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Another reason to like Gary Sinise in addition to his acting skills:
Sinise Named Spokesman for Veterans Group
NEW YORK (AP) - Gary Sinise will serve as the national spokesman for the Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial Foundation.
The actor, who played Vietnam vet "Lt. Dan" Taylor in "Forrest Gump," agreed to the spokesman position, it was announced Friday. The foundation is working to build a disabled veterans memorial in Washington D.C. near the Capitol.
"I am deeply moved to have been asked to participate in this absolutely necessary memorial," Sinise said in a statement. "I can only hope that my participation will help draw attention to the cause and ensure its successful fruition as the nation's first and only such tribute built specifically to these courageous men and women."
Oooh ... and if anyone saw the episode of CSI:NY where Gary's character fired one of the CSIs, he
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Cait said:
And Bruce Willis, who has gone to see the troops in Iraq and speaks openly about how much better
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And Bruce Willis, who has gone to see the troops in Iraq and speaks openly about how much better things are going over there than is being reported.
|| Posted by Cait, November 13, 2005 06:26 AM ||Oooh ... and if anyone saw the episode of CSI:NY where Gary's character fired one of the CSIs, he made a _great_ statement:
"There are three things I will protect with my life: my country, the constitution, and this lab!"
(if anyone can find the exact quote, I'd love a copy - i have tried to find it to no avail)
OK, so the writers inked it, but to hear him _say_ it with such conviction!
Shivers, gotta tell ya, after the first two, I jumped up and said, "Yeah!"
My wife looked at me with that, look - ya all know it. :) You know, "Sheesh, you'll wake the kids!"
Take care everyone, God Bless America, and Happy Veteran's Day weekend!!!
|| Posted by LinkedInUSAF, November 13, 2005 01:05 PM ||