painters & Allied Trades attempts some damage control:
You're gonna take that one guy with bits of sign in his hand and kick his ass? Cause I tell you: if that happened to my kid, I'd be getting medieval on his carcass....All done with "Threatened by a 3-Year Old?"?
Comments on Threatened by a 3-Year Old?
I cried.
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 17, 2004 06:45 AM ||Maybe the Kerry campaign should start having its audience members sign a loyalty clause before they come to speaking engagements?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, September 17, 2004 08:22 AM ||what do loyalty clauses have to do with this? this shit happens on both sides and is unfortunately indicative of where politics have gone recently: the gutter.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 17, 2004 09:39 AM ||Dispicable hatred leads that runs so deep to impair judgement is typical among the Bush haters.
Sick bastards!
|| Posted by Chet, September 17, 2004 11:18 AM ||Well said nat!
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 12:29 PM ||On the other hand, I'm gonna vent here... the guys pretty frikin stupid to be bringing his kids to a Democratic rally with Bush signs. Let's be real. Even on the chance that there might be some asshole in the crowd, he's gonna go by himself to this rally with his three year old daughter? Now, before you all start going off on me about his "right" to display his sign, I agree, but you don't go walking through the south bronx at midnight flashing hundred dollar bills and then act all surprised when you get mugged, but it's your right to do so. And regarding the so called "peaceful, tolerant" label lots of rightwingers try to put on the left, I don't know where the hell you got that, anti-war is not anti-beat this stupid fuck down. Interesting how this gets posted by Drudge but the lefties who get beaten or arrested at Bush rallies don't seem to make the grade. Like nat says, it's on both sides, but I get ripped when I see some stupid fuck like this get all weepee when shit turns sour on his ass. There's bad people in the world. Until thats fixed, if thats ever fixed, leave your kids home, ya dumb shit.
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 01:09 PM ||So Scroff.....what are you really trying to say here....?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 17, 2004 02:02 PM ||Sorry, Mad One, didn't get enough sleep last might...
BTW, the latest on this is that it's a setup. Similar things happened to this guy three other times, once at the RNC, once in 2000 and once in 1996. The awful guy in the union shirt is suspected to be one of his numerous sons. The daughter is there for effect.
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 02:22 PM ||He was also interviewed on September 3rd when unknown Democratic assailants fired a bullet into the West Virginia GOP headquarters. Lightning strikes thrice plus one for this guy.
Ya, sure.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, September 17, 2004 05:03 PM ||The union knew exactly what happened and immediately apologized. That union leader is one of the "good" democrats. Kerry is not one of the "good" ones.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:52 PM |||| , 06:04 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 15, 2004
News You Can Use III
Theron Says Love Scenes Awkward
Read More of "News You Can Use III"Practice, practice, practice!
Usher Leads American Music Award Nods
Well then, why not call him a 'Musician'...?
U2 Among Nominees for Rock Hall of Fame
I am!? Wow - you must really like my bass playing!
Calvin Klein Features Color
I guess the 'Black & White' Line didn't go over well last year....
Hopkins-De La Hoya recalls classic clash
Both agreed that Combat Rock was an awesome album.
Sharon Doesn't Plan to Follow 'Road Map'
And he probably won't stop & ask for directions either....
Libya Misses Payment to Bombing Victims
Well...they ARE dead, do what's the rush?
All done with "News You Can Use III"?
Comments on News You Can Use III
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:40 PM |||| , 11:05 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
High Standard
Michelle Malkin has a new column out where she takes Dan (What's the frequency?) Rather and CBS to task:
I know I said I wouldn't be posting anything else about the Killian memos, but I liked what Michelle said about the standards to which CBS has sunk and the standards by which bloggers (such as myself) try to attain: the truth and the facts cause each of us has multiple critics to ping on bad information.Comments on High Standard
That, Mikey, is the biggest pack of crap to float to the surface of the "blogosphere". Bloggers preach to their own choir, and there is very little real criticism of what anybody posts. If one blog writes stuff I disagree with, all I have to do is surf around and I'll find one I do agree with. These big blogs cater to a certain mind set, have a following of loyal readers who basically agree with the premise of the blog writer, and while they may disagree with, for example, how curled the apostrophe was, they all agree it was curled. If you check out a blogs "blogroll", you can tell their point of view. Blogrolls are not full of "critics" but partners in crime so to speak. Very few blogs have alternative links in their blogroll (yours is one of them) Don't buy into that crap, we both know better. Let me give you one example here... here's a fact... Bush got preferential treatment when he joined the guard and he has lied about it since he first started running for office. That's a fact and it's the truth. Find one right blog that states that. Here's another, there are no WMD in Iraq and Iraq was not a threat to the US or any of its neighbors, except perhaps Israel through alleged payments to Palestinian suicide bomber families. The world is not better off now that Saddam is gone, in fact, since we invaded and occupied Iraq the US in particular is in greater danger. Bush is a failure as a president... I could go on and on.
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 01:34 PM ||I know they 'preach to the choir', but consider who's gonna be your biggest critic? Someone who doesn't agree with you.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 17, 2004 02:04 PM ||During WWII a German sub with 4 japs and a nuclear bomb on board headed toward the U.S. coast. They were intercepted by the U.S. using information from German SS spies.
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 09:07 PM ||Liberals are Liberals because they have a low I.Q. when it comes to knowing the real events that did happen and that are going to happen.
Scroff burns me up (mad). Its all sophism, Mikey.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:07 PM |||| , 07:21 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 14, 2004
Whole Lotta Fury
It looks spectacular from high above, but I wouldn't want to be hanging around New Orleans tomorrow.
Comments on Whole Lotta Fury
On behalf of the good people of New Orleans: whew!
I kid. Not because I love.
|| Posted by Dave, September 14, 2004 10:59 PM ||That is an awesome pichur!
|| Posted by scroff, September 18, 2004 05:50 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:36 PM |||| , 02:07 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Moral Decay of Film

I'm all kinds of glad for Jessica Simpson, but have we as a society decayed into such stagnation that we have to resurrect dead shows for new film ideas?At the rate Hollywood is going, The A-Team will premeire sometime around Summer 2008 and Gary Coleman will have buffed up enough to play Mr. T.
[Wait - didn't Governor Schwarzenegger just sign a law that outlaws messing around with the dead?]
Read More of "Moral Decay of Film"ADDENDUM: While searching for a link to The A-Team for the initial post, I stumbled across something that made me think I better stop prophesizing about weird crap....:
All done with "Moral Decay of Film"?
Comments on Moral Decay of Film
jThe A Team again? OK Mikey...are you asking us for the theme music again???
|| Posted by ruthie, September 14, 2004 11:14 AM ||Hell no.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 14, 2004 11:22 AM ||Gary Coleman is dead? This can't be! Noooooooooooooooo!!!
|| Posted by Dave, September 14, 2004 10:57 PM ||A Team? Did I hear A Team?
|| Posted by scroff, September 18, 2004 05:52 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:33 PM |||| , 07:10 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Is that a Train....?
Unless there's something really interesting that pops up soon, I think I am done with the CBS/Killian memo fiasco - or as many are calling it: Fraudgate™ or Memogate™.
It's interesting to watch this unfold - especially since I know that modern news reporting will be changed as a result of all of the blogsphere letting loose on CBS News and Dan Rather.
But it's like watching an boa constrictor swallow a rabbit - disgusting when thought of yet many watch it anyway. But after the initial euphoria has worn off you start thinking 'Get on with it darnit - I got stuff to do'.
I'll keep one eye on it and I might post something about the (hopefully) final outcome, but the play-by-play I'll leave to the heavy-hitter bloggers like LGF, Allah, or Wizbang. Trying to keep up with the constantly unfolding of events is starting to evolve into the 'light at the end of the tunnel' resolving into an on-coming freight train.
Comments on Is that a Train....?
I have an IBM Selectric II, which can do superscript and proportional spacing. One of the Prop guys rounded it up for me. I also used to own one. My father worked for IBM and bought one back in the late '60's. It too, could do proportional spacing and superscript.
Better lay off highlighting the superscript portion of the Memo's until the smoke clears on this, but then again, I'm sure the "Nobody But Bush" crowd will just come up with another reason to doubt their authenticity.
(Okay. I tried to post a link here to a brochure on IBM Seletrics, but your site wouldn't take it. So go here instead:)
Aamazing how some folks will believe a bunch of disgruntled,pissed off vets yet cast aspersions on Dan Rather and CBS.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 15, 2004 05:57 PM ||Hey d. s'bout time you did something useful in that job besides wrap parties and such :-}
I kinda liked Rathergate, Mad One.
|| Posted by scroff, September 18, 2004 05:56 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:33 PM |||| , 06:41 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 13, 2004
Al Gore as the Cowardly Lion
Al Gore is rumored to be checking into a new vocation - possibly Broadway:
Comments on Al Gore as the Cowardly Lion
lmoao, after almost choking on my sammich....
|| Posted by Stevie, September 13, 2004 07:01 PM ||You nut... *still giggling*
Not sure what that first "o" is for... oversized? outrageous? I just cannot spell, even acronyms?, which doesn't begin with "o" or anything, but is the truth, or what?
I think my hair just lightened a shade blonder, man...
|| Posted by Stevie, September 13, 2004 07:03 PM ||Nope, now I know what it is...
|| Posted by Stevie, September 13, 2004 07:04 PM ||Where the comments box pops up is in the middle and I can still see that big ol' grin over to the left, so it distracted me... lol.
Yeeeah, that's it...
Looks like he is trying to star in the squel to "Super-size Me"
|| Posted by The Pirate, September 14, 2004 09:46 AM ||That bastard got FAT! Holy crap!
|| Posted by Mays, September 17, 2004 01:03 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:27 PM |||| , 11:27 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Yeah....What She Said
Michelle at A Small Victory appears to have summerized all of this Killian memo crap:
Comments on Yeah....What She Said
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:06 PM |||| , 10:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Information Overload
There's just too much information breaking out on the web about the Killian memos on President Bush's service in the Texas ANG. So much that I'm starting to get cross-eyed from it.
The place to keep up with it is over at Allah's house.
I think now would be a good time for CBS to come 'clean' and admit they got suckered and for Dan Rather to consider retiring....
Comments on Information Overload
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:05 PM |||| , 08:22 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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