Been waiting for two weeks for today to arrive.
Why? Well, it's Sci Fi Friday of course!!
Tonight we'll be watching anouther 'round' of Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and the piece de resistance Battlestar Galactica.
So....warm up those VCRs (or TiVo if you have it) unless you're gonna be watching.
*geek laugh*
[cool dude]
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Comments on Sci Fi Friday Once Again!
I kind of like the Stargates, but I just never could get into BG.
|| Posted by Cait, September 10, 2005 05:45 AM ||Cait - what the FRACK!?! Get with the program lady!
j/k....there are some that cannot seem to 'get into it' with this new version of BG. I was initially leary of it, but I have to say that there are parts of it that I really, REALLY dig.[/geek]
Try giving it another go when the series goes into hiatus....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 10, 2005 06:02 AM |||| , 01:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Sit & Stew Jose
NOW you can sit there forever scumbag and rot for all America cares:
Get used to those bars kid....Trackback Information for Sit & Stew Jose
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Court: 'Dirty Bomb' Suspect Can Be Held, on September 09, 2005, 11:24 AM
Excerpt: A federal appeals court Friday sided with the Bush administration and reversed a judge's order that
» Stop The ACLU links with: Court of Appeals Rules OK For Detainment Of Enemy Combatant, on September 10, 2005, 02:12 PM
Excerpt: RICHMOND, Va. - In a victory for the Bush administration, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the government can continue to hold indefinitely an American accused of plotting to detonate a radioactive "dirty bomb." A three-judge panel of th...
Comments on Sit & Stew Jose
He cries whenever we take him out, so we just leave him in there all the time.
|| Posted by Danny, September 9, 2005 12:20 PM ||Here is my question. Under what laws, rules or what have you, can someone be deported? If they have the dirt on him, why not just deport him?
|| Posted by nunya, September 9, 2005 07:31 PM |||| , 09:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (2) ||
Katrina Challenge
Photo glommed from Citizen Smash
The challenges is ON:
Anyone still want to think that Protest Warrior is filled with a bunch of fat, pajama-clad neo-cons that do not/cannot act for the greater American good?Make a donation: $5, $10, $100 - ANYTHING will help.
Well see how this challenge/compitiion goes over the weekend and I'll post about the end results.
And remember: the only 'winners' here are the people needing help from Katrina.
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Comments on Katrina Challenge
Thank God, now they can break camp from Cindy Sheehan and get behind a REAL CAUSE,,,lol.
|| Posted by Sweet Eugen)ia, September 16, 2005 07:02 AM ||You think it was coincidental that Jane (Hanoi) Fonda decided not to take HER bus tour on the road, she explains,,,so as not to steal Cindy Sheehan's fire? Sometimes a Hurricane CAN be a good thing.
|| , 09:11 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 08, 2005
I had some minor surgery this morning and am recovering at home. And recovering at home is far better than in the hospital which the doctor would have preferred - staying overnight due to all the 'fun' things happening to me medically.
As such, posting will be light for the next few days.
And my schedule switches starting on Monday since school starts for me soon; now I'll be doing dialysis on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This frees up my weekends - YEAH!!
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Comments on Recovering
take care of yourself man
|| Posted by nunya, September 9, 2005 07:17 AM ||Damnity damnit. Sorry you've had to have surgery, but thank God you're getting to do recovery at home. Less chance of some strange infection. Plus, you'll get a lot more sleep and recover more quickly.
|| Posted by Cait, September 9, 2005 07:17 AM ||Thanks!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2005 09:14 AM ||??? Surgery???? Infected Fistula??? What happened?????
|| Posted by Tetzman, September 9, 2005 12:27 PM ||Check mail Jim - don't want to go into all the gory details here....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 9, 2005 01:04 PM |||| , 07:52 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 07, 2005
Kofi Gets a Clue
Well no sh*t Sherlock:
I think that someone slipped a clue or two into Kofi's Wheaties recently.Now if these clowns would ACT upon what everyone on the planet knew months ago....that they're NOW realizing is a problem, then maybe there might be some hope for the United Nations. As it stands now, it's a kaffeeklatsch that's highly paid to sit around and 'hem & haw' over the world's woes.
Damn, what next - liberals realizing that they're living in the Matrix of Talking Points?
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Comments on Kofi Gets a Clue
Years ago I got a history lesson from an old friend that served in Korea. He said the U.N. was currupt from it's begining and it's been all down hill every since.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic
|| Posted by David Schantz, September 7, 2005 06:02 PM ||I was soooo surprised to learn that Kofi might not be quite so upstanding a citizen. Who'd a thunk it?
|| Posted by Cait, September 7, 2005 08:34 PM |||| , 03:00 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
New Species: Hurricane Hawks™
It's interesting how stuff 'snowballs', isn't it?
I heard about President Bush golfing right before/after Katrina hit New Orleans on Air America (ehh....sometimes I need a catalyst to puke, ya know?) and stupid me I believed it.I thought: Well that wasn't the smartest thing to do Mr. President...
I momentarily relapsed into my former Democrat/Liberal mindset and fell for the propoganda.
Damn....that means I have to go back a few steps in my 12-Step program to freeing myself from stupidity.
I'll lay down a challenge to anyone that thinks that President Bush is to blame for this: find or create a TIMELINE of the events both before and after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.
SHOW ME that the events that people are whining about took place in the order in which everyone on Air
Hippies-Gone-CorporateAmerica is foaming-at-the-mouth™ about.And here's the challenge: back it up with facts and sources....not Daily Kos or Democratic Underground or even the industrial cleaning agent fume induced rantings of Maria (she's got a lot of....'issues' to deal with), but REAL sources: news releases, press conference transcripts, etc.
(Yeah, that was a personal jab at Maria. Thought I'd 'poke the bear' since IMHO she's intellecutally corrupt what with deleting comments and acting like a psycho....I think that either the lithium isn't working enough or she's another sad victim of BDS)
[/attack mode]
SIDENOTE: Ironically, I had not realized that Kos had linked to a 'good' timeline. Go figure....
Make your case against President Bush. Make it stick if you can. I honestly will be waiting for someone to 'step up' and SHOW ME that this is nothing but a 21st century version of the Keystone Cops.
I've thought about trying to do this, but quite frankly I don't want to burn a lot of time on it considering that those 'Hurricane Hawks'™ will not believe a word of what I find anyway. So instead - I leave it to THEM to make their case.
Until such time, I'll just assume that everyone involved are being a human with a heart and doing their damn best to help people in the Gulf Coast states and that this is just another example of those left-of-center using anything/everything to regain political gravitas.....
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Comments on New Species: Hurricane Hawks™
I'm proud of you Mikey. Admitting you have a liberal problem is the first step to rehabilitation.
|| Posted by kilabe, September 7, 2005 06:28 PM ||"Pelosi, speaking at a news conference, said Brown had "absolutely no credentials" when Bush picked him to run FEMA.
She related that she urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Brown.
"He said, 'Why would I do that?'" Pelosi said.
"I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week.' And he said 'What didn't go right?'"
Is that enough, Mikey? I mean, can a person get anymore fucking stupid than Bush. "what didn't go right.."
nuff said...
|| Posted by nunya, September 7, 2005 07:42 PM ||When you said the wetlands have been eroding since the Johnson administration, you meant Andrew Johnson, right? I think perhaps there is some blame that can be laid on the federal government's shoulders. Perhaps not on Bush personally, but, nonetheless, at the federal level. But first and foremost, I believe the mayor of NO and the governor of LA really screwed the pooch. After that, it was like a chain reaction wreck. There were mistakes made all around, but the worst were at the local and state level.
|| Posted by Cait, September 7, 2005 08:39 PM ||Cait,
Why were the worst mistakes at the local and state level. Give some examples?
Of course, there were failures all the way around from top to bottom, but remember, a pending catastrophe at that magnitude, the local and state agencies can only do so much. Give that LA and MS are perhaps two of the most depressed states financially, what resources did they really have? I thought that is where FEMA and DHS are supposed to come in. Since this was a storm threatening not just one state bu several, isn't it suffice to say the federal government should have stepped in from the get go? And according to this state contingency plan people are waving around like it was etched in stone, there are many mentiones of FEMA in there. An guess what - according to record, the contigency plan was put it place. Fema was asked to help. But they are so buried in beauracratic red tape - CREATED BY BUSHCO - because Fema was place up under the most expensive joke of all time formally know as th Department of Homeland Security, that they could not get it done. Or as I say, choose to use the excuse of red tape, to not get it done.
Shit, the very words right out of their own mouth proves it - Chertoff and Brown both said the situation as they saw it, didn't merit for them to take an immediate response. So they waited. They gambled. They lost. period. They fucked up.
Where did Bush fail in all of this? Well, besides the fact that he put these two fucking clowns in charge of such important services, he failed by not leading. He should ahve taken charge and said :You know what guys, let's just go do this, take the gamble and if nothing happens, the only fools we will look like were for taking too quick of a response. Sure the liberals will scoff at us." instead, they waited, and now possiblly 10,000 people are dead because of it.
For anyone to defend that are place the heaviest blame back on the local governments for having limited resources is just plain assinine.
|| Posted by nunya, September 8, 2005 01:33 PM ||The first thing that should have been done is to evacuate everyone possible from NO. The fed didn't have the assets on the ground for that. The city could have used school buses, metro buses, vans. Even though Nagin is black, I think he and the others in charge thought that the ones they left behind were throwaways, because they were poor, black, and so many were helpless. That really angers me, more than anything else that has happened since this disaster struck. Those poor people were flat out abandoned by those that could have helped them. FEMA has no legal authority. Their brief is to "coordinate with other agencies" and is primarily for relief effort only. The guard should have been sent in much sooner, but only the governor has the authority to do that. Bush would have had to supercede Blanco's authority to send in guard before asked. She dilly-dallied around and left it way too late. Had Bush superceded her, many, probably including me, would have been furious that he had usurped what is a sovereign "state's right" (and, no I'm not an old gray haired segregationist, either, although that was one of their favorite battle cries). I think we need to keep the federal government out of our business as much as possible. Do I think there were screw ups at the federal level. Oh, you betcha. Do I think the most flagrant and egregious were federal mistakes. Nope, I don't. And, one other thing I'd like to point out. Whatever you may think of America/Americans on a daily level, when something like this happens, I think we see the true soul of our people. The response to the disaster, and not just in monetary terms, has been enormous. People have opened their homes, their schools, their wallets. It's at times like this that I remember why I love this country and her people. We can be petty, overbearing, whatever, name a sin. We have plenty of people who will use this to bilk others and commit crime. But, we can also be some of the most compassionate and generous people on earth. We've shown this time and again, and nowhere more so than with this horrible catastrophe.
|| Posted by Cait, September 8, 2005 05:15 PM ||The screw ups at the local level determined the size of the snowball of screw ups on up.
The federal response is and will be based upon the local situation.
Build a bad 'foundation' and the rest of the structure will be crap....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 8, 2005 05:40 PM ||"The first thing that should have been done is to evacuate everyone possible from NO. The fed didn't have the assets on the ground for that. The city could have used school buses, metro buses, vans."
And where was the state and city going to get those kinds of resources to get nearly 3/4 of a million people out of the city? Even more so, where the hell do they take them? And even more so, when they get them to this place, what do they do with them? Something of that magnitude cannnot be handled on just a local or state level. You are talkimg about a million plus people from 3 different states. Who is supposed to be in charge? Where do these reources come from? Who is supposed to feed and house these people? Who is supposed to take care of their medical needs? Again, the only entity I know of that has the resources available (or is supposed to if they aren't off invading other countries for fun and profit) is the US Government. Heck, we are even supposed to have a special department just for that kind of thing. I used to be called FEMA.
"Even though Nagin is black, I think he and the others in charge thought that the ones they left behind were throwaways, because they were poor, black, and so many were helpless."
Well if the shoe fits...last time I checked, most of those people left behind ARE black, poor and helpless.
"hose poor people were flat out abandoned by those that could have helped them. FEMA has no legal authority."
Last I checked, Nagin was at and still is at ground zero. So is the governer and the lt. governer and many other state officials. And even if fema really needed legal authority to help out, they were asked, and they did not respond. Partly because Brown didn't feel the situation was that bad and partly because his hands weere tied because FEMA is part of the dept. of homeland insecurity. And while we are on "legal authority" the US Military has no "legal authority" to go invading other countries - but that didn't stop us.
"The guard should have been sent in much sooner, but only the governor has the authority to do that."
I know. But when the gaurd is over in another country fighting for coporate oil, it is awfully difficult to get them back to protect the STATE in which they are supposed to be gaurding.
"Bush would have had to supercede Blanco's authority to send in guard before asked. "
He did when someone feeding tube was taken out. Shit, the entire fucking congress of the United States did that. Supercedeing states rights when states don't want or need it and then turning their back when they do want or need it seems to be Status Quo for the good ole' bush whitehouse.
"She dilly-dallied around and left it way too late."
She certainly dillie dailed in Baton Rouge all right. Probably went to silly old briefings and tried to work out stupid little details like where to get the reources to help the impending doom. How dumb of her. Maybe if she was more like Bush who was hard at work on his ranch in Crawford Texas while some stupid old storm threatened the sntire gulf region, than things would have gotten done. I think it would have been too much of a burden on Bush if he picked up the phone and said "I am here if you need me for anything.." Wait he did do that. For Jeb.
"Had Bush superceded her, many, probably including me, would have been furious that he had usurped what is a sovereign "state's right" (and, no I'm not an old gray haired segregationist, either, although that was one of their favorite battle cries)."
Yes God forbid his approval rating drop anymore what would he have done. 10,000+ people have died, but at least he didn't infringe on any states' rights.
"I think we need to keep the federal government out of our business as much as possible."
Except only when it is deciding what is morally right for us. Or telling our schools that they are obligated to send every kids record to the military. Yea, they shouldn't be in the business of saving lives or anything stupid like that. At least we agree on one thing - they sure are good at killing people. (see iraq)
"Whatever you may think of America/Americans on a daily level, when something like this happens, I think we see the true soul of our people"
Yes, we do. And it is pretty sad we cannot rely on our own government to help.
|| Posted by nunya, September 8, 2005 06:09 PM ||THAT is the whole point Nunya - the city and the state were supposed to have a plan to deal with situation like this.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 8, 2005 07:48 PM ||Well, though, Nunya makes a couple of very good points. If they had evacuated all those people in a timely manner, where would they have taken them. That would have required federal coordination. And frankly, the more I'm seeing and hearing, the more I'm beginning to think Homeland Security really messed this up. FEMA probably should never have been put under their direction. It seems FEMA asked for permissions and for items, and no one at HS could make a decision. So, apparently this was a major failure by government at every level. And ultimately, yes, Bush is to blame, in the same way that any field commander is to blame when his subordinates make mistakes. But I still think Nagin and Blanco bear at least as much blame as the feds.
|| Posted by Cait, September 9, 2005 07:25 AM ||I agree with you Mikey. Blanco and Nagin screwed up and are just as much to blame as Bush, as Cait points out.
More importantly (not to take anything away from the victims) this scares me beyond fear - this was the forst real test since 9-11 to put DHS into action, and they failed not a little, not moderately, but miserably. And I hate to say it in this case, but I was correct all along in saying it has been a dog and pony show, all talk and no walk and a huge waste of money. Our government failed. Now let's fix it and do it right this time.
Could you imagine the mass chaos that would ensue if this was a larger city and had a dirty bomb gone off?
I know you guys are very die hard and supportive of Bush, but you have to admit somewhere, the feds fucked up big on this one and they need to fess up. And things need to be fixed. They keep talking about "lessosn learned" but how can they learn and lessons if they don't think they messed up?
|| Posted by Nunya, September 9, 2005 07:46 AM ||I agree with you on this one. There needs to be a massive overhaul at several levels. Every state and certainly every large city needs a workable "disaster" plan. Homeland Security needs to get its shit together, as does FEMA. There needs to be some real work done on communication and there needs to be someone at each level who has authority to make decisions within their purview, without stepping into someone else's turf. Even people who support Bush are beginning to come to the conclusion that he screwed up. On one of the Fox shows last night, Scarborough, even he said that though he's been a Bush supporter, he thinks Bush messed this up. And a colonel on the show, also a supporter, said he didn't know if he wanted a CIC who took long vacations when there were troops dying in Iraq and people dying in NO. Pretty tough words.
|| Posted by Cait, September 9, 2005 09:13 AM ||That is a great point. Taking a month and a half long vacation (I don't care if he can "vrtually run the country" from his ranch - and the last time I checked, the CIC is supposed to have some facility to do command and control at all times at any given moment) does not look good when there are troops that have been battling for two years over there now without a break.
|| Posted by nunya, September 9, 2005 10:32 AM ||I digress though. The man wants to take a long vacation, fine. Just do your damn job. In this case, he failed 100% as did many others.
And now Brown is off the case, but more interestingly, his resume is full of outright lies. I am shocked.
|| Posted by nunya, September 9, 2005 01:52 PM ||They make people go through hellish hiring processes and embarassing background checks to get a low paying job at a wal-mart but they just place a guy into such an important position (an under secretary) without any kind of check? I don't buy it. I think the good ol boy network was well in effect here. Bush gave one of his buddies a job, and that is unacceptable. Now it is a question of WHO put his resume on steroids?
|| , 11:17 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 06, 2005
'Freedom Fighters' Redux
For those that keep asserting that the 'insurgents' in Iraq are really 'freedom fighters', take a look into the future should they gain control of Iraq:
Yeah....they're 'freedom fighters' alright....[/incredible amounts of bullshit]Trackback Information for 'Freedom Fighters' Redux
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|| , 05:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||It Hurts My Ears!
Oh my God - what a fracking moron:
Does the notion of someone asking others to pray really offend these nimrods that much!?! Are they seriously about to power honk over the notion that not everyone 'dances to their tune'? It must be causing their ears to bleed...I have yet to see President Bush (or any other religious person) instruct people on how to pray or to do it to a distinct religious sect, community, or a specific religion for that matter.
I'm no religious scholar - not by a long-shot - but I do believe that every religion on the planet invokes some sort of 'prayer' in their observance of whatever faith they're following. I bet if President Bush had said to not pray that he'd be getting a ration of crap from a lot of people.
Am I wrong?
If I am, I'm betting that if there is some religion that does not invoke the act of 'prayer' that there are probably fewer that 100 followers of that religion here in the United States. And if that's the case, this dim-witted broad Ellen Johnson can count on those particular people to not have been the intended audience when President Bush (or anyone else for that matter) said 'pray for the victims'.
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» Kilabe's Hive links with: Ya'll Ain't gonna......, on September 06, 2005, 07:42 PM
Excerpt: believe this crap!
» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Senate Holds Hearing on Gas Price Gouging, on September 06, 2005, 08:51 PM
Excerpt: Senators, both Republicans and Democrats, said Tuesday that they suspect price gouging as gasoline c
Comments on It Hurts My Ears!
perhaps instead of urging prayer (which hasn't seemed to work very well in this situation) he should instead urge people to donate whatever they can. Instead of urging people to pary, he should have gotten off of his ass in crawford a few days sooner, he should have ste up a war room, somewhere, to figure out a response in case the worst happned (which it did) and evacuate those who could not leave by their own means (or is that asking too much of our government - I guess those people should havge gotten those wonderful paying jobs at burger king to help them buy some train tickets out of there).
|| Posted by nunya, September 6, 2005 03:49 PM ||Nunya doesn't seem to really know how things work...and certainly can't spell! The Federal Government is not allowed to step up to help until asked to do so by the Governor and Local Government of the state affected. The Louisiana officials are still saying that they are not at fault but they were told after 9/11 to set up Emergency Procedures and have them ready. Apparently Louisiana didn't do as asked and therefore wasn't prepared....and that's not Bush's fault! It was Louisiana's responsibility to get the people out and they failed. Now the feds are having to go in and clean up the mess because Louisiana was too proud to ask for help before it became such a bad situation. As for the prayer request....if you don't want to pray for them, then don't! It is an act of compassion. Bush is a religious man. If the athiest people don't want to be prayed for I'm sure God will keep any positive affects resulting from prayer from helping them in any way.
|| Posted by Amy, September 6, 2005 03:59 PM ||perhaps instead of urging prayer (which hasn't seemed to work very well in this situation) he should instead urge people to donate whatever they can
I think he did this already and it was one of the first things out of his mouth about it.
Instead of urging people to [pray], he should have gotten off of his ass in [Crawford] a few days sooner, he should have [set] up a war room, somewhere, to figure out a response in case the worst happned (which it did) and evacuate those who could not leave by their own means
Leaving Crawford would have been a good idea. I will say this: someone is gonna get their ass kicked for this PR screwup.
(or is that asking too much of our government - I guess those people should [have] gotten those wonderful paying jobs at burger king to help them buy some train tickets out of there).
Dunno if it's too much to ask of the Federal government. I work for the Feds and sometimes it is scary just how S-L-O-W they can move on things - especially when there's an urgency. (Now consider for a moment that this government is placed in charge of a some sort of national healthcare system....)
Amy nailed it: had President Bush sent in troops before requested there would be people screaming about 'states rights' and 'how dare he militarize this disaster'. It has been my experience that the federal government waits for the states to request assistance - that's IMO why FEMA dragged their feet on some parts of this.
I've tried to say this at other blogs, but apparently my words cut too close - there's plenty of blame to go around. Certainly the federal government could have/should have/would have done things differntly - hindsight has a way of making mistake crystal clear - but Amy said it: after 9/11, the states were asked to create some sort of OH SHIT emergency plan. Louisiana and New Orleans didn't have their plan(s) in place or ready to implement.
SIDENOTE: Now Nunya, see how I didn't delete your stuff? I told you if you're civil that anyone can comment here.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 6, 2005 05:37 PM ||"I think he did this already and it was one of the first things out of his mouth about it."
Actually, nobody heard in the public heard shit from him. The brush on his ranch was more important until after the fact the storm hit.
"Leaving Crawford would have been a good idea. I will say this: someone is gonna get their ass kicked for this PR screwup."
Yes, because God forbid Bush act like a real leader and think for himself and realize "Hmm, maybe I should go to DC or Baton Rouge to stand by to respond immediately" - Instead, he only wants to play president when he feels like it.
"Dunno if it's too much to ask of the Federal government. I work for the Feds and sometimes it is scary just how S-L-O-W they can move on things - especially when there's an urgency."
I remember when congress called an immediate emergency session when Brother Jeb wanted oms eaction taken not to remove Shciavo's feeding tube. The government has every means available for them to move yesterday if they feel like it.
"Amy nailed it: had President Bush sent in troops before requested there would be people screaming about 'states rights' and 'how dare he militarize this disaster'."
Oh please Mikey. Save the rhetoric for the judicial hearings. This is a national tragedy. If you really think people would have cared about that, than you need to put down the crack pipe. People needed help, immediately and would have taken it from any place they could have gotten it. You know it and everyone else does. So save it.
"It has been my experience that the federal government waits for the states to request assistance - that's IMO why FEMA dragged their feet on some parts of this."
And FEMA answers to the joke that is called The Department of Homeland Security headed up by Michael Jerkoff - I mean Chertoff. Who in turn, answers to Bush. So ultimately, it came down to one person who had the power to order all that was needed to help and he didn't do it.
"after 9/11, the states were asked to create some sort of OH SHIT emergency plan. Louisiana and New Orleans didn't have their plan(s) in place or ready to implement."
Come off of it already. In a true national disaster, do you really think bearucratic bullshit would come into play? Of course not - but you are only using this as a way to sidestep accountability. Why are you so loyal to this administration to where you cannot admitt that THIS time, they really fucked up? What have they done for you that is so good that you cannot put aside your radical views and say "yep, they screwed up." Shit, even the most conservative GOP'ers know BushCo was caught with their pants around the ankles, DHS is a joke, and hell needs to be paid.
Paint it any color you want Mikey, but your team severely fucked up on this one.
|| Posted by nunya, September 6, 2005 07:43 PM ||Posse Comitatus Act of 1878
This might be saying the same thing, but it seems a bit more clear:Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
-Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1385
What this bascially says is that it is forbidden to deploy federal troops within the states unless there's a huge disaster happening.
Is this a 'huge' disaster? I believe so, but my initial thought on this stands: those left-of-center would be howling mad if the 82nd Airborne was sent in without the approval of the state's governor.
The same goes for the National Guard. the Guard isn't under direct control of the federal govenment - it is the state's 'militia' and is only used by the federal government when any unit of the Guard is 'federalized'.
More and more I'm seeing that while the PR image of President Bush wasn't/isn't the best it could have been for this situation, the 'blame' for the fiascos must and will start with local government. That is what I was attempting to point out to Maria before she went bezerk.
The big arguments I've been hearing is that on one hand there are those that think that the federal government should have been in there before the hurricane has even cleared the area and yet they're the same segment of the population that are paranoid about this nation becoming a 'police state'.
Quite frankly, you cannot have it both ways. ANYONE responding to this disaster will require some amount of time to get geared up, sent in, set up, and start working. No one other than local authorities and the local police & EMTs can move that fast.
The big juggernaut that is the federal government won't be appearing there in a nanosecond - a big relief effort moves slowly at first....probably too slowly for those waiting for food or assistance.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 7, 2005 10:31 AM ||Apparently these atheists forgot that the constitution prohibits government establishment of "religion," not encouraging "religious acts" from the faithful of any religion. Which religion is estabished by asking for prayer in this situation? Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists all pray, albeit in different ways. You can only establish something if you first specify what it is you want to establish.
Another thought - Atheism is a belief system (often secular humanism) that takes upon itself the burden to explain the nature of the human being, just as any other religion does. When they demand that religious references not be used by government officials, they are tacitly demanding that their own personal views take precendence. Why do they think that their belief system is any more deserving of establishment under the constitution?
|| Posted by J-P, September 8, 2005 01:55 PM |||| , 11:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (2) ||
SDPW Arrives, CodePink Wets Themselves
Smash is the man witih the plan: a challenge to CodePink here in San Diego.
Me personally, I don't think they'll take up the challenge as I'm predicting their response will be something like "...not going to play into Protest Warrior Facist plans..."I could be wrong, but it's just not in their nature to 'step up' and be human beyond what they already are.
As for the SDPW operation, yours truely was also there. I'll be posting some photos of the op later today time permitting.
On a slight side note, KUSI television stopped by and shot some video of both us and CodePink. I tapped the news that night at ten and sure enough - at 14 minutes or so into the broadcast, that piece was featured.
I can say modestly that I was in three different camera shots. Smash was interviewed and I wasn't. But that's okay because I was wearing a t-shirt that was IMHO appropriate for the occasion.
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Comments on SDPW Arrives, CodePink Wets Themselves
hey listen,
i think your whole situation with your kidneys is s damn shame, and in all sincerity, I hope it works out.
Im also, like you, all about free speech.
aside from that, i think the tag line under your blog name is INCREDIBLY racist against Muslims. "Durka-Durka-Muhammed-Jihad!!" are you serious?
|| Posted by sarah, September 8, 2005 12:24 AM ||I am an American Muslim promoting peace, and support for our troops, as well as PROMPT aid to New Orleans.
I honestly don't believe Bush is with me on those points.
oh, also, you spelled 'truly' wrong and (although I am in no way affiliated with "CodePink"), I've donated half my earnings for last month to a Katrina charity.
|| Posted by sarah, September 8, 2005 12:28 AM ||"Durka-Durka-Muhammed-Jihad!!" are you serious?
You're seeing the tagline on the archieved stuff.
Although I changed the tagline on the main page, this worked for me.
And yeah, I'm serious: it's a line from 'Team America: World Police'.
And if you read the mini-bio of me on the main page, you'll see that here in the United States you are NOT affored the right to not be offended.
With all due respect, it's a joke and you shoud accept it and get on with life instead of getting 'offended'.
And BTW: your assertion that it's 'racist' is wrong - it's only making 'fun' of the Arabic language and there are many races of people that speak it....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 8, 2005 05:36 PM ||Soooo, why doesn't PW just go ahead and donate the money they think it will cost? Just donate it and shut up. Seems there are alot of PW and Right March folks going to DC too, and we all know they support killing and bombing and illegal invasions of helpless countries... I guess they'll also be donating that money to the Red Cross. I'm going to DC and I'm donating. Geee, what a novel concept! Somebody's probably real proud of himself for thinking up that challenge
and, like it or not, Sarah's right.
|| Posted by Scroff, September 11, 2005 10:32 PM ||So Code Pink has donated almost $400... how much has SDPW donated? I'm donating $200, will you match that Mad One?
Money into mouth here folks... how about the rest of PW. This is an individual donation... how mmany of you will match that... or better yet, since I'm a good lefty... that's 1/3 of my weekly paycheck, how many will match 1/3 of their weekly paycheck...
|| Posted by Scroff, September 12, 2005 05:31 AM ||...how much has SDPW donated?
As of yesterday, PW and associates have raised over $10,000 whereas CodePink breached just over $1,100.
The details will be here soon...
As for me, I got nothing to donate. Not because I do not want to, but rather because getting harassing phones calls about late bills says I do not donate.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 12, 2005 09:25 AM |||| , 07:27 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 05, 2005
Rehnquist Dead, Roberts Bumped Up
Held off a few days to comment on this and unless you've been in 'deep freeze' or doing hard time then you're also aware of this:
I'm not really capable of commenting on the pros or cons of Rehnquist's duration as Cheif Justice, but I do know this: if you thought that the 'fur was flying' with the nomimation of John Roberts to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court then you ain't seen nothing yet.Citizen Smash reports on something I had initially heard of on Saturday night:
With this slight change in Roberts nomination to the Court itself, this is what I'm referring to when I say you ain't seen nothing yet. The 'fur' will indeed fly considering that the two nominees to replace Rehnquist and O'Connor will possible shape the legal landscape of this nation for the next 30 years.And I will comment on one aspect that seems to make a lot of people quake in their boots: if - IF - the matter of Roe vs. Wade is brought back to the Court for reconsideration and it's overturned, it IMHO will not outlaw women from getting an abortion.
Will NOT force American women to seek the 'back alley' treatment.
IMHO if this matter were to be brought before the Court with the aim of overturning Roe vs. Wade, the matter will revert back to the state it was back in 1973 - it will be up to the STATES to determine if abortion on demand will be legal withing their realm of authority.
For the moment, I don't care one way or another as to the rights of women versus the rights of the fetus; I've always been of the mindset that it's up to the woman to determine if she wants to consider the fetus within her to be a child to be born, raised, & nurtured or a parasite to be eliminated from their bodies. I'm not 'gung-ho' religious, but I've always thought that it's between a woman and the possible judgement she'll face while standing in front of the Pearly Gates.
But then again, what do I know.....I'm a man.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Rehnquist shaped high court conservatism, on September 05, 2005, 12:19 PM
Excerpt: William Rehnquist, the chief justice of the Supreme Court who died on Saturday evening at the age of
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|| , 11:54 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||September 04, 2005
Donate to American Red Cross
Saw this over at The Pirate's Blog and thought I'd do the same thing.
Donate today if you can - $5 or $500 - it will ALL help them out.
UPDATE: Nothing worthwhile to blog about except for the wreckage that was the Gulf Coast.
To be honest, this is almost like right after 9/11 where there was so much happening, so many reports of Godawful things occuring that I really cannot bear to read much about it.
And as such, I've moved this back up top so that it's the first thing everyone sees.
Donate to the American Red Cross if you can.
The Gulf Coast states are going to be a complete 'train wreck' for quite a while and it's going to take a lot of effort to help the people and get the damage assessment going.....
On a slightly happier note, today is my wife's & mine 11th wedding anniversary! We're both so busy that we're not really going out for a big celebration - just going to go to our favorite pizza place down in Mission Beach to have a couple of slices of pepperoni pizza and maybe play some Foozball.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: HURRICANE DIGEST / Despite war, plenty of Guard troops, on August 31, 2005, 07:48 PM
Excerpt: Despite the deployment of 78,000 National Guard forces in Iraq and other overseas hot spots, hurrica
Comments on Donate to American Red Cross
oh yeah, foozball. That's our game too. Foozball and air hockey, although DH prefers foozball since it gives him a snowball's chance of winning :)
Happy Anniversary :)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, September 1, 2005 10:51 AM ||Happy anniversary and many more.
|| Posted by royston, September 1, 2005 01:33 PM ||Foozball has yet to reach our shores but I look
forward to finding out what it is and then playing it.
Happy Anniversary, Mikey. Hope you guys had a great day.
|| Posted by ruthie, September 4, 2005 11:17 PM ||Thanks royston & ruthie!
We had a pretty good evening - probably boring by some standards. Ate good pizza, played Skeeball (I botched the name for some inane reason) and got to talk - uninterrupted - for a few hours....something that we don't have much time for these days considering our schedules.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 5, 2005 11:32 AM |||| , 03:31 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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