It took a little longer than I had wanted, but it's finally done: my model work bench is back in its proper place. And somewhere in the last few weeks, I came to have a cork board/bulletin board so I hung it up over my work bench and the first thing I mounted on it was a 2008 calendar that I received from Santa featuring aircraft from World War II.
SIDE NOTE: A quick look at my work bench shows the 1/48 scale A-4C Skyhawk model that my brother got me for my birthday a few years back, the 1/32 scale Bf109G-4 Tropical Messerschmitt that I also got for my most recent birthday, and the airbrush (also from my brother) that I'm hoping to test out this weekend....chores permitting.
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My wife came into the living room, noticed the calendar up and remarked Well, you've finally got a space for that! And then she stopped and got a serious look on her face and then said Uh-oh...don't let anyone see the swastika there - they might think you're a skinhead!! She was pointing at the January aircraft which happens to be an Arado Ar-234. We both got a huge laugh out of it since she reads whats in the comments of my posts, especially the ones where utter stupidity rears its ugly head.
She asked me again why someone would be a complete moron to raise a ruckus about putting a swastika on a plastic model - Are they THAT stupid? I'd understand about hoisting a Nazi flag in the window, but this is a freakin model!
I tried to explain that the dope who squawked about it usually isn't interested in logic or facts, that instead they're more concerned with what they deem to be proper or correct to be the primary factor. She ended up shrugging her shoulders and saying that some people just cannot escape acting like an ostrich and burying their heads in the dirt.
(The interesting thing is that while my wife and I do not agree 100% on most political discussions, she is quite level-headed, i.e., she isn't an Idiotarian! My daughter came into the room while we were discussing this and her reaction was this: Well duh! Tell them to use a lifeline or get a clue.... Smart kid!)
So...I'll leave the comments open so that anyone that would like to whine about this can and I'd ask nicely that you stick to the subject at hand.
Seriously, I'd like to hear what people think of the non-displaying of the swastika, especially when it comes to plastic models.
You may commence to whine.
UPDATE: far, there has been a few responses and one spam that I just deleted.
All done with "Ostrichsitous"?
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Comments on Ostrichsitous
mikey!! Don't you know that it is absolutely IMPARATIVE that we erase all uncomfortable symbology from all recorded history?!? Swastikas, rebel flags, swear words...etc. There are too many people who are "squeemish" about these things. They all know that as soon as you put that symbol on your model, you are going to trim your moustache to a little rectangle beneath your nose and take "goose step" lessons.
And for those who can't figure this out...Those comments were something called "SARCASM"... Mikey knows that...
Maybe I will get you another WWII German model (Do you only like planes, or are tanks and stuff cool, too??)
Talk to you later...
|| Posted by sturgesbob, January 27, 2008 06:01 PM ||(Continued) It's not like I don't know when your birthday is!!
|| Posted by sturgesbob, January 27, 2008 06:04 PM ||Maybe I will get you another WWII German model (Do you only like planes, or are tanks and stuff cool, too??)
For the moment, I'm sticking with WWII aircraft.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 27, 2008 07:36 PM ||I honestly don't think it matters whether the swastiska is displayed or not. It's a history thing. I understand why people wouldn't, but if they do then it doesn't mean they endorse the Nazis.
|| Posted by Dave, January 29, 2008 05:15 AM |||| , 08:23 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
January 25, 2008
Friday Evening Lessons
Why Mikey you ask....what method shall you be employing?
Quite simply, I'll be introducing her to the box-office-failure but absolutely-hilarious movie 1941. I figured that this is a slight expansion of her education into Star Trek (TOS), Monty Python, and Rush.
Yeah, it's Friday night and although my daughter will be 'learning'....she'll get a kick out of it.
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|| , 09:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||January 23, 2008
Longer Life for HST
Something I saw over at LGF: the Hubble Space Telescope is getting some kick ass TLC this summer.
It's nice to see that something that wasn't expected to be useful after a few years is still chugging along.Trackback Information for Longer Life for HST
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Comments on Longer Life for HST
|| , 10:17 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||January 21, 2008
(via PDA)
Today it's raining and God knows that San Diego could use it.
Hey Lord? Thank you very much for the rain but could you instill into the morons around here a smidgen of common sense about how to drive when the roads are WET!?
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|| Posted by Gracie, January 30, 2008 02:08 PM |||| , 01:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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