When I first read this, I wasn't exactly sure what to make of it:
Read More of "A Good Start"We Are So Sorry for 9-11
Now I don't want to appear to be a hypocrite - especially when I've called Islam the 'Religion of Peace™' in the past, but if this declaration is to be taken on its word as sincere....then it's a good step in the right direction.This September 11 marks the third unforgettable anniversary of the worst mass murder in American history.
After September 11, many in the Muslim world chose denial and hallucination rather than face up to the sad fact that Muslims perpetrated the 9-11 terrorist acts and that we have an enormous problem with extremism and support for terrorism. Many Muslims, including religious leaders, and “intellectuals” blamed 9-11 on a Jewish conspiracy and went as far as fabricating a tale that 4000 Jews did not show up for work in the World Trade Center on 9-11. Yet others blamed 9-11 on an American right wing conspiracy or the U.S. Government which allegedly wanted an excuse to invade Iraq and “steal” Iraqi oil.
After numerous admissions of guilt by Bin Laden and numerous corroborating admissions by captured top level Al-Qaida operatives, we wonder, does the Muslim leadership have the dignity and courage to apologize for 9-11?
If not 9-11, will we apologize for the murder of school children in Russia?If not Russia, will we apologize for the train bombings in Madrid, Spain?
If not Spain, will we apologize for suicide bombings in buses, restaurants and other public places?
If not suicide bombings, will we apologize for the barbaric beheadings of human beings?
If not beheadings, will we apologize for the rape and murder of thousands of innocent people in Darfour?
If not Darfour, will we apologize for the blowing up of two Russian planes by Muslim women?
What will we apologize for?
What will it take for Muslims to realize that those who commit mass murder in the name of Islam are not just a few fringe elements?
What will it take for Muslims to realize that we are facing a crisis that is more deadly than the Aids epidemic?
What will it take for Muslims to realize that there is a large evil movement that is turning what was a peaceful religion into a cult?
Will Muslims wake up before it is too late? Or will we continue blaming the Jews and an imaginary Jewish conspiracy? The blaming of all Muslim problems on Jews is a cancer that is destroying Muslim society from within and it must stop.
Muslims must look inward and put a stop to many of our religious leaders who spend most of their sermons teaching hatred, intolerance and violent jihad. We should not be afraid to admit that as Muslims we have a problem with violent extremism. We should not be afraid to admit that so many of our religious leaders belong behind bars and not behind a pulpit.
Only moderate Muslims can challenge and defeat extremist Muslims. We can no longer afford to be silent. If we remain silent to the extremism within our community then we should not expect anyone to listen to us when we complain of stereotyping and discrimination by non-Muslims; we should not be surprised when the world treats all of us as terrorists; we should not be surprised when we are profiled at airports.
Simply put, not only do Muslims need to join the war against terror, we need to take the lead in this war.
As to apologizing, we will no longer wait for our religious leaders and “intellectuals” to do the right thing. Instead, we will start by apologizing for 9-11.
We are so sorry that 3000 people were murdered in our name. We will never forget the sight of people jumping from two of the highest buildings in the world hoping against hope that if they moved their arms fast enough that they may fly and survive a certain death from burning.
We are sorry for blaming 9-11 on a Jewish or right wing conspiracy.
We are so sorry for the murder of more than three hundred school children and adults in Russia.
We are so sorry for the murder of train passengers in Spain.
We are so sorry for all the victims of suicide bombings. We are so sorry for the beheadings, abductions, rapes, violent Jihad and all the atrocities committed by Muslims around the world.
We are so sorry for a religious education that raised killers rather than train people to do good in the world. We are sorry that we did not take the time to teach our children tolerance and respect for other people.
We are so sorry for not rising up against the dictators who have ruled the Muslim world for decades.
We are so sorry for allowing corruption to spread so fast and so deep in the Muslim world that many of our youth lost hope.
We are so sorry for allowing our religious leaders to relegate women to the status of forth class citizens at best and sub-humans at worse.
We are so sorry.
For more information visit our website at: www.freemuslims.org
I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over two years right after the Gulf War. Back then, I grew to understand Muslims a bit more than the average bear and accepted Islam as a good religion. It wasn't MY cup of tea, but I could at least appreciate it.
Then after the events of 9/11, I was just floored by the severe lack of anything coming from the American Muslim community. Why weren't they speaking out? Why weren't they saying anything besides 'don't racially profile us'??
Then I saw the video of the Palestinians freakin dancing in Gaza - celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans and that's when I decided that Islam was a joke religion....a farce. Screw them! I thought. Yes, I'm aware that those dancing couldn't represent all Muslims in the world, but from the thundering boom of silence on September 12th you could have fooled me.
To me, Islam and it's followers - especially here in the United States - have a long way to go to redeem themselves in my mind. If we are to truly believe the sincerity of this bold statement, then it's a step in the right direction. This group of Muslims has taken a step - now they must follow-through with more steps.
We'll be watching to see just how far they go.
All done with "A Good Start"?
Comments on A Good Start
pardon my lack of... I don't know what, but the idle words of a group that really has no power means nada to me. the actions of islam's leaders are what count here, and their actions are the same today as they have been for decades. a newspaper apology doesn't trump what the mullahs and sheiks are preaching today in their holy mosques. this religion has no legitimacy in my mind, and it burns me that it is grouped alongside modern christianity and judaism as one of the world's monotheistic religions, as if to make some point that they have something in common.
paraphrasing you: fuck them.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 10, 2004 01:16 PM ||Like I said - it's a start and they gotta start some place.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 10, 2004 01:52 PM ||Whoa!
Agreed, it's a start. Hopefully, this will encourage other similar groups to come forward and speak out. At this point, I'm not getting my hopes up, but we'll see.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, September 10, 2004 04:18 PM ||Yes, it's a start. But I'm not holding my breath either.
|| Posted by Maeve, September 11, 2004 10:13 PM ||Isn't this what you all wanted? Haven't you all said that the silence from the Muslim community was deafening? How, then, can you criticize an honest attempt to redress wrongs commited by Muslims?
This is an excellent first step. It will be easier to defeat the extremists if we encourage everyday Muslims to purge themselves of a cancer they have finally recognized as one that will destroy them as well as us.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 12, 2004 09:30 AM ||Just curious Maeve, are the IRA "Freedom Fighters" or "Terrorists"?
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 12, 2004 10:14 AM ||Just because I'm Irish does NOT mean I condone what they are doing. I don't condone ANY type of violence. I don't go out commiting hate crimes or treating people differnt for the color of their skin or the relgion they choose to follow.
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A Question to Ponder
From The Politburo Diktat:
Ya know, this wouldn't surprise me a bit....UPDATE:
Interesting....It would seem that Mikey Moore is banking on this 'damning information' to sway many, many voters:
Me personally - I would have zipped my mouth shut and let the public 'get it' on their own if I were gunning to get President Bush out of office in case they were discovered to be fakes. But then again, Moore is known for calling lots of attention to himself....to putting the spotlight on his 'keen intellect'.
Now, if you were in the 'know' on possible 'smoking gun' memos and wanted to make sure that everyone knew about them, would you quietly slip them to Dan Rather or would you trumpet the fact that you're the one nailing Bush's coffin shut and do a hideous fat-man dance?
Like I said - it wouldn't surprise me....
Comments on A Question to Ponder
Hmmm, Mikey, glad to see you're taking a more cautious approach with these things. Hope you're doing okay. Lemme know.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:55 PM |||| , 09:36 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
The Other Mike S. manages to turn the carbon atoms in his phone into diamonds while dealing with stupid operators.
I hate to laugh at someone's pain like this, but the way he writes makes me giggle 'man style'.
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Help from Clippy
(Nicely glommed from WizBang via Dodd)
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News You Can Use II
Kerry Pitching Health Care Solutions
He better be careful or he'll put someone's eye out.
US public deserves a better debate: Kerry sister
Why would we debate about Kerry's sister?
Scientists Stumped by Dead Croakers
Isn't 'dead croakers' redundant?
Hypnosis Effective in Relieving Cancer Pain
But you end up strutting around like a chicken.....
Space Probe Fails to Deploy Chute, Slams into Earth
Earth to file lawsuit alleging pain and suffering.
Dog Walker Discovers a Penny Worth Thousands
Okay, one more time: a penny is worth a penny!!
Dean Offers Critiques, Solutions for Dems
Advice from Howard Dean? That's like taking advice from Herman Goering on effective anti-aircraft fire techniques....
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:54 PM |||| , 07:41 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
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Cait has found possibly 'the stupidest cat site on the Internet' here.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:53 PM |||| , 07:08 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
As my good friend Stevie would sometimes say:
If this gets any bigger like it has in the last 24 hours, someone is gonna get a serious ass kicking over at Kerry HQ.
Comments on Ruh-Roh!
What I don't get is IF they were legit, why weren't they discovered and exposed in the previous election?
Cause you know there are those out there that will be in denial about this.
People obviously are firing more neurons about this, are they, mikey?
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 10, 2004 12:50 PM ||AND the fact that Bush was still HONORABLY discharged. IF there was any truth to this, that would be different.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 10, 2004 12:52 PM ||I don't know whether the docs are genuine or not. I'll wait and see.
But this whole line of crap about the Honorable Discharge meaning anything is bunk. An Hohorable Discharge, for some people, is as easy to get as a phone call or a friend in the right place.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:18 PM |||| , 06:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 09, 2004
You know those memos that just surfaced from President Bush's former commanding officer? The ones that 'show' Lt. Bush was a problem? They're probably forgeries.
Read More of "Busted!"From Power Line: The Sixty-First Minute
Comments on Busted!
I'm Tom, the RiverRat, that started all of this with a brainfart at about 0500 PST today. I was reading the CBS article and looking at the documents when it hit me that the May 19, 72 memo looked like it was New Times Roman Variable which didn't exist in 1972 (especially in the military). I asked a question at www.swiftvets.com and we developed the story within an hour.
I've already spoken to Major Garrett at Fox who says he's hot on the story and of course emailed my conclusions to Poweline et.al.
More power to the new media and the power of the internet.
|| Posted by Tom RiverRat Mortensen, September 9, 2004 11:06 AM ||Good call Tom!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2004 11:12 AM ||I was stationed at the 45th Brigade S-3 office as and Operations and Intelligence Assistant during the period of 1966-Sept 1967 and used a IBM Executive Model C which had varible spacing and a th and nd key....according to some accounts this typewriter didn't come into existance till the early 70's which is false. The Model C was introduced in 1959. I don't wish to claim that the typeface used in the questioned documents were available at that time but variable spacing and th/nd were on IBM models in the mid 60's
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:13 PM |||| , 10:39 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 08, 2004
Registered to Vote?
It's a good thing that the 'world' isn't eligible to vote here in November.
From the International Herald Tribune: Global poll shows a Kerry landslide
Read More of "Registered to Vote?"It's so nice to know that some cultures have the moral center-of-gravity to make such judgmental calls like these....
All done with "Registered to Vote?"?
Comments on Registered to Vote?
What this is saying is that they love America but hate the administration.
Lots of us feel that way.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., September 8, 2004 02:48 PM ||Do not get me started on the illegal mexicans, mikey.
But oh, what a shocker that the damn frogs would want The Frenchurian Candidate over Bush!
I don't get the Left. Kerry is going on and on about his 3 purple hearts, yet he trounced the soldiers that were there. Don't they see this as incongruent?
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 9, 2004 07:35 AM ||Sometimes it seems that the only thing that matters is that everyone on the planet knows that Bush=Hitler!!.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2004 09:22 AM ||Grump,
|| Posted by scroff, September 10, 2004 03:18 PM ||Care to show me, verbatim, where Kerry "trounced" the soldiers who were in Vietnam? I'd be interested in seeing that. After all, it might sway my vote for Kerry.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:10 PM |||| , 01:14 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Democrat Math
'60 Minutes' is going to go out on a limb:
Bush faces pressure over drugs and draft
Read More of "Democrat Math"I would have thought this would be seared - seared into his memory.....
Oh, and take a guess who is one of Kerry's 'top fundraisers'....what a coincidence.
All done with "Democrat Math"?
Comments on Democrat Math
Oh details, details, Mikey. It's not important unless it paints the conservatives in a bad light.
I think Kerry and team are running scared. They ought to be. So they're pulling out all the stops and every freak from the woodwork.
The Republicans got their "bounce" after the convention. Kerry is still thinking they're going to get theirs. HA! If it ain't happened by now, it ain't gonna happen.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 8, 2004 10:31 AM ||Details, Grump? lol
Like the little detail that Barnes didn't get Bush his soft spot in the Guard while he was Lt. Governor, but while he was Texas speaker of the House?
Oh those nasty little details. :) Maybe the confusion comes because there's "Lt" in there somehwere, you know, a fake Lt. Bush as opposed to a Lt. Governor...
Mikey, you been drinking too much "lt" beer to have missed this one. ;)
|| Posted by scroff, September 8, 2004 08:49 PM ||but in all fairness, I fucked it up too. That's why Barnes came out with this, to set the record straight.
we're supposed to trust Barnes' word on this? he's not a kerry fundraiser, is he? I mean, a dude that's supporting sbvt has supported bush, so.... if I'm to trust Barnes, then I challenge you to trust the SBVT. I guess everybody is a liar in this political day and age.
problem is, those who are doing the happy dance over these memos and brushing off any implication that they MAY be forged are the same folks who are brushing off the vets that speak out about kerry (they're all lying sacks-o-shit, right?). let's see, we have a dead man's (alleged) memo that came from an unknown source (he's no longer on God's Green Earth to talk to this), and we have 200+ living vets telling their story of what happened 30 years ago. one is absolute truth, the other must be a lie. hmm....
regardless, I want to know where these memos came from, and I want them investigated. if they are fake, CBS needs to own up to it. if they are not faked, then CBS' credibility stays in tact and we can all move along. as long as this is NOT addressed, CBS no longer has any credibility, and dan rather should just retire now. I just wonder why CBS isn't doing anything to defend themselves, besides the good ol' "oh, trust us on this one!"
skepticism should apply to all sides, and nobody should be doing any happy dances. this shit is making my head spin.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 10, 2004 12:56 PM ||wtf? I'm lost in the space here... where am I? what post am I commenting on? anybody home? hello? where is the space monkey overlord when I need him most?
thank the space overlord it's friday.
|| Posted by nathaile, September 10, 2004 01:01 PM ||The memos could be faked. I wouldn't be surprised. Barnes isn't fake, and I tend to believe him, for the simple reason that lots of priveledged guys were doing it and Bush was (is?) a spoiled little rich boy who wasn't going to give up his party life to get his hands dirty, and maybe blown off, in Vietnam. Bush has also said he served in the Air Force in his first campaign for Texas gov... so we've gone from serving in the Air Force, to well, it was really the Air National Guard and actually only 600 hours in the Air Force, to Well, I got an Honorable Discharge. I got an Honorable Discharge, and I had 13 Article 15s, so an Honorable doesn't mean anything, especially when you're a Bush.
What's happening is really sickening. Bush says Kerry sux, Kerry says, no you sux! No you! You! You!
Camp Bush is now saying the exact same thing about this Texans for Truth ad as Camp Kerry said about the Pissed Off Swifties. (Interesting thing though about the Pissed Off Swifties, they were all supposed to have served with Kerry, but one of them that I know of was an Air Force Col... what's a wingnut Col doing on a swift boat?? Guess that was a lie, then.)
I think you said it nat when you said they're all full of shit. I just happen to think Bush (and the bush camp) is more full of shit.
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the attack posture of an Iraqi Death Bunny™
Comments on Sharp, Pointy Teeth
The Iraqi Death Bunny™... this has GOT to be, the what? Grandson, Great-Grandson of the one that "attacked" Carter when he was canoeing that time?
(Yeees, I crack me right up. Today, especially, for some reason, oh and I LOVE the new pisture of you... Christ on a stick, you are ADORABLE, Dude... Whatta a mega-watt grin you have. Makes me smile to see it, sincerely. *hugs*)
|| Posted by Stevie, September 8, 2004 12:06 PM ||See? It's so damned adorable I can't even spell... pisture?
|| Posted by Stevie, September 8, 2004 12:08 PM ||*slithering outta chair, onto floor, laughing so hard I'm crying, now*
My job is done if I make women laugh me....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 8, 2004 01:40 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 01:07 PM |||| , 07:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 07, 2004
Endangered Industry
Hollywood is in danger of becoming 'officially useless':
Read More of "Endangered Industry"Let's wait and see....
All done with "Endangered Industry"?
Comments on Endangered Industry
Moore is forgoing the best documentary category because he wants to get his movie onto TV before the election. If it goes on TV it's not eligible for best documentary.
"The only problem with my desire to get this movie in front of as many Americans as possible is that, should it air on TV, I will NOT be eligible to submit "Fahrenheit 9/11" for Academy Award consideration for Best Documentary. Academy rules forbid the airing of a documentary on television within nine months of its theatrical release (fiction films do not have the same restriction).
Although I have no assurance from our home video distributor that they would allow a one-time television broadcast -- and the chances are they probably won't -- I have decided it is more important to take that risk and hope against hope that I can persuade someone to put it on TV, even if it's the night before the election.
I have informed our distributors of my decision. They support me (in fact, they then offered to submit our film for all the other categories it is eligible for, including Best Picture -- so, hey, who knows, maybe I'll get to complete that Oscar speech from 2003! Sorry, just kidding)."
So, there's Moore's reasons.
|| Posted by scroff, September 8, 2004 08:36 PM ||Yeah, Hollywood produces some real idiots, like Raygun, and now Schwartzen-muscle, who claims he can remember Soviet tanks in his home town even though the Soviets left in '45 and he was born in '47! What's that? Pre-natal memories? Like Raygun before him, it seems the Gropenator confuses Movie scripts with reality.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 11, 2004 05:07 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:34 PM |||| , 11:35 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
September 06, 2004
The Fifth One
I'll have to read them over and then read them over once more to get an idea of where I stand on some of the more virulent ones.
Short snap-judgment: Anything the ACLU objects to must be a good thing.
When I first settled here in California, I thought that initiatives and propositions were a good thing - a way to enable the people to directly have their will manifested in public law. It's called 'direct democracy' and it seemed to be the way to step on the necks of those in Sacramento in order to get stuff done.
But with each new election cycle and each new batch of initiatives & propositions that appear to be written by Charles Manson on a good day, I'm beginning to think that the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse will be the Secretary of State of California weilding a fistful of petitions.
Comments on The Fifth One
Oh my fuck... that last paragraph...
Mikey, yer killin' me, I can't breath for laughing.
Man, that was great... Charles Manson on a good day, Fifth Horseman of the Apocolypse/Sec. of State... beee-utiful...
|| Posted by Stevie, September 8, 2004 12:13 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:30 PM |||| , 12:01 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Page Turner
A present from my wife for finishing up summer school - all three classes in 10 weeks.
I highly recommend this book. Even though I'm not finished with it yet (I'm up to the part where Franks is negotiating death ray technology from the aliens so Bush can conquer the planet), this book is very hard to put down.
From the amount I've read, General Franks is my kind of guy - no BS and he strives to get the tasks given to him done. Excellent book!
Comments on Page Turner
"...Franks is negotiating death ray technology from the aliens so Bush can conquer the planet..."
LOL! Why didn't he just call the Robot Space Monkey Overlord?
Congrats on finishing 3 classes in 10 weeks, Bro! At first I thought you wrote "3 GLASSES in 10 weeks" and I couldn't figure out what the hell you were drinking that took so long to get down! Sigh. BTW, finally figgered out what the Iraqi Death Bunny is! You rascal!
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 6, 2004 12:33 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 12:30 PM |||| , 11:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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