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When I first read this, I wasn't exactly sure what to make of it:
We Are So Sorry for 9-11
Now I don't want to appear to be a hypocrite - especially when I've called Islam the 'Religion of Peace™' in the past, but if this declaration is to be taken on its word as sincere....then it's a good step in the right direction.This September 11 marks the third unforgettable anniversary of the worst mass murder in American history.
After September 11, many in the Muslim world chose denial and hallucination rather than face up to the sad fact that Muslims perpetrated the 9-11 terrorist acts and that we have an enormous problem with extremism and support for terrorism. Many Muslims, including religious leaders, and “intellectuals” blamed 9-11 on a Jewish conspiracy and went as far as fabricating a tale that 4000 Jews did not show up for work in the World Trade Center on 9-11. Yet others blamed 9-11 on an American right wing conspiracy or the U.S. Government which allegedly wanted an excuse to invade Iraq and “steal” Iraqi oil.
After numerous admissions of guilt by Bin Laden and numerous corroborating admissions by captured top level Al-Qaida operatives, we wonder, does the Muslim leadership have the dignity and courage to apologize for 9-11?
If not 9-11, will we apologize for the murder of school children in Russia?If not Russia, will we apologize for the train bombings in Madrid, Spain?
If not Spain, will we apologize for suicide bombings in buses, restaurants and other public places?
If not suicide bombings, will we apologize for the barbaric beheadings of human beings?
If not beheadings, will we apologize for the rape and murder of thousands of innocent people in Darfour?
If not Darfour, will we apologize for the blowing up of two Russian planes by Muslim women?
What will we apologize for?
What will it take for Muslims to realize that those who commit mass murder in the name of Islam are not just a few fringe elements?
What will it take for Muslims to realize that we are facing a crisis that is more deadly than the Aids epidemic?
What will it take for Muslims to realize that there is a large evil movement that is turning what was a peaceful religion into a cult?
Will Muslims wake up before it is too late? Or will we continue blaming the Jews and an imaginary Jewish conspiracy? The blaming of all Muslim problems on Jews is a cancer that is destroying Muslim society from within and it must stop.
Muslims must look inward and put a stop to many of our religious leaders who spend most of their sermons teaching hatred, intolerance and violent jihad. We should not be afraid to admit that as Muslims we have a problem with violent extremism. We should not be afraid to admit that so many of our religious leaders belong behind bars and not behind a pulpit.
Only moderate Muslims can challenge and defeat extremist Muslims. We can no longer afford to be silent. If we remain silent to the extremism within our community then we should not expect anyone to listen to us when we complain of stereotyping and discrimination by non-Muslims; we should not be surprised when the world treats all of us as terrorists; we should not be surprised when we are profiled at airports.
Simply put, not only do Muslims need to join the war against terror, we need to take the lead in this war.
As to apologizing, we will no longer wait for our religious leaders and “intellectuals” to do the right thing. Instead, we will start by apologizing for 9-11.
We are so sorry that 3000 people were murdered in our name. We will never forget the sight of people jumping from two of the highest buildings in the world hoping against hope that if they moved their arms fast enough that they may fly and survive a certain death from burning.
We are sorry for blaming 9-11 on a Jewish or right wing conspiracy.
We are so sorry for the murder of more than three hundred school children and adults in Russia.
We are so sorry for the murder of train passengers in Spain.
We are so sorry for all the victims of suicide bombings. We are so sorry for the beheadings, abductions, rapes, violent Jihad and all the atrocities committed by Muslims around the world.
We are so sorry for a religious education that raised killers rather than train people to do good in the world. We are sorry that we did not take the time to teach our children tolerance and respect for other people.
We are so sorry for not rising up against the dictators who have ruled the Muslim world for decades.
We are so sorry for allowing corruption to spread so fast and so deep in the Muslim world that many of our youth lost hope.
We are so sorry for allowing our religious leaders to relegate women to the status of forth class citizens at best and sub-humans at worse.
We are so sorry.
For more information visit our website at:
I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over two years right after the Gulf War. Back then, I grew to understand Muslims a bit more than the average bear and accepted Islam as a good religion. It wasn't MY cup of tea, but I could at least appreciate it.
Then after the events of 9/11, I was just floored by the severe lack of anything coming from the American Muslim community. Why weren't they speaking out? Why weren't they saying anything besides 'don't racially profile us'??
Then I saw the video of the Palestinians freakin dancing in Gaza - celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans and that's when I decided that Islam was a joke religion....a farce. Screw them! I thought. Yes, I'm aware that those dancing couldn't represent all Muslims in the world, but from the thundering boom of silence on September 12th you could have fooled me.
To me, Islam and it's followers - especially here in the United States - have a long way to go to redeem themselves in my mind. If we are to truly believe the sincerity of this bold statement, then it's a step in the right direction. This group of Muslims has taken a step - now they must follow-through with more steps.
We'll be watching to see just how far they go.
Comments on A Good Start
pardon my lack of... I don't know what, but the idle words of a group that really has no power means nada to me. the actions of islam's leaders are what count here, and their actions are the same today as they have been for decades. a newspaper apology doesn't trump what the mullahs and sheiks are preaching today in their holy mosques. this religion has no legitimacy in my mind, and it burns me that it is grouped alongside modern christianity and judaism as one of the world's monotheistic religions, as if to make some point that they have something in common.
paraphrasing you: fuck them.
|| Posted by nathalie, September 10, 2004 01:16 PM ||Like I said - it's a start and they gotta start some place.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 10, 2004 01:52 PM ||Whoa!
Agreed, it's a start. Hopefully, this will encourage other similar groups to come forward and speak out. At this point, I'm not getting my hopes up, but we'll see.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, September 10, 2004 04:18 PM ||Yes, it's a start. But I'm not holding my breath either.
|| Posted by Maeve, September 11, 2004 10:13 PM ||Isn't this what you all wanted? Haven't you all said that the silence from the Muslim community was deafening? How, then, can you criticize an honest attempt to redress wrongs commited by Muslims?
This is an excellent first step. It will be easier to defeat the extremists if we encourage everyday Muslims to purge themselves of a cancer they have finally recognized as one that will destroy them as well as us.
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 12, 2004 09:30 AM ||Just curious Maeve, are the IRA "Freedom Fighters" or "Terrorists"?
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 12, 2004 10:14 AM ||Just because I'm Irish does NOT mean I condone what they are doing. I don't condone ANY type of violence. I don't go out commiting hate crimes or treating people differnt for the color of their skin or the relgion they choose to follow.
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