Robert over at Let's Try Freedom makes an interesting point about the election on Tuesday:
Here's what it boils down to, folks:Regardless of how much I consider John Kerry not qualified to be the next President of the United States, Robert is right: if he wins, he's our President.If John Kerry wins the election, reasonably fair, reasonably square, then he becomes my President and your President.
If George Bush wins the election, reasonably fair, reasonably square, then he remains my President and your President.
This is my pledge, my promise, my what-have-you. It's written down, in black and white. Call me on it if I renege.
This is one aspect of this election that has really caused me concern - the divisiveness that has emerged from the us versus them attitudes.
I had thought long & hard about what would happen after the election was over - would Americans continue to look upon their political 'rivals' as anthing more than that: rivals?
Whether we voted for him or not - whether we consider him the cat's meow as elected officials go - whether we think he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, whoever wins the election on Tuesday will be the President and it should be recognized that it is the will of the American people that the results be honored.
If Kerry is elected, I'll support him as President - even if I don't think he's fit to be dog catcher in Reno, Nevada. I won't bad-mouth him as many have trashed and talked smack about President Bush since 2000.
I'll do what Robert did and ask that you do two things after reading both his and my posts on this:
We must remember that while we're conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, whatever - we're Americans first.
Comments on The Aftermath of Tueday
Exactly. None of this they-stole-it crap.
If Kerry wins, we have to accept some responsibility for not getting the message out, for not working hard enough. We have to learn & move on.
|| Posted by jeff, November 1, 2004 12:21 AM ||Yeah - we'll kick our dogs, cats, iguanas, but we'll suck it up and honor the results.
Even if we don't respect the man on some levels, we'll respect the man in the office.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 1, 2004 05:13 AM ||I would never make such a blanket pledge. GW had my support right up until he invaded Iraq. I could overlook his shortcomings as a fiscal conservative. I could overlook his shortcomings in regards to illegal aliens (barely). I could almost overlook his USA Patriot act, but not quite.
But, regarding Iraq, he lied or stretched the truth so far as to make it indistinguishable from a lie that I can never support him. Under any circumstances.
I've said before that I hope Kerry wins, but I'm not a big supporter. I see him (hopefully) as an interim president. I will support him, though, as I supported the early-Bush, in hopes he can become a good or great president.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., November 1, 2004 08:32 AM ||Well Mike, you could join NoSUBSTANCE, Cul, and Maria in thier Civil War campaign.
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, November 1, 2004 08:12 PM ||hmmmmm..I could never agree with this sentiment. I want Kerry to win, but if I don't like actions he takes as president, I'll be on his shit too.
If Bush wins, well, what can I say?
As far as who wins..it being the will of the people...well that didn't hold true last time. There are already reports from all over the country of voter fraud.
[QUOTE=mikey]Even if we don't respect the man on some levels, we'll respect the man in the office.[/QUOTE]
I have no respect for Bush whatsoever. He is deceitful and a megalomaniac. I don't believe in respecting someone because of the office they hold..it is more importantly...what is it they do with the power said office gives them..do they use it perversly, or for the good of all?
I don't believe we will have the true results for quite a while, and I can understand that no matter who wins, the other side will have trouble trusting the results.
|| Posted by ruthie, November 1, 2004 10:52 PM ||I guess I'll be joining The Other Mike S. and whoever else...
I support my country first, before any man in any office, even and especially the President. If the man driving the bus is about to ram it into a bridge abutment, you don't sit there and let it happen out of blind allegiance to an office.
If Bush is elected, reasonably fair, reasonably square, then I'll watch and point out and criticize every move he makes... likewise if Kerry wins, reasonably fair, reasonably square, I'll watch his every move...
Long after Bush and Kerry are retired there will still be a United States of America. You can be sure I'll be doing my part, my patriotic duty if you will, to ensure it is left to the future in at least as free and noble a state as I received it... better if possible.
My loyalty is to the high ideals my country was founded on before any one individual.
|| Posted by scroff, November 1, 2004 11:01 PM ||Ideals - what are those again? I think Jefferson, Henry, Franklin are all rolling in their graves at what our political system/process has become: a mockery of their perfect dream.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, November 2, 2004 07:10 AM ||Gordo, what are you rambling on about now?
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, November 2, 2004 08:29 AM ||Well, folks, off to cast my ballot for Kerry. There's already lots and lots of voter fraud crap going on... voting machines are being confiscated already... after people have voted...
Anyway... good luck!
|| Posted by scroff, November 2, 2004 08:46 AM ||Sadly, it is those who supported Kerry who once again refuse to accept the results of the election. The largest vote total ever seen in an election in this country's history is not enough for them. The GOP gain of four seats in the Senate is not enough of a mandate (following the two seat gain in 2002, for those who are counting). The gain in the House of representatives (following the gains in 2002).
I have no doubt that some Republicans would have been upset had Kerry won, but it is the larger (and far more obnoxious) contingent in the Democratic Party that give the rest of the Dems a bad name.
|| Posted by timekeeper, November 3, 2004 09:10 AM ||I'm curious where you hear or see Dems not acceptiong the election results? I wouldn't be surprised if there are some people who are crying foul, I just haven't seen or heard it.
For myself, just because Bush won doesn't mean I agree with him or his supporters, and I reserve the right to disagree and to make my views well known. Nor does it mean I will fall in behind the "mandate" and follow suit if I think it's wrong. But that's the beauty of America, eh?
For Bush to win my support he would have to concede much I don't think he's prepared to concede.
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October 30, 2004
Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Walter Cronkite needs to check the label on his meds:
I'm serious.....wait for it.
Comments on Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Well, now we know who Dan Rather caught it from.
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, October 31, 2004 12:08 AM ||Well, what do you expect? He's a senile old coot. He's a far cry from the man who reported on the moon landing way-back-when. I hope when I'm that age I don't turn into a crazy conspiracy theorist... I mean even more than I already am.
|| Posted by Davey, October 31, 2004 12:31 AM ||This is the kind of shit that makes me crazy! Cronkite is off his rocker! In this case Cronkite should have fired those neurons you're talking about, Mikey!
Frankly, I can't wait until the election is over. The vitriol coming from all of us, myself included, is only serving to further divide our country and I only hope that, unlike Humpty-Dumpty, we will be able to put it back together again regardless of who wins on November 2.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 31, 2004 05:42 AM ||WOW.
The guy has really lost the bubble on reality hasn't he?
That is some impressive insanity. But sure - I'll buy it. I mean, if "America's most trusted news man" said it, it must be true, right?
|| Posted by Mike the Marine, October 31, 2004 01:32 PM ||You people are...out of your depth. Agreed, Uncle Water was a jerk who manipulated his public shamelessly while he was still working for CBS, and agreed his overall effect on the news media was negative, and agreed he always was an empty suit. But ye gods, don't you people realize that he was JOKING, for crying out loud?? The reason King did not pick up on it was that it was a flat, uninspired joke. If Walter had meant it seriously, he would have presented it differently and King would have jumped on it.
I'm in the position of having to explain a joke to someone who simply did not get it, and that never works. You either saw that Walter was doing his best, given his lame sense of humor, or you didn't. So I suspect many of you will still think his words were meant literally.
Right: it was not funny. In fact it was so stupid that King must have been embarrassed. But it really was a feeble attempt at satire. Very feeble, very stupid, and that should tell you something about a man who managed to pass himself off as a wise old uncle for so many years. He fooled a lot of people then, and he's still fooling them today, but in this case it wasn't intentional.
|| Posted by L. Barnes, October 31, 2004 03:53 PM |||| , 01:58 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Kerry Supporters Go Get Gas
So yesterday after dealing with yet another doctor's appointment, I went down to Price Club/Costco to get some gas.
I pull up the shortest line and shut off the engine. The car immediately in front of me is some japanese import (Honda?) with a Kerry/Edwards '04 sticker taped up in the back window.
I thought: 'Well, there has to be someone around here that's a Kerry backer...' and turned on the CD player to listen to some Oingo Boingo.
Read More of "Kerry Supporters Go Get Gas"I also notce that the car in front of that one was a Ford Astro van that also sported a Kerry/Edwards '04 sticker to which I thought 'safety in numbers....?' and turned up 'Just Another Day' on the CD player really loud.
The lady in the japanese import gets out and she's sporting a Kerry/Edwards button. 'Wow....' I thought, 'she's really into it'.
I then spent the next two and a half minutes listening to Oingo Boingo and watching this lady attempt to slide her Costco card into the gas pump's card reader with the card UPSIDE DOWN.
Slide....stare....slide again.....stare again....slide once again.....blame Bush....
She finally realizes that she's doing it wrong and gets it right. Another indication of the Democratic mindset here in San Diego?
Now, while I was enraptured with watching the Kerry/Edwards lady minion performing a simple task the wrong way, the guy in the Astrovan in front of here has been chit-chatting on his cell phone about three feet away from the gas pump.
**BIG NO-NO** This is a good way to start a fire at the gas pump incase you didn't realize it.
While he's been chit-chatting, the gas pump nozzle had already gone CH-CHUNK (because of the back pressure from the gas tank being 'full') and was just sitting there. After about a minute or so, this clown finally realizes that his minivan if full and proceeds to replace the nozzle back into the gas pump - all while blathering on this freakin cell phone!!
After closing the tank, he then proceeds to walk in front of his van and continue chit-chatting on the cell phone even though he's done.
Now I mention this because in addition to not only myself wait patiently to get gas, there were another three or more cars behind me also waiting.....and this dork is just blatthering away.
A firm hand on the horn of my truck got this man's attention - and scared the crap out of the Kerry/Edwards lady with the defective CostCo card. Cell phone man looks a little 'annoyed' by the horn interupting his important phone call and he starts to get into his van finally.
About this time, the Kerry/Edwards lady finally finishes her gas pumping and also leaves right after cell phone man.
As I pulled up the the pumps to get my gas - 10 minutes later - I really had to stop and think: Is this indicative of most Kerry/Edwards supporters? Are they either too dumb or too wrapped up in their little world to realize what's happening right around them?
It kind of put a chill in me to think that Kerry might win the election and then it's four years of upside down credit cards and being oblivious to blatant danger.
All done with "Kerry Supporters Go Get Gas"?
Comments on Kerry Supporters Go Get Gas
Ah Mikey, those folks were just morons, plain and simple. You were a lot more polite than I would have been, Kerry supporter or not. I wouldn't have waited ten minutes to lean on the horn, LOL!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 30, 2004 10:24 AM ||d. It's SoCal, sooo much more laid back than the East Coast. Me, I'm just an asshole, I figure I enough truck and 2nd gear for two vehicles, a little nudge might get his attention. ;)
|| Posted by kilabe, October 30, 2004 12:27 PM ||But that might cause them to feel 'persecuted'....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 30, 2004 12:35 PM ||I was at a gas station recently and was scratching my head at this "bumper" sticker.
Seems that this car owner placed a "W '04" sticker on her gas tank door on the side of her car.
I scratched my head for a minute, but it did seem fitting.
|| Posted by rob, October 30, 2004 02:22 PM ||That took me a minute to 'get' also.
Clever, but wrong IMO.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 30, 2004 02:37 PM ||If you can draw conclusions about the nature of Kerry supporters in general, based on a sample size of two idiots at a gas station, then you're just as stupid as they are. There are morons of every political stripe. At least the Kerry voting bloc doesn't include Southern Baptists, who happen to be among the dumbest, most backward-thinking people on the planet. Creationism, anyone?
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|| , 07:55 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 28, 2004
Canines for Truth
And they say dogs know when something is bad....
(Glommed from I Love Jet Noise)
Comments on Canines for Truth
ROFLMAO! That is a GREAT photo!
|| Posted by Maeve, October 28, 2004 08:57 PM ||Good one! :)
|| Posted by scroff, October 29, 2004 02:48 PM ||Isn't that Dick Cheney pissing on that sign? LOL!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 03:22 PM |||| , 02:26 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
SoCal Blechs
The server where this blog resides was 'down' most of yesterday for some unknown reason and by the time it was up again, I was too wiped out to blather about much of anything.
Today I've got TWO midterms back-to-back with the first one starting in about 45 minutes.
So, so summarize the last 48 hours: blech.
I can say that I'm looking forward to the election on Tuesday - mostly because I'm really burned out after nine months of politics.
Of course, when President Bush is re-elected, the amount of whining about 'stolen elections' and 'disenfranchised voters' will be plentiful. And then it'll be more 'blech'.
Comments on SoCal Blechs
Good luck on the exams and remember after bush is elected, it will be them going 'blech', not us.
|| Posted by kilabe, October 28, 2004 09:10 AM ||I, too, will be glad when this election season is over. Quite draining. I'm guessing we won't know who the new prez is for a few days after Tuesday.
My gut tells me it will be President Kerry, and I hope I'm right. Still, it will be a tough four years of gritting our teeth before we can get a Rudy G. and anyone else ticket in place to set this country back on the right path. Fiscal conservative, social moderate. With backbone.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, October 29, 2004 12:12 PM ||I fear you're right - it'll be DAYS before there is a clear winner. Unless it's a landslide for Bush.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 29, 2004 12:51 PM ||At least days....
As far as who will be the winner... did you hear some guy called a radio talk show a while back and said Kerry will be president when Boston wins the series? ;)
|| Posted by scroff, October 29, 2004 02:51 PM ||Rudy G.is an asshole. Did you hear him blame the troops for the missing explosions yesterday? He handled 911 quite well, but everything else he did with NY sucked...I say as a New Yorker
|| Posted by ruthie, October 29, 2004 04:13 PM ||Point well taken, Ruthie. I still like him the best out of anyone out there, but you're right, that was a very poor showing.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, October 29, 2004 04:31 PM ||Yeah, Big Bad Rudy G., son of a Loan Shark, cracked down on hot dog vendors and cab drivers prior to 9/11, blames privates and pfcs for Bush's mess afterwards. What a leader!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 29, 2004 09:02 PM ||What about John McCain as a conservative candidate?
|| Posted by scroff, October 30, 2004 12:37 AM ||I would vote for McCain.
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|| , 08:50 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 26, 2004
Details Make the Story
I was trying to find any other MSM that was talking about Drudge's breaking news last night about how the missing plastic explosives splattered all over the front page of the New York Times were missing before U.S. troops arrived in Baghdad, but it would seem that no one is interested in quelling this October surprise.
And then I check (of all the places) CNN and wadda-ya-know? Here it is.
I am actually suprised that CNN is the first up on reporting this.What is also interesting is that Drudge Report is saying that this was 'broken' by NBC News and yet - there's NOTHING on MSNBC. Curious.
I find that it's the details of the story that make it interesting....
What is also interesting is that the IAEA was notified October 10th about the *cough* missing explosives and decided just now to release this information - ONE WEEK before the U.S. election?
Comments on Details Make the Story
Yet even as these facts come out Edwards is still out there saying its George Bush's fault that these explosives got out. So I guess Edwards thinks we should of invaded Iraq sooner.
|| Posted by The Pirate, October 26, 2004 07:44 AM ||Embedded Reporter Saw No Explosives Search
NEW YORK - An NBC News reporter embedded with a U.S. army unit that seized an Iraqi installation three weeks into the war said Tuesday that she saw no signs that the Americans searched for the powerful explosives that are now missing from the site.
Reporter Lai Ling Jew, who was embedded with the Army's 101st Airborne, Second Brigade, said her news team stayed at the Al-Qaqaa base for about 24 hours.
"There wasn't a search," she told MSNBC, an NBC cable news channel. "The mission that the brigade had was to get to Baghdad. That was more of a pit stop there for us. And, you know, the searching, I mean certainly some of the soldiers head off on their own, looked through the bunkers just to look at the vast amount of ordnance lying around.
"But as far as we could tell, there was no move to secure the weapons, nothing to keep looters away."
On Monday night, NBC reported that its embedded crew said U.S. troops did discover significant stockpiles of bombs, but no sign of the missing HMX and RDX explosives.
The NBC report came after the U.N. nuclear agency told the Security Council on Monday about the disappearance of the 377 tons of high explosives, mostly HMX and RDX, which can be used in the kind of car bomb attacks that have targeted U.S. forces.
Iraq blamed "theft and looting ... due to lack of security."
The disappearance raised questions about why the United States didn't do more to secure the Al-Qaqaa facility 30 miles south of Baghdad.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said coalition forces were present in the vicinity of the site both during and after major combat operations, which ended on May 1, 2003. He said they searched the facility but found none of the explosives in question or weapons of mass destruction.
"The forces searched 32 bunkers and 87 other buildings at the facility, but found no indicators of WMD," Whitman said Monday.
That raised the possibility that the explosives had disappeared before U.S. soldiers could secure the site in the immediate invasion aftermath.
However, Iraq's Ministry of Science and Technology told the IAEA the explosives disappeared sometime after coalition forces took control of Baghdad on April 9, 2003.
The NBC team accompanied the 101st Airborne at Al-Qaqaa the following day — on April 10, 2003.
Lai Ling told MSNBC that there was no talk among the 101st of securing the area after they left.
She said the roads were cut off "so it would have been very difficult, I believe, for the looters to get there."
One would also note the roads in the area were clogged with supply and communications lines all the way back to Kuwait. one could alos note that there are limited numbers of paved roads in the countryside of Iraq. One might also note that unmanned aircraft were used to monitor the roads and surrounding areas for anything out of the ordinary. One might also note that it would of takenatleast 38 trucks to move 38-tons of material.
But it could of grown legs and walked off on its own.
|| Posted by The Pirate, October 26, 2004 06:24 PM ||Sorry NEOdork - your opinion(s) aren't worthy enough to grace our presence.
And the colored girls say: 'delete, delete, delete-delete-delete'.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 28, 2004 02:02 PM ||Good thing you like me, Mikey. ROFL
|| Posted by ruthie, October 28, 2004 02:23 PM ||Well, there is a distinct difference between you and NEOdork: you are civil dispite not agreeing with me on some topics.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 28, 2004 07:15 PM ||Shit. Why is anyone surprised? Thge only thing the troops were ordered to secure were the oil fields. As for the looting, as Runsfeld said, "They're showing the same picture of the same guy with the same vase over and over again." And, "That's what happens in a free society, people loot."
Gotta run. I'm off to Walmart to exercise some "freedom".
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 06:32 PM |||| , 06:22 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 25, 2004
No Myth Here
Here are some of those 'lies' that say Kerry is weak on defense:
(The citations for each point can be found on the source page).Food for thought come next Tuesday....
Comments on No Myth Here
That's a pretty misleading article, there, Mad One. First of all I almost went blind trying to read the citations so I could verify them. Second, many of the specific "votes" were included in wider bills. Third, in the case of the B-2, Cheney himself tried to cut the production. There are other examples, but I'll just say the only way to really know is to look up his record.
It might take more time than most people are willing to put into it, but here's a link from VoteSmart that lists Kerry's votes...
Most people are already decided, but for those "swing voters", my advice is don't go by anyone's impressions, do the research yourself.
|| Posted by scroff, October 29, 2004 03:07 PM ||Mikey,
Why do you keep drinking the kool-aid? Do you know anything about the $87 billion and why Kerry changed his mind on it? Could it be, duh, that the bill itself changed?
Please, Bro, fire a few more neurons and get the whole story before you go repeating the Republican propoganda.
For those of you who question me, get off yer lazy asses and do your own homework. Research the Bill when Kerry voted for it and when he voted against it. Ask yourself this, "How could the same guy vote twice on a single Bill unless it was brought up twice and why was it brought up twice? Could it have been changed? Duh?"
Nah, that's too much work, easier to believe the soundbytes, yeah that's it, our Pres-idiot wouldn't lie, nah...
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|| , 02:38 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Picks for 2004 California Props
This is something I had intended to do about a month ago, but have procrastinated on long enough...especially considering that the election is next week.
Now, these are my opinion(s) on this propositions; they're what I'm thinking when I consider are these proposed changes good for me and/or good for California. Your opinion(s) might differ from mine and you might consider what I've written to be just chock-full-of-crap.
As the saying goes: 'Your mileage may vary'.
Read More of "Picks for 2004 California Props"From the Secretary of the State of California, I offer up my opinion(s) on the propositions on the November 2, 2004 ballot:
Proposition 1A - Protection of Local Government Revenues.
San Diego has for a long time been screwed over by Sacramento as far as taking tax revenues generated here and giving basically crap for support. Keep the money under local control.
Proposition 59 - Public Records, Open Meetings. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.
At least here in San Diego, the local city council has been having way too many 'closed-door' meetings and while the need for descression can be beneficial for some activities of government, it doesn't appear to be helpful down here. The City of San Diego is about a biscuit away from bankruptcy (like Orange County a few years ago) and is about to have a lot of its members indicted by Federal authorities, so IMO this 'closed-door' crap has to stop.
Proposition 60 - Election Rights of Political Parties. Legislative Constitutional Amendment
Somehow this one slipped past the 'stupid' censors as it basically enacts current California election law(s). Anything that explicitly re-affirms common sense is something (at least as California propositions go) to be weary of.
Proposition 60A - Surplus Property. Legislative Constitutional Amendment
The state is in a financial bind and this simply allows the state to unload useless assets that could be better utilized by other entities.
Proposition 61 - Children's Hospital Projects. Grant Program. Bond Act. Initiative Statute.
I say yes based on the fact that the only oppostion on the official pamphlet is from some attorney and it was a weak argument. Additionally, the bond is for less than $1 billion.
Proposition 62 - Elections. Primaries. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
Let political parties select their own candidates - not who party opponents would like to see fail. Let the candidates face each other based on their platforms, not how other parties can 'freep' the primaries.
This proposition is easily confused with Prop 60, which is useless.
Proposition 63 - Mental Health Services Expansion, Funding. Tax on Personal Incomes Above $1 Million. Initiative Statute.
The main idea behind this is admirable, but I really have a problem with targetting people of a specific tax bracket to help cover the costs of something that should be dealt with by the Legislature in its normal work load.
Additionally, this sets a bad 'precident' for creating specific, targetted taxes/fees for other social service programs in the future.
Proposition 64 - Limits on Private Enforcement of Unfair Business Competition Laws. Initiative Statute.
This proposition looks just confusing as Hell and I've always treated confusing issues on propositions with a metric ton of skepticism. If it doesn't make sense, vote no cause it can always be re-submitted for voter approval with language that is more clear.
Proposition 65 - Local Government Funds, Revenues. State Mandates. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
Proposition 1A is an improved version of Prop 65. Vote NO on this and YES on Prop 1A.
Proposition 66 - Limitations on "Three Strikes" Law. Sex Crimes. Punishment. Initiative Statute.
Just plain NO. I have ZERO sympathy for felons that whine about being locked up for committing 'non-felonies'. You commit a crime, you do the time. Period.
Additionally, I really don't like how the changes for 'sex crimes' is altered. IMO, anyone guilty of a sex crime should be just executed immediately.
Proposition 67 - Emergency Medical Services. Funding. Telephone Surcharge. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
This is just like Proposition 63 - it's an additional tax that will pay for services that should be provided for by the normal legislative process.
The real source of this problem isn't within California - it's the Federal government that needs to deal with the illegals that use emergency room services as a clinic. Eliminate the drain on these services and there isn't a need for this tax or at minimum, have the Federal government pay the states (like California) for the services that we're required by law to shell out.
Proposition 68 - Non-Tribal Commercial Gambling Expansion. Tribal Gaming Compact Amendements. Revenues, Tax Exemptions. Initiative Constitutional Amendments and Statute.
Both Props 68 & 70 are confusing and as such will get my NO vote. If they're great for California, they'll be re-submitted with more concise language.
Proposition 69 - DNA Samples. Collection. Database. Funding. Initiative Statute.
I am a little leary of this cause while I don't subscribe to the 'Big Brother' conspiracy theories, there is always room for a legitimate program to be abused and abusive to innocent people.
Proposition 70 - Tribal Gaming Compacts. Exclusive Gaming Rights. Contributions to State. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
See Prop 68 for reasoning.
Proposition 71 - Stem Cell Research. Funding. Bonds. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
While I'm conservative leaning, I am not a hard-core Republican.
For the time being, I have no problem with utilizing all avenues of science to better the human condition.
Proposition 72 - Health Care Coverage Requirements. Referendum.
The idea of 'motivating' business owners to provide health coverage for their employees is a good idea....on paper....it's counter-productive.
Business owners that are employing 18 employees will be exempt whereas if they hire one more person, they fall under the guidelines/regulations of this new law. An owner might not be able or willing to hire that one person just to be able to stay afloat. Now - multiple this one business owner times 100,000 - and you have a significant chunk of unemployed people.
California will take a while to recover from the anti-business environment of former-now-unemployed Governor Gray Davis....we don't need this to retard that re-development.
All done with "Picks for 2004 California Props"?
Comments on Picks for 2004 California Props
On Prop 71 you might want to check out the op-ed in the Boston Globe written by a pro-stem cell, but anti-Prop 71 advocate. (http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2004/10/24/stem_cells_on_the_ballot/)
|| Posted by The Pirate, October 25, 2004 01:24 PM ||Damn you Californians have a lot of props to vote on.
|| Posted by jaws, October 25, 2004 02:52 PM ||I only had two propositions to vote on, one was issue 1 (same sex marriage) and a school bond issue in OH
I agree with you on most of these. I, too, question Prop 71. I'm all for not banning stem cell research, but $3 billion at a time when we are so strapped for cash?? is it really critically important at this time, or just politics? my rule of thumb is NO on any bond measure, with some exception for school bond measures. I don't want my tax dollars paying for something that can be funded in the private sector. if stem cell research is so promising for cures, then private companies can do it and get the glory that comes with it-- at least until our state is in better financial health. that ain't gonna happen for a while...
|| Posted by nathalie, October 25, 2004 06:18 PM ||Nice work. I won't argue with you on 71 but you might want to take another look at 60. While it seems silly that there is a proposition that restates existing law it is designed to offset the negitive effects of 62.
Check out the YES on 60 site here: http://www.yeson60.com/index.html
and the NO on 62 here:
|| Posted by Miller's Time, October 27, 2004 06:00 PM ||http://www.noon62.com/home/
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|| , 12:43 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 23, 2004
Team America: World Police
I went to see Team America: World Police and laughed my butt off.
It's rated R for a reason so don't take your kids along. Or anyone that is easily offended by cussing cause there's a lot of it in this flick.
Comments on Team America: World Police
Fuck yeah!
|| Posted by Brent, October 23, 2004 08:49 PM ||Mikey, now why is this something I would expect a Bush supporter to spend his hard earned dollars on?
C'mon dude, I would have more respect if you did a review of "Laura Does Dallas" LOL!
BTW, how goes it?
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 24, 2004 05:39 PM ||Busy. Denying civil liberties, disenfranchising Democrat voters, shoving old people under busses....the usual. ;)
Actually, its basically: work, eat, sleep, school, repeat.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 24, 2004 06:29 PM ||The son took Cookie and me to see it. It was funny, but disconcerting too. They pretty much make fun of everyone, though.
|| Posted by Cait, October 25, 2004 09:09 AM ||First of all: YES. I have returned.
Just remember... there's no "I" in "Team America"...
|| Posted by Mike the Marine, October 25, 2004 12:38 PM |||| , 07:39 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
I got what I wanted for my birthday: Ann Coulter's new book and it came from my daughter.
I also got some flannel jammies, a remote control for the PlayStation 2, and some new shorts. (I know it might sound lame, but it's nice to get things that I don't have to buy).
Comments on Ba-Da-Bing!
Happy (belated) b-day!
|| Posted by jaws, October 23, 2004 03:39 PM ||Jeez, if jaws is "belated" at 3:39pm on the correct day, than I 'be' so 'late' it's almost a sin....
Happy Birthday, Epitome of Cuteness!!!!
Glad it was a good 'un...
|| Posted by Stevie, October 23, 2004 10:59 PM ||Oh, God Bless Time Zones!!!
I made it, too... yay!!!
(I just figured that out... *duh*)
|| Posted by Stevie, October 23, 2004 11:00 PM ||Happy Burphday sah!
|| Posted by Light & Dark, October 24, 2004 01:32 AM ||Happy Birthday Swabjock. Many more. don't forget my offer, it still stands.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 24, 2004 07:04 PM ||Happy Birthday
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 07:11 PM |||| , 01:38 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 22, 2004
'Stolen Honor'
It would appear that since the broadcast of the documentary 'Stolen Honor' by the Sinclair Broadcasting Corp is causing such a collection of wrinkled noses by the Kerry campaign, the producers of the film found a solution:
Release it onto the Internet
It's a low resolution, but it's still there. I'm watching it now and it's chilling.
(Hat tip to Smash for the link)
Comments on 'Stolen Honor'
John Kerry -
Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal.
How about:
George Bush & Dick Cheney-
Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Occurred.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 05:22 PM |||| , 06:28 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Another Kerry Endorsement
Dispite some recent news, John Kerry has picked up another endorsement for his campaign:
(Kerry Slogonator fourd at Wizbang)
Comments on Another Kerry Endorsement
yes, and here's another group for Kerry. LOL
|| Posted by ruthie, October 22, 2004 05:24 PM ||http://www.bushrelativesforkerry.com/pages/1/index.htm
I saw that over at AWW.
Hee-hee.[/courtesy giggle]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 22, 2004 05:34 PM ||Yeah, I ripped it off from them. LOL
|| Posted by ruthie, October 22, 2004 06:03 PM ||LMAO!
|| Posted by Brent, October 23, 2004 02:02 PM ||Even the geese don't get. Now that's just sad.
|| Posted by Jim R, October 31, 2004 11:19 AM |||| , 02:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
UN Dragged in Sunlight, Burning Up Fast
This comes as no surprise:
Kofi, it's more like what little validity the United Nations possibly at one time commanded is bursting into flames and you're standing around discussing whether to roast weenies or marshmellows.But that's okay in the eyes of some - there's a nuance to it that makes it all better....
Comments on UN Dragged in Sunlight, Burning Up Fast
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 05:19 PM |||| , 11:37 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
No Rush What-So-Ever
I hate being kept waiting.
I had what I thought was enough time this morning to take care of something at the hospital, yet what should have been 35 minutes total turned into 90 minutes instead.
I had to get some blood drawn for an upcoming doctor's appointment and I had to get a flu shot.
The flu shot took almost no time, which is ironic cause I thought it would take a lot longer to be confirmed as needing a flu shot. Not the case here - in, jabbed, and out in 10 minutes.
Getting blood drawn took forever though. It would seem that all of the old people here in San Diego all needed bloodwork too and decided to do it this morning. I was waiting so long I actually dozed off in the lounge.
So....all this made me late for work. And I hate being late for work.
UPDATE: Now my arm frelling aches where they injected the vaccine. Crap.
Comments on No Rush What-So-Ever
aw, Mikey. Good you got the flu shot, bad it took forever to get your bloodwork. hope your arm feels better soon.
|| Posted by ruthie, October 22, 2004 10:21 PM ||Old people are generally slow as a rule. :)
|| Posted by Davey, October 23, 2004 09:33 AM ||You got the Flu Shot Mikey? Didn't you listen to your President? Don't we all have to make sacrifices now because he dropped the ball?
I've never had a Flu shot in my life and I'm 53 years old. Some Re-pug-nicant you are. You're starting to sound like a pussy to me, Mikey, wassup?
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 24, 2004 05:48 PM ||Uhhhh, I hope your joking about me getting a flu shot.
You know why I rate a shot....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 24, 2004 06:18 PM ||Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. I'm all fired up because some knucklehead keeps stealng my Kerry signs and my "love" of Re-pug-nicants is getting stretched thin. If I catch the bastards I'll probably end up doing time 'cause someone is going to get hurt really bad. Anyway, I answered your post at aww.
Best to you & yours.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 24, 2004 08:38 PM ||wow, didn't realize bushitler was running a biotech business now.... :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, October 25, 2004 06:22 PM ||Hi Nat!
Ofcourse he is! That's why the drug companies have no-bid contracts for medicare! BTW, I like your nickname for Monkey-boy, Bushitler, it incorporates everything I fell about him,,,Bush Shit, Hitler, very good! Glad to see you've come around!
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|| , 11:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Pinch Hitter
Stellar idea. Out-of-the-box thinking - the kind normally associated with bending spoons with your mind.
First impression: the scene from M*A*S*H where Frank Burns gets a 40mm anti-aircraft gun installed at the hospital to deal with the menace of 5 O'clock Charley: I'm wondering if anyone at the Kerry campaign toyed with the idea of informing Kerry that Gore lost Florida......nah.Al is going down Florida way to help explain the nuances of voting for Kerry instead of President Bush.
Comments on Pinch Hitter
I always find it interesting when people who complain when us lefties bring up Florida and 2000 (not saying you do, Mad One ;) ) go ahead and bring it up.
It will never be known whether or not Gore "lost" Florida. The game was called on account of stupidity.
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|| , 06:19 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 20, 2004
Late Anniversary Announcement
Apparently, I missed the anniversary of the first plane launched from a carrier.
Comments on Late Anniversary Announcement
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 06:10 PM |||| , 12:53 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Say What!?
I love how this clown dismisses Gen. Tommy Franks knowledge:
Get in the way of facts?! He was the freaking COMMANDER of the military forces in the fight you stupid hack!Who are you gonna believe: someone being briefed with second- or third-hand information or the guy who was updated hourly and was 'in the know'?
That's the beauty of listening to Democrats: they never let little things like facts muddle their thinking....
Comments on Say What!?
And then the Kerry campaign is running around touting (or dropping?) names like Gen. Shishinki (sp?).....yeah, um, I'll take Gen. Franks' word
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 06:00 PM |||| , 10:41 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Capitulation Works Really Well
Spain pulled its troops out of Iraq so as to not 'anger' the Muslim Islamofascists after the terrorist attack that killed close to 200 people and injured scores more.
That policy is having such good results....let's all become Capitulation Monkeys, huh??
Comments on Capitulation Works Really Well
Spain's Government - Sangria Drinking Appeasment Monkeys
All we are saying...
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|| , 06:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 19, 2004
What John Really Wants
Senator John Kerry is actually one of the 'Undead' wandering the Earth.
And he wants to eat your eternal soul.
Comments on What John Really Wants
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 05:48 PM |||| , 06:10 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Ho Hum Day
Nothing to blog about today - at least, nothing interesting in the news.
Spent the day getting rained on and walking all over the frelling campus all in an attempt to get a lab for Active Circuit Design finished.
Dispite dumping way too much time into it, we (my lab partners and I) apparently failed to perform some of the more obscure steps in designing an 2nd Order Active Filter. But we lucked out: we got a TA that was extremely 'cool' and blew off our omissions. We got 10 points out of 10 for this assignment.
Now I can ever-so-slightly relax....until I start cramming for a midterm that's coming up in the next week.
Comments on Ho Hum Day
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 05:47 PM |||| , 05:23 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 18, 2004
Rain? What's that?
It is raining today here in San Diego - first time in over 180 days - and it's about time.
Of course, with the increase in humidity in the air, the average IQ of Southern California drivers decreases exponentially....by the end of the evening commute, there will probably be somewhere around 200+ accidents.
This might explain why my lab partner is late getting to the library where I'm attempting to build/simulate a circuit using PSPICE. The only problem is that I'm attempting to remember how I used PSPICE last spring and I'm about ready to scream 'FRELL IT!!!' at the top of my lungs.
Comments on Rain? What's that?
Over an inch in some places!!! You just know that two more days of this will cause us to slide into the Pacific.
Welcome El Nino
|| Posted by Da Goddess, October 19, 2004 01:47 AM ||180 days without rain? You want some? We got plenty! I'm starting to draw up plans for an ark!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 21, 2004 01:07 AM |||| , 11:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 17, 2004
A Taste of Crüe
The wife slipped this into the CD player this afternoon and we're currently rattling the wall plaster.
Ahhh....fond memories.
Comments on A Taste of Crüe
Rock on, Dude!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 17, 2004 08:25 PM ||I remember buying that CD back in 1999 the day after the prom. That is still on of my favorite CDs.
|| Posted by Davey, October 17, 2004 08:38 PM ||That CD is permanently welded into the CD-player in my car.
Well, my second copy of that CD. Wore out the first one into dust!
Couple complaints, tho...
Where are...
All in the name of...?
Too Young to Fall in Love?
Not diggin' the new version of Shout at the Devil
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, October 18, 2004 08:11 AM |||| , 02:01 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 16, 2004
The Things You Find...
I was browsing through the articles of World Net Daily and was about to close it when I found a link to an article about travelling to Mars in 90 days. So I clicked on the link here.
Now, the practicality of this new propulsion is that it is YEARS away from being utilized, but it's still way cool.What I discovered wasn't the news article, but the entire website called Red Nova which in itself is also way cool....
Comments on The Things You Find...
I have been to Mars many, many times. I was the personal guest of the Robot Space Monkey Overlord of The Universe, Known and Unknown.
In fact, I'm on my way there now, any messages?
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 16, 2004 04:03 PM |||| , 02:52 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 15, 2004
Subtle Hint?
I'm wonder if this is a subtle hint for those that are still undecided about who to vote for on November 2nd....
Comments on Subtle Hint?
I noticed that he's marching on past the "Dead End" sign, signifying that the "Dead End" is Bush and that Kerry will lead the nation to a renewal of the values that made this Republic great. The same values that Cheney-Bush have so much disdain for.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 16, 2004 04:09 PM ||Uh, I don't know how the roads are in your town, D. But if you go past a Dead End sign in my town, it usually means you're about to end up at a dead end.
|| Posted by Chet, October 16, 2004 04:27 PM ||Hmmm, you're right Chet. He must be on his way to a Bush rally! LOL!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 16, 2004 06:35 PM ||Right. Exactly where Kerry's journey ends - Bush's supporters will be happy to greet him there. ;)
|| Posted by Chet, October 16, 2004 11:06 PM ||Ah c'mon Chet, fess up. Wouldn't you really like to "lick Bush" in '04?
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 17, 2004 08:20 PM |||| , 03:54 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
My birthday is coming up soon and here's hoping that the wife took my 'hint' about wanting to read Ann Coulter's new book seriously....
Comments on Hoping....
I honestly don't know how to tell you this, but I don't know if that would be the most reliable source to go to on "how to talk to a liberal, if you must." She doesn't seem to be making any progress as far as I can see. Stank ass bitch.
Sorry, I can't help it. I get a mild case of turrets every time I see her vacuous mug.
|| Posted by Maria, October 15, 2004 07:06 PM ||Isn't that really Bill O'Reilly in drag?
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 16, 2004 04:04 PM ||Actually Ann, in order for YOU to talk to a Liberal, first, wrap lips around Dick...(and we don't mean Cheney! Ugh!)
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 16, 2004 04:06 PM ||Maria: Yes, I'm aware that it isn't a 'Talking to Liberals for Dummies' manual.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 16, 2004 04:37 PM ||I happen to know someone who recently received this book as a gift. If you ask nicely, I think I'll...er....she'll lend it to you - until you get your own copy, that is.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, October 19, 2004 01:48 AM |||| , 12:05 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Happy Ramadan!
Ramadan starting off with a bang in Fallujah:
Comments on Happy Ramadan!
|| , 10:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentOctober 14, 2004
When you know your Democratic candidate just plain sucks ass and the election doesn't look good, there is always the 'tried & true' tactic of stealing signs.
Just hope you're not caught.
Comments on D'oh!
For something similar, see...
|| Posted by hindmost, October 15, 2004 08:59 PM |||| , 05:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Welcome to the Club Hamas
It would seem that there is yet another group that thinks the United States is E-V-I-L:
While I am not an expert on U.S. policy when dealing with groups such as Hamas, I can safely predict that if the Hamas leadership (the ones that are still alive) thinks that Israel is being mean & nasty when dealing with a homicide bomber, just wait and see how many big, smoking craters are created in Gaza should they decide to 'act' upon this new declaration.(Another hat tip to Charles at LGF for this)
Comments on Welcome to the Club Hamas
|| , 04:41 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentQueen of Sting
Dispite what you might think about her on a personal level, Ann Coulter sure can sling 'em:
Heh!Comments on Queen of Sting
|| , 12:31 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentOctober 13, 2004
Debate Chat
Chit-chatting in Yahoo about the debate....
Comments on Debate Chat
I was just shocked to see a Democrat who didn't pander the anti-Christian, anti-religious, devil worshiping wing of the party! I have no doubt that those voodoo worshippers are going to fry for it! The man actually showed conviction and he seemed sincere. He talked about his faith and I connected with that message. I'm not sure if I could ever vote for a Democrat, but based on tonight I entered the undecided column.
|| Posted by Ace Parsi, October 13, 2004 11:53 PM ||Kerry rocked! Bush is over. Wake up and smell the cornflakes!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 16, 2004 04:01 PM |||| , 06:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
New Swift Boats Ad
Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth have TWO new advertisements that will make the hair on your neck stand up: They Served.
(Hat tip to Charles at LGF)
Comments on New Swift Boats Ad
|| , 05:36 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentU.S. Navy's 229th Birthday
Establishment of the Navy, 13 October 1775
This resolution of the Continental Congress marked the establishment of what is now the United States Navy.
"Resolved, That a swift sailing vessel, to carry ten carriage guns, and a proportionable number of swivels, with eighty men, be fitted, with all possible despatch, for a cruise of three months, and that the commander be instructed to cruize eastward, for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warlike stores and other supplies for our enemies, and for such other purposes as the Congress shall direct.
That a Committee of three be appointed to prepare an estimate of the expence, and lay the same before the Congress, and to contract with proper persons to fit out the vessel.
Resolved, that another vessel be fitted out for the same purposes, and that the said committee report their opinion of a proper vessel, and also an estimate of the expence."
Comments on U.S. Navy's 229th Birthday
|| , 12:27 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentFrell Off
Been watching a little too much Farscape on the Sci Fi Channel - I'm starting to tell people to 'get frelled' a little too much....
Comments on Frell Off
Yeah, but my kids can use that term without getting into trouble, especially since I know they have NO CLUE what that word probably means. And, I have been known to let that phrase fly, myself.
|| Posted by Beth, October 13, 2004 12:37 PM ||I saw a "Crighton/Sun 2008" bumper sticker online somewhere last week... sounds frellin' good to me!
|| Posted by hindmost, October 15, 2004 09:01 PM |||| , 11:48 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
October 12, 2004
16 Obvious Points
I really get a kick out of P.J. O'Rourke:
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» Dog Snot Diaries links with: Ahhh, Political Satire, on October 12, 2004, 09:57 AM
Excerpt: From P. J. O'Rourke, with a hat tip to Mad Mikey. (1) My opponent, Massachusetts senator John Kerry--or, as I like to think of him, Teddy Kennedy with a designated driver . . ....
» Coffee with CrankyBeach links with: Political Satire At Its Finest, on October 14, 2004, 04:45 PM
Excerpt: The inimitable P.J. O'Rourke weighs in with some things the president should have said in last night's debate. (Hat tip: Dog Snot Diaries via Mad Mikey.) Just a couple of...
Comments on 16 Obvious Points
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October 11, 2004
Comes in Threes?
First Rodney, now Ken & Christopher.
Double Bummer.
Dispite the crap happening to Ken lately, he was quite popular here in San Diego back when he was a Padre.Comments on Comes in Threes?
Don't forget about that other chick... Janet Leigh? She went right before Rodney.
|| Posted by Stevie, October 11, 2004 05:41 PM ||If you're gonna count the athlete (I don't, they piss me off, killing themselves with Ephedra (and 'roids), thereby making it impossible for ME to get it (the Ephedra, not 'roids) anymore, thanks a load, ya retards), then I think Chris is the first of the next "three".
Actually, Cutie, if yer interested in this kinda thing, you oughta check out "The Blog of Death", near the bottom of my blogroll.
I just found it about a week or so ago.
Morbidly fascinating.
|| Posted by Stevie, October 11, 2004 05:46 PM ||Why couldn't it have been John Kerry who finished out the top 3?
|| Posted by Mays, October 11, 2004 10:06 PM ||Well, luckily that hasn't/won't happen cause then the 'sympathy' vote would be strong.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 12, 2004 05:15 AM ||Well hell, we could have several more groups of three's. ALL the lying sacks of monkey shit could crawl off and die and then, MAYBE we could get a semi-intelligent person running things like they should be run.... which is the exact OPPOSITE of the way it's being done, has been done all my life and probably will be done til I'm dead.
Politicians are all exactly the same. They all lie, cheat, steal and fuck us up, down, sideways and DRY. One is no different or better than any other. Might as well flip a coin or throw a dart at pictures to decide WHICH lying sack of monkey feces to elect.
|| Posted by Stevie, October 12, 2004 10:26 AM ||Seriously.
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October 10, 2004
Academic/Intellectual Honesty II
I posted something a few months ago about some of my daughter's school assignments.
She's in 5th grade now and she still has to do weekly assignments in her 'A to Z Journal' much like last year except that the letters are highlighting different countries around the planet instead of counties in California.
And as with last year's journal, she is tasked with decorating the borders of her weekly entries with drawings of things beginning with that weeks letter, i.e., for the letter C, she drew 'cat', 'cow', 'corn', etc.
This week, the letter is 'E' and one of the sub-topics she has to research is 'elephant', so I suggested this image.
As Whitney Houston sang (in between bong hits): '....teach the children and let them lead the way...'
Comments on Academic/Intellectual Honesty II
Good daddy! Good for you.
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October 09, 2004
American Empire?
Here's a photo of U.S. 'imperialism' in action:
Comments on American Empire?
Great picture....
Karzai is projected to win this election hands down... the former Taliban member is the American appointee, a former mid-east adviser to Unocal from the days when Unocal was negotiating with the Taliban to build the Afghan pipeline. The US ambassador is another former Taliban supporter, Zalmay Khalilzad, another adviser to Unocal during the pipeline talks. He's also been an adviser to Presidents Bush (41) and Reagan and is a member of the US National Security Council.
It would be interesting to see how much US financial aid was given to Karzai and his 15 opponents for the "campaign". I'd be willing to wager that Karzai had the full support of the people who installed him (the US) and his opponents had zip.
I suppose whether or not that could be considered imperialistic is in the eye of the beholder, or how you define the word.
|| Posted by scroff, October 9, 2004 11:54 AM ||Oh yes, America is evil. As per our discussions, we've obviously made Afghani lives miserable. Voting? Self-determination? Medical care? Food? Clean water? Education? How dare we!
|| Posted by Da Goddess, October 10, 2004 10:24 PM ||Interesting reply... too bad it didn't have anything to do with the topic... just a stock, weak, stereotypical, no thought required, wacko right winger statement. Who said America is evil?
|| Posted by scroff, October 12, 2004 07:46 AM ||The question was about American Imperialism.
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The Phoenix
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian).
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Comments on The Phoenix
You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator. "And The Goddess planted the acorn of life. She cried a single tear and shed a single drop of blood upon the earth where she buried it. From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into the world." Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek), Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian). The Goddess is associated with the concept of creation, the number 1, and the element of earth. Her sign is the dawn sun. As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic individual and people are drawn to you. Although sometimes you may seem emotionally distant, you are deeply in tune with other people's feelings and have tremendous empathy. Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your own self. Goddesses are the best friends to have because they're always willing to help.
|| Posted by ruthie, October 9, 2004 11:04 AM ||Wait.... I'm a goddess, too! I doan wanna be no stinkin goddess! I wanna be sumptin macho like Thor or somethin cool like that! How can I be a goddess mob boss??!!
|| Posted by scroff, October 9, 2004 01:16 PM ||Supra Footwear
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Thhhhuffering Thuuccotash!
Tackled some 'honey dos' and am trying to get up the courage to tackle a lab assignment using MATLAB. I say 'get up the courage' cause I've never used MATLAB before and it seems to be the preferred engineering software tool of most professors in the Jacobs School of Engineering.
I decided to just go out and buy the freakin software package because:
- Hauling my ass to the prescribed labs where MATLAB is available on campus is a pain, and
- the labs always seem to be locked and/or never staffed with TAs to answer questions, and
- I'm gonna have to use MATLAB for several other classes before I graduate anyway
so it just seemed to be a prudent purchase. Now, I just have to figure out how to use it....Watched the debate last night and IMO President Bush got 'medieval on Kerry's buttocks'[/Forrest Gump]. Bush was in his element with the Town Hall format and dispite the *cough* moderator forgetting that Bush was allowed to a quick rebuttal a couple of times (he's from ABC News - no surprise there), Bush dominated the night.
The one thing that boggled me was this: where did they find all the lispers in the audience? It seemed that half of the people asking their questions seemed to be drooling excessively and/or were keeping marbles in their mouths. Maybe there was a Sylvester the Cat Impersonation Contest in St. Louis...?
Comments on Thhhhuffering Thuuccotash!
I thought Bush looked like Yosemite Sam having a temper tantrum.
|| Posted by ruthie, October 9, 2004 11:08 AM ||"forgetting that Bush was allowed to a quick rebuttal a couple of times"
According to the rules, the candidate to whom the question is addressed has two minutes to answer, his opponent then has 90 seconds to rebut. The moderator may then, at his discretion, allow an extended discussion of thirty seconds each. No candidate is "allowed" a second rebuttal other than at the moderator's discretion, when he allows an extension of discussion.
There were two notable times when Bush went ahead and started into his thirty second rebuttal without receiving the go-ahead from Gibson. The first was after the first question, directed to Bush. Bush had two minutes, Kerry had 90 seconds. Gibson was going to allow an extended discussion but Bush started in before he could.
The second time was after a question directed to Bush. He had two minutes, Kerry had 90 seconds, Gibson wanted to extend and clarify the statements made by both men, especially Kerry's assertion of a "back door draft", but Bush talked over him and interrupted him and disregarded his clarification, and, IMNSHO, lost an opportunity to address Kerry's allegation. Bush went on a rant, frothing...
"You tell Tony Blair we're going alone. Tell Tony Blair we're going alone. Tell Silvio Berlusconi we're going alone. Tell Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland we're going alone." Poland, btw, is pulling out.
Keep in mind that the 1 minute extension is at the moderator's discretion, which he can use to further address the question at hand. Bush ignored him and did what he wanted to. But it was fortunate for Kerry, as he was then allowed 30 seconds, during which time he pointed out that countries are leaving the coalition, and that if Missouri were a country, considering the number of people from Missouri who are in Iraq, it would be the third largest contributor to the "coalition".
I agree Bush was medieval, in the Dark Ages. ;)
Oh, BTW, Bush does own 50% interest in LSTF, LLC, "a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales"" and he is considered a "small busiiness". Oops. Caught in another lie... yea I know, he forgot.
|| Posted by scroff, October 9, 2004 12:38 PM ||Matlab! I remember MATLAB! I was basically told to use it w/o being formally taught how to. It was daunting.
If I recall correctly from googling, there's a tutorial at/on MITs website.
|| Posted by jaws, October 9, 2004 02:28 PM ||I thought the "getting medieval" phrase was from Pulp Fiction after Bruce Willis and Vin What's-His-Name were "abused" in the dungeon.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, October 9, 2004 04:30 PM ||If I recall correctly from googling, there's a tutorial at/on MITs website.
Thanks! I'll poke around there....
TOMS: It is - I was thinking of the 'Mad TV' spoof called 'Gump Fiction' when I wrote that.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 9, 2004 04:56 PM ||I used Matlab 1 semester and it was in a obscure unstaffed lab too. But never used it again, could do all my civil work in excel and write macros in visual basic.
|| Posted by The Pirate, October 11, 2004 06:46 AM ||The reason I need MATLAB is that this is a Signals & Systems class and this particular lab involves sound files.
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October 08, 2004
Scary Kerry & the Death Bunny
Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry is resorting to scare tactics again.
Instead of simply repeating myths & rumors to scare the electorate, he's showing them the true meaning of terror: Iraqi Death Bunnies™.
Does this man have no decency!?!
Comments on Scary Kerry & the Death Bunny
Any chance that the iraqi death bunnies may be linked to Jimmy Carter's killer rabbits?
|| Posted by jaws, October 8, 2004 11:39 AM ||In need of more botox? Yes.
As for the decency question, he has none. Never had it, never will. Well.....MAYBE if he dumps THK. But that's a stretch.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, October 8, 2004 11:46 AM ||Nah, Mikey, that's the Jedi Mind Trick..."You WILL vote for me, Mikey. You WILL vote for me."
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October 06, 2004
I Got Nothing
I got nothing for the moment, so here's a photo of my other cat Julie.
Comments on I Got Nothing
Nice Cat.
|| Posted by Armando, October 6, 2004 04:30 PM ||What a pretty girl.
|| Posted by Cait, October 7, 2004 05:37 AM ||Pretty pussy ya got there Mikey!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 9, 2004 07:02 AM ||Not as cute as my precious Matilda, but pretty damn cute. ;o)
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Clear Thinking
Michelle Malkin highlights the 'Quote of the Night':
And as Michelle would say: 'Heh!'Comments on Clear Thinking
Boy that wuz funny, Mikey. You guys are really reaching now, ya know. The cat's out of the bag with shrub and more and more folks are realizing his serious deficiencies. I still love ya Bro, and someday, you'll thank me.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 7, 2004 06:55 PM ||That's why I like Bush. He doesn't over-think it. He wakes up every morning, jumps out of bed, lands on his two feet, scratches his balls, and says, "Let's kill some f@#@$ing terrorists!"
BARF. So basically, we have Gomer Pyle on crack running our fucking country. Cool.
It's unfortunate that he had to go to Iraq to kill the terrorists that were in Afghanistan. The man is a goddamn imbecile. I just realized that that must be what republicans like best about him. He's just like them.
|| Posted by Maria, October 10, 2004 05:02 PM ||The man is a goddamn imbecile. I just realized that that must be what republicans like best about him. He's just like them.
Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 10, 2004 06:42 PM ||So basically, we have Gomer Pyle on crack running our fucking country. Cool
ROFL!!! Oh man, that's great! Can I steal that one, Maria?
The man is a goddamn imbecile. I just realized that that must be what republicans like best about him. He's just like them.
Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark.
Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives. ~John Stuard Mill
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October 05, 2004
Well, this sucks:
Rest in Peace Rodney. You've finally gotten the respect that you richly deserved.
Comments on Bummer
Good post. I loved the guy. Gotta do a tribute myself when I get time. Ya know he loved Howard Stern?
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Just a quick reminder to all about the reality of 'Mad Mikey's Blog':
I just had to teach one person a lesson on being a smartass, especially when putting bogus e-mail addresses in the comments section.
Comments on The RULES
I missed all the fun.
I'm assuming it was under that "Tolerance" post? (It's political and ya know how that shit usually goes...)
(Well, plus, you have that big old comment in there yerself... *sticks out tongue, then giggles*)
(and, no, not at the same time... lol)
Anyway... like I said, "Aw poop. I missed it."
|| Posted by Stevie, October 5, 2004 12:36 PM ||*siiiiigh*
Well, I've warned this troll several times about not being an asshat and the dork just doesn't seem to understand, so I banned his ass.
Of course, he'll attempt to use a proxy server and come in on another IP - and I'll ban that one too.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 5, 2004 12:40 PM ||Aw geez... is that anatomically correct Ken-doll at it again?
|| Posted by Stevie, October 5, 2004 02:53 PM ||No - this time around it's a troll from North Carolina that calls himself Nunya, but everyone around the blogsphere has taken to calling him PMR (Pummel My Rectum).
It stems from his habit of hanging around the truckstop down by the interstate and exchanging 'comfort' to truckers for french fries.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 5, 2004 03:05 PM ||Man, you guys always have all the fun.
|| Posted by kilabe, October 5, 2004 03:12 PM ||My puppy just came in my mouth.
|| Posted by nunya, October 5, 2004 04:32 PM ||You reeeeally need to give your boyfriend a better nickname than that, Dude.
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More Sensitive?
Way to make our allies feel wanted John:
Looks like you'll really have to smooze up to Fiji and Lichtenstein should you be elected in November.Way to impress people.....you moron.
Comments on More Sensitive?
And cause you're being beligerent, you're deleted.
|| Posted by nunya/PMR, October 5, 2004 08:13 AM ||"Looks like you'll really have to smooze up to Fiji and Lichtenstein should you be elected in November"
Good one, Mad One. We both know we can't fix the screw up in Iraq without them!
BTW, do you think the Poles are going to withdraw their troops in protest to Kerry's statements?
|| Posted by scroff, October 6, 2004 08:07 AM ||No. The Poles are 'bigger' than that.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 6, 2004 11:43 AM ||An even better way to attract our allies is to let them know that they're a bunch of pussies for not joining us and doing stupid shit like changing the name of "French Fries" to "Freedom Fries." I love how Bush scared away all the BIG allies by being an arrogant bastard, but now he's going to try and make it look like John Kerry is undermining the contributions of countries like Poland. If Bush had been more diligent in persuading bigger allies to join us in our war in Iraq, this wouldn't even be an issue. But he couldn't be bothered because he was in a big fucking hurry. What an asshole.
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October 04, 2004
Four Points of John
Watching the debate last week, I was starting to get a little curious about Kerry's 'Four Point Plan' that he talked about, but didn't elaborate on. So I decided to check it out:
Read More of "Four Points of John"That's a clean sweep John: ALL of your ideas are crap.
All done with "Four Points of John"?
Comments on Four Points of John
Interesting post, Mad One... long response here...
It is indeed a sad statement of Bush's sad attempt at failed diplomacy that France and Germany state they won't send troops to Iraq, but that doesn't mean the US can't repair the ties that still remain for national security purposes. If we expect them to help in the so-called Global War on Terror, we can't go around making comments like this "The use of troops to defend America must never be subject to a veto by countries like France." That will ensure they'll never help. I'm willing to give Kerry a shot at diplomacy with "old Europe". He has stated in the debate he will never give another country veto power over the US in matters of self defense, that's common sense and goes for any country, not just the US, but to make a statement like Bush did is not the way to repair the damage.
" Quite the contrary, he's done all he could to gut the military. Another one heads south.... "
Who said this?
"After completing 20 planes for which we have begun procurement, we will shut down further production of the B-2 bomber. We will cancel the small ICBM program. We will cease production of new warheads for our sea-based ballistic missiles. We will stop all new production of the Peacekeeper [MX] missile. And we will not purchase any more advanced cruise missiles. … The reductions I have approved will save us an additional $50 billion over the next five years. By 1997 we will have cut defense by 30 percent since I took office."
George Herbert Walker Bush 1992
Cheney said;
"Overall, since I've been Secretary, we will have taken the five-year defense program down by well over $300 billion. That's the peace dividend. … And now we're adding to that another $50 billion … of so-called peace dividend."
"Congress has let me cancel a few programs. But you've squabbled and sometimes bickered and horse-traded and ended up forcing me to spend money on weapons that don't fill a vital need in these times of tight budgets and new requirements. … You've directed me to buy more M-1s, F-14s, and F-16s—all great systems … but we have enough of them."
Bush's diplomatic skills are questionable at best, and the entire country and the world knows that he only goes begging to the UN when he needs to save his ass, not for any real diplomacy. We're in the mess we're in now thanks to the Bush administration's "diplomacy". Our values and ideals are absent in the invasion of Iraq, replaced by a might makes right swagger that appeals mostly to people who like to compare the size of their "guns". There is no democracy in Iraq and, with the current plan there won't be, just a government installed by the US. I can't see the US as it is now, allowing someone like Sistani or Moqtada Sadr to be elected to office. In Afghanistan, the installed ruler is the former middle east adviser to Unocal. Whodathhunk.
Dependence on Middle East oil is a big problem, and it can't be fixed in four years, but an administration that isn't beholding to big oil would be better situated to begin investment in alternative energy sources and fuel conservation, like, for example, an mpg standard that auto makers have to meet. An administration that isn't beholding to big oil can begin to look at other ways of providing energy than petroleum and can begin to subsidize industries that do.
Neither candidate is the perfect candidate, but for the next four years I'll go with Kerry. One reason is that with Bush you get the same old tired deck of cards... Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rice, Powell, and all the minions of darkness that I'd like to see gone. Another reason is I think we need someone who thinks before he acts, someone who is at least as smart, if not smarter than his advisors. Hell, even Tucker Carlson isn't sure if he's voting for Bush, why should I?
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Tolerance? Part II
Can't stand the thought of someone else having an opinion different from your own? Burn a swastika:
You realize that if this had happened to a Kerry/Edwards supporter (and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't), there would be people screaming repression from coast to coast.Comments on Tolerance? Part II
"State Republican Party officials claim it's the latest in a series of desperate acts by Democrats."
Right. I love that "the latest in a series". Serial Democrats!! These unnamed vandals just HAVE TO BE democrats, no wait, DESPERATE Democrats!! Democrats Gone Wild!!! Live on Fox News at 6!!
Sure. I think it was a gang of Karl Rove wannabees.
The Republicans have already said they were going to blame any vandalism on the Democrats during the RNC, so I guess they're just following suit.
|| Posted by scroff, October 4, 2004 01:37 PM ||Being an asshat gets you deleted because here I AM IN CONTROL.
|| Posted by nunya/PMR, October 5, 2004 08:16 AM ||just got back from nashville where there was a spat of bush/cheney lawn signs destroyed in some countryside neighborhoods. same thing happened to kerry signs in FL a couple of months ago. there are loonies on both sides. but swastikas??? that's waaaay over the line.
scroff, why do the folks on your side (I really don't like the "my side-your side" terms, but...) of the spectrum assume that anything bad that could happen against the GOP is the evil work of rove and his little minions? CBS faked memos? rove. swastikas on a bush/cheney supporters lawn? rove. Washington State bush/cheney campaign HQ burglarized? rove. it's unbelievable that y'all think your side is above dirty tricks. that's pretty disingenuous, no? gotta say, though-- I agree and disagree with your comments, but they always make me smile. :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, October 5, 2004 08:46 AM ||hi Nat
|| Posted by ruthie, October 5, 2004 01:07 PM ||long time no see :)
I guess I wonder why every time something happens in a negative fashion to the Republicans, they immediately claim the Dems did it.
No one believes either side is above bad behavior, but to always blame the Dems is ludicrous
Hey nat!
Rove has a history of being a "dirty trickster", rumor has it he even bugged his own office and blamed the Dems during the race for gov.
I just like to say it... we used to blame Bush for everything, now we know it's Rove...
Mt. St. Helens? Rove!
|| Posted by scroff, October 5, 2004 01:22 PM ||and a comment like that is why you don't get my blood pressure up anymore, scroff. disappointed? ;-) didn't want to mention the hot-headed mountain, but it looks like you got that covered, too. hehe
hi ruthie! I wouldn't blame dems or repubs for for the nasty crap that happens, necessarily. I'm more likely to blame "assholes" in general, and there are LOTS of them in this world, on all "sides", eh? :-) hope all is well with you guys.
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You Think It's Bad HERE!?
Do you think that we currently live in a 'fascist' state where you might get in trouble for saying something off-the-cuff?
Keep your response in mind and go read what Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities has to say about Sweden - it'll make you re-think your response to the above question.
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In Need of Coffee
I heard about this on the radio this morning while driving into work and just about drove off the road:
(by way of La Shawn Barber and fellow Munuvian Michael King)
Read More of "In Need of Coffee"All done with "In Need of Coffee"?
Comments on In Need of Coffee
'...may be "deprived of voting rights again" in 2004.' They are not being DEPRIVED of their voting rights. They can fully exercise them. IF they are THAT afraid of the dang machines, they can do the absentee ballot. Sheesh.
If I were Black, I'd be severly offended by these remarks.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, October 4, 2004 10:51 AM ||I don't know... I've heard many black people in my community talk about how technology scares them and it's not so much that they are "afraid" of it but that they don't trust it in any way shape or form. But in the South, a majority, and I in no way mean ALL, of the black community is highly superstitious of many things and technology is top on that list.
|| Posted by Chelle, October 4, 2004 04:55 PM ||GrumpyBunny hit the nail on the head: absentee, baby. this lady, instead of doing this pre-emptive "stolen election" campaign, should do an absentee ballot drive. just heard on the news today that in my state (CA), absentee ballot voters are up 10x since they made it easy to be a permanent absentee voter. they estimate that 3 *million* votes will be cast via absentee this year, which will be approximately 1/3 of the total expected turnout. many people don't trust the electronic voting machines, even here in the technology hotbed. but instead of getting whiney, people are getting paper ballots. it's pretty simple, and if I were black, I'd be insulted by what this woman is implying.
cry baby.
|| Posted by nathaile, October 5, 2004 08:54 AM ||I agree wicha nat. Absentee ballots is the way to go. The republicans in Florida sent around a flyer encouraging people to vote that way. Hows that for irony?
I don't really have to worry too much upo here in the sticks... we still use a burnt stick and slate.
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Cause & Effect I
Another demonstration of 'Cause & Effect':
I'm not very knowledgeable about newspaper circulations, but wouldn't having several advertisers pull their ads from such a small paper really hurt?Maybe it will - maybe it won't, but I do know that you cannot use your pride to pay your employees.....
Comments on Cause & Effect I
"Bush is our neighbor"
Awwww, must suck to be them! Is she bragging or complaining? So if your neighbor is a serial killer do you still have hurt feelings when they're arrested? Expletive deleted.
Hell I need to find the subscription address for this guy, I want a subscription.
|| Posted by scroff, October 4, 2004 08:32 AM ||Come on Scroff - comparing President Bush to a serial killer is a weak argument; it's right up there with 'Bush = Hitler'.
I just posted this to demonstrate cause & effect in the reality of the world of politics.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 4, 2004 10:19 AM ||But didn't you hear that the Lowell Sun, Kerry's hometown paper endorsed Bush
|| Posted by jaws, October 4, 2004 12:34 PM ||And I'm sure that some advertisers will pull their ads over that too.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 4, 2004 12:42 PM ||I wasn't necessarily comparing Bush to a serial killer, just her mentality that "Bush is our neighbor so Smith hurt our feelings", but I guess it would depend on how you look at it. And I agree the Bush=Hitler thing is wrong, Bush isn't that smart. ;)
The Lowell Sun is a conservative leaning paper that has never endorsed Kerry, that's the big difference here. Smith actually endorsed Bush in 2000 and supported the invasion of Iraq. He wrote an excellent editorial and showed alot of courage writing what he knew would be an unpopular opinion.
|| Posted by scroff, October 4, 2004 01:30 PM ||Mikey, I'm subscribing too. If I can get the rest of the guys in my local to do the same, I'm sure we can make up the loss incurred by some yokel pulling his "feed store" ad from the paper.
Christ, the only thing Texas ever had going for it was the Dallas Chowboys and even they suck these days.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 7, 2004 07:07 PM ||u dumb ass motha-fucka u need yo ass wooped 4 that stupid response
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New Global Test
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(Nicle 'glommed' from Right Wing News)
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October 03, 2004
Madame Puffy Tail
Normally, we don't allow the cats to venture outside in the mornings as there's a chance that they'd encounter a coyote coming up from the canyon we have behind our house.
I let the cats out around 10:00 am this morning and they did their 'normal' thing: eating grass near the patio, peaking around the corner to see what is in their territory, etc. After a few minutes, one of the cats decided to come back inside while the other one stayed on the patio.
Didn't think much of the cat outside until I hear the cat tearing around the corner and slamming into the screen door. When we heard that, we knew something had scared the cat silly.
As we opened the screen door to allow a fully-inflated/puffed up cat back inside, a freakin coyote come bounding up to the porch. It stood about four feet away staring at us as the cat tore inside the house. After about two seconds, the coyote decided that confronting two humans wasn't worth the chance of getting cat tar-tar this morning.
Katey was Madam Puffy Tail for quite a while and wasn't in the mood to be consoled about being almost eaten, so we left her alone.
What's freaky is that normally you don't see coyotes outside the canyon except at night or maybe the early morning.
They're doing some sort of construction down in the canyon - presumably to build more student housing for the University - and the coyotes (and the wabbits and other critters they eat) are getting squeezed out. I guess we'll have to keep the cats inside from now on.
Comments on Madame Puffy Tail
It does not matter WHAT time of day it is here. We see them all day. We lost our beloved Tozer to a coyote because our gate did not close properly and she slipped out. All we found was a tuft of her fur. :(
|| Posted by Maeve, October 3, 2004 08:52 PM ||Scary. I've never seen a coyote in our neighborhood, but we don't let our cats out anyway. Thank goodness you saved Madame PT.
|| Posted by Cait, October 4, 2004 05:59 AM ||I don't think Katey will be wanting to go outside anytime soon and if she does, how far will be measured in feet...
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|| , 03:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Brussel Sprouts for Kerry
Is this the mark of a great leader?
Is Kerry gunning for the vegan vote?Does anyone really care about inane crap like this?
Is The New York Times hard up for material?
Comments on Brussel Sprouts for Kerry
I must confess, I'm a veggie-a-holic (don't ask me how many bags of salad I ate today....I lost count).
I give him points for Broccoli (as I love it), but Brussle sprouts are a major negative against him.
and how can he not know how to cook the stuff? All you gotta do is go to the store, hit the freezer section, buy a package and follow the instructions for the microwave.
|| Posted by jaws, October 3, 2004 04:03 PM ||Remember what a big deal the press made of the fact that George Bush Sr. hated broccoli. This is probably a back-handed slap at the Bushes by showing them what a sensitive, veggie-loving guy Kerry is. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
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October 02, 2004
I downloaded and installed the official version of Mozilla/Fire Fox to use instead of Internet Explorer.
So far, I like it although I have to get used to the idea of having 'tabs' instead of multiple pages open. Time will tell.
The one think I DO like is that annoying pop-ups have been killed. That's a good thing to paraphrase Martha Stewart.
Comments on Mozilla
Dude, that is funny, I did the same thing earlier this week. I have a linux box next to my Windows box that I use and it has Mozilla on it, so I am comfortable with it. Thunderbird is a little different and I am still getting used to it. I was using opera off and on, but I didn't really like it.
|| Posted by kilabe, October 2, 2004 01:14 PM ||Yay! Another convert!
Since you're talking about the tab thing, have you discovered the magic of the middle mouse button? Yea, you're probably saying "hey I got a scroll wheel, but no button." In fact, on most mice, pressing down on the scroll wheel click s 'midddle' button. Middle-clicking on a link will automatically open it in a new tab (instead of in a new window, as some links will try to do), and middle - clicking on the actual tab in the tab bar at the top of the screen will automatically close that tab.
|| Posted by Light & Dark, October 2, 2004 06:16 PM ||I didn't know that, but it's way cool!!
I also like that my 'info' is remembered in Mozilla whereas it has to be constantly filled in using IE.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 3, 2004 11:03 AM ||WElcome to the club!
|| Posted by jaws, October 3, 2004 04:04 PM ||You should get some of the add-ins, esp. AdBlock, it's really helpful. As is the "BugMeNot" plug-in.
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About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
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