Final exams are next week and I'll be busy preparing for not only exams, but a sizeable paper for Stellar Astrophysics class on the subject of radio telescopes along with a Power Point presentation to accompany the paper.
Like the groundhog on February 2nd, I'll be coming out of my burrow sometime around next Wednesday.
With that in mind, posting will indeed be light to non-existant.
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Comments on Fall Quarter Finals
How much longer do you have before you get your degree? I know you'll be glad to be done with all this and get on with making some serious money.
|| Posted by Cait, December 1, 2005 03:12 AM ||So what happens if you see your shadow?
I second engineering is paying well, LA County San was listing new hires with masters degrees in the 60K range.
|| Posted by the Pirate, December 1, 2005 07:47 AM ||good luck, my friend.
Glad I'm done with all that :)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, December 1, 2005 11:38 AM ||good luck, mad one!
|| Posted by nathalie, December 1, 2005 10:37 PM |||| , 10:03 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 28, 2005
DUI Solution
Problem - deaths by drunk drivers continue to increase:
My solution: it's quite simple - immediate roadside execution if you blow a legal DUI administered by a police officer.Nothing sobers up a potential drunk driver like the notion of getting a .45-caliber slug inserted into their cranium at high velocity.
I'm not kidding - better to kill/execute ONE person along Interstate 5 than to allow him/her to take out someone permenantly while they're on their way to the store to get some milk. After reporting on the first dozen or so road-side executions, you'll see that DUI rate plummet severely.
It's either this or sentence the drunk driver to a life-time of being sodomized by angry gorrillas.
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» Blog 57 links with: Pitching blogs: Latest type of online media vehicle may provide valuable PR opportunities : An article from: Public Relations Tactics, on November 29, 2005, 09:22 AM
Excerpt: Trufelman and Goldberg discuss how blogs, the latest type of online media vehicle, may provide valuable public relations opportunities. Blog is short for Web log--regularly updated online diaries/news forums that feature links to news items and stories...
Comments on DUI Solution
|| , 12:08 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||Randy You Dumbass!
I'll give him a slight nod of approval for at least admitting that he did it, but he's still a dumbass.Congrats Randy - you've made yourself look beyond stupid for your stupidity, your lack of firing neurons, and your continued ineptitude for even thinking that you'd get away with this.
In addition to making yourself a 100% complete ass-hatted clown, you've provided the Dems with more ammunition to use against those Republicans that aren't in the habit of taking bribes.
Damn!! This is the kind of crap that makes me contemplate changing my voter registration back to 'Decline to State'....
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Lawmaker pleads guilty to tax charge, on November 28, 2005, 12:39 PM
Excerpt: A California congressman pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy and tax charges involving the sale of h
Comments on Randy You Dumbass!
What a sad and ignoble ending to the career of one of the true heroes of the Viet Nam war.
|| Posted by Cait, November 29, 2005 03:53 AM |||| , 11:54 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Crickets Chirping
What should you do if you wrote a book that no one wanted your autograph in it?
You'd wait....and wait....and wait some more.
Andy Warhol is rolling over in his grave about now since his prediction has come and gone for SWWNBN.
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Comments on Crickets Chirping
Thank you for the laugh! That was awesome.
You know what pisses me off most? She has some nerve sitting anywhere near the American flag.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, December 1, 2005 10:06 PM |||| , 11:38 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 27, 2005
Adios A-Hole
Michelle Malkin covers all the hooey over Stan 'Tookie' Williams facing a death sentence on December 13, 2005.
I've talked about him before, but what's interesting is that Michelle poses a question that begs to be answered in a smart-ass manner:
Here's what I think will be Schwarzenegger's answer:Trackback Information for Adios A-Hole
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Comments on Adios A-Hole
There is no earthly reason, after all the appeals, to second guess a jury and various judges. I hope you're right.
|| Posted by Cait, November 28, 2005 06:47 AM ||Doesn't Arnold have a different Spanish phrase that uses to mean "later, asshole?"
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, November 28, 2005 12:13 PM |||| , 03:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 24, 2005
Kned Spelll Czech
What caught my eye was this photo that attempts to say 'Education not War'. What's interesting is how this sign really shows that they're right - especially in the remedial spelling classes that this one young lady seems to be in dire need of. (Note the spelling on the sign)
A brain is a terrible thing to waste....especially when you need someone to spell check your protest signs....
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Comments on Kned Spelll Czech
Came by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, Mad One. Hope all is well for you and yours!
|| Posted by scroff, November 25, 2005 03:17 PM ||Ahh... the delicate young skulls of mush, that are so easily molded by the likes of The Campus Antiwar Network (CAN), the International Socialist Organization (ISO) and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Student Union (LGBTSU)....
Such a great upstanding group of folks to be associated with...
The slogan used to be, "The Mind is a Terrible thing to waste"... Now it seems that the new slogan is: A Mind is a Terrible thing...
BTW, Happy ThanksGiving!
|| Posted by Tetzman, November 25, 2005 03:47 PM ||A mind is a terrible thing to waste on an idiot.
|| Posted by Cait, November 26, 2005 05:27 PM |||| , 01:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 22, 2005
Pre-emptive Resignation
Remember that numbskull prof that opened his big yapper a little too much? The idiot is not unemployed, but not because he was fired - he quit.
Furor Over an E-Mail
So the fool quit just before he got his ass canned. Say what!? What is wrong with a freakin English teacher that cannot put something into its proper context? Read the email yourself and you decide what 'proper' context he was implying. Metaphoric sense? Please....you're attempting to spin your complete loss of intelligence when you clicked on the SEND button. The only people you might convince are kindergarteners. More CYA. Well, now you can practice your 'tone' in the mirror every morning while you comb the classified ads looking for a job moron.On a lighter note, I'm hoping that Mr. John 'Help Wanted' Daly has a nice Thanksgiving.
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|| , 11:16 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||November 21, 2005
Ticket for the Gravy Train
I know that I said I'd never talk about SWWNBN any longer as it gives her unnecessary attention.
This is an exception and not because SWWNBN is penning a book (yawn), but rather a photo that I glommed from Linda at Something...and Half of Something
This photo basically say it about about SWWNBN.
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Comments on Ticket for the Gravy Train
Ha! Thanks Mikey, I guess I hit the nail on the head with that one.
|| Posted by LindaSoG, November 21, 2005 10:45 AM ||Love it! Love it!
If I email that to my DH he'd have a stroke, he hates that person so much.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, November 21, 2005 12:53 PM ||bah. She's been stuffed under the couch like all the other anti-war cumrags.
|| Posted by Yogimus, November 21, 2005 03:23 PM ||It's too sad really. The liberal media used and abused her for their own purposes and now she's the butt of all the jokes.
It's not to say she didn't bring enough of it on herself however.
I think it's disgraceful how she chooses to "honor" her sons memory.
|| Posted by Director, November 22, 2005 08:18 PM ||sad... just plain sad.. I wish she'd just go away already...
|| Posted by Tetzman, November 23, 2005 06:16 PM |||| , 10:35 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Sheepdog Politics
This was from last Thursday evening and I'm just now getting around to commenting on it:
So, here is what you got: a useless resolution that enabled anti-war House members to actually put on a 'brave face' and reject it.
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Comments on Sheepdog Politics
Did you mean to say "useless Congress" instead of "useless resolution".
|| Posted by Cait, November 21, 2005 03:14 PM |||| , 09:44 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 18, 2005
Numbskull Profs All Around
It would seem that the niche segment of dumber-than-a-bag-of-rocks professors isn't limited to UC San Diego
It's always a trip into WTFland when I see crap like this. And you do realize that if a professor had said something like this to an anti-war group on campus that they'd be foaming-at-the-mouth faster than you could spell hypocrite.Interesting note: I went to the Warren Community College to see if I could glom a photo of this dipstick - no joy. Additionally, when you eventually dig for this prof's information in the faculty pages, his e-mail addresses have been removed. I'm guessing the network administrator didn't want to contend with thousands of nasty-grams in the e-mail system.
Read More of "Numbskull Profs All Around"UPDATE: Professor John Daly can be reached through his Yahoo! e-mail jpdalyca@yahoo.com.
UPDATE II: The full-text of Daly's e-mail to Ms Beach can be read here:
UPDATE III:It would seem that there is already too many people surfing over to Warren Community College's website - it's now password protected.Oh man....this clown will be working as a night manager at Wendy's come next Friday.
All done with "Numbskull Profs All Around"?
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Comments on Numbskull Profs All Around
Ward Churchill wannabe.
|| Posted by Director, November 19, 2005 08:09 AM |||| , 10:56 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Punishment Fits the Crime
I like this judges train-of-thought:
She should also be spayed.Trackback Information for Punishment Fits the Crime
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Comments on Punishment Fits the Crime
No kidding. I eat meat, and I also hunt. I do not kill for the hell of it and certainly do not condone cruelty to animals out of convenience.
Shame on her!
|| Posted by Director, November 19, 2005 08:08 AM |||| , 10:34 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Taste of Freedom
By way of Michelle Malkin (still waiting Michelle...) comes a letter penned to Sgt. Hook from someone that's in the 'thick of it' in Iraq.
This soldier wrote to his mom and asked that his letter be spread around to show that what Americans are fighting and dying for in Iraq is worth the pain.
Read More of "Taste of Freedom"I had to learn this in a difficult manner when I lived in Saudi Arabia back in the 1990s and it's a lesson that I came home with that I still utilize to this day. When people would ask me what it was like living there in Saudi Arabia, I would always look them square in the eye and reply "It's a nice place to visit....for a couple of weeks, but it does make me appreciate all that I have here in the United States and all that I am as an American". Most would agree with me after hearing me - some wouldn't and would give me that thousand-mile-stare that implies 'Huh?'.
That is there perogative and they're the prime example of why I say that in order to really understand what it means to be American, to be a true citizen of the United States of America, that people should travel and live - for an extended period - in another country.
After living elsewhere for a while, most to all would come back to the United States more appreciative of what we've made here in the last 230 years.
And they even might gain a better understanding of the magnitude of the threat poised against our freedoms...especially since they cannot take them for granted any longer.
So if you found this letter compelling, then pass it along. If you didn't....then you might want to go purchase a one-way ticket to some Third-world cessepool of a nation and reconsider over a years time.
All done with "Taste of Freedom"?
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|| , 10:22 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||November 17, 2005
Preperation for Thanksgiving
This makes me look forward to Thanksgiving next week.....enjoy!
Mmmmmmm....turkey with gravy.....ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh!!!
[/Homer Simpson]
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|| , 01:42 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Guilty of Murder - Doi!!
Well....with all scumbags like this that molest and murder children, I say this with the utmost sincerity: I hope you die mutherfucker. Die a horrible death at the hands of someone in prison followed by an enternity of being Satan's 'fluffer'.
This asshole should be put to death on live television followed by wild boars being allowed to tear his carcass apart.....let him serve as an example of what society thinks of shit-stains like him.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Man Convicted in Fla. Girl Rape, Slay, on November 17, 2005, 03:16 PM
Excerpt: A former mechanic was convicted Thursday of raping and strangling an 11-year-old girl whose abductio
Comments on Guilty of Murder - Doi!!
I think we could find a more inventive way to kill people like that than injection. The punishment should fit the crime. Death should be the end result, but I think it should come slowly and painfully. In my opinion, revenge can be healing.
|| Posted by Cait, November 18, 2005 07:11 AM |||| , 01:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
What's in a Name?
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Comments on What's in a Name?
Of course, something that stupid would be in Texas, wouldn't it? Sigh. We have some pretty strange names in the state: Ding Dong, Cut and Shoot, Gunbarrel City, Dime Box, and so on. I did a post about it, long ago. We even have 2 towns named Climax.
|| Posted by Cait, November 18, 2005 07:26 AM |||| , 01:00 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 16, 2005
Preparing for a Good Future
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|| , 01:13 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||News You Can Use Del Seks
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|| , 12:00 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||November 14, 2005
Clowns to the Left of Me...
I don't know if anyone knows but I drive a pick-up truck - a Toyota Tacoma to be precise.
WHAT!?!?! He's driving an import!?! Yes, I do indeed.
To be honest, my choice in foreign vs. domestic was based on two reasons:
- Toyota pick-ups last a long time and take a lot of abuse, and
- American vehicles just plain suck.
Between my wife and I, we've owned three different Fords and we didn't want to be dealing with the 98,000 mile transmission failure - especially since I was attempting to get through college before I bought another vehicle.Not very 'patriotic' I realize, but to me my priority was to my family first, i.e., not getting us into deep debt with a crappy vehicle that I'd owe more on than it's actually worth.
But I'm digressing from my original intention....
I was getting gas at the CostCo (it'll always be Price Club to me) on Morena Blvd this morning before heading into work.
As I'm sure many guys will agree, my truck is a bit messy considing my schedule. I tend to throw junk onto the floor in the front and clean it up when presented with the chance. Such a chance is (for me) usually when I'm filling up my gas tank.
So....after jamming the nozzle into the gas tank and setting the catch, I walked around to the passenger side of the truck and started gathering all of the junk/trash on the floor. This - like most times - means crushed diet soda cans and half-empty bottle of water.
As I walked around the truck to deposit all these containers that were at the moment over-flowing in my arms, a voice rang out:
Don't you believe in recycling?
I turned to see who said it; a gentlemen of about 40 years was pumping gas into his Toyota Corolla behind my truck.
Uhhh, recycling? I usually don't have time nor the space to store all the cans & bottles.... I replied.
*Who the frack was this guy questioning me!?!*
A pause and then he responded: Ahhh....I don't buy that....
I looked at this nimrod for a moment or two while listening for that distinctive 'CLUNK!' from the gas nozzle automatically shutting off.
I looked at this eco-psycho for a moment longer and replied: I live in an apartment that doesn't have a lot of storage place for this crap. Besides, I pay the CRV when I buy them, so to me that exempts me from hauling eight bags of crushed cans down to the recycling place.
A look of irritation flashed across this face.
Don't you feel any responsibility for helping to the save the environment?!?! he said.
I thought about how I could respond to this nimrod: politely, harshly, or simply ignore him and his stupid question. Then I thought actions speak louder than words.
With that thought in mind, I walked over to him and dumped all the cans and plastic bottles at his feet and said to him "Here - you're more responsible than I am so you can take care of it."
As I walked back to my truck to finish pumping my gas, I heard him sputtering under his breath in between the sounds of laughter coming from the older lady that was pumping gas into her BMW and listening to us.
And as I pulled out of the gas station, I saw this eco-freindly gentlemen doing what he was at first appaled by: he was tossing the cans and bottles into the garbage can.
And it didn't surprise me one-little-bit. This clown had the temerity to chastise me about throwing them away, but it wasn't a problem if HE did it himself. It's exactly what I've come to expect from ecology nimrods and liberals: talk the talk, but wimp out when it comes to walking the walk.
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Comments on Clowns to the Left of Me...
Oh man, if you just coulda filmed it!
I would've thrown the cans/bottles at this freak!
(but I'm more confrontational than most...)
What business was it of his anyway? What gall!
|| Posted by Tetzman, November 14, 2005 01:32 PM ||Do as I say, not as I do! Liberalism at it's best!
"Clowns to the Left of Me"
You ever listen to K-Billy's "Super Sounds of the Seventies" weekend? It's my personal favorite.
I can never hear that song and not think of that scene.
Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullsh*t you, all right? I don't give a good f**k what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, to torture a cop.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, November 15, 2005 03:31 PM ||ROFLMAO! Priceless for sure!
|| Posted by Maeve, November 15, 2005 11:01 PM ||If he was such a darn tree hugger, why wasn't he driving one of those hybrids?
That's great. I love it when someone gets exactly what they deserve. Ya done good, Mikey.
|| Posted by Cait, November 17, 2005 06:04 AM |||| , 12:24 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 13, 2005
Boyle's Law on the WTC Collapse
Michelle Malkin (35 days and still no response e-mail) points out a barking moonbat-of-the-day article from a physics professor that thinks 9/11 and the WTC was an 'inside job':
As most of you know, while I'm not a physicist or even close to being a physicist, I am somewhat versed in the more basic laws of engineering, chemistry, and physics. I distinctly remember someone e-mailing me (how they tracked me, I don't know) a few years ago and trying - trying to convince me that those 'puffs of smoke' were actually pre-planted explosives detonating.And I tried to explain to this person the basic understanding of Boyle's Law, which simply put is: p1V1 = p2V2, where Boyle's Law indicates that for a fixed amount of gas (fixed number of moles) at a fixed temperature, the pressure and the volume are inversely proportional.
My 'simple reasoning': as the upper structure of the WTC towers started to fail, i.e., the steel beams were crumbling/melting, the weight of the upper floors was too much to support and they started 'pancaking' - top floor falls onto the one beneath it, then that floor falls under the weight of its materials AND that of the floor above it that just fell, etc, etc.
Boyle's Law comes in here: as the upper floors collapsed and fell onto the floor(s) beneath, the volume of air on that particular floor was suddenly 'pushed' out of the windows - that's the 'puff of smoke' that appears to be a controlled demolition and that's a crock; with the pressure increasing from the sudden compression of the air on any given floor (from the ceiling falling down) and the volume being constant (as by design), the volume of air/smoke has to escape somehow and it does so by blowing out the windows.
Now before someone points out that I'm forgetting to include the dynamics of the fire that melted the steel in the building, YES I realize that.....that's why I've referred to my theory as 'simplified'.
As to why this physics prof is going out on a limb to 'prove' that this was a controlled demolition....I don't know. Maybe he's under pressure to produce a paper - on anything - just to keep his administrative bosses as BYU happy. Maybe he's inhaled too many industrial cleaning agents in the lab late at night.
And if my simplified explanation isn't enough for you, Michelle Malkin also points to all of these crackpot black helicopter theories being shot to Hell by Popular Mechanics. And any man with a modicome of mechanical knowledge knows that those guys at PM know their stuff - otherwise it would be another 'Home & Garden' magazine.
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Comments on Boyle's Law on the WTC Collapse
Well, as it happens, I am a physicist, and what Jones has hypothesized is arrant nonsense. A demolition by planted explosives would have had an entirely different collapse profile, certainly not the "pancake" collapse we all observed from the television coverage.
You can tell him I said so.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, November 13, 2005 04:32 PM ||So you're a proponent of the 'pancaking' theory. (There are many official theories, all contradictory.) Now why don't you explain why there was no stack of concrete/steel floors to be found at the base of the rubble pile? Why did the towers explode into dust -- as they clearly did not 'collapse'?
Oh, and how do you explain the molten metal found in the rubble? Or the fires that smoldered for 100 days? (Magical stuff, that jet fuel.)
I guess your misapplication of Boyle's law also explains the large squib seen OVER FIVE STORIES below the collapse zone. And the squibs going UP the wall of WTC7.
The idiotic PopMech hit-piece that was written by the first cousin of Vaterland Security chief Chertoff after the magazine was purged of dissenters is utterly annihilated here:
If you care about freedom, you will want to study that website.
|| Posted by fastcomment, November 13, 2005 07:02 PM ||Oh and to the alleged physicist in the comment above: the only difference is the order in which the explosives were detonated, in the towers the direction was from top to bottom. (WTC7 was a classic demolition.)
Oh, and how do you explain the molten metal found in the rubble? Or the fires that smoldered for 100 days? (Magical stuff, that jet fuel.)
Oh my God.....didn't I just write in the post that my explanation was a simplistic one!?! Can you not read?
If I had wanted to invest several hours in detailed analysis of the collapse of the towers, I would have done so. But it wouldn't have deterred you from posting the same moonbat comment.
To be honest, I don't have the time nor the inclination to attempt an analysis - I'll leave that for physicists/engineers more adapt at it than I am. My intent for this was to simply show that this physics clown from BYU must have been inhaling too many cleaning agents for his own good.
As I wrote, I attempted to discuss this with that emailing fool a few years back and got no where. I can see the writing on the wall where you are concerned and don't feel like wasting more time than is necessary.
The science of this clown's theory *might* have some merit, but since I don't see oodles and oodles of science guys coming out of the woodwork to back up his claim(s), I'll leave people such as yourself to sit and ponder your navel lint while pondering how to show something where there isn't anything to be 'seen'.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 14, 2005 10:52 AM ||Your cohort Francis W. Porretto---the first comment posted above---describes himself as a "software engineer" on his Amazon.com profile. That makes him a "physicist"? No more than it makes you proficient in Boyle's Law---let alone spelling. Keep your scurrilous comments about a bona fide physics professor "inhaling cleaning fluids" to yourself, and don't offer commentary on arguments you obviously won't and can't refute.
|| Posted by Magna_Veritas, November 14, 2005 01:33 PM ||Your cohort Francis W. Porretto---the first comment posted above---describes himself as a "software engineer" on his Amazon.com profile. That makes him a "physicist"?
Unless you're a complete moron, most engineers - software or otherwise - have to take quite a few physics courses, from mechanics up to and including quantum physics. It makes him more of a physicist than most lay people.
No more than it makes you proficient in Boyle's Law---let alone spelling.
I'll take that as an admission that you're not close to being a physicist.
Keep your scurrilous comments about a bona fide physics professor "inhaling cleaning fluids" to yourself...
Or what - you'll email him and narc me out? Kiddo, you've not 'gotten' the point of a personal web log or 'blog' - I can say whatever the f*ck I want.
...and don't offer commentary on arguments you obviously won't and can't refute.
And you can? I eagerly await your minimum 2000 word, detailed analysis in my e-mail inbox by COB Thursday.....or are you just full of shit?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 14, 2005 07:29 PM ||These are the same morons who claim that the "passenger airliner" that my friend heard fly 75 feet above his van on I-395 and WATCHED hit the Pentagon was really a missile.
Oh, yeah...
And there were no Jews killed at the WTC, no matter how many people with 'stein' in their last name you find in the first column of this list.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, November 15, 2005 06:56 AM ||Okay, I'll confess. I was on the grassy knoll.
|| Posted by Cait, November 18, 2005 07:30 AM |||| , 03:13 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 12, 2005
Good Call
Another reason to like Gary Sinise in addition to his acting skills:
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Comments on Good Call
And Bruce Willis, who has gone to see the troops in Iraq and speaks openly about how much better things are going over there than is being reported.
|| Posted by Cait, November 13, 2005 06:26 AM ||Oooh ... and if anyone saw the episode of CSI:NY where Gary's character fired one of the CSIs, he made a _great_ statement:
"There are three things I will protect with my life: my country, the constitution, and this lab!"
(if anyone can find the exact quote, I'd love a copy - i have tried to find it to no avail)
OK, so the writers inked it, but to hear him _say_ it with such conviction!
Shivers, gotta tell ya, after the first two, I jumped up and said, "Yeah!"
My wife looked at me with that, look - ya all know it. :) You know, "Sheesh, you'll wake the kids!"
Take care everyone, God Bless America, and Happy Veteran's Day weekend!!!
|| Posted by LinkedInUSAF, November 13, 2005 01:05 PM |||| , 03:53 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 08, 2005
Stupid People Bare Chests for Stupid Cause
Here is a good way to make yourself (and the 'cause' you represent) completely inane:
Not only are these nitwits arrested for this, but we've also got one of LA's Assemblywoman - Gloria Romero - acting like this was a grievous act to arrest them.Gloria, you dipstick: these dorks were warned by the CHP to not do what they did. They popped out their boobs and promptly got arrested. You should be arrested just on general principles for using it as a soapbox.
The thing that's really stupid is their name: Boobs not Bombs. Ummmm, ladies? There aren't any bombs in Sacramento unless you include you twerps taking off your shirts for a stupid reason.
Well, it could have been worse: there might have been a group of metrosexual men that were part of a group called 'Schlongs not Schwarzenegger'.....
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Comments on Stupid People Bare Chests for Stupid Cause
actually the men's group is "Dicks not Drafts" or "Dicks not Death" depending on the sign you read.
Thank me for not sharing the link where I saw this...
|| Posted by caltechgirl, November 8, 2005 01:53 PM ||What's even worse, maybe, is that these were not nubile young women. We are probably talking sagging, ugly tits. These two (or 4) no doubt did more harm than good to the peace movement. With people like that, probably the cruelest thing that could happen is to be completely ignored. Nobody even give their hooters a second glance.
|| Posted by Cait, November 8, 2005 04:05 PM ||Cait-- you hit the nail on the head!! Yuck!
|| Posted by nathalie, November 9, 2005 09:56 PM ||I've seen some photos of a group of men & women that were going with out tops & pants with those slogans. It was NOT a pretty site.
|| Posted by Maeve, November 10, 2005 06:48 AM ||While I agree they should be arrested, this is not something that should be covered by the Sex Offender statute. No one's rights were violated (i.e. rape), they were just being stupid.
This is an example of the State twisting good laws (as they've done with the RICO laws/asset forfeiture) to threaten those that don't conform. Bull shit.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, November 12, 2005 12:01 PM |||| , 01:29 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 07, 2005
Cynthia is On The Move
Wow....Cynthis McKinney must really be making her constituents proud with her efforts in Congress:
Actually Cynthia, the question you really should be asking is Who cares?....actually, I'm sure that Cynthia will venture a theory or two about how those evil Joozzzz are behind it.Trackback Information for Cynthia is On The Move
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Comments on Cynthia is On The Move
no big loss, whoever did it..... The only person missing "One-Pak", is his Mommy!
Murder is always a crime... Isn't this an issue better addressed by the state of Nevada, and the city of Lost Wages?
|| Posted by Tetzman, November 8, 2005 12:02 PM ||I'm a little hacked off that they are wasting their time and our money for something that should be covered by investigators in above mentioned state... otherwise I too will join the band wagon of "who cares?"
|| Posted by ethne, November 8, 2005 12:44 PM |||| , 11:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 06, 2005
Prop 75 Exemplified
There's no need for Proposition 75 - the unions already allow it's members to 'opt out' from using their dues for political purposes.
Really? Then explain this:
Read More of "Prop 75 Exemplified"This is exactly why Prop 75 is on the ballot and exactly why it will pass - especially with a lot of public employee union members (and non-members) voting FOR it.
But of course, expect to see a lawsuit filed by the unions to have Prop 75 over-turned on November 9th that claims the proposition was voted on 'improperly' or some crap like that.....it's what happens almost every time that a proposition is passed by a majority of Californians voting YES on it only to be 'over-turned' in the courts by judges that fall for the plaintiffs whiny-ass excuses.
Just wait for it.
All done with "Prop 75 Exemplified"?
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|| , 02:00 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Stopping Cat Crime Wave
This seems a bit.....excessive and it makes me wonder: did the cat serve time in jail too!?
But then again - we all know the decay of the fabric of society that comes from allowing unlicensed felines to roam around at will. First, they'll pee in the yard to mark their territory and then it gets really intense: cats whizzing all over the place!!It's a good think this judge put a serious stop to this uncivilized behavior.
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Comments on Stopping Cat Crime Wave
I don't know, Mikey.
Kinda have to go along with the judge. Better to stop it before it gets out of control
+ OT...
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, November 7, 2005 04:23 AM ||A story from your old school
Didn't realize you were from Fairfax Co. My brother and family lived in Dumfries for many years.
The cat thing. That's a bit overboard. I do understand the necessity for rabies shots, etc., but the city licensing is just a friggin' rip off. If an animal has had it's shots, etc., then why is there a need to "register" with the city? It already has the necessary records with the veterinarian.
|| Posted by Cait, November 7, 2005 08:16 AM |||| , 01:10 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 05, 2005
I Hear You Knocking...
...but you can't come in:
Poor Warren - he's really 'reaching' these days to make a difference.I think I'll not watch 'Bullworth' tonight in his honor.
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|| , 05:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||November 04, 2005
Boo-Hoo Tookie
I missed this when it was announced:
Oh....isn't that sweet!? He's written children's books....that's what many of the death penalty opponents are touting as a reason that Stan 'Tookie' Williams should be spared.And it's about as compelling as being presented with a 5 lb bag of cricket crap from Dicker & Dicker of Beverly Hills.
I spoil my cats with nummy 9-Lives food and teach my kid algebra, but if I did what he was convicted - CONVICTED - of I'd be sitting on Death Row too.
I've been hearing about this on the radio for the last few days and the main *cough* argument is that by sparing his life that other kids that are in gangs will be motivated to make a drastic life change for the better.
I don't think so Tim.
If clemency is granted, it'll just show those 'impressionable youths' that you can murder people in cold blood and not have to face a death sentence.
Hell - I say take this sucker out on Pay-Per-View television. Record the sentence being carried out and play it on big monitors at school functions to show what crime really gets you these days.
So long 'Tookie' - hope you like having pineapples shoved up your ass on a daily basis by Satan himself.
Read More of "Boo-Hoo Tookie"Found this over at Queen Maeve's place and thought it was appropriate considering that Tookie writes children's books.
Children's books that you'll never see
All done with "Boo-Hoo Tookie"?
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Comments on Boo-Hoo Tookie
San Quinten is about 30 minutes from my house. I may drop by when they drop the pill on this killer.
Side note: My dad was an Lt. for the Marin County Sheriff Dept when I was a kid. I got to actually step into the gas chamber. Creepy.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, November 4, 2005 09:59 PM ||I love it when these assholes get "religion" right after they get convicted. Doesn't change or mitigate what they did. Should have gotten religion BEFORE they murdered. Maybe they'd not have murdered. No sympathy. And it really shows what bullshit the Nobel Peace Prize has become.
|| Posted by Cait, November 6, 2005 06:09 AM |||| , 11:06 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
November 03, 2005
Thumbs up?
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Comments on Thumbs up?
I like the way this guy thinks! We need more civic leaders like him!
|| Posted by Tetzman, November 4, 2005 07:56 AM |||| , 03:07 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (6) ||
November 02, 2005
Food Fight?
Well this is so.....stupid:
Since Democrats also tout being 'liberal and equality minded', does this mean that if anyone opposes a Japanese-American that's Republican that it would be okay to throw 'Cheese Nips'? Or maybe fling a box of 'Spic-N-Span' at a hispanic Republican? Or how about marshmellows at white Republicans?Just curious...
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Comments on Food Fight?
Hypocrisy at it's best....
|| Posted by Tetzman, November 2, 2005 12:49 PM ||Bigotry is bigotry. Party affiliation does not matter. That is absolutely disgusting.
|| Posted by Cait, November 3, 2005 09:23 AM ||I heard this on the radio this morning, and could not believe what I was hearing. I had to read about it from multiple sites before I believed it was true.
These people should be ashamed. I'm not holding my breath.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, November 3, 2005 08:13 PM |||| , 11:47 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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