Sheehan Undergoes Surgery In WacoI'm thinking good thoughts for SWWNBN. She's still a complete dingbat, but I hope there aren't any complications from her surgery.(August 23, 2006)—Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan was recovering Wednesday at Providence Health Center in Waco after undergoing a hysterectomy on Tuesday.
Sheehan, 49, of Berkeley, Calif., is expected to remain in the hospital for several days before she rejoins the peace vigil near the president’s Central Texas ranch.
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Excellent design! has liked. Come to me on a visit. I shall be glad to all visitors;)
|| Posted by Helga, September 1, 2006 06:41 AM |||| , 10:45 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 20, 2006
Land of Hypocrisy
I've stayed away from talking about the New York Times exposing the NSA's program in tracking / wire-tapping of overseas phone calls in the War on Terror, mainly because I wasn't able to keep up with all the points of what the Times called 'illegal'.
Is it illegal or is it just barely weaving itself through the legal loopholes? I don't know - it'll be determined in the courts soon enough.
But Patterico points big neon arrows to what I feared about the exposure of the program:
Thank you New York Times.IMHO, this is right up there with complete bullsh*t....it's like if the NYT had exposed the U.S. Navy's 'MAGIC' program in late November 1941 about the cracking of the Japanese codes.
And rest assured that should another 9/11 attack happen in the United States that these bone heads will be the first to be foaming-at-the-mouth about why hadn't the government done something to stop the attack.
The New York Times....the 'newspaper of record' for the land of Hypocrisy.
(By way of Michelle Malkin)
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|| , 02:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 16, 2006
Electronic Voting Machines Good This Time?
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Comments on Electronic Voting Machines Good This Time?
Actually Ms. McKinney was running against another Dem for the spot in the Nov elections. It really is just about her and her inability to accept the fact that she isn't wanted anymore. *sigh* It must be a tough life for her...always needing to find someone to blame for her lot in life. It SURELY would never be because of any choices she's made.
|| Posted by Gracie, August 16, 2006 01:27 PM |||| , 11:45 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Getting Crowded
By way of Smash:
More planets now than there was last week - at least, by the definition that is.Kind of makes the Earth seem just a little smaller, huh?
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|| , 11:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 14, 2006
Journalists Kidnapped in Gaza
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When will the Liberals learn that we are in a REAL and DEADLY war????
|| Posted by Dr. Jeff, August 15, 2006 02:05 AM |||| , 10:41 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 12, 2006
Mail is FUBAR
If anyone has tried to send me an e-mail at my madmikey.mu.nu address and it's 'bounced', it's because my blog mail is FUBARed.
For the time being, e-mail can be sent to my old address - which I still keep for some reason - which is: madmikey1-AT-hotmail-DOT-com.
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|| Posted by byu, July 15, 2009 02:17 AM |||| , 01:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 10, 2006
Mass Murder Plot Stopped Cold
Very close call:
Damn glad someone was on top of this one....UPDATE: Moxie points out someone who obviously sees the humor in this situation:
Without sounding like a clichè, I can say from experience that this is the way to deal with 'bad news'. Read More of "Mass Murder Plot Stopped Cold"Seriously - how else could I deal with the crap that I have to deal with and not get severely bummed out? I try to find the 'good' things in a bad situation.
Case in point:
Doctor: Hey Mikey, you've got a kidney disease and you're gonna have to start doing hemodialysis.
Mikey: Really? That means I get a handicap parking permit!! W00t!
Now I have to inject a little reality: it doesn't always work. That is to say that I'm not necessarily perky all the time. I've just come to realize that given my medical condition I have two choices (and I think I might have talked about this before so bear with me if I have):
- Be upset, get miserable, and just basically be one of those cranky, sick people that whine about their pain(s) all the time, or
- Try to make the best of it and not to dwell on my condition for too long on any given day.
And do you know why?Because in either case, I'm still stuck being sick and having to deal with it. And being miserable and whining about being sick gets old.
Anyways......the stuff from Moxie is still giving me a serious chuckle.....
All done with "Mass Murder Plot Stopped Cold"?
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Comments on Mass Murder Plot Stopped Cold
I am sooooooooo glad I won't be taking my autistic son with me on my flight home this fall. I have to fly out of LAX and I'm already having nightmares of about long lines and such.
|| Posted by Maeve, August 11, 2006 07:38 PM ||Oh well, I'll just make sure I've got a good book to read.
FLV Converter///PowerPoint Converter///AVCHD Converter///Blue-Ray ripper///Rip Blue Ray///FLV to MOV Mac///VOB to DVD///AVI to DVD Converter///AVI to DVD Creator///iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac///AVI Converter OS XVOB Converter OS X///AVCHD Video Converter///HD Video Converter///iPod Playlist Transfer MTS Converterhttp://minx.cc/?post=189622http://minx.cc/?post=189622
|| Posted by byu, July 13, 2009 08:41 PM ||rip blu-ray, blu-ray to mp4, burn blu-ray.
|| Posted by rip blu ray, August 15, 2009 09:05 AM |||| , 03:54 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 09, 2006
This is quite possibly the biggest instance of 'Doi!!' in recent memory:
What next - a report that says that dirt has absolutely zero nutritional value if eaten?Trackback Information for Really?
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Comments on Really?
Next Study Suggestion:
Does a lack of sleep make you tired?
~Gracie (rolling eyes)
|| Posted by Gracie, August 9, 2006 01:22 PM ||Careful, Mikey, the Fat Police are sucking you in (those that want to tell us what and how to eat "for our own good"). Here's how they came up with their numbers.
A can of Pepsi has about 150 calories. Times 365 days equals 54,750 calories. A pound of fat has about 3,500 calories. 54,750 divided by 3,500 is about 15.
It's a scare tactic. If you're a totally sedentary slob, you'll put on 15 lbs a year.
However, Dr. David Ludwig, director of the obesity program at Children's Hospital in Boston and a longtime advocate of curbs on soda, said blaming other factors misses the point.
Who the hell is he to tell me what I can or cannot consume? He wants me to "curb" my intake of soda? Kiss my ass.
These Fat Police have to have a target. Instead of saying, "if you eat as few as 150 calories more a day than you burn off - each and every day for a year - you will gain 15 lbs", they come up with the evil "soda-a-day".
Cigarettes. Super-size. Sodas in schools. Now, sodas ANYWHERE.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 9, 2006 02:44 PM ||Other Mikey...
I'm totally behind your reasoning and your argument, but from personal experience; I cut the can of Mt Dew a day out of my diet and lost the 15 lbs I had gained after I quit smoking.
I agree with you though, this guy has an agenda.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 10, 2006 03:30 AM ||I agree with Rob@L&R.
I too have lost signifigant weight by taking soda out of my diet. (Ive also gained it back by adding soda back into my diet :) )
Its not just the calories that work agaisnt you with soda, its the content.
There is a huge amount of suger in that stuff. Ive forgotten the details, but adding all that suger into your system really screws up the way that your body processes the suger it already has.
|| Posted by I_love_slurm, August 10, 2006 08:35 AM ||I switched from drinking soft drinks to cranberry juice cocktail (Hey! The stuff is supposed to be good for ya, Right!?) and started piling on the pounds. When I looked at the ingredients it had even more sugar than soda! Now I drink green tea with 1 tbs of honey per coffeepot full. I'd still like to lose a few but I'm back into a 34" waist instead of 36".
|| Posted by martinb714, August 16, 2006 05:59 PM ||FLV Converter///PowerPoint Converter///AVCHD Converter///Blue-Ray ripper///Rip Blue Ray///FLV to MOV Mac///VOB to DVD///AVI to DVD Converter///AVI to DVD Creator///iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac///AVI Converter OS XVOB Converter OS X///AVCHD Video Converter///HD Video Converter///iPod Playlist Transfer MTS Converterhttp://minx.cc/?post=189622http://minx.cc/?post=189622
|| Posted by byu, July 13, 2009 06:51 PM |||| , 12:38 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 08, 2006
Cause & Effect
Offered with no comment (via PDA):
Okay, I do have one comment: cause & effect ladies.....cause & effect.Trackback Information for Cause & Effect
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FLV Converter///PowerPoint Converter///AVCHD Converter///Blue-Ray ripper///Rip Blue Ray///FLV to MOV Mac///VOB to DVD///AVI to DVD Converter///AVI to DVD Creator///iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac///AVI Converter OS XVOB Converter OS X///AVCHD Video Converter///HD Video Converter///iPod Playlist Transfer MTS Converter
|| Posted by byu, July 13, 2009 02:46 AM |||| , 10:32 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 07, 2006
Well, I know someone will make a yuk-yuk out of it and it might as well start with me:
Ahem......okay, now if we can just get it into the Democratic National Convention's kool aid mix.....Trackback Information for Finally!!
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Comments on Finally!!
We may need to set up a fund-raiser to buy enough for the militant-Muslim population. Or at the very least, the pacifist rollovers of the world so we can have their permission to conduct unrestricted operations against the militant-Muslims
|| Posted by kilabe, August 8, 2006 03:40 AM ||An anti-stupidity pill...
I await the outcomes of the clinical trials done in humans....specifically ones done on the following subsets of the population:
|| Posted by jaws, August 8, 2006 04:29 PM ||Chomskyites
(fill in the blank)
Notice the byline... BERLIN(Reuters)
Instead of reporting on the anti-stupid pills, maybe they ought to be taking them.
There's my suggestion for fill-in-the-blank, jaws
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 9, 2006 06:08 AM ||MKV to FLV
|| Posted by waegh, August 16, 2009 07:40 PM |||| , 11:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Double Feh!
Still not in the mood to blog much these days....feeling tired and trying to get enough sleep.
It isn't working out too well in that arena.
There is lots happening to me (other than being in the hospital) and when I can think of a way to write about it without it sounding like I'm whining, then I post something about it. But I'll give you a hint: bills suck.
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Eh, you're not the only one.
|| Posted by Davey, August 7, 2006 10:03 PM ||MTS ConverterM2TS Converter
|| Posted by trbt, August 13, 2009 08:18 PM |||| , 11:50 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 06, 2006
UPDATE: Moved back to the top and comments reopened due to popular demand.
Not really in the mood to blog about much of anything.....
Been watching the news to see if there was any change(s) in the Israeli-Hezbollah fracus: only that Israel is starting to get serious. And watching the world's leaders wring their hands over this and having nothing substantial to say except "We need a cease-fire!!".
Sure......just like the last one that allowed Hezbollah to re-arm itself in southern Lebanon.
UPDATE: Okay, these two items still aren't 'blog-worthy', but I have to ask.....why are they even in the news?
Lance Bass of 'N Sync reveals he is gay.
Lindsay Lohan overcome by heat.
[/shaking head]
UPDATE II: While it is a life-sustaining treatment, hemodialysis still sucks ass.
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Anyone calling for a cease-fire at this point is an idiot. Terrorists don't do cease-fires. They will just use it as an opportunity to re-arm.
|| Posted by dr. jeff, July 26, 2006 12:59 PM ||Yes, God forbid everyone put down the weapons and try to figure out what each other wants. Kill kill kill. That sure as hell has worked thus far over the past 3000 years hasn't it.
As always, the chickenhawks have the floor.
|| Posted by nunya, July 27, 2006 04:39 PM ||Nunya,
Respectfully, in order for folks to figure out what the other side wants, one needs to have a modicom of respect for the other side AND be honest. They further need to adhere to their word and to the terms that they agree to. Somehow, I'm not seeing any of these things happen.
Hezbollah has been fairly clear on what they want...entire annihilation of Israel. They want "the Jews" dead. Somehow, I think that having a conversation with someone who wants you and your people to be wiped from the planet may not elicit much progress. Call me a skeptic...
|| Posted by Gracie, July 28, 2006 09:51 AM ||If Hezbollah put down their weapons, there would be peace.
If Israel puts down their weapons, there would be no more Israel.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 28, 2006 10:19 AM ||And since Mikey and I are both NAVY VETERANS, myself a combat-decorated one, you can take that 'chickenhawk' bullshit and shove it up your chickendove ass.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 28, 2006 10:21 AM ||Amen to that Rob! I'm a Canoe Club Vet too!
Seriously, what straight, sane person didn't know that Lance Bass was Gay? That's like pushing a story about Michael Jackson being a pedophile!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 28, 2006 11:35 AM ||Michael is a what? You bee-essin' me?
Pro wrestling is staged?
Blowjobs in the Oval Office are NOT an Executive Privilige?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 28, 2006 12:45 PM ||Minor correction...
"Blowjobs in the Oval Office are NOT an Executive Privilige?"
Yes, they are. Lying about it under oath isn't. A tiny difference there...
|| Posted by Gracie, July 28, 2006 02:08 PM ||Gracie,,
And lying about that blow job is NOT a national security risk either.
And Rob, fuck you and your service. If your attitude is kill kill kill, then you are no better than gang banging thug, so you can take THAT service and shove it up YOUR ass. (Sorry Mikey, I will NOT be talked to like that for excercising my freedom of speech).
And how does everyone here all of a sudden become an expert on what either side wants? Becaue Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and Fox News told you so? Come on, as I have been sayingg all along, none of this is that black and white. There are no good guys and bad guys here. Both sides are wrong. For well over 50 year, since plopping a country smack dab in the middle of another country without ANY type of compormise, this has been the issue. Think about it - if somone came to your backyard and said "i think this is a good place for a new house" and not pay you damn thing and then push you out, how would you feel? That is essentially what the US did when Truman signed the bill to recognize Israel as a state. Decade after decade, we have done nothing other than bolster that poisition and continue to create a gap and divide between as and the Arab world. And yet we expect them to be civil? I know I wouldn't be. Give me enough time and I guess I would turn into a psychopath myself given that situation.
So you see, more violence will only fuel the movement. So yes, I think the right track would be to sit down with EVERYONE and see what they all want.
Give Gaza back, give the wet bank back. Recognize Palestine as a state. Help them fight the extremists within their own borders (of course Syria gets ourr of Lebanon annd Lebanon sets up a democracy and Palestine elects Abbbas who was willing to work with the West and we STILL did not help them financially - in the past year BILLIONS has been given to Israel were a mere few million has been given to Lebanon - disproprotionism begets desperation). If they attack Israel, then green light Israel to destroy them.
And for you war mongering assholes, tuck the cock backbetween your legs and do the world a favoor and drive your hummers filled with your entire gun collection off a fucking cliff.
|| Posted by Nunya, July 29, 2006 12:29 PM ||Nunya,
About the 2000 U. S. presidential election; I have four words...
Bush won, Gore helped.
|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, July 30, 2006 11:46 AM ||Nah, Brother Jeb helped. 2 Years and there will bee no more Bush. Hopefullyy the country and world won't be in too much of a shamble for it to be fixed.
|| Posted by Nunya, July 30, 2006 12:49 PM ||Nunya,
You don't have a hair on your ass. I'll call you what I want and you'll sit there and take it, you malingering, mattress-soiling aberration of nature.
Fuck you and your freedom of speech... You've done NOTHING to earn it.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 30, 2006 01:44 PM ||Rob,
You do not know me. You do not know my family. So you have no goddamn right to sit there and tell me I do not have the right to free speech.
Like I said, your service to this country is not appreciated by this American and again, take it and stick it up your pathetic ass.
|| Posted by nunya, July 30, 2006 04:09 PM ||Yes, I do know you; You're a hypocrite.
You pass judgment on me, then piss, whine, moan, bitch and complain that I don't know you.
Yes, I know you and your type - I'm sure you have shit-stained underwear, piss puddles, and empty methylated bottles laying around.
You spend your evenings popping pimples and sniffing your sister's gym socks while waiting anxiously for your hairless balls to drop
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 03:43 AM ||Shit! I knew it! You are just another armchair chickenhawk!
Shame on me for wasting time with you!
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 05:23 AM ||Yeah.
I'm a chickenhawk...
I've put my life on the line for what I believe in, now, show what little balls you have and do the same...
And not just some so-called hunger strike like the other shit-for-brains you side with...
Self-immolation. If you don't, then you're just another pansy-assed, self-righteous HYPOCRITICAL CHICKEN.
Besides being a pitiful little carnival freak.
Oh! Look at the talking CHICKEN!
cluck, cluck, little chicken!
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 05:51 AM ||Don’t you feel just the even slightest bit embarrassed by yourself? I bet your long-suffering parents do.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 05:53 AM ||I *DID* serve. Unfortunately at the time I was blind to the bullshit the military feeds you. Apparently you bought into it and still to this day beleive and follow blindly the same leaders who have either never served themselves or never seen the butt end of a rifle.
Besides, I think you are lying anyway. Just another chickenhawk.
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 06:53 AM ||WHat do the following things have in common?
1) A film by John Waters starring Johnny Depp.
2) A type of wah-pedal manufactured by Dunlop Manufacturing
3) Nunya
Answer? Figure it out
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 06:59 AM ||Right
I'm lying
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 07:05 AM ||Waahahaha! Why don't you come back when you served IN COMBAT and not DURING a period of combat. HUGE difference there, clown.
As I have said. A chickenhawk.
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 09:11 AM ||Nunya,
You didn't follow Gore's campaign, did you? Masterful work of persuading people Bush was the better man for the job. And so talented at putting his foot in his mouth.
|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, July 31, 2006 09:55 AM ||admit it, nunya...
You're just a chimpanzee banging on a keyboard, aren't ya?
READ THE DD-214...
The first one listed - COMBAT ACTION RIBBON
"is awarded to members of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard for combat action service. The principal requirement is that the personnel must have been in a ground or surface combat fire-fight, or action during which they were under enemy fire, and that their performance under fire must have been satisfactory."
Do that trick again...
You know - the one where you open your mouth and your whole head disappears.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 10:06 AM ||So you condone killing children?
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 11:14 AM ||Nice strawman, jackass.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 11:19 AM ||I condone Israel and the US defending themselves.
Which means Hezbollah and Hamas and al Queda must be destroyed, where ever they hide.
Which, like other COWARDS, (we won't name names, but his initials are NUNYA!), those terrorists hide behind children. That's their tactic.
So, the blame for dead children is NOT the IDF or the US GIs.
So, if you side with the Islamofacists, then YOU condone killing children.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 11:34 AM ||I side with not using violence to end violence. Only testosterone overlaoded assholes like you think war is ever the answer.
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 11:43 AM ||War is a helluva lot better than the alternative.
You would rather drop your pants, grab your ankles, stick your ass in the air and beg for what you deserve.
And you would get it, if better men than you didn't stand up and protect cowards like you.
And you're a goddamn liar. No way a chickenshit coward like you ever disgraced a uniform.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 12:23 PM ||"Asshole?"
I've been called worse by better.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 12:25 PM ||That's obvious.
You also obviously cannot handle anyone thinking different than you. I feel sorry for your kids.
And yes, I have served. LIke I said, I am not proud of it either because the miliary isn;t here to protect "freedoms" rather it is here to protect business interests. Poor people get to die so people like Kenneth Lay And Jeff Skilling can fuck over rank and file workers and get rich doing it.
Hows that feel that you were a little puppet bitch making below the poverty line money to protect big business?
And now you sit there crawking like the chickenhawk chickenshit that you are.
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 12:49 PM ||And just to let those whos erved know - I appreciate what you do. I appreciate the thought that the honorbale troops are putting into it even though I think it is a shame they must die for the betterment of big business. I, do not, however honor those who think just because they served, than people should not speak out against how the military is being used. Or those who think free speech should be limited. Or those who think it is unpatriotic to be against this war (or any war).
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 12:53 PM ||People like Rob give honorable troops a bad name.
You don't appreciate SHIT.
You're a lying coward, never served.
But, if you did, I bet you got a Big Chicken Dinner. But you didn't, so you will have to Google that to even find out what it is.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 31, 2006 01:14 PM ||WRONG again. But you are used to being wrong. Its probably why you served. Couldn't do anything else.
|| Posted by nunya, July 31, 2006 03:08 PM ||You are sadly mistaken if you think I give a rat's ass what a rat's ass like you thinks about me.
And if you did serve, it was "don't ask, don't tell" and you told, didn't you?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 1, 2006 02:40 AM ||Unless you served like Jessie DeBarge served... 3 weeks in boot-camp and went home crying to mama.
Oh! I get it now, you haven't SERVED, you've SERVICED; on your knees, balls bouncing off your chin.
You pus-ridden anal sore.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 1, 2006 03:25 AM ||All this talk about cock and bills and is coming from your mouth (of course it is). You seem to tbe the one obsessed with gay fantasies. You are the on who tows the party line and keeps the Bush Administrations balls planted firmly on your nose.
Here is a novelty Rob - make an attempt to think for yourself you fucking lemming!
|| Posted by nunya, August 1, 2006 06:14 AM ||I have a great deal more respect for you nunya (though i know neither of you).
Rob appears to be one of the many people that are giving the US army the image of being a bunch of racist airheads that have been armed -and to be fair, and Rob, dont deny this because every one of your posts proves it.
|| Posted by david, August 1, 2006 06:27 AM ||Apparently, neither of you watery buffalo farts can read...
WHERE have I said ANYTHING about the current administration?
WHERE have I said ANYTHING about RACE?
WHERE have I said anything about the ARMY?
ps - Mikey, check IPs for sock puppetry, cuz I'm calling bullshit on 'david'
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 1, 2006 07:19 AM ||What's the matter Rob. Can't you stomach the fact that more than one person a) thinks very little of you b) is against the current administration c) is against the WARmonger mentality?
And yes, Rob, you started in with your personal attacks:
"And since Mikey and I are both NAVY VETERANS, myself a combat-decorated one, you can take that 'chickenhawk' bullshit and shove it up your chickendove ass.
Posted by Rob@L&R at July 28, 2006 10:21 AM "
And the term chickenhawk can and does apply to you becaise you aren't the one putting your ass on the line right now. You sit in your house screaming for war but you aren't the one out there in it. Regardless of whether or not you served in combat in the past, it gives you NO RIGHT to be the advocate for war now when it isn;t you or your loved ones who are out there dying for an unjust cause.
|| Posted by nunya, August 1, 2006 08:28 AM ||I started the personal attacks?
You're not just a coward, you are retarded.
Who called who a 'chickenhawk?' in the 2nd comment in this thread?
By responding to your attack, I'm the one who started it?
By the same perverted logic you condemn Israel: Hezbollah/Hamas shoots rockets/missiles into Israel, Isreal responds and you BLAME THE JEWS?
You are severely retarded.
And I never said I DIDN'T have loved ones serving in Iraq, did I?
Did I mention that I do? Did I mention that's how I fucking KNOW that our troops don't target civilians?
You're a fucking moron.
Keep setting up those strawmen, because that's ALL your arguments are.
And you didn't serve.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 1, 2006 08:54 AM ||I have every right to endorse whatever the fuck I choose, you ignorant pig.
The CHICKENDOVE label applies to you, because YOU aren't willing to put YOUR ASS on the line for your beliefs.
Tell you what... if you SELF-IMMOLATE, then your argument is valid.
Otherwise, you are talking out your hairless ass.
So, until then, sit down and shut the fuck up. There are real men to protect your cowardly ass.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 1, 2006 09:03 AM ||Here is what i wrote:
"Yes, God forbid everyone put down the weapons and try to figure out what each other wants. Kill kill kill. That sure as hell has worked thus far over the past 3000 years hasn't it.
As always, the chickenhawks have the floor.
Posted by nunya at July 27, 2006 04:39 PM "
Nowhere in that initial post did I ever call YOU a chickenhawk. You just constrewed is as such and attacked me.
Nowhere have I ever blamed the Jews. I happen to BE jewish you asshole, but that doesn't mean I side with everything the Israelies do. I don't use persecution as a crutch or an excuse to act uncivilized. I don't blame Israel as much as I blame our own government for not having the foresight back in Turman's day to sit down and really think about what they were doing before they decided to plop an entire country down in the middle of someone elses land. Remember, the european jews all returned to the land after the holocaust and claimed it their own by what the bible said. By that logic then, it would be ok for the Native Americans to reclaim all of the land the WASPS took from them back in the 16th century on. The land the jews took for well over an eon was Palestinian land. It didn't belong to them. I equate what America did to that region over there as being no different than some developer coming into my back yard and deciding to build a new house there for someone else and not only not give me a dime, but force me out of my house. Now knowing that Arabs feel a mandate to go to war about everything, America, Europe and Israel didn't seem to give a fuck when they signed the recognition of a Jewish state. What the hell did you expect to happen? Would you walk away with your he4ad down and not say or do a damn thing? Judging by your testosteronial rage and trigger happy neanderthal brain, I would imagine you would act worse then a damn arab terrorist.
That is where you are not getting it. You and people like you see only black and white and not see that everything has shades of gray. I am not a terrorist sympathizer. I see both sides unwilling to be level headed when that is exactly what is needed at a time like this. America HAS the pwer and ability to be the voice of reason here but chooses not to. Why? It has ntohing to do with democracy and everything to do with corporate interests, aka OIL.
I do stand up for what I beleive in. I beleive that this war is wrong. I beleive that sending our young men and women for the money interests of the Carslyle groups is WRONG. I beleive armchair cowardly chickenhawk pricks like you are worse for this country than the welfare sucking convicts MY tax dollars go to pay for. Ibeleive people like you who use their service to their country to act as if you have more rights than everyone. You served your country. Your choice. Thank you. now move along. Firefighters and teachers do a thankless job everyday - they get my respect more than some trigger happy gung ho fool who thinks he is gi fucking joe (rember timothy mcviegh was also a soldier, should we bow down to him too?).
|| Posted by nunya, August 1, 2006 09:49 AM ||I support the troops. I support them getting pulled out of a region we have no business being in. Let the damn arabs kill themselves over God. We let the blacks and hispanics do it in LA, why should we put out fighting americans lives in danger over whose diety's dick is bigger?
Its called plopping a bunch of e100 tanks in ever gas station, mass producing ethonal, retro fitting every damn vehical in this country and becoming independant of OIL.
Now why don't YOU sit down, shut the fuck up and let the free and logical thinkers make the decisions for you. Go find a deer to hunt. Fire your gun, get your hard on, drink your piss beer and leave running the country up to smart people.
That is th last word on this subject because I am tired of arguing with someone who is thickheaded.
I apologize mikey for this thread.
|| Posted by nunya, August 1, 2006 09:52 AM ||'the chickenhawks have the floor'
On the website owned by a Navy vet who supports the war.
You shit in someones house, then have the nerve to bitch when someone rightly blames you for the smell.
And, how appropriate for the coward; crawling on your knees, begging for forgiveness.
Aren't you ready-made to be dhimmi?
Who never served.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 1, 2006 10:16 AM ||I read this thread and have come to the conclusion that Rob is a fucking jack ass.
|| Posted by Trub-l, August 4, 2006 02:25 AM ||Trub-l:
And your opinion means shit, because...?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 4, 2006 04:10 AM ||You see, nunya kept moving the goalposts on what a ‘chickenhawk’ was.
The standard liberal moron’s definition is anyone who supports a war without ever having been in a war.
Well… I’ve served. In a war.
But then dumb-ass decided that it meant you had to have actually been in combat.
Why don't you come back when you served IN COMBAT and not DURING a period of combat.
No problem… I’m combat-fucking-decorated; my ship has been in combat and I pointed out my ribbons and my DD-214.
But then dickhead decides that, no, you have to be in combat in this conflict, right now.
becaise you aren't the one putting your ass on the line right now
Well, no shit. I bet if I had told him I was in a forward-deployed unit in Iraq, right now, dick would say that I need to have bullets whizzing over my fucking head as I’m pressing the POST COMMENT button.
Well, that’s just plain fucking horseshit
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 4, 2006 04:17 AM ||Rob, it's clear to anyone with an IQ above room temp that you scored with every post and NUNYA simply stuck his head further up his ass every time he posted. But you know it's a waste of time trying to talk to loony lefties - they're ignorant by choice. A read of any of NUNYA's posts confirms this. From one who served to another, thanks for serving!
|| Posted by GREG, August 6, 2006 09:35 AM ||Rob, you are such an asshole. Shove your medals right up your ass, no one gives a fuck if youve served or havnt. You have been brainwashed by our government into thinking that everything you do overseas is the correct thing. You are also pretty much saying that if you havnt been in the military, then you dont deserve to be here. Wow, what a great mentality. Im not saying i agree with nunya, im just saying that you are a war mongering asshole, who believes everything the government tells you, and you are completely oblivious to the fact that things can be resolved in other ways. Don't get me wrong, i support the troops, but theres a big difference between supporting them, and supporting the cause.
|| Posted by flipz, August 6, 2006 03:55 PM ||Cut and paste comments that I made at Left & Right:
Isreal was created on land ceded by the British out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire. There was not at the time any country, and indeed very few people (according to Mark Twain) in the area referred to as Palestine. So the charge that one country was “plopped down” in the middle of another is incorrect.
The US did not sign anything that brought Isreal into being. We owned not a square inch of the land in question and so had absolutely no authority whatsoever to create so much as a popcorn fart in the Middle East. The UN signed the charter that created the nation of Isreal. Harry and the boys simply signed the documents establishing diplomatic contact with the new nation of Isreal...just like we did with all the other (mostly Arab) countries that were created out of the former Ottoman Empire by the British.
Be that as it may, the only reason...and I do mean ONLY reason...that Isreal or any other nation, including our own, exists is because their people will stand on it, fight and bleed and if neccesary die for it. When that ceases to be true, the nation in question dies. Alas, Babylon.
As for the chickenhawk comments, call me anything you want. I served, I'm retired after serving 20, that's why I'm not there now, blah blah blah.
Other comments - I am constantly amazed at how many people turn jewish in the middle of an Israel bashing screed...regardless of what your mother told you, violence has solved far more problems than it is given credit for, and might does make right since might wins, and the winners write history, and the losers - well, they get written about...you can be right, but you can be dead right...after serving 20 years I am struck by the absence of knuckle dragging neanderthals actually wearing the uniform, since I am reliably informed by those who know more than I do about more things that all military folks are knuckle dragging neanderthals, and amused that these same folks automatically assume they know what we think (OK gentlemen, what were we taught about ASSUME?) - but hey, at least they Support The Troops!...most of the military folks I have known show a decidedly libertarian bent, although to be fair it's mostly (but not always) right-libertarian...thanks Mikey for opening the comments again.
|| Posted by Larry, August 6, 2006 09:17 PM ||Roger and out
Holy Cow! I've been gone from here far too long!
Mikey, email me sometime, let me know what the Dr's are tellin ya....
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 7, 2006 10:31 AM ||Larry - I apologiize, but you need a lesson in Middle East history. Palestine WAS a former territory of the Ottoman Empire - the only territory to NOT become a fully independant state. (subsequently, there was no "UN" that wrote up these mandates - it was the League of Nations - more on this later). The Balfour Declaration issues by the British in 1917 was in support of establishing a land IN PALESTINE a national home for the Jewish People. During the years after this mandate there was a massive immigration oof Jews from all over the world, especially from eastern Europe during the persecution. This of course was/is called the Rite of Return in reference to the return of the Jews to their promised land. (now think of how that sounds to a muslim, not that most Bushites care). So all during this time, the Palestinians demanded independence as well and a stop to this immigration en masse. Theye didn't even ask for the enitre land back, just the territories this day in question and of course, their independence. Of course, this quickly gained steam amongst other arab nations because of the perception that it created - this anti-arab pro-jewish western take over. in 1937, this sentimet started leading to terrorism and rebellion. Finally, in 1947 the British gave up and let the UN handle the matter.
This is where it gets very interesting becauuse the UN proposed an actual partitioning of the territory in question - one for the Jews one for the Palestinians. Two INDEPENDANT states. And of course Jerusalem internationalized. Israel at this time, had already built up a large military (with the very generous help of the USA *oil* because we *oil* are so giving *oil* especially after two *oil* world wars *oil* and a stick market *oil* crash.)So in 1948 Israel began its occupation of 77 percent of the Palestinain land. Of course, Truman quickly signed the alternative. (remember that resolution thatnever passed - the USA vetoed it, Israel of course didn;t go for it and guess who else vetoed it - the UK) All during tis time HALF of the palestinians fled to neighboring countries and of course the other areas not occupied. (I guess you can say they tried to stand, bleed and even die for a piece of land that nobobdy else would recognize).
Of course, wars, flare ups, etc came up in the decades following. Israel continued to occupy, the PLO, PA, etc. continued to fight with rocks against rockets, etc. We know the whole story from there on but lack serverly in the history of why these people are not only so angry, but why it is so engrained in them. They have had a generation pass for this to become the problem that it hhas become. In essence, we, the west created it.
I am a Jew myself. An American Jew at that buut I can see the wrongs that have been created over the years by the West and Israel. Arabs, while they have been fighting for centuries amonst themselves, didn't overnight cecome terrorists.
Yes, it did take a nation to be "plopped" down in the middle of another's land. That iss EXACTLY what happened.
And look where we are now. So I have to agree taht EVERYONE needs to be brought to the table on this in order to figure out what needs to be done to stop the fighting. If this means the west get out and stop meddling in the affairs of the middle east then yes, that is what we do. We get the oil companies open the vaults, bring the plans out for the hydrogen fuel infrastructure, use our ethanol alerntive during this period of transisition and live peacefully.
|| Posted by Grommit, August 8, 2006 03:36 AM ||IF it is all about the OOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, then why are we backing Israel?
Israel has no oil. It's the only country in the region that doesn't.
So, your little sunshine world of bunnies and alternative fuels ain't gonna make the "Palestinians" stop fighting the Israelis.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 8, 2006 06:31 AM ||Because Israel is the only non-arab pro-west country (created by the west) that allows us to have a "pearch" there. It is a gateway country to the middle east. Think for yourself for a change Rob. You are retired from the military now you said, so now it is time for you to deduct from your own reasoning - yes, time to wipe your own ass for a change, sweety.
|| Posted by Grommit, August 8, 2006 01:34 PM ||You mean "perch" don't you?
perch as in; noun - support consisting of a branch or rod that serves as a resting place (especially for a bird)?
Seems to me that we have a few "pearches" (what a freakin' ASS-KNOB... and you have the nerve to criticize me?) in the area... Turkey... Iraq.
What? You mean we've prevented Saddam from stickin' his beak into this war? And, WHAT? We've created a buffer zone between Iran and Syria, Hezbollah's two ally-states?
Fuck... It's almost as if... dare I say it... there was a STRATEGIC reason to invade Iraq.
Stick that up yer "pearch."
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 8, 2006 02:05 PM ||By the way... how did your blog do this weekend?
Mine had a slight increase in traffic
See, while you were picking your nose and eating the boogers, I did something constructive. That is, I helped get a terrorist sympathizer fired.
and honestly, is your email pissl or pills? Sofa king wee todd did? Can't even spell your own freakin' email address.
I bet you’re the only person on your Buddy List too
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 8, 2006 02:31 PM ||That is, I helped get a terrorist sympathizer fired.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 8, 2006 04:00 PM ||The Reuters photographer. He got fired over those fake photographs and I helped prove that the first picture was 'shopped.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 8, 2006 04:48 PM |||| , 12:29 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 05, 2006
Happy August 6th!!
Twelve years ago today - right about this time in the morning - my daughter was born.
And if you clued into the date (and that's why you came here in the first place), you'll also note that the United States nuked Hiroshima 61 years ago.
I'm not going to repeat what I said last year about this event, but here's the short version:
- We nuked Hiroshima.
- We nuked Nagasaki three days later.
- Japan surrendered.
- We won World War II.
- The End.
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Comments on Happy August 6th!!
Happy belated birthday to Mini-Mikey! :)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 7, 2006 10:34 AM ||Blue Ray RIpper
|| Posted by helen, July 8, 2009 11:04 PM |||| , 11:37 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Back Home
Just a quick post (via PDA) to say that I was in the hospital once again.
Why? Well, it would seem that my blood pressure decided to climb too high on Wednesday night. Tried dealing with it with medication,but I ended up going to Urgent Care to deal with it.
After a couple of hours getting meds pumped into me intraveneously, the docs decided to put my butt in the hospital to handle the problem.
So, by Friday morning they said I could go home since my BP was 'normal' again. The one reason they came up with as to why my BP went bezerk was that my kidneys - even though they've failed - are the cause.
And the solution? Remove both of them.
I don't really know what to think of that right now.....it kind of scares the crap out of me - but then again,so does having another fracking stroke.
I'll get more info from my nephrologist when I see her in the next week.
Yup....when it rains,it pours.
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Comments on Back Home
glad you're ok, buddy...
If you did have them removed would that make you a higher priority on the transplant list?
Would think it would, huh?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 5, 2006 03:58 AM ||Mikey,
Glad you're back home. Missed arguing with ya.
I am confused though - would you have to be permanantly hooked up to a hemodialisys machine without any kidneys? I thought you had some function left.
|| Posted by nunya, August 5, 2006 06:15 AM ||yes rob, he would get bumped up then. i am very sure that is the case.
|| Posted by nunya, August 5, 2006 06:16 AM ||If you did have them removed would that make you a higher priority on the transplant list?
To be honest - I don't know.
I do know that having my kidneys removed would make my case more dire - no kidneys means that I won't be peeing like a normal person and I'd have to rely on dialysis for removing all excess fluids from my body.
It's something I'll have to ask my nephrologist.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 5, 2006 01:11 PM ||Hey there Mike,
|| Posted by Sam Torres, August 5, 2006 07:38 PM ||I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that your attitude on your health is fantastic, I have always believed that attitude can do wonders to help you get through life. I have been checking your blog constantly, especially when things were scary. Please know that you are ever in my thoughts, as well as you wife and daughter. I know that your girl is just about the same age as my daughter, so I know how important this age is. I do so help that things will get better for you in the very near future.
Good Luck and God Bless,
All the best.
aww, crap, Mike. Let us know.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 7, 2006 10:35 AM |||| , 12:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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