Army records first UAV killsThis is some awesome stuff! This little ol UAV is flying high - silent as a mouse (from the ground's perspective) and it's able to announce it's presence with a laser-guided bomb.
When Army scouts in Iraq spotted two men planting a roadside bomb Sept. 1, they called in a nearby Hunter unmanned aircraft, which dropped a laser-guided bomb and killed the two men.
“We had the first confirmed use of an Army weaponized UAV,” said Col. Don Hazelwood, project manager for Army Unmanned Aircraft Systems at Redstone Arsenal, Ala.
The Army is mounting precision-guided weapons on hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan, Hazelwood said.
The MQ-5B Hunter will carry the laser-guided GBU-44/B Viper Strike, a 42-pound glide bomb with a one-yard wingspan that can strike within one meter of its aim point.
I know....I know - the phrase 'boo-yah' is a Navy thing that only a squid would say and this is an Army operation, but still......it's freakin awesome!! I'm hoping that there is some video from this strike that will become available soon.
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September 14, 2007
Come Together?
Unbelieveable. Simply unbelieveable.
On the 6th anniversary of the attack of 9/11, the College Democrats and College Republicans up at San Francisco State University put politics aside and tried to come together to commemorate the day. It's events like this that honestly give me hope for Americans and their ability to overcome differences to get to the heart of something. It would have been something to see - especially up in San Francisco.
But it didn't happen. Why? Because there's always someone or a group of someone's that will come along and take a whiz in the party punchbowl.
What a bunch of snot-nosed punks.
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Comments on Come Together?
I can't believe that. Those "Nazis" live here and suck on the Federeal teat. "The problem is here!!" they rant while living in America. If they want to really make a statement to prove the fire in their bellies, they should suck it up and move to Iraq, Afghanistan... Also, the "problem" is not in San Francisco. If there is a problem, it's in D.C. Ah well... San Francisco has always been a hotbed of "subversive" rhetoric.
Now, I am all for their right to say and even do what they were saying and doing, but didn't their mothers teach them about the right place and the right time...?
|| Posted by sturgesbob, September 17, 2007 02:38 AM ||but didn't their mothers teach them about the right place and the right time...?
I seriously doubt it. Besides, if you were able to point this little nugget of good manners out to them, they'd simply turn it around, give it a twist, and shove it back into your face (ahem....kind of like a chick would do).....
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Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
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