I had to scramble this morning to change a class that I had enrolled in.
I had initially signed up for a beginner's class in German. On the first day, I decided to tell the professor that I had taken German before - in high school - but that was over 19 years ago and I had pretty much forgotten most of it. I thought that being honest was the best policy; I thought wrong.
She told me this morning that I'd have to drop the class and sign up for the next class in the Winter quarter when German 1B is offered. Crap I thought....I should have kept my mouth shut and played dumb.
So much for trying to uphold academic integrity.
Luckily, I found a Physics class that fit into the same time slot and it's not one of those calculus-intensive physics classes that make most people green-in-the-gills. This one is a class on the Solar System and from the one class session I sat in on this morning, it looks like it'll be not only a 'fun' class, but an interesting one too.
So I'm back to my original plan: two engineering courses and a 'gimme' class and considering the amount of crap I have on my plate these days (some of you know what I'm talking about), it'll be enough just to keep up with these classes.
Comments on So Much for Honesty
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September 29, 2004
Power Chord Babe
Apparently Maria was out partying with her girlfriends recently and was suddenly overcome with the urge to shread.
And she started out as such a nice girl.....
Comments on Power Chord Babe
I cannot look at that picture without laughing. Oh yah, and I never started off as a nice girl! Bad girls are born bad. "Born Bad! It's such a sin! I guess I was boooorn, naturally boooorn, born bad."
|| Posted by Maria, September 29, 2004 04:42 PM ||I like rocker chicks. and BTW I saw where you said "cute" and you got some serious esplainin' to do.
|| Posted by kilabe, September 29, 2004 06:10 PM ||Ahhhh, if only I were 50 years younger....sigh...
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Hinder or Help?
Grim news for Kerry or is this the cavalry coming over the hill??
Comments on Hinder or Help?
Within the last month or so on CNN (I think) Jesse Jackson said Kerry's campaign was too much of a vanilla milkshake which needed some "chocolate" (Jackson's words). Does Jackson't addition count as chocolate?
|| Posted by jaws, September 30, 2004 07:42 AM ||Found the link:
|| Posted by jaws, September 30, 2004 07:43 AM ||Jesse Jackson on the Kerry Campaign (9/8/04)
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Details - Smeetails
In each discussion, I ask "What proof do you have that these voters were genuinely disenfranchised?" and the only source that has been cited has been a lawsuit that was settled OUT OF COURT as the basis for these myths.
Of course, I tried to point out to this individual (who by the way works in a law firm) that when a case is settled 'out of court', neither party is admitting to guilt and no court of law would assume that when one party 'settles' or seeks to settle that they're guilty; they just want to get it over and done with.
This person just told me that 'if I couldn't figure it out then they couldn't help me' - which I took to mean if I conked myself in the head with a ball-peen hammer, then I'd be able to 'connect-the-dots' and see the VRWC in all its beauty.
NOTE: I won't say who this person was cause I don't want to cause them to get ridiculed, but I am displaying this 'arrogance' in substantiating their claim as being typical of left-of-center folks that see boogie-men in all their closets.
I came across something over at National Review Online that (IMHO) smashes the myths of Florida into fine powder.
I realize that some might roll their eyes at the 'legitimacy' of this news organization, but from my experience, NRO - while not admitting to being unbiased - is known for being reputible. I realize that I won't be able to convince anyone that's already convinced, but it helps me get the straight facts about the story - or at least clarifies the situation a bit more to my liking.
Read More of "Details - Smeetails"All done with "Details - Smeetails"?
Comments on Details - Smeetails
Funny how when the courts intervene on the GOP's behalf, all of a sudden you guys tunr your head up whistling igorning your usual bantering of "how activists judges shouldn't be nosing around in affaits that do not concern them"
and the whole Katheran Harris thing - come on man, you cannot honestly say she was a fair and an objective party.
isn't that dienfranchised enough for you?
and I love your fucked up logic about no guilt being admitted in out of court settlements. If you beleive in that bullshit then you a truly a naive little man.
|| Posted by nunya, September 29, 2004 07:20 PM ||And I guess you'd have to be FUCKED in the head to see the conspiracy.
What a fucking moron you are nunya.
|| Posted by Krem, September 30, 2004 08:58 AM ||Tut, tut now Krem. That was totally uncalled for.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 1, 2004 03:09 PM ||Yes it was. Nunya, or Pummel My Rectum as he prefers to be called, cannot articulate an argument without resorting to calling someone 'asshole' or some other name; it goes to show his inability to formulate a cohesive argument, which he cannot, and the fact that in general, HE is a fucking moron.
|| Posted by Krem, October 2, 2004 10:42 AM ||Hmmmm, got a point there Krem. How 'bout it Nunya? We haven't had a slugfest here in quite a while! LOL!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 3, 2004 07:34 AM ||I doubt Nunya will come back to defend his position....
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Well DUH!!
(You May Want to Hide This From Your Left-y Blogger Friends)
(By way of The Queen of All Evil)
Comments on Obvious
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Something is invading me brain housing group! It is...it is... a great emptiness! No! Wait....clearer...clearer...there it is!
"Pour another round and lay down some rails! Pour another round and lay down some rails!
Aye, aye, Sir! That's one Presidential decree I'm right on board with!
PS: Where's the wenches?
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The Brillance of Youth
Much like my daughter, Kilabe's son gets it whereas most Dems don't.
Kind of makes me wonder if my kid (and Kilabe's too) are geniuses or are most adults just plain morons.
Comments on The Brillance of Youth
yup, the brillance of an 11 year old. bush thinks along the same logic as that kid does - has no clue of all the gotchas involved. Unfortunatley, Mikey, things are not that black and white or cut and dry. In the real world, there are plenty of other factors. The "we are right and everyone else is wrong" schtick just doesn't cut it. Come out of the 50's already.
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Scare Tactics, Part Deux
From Cox & Forkum
Comments on Scare Tactics, Part Deux
Said it before, say it again. Unconditional draft with NO deferments is a great idea! Give all the Protest Pissants a chance to wear a REAL uniform for a change!
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September 28, 2004
Darkness Closes In....
Too tired to blog about anything in particular except for one personal observation:
The Democrat/Liberal students at UCSD are just convinced that President Bush will re-instate the draft.
I was 'tabling' with the College Republicans up at school today and quite a few people approached to ask us if we were going to obey the draft or resist. And everytime this happened, we'd attempt to tell them that there was about a snowball's chance in Hell that:
- The Republicans in the House and the Senate wouldn't vote to pass the legislation currently in the docket, and
- if for some screwball reason it was passed, that President Bush wouldn't sign it into law.
We also attempted to tell these mis-informed cretins that it was a couple of Democrats that drafted the bills, but they wouldn't hear of it; they'd just get a look of indignation on their faces and walk away yelling 'Anybody But Bush!!'.Maybe there's something in the water....
We handed out a ton of Bush/Cheney stickers and had a lot of people sign up for the e-mail distribution list. November 3rd will be a very interesting day at school.
Comments on Darkness Closes In....
It's going to be an interesting day. Period.
I just wish the "news" media wouldn't announce anything except polls closing.
I mean with the time difference, does anyone in Hawaii bother to vote?
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 29, 2004 08:32 AM ||I'm confused, mad one (surprise!)
you say there is a snowballs chance in hell that the Repubs would NOT pass the legislation? and that Bush would NOT sign the bill? it's kinda like double-negative territory here, but isn't the chance slim that they WILL pass/sign the bill?
too much to think about on a brainless day at work.... :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, September 29, 2004 12:17 PM ||Ooops - bad wording.
YES - there is a slim chance they'd pass the bills and send them to President Bush for signing. But he wouldn't.
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September 27, 2004
Information Blvd.
I know.....it's a 'myth', but this is still funny.
Comments on Information Blvd.
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Annual Whine
You know UCSD is back in session when the speds at the Ché Cafe start whining about being evicted:
There are times when I drive past the Ché Cafe and think Well, at least they have a place to hang out instead of smelling up the Giesel Library and sometimes I think you know, a parking lot would go there very nicely....Comments on Annual Whine
there he goes, deleting my comment.
Mind telling me what was wrong about saying that you always seem to want to come down on voices of opposition?
|| Posted by nunya, September 27, 2004 12:18 PM ||there he goes, deleting my comment.
Didn't delete anything.....yet.
It's not a question of 'coming down on voices of opposition', it's more to the point of berating whiny-ass hippies that expect the world to cater to their whims such as these people constantly do.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 01:19 PM ||Nah, you are just pissed because they played the game the way conservatives do.
|| Posted by nunya, September 28, 2004 05:34 AM ||Conservatives don't stage 'sit ins'.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 28, 2004 04:04 PM ||no, they just hire blood sucking white lawyers to find loop holes in the law.
|| Posted by nunya, September 28, 2004 04:53 PM ||What a wonderfully racist and yet generalizing statement...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 28, 2004 06:55 PM ||DELETED BY MIKE CAUSE HE IS GOD-LIKE HERE....
|| Posted by AL, September 28, 2004 07:48 PM ||DELETED BY MIKE CAUSE HE IS GOD-LIKE HERE....
|| Posted by AL, September 28, 2004 08:03 PM ||damn, and to think, I didn't even write that!
there are many others out there mikey, who feel this way about you, geoff, gordon and all of the others like you.
|| Posted by nunya, September 29, 2004 05:38 AM ||Yeah. Like you, they are trolls that hide in the shadows, attack in squirell-fashion, and then scurry away.
It's nice to know that you 'fear' me enough to mount attacks.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 29, 2004 06:40 AM ||Fear you? Bah! Unlikely. I don't fear pussies mikey, I eat them.
|| Posted by nunya, September 29, 2004 06:54 AM ||Your fear is evident in how you're constantly resorting to name-calling - it's an act of deperation.
Drink a Mint Julip and relax.
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September 24, 2004
Was I This Young?
I just got this photo from my sister-in-law who found it while looking through some old photos.
It's a picture of me and my dad the day that I graduated from bootcamp in Orlando back in 1986.
I cannot believe that I was that 'gaunt' looking when I graduated. Yikes!
Comments on Was I This Young?
Ah, weren't we all slim back then? I was. Now...ack. But I think you look better now, judging from the pictures.
|| Posted by Cait, September 25, 2004 05:28 AM ||And, I see where ya get that big, bright smile from... wow!
Yer gonna be a cute "old guy" if your Dad's an example.
(Kinda makes sense, doesn't it, seeing how yer just about "drop dead gorgeous" now anyway, no?)
Man, I wish I could see Eric's old pictures like this, but his BC kept 'em from him when he left and they probably don't even exist anymore. He's Navy too, yanno.
(Lord, you ARE adorable, Mikey... seems like ya always have been and judging by Dad, ya always will be... how cool is that?)
|| Posted by Stevie, September 25, 2004 07:35 AM ||Okay, that's it... I just "save as"-ed this one and the one on the sidebar. Now, I'm just a little pissed at myself that I didn't do it before, with the other sidebar pic.... tsk.
|| Posted by Stevie, September 25, 2004 07:39 AM ||(And, fear not... I don't know how to Photoshop stuff, nor do I have the... whatever, program?, to do it. I just like the pics, so, in case ya change it (them) again, I'm ready... *smile*)
Nice Hat. :)
|| Posted by Davey, September 25, 2004 08:40 PM ||Holy shit, man... that doesn't look anything like you (and I just saw you last night... me and a couple rambunctious Boys). And here I thought *I* took funky pictures when I was young!
Regardless... a real pleasure last night... I know being on the "winning" side is great, but being on the Right side is even better.
|| Posted by hindmost, September 25, 2004 09:54 PM ||Good lookin' kid! I'll bet you were a lot smarter then too! Didn't you say you used to be a Democrat? ( LOL! )
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 26, 2004 04:44 PM ||I was Republican at that time. It was in the early to mid-90s that I was a Dem/Ind.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 06:23 AM ||$10 says that there's a boot-camp tan under that dixie cup.
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, September 27, 2004 06:32 AM ||A 'Grinder Reminder'?? Probably....;)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 06:54 AM ||OMG!
Look closely at the picture. Tell me that mug doesn't look like Ron Howard!
Opie, is that you?!
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, September 27, 2004 11:00 AM ||that is what I was thinking.
|| Posted by nunya, September 27, 2004 12:19 PM ||Ron Howard! Yes.
"I was Republican at that time. It was in the early to mid-90s that I was a Dem/Ind."
Do I smell a flip flopper? ;o)
|| Posted by Maria, September 27, 2004 07:31 PM ||Ohhhh hahahahahahaaa.....[/blank stare]
No - consider it 'snapping out of a delusional nightmare'....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 07:55 PM ||Yeah, just like the dillusional nightmare that John Kerry was having when he trusted Bush to have integrity and be honest about Iraq. It's good to know you understand.
|| Posted by Maria, September 27, 2004 09:00 PM ||I keep telling you Maria - conservatives call it flip flopping, the rest of the common sense folks with free minds call it "changing your mind"
|| Posted by nunya, September 28, 2004 05:37 AM ||Conservatives either aren't allowed to think or cannot think for themselves. They are a collective, feeding off of one brain. Apparently, it seems like that one brain must be Rush Limbaugh, because we all know Bush doesn't even have a brain. He is our "scarecrow"
You've just described the uni-mind of the radical Left.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 28, 2004 08:02 AM ||DELETED BY MIKE CAUSE HE IS GOD-LIKE HERE....
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Child Psychology
Let's look at this: if the U.S. forces in Afghanistan were to capture Osama bin Laden, then everyone left-of-center would instantly scream 'Ahhh-HAAAA!!' and (falsely) assert that the Bush campaign planned it to get a boost in the polls. Yet if he is not not captured, then those same people would be screaming 'FAILURE!!' much like John Kerry said yesterday.
There is a saying (maybe it's old - I dunno exactly) that's appropriate: they'd bitch if you hung them with a new rope.
IMO the Kerry campaign - and those that just flat-out loathe President Bush in general - act & react to any news much like a spoiled child throwing a temper-tantrum: nothing will get them to shut up and/or be happy.
And do you know what the scary thing is? That in the early hours of Wednesday, November 3rd, when President Bush is declared the winner, that there will be foaming-at-the-mouth and possible riots in some cities because these 'children' can't handle the reality of the election.
Why do I say this?
Cause if for some screwball reason Kerry wins the election, you're not going to see Republicans/Conservatives getting worked up into a frenzy. Yes, they'll be pissed that Bush didn't win but they won't resort to childish tactics to vent their spleens; Dems can almost be counted on to react like spoiled children that are denied their lollipops....
Comments on Child Psychology
nah, the repubs will just try to dig up whatever bones they can find on kerry. maybe they can find a blow job and impeach him too!
|| Posted by nunya, September 25, 2004 03:34 AM ||I really don't think there'll be riots. But there will be a lot of bitching.
|| Posted by Cait, September 25, 2004 05:30 AM ||I don't trust the republican party. I don't trust Diebold's electronic voting machines. I certainly don't trust the Bush administration.
Bush won Florida by 537 votes... His brother, Jeb, and Kathy Harris worked real hard to make sure thousands of democratic voters couldn't vote... and Florida's 25 electoral votes went to Jeb's brother... do I have some questions... it would be stupid not to.
BTW, let me remind you that it was Bush who had the hissy fit and brought it to the Supreme Court to stop the recount, not Gore, and Gore who conceded on the basis of 'unity'.
|| Posted by scroff, September 25, 2004 11:33 PM ||Scroff - what is the "it" that you think was brought to the Supreme Court?
|| Posted by Chet, September 26, 2004 02:00 PM ||If you believe that Usama Bin Laden was supported by Saddam - vote for Bush.
If you believe the Invasion of Iraq is bringing us closer to the capture or elimination of Bin Laden - vote for Bush.
If you think we are viewed as Liberators by the Iraqi population - vote for Bush.
If you think Bin Laden is "no longer a priority" - vote for Bush.
If you believe that Afghanistan is safe from the Taliban - vote for Bush.
If you believe that all the terrorists who are currently in Iraq have always been there - vote for Bush.
If you believe that drug companies should not have to bid for Medicare contracts - vote for Bush.
If you want your children and grandchildren to carry a multi-trillion dollar national debt - vote for Bush.
If you think that outsourcing American jobs is good for America - vote for Bush.
If you believe that redefining overtime laws to the benefit of Big Business is good for working families - vote for Bush.
If you believe that closing VA Hospitals and cutting back on Vet's Benefits is "supporting our troops" - vote for Bush.
If you think that corporate welfare in the form of huge, new tax breaks for corporations is the way to stimulate the economy - vote for Bush.
If you believe that God actually speaks to Bush - vote for Bush
If you believe that Gays are perverts who refuse to change their behavior and shouldn't be allowed to marry - vote for Bush.
If you have any common sense at all and are capable of independant thought - vote for Kerry.
(Ya know, Mikey, this is so good I think I'll do a whole post like this at my place).
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'Hell No'
Yeah Arnold!!
'Work with the Legislature on an acceptable bill' means that the license given toundocumented aliensillegals is different than those given to California citizens dork.I wonder.....just what part of ILLEGAL ALIENS don't the Democrats get!?
Comments on 'Hell No'
Hey Mad One, been a long time!
You might want to rephrase your question there...
"just what part of ILLEGAL ALIENS doesn't Bush get!?"
|| Posted by scroff, September 25, 2004 11:16 PM ||Well, well, the Gropenator got one right! That ought to piss off Shrub since he wants the Latino vote really, really bad!
Tell us again, Ah-nold, how you remember Soviet tanks in your home village two years before you were born!
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 26, 2004 05:01 PM ||Hello folks nice blog youre running
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I Hate It When This Happens
The AnalogKid at Random Nuclear Strikes relates an e-mail he got concerning some 'disappearing' Bush/Cheney yard signs:
Read More of "I Hate It When This Happens"All done with "I Hate It When This Happens"?
Comments on I Hate It When This Happens
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September 22, 2004
UCSD Research on the Cutting Edge
Scripps Prepares to Study the Effects of Alcohol on Everything
Chesterfield continued, saying that “the study aims to test the effects of alcohol and marijuana on students, research assistants, researchers, "Frank’s Rottweiler", a Venus fly trap, several endangered species of fish, and just about everything on the second floor of the Institute.”
Certain legal and ethical dilemmas have been raised about the planned study. “People are asking all sorts of questions,” noted Chesterfield, “questions like, ‘Is feeding a Venus fly trap marijuana like cannibalism?’ and ‘Is there actually such a thing as too many pop-tarts?’”
Researchers have been frequenting psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, environmental science and visual arts courses inviting students to fill out waivers that ask such questions as, “Do you drink alcohol? During a typical week, how many drinks do you have?” and “Do you party? Precisely how hard?”
This data, along with students’ contact information, is being used to select a cross section from the UCSD populace to participate in the research. Students are anxiously awaiting invitations to the much anticipated study.
“I’ve heard those research people are fucking crazy,” confessed Muir Sophomore Brian Nielson. “I heard the last time they studied the effects of alcohol they all ended up naked in a hot tub with some random people they picked up in Pacific Beach and this dude Frank.”
“Goddamn I wanna gather data!” added Nielson.
The Institute’s efforts to study the effects of alcohol have met with more political resistance than their cannabis research. However, the modest school funding they began with—a $7,100 Graduate Student Association bar tab at Porter’s Pub—soon blossomed into an endowment providing enough money for a fully stocked laboratory, plush offices, and Internet-equipped beer helmets.
Although the funding for the project has drastically increased, “it’s still not enough,” commented GSA President Eric Frechette. “That’s why we passed a referendum to raise student fees. It is important research and we can’t go doing it with Popov and Pabst.”
('Borrowed' from the UCSD MQ)
Comments on UCSD Research on the Cutting Edge
Yeah Neuroscience!!! :)
|| Posted by jaws, September 22, 2004 02:51 PM ||(UCSD actually has one of the best departments in the country in terms of faculty in neuroscience as well).
Why don't I just send them a small vial of my blood. It's got all the ingredients they could possibly hope for, updated daily!
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 26, 2004 04:38 PM ||If anyone knows how to get involved in this PLEASE email me. FOr science sake, or for something else's sake. Thanks, kyle
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:40 PM |||| , 02:47 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
'Scare Tactics' hosted by Kerry
Oh give me a break:
Read More of "'Scare Tactics' hosted by Kerry"Is Kerry that desparate that he has to try and scare voters with this crap? If it were realistic, yes, I could see him raising concerns about it. Hell, there's even a small cause for this - there currently is (or was - I cannot locate H.R. 163) a bill in Congress to re-instate the draft. The things that aren't mentioned is that:
- It was initiated by Democratic representatives, and
- it has about a snowball's chance in Hell of ever getting out of committee and onto the floor of the House for a vote.
No way, no how is this gonna happen. Give it a rest John.All done with "'Scare Tactics' hosted by Kerry"?
Comments on 'Scare Tactics' hosted by Kerry
Dude, I has somebody try to drop a post in one of my comments section and it had the usual "Bush wants to kill your kids" crap. I left it there with my retort. Some people are just so stupid.
|| Posted by Kilabe, September 22, 2004 04:51 PM ||From the Library of Congress
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, September 23, 2004 05:26 AM ||yeah, kind of like Cheney's "if you dont vote for bush, you vote for osama bin laden" speech? Or the "if you vote for kerry, we will be attacked again"
|| Posted by nunya, September 25, 2004 03:36 AM ||The threat of another terrorist attack is a distinct possibility whereas the possibility of a new draft becoming reality is merely a threat.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 25, 2004 06:56 AM ||The threat of another terrorist attack is a distinct possibility whereas the possibility of a new draft becoming reality is merely a threat.
I, personally, would welcome an unconditional draft - if you're old enough and physically capable - off you go, no exceptions, no deferments! Seems to be the only way we can get all the young Republicans, like the Protest Warriors, who support this war in Uniform!
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 26, 2004 07:02 PM ||Dude, I has somebody try to drop a post in one of my comments section and it had the usual "Bush wants to kill your kids" crap. I left it there with my retort. Some people are just so stupid.
Uh, Kilabe old bud, better read this again, you are the proof of your own post! ;) LOL!
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:40 PM |||| , 02:27 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Marty wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table.
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His son says, "Well, you came home around 3 AM, drunk and delirious. Broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and gave yourself a black eye when you stumbled into the door."
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Comments on Priceless
Priceless!! Your blog rocks!
|| Posted by Steve, September 22, 2004 01:51 PM ||ROTFLMAO!
If only it were true.....
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, September 22, 2004 02:19 PM ||Good one!
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 23, 2004 11:04 AM ||As IF.....
(Jest kiddin'... ya know I love ya, Lil' Bro...)
|| Posted by Stevie, September 25, 2004 07:43 AM ||DELETED BY MIKE CAUSE HE IS GOD-LIKE HERE....
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:39 PM |||| , 01:41 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Follow the Chain
With my compliments to John Little for not freaking about me 'borrowing' his creation.
Comments on Follow the Chain
Could have done without the picture of the guy, but I love the other two.
|| Posted by Cait, September 23, 2004 07:21 AM ||Yeeeah, buuut... what the hell is the cat named Steve DOING?
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:29 PM |||| , 09:33 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 21, 2004
Myths Debunked, Part Deux
Although this is a re-print of an article from the Dallas Morning News, it does (at least to me) 'fill in some of the blanks' about all of the foaming-at-the-mouth questions concerning President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.
Go give it a read.
You'll either have your thinking confirmed or you'll be thrown into the Pit of Dispair™ over the agony of having what you thought was the 'truth' being smashed to little pieces.
(Via Beldarblog)
Comments on Myths Debunked, Part Deux
Saw that before. IMNSHO it doesn't answer any questions. But I do like this part... right after it said he received no preferential treatment it says...
"He personally met with Col. Walter B. Staudt, commander of the 147th group."
Uhm yea, well, shit I walked right into the Colonel's office when I signed up too. ROFL!!
I guess that was SOP for the TexANG right? You just walk right into the Colonel's office and say I want to be a pielit! Sure.
And Barnes already testified in 1999 under oath that he helped get Bush in. This article was written before the records were scrutinized too much, resulting in this article.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:25 PM |||| , 09:12 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Some people really surprise me in their vitriol. From the *cough* 'prose' that passes for thought from Daily Kos:
Huh...sounds like someone needs to check the dosage of their medication....Comments on Cough-Sputter-Cough...*indignation*!!
What? He's right.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:24 PM |||| , 08:47 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 20, 2004
Cause & Effect
Israel creates another Palestinian Car Swarm™:
Read More of "Cause & Effect"(Credit for creating the phrase 'Car Swarm' goes to Charles at LGF)
All done with "Cause & Effect"?
Comments on Cause & Effect
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:02 PM |||| , 12:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Bloggers 1, Rather 0
Dan Rather has issued a statement concerning the Killian Memos (via Drudge Report):
Actually, nothing is more important that you appearing to eat your hat to regain some of your lost viewers.In related news, Bill Burkett is identified as the source of the bogus memos:
Does the trail end here with Burkett?We'll have to wait and see what pops up on the scope....
Comments on Bloggers 1, Rather 0
What pops up just might be...
|| Posted by scroff, September 26, 2004 12:03 AM ||The ugliest damn thing you'll ever see!
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:00 PM |||| , 10:04 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 19, 2004
Filling in the Blanks
So far there's nothing new, but it is nice to read about some of the details that are constantly glossed over by the media. You know, the kind of detail that totally debunks some of the talking points floating around at MoveOn.org like:
I doubt that reading the 9/11 Commission Report will shead any new light on what I know of the attacks three years ago, but it will clarify some of the more....potent BS that keeps getting recycled by the foaming-at-the-mouth demographic of American society.More myth debunking as I come across it later.
Comments on Filling in the Blanks
"there's nothing new" "the media" "debunks" "talking points" "MYTH" "TRUTH" "clarify" "potent BS" "debunking"?
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 08:32 PM ||Just the word "sophism" will do.
I don't recall seeing that one at Moveon, Mikey... can you give me a citation?
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:59 PM |||| , 11:55 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 17, 2004
No Doom
Citizen Smash posts a message from a Marine on the ground in Iraq and he says 'It Ain't That Bad'.
Go take a look and then compare it to the 'Message of Doom' that just appeared in the news lately.
Who you gonna believe: arm-chair pundits thousands of miles away or someone who is right there?
Comments on No Doom
but Mikey,
|| Posted by ruthie, September 18, 2004 10:28 PM ||there are plenty of soldiers on the ground that think "it is so bad."
doesnt matter to him....he will beleiove anything that caters to his delusions.
|| Posted by nunya, September 20, 2004 11:01 AM ||I don't have the figures handy, but the re-enlistment rates are through the roof, especially for troops in Iraq.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 20, 2004 12:13 PM ||that is because these folks ar being forced to re-enlist.
take your head out of your ass
|| Posted by nunya, September 20, 2004 01:23 PM ||Wrong. I'm talking about voluntary re-enlistments. If they choose not to - yes, there is the possibility/probability of being extended.
And as for 'taking my head out of my ass' - watch you attitude or you'll find yourself banned. That's how your previous comments were deleted - cause you were being belligerent.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 20, 2004 02:17 PM ||mikey, you honestly think i cannot get back onto this site if you ban my ip? really now.
|| Posted by nunya, September 25, 2004 03:38 AM ||Sure you could. But you'd find anything you wrote deleted and it would be an increasing hassle to circumvent the IP ban.
Wouldn't it be easier to act in a civil manner instead of acting like an asshat?
Your choice sport but you're in the House of Mikey here.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 25, 2004 06:53 AM ||More like the Apartment of Mikey. If even that, your not even being hosted, your just sponging off of someone elses domain name, so it is more like the Sublet of Mikey.
|| Posted by nunya, September 25, 2004 08:08 PM ||It would be the House if you would be hosting your own shit on your own servers.
As it were, you just moved from one slum (blogspot) to another (mu.nu).
It's still more than you have at the moment and the point still is: this is my turf and the rules of my turf are:
Behave and let's have a civilized conversation, or act like an asshat and get deleted cause I am in control.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:56 PM |||| , 01:59 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Face of a Patriot
This is worth reading - a guy who bounces back after being wounded in Iraq. This is the face of a patriot.
Comments on Face of a Patriot
How come Scroff has no comment on this?
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 09:21 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:52 PM |||| , 06:19 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Threatened by a 3-Year Old?
This is messed up:
Read More of "Threatened by a 3-Year Old?"Geez, it kind of makes me wonder just how much foaming-at-the-mouth will occur when President Bush is re-elected. Maybe I should get some hip waders on order?
(Michelle sees the overflowing love too.)
UPDATE: The International Union Painters & Allied Trades attempts some damage control:
You're gonna take that one guy with bits of sign in his hand and kick his ass? Cause I tell you: if that happened to my kid, I'd be getting medieval on his carcass....All done with "Threatened by a 3-Year Old?"?
Comments on Threatened by a 3-Year Old?
I cried.
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 17, 2004 06:45 AM ||Maybe the Kerry campaign should start having its audience members sign a loyalty clause before they come to speaking engagements?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, September 17, 2004 08:22 AM ||what do loyalty clauses have to do with this? this shit happens on both sides and is unfortunately indicative of where politics have gone recently: the gutter.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 17, 2004 09:39 AM ||Dispicable hatred leads that runs so deep to impair judgement is typical among the Bush haters.
Sick bastards!
|| Posted by Chet, September 17, 2004 11:18 AM ||Well said nat!
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 12:29 PM ||On the other hand, I'm gonna vent here... the guys pretty frikin stupid to be bringing his kids to a Democratic rally with Bush signs. Let's be real. Even on the chance that there might be some asshole in the crowd, he's gonna go by himself to this rally with his three year old daughter? Now, before you all start going off on me about his "right" to display his sign, I agree, but you don't go walking through the south bronx at midnight flashing hundred dollar bills and then act all surprised when you get mugged, but it's your right to do so. And regarding the so called "peaceful, tolerant" label lots of rightwingers try to put on the left, I don't know where the hell you got that, anti-war is not anti-beat this stupid fuck down. Interesting how this gets posted by Drudge but the lefties who get beaten or arrested at Bush rallies don't seem to make the grade. Like nat says, it's on both sides, but I get ripped when I see some stupid fuck like this get all weepee when shit turns sour on his ass. There's bad people in the world. Until thats fixed, if thats ever fixed, leave your kids home, ya dumb shit.
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 01:09 PM ||So Scroff.....what are you really trying to say here....?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 17, 2004 02:02 PM ||Sorry, Mad One, didn't get enough sleep last might...
BTW, the latest on this is that it's a setup. Similar things happened to this guy three other times, once at the RNC, once in 2000 and once in 1996. The awful guy in the union shirt is suspected to be one of his numerous sons. The daughter is there for effect.
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 02:22 PM ||He was also interviewed on September 3rd when unknown Democratic assailants fired a bullet into the West Virginia GOP headquarters. Lightning strikes thrice plus one for this guy.
Ya, sure.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, September 17, 2004 05:03 PM ||The union knew exactly what happened and immediately apologized. That union leader is one of the "good" democrats. Kerry is not one of the "good" ones.
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 08:51 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:52 PM |||| , 06:04 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 15, 2004
News You Can Use III
Theron Says Love Scenes Awkward
Read More of "News You Can Use III"Practice, practice, practice!
Usher Leads American Music Award Nods
Well then, why not call him a 'Musician'...?
U2 Among Nominees for Rock Hall of Fame
I am!? Wow - you must really like my bass playing!
Calvin Klein Features Color
I guess the 'Black & White' Line didn't go over well last year....
Hopkins-De La Hoya recalls classic clash
Both agreed that Combat Rock was an awesome album.
Sharon Doesn't Plan to Follow 'Road Map'
And he probably won't stop & ask for directions either....
Libya Misses Payment to Bombing Victims
Well...they ARE dead, do what's the rush?
All done with "News You Can Use III"?
Comments on News You Can Use III
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:40 PM |||| , 11:05 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
High Standard
Michelle Malkin has a new column out where she takes Dan (What's the frequency?) Rather and CBS to task:
I know I said I wouldn't be posting anything else about the Killian memos, but I liked what Michelle said about the standards to which CBS has sunk and the standards by which bloggers (such as myself) try to attain: the truth and the facts cause each of us has multiple critics to ping on bad information.Comments on High Standard
That, Mikey, is the biggest pack of crap to float to the surface of the "blogosphere". Bloggers preach to their own choir, and there is very little real criticism of what anybody posts. If one blog writes stuff I disagree with, all I have to do is surf around and I'll find one I do agree with. These big blogs cater to a certain mind set, have a following of loyal readers who basically agree with the premise of the blog writer, and while they may disagree with, for example, how curled the apostrophe was, they all agree it was curled. If you check out a blogs "blogroll", you can tell their point of view. Blogrolls are not full of "critics" but partners in crime so to speak. Very few blogs have alternative links in their blogroll (yours is one of them) Don't buy into that crap, we both know better. Let me give you one example here... here's a fact... Bush got preferential treatment when he joined the guard and he has lied about it since he first started running for office. That's a fact and it's the truth. Find one right blog that states that. Here's another, there are no WMD in Iraq and Iraq was not a threat to the US or any of its neighbors, except perhaps Israel through alleged payments to Palestinian suicide bomber families. The world is not better off now that Saddam is gone, in fact, since we invaded and occupied Iraq the US in particular is in greater danger. Bush is a failure as a president... I could go on and on.
|| Posted by scroff, September 17, 2004 01:34 PM ||I know they 'preach to the choir', but consider who's gonna be your biggest critic? Someone who doesn't agree with you.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 17, 2004 02:04 PM ||During WWII a German sub with 4 japs and a nuclear bomb on board headed toward the U.S. coast. They were intercepted by the U.S. using information from German SS spies.
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 09:07 PM ||Liberals are Liberals because they have a low I.Q. when it comes to knowing the real events that did happen and that are going to happen.
Scroff burns me up (mad). Its all sophism, Mikey.
|| Posted by Ralph A Lombness, September 19, 2004 09:16 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 02:07 PM |||| , 07:21 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 14, 2004
Whole Lotta Fury
It looks spectacular from high above, but I wouldn't want to be hanging around New Orleans tomorrow.
Comments on Whole Lotta Fury
On behalf of the good people of New Orleans: whew!
I kid. Not because I love.
|| Posted by Dave, September 14, 2004 10:59 PM ||That is an awesome pichur!
|| Posted by scroff, September 18, 2004 05:50 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:36 PM |||| , 02:07 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Moral Decay of Film

I'm all kinds of glad for Jessica Simpson, but have we as a society decayed into such stagnation that we have to resurrect dead shows for new film ideas?At the rate Hollywood is going, The A-Team will premeire sometime around Summer 2008 and Gary Coleman will have buffed up enough to play Mr. T.
[Wait - didn't Governor Schwarzenegger just sign a law that outlaws messing around with the dead?]
Read More of "Moral Decay of Film"ADDENDUM: While searching for a link to The A-Team for the initial post, I stumbled across something that made me think I better stop prophesizing about weird crap....:
All done with "Moral Decay of Film"?
Comments on Moral Decay of Film
jThe A Team again? OK Mikey...are you asking us for the theme music again???
|| Posted by ruthie, September 14, 2004 11:14 AM ||Hell no.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 14, 2004 11:22 AM ||Gary Coleman is dead? This can't be! Noooooooooooooooo!!!
|| Posted by Dave, September 14, 2004 10:57 PM ||A Team? Did I hear A Team?
|| Posted by scroff, September 18, 2004 05:52 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:33 PM |||| , 07:10 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Is that a Train....?
Unless there's something really interesting that pops up soon, I think I am done with the CBS/Killian memo fiasco - or as many are calling it: Fraudgate™ or Memogate™.
It's interesting to watch this unfold - especially since I know that modern news reporting will be changed as a result of all of the blogsphere letting loose on CBS News and Dan Rather.
But it's like watching an boa constrictor swallow a rabbit - disgusting when thought of yet many watch it anyway. But after the initial euphoria has worn off you start thinking 'Get on with it darnit - I got stuff to do'.
I'll keep one eye on it and I might post something about the (hopefully) final outcome, but the play-by-play I'll leave to the heavy-hitter bloggers like LGF, Allah, or Wizbang. Trying to keep up with the constantly unfolding of events is starting to evolve into the 'light at the end of the tunnel' resolving into an on-coming freight train.
Comments on Is that a Train....?
I have an IBM Selectric II, which can do superscript and proportional spacing. One of the Prop guys rounded it up for me. I also used to own one. My father worked for IBM and bought one back in the late '60's. It too, could do proportional spacing and superscript.
Better lay off highlighting the superscript portion of the Memo's until the smoke clears on this, but then again, I'm sure the "Nobody But Bush" crowd will just come up with another reason to doubt their authenticity.
(Okay. I tried to post a link here to a brochure on IBM Seletrics, but your site wouldn't take it. So go here instead:)
Aamazing how some folks will believe a bunch of disgruntled,pissed off vets yet cast aspersions on Dan Rather and CBS.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 15, 2004 05:57 PM ||Hey d. s'bout time you did something useful in that job besides wrap parties and such :-}
I kinda liked Rathergate, Mad One.
|| Posted by scroff, September 18, 2004 05:56 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:33 PM |||| , 06:41 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 13, 2004
Al Gore as the Cowardly Lion
Al Gore is rumored to be checking into a new vocation - possibly Broadway:
Comments on Al Gore as the Cowardly Lion
lmoao, after almost choking on my sammich....
|| Posted by Stevie, September 13, 2004 07:01 PM ||You nut... *still giggling*
Not sure what that first "o" is for... oversized? outrageous? I just cannot spell, even acronyms?, which doesn't begin with "o" or anything, but is the truth, or what?
I think my hair just lightened a shade blonder, man...
|| Posted by Stevie, September 13, 2004 07:03 PM ||Nope, now I know what it is...
|| Posted by Stevie, September 13, 2004 07:04 PM ||Where the comments box pops up is in the middle and I can still see that big ol' grin over to the left, so it distracted me... lol.
Yeeeah, that's it...
Looks like he is trying to star in the squel to "Super-size Me"
|| Posted by The Pirate, September 14, 2004 09:46 AM ||That bastard got FAT! Holy crap!
|| Posted by Mays, September 17, 2004 01:03 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:27 PM |||| , 11:27 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Yeah....What She Said
Michelle at A Small Victory appears to have summerized all of this Killian memo crap:
Comments on Yeah....What She Said
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:06 PM |||| , 10:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Information Overload
There's just too much information breaking out on the web about the Killian memos on President Bush's service in the Texas ANG. So much that I'm starting to get cross-eyed from it.
The place to keep up with it is over at Allah's house.
I think now would be a good time for CBS to come 'clean' and admit they got suckered and for Dan Rather to consider retiring....
Comments on Information Overload
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:05 PM |||| , 08:22 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 10, 2004
A Good Start
When I first read this, I wasn't exactly sure what to make of it:
Read More of "A Good Start"I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over two years right after the Gulf War. Back then, I grew to understand Muslims a bit more than the average bear and accepted Islam as a good religion. It wasn't MY cup of tea, but I could at least appreciate it.
Then after the events of 9/11, I was just floored by the severe lack of anything coming from the American Muslim community. Why weren't they speaking out? Why weren't they saying anything besides 'don't racially profile us'??
Then I saw the video of the Palestinians freakin dancing in Gaza - celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans and that's when I decided that Islam was a joke religion....a farce. Screw them! I thought. Yes, I'm aware that those dancing couldn't represent all Muslims in the world, but from the thundering boom of silence on September 12th you could have fooled me.
To me, Islam and it's followers - especially here in the United States - have a long way to go to redeem themselves in my mind. If we are to truly believe the sincerity of this bold statement, then it's a step in the right direction. This group of Muslims has taken a step - now they must follow-through with more steps.
We'll be watching to see just how far they go.
All done with "A Good Start"?
Comments on A Good Start
pardon my lack of... I don't know what, but the idle words of a group that really has no power means nada to me. the actions of islam's leaders are what count here, and their actions are the same today as they have been for decades. a newspaper apology doesn't trump what the mullahs and sheiks are preaching today in their holy mosques. this religion has no legitimacy in my mind, and it burns me that it is grouped alongside modern christianity and judaism as one of the world's monotheistic religions, as if to make some point that they have something in common.
paraphrasing you: fuck them.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 10, 2004 01:16 PM ||Like I said - it's a start and they gotta start some place.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 10, 2004 01:52 PM ||Whoa!
Agreed, it's a start. Hopefully, this will encourage other similar groups to come forward and speak out. At this point, I'm not getting my hopes up, but we'll see.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, September 10, 2004 04:18 PM ||Yes, it's a start. But I'm not holding my breath either.
|| Posted by Maeve, September 11, 2004 10:13 PM ||Isn't this what you all wanted? Haven't you all said that the silence from the Muslim community was deafening? How, then, can you criticize an honest attempt to redress wrongs commited by Muslims?
This is an excellent first step. It will be easier to defeat the extremists if we encourage everyday Muslims to purge themselves of a cancer they have finally recognized as one that will destroy them as well as us.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 12, 2004 09:30 AM ||Just curious Maeve, are the IRA "Freedom Fighters" or "Terrorists"?
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 12, 2004 10:14 AM ||Just because I'm Irish does NOT mean I condone what they are doing. I don't condone ANY type of violence. I don't go out commiting hate crimes or treating people differnt for the color of their skin or the relgion they choose to follow.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:57 PM |||| , 12:56 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
A Question to Ponder
From The Politburo Diktat:
Ya know, this wouldn't surprise me a bit....UPDATE:
Interesting....It would seem that Mikey Moore is banking on this 'damning information' to sway many, many voters:
Me personally - I would have zipped my mouth shut and let the public 'get it' on their own if I were gunning to get President Bush out of office in case they were discovered to be fakes. But then again, Moore is known for calling lots of attention to himself....to putting the spotlight on his 'keen intellect'.
Now, if you were in the 'know' on possible 'smoking gun' memos and wanted to make sure that everyone knew about them, would you quietly slip them to Dan Rather or would you trumpet the fact that you're the one nailing Bush's coffin shut and do a hideous fat-man dance?
Like I said - it wouldn't surprise me....
Comments on A Question to Ponder
Hmmm, Mikey, glad to see you're taking a more cautious approach with these things. Hope you're doing okay. Lemme know.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:55 PM |||| , 09:36 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
The Other Mike S. manages to turn the carbon atoms in his phone into diamonds while dealing with stupid operators.
I hate to laugh at someone's pain like this, but the way he writes makes me giggle 'man style'.
Comments on Transfiguration
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Help from Clippy
(Nicely glommed from WizBang via Dodd)
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News You Can Use II
Kerry Pitching Health Care Solutions
He better be careful or he'll put someone's eye out.
US public deserves a better debate: Kerry sister
Why would we debate about Kerry's sister?
Scientists Stumped by Dead Croakers
Isn't 'dead croakers' redundant?
Hypnosis Effective in Relieving Cancer Pain
But you end up strutting around like a chicken.....
Space Probe Fails to Deploy Chute, Slams into Earth
Earth to file lawsuit alleging pain and suffering.
Dog Walker Discovers a Penny Worth Thousands
Okay, one more time: a penny is worth a penny!!
Dean Offers Critiques, Solutions for Dems
Advice from Howard Dean? That's like taking advice from Herman Goering on effective anti-aircraft fire techniques....
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:54 PM |||| , 07:41 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Wasted Bandwidth?
Cait has found possibly 'the stupidest cat site on the Internet' here.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:53 PM |||| , 07:08 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
As my good friend Stevie would sometimes say:
If this gets any bigger like it has in the last 24 hours, someone is gonna get a serious ass kicking over at Kerry HQ.
Comments on Ruh-Roh!
What I don't get is IF they were legit, why weren't they discovered and exposed in the previous election?
Cause you know there are those out there that will be in denial about this.
People obviously are firing more neurons about this, are they, mikey?
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 10, 2004 12:50 PM ||AND the fact that Bush was still HONORABLY discharged. IF there was any truth to this, that would be different.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 10, 2004 12:52 PM ||I don't know whether the docs are genuine or not. I'll wait and see.
But this whole line of crap about the Honorable Discharge meaning anything is bunk. An Hohorable Discharge, for some people, is as easy to get as a phone call or a friend in the right place.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:18 PM |||| , 06:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 09, 2004
You know those memos that just surfaced from President Bush's former commanding officer? The ones that 'show' Lt. Bush was a problem? They're probably forgeries.
Read More of "Busted!"From Power Line: The Sixty-First Minute
Comments on Busted!
I'm Tom, the RiverRat, that started all of this with a brainfart at about 0500 PST today. I was reading the CBS article and looking at the documents when it hit me that the May 19, 72 memo looked like it was New Times Roman Variable which didn't exist in 1972 (especially in the military). I asked a question at www.swiftvets.com and we developed the story within an hour.
I've already spoken to Major Garrett at Fox who says he's hot on the story and of course emailed my conclusions to Poweline et.al.
More power to the new media and the power of the internet.
|| Posted by Tom RiverRat Mortensen, September 9, 2004 11:06 AM ||Good call Tom!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2004 11:12 AM ||I was stationed at the 45th Brigade S-3 office as and Operations and Intelligence Assistant during the period of 1966-Sept 1967 and used a IBM Executive Model C which had varible spacing and a th and nd key....according to some accounts this typewriter didn't come into existance till the early 70's which is false. The Model C was introduced in 1959. I don't wish to claim that the typeface used in the questioned documents were available at that time but variable spacing and th/nd were on IBM models in the mid 60's
|| Posted by Bob, September 15, 2004 06:41 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:13 PM |||| , 10:39 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 08, 2004
Registered to Vote?
It's a good thing that the 'world' isn't eligible to vote here in November.
From the International Herald Tribune: Global poll shows a Kerry landslide
Read More of "Registered to Vote?"It's so nice to know that some cultures have the moral center-of-gravity to make such judgmental calls like these....
All done with "Registered to Vote?"?
Comments on Registered to Vote?
What this is saying is that they love America but hate the administration.
Lots of us feel that way.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., September 8, 2004 02:48 PM ||Do not get me started on the illegal mexicans, mikey.
But oh, what a shocker that the damn frogs would want The Frenchurian Candidate over Bush!
I don't get the Left. Kerry is going on and on about his 3 purple hearts, yet he trounced the soldiers that were there. Don't they see this as incongruent?
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 9, 2004 07:35 AM ||Sometimes it seems that the only thing that matters is that everyone on the planet knows that Bush=Hitler!!.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2004 09:22 AM ||Grump,
|| Posted by scroff, September 10, 2004 03:18 PM ||Care to show me, verbatim, where Kerry "trounced" the soldiers who were in Vietnam? I'd be interested in seeing that. After all, it might sway my vote for Kerry.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:10 PM |||| , 01:14 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Democrat Math
'60 Minutes' is going to go out on a limb:
Bush faces pressure over drugs and draft
Read More of "Democrat Math"I would have thought this would be seared - seared into his memory.....
Oh, and take a guess who is one of Kerry's 'top fundraisers'....what a coincidence.
All done with "Democrat Math"?
Comments on Democrat Math
Oh details, details, Mikey. It's not important unless it paints the conservatives in a bad light.
I think Kerry and team are running scared. They ought to be. So they're pulling out all the stops and every freak from the woodwork.
The Republicans got their "bounce" after the convention. Kerry is still thinking they're going to get theirs. HA! If it ain't happened by now, it ain't gonna happen.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 8, 2004 10:31 AM ||Details, Grump? lol
Like the little detail that Barnes didn't get Bush his soft spot in the Guard while he was Lt. Governor, but while he was Texas speaker of the House?
Oh those nasty little details. :) Maybe the confusion comes because there's "Lt" in there somehwere, you know, a fake Lt. Bush as opposed to a Lt. Governor...
Mikey, you been drinking too much "lt" beer to have missed this one. ;)
|| Posted by scroff, September 8, 2004 08:49 PM ||but in all fairness, I fucked it up too. That's why Barnes came out with this, to set the record straight.
we're supposed to trust Barnes' word on this? he's not a kerry fundraiser, is he? I mean, a dude that's supporting sbvt has supported bush, so.... if I'm to trust Barnes, then I challenge you to trust the SBVT. I guess everybody is a liar in this political day and age.
problem is, those who are doing the happy dance over these memos and brushing off any implication that they MAY be forged are the same folks who are brushing off the vets that speak out about kerry (they're all lying sacks-o-shit, right?). let's see, we have a dead man's (alleged) memo that came from an unknown source (he's no longer on God's Green Earth to talk to this), and we have 200+ living vets telling their story of what happened 30 years ago. one is absolute truth, the other must be a lie. hmm....
regardless, I want to know where these memos came from, and I want them investigated. if they are fake, CBS needs to own up to it. if they are not faked, then CBS' credibility stays in tact and we can all move along. as long as this is NOT addressed, CBS no longer has any credibility, and dan rather should just retire now. I just wonder why CBS isn't doing anything to defend themselves, besides the good ol' "oh, trust us on this one!"
skepticism should apply to all sides, and nobody should be doing any happy dances. this shit is making my head spin.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 10, 2004 12:56 PM ||wtf? I'm lost in the space here... where am I? what post am I commenting on? anybody home? hello? where is the space monkey overlord when I need him most?
thank the space overlord it's friday.
|| Posted by nathaile, September 10, 2004 01:01 PM ||The memos could be faked. I wouldn't be surprised. Barnes isn't fake, and I tend to believe him, for the simple reason that lots of priveledged guys were doing it and Bush was (is?) a spoiled little rich boy who wasn't going to give up his party life to get his hands dirty, and maybe blown off, in Vietnam. Bush has also said he served in the Air Force in his first campaign for Texas gov... so we've gone from serving in the Air Force, to well, it was really the Air National Guard and actually only 600 hours in the Air Force, to Well, I got an Honorable Discharge. I got an Honorable Discharge, and I had 13 Article 15s, so an Honorable doesn't mean anything, especially when you're a Bush.
What's happening is really sickening. Bush says Kerry sux, Kerry says, no you sux! No you! You! You!
Camp Bush is now saying the exact same thing about this Texans for Truth ad as Camp Kerry said about the Pissed Off Swifties. (Interesting thing though about the Pissed Off Swifties, they were all supposed to have served with Kerry, but one of them that I know of was an Air Force Col... what's a wingnut Col doing on a swift boat?? Guess that was a lie, then.)
I think you said it nat when you said they're all full of shit. I just happen to think Bush (and the bush camp) is more full of shit.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:07 PM |||| , 07:57 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Sharp, Pointy Teeth
the attack posture of an Iraqi Death Bunny™
Comments on Sharp, Pointy Teeth
The Iraqi Death Bunny™... this has GOT to be, the what? Grandson, Great-Grandson of the one that "attacked" Carter when he was canoeing that time?
(Yeees, I crack me right up. Today, especially, for some reason, oh and I LOVE the new pisture of you... Christ on a stick, you are ADORABLE, Dude... Whatta a mega-watt grin you have. Makes me smile to see it, sincerely. *hugs*)
|| Posted by Stevie, September 8, 2004 12:06 PM ||See? It's so damned adorable I can't even spell... pisture?
|| Posted by Stevie, September 8, 2004 12:08 PM ||*slithering outta chair, onto floor, laughing so hard I'm crying, now*
My job is done if I make women laugh me....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 8, 2004 01:40 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:07 PM |||| , 07:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 07, 2004
Endangered Industry
Hollywood is in danger of becoming 'officially useless':
Read More of "Endangered Industry"Let's wait and see....
All done with "Endangered Industry"?
Comments on Endangered Industry
Moore is forgoing the best documentary category because he wants to get his movie onto TV before the election. If it goes on TV it's not eligible for best documentary.
"The only problem with my desire to get this movie in front of as many Americans as possible is that, should it air on TV, I will NOT be eligible to submit "Fahrenheit 9/11" for Academy Award consideration for Best Documentary. Academy rules forbid the airing of a documentary on television within nine months of its theatrical release (fiction films do not have the same restriction).
Although I have no assurance from our home video distributor that they would allow a one-time television broadcast -- and the chances are they probably won't -- I have decided it is more important to take that risk and hope against hope that I can persuade someone to put it on TV, even if it's the night before the election.
I have informed our distributors of my decision. They support me (in fact, they then offered to submit our film for all the other categories it is eligible for, including Best Picture -- so, hey, who knows, maybe I'll get to complete that Oscar speech from 2003! Sorry, just kidding)."
So, there's Moore's reasons.
|| Posted by scroff, September 8, 2004 08:36 PM ||Yeah, Hollywood produces some real idiots, like Raygun, and now Schwartzen-muscle, who claims he can remember Soviet tanks in his home town even though the Soviets left in '45 and he was born in '47! What's that? Pre-natal memories? Like Raygun before him, it seems the Gropenator confuses Movie scripts with reality.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:34 PM |||| , 11:35 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 06, 2004
The Fifth One
I'll have to read them over and then read them over once more to get an idea of where I stand on some of the more virulent ones.
Short snap-judgment: Anything the ACLU objects to must be a good thing.
When I first settled here in California, I thought that initiatives and propositions were a good thing - a way to enable the people to directly have their will manifested in public law. It's called 'direct democracy' and it seemed to be the way to step on the necks of those in Sacramento in order to get stuff done.
But with each new election cycle and each new batch of initiatives & propositions that appear to be written by Charles Manson on a good day, I'm beginning to think that the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse will be the Secretary of State of California weilding a fistful of petitions.
Comments on The Fifth One
Oh my fuck... that last paragraph...
Mikey, yer killin' me, I can't breath for laughing.
Man, that was great... Charles Manson on a good day, Fifth Horseman of the Apocolypse/Sec. of State... beee-utiful...
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:30 PM |||| , 12:01 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Page Turner
A present from my wife for finishing up summer school - all three classes in 10 weeks.
I highly recommend this book. Even though I'm not finished with it yet (I'm up to the part where Franks is negotiating death ray technology from the aliens so Bush can conquer the planet), this book is very hard to put down.
From the amount I've read, General Franks is my kind of guy - no BS and he strives to get the tasks given to him done. Excellent book!
Comments on Page Turner
"...Franks is negotiating death ray technology from the aliens so Bush can conquer the planet..."
LOL! Why didn't he just call the Robot Space Monkey Overlord?
Congrats on finishing 3 classes in 10 weeks, Bro! At first I thought you wrote "3 GLASSES in 10 weeks" and I couldn't figure out what the hell you were drinking that took so long to get down! Sigh. BTW, finally figgered out what the Iraqi Death Bunny is! You rascal!
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 6, 2004 12:33 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:30 PM |||| , 11:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 04, 2004
Chechen Whimps
I haven't posted anything about this lastest example of the Religion of Peace™ and its ambassadors taking Russian children hostage and killing a couple hundred of them.
Everytime I see children killed like this I always wonder Just when is enough going to be enough? When will people realize that the Religion of Peace™ isn't what they talking themselves up to be, especially when you think about all the insance cries of 'genocide' that Western militaries are accused of that proport the purposeful killing of children?
Taking hundreds of children hostage all to get your stinking little demands met doesn't rate high in God's book if I could be so bold. And it doesn't make much of an argument about how 'brave' you are......whimps.
These Chechen terrorists are now officially on my "I Don't Give A Flying F**k What You're Fighting For Cause It Is A Load Of Crap" list.
And the screams of condemnation coming from the Islamic Street - well, it's a deafening silence. But I'm an not surprised.....not one bit.
These Chechen *cough*
rebelsterroristspieces of sh*t deserve some reserved seats on the 'Brain Trust Express' spacecraft that will be shot into deep, deep space.....never to be heard from again.Comments on Chechen Whimps
Ya know what really gets to me about all of this? Silence from the UN. In recent years they've tried to globally make it impossible for a parent to spank their child and yet this occurs and where are the peace keepers?
|| Posted by Chelle, September 4, 2004 05:05 PM ||Gotta agree with you on this one, bro. BTW, talked to scroff. Best of luck. If you need anything, call me. Still got the number?
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 5, 2004 05:11 PM ||First I want to castrate them with piano wire and then ship them out. Oh wait, if they had any balls then they would not be so chicken shit to take kids hostages. I don't care what religion you practice, isn't the basic prinicpal "thou shal not kill" "do unto others"? People today just make me sick to my stomach.
|| Posted by Maeve, September 6, 2004 08:30 AM ||Think youre pissed and disgusted now?
Better have a look at these to see just how tore up the Peaceful, dignified Islamics are:
And here one of the slimeballs actually blame the Jews!
|| Posted by Scottk, September 6, 2004 09:58 AM ||there is no surprise here, just the same shit (maybe a slightly different shade of shit-brown, and a different stink):
1. Islamofascists/death cult bringing darkness and death to innocent people
2. The media are, as usual, unable to call it what it is. they call it everything BUT what it is
3. The "International Community" that pops a blood vessel every time the United States sneezes can't bring "itself" to condemn this loudly. this incident is close to the scale of 9/11 (not based on the # of people, but on the details). where are they? where is the UN? once again, they have proven how irrelevant and incompetent they are. where is the UNSC resolution? the UN jumps like flies on feces when Israel rids the world of one more terrorist, but a couple hundred innocent people? doesn't matter-- turn around and keep going, nothing to see here.
this shit really chaps my hide. I'm totally with you mikey. I don't give a shit about what they're fighting for, I don't care about the "Arab street" or offending their delicate sensibilities, and I don't care about teh int'l community, whatever that is.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 8, 2004 05:38 PM ||I agree this was fucked, let's get that out of the way, but why do people get tweaked about stuff like this but don't bat an eye or simply don't want to know about what's happening in Chechnya or the Sudan (or many other places) on any given day??
|| Posted by scroff, September 8, 2004 09:08 PM ||Cause the media tends to ignore those areas.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2004 06:23 AM ||You mean because it doesn't make headlines and you actually have to look for it, which the average american doesn't have time or doesn't give a fuck about enough to do...
|| Posted by scroff, September 10, 2004 03:32 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:04 PM |||| , 10:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 03, 2004
Two Peas in a Pod
Thinking that John Edwards as Vice President would be a good thing? Think that only Kerry is capable of talking out one side of his face and blabbing something different out the other? Think again:
Read More of "Two Peas in a Pod"Actually, this doesn't surprise me considering that Kerry had to search for the 'perfect' candidate to run on his ticket. He/she had to be a hypocrite just like Kerry.
To paraphrase Forrest Gump: They go together like peas and carrots.
(Nicely glommed from Brent at The Ville
All done with "Two Peas in a Pod"?
Comments on Two Peas in a Pod
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:03 PM |||| , 10:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Excused Absence?
As much as I wanted to see it - and I specifically AFFIRMED my ownership of the television with the rest of the household beforehand - I didn't watch President Bush speaking at the RNC.
As my inverse Irish luck would dictate, I was recovering from minor surgery and was zonked out on H-bomb strength medication.
From the quick look at the blogsphere, the reactions were mostly positive.
Comments on Excused Absence?
Hope you're doing better now!
|| Posted by jaws, September 3, 2004 03:05 PM ||You've gotta see a video of the speech and the video they showed preceeding it
You were looking at the wrong side of the blogsphere ;)
|| Posted by scroff, September 4, 2004 06:57 PM ||Just watch the video of his 2000 speech, it was the same shit all over again. You'da thunk he would've solved all those problems by now, but I guess not. You didn't miss anything. Oh, except the disgusting way the Republicans dishonored America's wounded Vets by passing out little band-aids with Purple Hearts on them. Is there no end to the depths of depravity these folks will sink to?
Anyway, you need, just ask.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 5, 2004 05:15 PM ||Those Band-Aids were a bit over the top....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 5, 2004 07:18 PM ||Mikey,
Over the Top? This was so below the belt it undermines the integrity of every vet who was ever awarded the Purple Heart!
C'mon, Bro, get real! How can you possibly support these cretins?
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 6, 2004 06:48 AM ||The Band-Aid thing was tacky IMO, but I cannot condemn ALL of a particular group for the actions of a few of it's members.
I apply the same standards to those that would support Kerry as to those that would support Presdident Bush: you cannot judge the whole based on some of the components. If I did, I wouldn't give anyone left-of-center the time of day.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 6, 2004 10:47 AM ||Ah, Mikey, if I didn't luv ya so much I'd really let ya have it, ya big lug. Instead I'll just give you one of those looks we've talked about before and state my case at my own place.
On another note, hope you're enjoying some quality time with your family on this fine Labor Day Weekend. Best to You & Yours.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 6, 2004 12:44 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:01 PM |||| , 06:25 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 01, 2004
Hand Salute!
Coincidence? You decide.
(With my apoligizes to Bob Denver.)
Comments on Hand Salute!
Actually, their facial resemblence is pretty strong, too.
Man, that dude oughta be known as John Scary, as in "looking". *shudder*
|| Posted by Stevie, September 2, 2004 09:02 PM ||Got a picture of Cheney saluting? No? Didn't think so.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 5, 2004 05:18 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:13 PM |||| , 12:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Something I noted on the sidebar over at Croooow Blog:
I have a feeling this 'I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it' will go down in history as the quote that destroyed Kerry's credibility.Comments on Credibility
Think so, Mikey? Have you ever taken the time to research why he did that? Could it be because the bill authorizing the expenditure had changed?
I guess it's easier to just parrot the "party line" than find out the facts.
I'm surprised at you, Mikey. It's time to come home. Scroff helps others, maybe he has a therapy for recovering Republicans, :lol: !
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 5, 2004 05:21 PM ||I, however, will actually vote against John Kerry before ever voting for him.
And deuddersun, I don't doubt that he may have had some legitimate reasons for voting down that bill. I've just yet to hear of any. Kerry hasn't made it all that obvious why he voted it down. From that quote, he gives the impression that he was for the idea of the bill, but not the bill itself so that he can have it both ways. He can then criticize excessive spending and deficits while claiming he supported the intent of the bill. I'll admit though, taking quotes out of context often change their meaning somewhat, so it is possible that the quote makes sense in the context of when he said it. Maybe that should be something the anti-bush folks should consider flinging around Bush quotes.
At any rate, it hardly matters why he voted against it since that vote isn't going to sit well with alot of veterans and current service members regardless of his reasons.
|| Posted by Jason, September 7, 2004 01:02 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:12 PM |||| , 09:47 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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