Because I know that a certain Nunya will whine like a 12-year old girl if I don't 'say something' about this:
Senator Larry Craig: 'I am Not Gay'Oh my....what ever will the Republican Party do now? For shame on him....for shame!!WASHINGTON — Denying that he did anything wrong and stating emphatically that "I am not gay," Sen. Larry Craig asked the people of Idaho on Tuesday to forgive him for being arrested two months ago in a police sting in a men's room at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Craig, who was taken into custody on June 11 by a plainclothes officer investigating reports of lewd conduct in the restroom, said he pleaded guilty to a disorderly conduct charge in an effort to suppress a story — pursued by his home-state newspaper — that he has secretly engaged in gay trysts.
Craig said the story has been following him for nearly a year.
"For eight months leading up to June 11th my family and I had been relentlessly and viciously harassed by the Idaho Statesman. If you saw the article today, you know why. Let me be clear: I am not gay. I never have been gay," Craig said in a news conference in his hometown of Boise.
[/complete sarcasm][/truth][/concern]
Okay, that should satisfy the whiny demographic of my readers.....
ADDENDUM - Well, although I haven't been paying too much attention to how this has been playing out in the media it would seem that there's a lot of huff-N-puff happening about how Senator Craig should immediately resign because of the hypocrisy factor.
On one hand, those that are pushing for resignation due to Craig's stands on gay marriage and such have a point IMHO; for those that have read my stuff for the last few years know how I feel about hypocrisy. For those that haven't been reading my stuff for the last few years - get with the program and start reading ALL of the archived stuff.
On the other hand some of the finer points of the arrest, charges filed, charges dropped, and the final guilty plea should be considered. Like I said, I haven't been following this because....well, I really don't give a crap either way, but it apparently has been the hot-button topic on several talk radio shows.
I'll wrap up this addendum with what I initially thought when I heard about it on the Mark Levin Show while I was driving home from Vons about 20 minutes ago: if this U.S. Senator had been a Democrat or maybe even from the state of Massachusetts, how loudly would the drum beating be about
For those that are not part of the Barking Moonbat Brigade, you know what the ramifications would be if the subject of this 'scandal' had a 'D' next to their name......
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Comments on Like I Care About This Crap
Lets face it, he was doing what they said he did. Theres no non-creepy reason to reach out and play footsie with the guy in the stall next you. In fact, in most places it would get you punched in the eye and no-one would bother to mirandize you first.
Do I care if he's gay? No. none of my buisiness (though I would prefer that he gets a hotel room instead.)
Do I care that hes a senior member of the GOP and should really know better at this point then to give the dems something like this to work with? Yes. Where the heck was this guy for the Foley scandel? He knows how it works.
Lets go a litle farther then the obvious rep/dem thing and look at another possibility.
What if instead of a cop in that stall it had been an AQ operative?
Now what? Its not like sex has never bee used as tool of espionage before.
Do we trust his character to do the right thing in that circumstance when he was willing to risk family and position for a quickie in a toilet stall ?
The political reality is that he's got to go. The dems are going to beat him to death with it if he doesnt. It doesnt really matter how you, I or anyone else feels about gays - the dems will use it and Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton will fight each other to be first in line.
The issue of security is that if he cant be trusted to control himself in a mens room, how can he be trusted with a position holding that kind of power and influence?
Hes a big boy, he knew the risk. I feel genuine pity for his situation but he was stupid, and he has got to go.
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, August 31, 2007 03:21 PM ||#1 - The dems actually haven't said a damn thing about this. Most of the hoopla has been screamed by his own party.
#2 - The shoe HAS been on the other foot. Remember when Clinton was in office? He lied about getting his dick sucked in office and how people like you idiots decided that was a high crime and misdeamenor akin to the saftey of our Nation so impeachment was the only option?
Here is the bottom line - he pled guilty to the charges brought against him. He knows the law. If he didn't do it, he should have plead not guilty and askedd for a lawyer. That is how it works. He mad all kinds of lame excuses as to the situation
"Why did you tap te foot of the man sitting in the next stall"
"I have a wide stance when I sit on the toilet" - Come on, we ALL have sat on toilets in public bathrooms, NOBODY has that wide of a stance when they sit on a toilet.
He also did everything that is supposed to be done in order to secretly solicit sex according to several sources. It wasn't as if he was entrapped. I wouldn't have known one way or another how to go about it. I didn't even know you could do that in public restrooms (makes me wonder how you mikey and people like geoff seem to know so much about public rest rooms and truck stops and claim to not be gay - here I thougght it was just stupid insults. I never knew this was serious. Apparently, you guys did. Go figure.)
And finally, what you and the rest of your close minded like friends still don't get is this - it IS different if it were a dem. Why? Becuase the demms are not the party claiming to be the moral majority and shoving family values down peoples throats and then turn around annd do the exact opposite. You know what? I don't give a fuck if Craig is gay and servin in office. I don;t give a fucl if he oes out to gay clubs and gets laid in the bathrooms. That is his business and as long as he is doing a good job in office and not thumping his bible at people and turning around doing exactly what he is against, then I don't care. But guess what. The repubs stand on their pulpits claiming to have more integrity than anyone else, claiming to be such good white christians and claiming to be so high and mighty on their values and morals, but then when out of the spotlight do the exactl opposite and then want to lie about it!
But I know Mikey. You are so right because this is your blog. The repubs are so right and everyone else who disagrees with them are stinking moon bat liberal assholes who side with terrorists and are godless. The answers are just so easy Mikey. No gays, More guns, More Jesus! That will solve EVERYTHING!!!!
You have proven time and time again, just like your friends, pig headed, close minded, war mongering, backwards thinking, gorilla acting shit for brains sheep.
|| Posted by nunya, September 1, 2007 05:27 AM ||Wow, looks like Im wrong even when I do agree with Nunya -
Theres just no pleasin some folks.
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, September 1, 2007 07:00 AM ||I just dont get the whole family values, cramming it down peoples throats thing.
I dont really see much of that happening. Yet, the libs just go crazy about it. Its almost as if its a direct affront to liberal sensibilities if you dont participate in all of the lifestyle shenanigans.
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, September 1, 2007 07:07 AM ||I am a liberal. So automatically I am a bad person and adhere to all kinds of craziness in how I live my life. That is how you and this jerk off here define me. Because I don't agree with the conservative view of the world. Forget the fact that I am an upper-middle class with 2 children and a wife. Forget that I am strict with my son on his education and teach him to be kind to *ALL* people. Forget that I try to be aqs loving and caring to my daughter. Forget the fact that when surprise, my wife is pregnant again unplanned that I am against abortion personally but believe it should not be outlawed because it is a choice.
No I do not believe war is the solution to problems. No I will not let my son join any military arms of this nation. Yes, I served and learned my lesson annd do not want him to make the same mistake. Yes, I believe gays should be allowed to marry.
But I am a bad person because I live such a sinful life. Because I am a liberal.
It is a good thing we are not physically together because I am not sure if I could contain myself by breaking your jaw. But surley, like every good chickenhawk I have encountered, you would cowar away.
|| Posted by nunya, September 1, 2007 09:01 AM ||Wow.
Well I agree with you on one thing Nunya, its probably a good thing that we arent physically together.
By the way, threatening someone with physical violence when they disagree with you, doesnt really sound so ...... I'm searching for the word here ...... liberal. Yeah thats it.
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, September 1, 2007 10:48 AM ||I didn't threaten you. I said "It is a good thing we are not physically together because I am not sure if I could contain myself by breaking your jaw."
That is not a threat so don't even begin to try that bullshit.
|| Posted by nunya, September 1, 2007 12:01 PM ||And finally, what you and the rest of your close minded like friends still don't get is this - it IS different if it were a dem. Why? Because the demms are not the party claiming to be the moral majority and shoving family values down peoples throats and then turn around annd do the exact opposite.
That wasn't what I was implying - it was more of a 'if the show was on the other foot' type statement. Well anyways, does this mean that you'll be the FIRST to be screaming for Bob Filner to resign for breaking security regulations at that Virginia (I think that's where it happened) airport?
But I know Mikey.
I seriously doubt that.
You are so right because this is your blog.
Once again, you missed the point of my saying that; I said that not to say that no matter what you say isn't correct or that you don't have any sort of argument, it was said for when people such as yourself get all bent out of shape for my laying down a few rules.
The repubs are so right and everyone else who disagrees with them are stinking moon bat liberal assholes who side with terrorists and are godless.
I wouldn't say that Republicans are always right and Barking Moonbats are always wrong (but more and more it appears like that with every new 'scandal'), but you've got the rest of the statement correct.
The answers are just so easy Mikey. No gays, More guns, More Jesus! That will solve EVERYTHING!!!!
Whoops - you're throwing in snippets of several different arguments in that statement.
How many other blogs to you frequent and get involved in discussions like this one? Because it seems that you'll move from blog to blog, engaging in debates/discussions concerning multiple various subjects, and eventually you're driven from them (maybe banned) and you end up coughing up what might be called 'debate ending statements' (kind of like the ultimate 'comeback' that comes to mind a couple of hours after the fact) and you somehow think that all of those statements have relevance, so you post them.
And when you do this (and I seem to recall this happening over at DSD several times), THAT is when you come across to anyone reading your stuff that you're just this side of foaming-at-the-mouth and are seconds away from destroying your keyboard.
Come on - do yourself a favor: stick to the argument at hand and if you must include something that's non-related....east it into the discussion while making ample announcements that you're totally aware of the non-sequitor nature of it.
And consider this: what do you think the average person would think of you if you publicly denounced anyone pushing 'family values'....? You would appear to be totally against family values, which is more or less terms makes you and associates of your to be total scumbags.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 2, 2007 03:53 PM |||| , 07:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 27, 2007
Okay Class....
Let's review some basic blogosphere edicate:
- My blog, my rules.
- I reserve the right to ban asshats.
- The definition of what exactly constitutes an asshat is solely at my discretion.
- Free discourse and open debate are welcome here!
- Free discourse and open debate does not give you the right to be an asshat.
- I reserve the right to be an asshat myself.
- I shall exercise Diety-like actions at my discretion and delete whatever I deem to be written in an asshat-like manner.
- When in doubt, see Rule #1.
I've had to make this post because of what I'd consider asshat-like behavior in my comments section lately.Most of you that know me in real life (the meatsphere) and those that know me soley here in the blogosphere know that I'm more than easy going and will tolerate quite a lot, but sometimes you have to stand up and piss along the edges of your sandbox just to remind everyone of Rule #1.
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|| , 07:11 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 25, 2007
What's Up Doc?
Obviously, I'm still alive. And contrary to what some might say as to the state of mental functions since the stroke (especially where some of my political opinions lay), NO, I haven't suffered any permmanant damage (dain bramage) to my brain pan. Nothing significant, but there is one thing that's 'popped up' recently:
Read More of "What's Up Doc?"While some of my memory wasn't the best before the stroke, I have noted in the last few weeks the distinct absence of two different situations where I clearly cannot recall them. They weren't 'vital' situations:
- I can't recall a specific segment of a friend's bachelor party at which I clearly pissed off some stripper at a strip club (and this is significant because if there's any way to piss off a stripper....I'd find it.)
- Believe it or not, I can't remember what the other situation was that I cannot recall; would this now up the number to three?
I do know that in both situations - especially with the stipper - that I have friends telling me what had specifically happened (since they were present) and I cannot remember anything about them.So....some might be asking Why is this a problem Mikey?, to which I respond: well, normally it wouldn't be a problem. But other conditions in my life have made slight memory loss more significant.
In the few years since I started doing hemodialysis, it and other factors of having a kidney disease have taken a toll on me physically. Nothing really new there, but when you add on top of it the mental health aspects, it's a royal pain-in-the-ass!!
How so? Well, if I were to have only physical problems - these are mostly aches & pains from dialysis - or only lapses in memories (and I'm thinking that most people experience this at some point in life), then having one deficit is okay since it can be compensated for by the other. Kind of like when someone losses their hearing or eyesight - it causes the other senses to become more acute. The trouble that I find myself contending with is that I'm starting to see deficits on both planes of exsistence: mental lapses and physical difficulties. And the scary part is that while I figured my physical problems could be compensated for by my brain.....it's a little scary to realize that I might be having trouble there that's more significant than I first realized. And it's scary since I still have at least another year of engineering classes to contend with at UCSD.
SIDE NOTE: This post is more definitely not meant to be whining!! Anytime I catch myself whining about anything, I stop dead in my tracks and rethink whatever it is that I'm saying.
So....overall, I'm doing okay - just having to adjust to the curveballs that Life seems to be throwing in my direction. That and mentally crushing any thought of changing majors at school to 'compensate' for any dain bramage. Hey, I do know that being able to laugh at myself about this crap means that I'm still doing pretty well.
On another track of health updates, I'm still on the transplant list, but with a couple of wrinkles: I do need to finish up some tests/testing to be 100% cleared, mostly cardiovascular stuff and that's just scheduling (and remembering to schedule).
And don't ask me 'what number am I on the list?' cause I have not-one-clue as to that. All I know is that I'm a lot closer than I was 18 months ago.
All done with "What's Up Doc?"?
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Comments on What's Up Doc?
Hang in there Buddy! I know exactly what you're dealing with! Stay on top of your transplant center, and know that getting registered in more than one region/transplant center is an option as well!!! Email me back sometime!
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 27, 2007 02:49 PM |||| , 05:16 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Death? What a Shame...
All joking aside, there are many ways in which to 'get the message' out to anyone considering abducting a child and most of them should involve public displays of violent deaths on the part of pedophiles. Maybe it should be on Pay-per-View, with the proceeds going to a victims fund.
In my mind, Hell has a special place dedicated all to child molesters and pedophiles like Couey....one that exceeds even the most twisted stuff that Quentin Tarantino could possible imagine.....and people like Couey will rot in the depths of such a place for eternity....
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Comments on Death? What a Shame...
|| , 01:34 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 20, 2007
Can't Catch Me!! - Doh!
Apparently, the concept of 'safe on base' when playing Tag isn't known throughout the world:
When I first heard about this on the radio this morning, my first and only thought was: Dumb.That's right: dumb.
How dumb do you have to be to seek sactuary in a church and then to purposefully step outside that sanctuary to travel to another city? Well, it would seem that Ms. Arellano met and/or exceeded that threshold.
You're 'safe' when you're touching the base - you cannot be tagged. But every kid that's played the game knows this: if you step away from the base, you can be tagged.
And the cherry that goes on top of this story?
The cherry is that there wasn't any being released to return for a immigration hearing like the last time - she got tossed over the fence into Tijuana, Mexico.While this isn't something 'outrageous' that deserves a 'Butt Monkey' label attached to it, it certainly ranks up there enough to have it nominated to be a Darwin Award.
UPDATE: Of course once you have one person come along and whine about something you post they're followed by another cockroach who brings along their laundry list of 'indecencies' that I've not addressed to their satisfaction:
Read More of "Can't Catch Me!! - Doh!"The commenter is called 'Jinkies' who jumps right into it and establishes they're nothing more than a troll:
Oh my - I thought this burlap bag of whining was to someone else. Okay, let's take a look:
Where is the part about human tragedy? For chrissakes, this woman lived in a church for a year. Explain to me how she could have become a naturalized citizen.
Ummmm, who cares. The reason for this post is the shear stupidity of this woman seeking (and getting) sactuary in a *cough* church and then announcing that she'll be leaving that sactuary to whine publicly about the *cough* problem of immigration and then - SHOCK!! - she's arrested for being an illegal. Well duh.
Explain to me how she could have become a naturalized citizen.
You're joking, right?!? I'm surprised that this isn't evident to even a liberal: leave the country, apply to enter the country again legally, enter the country legally, and then fill out the reams of paperwork to become a legal resident and then a naturalized citizen. Just like all the other naturalized citizens that did it before her, with the exception of those that got the blanket amnesty back in 1986 or in the 1990's (I cannot recall when that one happened).
Prior to that, she had a job, and paid taxes. She paid money into social security that she will never see again.
BFD. I pay taxes and probably won't see any SS when I retire; the fact that I'm getting some now is IMHO a fluke.
People who seek a better life are outrageous butt monkeys. Okay, that pretty much sums up this blog. Your blog, your rules. Honestly, why do you even have comments allowed here?
No, people who seek sanctuary and then purposefully leave that sactuary and then are shocked that they're arrested is the butt-monkey clause.
And thank you for the oh-so-quick summary of my blog; you're obviously an excellent judge from the mere fact that you don't have a valid e-mail address and aren't running a blog yourself. I believe that qualifies you for the monicker of TROLL. That monicker also brings along with it all of the authority that most trolls merit.....which is none.
As for commenting ability, your comment is still here - WTF are you bitching about?
As for the rest of your screeds, who cares.
You've already established that you're a troll and you immediately follow-up with a laundry list of OFF TOPIC bullshit.
Madam Jinkies (with the BS e-mail address): take your carpet bag of shit and go whine on some other blog that really gives a shit.
If you're sincere about leaving a legitimate comment, do so - but leave the laundry list of non-related crap out least I delete it.
If you feel that I'm out-of-line, you may attempt to justify your reasons (although I'm sure if I smacked myself in the head with a hammer, I'd get the same stuff you pick up).
Okay, thank me and whine away on your Mac.
Oh....bummer - comments are closed. I guess you'll have to wait until I address this subject again.
All done with "Can't Catch Me!! - Doh!"?
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Comments on Can't Catch Me!! - Doh!
Let's pray for the days we can be a strong white christian nation again, where woman know their place, Mikey. (/end sarcasm)
Whether you admitt to it or not, that is what people like you want. The sad thing about it is, you don't have the stones to come out and say it.
|| Posted by nunya, August 21, 2007 07:04 AM ||I want it! Deport all the illegals! I'm all for Legal immigration. If the laws don't work, change em, but at least start enforcing the law...
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 21, 2007 01:22 PM ||This trancends stupidity and crosses over into sheer conceit.
She actually announced that shes was going to leave the church where she had claimed sanctuary and was actually surprised that she got arrested?
I'll come out and say what I want. I want a country where everyone lives by the laws. Not a country where criminals think they have the right to violate what ever laws they choose.
|| Posted by LiberalNitemare, August 21, 2007 03:00 PM ||" I want a country where everyone lives by the laws. Not a country where criminals think they have the right to violate what ever laws they choose."
Only the ones who are black or hispanic, right?
Where is all the outrage over all of the laws the Bush Administration has been breaking? Where are you wailing wingnuts when top execs at multi-national companies cheat the system and screw hard working folks over? I didn't hear Mikey or anyone else talkimg about Scooter Libby, who is now a convicted felon.
|| Posted by nunya, August 21, 2007 03:04 PM ||Now Nunya, you can argue with what I say, but you cant claim that I sad things that I clearly didnt say "right?"
The voices in your head are your problem, not ours.
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, August 22, 2007 11:55 AM ||I didn't hear Mikey or anyone else talkimg about Scooter Libby, who is now a convicted felon.
Oh jeez.....okay, what law(s) specifically has/have the Bush Administration broken?
Please keep you answers short since I'm not really looking to re-hash arguments from 2001....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2007 09:52 PM ||http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2006/04/30/bush_challenges_hundreds_of_laws/
|| Posted by nunya, August 23, 2007 07:12 AM ||Hmmmm....okay, so he's 'challenged' multiple laws. I stand corrected.
However, since that article was dated back in April 2007 (I think), it would seem that American civilization hasn't collapsed from these challenges.
Now as for your previous comment:
Let's pray for the days we can be a strong white [Christian] nation again, where woman know their place, Mikey. (/end sarcasm)
Whether you [admit] to it or not, that is what people like you want.
Ummm...don't go putting words in my mouth. Quite frankly, you don't have any idea of what I 'want' concerning illegal aliens. Basic ideas, yeah....but nothing close to the crap that you've mentioned.
The sad thing about it is, you don't have the stones to come out and say it.
See above for the *cough* validity of this statement.
As for having the stones to admit this (or anything), you're partially right. I find that I have to temper what I say about illegal aliens and the current situation with border security for the simple fact that saying anything short of I want OPEN borders will get me a quick shout of RACIST. That's the quick and easy solution for anyone trying to defend open borders or giving amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens: scream RACIST immediately in the hope of shutting us up.
One last thing nunya:
As you've seen on this blog for two plus years, I do indeed tolerate differing opinion(s) and allow them to be stated in the comments section, but one thing that you've been doing lately does irritate me and that's going OFF TOPIC. Some bloggers will take out your comments faster than the speed of light for that kind of stuff. I don't do that.....for the moment.
I will ask nicely and I will ask ONE TIME ONLY: keep your comments ON TOPIC and if possible, keep them to a minimum, i.e., no 'laundry lists' of crap that's only related to the topic by some 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon' style reasoning.
You might interpret my reasons as censorship or something akin to it, but you have to bear this one infallible fact in mind: My blog, my rules. Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution but not the medium in which the speech is conveyed. (Hey, it sucks and it's a fact of life - just look at my attempts to post comments to any blog left-of-center or any of the Indy Media websites....)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 23, 2007 09:56 PM ||You never will "get it", will you? When you were raised with that military mind set and then fed the BS for how ever many years of actually being in the military, I guess the old saying, "a leopard will never change his spots" certainly applies.
Very sad indeed.
|| Posted by Nunya, August 24, 2007 09:14 AM ||You never will "get it", will you?
Get it? Get what?
Oh...maybe since I do not agree with your assessment of this situation then obviously I won't 'get it', huh?
Dear sir - that's a lame response to any sort of argument/debate....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 24, 2007 05:55 PM ||If I have to explain it, Michael, than my point is made.
I mean, I cannot understand why I even come here to try and make points with someone who cites Coulter and Malkin as "reliable sources of news." That is like saying Michael Savage is a "swell guy."
You know, Mikey, you can lie on here. You can lie to your friends, you can even lie to your family, but you cannot lie to yourself.
|| Posted by nunya, August 25, 2007 12:40 AM ||You know, Mikey, you can lie on here. You can lie to your friends, you can even lie to your family, but you cannot lie to yourself.
Gee....you make it sound like this is an intervention and you're trying to get me to recognize that [insert nasty drug here] is addictive and I should commit myself to rehab.
I mean, I cannot understand why I even come here to try and make points with someone who cites Coulter and Malkin as "reliable sources of news."
Reliable sources of news? I don't think I've ever used those labels for Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin.
Now I have used them as pointers for news articles, i.e., they've written about a news item that didn't pop up on my radar screen. But that's no big deal to me since lots of bloggers will pick up on something that was initially chatted about from another blogger.
Nunya, if you have to wonder aloud 'why you come heres to make points' then let me spell it out for you in a manner in which even a liberal can understand:
If you do not like my opinion(s)/analysis of news stories or anything else, no one is pushing you to come here.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 25, 2007 12:40 PM ||You think you insult me by calling me a liberal. I am and I am damn proud.
See THAT is your problem right there - you cannot STAND IT when someone thinks differently than you - a sad fact of all wing nuts. You think by using a tired lable as if it were a bad thing makes you a better person. That is more sad than anything Mikey. At least your Dad's generation came up with their lables with some originality - pinko commies, moonbats, etc. Why don't you come up with something original - oh wait, that would reuire actual independent thought - a process wing nuts are incapable of.
|| Posted by Nunya, August 25, 2007 07:24 PM ||Where is the part about human tragedy? For chrissakes, this woman lived in a church for a year. Explain to me how she could have become a naturalized citizen.
Prior to that, she had a job, and paid taxes. She paid money into social security that she will never see again.
People who seek a better life are outrageous butt monkeys. Okay, that pretty much sums up this blog. Your blog, your rules. Honestly, why do you even have comments allowed here?
You think that being an American is more important than being a human. If the shoe where on the other foot, madmexican, how would things be different for you? It's likely that you would come here legally, like on a student visa, and when it ran out, you wouldn't go home, that is, if you weren't a migrant. If you were a migrant, you'd work your season and then go home.
Our country is not being overrun by immigrants, contrary to what you may have heard. According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 946,142 immigrants were legally admitted to the U.S in FY2004. This number includes both people who were adjusting their status and new arrivals. Smaller numbers of people came to the U.S. without legal permission. Need a citation? Okay: U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2004, Table 5. Accessed Jan 06 from: http://uscis.gov/graphics/shared/statistics/yearbook/2004/table5.xls.
All this hubbub about ilegal immigrants is what they would call (in my day) a "smokescreen". It's to distract you from bigger, more important issues by using an emotional one (xenophobia is always good... Religion is another).
Of course, name calling is a universal method of distracting people form an issue.
|| Posted by Jinkies, August 27, 2007 09:04 AM ||How could she have become a naturalized american?
Your absolutely correct, she couldnt.
Having been busted for illegal entry twice before and being charged with social security fraud makes it kinda tough. Criminals have that problem.
She lived in a church for a year? The technical term your looking for is "hid", as in "she hid in a church for a year to avoid being deported."
She did hold a job, illegally, using a stolen social security number. She used the stolen social security number to pay those taxes of which she will never see again. (Just like most of us americans)
Im not going to bother to respond to the rest of your post, frankly for the next two or three paragraphs you dont really say anything coherant.
I will jump to the last paragrah and ask you to say exactly what you think the bigger issue is that we are all being distracted from by the big conservative houdini in the sky?
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, August 27, 2007 06:36 PM ||See THAT is your problem right there - you cannot STAND IT when someone thinks differently than you - a sad fact of all wing nuts. You think by using a tired [label] as if it were a bad thing makes you a better person.
Ummmmm....huh? Where did this come from?
Nunya you obviously don't have a clue as to what you're (attempting) to talk about.
I quite honestly do not know where you got this chick-like notion that I will not tolerate dissenting opinion(s) here. Exactly what part of SPEAK YOUR MIND BUT KEEP IT CIVIL is not clear to you!?!
Sigh....okay, let's review the basic rules of commenting on this blog:
- My blog, my rules.
- I reserve the right to ban asshats.
- The definition of what exactly constitutes an asshat is soley at my discretion.
- Free discourse and open debate are welcome here!
- Free discourse and open debate does not give you the right to be an asshat.
- I reserve the right to be an asshat myself.
- I shall excercise Diety-like actions at my discretion and delete whatever I deem to be written in an asshat-like manner.
- When in doubt, see Rule #1.
I know it's been a while since I said this, but obviously you're operating with a volitile-core memory and have to be reminded every-so-often.Please keep these rules in mind.....I really do not have much patience these days for your chick-like behavior.
Keep it simple, keep it concise, keep it clean, or you'll be trying to find another proxy to get back over onto DSD.
Are we clear?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 27, 2007 06:59 PM ||In response to Liberalnightmare - you won't comment on those paragraphs because I don't have a leg to stand on.
Regarding the smokescreen issue, do I really have to name one, or would you like to pick your own?
If you're asking me, I'd probably go with Lousiana (Halliburton no bid contracts), or Iraq (Halliburton no bid contracts) - http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=12647. We're not really down with the brown people are we... Lets look at that one, shall we? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/29/AR2007082902187.html?nav=rss_business
Anything comprehensible yet?
Gonzales? Has he denied knowledge of his dismissal yet?
What about Larry Craig - and really who cares if he's gay... It's teh hypocrisy thing that's bugging people.
It's like a scandal circus with you, isn't it...
|| Posted by Jinkies, August 30, 2007 11:04 AM |||| , 07:56 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 19, 2007
Edwards Using WMD
John Edwards will stoop lower than anyone ever thought.
Here he is flinging out an Iraqi Death Bunny™ to make up for his lack of anything substantial in his speech. So far, there aren't any reports of deaths in the crowd upon which he unleashed this weapon of mass destruction.
Damn him - damn him to Hell!!
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|| , 07:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 15, 2007
Gunning for the Military Vote in 2008
What a complete moron:
Oh yeah....what a way to gain favor and support from the military block of voters.....idiot.I haven't really thought much about Obama, nor have I thought that he'd make it though the Democratic primaries let alone getting in the the White House - the guy is too young and from what I've read, he doesn't have much of any experience. But with 'Butt Monkey' launching statements like this, at least people will recognize his name immediately.
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Comments on Gunning for the Military Vote in 2008
|| , 02:06 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 10, 2007
VRWC Idea Stolen
Here's something for those sad, demented folks who were convinced that the FBI would be using library records to track what you're reading and were foaming-at-the-mouth about the *cough* 'invasion of privacy':
Okay, so instead of the evil big-bad-Bush-cronies using simple tracking information to get you, we're now seeing it utilized by a segment of the population that's slightly higher up on the food chain when compared to anyone who....oh, I don't know.....supported John Kerry back in 2004: divorce lawyers.Yup, you got it - slimy divorce lawyers are using a play from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to get you when you least expect it.
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Comments on VRWC Idea Stolen
As I have always said, a college education, even one from a fine school such as UCSD, doesn't mean someone has much intelligence.
Do you honestly think Mikey, the FBI is playing fair with the powers Bush has given them? Remember, the FBI is not bound by the freedom of information act to turn over classified documents for 25 years.
Really, think a bit. Choosing a la carte as to who to point out in abusing the powers that Bush hs agined into law is counter productive.
For someone who claims to not be a repub, you certainly do defend Bush every chance you get. Why? What has he done for you?
|| Posted by nunya, August 10, 2007 08:57 PM ||Not defending Bush - just pointing out that there are many ways in which to collect information on people through legal means.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 11, 2007 03:26 PM ||sure there are. so why the need to go around the courts to do it?
because this administration and all of its slimey tactics wants no accountability for its actions.
sad thing is, our rights and freedoms have been chipped away the minute 9-11 happened. seems all to clean too, doesn't it?
i do pity you and people who think like you mikey.
|| Posted by nunya, August 12, 2007 07:01 PM |||| , 05:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 02, 2007
Because I'm not Talking Enough
Because someone left a comment about my NOT discussing this to their satisfaction, here's a 'Launching a Butt Monkey'-category post:
Oh the shame....the horror....what will I ever do now for credibility in the face of those with whom I disagree with?Oh the agony....the shame....the verbosity of infliction, inflection, infection, and white toast.
Okay nunya, does this make you a happy camper now? You do realize that this is probably the 5th or 6th time that I've had to remind you that I'm no longer a Republican, right? Did I meet or exceed the expectation(s) you had set in your mind about this? And finally, one last question: exactly when, where, and by whom was it mandated that I should listen and react to your whining about my not talking/blogging about some specific political topic?
You know what - don't answer that last question.....it's not worth the bandwidth. Why don't you take a broad view of what I've posted over the last 12 months and maybe...just maybe you'll get a general sense what what my priorities have been, okay?
Thanks Skippy.
UPDATE: I got a reply - a lengthy reply - as to my not pleasing everyone all of the time.
Instead of replying in the comments section, I've posted it below for careful reading....
Read More of "Because I'm not Talking Enough"...and when I see you comment in favor of stories from sources like [Michelle] Malkin, Savage, Bortz...
Ahem, I usually pick up the story from 'sources' such as these people but it doesn't mean I don't look at the original story for the relavent facts.
...in my eyes Mikey, you still side with the wrong views that will lead this world [into] the pit of darkness that it is becoming.
Your opinion.
And for what? Because you served? Because your Dad was a WW2 vet?
I've never (at least I do not remember if I have) based my opinion(s) merely on the fact that I've served or on the fact that my father served. I've injected one or both facts into an argument to bolster my opinion(s), but they've never been used as a sole basis in any argument. And like I said, I don't remember doing it; if you find an instance, well then Bully for you!!
I just find it absolutley amazing how you can pick apart and comment on anything anyone who has ANY kind of left leaning or even moderate leaning views, bash them to hell.....but yet when the so-called conservatives of our era, such as slimey fucking slugs like Ted Stevens are raided because of illegal activities, or Bush and Cheney continue to skirt the laws and abuse power, you can NEVER post about that.
Well, you (marginally) might have a point - if I worked for some think-tank that claimed to be unbiased. However, I don't and I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I will sit upon my soapbox and type away from a biased viewpoint. And with the title of this post in response to your initial comment elsewhere, I have to point out that this is a personal weblog.
And if you're going to complain about my lack of Fisking on right-of-center people in politics or the news, maybe you might want to collect a listing of the left-of-center bloggers that you've contacted about their not harping on their wonking about Nancy Pelosi....okay? It's sort of like reading the Washington Post or the New York Times and not finding anything about stupid remarks made by Democrats in Congress.
(oh my God, obama went into a mosque in Chicago to worship - even though he is a christian - so he MUST be pro-terrorist)
Um....you know, I don't think I've ever posted anything about Obama. So why include it here?
Because this is one of your biggest problems Mikey. You and the rest of the idiots who voted for Bush twice and voted more of these pieces of trash into office - you can *NEVER* [admit] you were wrong.
Shesssh. Okay first off, I didn't vote Bush into office twice - I sheepishly admit that in 2000 I voted for Ralph Nader since I didn't like either Gore or Bush (betcha didn't know that, huh?).
And second - you're right sort of....I won't admit I was wrong because quite frankly I don't think I was wrong - still don't. Any problems I have with President Bush's administration are with certain domestic policy decisions and not with the War on Terror.
Why? Because you feel you have a sense of duty and honor that was hammered into you when you were growing up in a military family and then hammered into you when you were in the Navy.
Hmmm....you might be right but I wouldn't say it was 'hammered' into me in either childhood or while I was in the Navy; there was a time in the mid to late 1990's that I either didn't care about politics or I could be found on the left-side-of-the-aisle.....so much that I thought the investigation into Clinton's interpersonal skills with interns was an incredible waste of time.
Yes, I admit it: I was a registered Democrat. At least I was until a few months after 9/11. That was when I started to see what the world had transformed into during Clinton's presidency.
Have you ever not questioned once Mikey, why the same people who sit there and stuff duty and honor down your throat either never served or at best sat in cushy offices far from any kind off work or battle?
If someone has never served in the military has never been a condition upon which I'd accept their opinion(s) as worthy of listening to, just as having someone who has served as having their opinion(s) instantly and without question accepted.
In a nut-shell: the military is under the control of the civilian authority of the United States government - always has been since 1776 and will continue to be for quite a while. (This is a paraphrased statement - please don't try to 'split hairs' over this - it would be a simple waste of time, effort, and space.)
Does it not bother you that these people told you it was criminal to even question them?
Umm....no. I've never had cause to 'question' those people and if I did, I certainly wouldn't take any sort of answer such as this that questioning them was criminal - quite frankly, I'd be highly suspicious of anyone saying that to me.
Did it ever occur to you to say "oh fucking shit" when Bush commented that either you were with him or with the terrorists because God forbid we question Bush - after all God spoke to him!
Either with us or with the terrorists? Nope - not once did I question it.
As for God speaking to him - drop it. I'm not going to get into a theological argument as to whether or not God speaks directly to George Bush and if that makes him insane.
I will say this about it: everyone takes religion into their hearts and minds and utilizes whatever part(s) they need to augment or compliment their own critical thinking skills. Some use it a lot while others might just 'nibble' some of the frosting off of the top.
Come on Mikey. You are better than that inside. Drop guard for a few minutes and question the yourself. Think and maybe you will begin to see all of that rhetroic you were served in the Navy and throughout your life was nothing but bullshit.
Oh boy.....my doing this is about as possible as turning it around and telling you that all the crap you read on lefty blogs is utter crap and for you to do a 180 on your thinking and having you follow-through with it. Essentially, you're foisting an opinion and telling me to take it as the gospel truth.
Teach your children to ALWAYS question authority and not just bow down to them because someone told you that they are always right. You want to do your country good and serve it well? That is what you need to do.
This is getting into a realm that is always fun to deal with: telling people how to raise their children.
The funny thing is that my kid will listen to the news while we're driving and will ask me questions about what their talking about. And I always will tell her what's happening and that so-and-so is doing a bad/good/either thing and that *my* position on that topic is this, that, or the-other-thing. I let her make up her mind as to what is what. Lately, she's been talking stuff that she's picked up in school about "Bush being stupid" and I tell her that she might be right and that she might be wrong; I tell her that IMO this-is-this and that-is-that and in the end, she'll have to listen to a lot of arguments to make up her mind.
For the most part, she's batting a pretty high-average in seeing the forest through the trees and recognizing when people are off their rockers mentally.
In the end, I think my kid is smart enough and/or will become smart enough to sense when the BS Alarm should be sounding.....
All done with "Because I'm not Talking Enough"?
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Comments on Because I'm not Talking Enough
I *DO* read what you post and when I see you comment in favor of stories from sources like Michele Malkin, Savage, Bortz - it doesn't matter to me whether you are a republican or libertarian (both peices of garbage imo) or whether you want to make neo-conservatism a political party - in my eyes Mikey, you still side with the wrong views that will lead this world itno the pit of darkness that it is becoming. And for what? Because you served? Because your Dad was a WW2 vet? I bet I had more family fight and die in all of the wars than you have but that doesn't mean I have to swallow the pill that what we are doing NOW as a nation is dead fucking wrong. You and I both know it!
I just find it absolutley amazing how you can pick apart and comment on anything anyone who has ANY kind of left leaning or even moderate leaning views, bash them to hell (oh my God, obama went into a mosque in Chicago to worship - even though he is a christian - so he MUST be pro-terrorist) but yet when the so-called conservatives of our era, such as slimey fucking slugs like Ted Stevens are raided because of illegal activities, or Bush and Cheney continue to skirt the laws and abuse power, you can NEVER post about that.
Why? Because this is one of your biggest problems Mikey. You and the rest of the idiots who voted for Bush twice and voted more of these pieces of trash into office - you can *NEVER* admitt you were wrong. Why? Because you feel you have a sense of duty and honor that was hammered into you when you were growing up in a military family and then hammered into you when you were in the Navy. Have you ever not questioned once Mikey, why the same people who sit there and stuff duty and honor down your throat either never served or at best sat in cushy offices far from any kind off work or battle? Does it not bother you that these people told you it was criminal to even question them?
Did it ever occur to you to say "oh fucking shit" when Bush commented that either you were with him or with the terrorists because God forbid we question Bush - after all God spoke to him!
Come on Mikey. You are better than that inside. Drop guard for a few minutes and question the yourself. Think and maybe you will begin to see all of that rhetroic you were served in the Navy and throughout your life was nothing but bullshit. Teach your children to ALWAYS question authority and not just bow down to them because someone told you that they are always right. You want to do your country good and serve it well? That is what you need to do.
|| Posted by nunya, August 4, 2007 10:07 AM ||Lengthy reply posted in the extended section of the post....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 4, 2007 05:08 PM ||Ahem, I usually pick up the story from 'sources' such as these people but it doesn't mean I don't look at the original story for the relavent facts.
There is nothing original when it comes to those wastes of life when they spin everything they hear, see and read into their own insane little views. Many write them off as just shock jocks, and they are. But they are dangerous because people like you actually view them as credible sources of news. That makes you even lower than they are. They are up there making millions while smirking and laughing but the dins of masses sit there actually beleiving in what they are saying. They are the new corrupt televanglists of the 21st century. O'Reily, Coulter and co. are the Jimmy Swaggerts And Jim Bakker's of this decade. And you, Mikey, if you keep using them as sources of news, are nothing more than a sheep being led to the slaughter.
I've injected one or both facts into an argument to bolster my opinion(s), but they've never been used as a sole basis in any argument. And like I said, I don't remember doing it; if you find an instance, well then Bully for you!!
Just the fact that you use your military upbringing and experience into an argument even just to bolster one little facet of it is wrong. Don't you see, you are talking about an institution that prides itself on being so sperate from the civilian world, it has its own set of rules and proudly proclaims it is not a democracy in itself. (And I will later explain in another paraphrase that pissed me off about how you accuse me of not serving so how could I know).
And if you're going to complain about my lack of Fisking on right-of-center people in politics or the news, maybe you might want to collect a listing of the left-of-center bloggers that you've contacted about their not harping on their wonking about Nancy Pelosi....okay? It's sort of like reading the Washington Post or the New York Times and not finding anything about stupid remarks made by Democrats in Congress.
How would you know Mikey? You don't even vist leftest blogs. I am complaining on those blogs more than right blogs because I think the far left is hurting the cause of moderate views like I have. ANd I love how you point out publications like NYT and Wash. Post are so "liberal" yet I have cannot see where it is "liberal" but only labaled as such because it had bashed Bush for the last 7 years and doesn't agree with your kind. And what about Pelosi? No, she isn't the bastion of left-moderate, but she certainly isn't as far to the left as Trent Lott (former senate leader), Gingwrich and the last peice of shit how was hosue speaker was in regards to the right. Her level of hipocrasy is no where near as bad as any of the other so-called conservatives and warriors of family values is. Hell Mikey, people like you will magnify any flaw in someone you do not agree with, but yet turn a blind out to what is smack fucking dab right in your face with the people like YOU have voted into office. The list is too long to go down and the stories of these republican cheats have already been told (and before you get into naming dems who have been indicted - thinks of the ratio mikey - for every 1 dem you can name, I can name 5 repubs). Not that I am defending dems, but the addage, lesser of the two evils surley applies.
Yes, I admit it: I was a registered Democrat. At least I was until a few months after 9/11. That was when I started to see what the world had transformed into during Clinton's presidency.
Oh here we go! I was waiting for that one. Isn't it amazing how 9-11 is blamed on Clinton yet all during the 80's Regan sent money and weapons over to Afghanistan to fight the bad mean pinko commies? It is also a fact that the CIA *TRAINED* Bin Laden and his armies. Also, The Bush-Walker clan did business with these same people. Remember the Iraq-Iran war? I do because WE supported Iraq. WE funded them and helped them. WE funded the Taliban and even helped them into power during the Bush I presidency. But yet it is all Clinton's fault, right? Yet when that administration handed over of the intelligence it had, what the fuck did you Prince of Greatness Bush Jr. do? I know I know! He cleared brush on his ranch in crawford. Now Cheney - at least he was doing something. He was preparing for a war in Iraq. Wait. This was all prior to 9-11. Reports indicated something was going down yet Bush's cabinet refused to follow up on those reports. Yep. All Clinton's fault. Great argument there Mikey.
If someone has never served in the military has never been a condition upon which I'd accept their opinion(s) as worthy of listening to, just as having someone who has served as having their opinion(s) instantly and without question accepted.
These are the places you ALWASY lose me Michael. Because you turn into a Geoffrey and Gordon. You *ASSUME* I never served. And now I am saddened that I did not meet up with you in April when I was out in San Diego for a conference because I would have gladly bought you a few rounds of beer in thanks for your service to our country and toasted your father for his service and heroism as well. We could have jabbed at one another, navy guy to an air force guy about how our your Navy is better than my air force and vice versa. I could have shown you my air force scar (tat) and you could have shown my yours :-) (sorry, couldn't resist that). We could have told one another stories of basic, the stupid things we done, and I could have thrown down my coin to see who bought the nextt round.
See, but you assume because I do not agree with how the military brass and the pentagon and the commander-in-cheif conducts themselves, I mustn't have ever served. Sorry Mikey, I did my time but I didn't buy into the bullshit they served the troops. I served along side of very brave men and woman who truly beleived in duty and honor and it shamed me to see that these were just phantom ideas and dangling carrots that top brass held up in order to get the robots to do their bidding. I served. I got the fuck out as soon as I was able. My children will be able to do whatever they want except one thing - join the military. Never will I allow that to happen as long as I amm alive. Why? Because I know the score dude. It is ashame that you were too weak willed and blinded to see that too.
If someone has never served in the military has never been a condition upon which I'd accept their opinion(s) as worthy of listening to,
I am willing to bet my nuts, Mikey, that when clinton came to office in 92, you were one of these fucking grunts who whines and moaned and said you hated it because he was the firt commander-in-cheif who never served himself. So save the holier-than-thou attitude annd don't sell me the bullshit that you value a civilian commander-in-chiefs who's never served because you know it and I know it that, THAT is the basis of why Clinton was so hated by the military and never given the benefit of the doubt. (Even though under the Clinton administration, he helped secure more funding for the military than Regan and both Bush's combined. He also righted a lot of wrongs done to the vietnam vets ignored by all prior administrations.
Again, I ask what Iraq has to do with the war on terror? Why are we still not going after Bin Laden? WWhy do we still have troops escorting haliburton employees in iraq to oil fields to build pumps? (Because we all know this war has nothing to do with oil, right?)
You can sit here and claim all day long and all through he night Mikey, that you arw a free thinker and come to rational conclusions, but until you denounce Bush and everythingg he has done and start to come out of the dark about this "War on Terror" then you will never be free. You will forever be a sheep and a lemming.
And that is one of the saddest things of all.
|| Posted by nunyas, August 5, 2007 06:45 AM ||Translation: They're too stupid and vile to agree with me, so they must be wrong.
I must admit, his amazing ability to suss out your travels through the blogosphere would be a great asset at the CIA.
|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, August 5, 2007 08:32 AM ||Nunya,
Geez.....I honestly have been thinking of exactly how to reply to that last comment of yours but haven't been able to come up with anything.
And it isn't because you're asking 'tough' questions and I cannot reply to them - it's because you've basically thrown together a laundry list of grips that span the entire Bush administration. And I'm not going to repeat any/all arguments that I've had with you and/or anyone else concerning these topics.
Let's just call this ended and you'll have to be satisfied with my overall and final answer of this:
I post what I want to post about, when I want to post about it, and to any significant depth of my own desire. If you find that I'm not tearing into people/topics that you feel I should be huffing-n-puffing about or if you're not happy with what I do post about, you're not obligated to read my stuff. And until I start getting paid for this, what I post/blog/write about it simply up to the blog owner's discretion.....that means me.
You know...you could start your own blog and write about all this stuff that I appear to be missing.
Just a thought.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 10, 2007 05:21 PM |||| , 03:56 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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