Just spent the last few days back in the hospital - this time for having waaaayyy too much potassium in my system.....so much that it was a 'heart attack in the making'.
Apparently, my dialysis isn't clearing all of the extra potassium from my system and the 'cause' was found to me a kink in the AV fistula in my left arm. An angioplasty procedure was performed yesterday afternoon and I was released from the hospital.
Needless to say, I'm glad to me out of the hospital.
I wonder.....
Severe Geomagnetic Storm Expected From Tuesday's Solar Flare.....just how long before some moonbat points to President Bush and blames him for the disruption to global communications....all because the U.S. didn't sign the Kyoto Accords....wait for it.Space weather forecasters revised their predictions for storminess Wednesday after a major flare erupted on the Sun overnight, threatening damage to communication systems and power grids while offering up the wonder of the Northern Lights.
"We're looking for very strong, severe geomagnetic storming" to begin probably around mid-day Thursday, Joe Kunches, lead forecaster at the NOAA Space Environment Center, told SPACE.com.
The storm is expected to generate aurora or Northern Lights as far south as the northern United States Thursday night.
After finishing my two final exams in the last few weeks, it's time for a little downtime in my neck of the woods.
This basically means that I'll be focusing on Christmas and working on getting back some sort of Internet access in my house. Until I get the broadband back up and running, I'll have to go up to school to get on-line.
It sucks to be broke. But hey....at least it isn't something that can take me out of this world like being struck by a rogue meteorite.
After agonizing over it during the summer and these last few months, I finally passed the first class in Linear Control systems this morning!!
The professor of the class excused me from the final exam last spring and administered an oral (save the jokes) final exam this morning. Although I initially stumbled, I gave decent enough answers that he passed me. I passed with a 'C', but I passed none-the-less!!
And this is a good thing considering that I'm currently about to finish the second Linear Control systems class next week - it wouldn't be so good if I passed the B-section while failing the A-section.
Ahem.....now all I have left is a total of FIVE engineering classes and two physics classes left to get my BS in Electrical Engineering.
Just spent the last few days back in the hospital - this time for having waaaayyy too much potassium in my system.....so much that it was a 'heart attack in the making'.
Apparently, my dialysis isn't clearing all of the extra potassium from my system and the 'cause' was found to me a kink in the AV fistula in my left arm. An angioplasty procedure was performed yesterday afternoon and I was released from the hospital.
Needless to say, I'm glad to me out of the hospital.
I wonder.....
Severe Geomagnetic Storm Expected From Tuesday's Solar Flare.....just how long before some moonbat points to President Bush and blames him for the disruption to global communications....all because the U.S. didn't sign the Kyoto Accords....wait for it.Space weather forecasters revised their predictions for storminess Wednesday after a major flare erupted on the Sun overnight, threatening damage to communication systems and power grids while offering up the wonder of the Northern Lights.
"We're looking for very strong, severe geomagnetic storming" to begin probably around mid-day Thursday, Joe Kunches, lead forecaster at the NOAA Space Environment Center, told SPACE.com.
The storm is expected to generate aurora or Northern Lights as far south as the northern United States Thursday night.
After finishing my two final exams in the last few weeks, it's time for a little downtime in my neck of the woods.
This basically means that I'll be focusing on Christmas and working on getting back some sort of Internet access in my house. Until I get the broadband back up and running, I'll have to go up to school to get on-line.
It sucks to be broke. But hey....at least it isn't something that can take me out of this world like being struck by a rogue meteorite.
After agonizing over it during the summer and these last few months, I finally passed the first class in Linear Control systems this morning!!
The professor of the class excused me from the final exam last spring and administered an oral (save the jokes) final exam this morning. Although I initially stumbled, I gave decent enough answers that he passed me. I passed with a 'C', but I passed none-the-less!!
And this is a good thing considering that I'm currently about to finish the second Linear Control systems class next week - it wouldn't be so good if I passed the B-section while failing the A-section.
Ahem.....now all I have left is a total of FIVE engineering classes and two physics classes left to get my BS in Electrical Engineering.
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Comments on Back Again
dammit mikey, will you stop getting so sick!
|| Posted by nunya, December 23, 2006 06:52 AM ||Merry Christmas to you and your family, Mad One. Here's hoping your shit gets better.
|| Posted by scroff, December 25, 2006 12:10 PM |||| , 02:29 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||