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The challenges is ON:
The KATRINA CHALLENGE is ON!Anyone still want to think that Protest Warrior is filled with a bunch of fat, pajama-clad neo-cons that do not/cannot act for the greater American good?BACKGROUND:
On August 28, CodePink San Diego held a rummage sale at Kobey’s Swap Meet to help send some of their members to an anti-war protest in Washington, D.C. After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, they decided to donate $100 from the proceeds to the American Red Cross.
Earlier this week, San Diego Protest Warrior issued a challenge to the local leadership of CodePink: If they would donate the rest of the money they raised at their rummage sale to the Red Cross instead of spending it on the anti-war rally, San Diego Protest Warrior would raise money to match their donation.
The challenge has been ACCEPTED!
CodePink raised $593.12 at the rummage sale. $200 has already been spent on a non-refundable airline ticket. $100 has been donated to the American Red Cross. They will donate the remaining $293.12 to the Red Cross (for a total of $393.12), and raise additional funds to meet the challenge.
It’s time to stop the shouting, and put your money where your mouth is! We’re asking each of our members and friends to donate whatever amount they can afford to the American Red Cross, earmarked for Hurricane Katrina relief.
You can donate online with a credit card here, or
you can donate over the phone by calling 1-800 HELP NOW.
- To count towards the Katrina Challenge, all donations (by both parties) must be verified. When you make a donation online, please cut & paste a copy of your electronic receipt into an email, and forward it (with privacy information removed) to
- If you have already made a personal donation to the Red Cross for Katrina relief, you can still have that count towards our total by forwarding a scanned or electronic copy of your receipt to the above address.
- The challenge ends at 11:59pm on Monday, September 12, 2005.
- Only donations to the American Red Cross will count towards the challenge total. If you are uncomfortable donating via this organization, please donate to the charity of your choice, and forward a copy of the receipt. It won’t count towards our total, but we still want to recognize your generosity.
Some suggested alternatives:Rescue Task Force is a San Diego based relief organization.
Noah's Wish rescues stranded animals.
THANK YOU for participating in the KATRINA CHALLENGE!
Dispite our fundamental differences on a great many topics, SDPW is leading the way by putting aside poltical & philosophical principles to stand up and make a difference in asking for donaitons to the Hurrican Katina effort.
Make a donation: $5, $10, $100 - ANYTHING will help.
Well see how this challenge/compitiion goes over the weekend and I'll post about the end results.
And remember: the only 'winners' here are the people needing help from Katrina.
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Comments on Katrina Challenge
Thank God, now they can break camp from Cindy Sheehan and get behind a REAL CAUSE,,,lol.
|| Posted by Sweet Eugen)ia, September 16, 2005 07:02 AM ||You think it was coincidental that Jane (Hanoi) Fonda decided not to take HER bus tour on the road, she explains,,,so as not to steal Cindy Sheehan's fire? Sometimes a Hurricane CAN be a good thing.