I know it's off topic, but ya missed the pictures of the truck I posted for ya Mikey. It's there, under the Kerry piece. I know you will love it!
As for Ed Asner, I don't even have to read the piece to tell you what an asshole he is. He's the mutt leading the charge to have Mumia Abu Jamal's conviction overturned. For those who don't know, Mumia murdered Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. Mumia doesn't belong in a 6 X 10 Foot Cell. He belongs 6 feet closer to Hell.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 31, 2004 04:45 PM ||
I shouldn't have, but I did. I clicked on STFU. I was hoping it was gonna be a porno, but after I played it, I was glad it wasn't!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 31, 2004 05:50 PM ||
And, here's me, thinking, "Mr. Grant? You guys don't like Mr. Grant? Daaaamn...."
I dunno. Maybe it's me, buuuut... why do people insist on acting like actors words have special significance? Jesus. They're no more than stupid mortals just like everybody else, but when they DO the same as everybody else, which is say and do utterly retarded things, it's like it's worse because they're celebrities, like what they say means soooo much more.
I, personally, give LESS credence to celebrity opinions, because, hell, if they were good for anything more than making money pretending they're everybody but who they are, they'd be something other that actors.
Did that make sense?
It's not as if they, or their sometimes asinine opinions, REALLY MATTER. Who gives a damn what they say? Ya just wave it off, *pfft* at it and for the Love of Gawd, don't let it drive ya nuts.
Dax Montana got all het up over some stupid shit Robert Duvall said and THREW OUT "LONESOME DOVE!!!", among other things. Now, Dax will never again watch the utter magnificence that is the story of Call and McCrea. That incredible movie has been lost to him over something that means NOTHING.
I don't get it.
Actors are just people who get paid to pretend and "pretending" could be taken ne step further and be called "lying", so why do people get all freaked out over the opinion of a paid pretender, a liar?
I keep being told to just ignore 'em... which is reeeeeally hard to do when they're in yer house, but Hollywood is another story, entirely.
Breaks my heart to think of Dax denying himself that movie just because Robert Duvall says stupid shit. WHO CARES?!? AND... WHY!!!? (And, no, I don't know what that was. I don't care. I don't seek out idiotic opinions to begin with and I avoid politics like the plague they are and this, Dear Friends and Neighbors, is yet one more reason why... *shudder*)
By the way, I listened to "STFU" about 37 times and I still have no idea what the hell it's supposed to be... it sounds like some little kid singing nonsense...
If that's Ed Asner, he is fucked and y'all don't need to waste aaaanymore time worrying about him/her.
(Great. Now, I'm gonna have this picture of Ed Asner wearing a pinafore and pigtails (to match that voice) in my head the rest of the day.)
I know of that cop killing piece of shit. Be kinda hard NOT to, being from around here.
Not that I tried to follow this crap, but it seems to me they've been trying to get that bastard re-tried or out for about 20 freakin' years now and it ain't happened and it ain't gunna happen, so whom gives an "excrement" what Ed or any other idiot actor says about it?
I tried to a give a shit less but have found it to be impossible.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. military said Friday that it had scheduled the first hearing into whether a terror suspect at a Navy base in Cuba is being properly held.
The hearing for the unidentified prisoner was set for Friday afternoon at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Navy Secretary Gordon England said at the Pentagon. It was the first time one of the 590 Guantanamo Bay prisoners would be able to make a formal case for his freedom.
A panel of military officers will decide whether he is indeed an "enemy combatant", as the military contends, or wrongly held and therefore should be set free.
Presiding Military Officer: State you name for the record.
Prisoner: Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Othman al-Ahmed.
Officer: State your country of origin.
Prisoner: I am from Yemen.
Officer: [shuffling papers] Okay Mr. Mohammed....you were detained in Afghanistan? Is that correct?
Prisoner: Yes. I was walking my goats and-
Officer: And you are asking to be released from detention? Is that correct?
Prisoner: Yes. I am not a terroris-
Officer: And on what basis should you be released? What reason should you be let go?
Prisoner: I was saying I am not a terrorist. I am a simple goat trader and-
Officer: Goat trader? You were found in possession of several assault rifles, two rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and a crate of explosives. You are joking, right?
Prisoner: No, I am Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Othman al-Ahmed. I would like to be let go.
As things turned out, although the events Ms. Jacobsen claims to have witnessed on her flight did occur (more or less), her interpretation of them (that they involved a group of terrorists making a dry run for building a bomb in-flight) was erroneous. The men she observed on her flight were exactly what authorities told her they were: a group of Syrian musicians who had been hired to play at the Sycuan Casino & Resort near San Diego. Like any other group of passengers, the men in the musical ensemble talked to each other, moved around, ate food, and used the restrooms while the flight was in progress.
The one aspect of this story that gives me pause is that just like joking about having a bomb on a plane, this type of activity isn't what I'd call 'smart', especially after 9/11. These Syrians might just as well have been simple musicians, but even these gentlemen would have a clue about being watched constantly while traveling in the United States.
Additionally, even if this story was complete BS, what about the numerous corroborating accounts from pilots, flight attendants, etc. that all but confirm these dry runs?
This is one of those 'things that make you go hmmmm' that will be revealed should another 9/11 attack happen seeing as how hindsight is always 20/20. The 9/11 Commission showed that there were 'tell-tale' signs that pointed to an imminent attack before 9/11 yet no one connected the dots. How big of a dot will this story become in the aftermath of another attack?
Only time will tell, but I'm hoping to be just a bit paranoid instead of pointing this out and saying 'I told you so'....
UPDATE: Thanks for the spellcheck of 'corroborating' Nathalie....
kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if James Woods' flight was as investigated as this one. what excuse would they have used? would it have been debunked? would they have had a 'story'? like you say, 20/20 hindsight. that ain't gonna save lives, though.
btw- "corroborating" (couldn't help myself!!! love ya, mikey!)
I don't know, urban legend or not, I'll prepare myself as I described before whenever I fly. What pisses me off is that my daughter, who is a blue-eyed blond, was put on a No Fly list because she was a member of Greenpeace, while we can only interrogate 2 people of Middle eastern origin because otherwise we're "profiling"! Ofcourse we're profiling! How many hijackers on 911 were blue-eyed blondes?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 30, 2004 08:51 PM ||
I am STILL getting email about this. The singer this band was backing is called the Wayne Newton of the Mid East (yech). Anyway, it turns out he's written and sings a song glorifying suicide bombing, too. I really don't know, at this point, what to think about this whole thing. I think it's possible terrorists are making "dry runs" on airlines. But I have always thought it was unlikely that terrorists would use the same MO they used for 9/11. Too much security, too many wary passengers. This whole thing may be to get us to concentrate security in one place and loosen security where the terrorists actually want to attack. These "dry runs" may well be diversions. There are a lot of easy targets in this country.
The first was on the use of the Anthem of the Soviet Union as propaganda for my Music & War class. I had to give an oral presentation with this paper and I used the movie The Hunt for Red October to demonstrate the anthem. (It is the scene where Sean Connery is annoucing the ship's mission to the crew as they leave Murmansk). Following that, we had our Final Exam which went pretty well.
The second paper was an analysis of Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, both by Arthur Miller. I had to do your basic analysis on Death of a Salesman, compare/contrast it with The Crucible, and also describe how I would prooduce/direct this play if given the chance. This was for my Intro to Theater class.
I was taking both of these classes only to give a small boost to my GPA and to meet the requirements for getting my Cal Grant A grant back since tuition at UCSD is going up this coming school year.
I can honestly say that working 40 hours a week and going to summer school for TWO classes (in a five week period) is very taxing - I'm dead tired and would just love to curl up on my desk right now and take a nap...
In the meantime, I don't have much except here's a screen shot of my work computer...all the geeks in the office always compliment me on it.
Until last Saturday, 2004 had been the worst year of Randy Fletcher’s life.
On a cold mid-January day, the 29 year old Brownstown resident took a half-day off of work due to a severe case of diarrhea, only to find his wife of four years, Tara, in bed with a neighbor.
Two months later, he wrecked his mint-condition 1956 Chevy that he had spent three years carefully restoring when a deer ran out in front of him.
May brought even more heartache; Fletcher’s 12 year-old German Shepherd Molly was diagnosed with cancer and had to be put to sleep.
Fletcher, who works as a union electrician, felt that his life was cursed after losing his house and most of his life savings in the divorce proceedings that were finalized on July 15.
That is until July 17, when his life changed forever. Fletcher purchased five dollars worth of Hoosier Lottery computer picks for that night’s drawing, like he had done every Wednesday and Saturday for the past several years.
When he checked his ticket numbers against those in the Sunday Indianapolis Star, he had to do a double take—the third row of numbers on his ticket matched those in the newspaper: 5-15-27-37-39-46!
Randy Fletcher had just won the $1 million jackpot.
“I was in complete shock for several hours,” said Fletcher, “It took me several minutes to catch my breath. It was the most unbelievable and amazing feeling I have ever had, especially after all that had happened this year.”
Fletcher says he plans to use the approximately $289,000 he will be taking home after accepting the cash option and paying federal, state, and local taxes to get back on his feet. “I am going to buy a new house, probably get Harley, and a new puppy, probably another (German) Shepherd. Get a whole new fresh start on life. I also want to head to Cancun for a few days this winter.”
The life of Randy Fletcher is a prime example of how every cloud has a silver lining. When asked what advice he has for anyone else whose life is in shambles, Fletcher advises, “Just keep plugging away. Sooner or later things will look up. I am a prime example of that.”I imagine that his EX-wife is busy racking her brain for an excuse to call him....inbetween sneezing bricks.
I love hearing stories like this one. Hopefully, they don't have any kids, or else that cheatin' bitch will be able to sink her hooks into some of those winnings.
there are some f'd up things in this world-- for instance, how is it that this guy loses his home and his life savings to a cheating beyotch? I say: if you cheat, you LOSE! nothing, nada, nil.
Ravi Chand of Virginia and Bethany Walker of Ohio kiss on a Boise sidewalk on Friday, July 23, 2004 in Boise, Idaho to promote vegetarian eating. The 'Live Make-Out Tour', sponsored by PETA, is being staged throughout the country to demonstrate PETA's claims that vegetarians are better lovers.
It's always interesting to see what stupid steps PETA will take to try and show that they're serious about their *cough* cause and that we really shouldn't laugh at them.
After reading the photo description, I was struck with three different reactions:
Vegans make better lovers? Well then - F*CK OFF!!
Hitler was a vegetarian but I don't see you clowns using HIM as an example....
Wow....PETA chicks are really easy.
Saving puppies and kittens from being abused - that's a good thing. Messing around with my New York Strip Steak with a baked potato - screw you.
UPDATE: This Bethany chick sure does get around. A lot... Number 3 is looking more solid....
Apropos of whatever, last night, I heard a snippet of a stand-up routine by Red Foxx. He observed, "Yeah, I can say 'intercourse', but if you doin' it right, you're fuckin'" I think the PETA folks are probably having intercourse, don't you?
If you want to prove to ME that you're a better lover for whatever reason, you have to prove it to ME, (get the picture Bethany?) It's just one of those things that have to be experienced.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 26, 2004 08:33 PM ||
Us carnivores don't need 12 hours of foreplay to get in the mood. We have the energy to get going and multiple orgasms in the time it takes them to get a little excited.
Must be the protein.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, July 27, 2004 10:42 PM ||
I'm firing up da grill now, Goddess! LOL!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 28, 2004 05:26 AM ||
Mikey, I am so embarrassed by this. I am a PETA member. I am not a vegetarian and I fail to see how this type of behavior promotes ethical treatment of animals. This is more in line with what deuddersun does when he is on a good load, (whether I want it or not!) Anyway, here is the text of the letter I sent to PETA after I saw this:
I was recently browsing various websites and I found a picture of two people in their underware making out on a public sidewalk in order to promote PETA..
I was absolutely appaled at this! My donations are going to this fucking bullshit. If this is how my hard earned dollars are being spent by your organization, do not under any circumstances, send me any more of your literature. What does this do to protect our little creatures? (Other than embarrass those of us who are serious about the ethical treatment of animals?)
If this is how you spend my money to get your message out, you will not receive any more donations from me. This is totally unacceptable and offensive. As a member of PETA for some 20 years, I expect and await an answer from your office or the next e-mail from me will be to direct you to remove my name from your membership lists.
Thank you,
|| Posted by da44magster, July 30, 2004 08:39 PM ||
Good for you Mags!!
This is the type of inane crap that makes PETA look like a collection of 'tards IMO.
Like I said in the post - saving puppies & kittens I'm all FOR; messing around with the fact that I like steak and implying that my willy wacker will not rise to the occasion cause I'm addicted to A-1 Steak Sauce, screw you (no pun intended).
hmmm... I was always partial to Dokken while studying physics and history. No idea why. Sergei Rachmaninoff's works were really good for math homework and English Comp.
Ah yes, I fondly remember listening to Iron Butterfly's "Innagaddadavida" while smoking Panama Red and "studying" my lava lamp for hours on end...sigh...the good old days...or was that last night?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 25, 2004 02:44 PM ||
(This is something that I've wanted to post about for a while but haven't been able to upload the associated image. Now I can.)
My daughter is going into the 5th grade this fall and there is always in the back of my mind the possibility of her being 'indoctrinated' with all sorts of crap.
Last year when she was in the 4th grade, she would have a weekly assignment that was to focus on something about California. Each week, the kids would have to research geographic, historical, and current events subjects that started with a specific letter, i.e. for the letter A she would research Alameda County, for S, she'd look up information about Salinas, etc.
The work would have to be done in one of those composition notebooks and the teacher would tell the kids to decorate the borders of the pages with drawings of things beginning with that week’s specific letter. Again, if she were working on the letter A, she'd draw things like The Alamo, aardvark, antelope, etc. (I suggested that she look in her Children's Dictionary for things that begin with the letter to help her along).
Well, the week she was working on the letter F, she got stuck for things to draw. I suggested something that my wife immediately said NO to because it might get my kid in trouble.
And, I thought I was bent.
I needn't have worried, I see.
Only one thing managed to get all the way across my mind before the picture came up... Howard Stern as "Fartman"... I thought of that and got as far as "Oh, no Mikey, not..." *pong*... omg-lmao.
(07-23-2004) - Former first lady Nancy Reagan and other dignitaries are scheduled to be on hand Friday as the Navy's newest aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, arrives at its homeport in San Diego.
The 1,096-foot ship with a crew of about 3,000 is scheduled to dock at Naval Air Station North Island about 10 a.m.
The Reagan has two nuclear reactors that can power the ship for more than 20 years without having to refuel. It carries more than 80 combat aircraft and can house up to 6,000 sailors.
And something I just found out about - San Diego is getting all of the nuclear carriers on the West Coast (I think) because the numb-numbs up in Washington State declared that Washington is a 'nuclear-free zone' - no nuke ships.
That's okay - the Reagan is estimated to bring over $400 MILLION to the San Diego region.
CORRECTION: I just found out that there are some nuc carriers up in Washington State so my assertion that it was a 'nuclear-free zone' was incorrect. Okay, I feel sheepish....
UPDATE: I walked outside my office and watched as the Reagan was moored here at NAS North Island. When the line handling party on the quay wall signaled that the ship was officially 'moored', a cheer from the sailors manning the rails went up and the Navy Jack was hoisted up on the bow of the ship.
So what do you do if you happen to run into a black hole? Well, I sent out my crack research staff to find out as much as they can about black holes so you can be prepared.
A black hole is made by the combination of "black" and "hole."
Gravity is also involved.
The name "black hole" is somewhat of misnomer; they're more of a dark gray.
They say that black holes are so dense that not even light can escape them - but that's just black hole propaganda to scare you.
Hawking now says that, instead of destroying data, a black hole will eventually spit it out in a mangled form - much like shoving a classified document down your pants and then later pulling it out again.
Many galaxies have a massive black hole at their center, so try to stay near the edges of the galaxy to be on the safe side.
If you think you see a black hole, don't touch it. Instead, contact the authorities. You can throw a rock at it if you feel like it.
Just because a hole is black doesn't mean it's a "black hole." Check if the hole has a strong gravitational force that rends your atoms apart for confirmation.
They say that once you cross the event horizon of a black hole there's no escape - but that just sounds like loser talk to me.
Whatever is sucked into a black hole is crushed down into an infinitely small point called a singularity. You can't beat that for convenient storage.
Black holes will suck anything into them... except for Jews because they're virulently anti-Semitic.
If a black hole tells you its okay to come a little closer, it's a trick! You're near the event horizon!
You can throw a penny into a black hole and make a wish, but then Greenpeace will be on your case for disturbing pristine wilderness.
The laws of physics fall apart as one is pulled into a black hole, so, whatever you do, don't take a physics test while descending into a black hole or you'll totally fail.
If you think you are being sucked into a black hole, stop, drop, and roll. That might help distract you from the unimaginable destruction you're about to experience.
When you cross the event horizon (point of no return) of a black hole, you'll notice no discernable difference. Outside observers, though, will be like, "That guy is totally screwed! Let's get lunch."
A black hole can't even be destroyed if we launched nuclear missiles at it. I don't know if anyone has tried hitting it with a hammer.
In a fight between a black hole and Aquaman, the ways in which Aquaman would die are just too numerous to list.
The first time a star collapsed into a black hole, God was like, "Oh man, I like must have totally screwed up my calculations somewhere." He won't admit to that now.
If a black hole is acting like it's "all that,” flip it the bird while saying, "Collapse this into a singularity!" That'll show it.
Hawking has dispelled the belief that black holes are a portal to another dimension. Instead, what lies in them is much less interesting: cyborg alien ninjas who will kick you in the head for all eternity. And free ice cream.
One day I hope to harness the power of black holes to suck into them all the people I disagree with. Some might say this will end political discussion, but I never liked political discussion - that's why I'm talking about black holes.
I'm transferring to a new Fleet Support Team here at NAS North Island and it's been a hectic morning.
I went from the Fleet Support Team that worked on these to the FST that works on these, but I'll still be working on CNI (Communications - Navigation - Instruments).
Cool stuff.
UPDATE: For those that are interested, HERE is information on the F/A-18 C/D Hornet and F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet.
Well, I answered my own question. They are F-5E Tiger II. I'd never even heard of them!!! And apparently the new one you're going to work on is the Super Hornet, F/A-18E/F. Well, way to go.
I had to go to freaking Traffic Court to deal with an 'Unsafe Lane Change' ticket I got about a month ago on the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge. Of all the times to do this one stupid maneuver - I did it right in front of a motorcycle cop.
Here's something for your blood pressure: The woman that wrote the article for Woman's Wall Street on the 14 Middle Eastern guys on her jetliner, has done a follow up article over at Front Page Magazine:
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Sunday that the governor would not apologize for calling lawmakers "girlie men," despite criticisms from Democrats that the remark was sexist and homophobic.
Schwarzenegger dished out the insult at a rally Saturday as he claimed Democrats were delaying the budget by catering to special interests.
"If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers ... if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men," Schwarzenegger said to the cheering crowd at a mall food court in Ontario.
The governor lifted the term from a long-running "Saturday Night Live" skit in which two pompous, Schwarzenegger-worshipping weightlifters repeatedly use it to mock those who don't meet their standards of physical perfection.
Democrats said Schwarzenegger's remarks were insulting to women and gays and distracted from budget negotiations. State Sen. Sheila Kuehl said the governor had resorted to "blatant homophobia."
And it's true - if they can't have the cajones to stand up and tell their constituents that they're being whimps and stalling, then they ARE girlie-men.
I am so sick of the homosexual reference. It's not that at all. It's meant as wimps. But that's the best way for the left to try and make Ahnold look bad. arrgh!
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 19, 2004 12:00 PM ||
Well, it probably is sexist and maybe homophobic. It's also funny as hell, and I rather admire the Guv for saying it.
If that's the best way the Governor of California can express his frustration with the budget process, no one needs to make him look bad. But we always knew California was a little strange anyway, so this is par for the course. What's next? Asta la vista, baby?
What's all the commotion about? In my opinion this was a satrical reference to well-known and oft-repeated phrases, one from Saturday Night Live and the other from the Terminator.
I think maybe it's time for all of us, the left and the right, to relax a little and stop getting our knickers in a twist every time someone from the other side makes a satirical comment.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 20, 2004 07:38 PM ||
Besides taking themselves too seriously, Liberals are arrogant, condescending, rude, ignorant, sensitive and have no sense of humor at all. Girlie men! Bwahahaha!
The ironic thing is that you are supporting the idiotic behavior of US soldiers who are acting just like the drunk drivers, street racers and other braindead morons in the US.
This here is no different than a multitude of videos on the internet of rednecks amusing themselves in the most idiotic ways. Except these guys are in uniform and are doing it to some brown people. So yeah, God bless them and we proudly support our troops.
I guess this is a good example of why the British troops are amazed at how stupid and ignorant their American counterparts act towards Iraqis and why Iraqis detest Americans. When you take a bunch of braindead rednecks, put them in a uniform, give them weapons and send them to a foreign country this is what happens.
Way to win the peace, boys! Not surprised that idiot right wingers are praising such moronic behavior (quick check of right wing blogs reveals predictable high fiving and grinning + lots of idiotic comments). Next time their kid get caught shop-lifting and the police pull up a tank to flatten their daddy's car I'll say "God bless!" too. We'll see how funny they would think that would be.
|| Posted by ranndino, November 27, 2004 06:08 PM ||
LOS ANGELES — At anti-war rallies, thousands exercise their freedom of association and expression, but, if you're anti-left or pro-Bush, speech is not so free.
"You should be ashamed, you fascist," protestors jeered at demonstrators who opposed their anti-war message.
A handful of young conservatives founded Protest Warrior last year. With an in-your-face style the group tries to provide a balance at demonstrations promoting a liberal, anti-war agenda.
"We were met with some violence," said Kafir Alfia (search) of Protest Warrior. "A lot of yelling and name calling. 'Nazi' and 'fascist' are very popular."
Leftist event organizers have tried to kick Protest Warrior out of their marches, but police refused, saying protestors can't censor what signs show up at their protest.
After starting out with a handful of people, Protest Warrior is now growing at rate of five to six new members a day, with chapters in 13 cities.
Citizen Smash here in San Diego has formed a chaper of Protest Warrior, so don't believe that it's something for the 'big' cities.
kafir alfia is one of the mid twenty something little pukes who should be sporting some combat gear in Iraq or Afghanistan. The little chickenhawk calls himself a general. General nuisance is more like it.
These guys got called names? Awww, po' little things. I notice they say nothing about all the twerps along the sidewalks yelling at the marchers. I've never had the 'pleasure' of running into these fellas at any of the rallies in DC, but I do hope they're in NYC for the RNC.
Scroff is such an idiot. He's in the military, for god's sake, or at least the reserve. He can't even take it when little 'ol Al tells the truth about Israel. Now he says the Protest Warriors should not be upset at getting called names.
Jezz, is this guy a hypocrite, or what?
Somebody should smash his head in with a brick!
|| Posted by Little ol' Al, July 18, 2004 05:59 PM ||
Is he now Al? How did you get back in here? He may be in the reserves, I don't know, but if he really wanted to be a "warrior" he'd volunteer for combat duty instead of running his stupid cocksucker on the internet. That's the job of shitheads like you.
btw Mikey, noticed you got the remember thing straightened out - nice. Thanks.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 18, 2004 07:27 PM ||
Hey, al! Haven't seen you over at ASD much lately!
You are such a stupid fuck. I thought you had some brains once. I'm kind of dissapointed to see how stupid you are.
I told you al, I'm a major.
As far as these protest chickenhawks, I'm looking forward to disrupting their disruptions.
He just wanted to let me know that he's still active in the Blogsphere all the way from Iraq and that my 'new' blog was looking good.
I told him that practically all Americans are proud of what he's doing over there and to not let the *ahem* 'news' they receive over there get them down and to let his teammates know this too.
Take a swing by his place - he's got some well-thought words on a lot of different subjects.
I saw your Allahpundit post about the Che t-shirts.
You can already get a couple of real fly ones (Che with mickey mouse ears, Che with a rotted skull and a "Communism Kills" caption) at www.bureaucrash.com.
WASHINGTON - Whoopi Goldberg lashed out at Republicans again yesterday, branding them hypocrites for trying to "punish" her for joking about the President.
Fired from her gig as SlimFast spokeswoman, the salty entertainer hit back at Republicans who threatened a SlimFast boycott over sexual puns she made about President Bush's name at a Democratic fund-raiser.
"America's heart and soul is freedom of expression without fear of reprisal," she said in a statement.
"I find all this feigned indignation about 'Bush bashing' quite disingenuous," she said, noting the Bush administration has savagely gone after critics like former Sen. Max Cleland, Iraq whistleblower Joseph Wilson and ex-terrorism chief Richard Clarke.
"For the Republican Party to pretend this is new to them seems a little fake," she said.
"The fact that I am no longer the spokesman for SlimFast makes me sad, but not as sad as someone trying to punish me for exercising my right as an American to speak my mind."
The Bush-Cheney campaign has been making a lot of hay out of Goldberg's set at last week's celebrity gala at Radio City Music Hall, professing shock at her blue jokes.
Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman called the event a "hatefest" that proves John Kerry doesn't "share the same values" as the rest of America.
Kerry, who is trying to woo swing voters, did not stand by his celeb supporters. On the defensive, he distanced himself from Goldberg and said through spokesmen that he thought her comments were inappropriate.
Running mate John Edwards was asked about the flap yesterday by Fox News. "They weren't speaking for me, and they weren't speaking for John Kerry," he said, adding the ticket is "focused on our positive, optimistic vision of hope."
Mehlman has repeatedly demanded that Kerry's camp release a video of the event, even going so far as to promise not to use the footage in ads.
Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill said tartly that he could have the video after Bush releases his military records and details of Vice President Cheney's secret energy task force.
Diversity promoter Asa Khalif, who has made headlines for accusing celebrities of insensitivity, cried foul in the Goldberg firing. "I smell racism from beginning to end," said Khalif, head of Racial Unity USA in Pennsylvania. "SlimFast must realize that black women have every right to voice their views."
Come on Whoopi - take a little responsibility, huh? And don't do what Janeane Garafalo did and say 'Oh yeah, I LIKE criticism' cause we all know what a bang-up job she's doing over at Air America....
No, without fear of being thrown into jail for dissing our guvmint, you stewpid cow.
There will be reprisals. That's also part of our freedoms. We don't like you or what you have to say, and we can hit you where it counts - the wallet.
And racisim? I am so fucking sick of the blacks always using that argument. It would just as despciable if a white, hispanic or whatever rainbow color person had said the same.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 16, 2004 11:45 AM ||
And I am so fucking sick and tired of republicans crying like little kids in a playground whenever someone disses their beloved asshole. Grow up fellas, people make jokes about sprout the monkey king, he's dumber than Quail and clumsier than Ford. He's an easy target. He talks to god ferchrissakes. In my profession, people are medicated for that.
What I'm disappointed in is Kerry Edwards trying to distance themselves. They were frigging jokes, a comedy routine. That's what they should have said... it was a stand up routine by a comedienne, get a life.
This is so lame, Mikey. How long are you gonna beat this? Been lissenin to Rush, lately? Boy oh boy, I can see the headlines now, "Whoopi Swings Election In Moonbat's Favor".
The only thing Smirkey can do is attack, because his record is in-defensible.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 16, 2004 06:51 PM ||
It's not lame - it's action vs. reaction. Just like when Michael Savage did his thing and MSNBC canned him.
Not to change the subject or anything (but ya know I'm gunna)...
Mikey, keep yer eye peeled from any emails or comments from Paul of Light and Dark. I talked to him tonight and he's more then happy to give you hand getting this place customized.
Told ya he's a sweetheart....
(And, I told him you're one, too...)
That's far fetched as a comparison, Mikey. Savage was canned by MSNBC not because the Democrats threatened a boycott but because he, among other things and just being a total asshole, suggested a caller he labeled a 'sodomite' should die of AIDS. Big difference between that and a comedienne making off color jokes about bush.
So does this mean people can lose their jobs for making off color jokes about the president? What if everyone who made Monica-cigar-Clinton jokes got fired?
What pisses me off, besides the whiney little republicans, is Kerry trying to cover his ass and not taking her back. Spineless.
Scroff: Can't say much to sooth your anger - it's just IMO the "politics of life". I would be just as sympathetic (READ ZERO SYMPATHY) if some Hollywood pea-brain got up started raggin on Kerry as naseum (sp?).
As for Kerry being spineless and distancing himself away from all this when he was laughing his ass off during this fundraiser - it's just what most Republicans/conservatives see in him: NOTHING. He can't stand on anything - that's why we love to rag on him cause he flip-flops on everything.
That's why I'm confident that Bush will win the election by a wide margin....
Yea, no big, Stevie. We put down the flame throwers a while ago.
Don't get me wrong, Mad One. I'm not crying for Whoopie, she don't need the bucks or the job. But the republicans are like a bunch of spoiled little brats. Whenever they don't like something they try to get rid of it, from the Reagan movie to F911 to a buncha other crap I can't recall right now. With all the real stuff there is to discuss and be concerned about.... gaghjh!
Stevie, if you think we're fighting now, you should stick around, lol! Hell, even scroff and I went at each other hammer and tong over at AWW. And check out Activist San Diego if you wanna see real flame wars! Sometimes we're at each other's throats, sometimes we defend each other, depends on the particular issue.
As for politics, well, these are politically oriented sites, scroff, ruthalla and I lean to the left, Mikey, Nat, and others lean to the right. Nobody's probably going to change anybody's mind, (ya never know, tho), but even tho it's serious, we're having fun in our own demented way. So, relax, enjoy, jump in anytime!
Peace. Love.
Vote for Nixon in '72. Why change dicks in the middle of a screw?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 18, 2004 07:22 PM ||
He's right - on somethings we'll never agree and on others we're reading from the same page. Just goes to show you that some Americans aren't totally divided as some would have you think.
Sheesh - I met Scroff & Ruthie in the middle of a flame war almost a year ago and we all learned to slightly chill on our attacks. Deudd I met through Scoff/Ruthie over at AWW and I'm a little glad that I didn't get into a flame war with him - he get's nasty.
Vote for Nixon in '72. Why change dicks in the middle of a screw? LOL
For Michelle, this story reminded her "of James Woods' experience prior to September 11, 2001" and it's just one of those things that makes the hair on your neck stand on end.
I can't describe how that sickens me. If I were an American airline, I'd say, "Screw it. We're going to check everyone we feel may be a threat. We owe this to our shareholders, our employees and to all Americans. We will especially scrutinize men from the Middle East, until another region of the world or another religious sect becomes a greater probable threat. This isn't about racism. It's about probabilities."
"The US government is going to fine us for doing this. You need to contact your local newspapers and your state and local representatives, and tell them you support our actions."
I agree. If these men had done something, the same people who scream 'profiling' would be wanting to know why the airline and/or the U.S. government didn't magically stop this.
I'm not buying the "musician" crap. I hope the FAM got their names, photos, fingerprints, DNA, and any other ID. Because those assholes were making a dry run for terrorist activity as sure as I'm sitting here typing. Scary shit.
God bless tom ridge and homeland security eh? Good thing the 'war president' is on the job tightening up the borders... of Iraq. Sounds like a simple matter of tightening up security. Just because you can't discriminate doesn't mean you can't double and triple check everybody. Maybe if we spent some of that 100 billion plus we spent on who knows what in Iraq on real security and real anti-terrorist measures, people might be and feel a little safer.
Issues facing TSA include but are certainly not limited to; shortage of staff, and they can't pay overtime to the staff they have, so they're understaffed. Screening of screeners, baggage handlers, and airport personnel is still faulty. Funding cutbacks have slowed the training of new air-marshalls, development of field location infrastructure and eqiupment. Access to airports and baggage areas is still relativley open, and no one checks cargo.
I don't know why this article comes as any great surprise, or is cause for concern about profiling. It's about lax security in Detroit and elsewhere. It's a money issue. Follow the money. Someone standing in front of a TV camera saying we're 'safer' doesn't make us safer.
I think the biggest problem these guys face is the baseless screams of 'racism!!! should they actually fire some neurons and take care of blantantly obvious situations like this.
I'm right there with scroff on this. I used to fly alot, I don't much anymore so I haven' really thought about this much, but I'll offer this for what it's worth. I haven't always been the fountain of joy and peace and love for my fellow man that you have all come to know and love. There was a time when I associated with, what some would call "unsavory" characters and it wasn't always possible to conceal a weapon. That's where something I learned in the Corps kicked in - Weapons of Opportunity. Now if someone wants to blow up a plane in the air with a bomb assembled in the air, well there ain't much you can do about it. But if you're being hijacked, well, the Rules of Engagement have changed. Instead of just sitting there, going along with it, passengers should, and probably will fight back. Why not? Beats crashing into a building at 500 mph. This is where a little prep can help you. Sharpen a pencil. Put it in your pocket or behind your ear. Should you need to use it, hold it in your hand with the eraser seated against the heel of your hand and the length of the pencil extending out between your middle fingers, make a fist securing it and punch upward just above the adams apple where the throat meets the head. In a pinch a pen will do, but a sharpened pencil works better. Drive it in hard. Take an old credit card and some 100 grit sandpaper and carefully sharpen the bottom of the credit card on the back side only so it isn't obvious. With a little patience you can get the thing razor sharp. Go for the side of the neck, fast and hard so that you cut the carotid artery. The sudden, massive loss of blood will almost always cause the target to black out. Keys work too. Hold them in your fist, with a key extending out from between each finger. Buy a pair of reading glasses with the rubber or plastic tips on the earpieces. Remove the plastic and sharpen the ends, then replace the tips. If you're nervous, order a cup of tea. Nothing like a cup of scalding, hot water in the face to chill an attacker out. There's more, but as I type this it occurs to me that other's may read this as well so I won't get into non-detectable projectile weapons. Use your head, look around you, think Weapons of Opportunity, be prepared.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 15, 2004 04:35 PM ||
I live with a guy trained in "unarmed" defense. It's amazing what "unarmed" can offer in the way of weapons. I'm with Scroff on this one. We need better airport and airline security. There needs to be a pat-down search (as well as current "x-ray" search) of everyone boarding. Also, all passengers should be required to provide photo ID (matching name on ticket) at time of boarding. One quick example to improve in-flight security: Hire plane toilet attendants who do nothing but check airplane toilets after every use. That way nothing can be left in a toilet for use in assembling bombs/weapons. Forbid taking items like bags and purses in the airplane bathrooms. If a woman needs a sanitary napkin or tampon, she can take it in bare-handed. No purse. We've pretty much all seen tampons, etc. No surprises. Embarrassed is better than dead. Men can empty their pockets, much as they do at airport check-in security. Would all this security beefing raise airline prices? Of course. Once again, same theme: can't spend that extra money you save if you've been blown up in an airplane.
First off a tip; if you double-click in the fields in this comment form your name, email and url will show up in a drop down menu and you won't have to type them in. Works in IE, don't know about other browsers.
It doesn't have to cost more. Security measures can be funded through the Federal Budget. It might take longer and pose several inconviences, but hey, like you said, I'd rather have to get there two hours early than go boom. I'd also rather have severly tight security at airports, than have my name and data in some Matrix file. I mean it's an airport, not a resort. Once you get there you go through security and you wait for your plane, get on it go where you're going, get off and leave.
An update of sorts. I sent this to my son who is on and in all sorts of tactical email lists and groups. He said this story has been floating around the tac groups. The scuttlebutt in those groups is that this was a "dry run", but the twist is, it was our guys (FBI, CIA, pick your own letters) doing it, to see how the FAM people reacted, how the passengers reacted, how the airlines and their personnel reacted. I'm really trying to believe that.
It's possible. It would have sucked if someone like d. had been on board and had rammed a sharp pencil into one of their skulls though. Oops!
From what I've read, the Air Marshalls aren't fully up to speed yet, or were expected to be "mid-2004". The budget was cut by about $100,000 in a 're-alignment' of the TSA. This is from a GAO report from the "Statement of Norman J. Rabkin Managing Director, Homeland Security
and Justice Issues" dated March 2004. (you can read it here http://www.anywhichway.net/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=135 ... of course you can :))
Well, I notice the suspects didn't actually try anything, just acted like, ummmm, suspects. Trying something might have bought one of them a FAM bullet along with the pencil in the eye.
What egg-sactly are you trying to say here oh brudder- a-mine?
50/50luv, homie, wassup?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 16, 2004 06:43 PM ||
By the way, it ain't the eye, it's the throat, just above the adams apple, at an angle that will cause the sharp end to exit at the base of the skull, put yer finger back there, feel for it, where the skull meets the spinal cord. That's it, now you got it. Tired, going to bed. Peace out.
If you've typed your info once and then clicked the "Yes" button under "Remember personal info?" you shouldn't have to type it again. If you simply type the first letter of your name then your name should appear in a dropdown menu. It probably is, but you've been looking at you keyboard while typing when it did!
Also, as someone wrote above which is the first time I've learned of this, the dropdown should appear when you double click the field.
About the dry run being US agents: That actually makes more sense.
They were so obviously acting suspiciously that I'd say they were either 14 agents testing the reaction of the airline, marshalls and passengers, or they were 14 very clumbsy terrorists.
And if they were terrorists, I doubt that they'd sent 14 of 'em on a suicide mission when only a handful would be neccessary.
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, July 17, 2004 09:56 AM ||
Tuning Spork: we tried that 'remember personal info' - it won't work.
There's a post about it over at Munuviana; I personally think it's just a bug in this version of MT.
Yeah, shit! It's my browser! Ever since SBC took over Prodigy it's been a pain in the ass. When I sign out of SBC and launch Explorer, I get the drop-down...sigh....sorry Mikey, guess it's time to go to Comcast.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 18, 2004 07:14 PM ||
I wonder if maybe, juust maybe, these were 14 arabic band members who were nervous about all the hairy eyeballs they were getting. (??)
I work with an Egyptian MD. After 911 I asked him if he got alot of flack from people. His reply was that most people thought he was Puerto Rican. So much for profiling.
My personal least favorite is AmericaWorst[west] in one trip had my luggage lost (after I asked to carry it on because I had a job interview at 7 am the next morning and the lady promised it would be there), seat didn't recline, plane jumped sideways about 100 ft on take off, & on landing it overshot the end of the runway.
Don't like United much either, being 6'3" its painful to get my knees facing forward.
We flew through Atlanta on January 30th. The day after the ice storm. Everything was delayed which is to be expected. But because of not having enough crew everything to Wichita was cancelled. The weather was fine. We went to the customer service counter were we were assigned to the next flight. That flight was also cancelled. We went back to the customer service counter to be assigned to the next day’s flight. Here we witnessed one of the customer service supervisors coaching the staff to lie to us. They were told to tell us the flight cancellation was due to weather from the day before instead of there being no crew. So they wouldn't have to give out hotel vouchers. We confronted the customer service rep about the lie and she backed down and gave us vouchers. But under the encouragement of the supervisor they continued the lie to the rest of the passengers. And I imagine they got away with it.
We flew with a group of friends. They got on the 4420 flight on the 31st. And we were on the 4177 flight on the 31st. We were told the 4420 flight was full. But our friends told us there were several empty seats. On our flight there was Delta crew flying as passengers. While there was still paying customers waiting for the next flight. When we got to Wichita we saw that flight had been cancelled also. That Delta would put their employees ahead of paying customers shows that Delta hasn’t a clue about customer service.
Between my friends and me we had 9 pieces of checked luggage. Delta lost every single one. We waited around for an hour trying to get service. Finally one Delta employee said there was some luggage in a room and let us look for ours. We found 2 out of the 9. We found them not Delta. I called the baggage service center several times. But all I got from them was that Delta had no idea. And that they will send out a posting for my luggage again. But they couldn’t tell me of anything real being done to locate my lost luggage. My friends got their luggage the next day and gave me the cell number for the currier. I called him and he said he had seen my luggage sitting at Wichita for the previous 2 days but Delta wouldn’t let him deliver them since I live 4 hours from the airport. I called back to the baggage service center. I got a supervisor this time. Mrs. Bear couldn’t believe I would take the word of a mere currier over a Delta employee. After checking with Wichita and discovering my bags were just sitting there she promised they would Fed-Ex them. Even after this it still took Delta a week to finally mail my bags.
There is bad weather all the time. And airports are shut down because of it all the time. That Delta could not handle this any better than they did. That Delta has a policy of lying to their customers. That Delta puts its employees before customers. It is obvious that Delta doesn’t have a clue when it comes to business ethics or customer service. Delta was a complete failure. It is no wonder Delta is in bankruptcy. I will never fly Delta again. I will actively tell my friends and anybody who will listen about my Delta experience. And when Delta finally collapses I will throw a party. For it will be proof that the free market system works. As Delta an inferior product will have been discarded for a airline that can do its job.
Yet another example of why Hollywood 'activism' and physics do not mix well. You would think that someone who was on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' would have gleaned some science....
I think you know that I don't think very highly of Bush. OK, I hate him.
That being said, Woopie has got nothing to bitch about. If someone wants to speak their mind - especially in such a disrespectfuly way - they need to be aware that there may be repercussions.
And no, I don't think this is censorship. Her ability to speak her mind has not been hindered. Her ability to attach her politics to Slim Fast has been hindered. Sorry, but that's business.
How long before the ACLU, NAACP, NOW and a laundry list of other acronyms rush to her defense as a trodden-upon black woman?
Unfortunately the same thing recently happened to me. Seems someone at Kepple's Radiator Flush heard me compare Bush to an orangutang's ass and now I'm no longer their Northeast Philadelphia spokesperson, sigh...
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 15, 2004 03:55 PM ||
Funny how no one lost their jobs making Clinton Monica jokes...
Diversity promoter Asa Khalif, who has made headlines for accusing celebrities of insensitivity, cried foul in the Goldberg firing. "I smell racism from beginning to end," said Khalif, head of Racial Unity USA in Pennsylvania. "SlimFast must realize that black women have every right to voice their views."
United States Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Mrozik, 28, left, of
Chicago, receives emotional homecoming hugs from his
daughters, Autumn, 8, and Dakota, 2, right, Tuesday, July 13, 2004,
at Camp Pendleton, California
Makes you want to find your kids, hold them tight, and never let them go.
I'm still in the process of setting up everything here; I'm trying to find a nice template that I can use instead of just generic white or black. Many have suggested a 'pirate theme'....LOL
It figures - I move up the evolutionary ladder here in the blogsphere and what happens?
I get 'writers block' and cannot think of anything to write about this morning.
No, wait.....I could do one of those 'Frequently Asked Questions' and/or 'About Me' blurbs, but that will take time. Yeah, I will eventually do one of those very soon.
Yo Mikey! You still have some "active posts" on the "old" site. Why not import them here? That way the thread could continue without having to switch back & forth.
Just a thought.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 08:25 AM ||
Long as that doesn't drag the troll over with it...
And, fear not. Sooner or later, and probably sooner, somebody somewhere'll say or do something soooo stupid, you'll have plenty to go on about... *snerk*
Congrats on the move from Blogsnot! Will change the 'roll.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 13, 2004 01:24 PM ||
I heard about this, and I'm not sure how I feel. I think the wall is better than tanks, bulldozers and Apache helicopters, that's for sure. I think my views here would be very unpopular. :)
I'm not convinced the "wall" is a great idea either. However, the cartoon makes at least one powerful argument in its favor. If fewer Palestinians get caught in the crossfire because of the wall, then it helps them as well as Israel.
On the other hand, if the Israelies have chopped off pieces of the West Bank with the wall, then they're going to have a problem there...
On the other, other hand, the Palestinians haven't (as far as I've seen) been willing to define the boundary separating them from Israel...so maybe the wall is just a "strawman" that will serve as a first draft of the border...
Love the new look of the blog. As to the wall, I think we need to build one on our southern border. Nothing else has worked so far to stem the flood of illegal immigrants.
Just a quick (and my first) post here at Munu. It's early on Monday morning and I just got into work so I don't really have a lot of time to 'blog' right now.
Blogging....hell, I have a whole new one to set up. (Thank you Stevie and Pixy!!)
Ah, Luke, you're following in your Father's footsteps. The Force Luke, use the Force! Well, sigh, Best of Luck with the new spot! Just do us all a favor and ban Al KenEdChud ASAP! Nobody, right or left, needes to be subjected to that piece of shit!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 06:04 PM ||
...Although I dare say that the folks over here will be a little less tolerant of your "left-leaning" friends, BUT, then I could be wrong...and to think you just spent 12 bucks on Haloscan!
Just don't go joining the Protest Idiots or something okay?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 06:09 PM ||
BTW, where's the Pirate Ship? Wot? No skull & crossbones?
This brings me to anudder thing. Just like Stevie's place, this joint doesn't remember my "personal info". Do I have to manually tyoe the same shit in over and over again? Wassupwiddat?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 06:17 PM ||
Welcome to MuNu oh Mad One!
If you'd like a hand finding your way around, just holler.
Oh and stay outta the ladies loo or Susie'll kick yer ass.
|| Posted by Light & Dark, July 13, 2004 08:29 PM ||
...this joint doesn't remember my "personal info".
I noticed the same thing when I post at Stevie's place; it's probably something that needs to be 'set'. Sorry for the hassle Deudd.
:lol: No sweat, Mad One! Where's the Pirate ship? Arrgh! Trim the topsails, batten the hatches and run out the guns! Mad Mikey, the Scourge of the 7 Seas is upon us! Prepare to repell boarders! Arrgh!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 07:21 AM ||
I might have a bit of a conflict with this blog that is called 'Pirate's Blog' (he's part of the California Bear League).
It sounds like a good idea, but I don't know squat about Photoshop....
Mikey! That "Paul" is THEE Paul, the one I run to with every burp and fart my pooter issues...
As for why I don't remember people... I dunno. Paul's looked into it, but...
I'm sorry you guys. I'll see if me and Paul or me and Pixy or Paul and Pixy can fix it.
'Twas in a village in Lorraine
Whose name I quite forget,
I found I needfully was fain
To buy a serviette.
I sought a shop wherein they sell
Such articles as these,
And told a smiling mademoiselle;
'I want a towel, please.'
'Of kinds,' said she, 'I've only two,'
And took the bundles down;
And one was coloured azure blue,
And one was khaki brown.
With doubt I scratched my hoary head;
The quality was right;
The size too, yet I gravely said:
'Too bad you haven't white.'
That pretty maid had sunny hair,
Her gaze was free from guile,
And while I hesitated there
She watched me with a smile.
Then as I went to take the blue
She said 'Non' meaning no.
'Ze khaki ones are best, M'sieu:
Ze dirts zey do not show.'
Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently
taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego
studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is
currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national
kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations
on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not
agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to
Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part
of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry
Contact Mikey
AIM: madmikeysblog
YIM: madmikey92037
Any/all e-mail sent to Mikey might be published if you get nasty or it's something worthwhile...
Comments on Star Search is Calling....
I know it's off topic, but ya missed the pictures of the truck I posted for ya Mikey. It's there, under the Kerry piece. I know you will love it!
As for Ed Asner, I don't even have to read the piece to tell you what an asshole he is. He's the mutt leading the charge to have Mumia Abu Jamal's conviction overturned. For those who don't know, Mumia murdered Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. Mumia doesn't belong in a 6 X 10 Foot Cell. He belongs 6 feet closer to Hell.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 31, 2004 04:45 PM ||I shouldn't have, but I did. I clicked on STFU. I was hoping it was gonna be a porno, but after I played it, I was glad it wasn't!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 31, 2004 05:50 PM ||And, here's me, thinking, "Mr. Grant? You guys don't like Mr. Grant? Daaaamn...."
I dunno. Maybe it's me, buuuut... why do people insist on acting like actors words have special significance? Jesus. They're no more than stupid mortals just like everybody else, but when they DO the same as everybody else, which is say and do utterly retarded things, it's like it's worse because they're celebrities, like what they say means soooo much more.
I, personally, give LESS credence to celebrity opinions, because, hell, if they were good for anything more than making money pretending they're everybody but who they are, they'd be something other that actors.
Did that make sense?
It's not as if they, or their sometimes asinine opinions, REALLY MATTER. Who gives a damn what they say? Ya just wave it off, *pfft* at it and for the Love of Gawd, don't let it drive ya nuts.
Dax Montana got all het up over some stupid shit Robert Duvall said and THREW OUT "LONESOME DOVE!!!", among other things. Now, Dax will never again watch the utter magnificence that is the story of Call and McCrea. That incredible movie has been lost to him over something that means NOTHING.
I don't get it.
Actors are just people who get paid to pretend and "pretending" could be taken ne step further and be called "lying", so why do people get all freaked out over the opinion of a paid pretender, a liar?
I keep being told to just ignore 'em... which is reeeeeally hard to do when they're in yer house, but Hollywood is another story, entirely.
Breaks my heart to think of Dax denying himself that movie just because Robert Duvall says stupid shit. WHO CARES?!? AND... WHY!!!? (And, no, I don't know what that was. I don't care. I don't seek out idiotic opinions to begin with and I avoid politics like the plague they are and this, Dear Friends and Neighbors, is yet one more reason why... *shudder*)
By the way, I listened to "STFU" about 37 times and I still have no idea what the hell it's supposed to be... it sounds like some little kid singing nonsense...
If that's Ed Asner, he is fucked and y'all don't need to waste aaaanymore time worrying about him/her.
(Great. Now, I'm gonna have this picture of Ed Asner wearing a pinafore and pigtails (to match that voice) in my head the rest of the day.)
Siiigh. Thanks, Mikey.
|| Posted by Stevie, August 2, 2004 02:53 PM ||(lmao...)
I know of that cop killing piece of shit. Be kinda hard NOT to, being from around here.
Not that I tried to follow this crap, but it seems to me they've been trying to get that bastard re-tried or out for about 20 freakin' years now and it ain't happened and it ain't gunna happen, so whom gives an "excrement" what Ed or any other idiot actor says about it?
I tried to a give a shit less but have found it to be impossible.
|| Posted by Stevie, August 2, 2004 02:58 PM ||Ah... must scroll down, Dim-Blonde.
Now I see it... rotflmfao.
One question...
What the hail did that have to do with Ed Asner?
I am so confused.... (yet still lmao)
|| Posted by Stevie, August 2, 2004 03:02 PM ||*slinking back to Xfire, now*
|| Posted by Stevie, August 2, 2004 03:03 PM ||(and still giggling... but I still meant what I said about "celebrity opinions".)
To 'Asner' is to pass liquid through your nose while laughing...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 3, 2004 06:42 AM ||Asner is whuuuuut? Oh... I hate when that happens. It makes the beer taste funny when I suck it back up.
|| Posted by deuddersun, August 3, 2004 12:22 PM ||Ohhhh... okay to the 'Asner' thing, buuut... why is it known as that? Does he do that? Or cause others to do that with some regularity or sumptin'?
(Gotsta keep current with Mr. Grant, don'tcha know...)
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Lost Opportunity
Darn it.....you're supposed to hit him with the Clue Bat™, not give it to him.
Comments on Lost Opportunity
Better duck Mikey, he's swinging at you!!! LOL! Time to come home Mikey, get back to where you once belonged, Jo-Jo!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 30, 2004 08:45 PM ||Supra Footwear
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What Should Transpire...
[door squeaking open]
Military Guard: Prisoner, stand here.
[shuffling feet and clanking chains]
Presiding Military Officer: State you name for the record.
Prisoner: Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Othman al-Ahmed.
Officer: State your country of origin.
Prisoner: I am from Yemen.
Officer: [shuffling papers] Okay Mr. Mohammed....you were detained in Afghanistan? Is that correct?
Prisoner: Yes. I was walking my goats and-
Officer: And you are asking to be released from detention? Is that correct?
Prisoner: Yes. I am not a terroris-
Officer: And on what basis should you be released? What reason should you be let go?
Prisoner: I was saying I am not a terrorist. I am a simple goat trader and-
Officer: Goat trader? You were found in possession of several assault rifles, two rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and a crate of explosives. You are joking, right?
Prisoner: No, I am Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Othman al-Ahmed. I would like to be let go.
Officer: No. Next.
All done with "What Should Transpire..."?
Comments on What Should Transpire...
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 07:22 AM |||| , 11:55 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Urban Legend or Blatant Clue?
By way of the resurrected 'Blogs of War', Snopes dispels the 'Dry Run' story from Annie Jacobsen:
Read More of "Urban Legend or Blatant Clue?"The one aspect of this story that gives me pause is that just like joking about having a bomb on a plane, this type of activity isn't what I'd call 'smart', especially after 9/11. These Syrians might just as well have been simple musicians, but even these gentlemen would have a clue about being watched constantly while traveling in the United States.
Additionally, even if this story was complete BS, what about the numerous corroborating accounts from pilots, flight attendants, etc. that all but confirm these dry runs?
This is one of those 'things that make you go hmmmm' that will be revealed should another 9/11 attack happen seeing as how hindsight is always 20/20. The 9/11 Commission showed that there were 'tell-tale' signs that pointed to an imminent attack before 9/11 yet no one connected the dots. How big of a dot will this story become in the aftermath of another attack?
Only time will tell, but I'm hoping to be just a bit paranoid instead of pointing this out and saying 'I told you so'....
UPDATE: Thanks for the spellcheck of 'corroborating' Nathalie....
All done with "Urban Legend or Blatant Clue?"?
Comments on Urban Legend or Blatant Clue?
kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if James Woods' flight was as investigated as this one. what excuse would they have used? would it have been debunked? would they have had a 'story'? like you say, 20/20 hindsight. that ain't gonna save lives, though.
btw- "corroborating" (couldn't help myself!!! love ya, mikey!)
|| Posted by nathalie, July 30, 2004 11:50 AM ||:-)
I don't know, urban legend or not, I'll prepare myself as I described before whenever I fly. What pisses me off is that my daughter, who is a blue-eyed blond, was put on a No Fly list because she was a member of Greenpeace, while we can only interrogate 2 people of Middle eastern origin because otherwise we're "profiling"! Ofcourse we're profiling! How many hijackers on 911 were blue-eyed blondes?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 30, 2004 08:51 PM ||I am STILL getting email about this. The singer this band was backing is called the Wayne Newton of the Mid East (yech). Anyway, it turns out he's written and sings a song glorifying suicide bombing, too. I really don't know, at this point, what to think about this whole thing. I think it's possible terrorists are making "dry runs" on airlines. But I have always thought it was unlikely that terrorists would use the same MO they used for 9/11. Too much security, too many wary passengers. This whole thing may be to get us to concentrate security in one place and loosen security where the terrorists actually want to attack. These "dry runs" may well be diversions. There are a lot of easy targets in this country.
|| Posted by Cait, July 31, 2004 06:25 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 07:21 AM |||| , 09:04 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Blog Rules
Kilabe is someone that I met over at the Blogs of War forum and recently found that he has a blog. To go with his blog, he has rules:
Comments on Blog Rules
wow, those sound like your unwritten rules. lol
|| Posted by nathalie, July 30, 2004 11:51 AM ||Thanks for the plug Mikey! :)
|| Posted by kilabe, July 30, 2004 12:26 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 07:20 AM |||| , 07:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 29, 2004
Forrest Gump Protest Style
What's wrong with the protestor in the upper left corner...?
Comments on Forrest Gump Protest Style
He's a Protest Fleabag!....uh, Whorer!....uh, Warrior?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 29, 2004 05:50 PM ||What's wrong with the protestor in the upper left corner...?
He's dumber than a rock and a lazy no good anarchist punk?
|| Posted by Brent, July 31, 2004 06:21 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 07:14 AM |||| , 02:00 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Draggin Hardcore
Been busy the last few days dealing with TWO final exam papers for my summer classes.
Read More of "Draggin Hardcore"The first was on the use of the Anthem of the Soviet Union as propaganda for my Music & War class. I had to give an oral presentation with this paper and I used the movie The Hunt for Red October to demonstrate the anthem. (It is the scene where Sean Connery is annoucing the ship's mission to the crew as they leave Murmansk). Following that, we had our Final Exam which went pretty well.
The second paper was an analysis of Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, both by Arthur Miller. I had to do your basic analysis on Death of a Salesman, compare/contrast it with The Crucible, and also describe how I would prooduce/direct this play if given the chance. This was for my Intro to Theater class.
I was taking both of these classes only to give a small boost to my GPA and to meet the requirements for getting my Cal Grant A grant back since tuition at UCSD is going up this coming school year.
I can honestly say that working 40 hours a week and going to summer school for TWO classes (in a five week period) is very taxing - I'm dead tired and would just love to curl up on my desk right now and take a nap...
In the meantime, I don't have much except here's a screen shot of my work computer...all the geeks in the office always compliment me on it.
All done with "Draggin Hardcore"?
Comments on Draggin Hardcore
They actually have a class called "Music and War"?
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 29, 2004 09:57 AM ||Yeah - it's a survey class.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 29, 2004 10:07 AM ||Okay, couple of things. First, your assignments are rudimentary to a Lib Arts Major. What's the problem? You want cheese with that whine?
Second, your screen-saver is very HOT! But where is the desktop shortcut linking to "deuddersun says..."?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 29, 2004 05:57 PM ||You want cheese with that whine?
It's not the assignments themselves that are bothersome - it's the time involved doing them....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 30, 2004 06:01 AM ||I always had fun when we studied "The Crucible"
Me: It's obvious Miller was writing about McCarthyism, but the allegory has a major flaw.
Professor: Which is?
Me: There's no such thing as a witch.
guaranteed to make a college professor freak out.
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, July 30, 2004 09:41 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 07:12 AM |||| , 09:12 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 27, 2004
Cute Bear
Now this is a cute bear!!
Comments on Cute Bear
My kinda bear. I've already sent it to everyone I know!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 28, 2004 05:30 AM ||didn't know deudd has a career in voice-overs! you shouldn't be so shy about it. :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, July 28, 2004 04:16 PM ||LOL! Nat, I'm a multi-faceted kinda guy!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 28, 2004 05:05 PM ||Hey Mikey,
|| Posted by da44magster, July 31, 2004 04:53 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:57 AM |||| , 02:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Payback is Such a Bitch
This is poignant justice:
Comments on Payback is Such a Bitch
I love hearing stories like this one. Hopefully, they don't have any kids, or else that cheatin' bitch will be able to sink her hooks into some of those winnings.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 27, 2004 07:32 AM ||Good for him!
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 27, 2004 07:47 AM ||Is this Mullet Mikey's site?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, July 27, 2004 10:16 AM ||Mullet?
*SIGH*....I guess you didn't read the caption that goes with the photo; that was about SIX years ago...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 27, 2004 11:32 AM ||Fire up a new photo, then!
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, July 27, 2004 12:37 PM ||there are some f'd up things in this world-- for instance, how is it that this guy loses his home and his life savings to a cheating beyotch? I say: if you cheat, you LOSE! nothing, nada, nil.
the guy has excellent taste in dogs. :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, July 27, 2004 12:46 PM ||There is a God after all.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 28, 2004 05:33 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:54 AM |||| , 06:54 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 26, 2004
Better Lovers?
It's always interesting to see what stupid steps PETA will take to try and show that they're serious about their *cough* cause and that we really shouldn't laugh at them.
After reading the photo description, I was struck with three different reactions:
- Vegans make better lovers? Well then - F*CK OFF!!
- Hitler was a vegetarian but I don't see you clowns using HIM as an example....
- Wow....PETA chicks are really easy.
Saving puppies and kittens from being abused - that's a good thing. Messing around with my New York Strip Steak with a baked potato - screw you.UPDATE: This Bethany chick sure does get around. A lot... Number 3 is looking more solid....
Comments on Better Lovers?
Apropos of whatever, last night, I heard a snippet of a stand-up routine by Red Foxx. He observed, "Yeah, I can say 'intercourse', but if you doin' it right, you're fuckin'" I think the PETA folks are probably having intercourse, don't you?
|| Posted by Cait, July 26, 2004 04:15 PM ||I'd call it more like 'making yourselves look REAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYY stupid.'
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 26, 2004 04:27 PM ||If you want to prove to ME that you're a better lover for whatever reason, you have to prove it to ME, (get the picture Bethany?) It's just one of those things that have to be experienced.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 26, 2004 08:33 PM ||"Done quit preachin' and started meddlin'," aye.
|| Posted by Grim, July 26, 2004 09:05 PM ||Us carnivores don't need 12 hours of foreplay to get in the mood. We have the energy to get going and multiple orgasms in the time it takes them to get a little excited.
Must be the protein.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, July 27, 2004 10:42 PM ||I'm firing up da grill now, Goddess! LOL!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 28, 2004 05:26 AM ||This is just fuckin stupid...
|| Posted by scroff, July 29, 2004 12:55 AM ||Mikey, I am so embarrassed by this. I am a PETA member. I am not a vegetarian and I fail to see how this type of behavior promotes ethical treatment of animals. This is more in line with what deuddersun does when he is on a good load, (whether I want it or not!) Anyway, here is the text of the letter I sent to PETA after I saw this:
I was recently browsing various websites and I found a picture of two people in their underware making out on a public sidewalk in order to promote PETA..
|| Posted by da44magster, July 30, 2004 08:39 PM ||I was absolutely appaled at this! My donations are going to this fucking bullshit. If this is how my hard earned dollars are being spent by your organization, do not under any circumstances, send me any more of your literature. What does this do to protect our little creatures? (Other than embarrass those of us who are serious about the ethical treatment of animals?)
If this is how you spend my money to get your message out, you will not receive any more donations from me. This is totally unacceptable and offensive. As a member of PETA for some 20 years, I expect and await an answer from your office or the next e-mail from me will be to direct you to remove my name from your membership lists.
Thank you,
Good for you Mags!!
This is the type of inane crap that makes PETA look like a collection of 'tards IMO.
Like I said in the post - saving puppies & kittens I'm all FOR; messing around with the fact that I like steak and implying that my willy wacker will not rise to the occasion cause I'm addicted to A-1 Steak Sauce, screw you (no pun intended).
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:49 AM |||| , 04:10 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 24, 2004
Academic Metal
I'm up at school researching some stuff for a paper in one of the summer classes I'm taking.
Nothing beats researching while listening to the drum stylings of Tommy Lee and Mötley Crüe...
Comments on Academic Metal
hmmm... I was always partial to Dokken while studying physics and history. No idea why. Sergei Rachmaninoff's works were really good for math homework and English Comp.
|| Posted by Beth, July 24, 2004 06:21 PM ||Perfect.
I found an old audio tape a few months ago. Stuck it in my tape player and you hear the Allman Brothers blasting... "Ramblin' Man".
The phone is heard faintly in the bg...
Young female is heard yelling over music..
"Oh, hi Dad!"
( a pause)
I was 'studying' alright... studying how high I could get the roof to bounce with volume alone...
I still do that shit, man.
Matter of fact, I fully intend to start doing that very thing is aboooout... 3 or 4 hours.
Little Larry Gatlin, maybe Charlie Rich, definitely SRV, thrown in a bit of Rick Springfield ("Rock of Life"), then some Pink Floyd... yeeeahhh.
Bet I can even work some of The Monkees in there, too. And, three or four sides of Roger Miller.
Now, suddenly, I wanna start with Barry White the instant "Coal Miner's Daughter" gets done...
Well, I can see this could take a while... lol.
|| Posted by Stevie, July 25, 2004 01:20 AM ||*giggling*
Would you stop looking at me like that?
|| Posted by Stevie, July 25, 2004 01:22 AM ||Ah yes, I fondly remember listening to Iron Butterfly's "Innagaddadavida" while smoking Panama Red and "studying" my lava lamp for hours on end...sigh...the good old days...or was that last night?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 25, 2004 02:44 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:37 AM |||| , 04:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Academic/Intellectual Honesty
(This is something that I've wanted to post about for a while but haven't been able to upload the associated image. Now I can.)
My daughter is going into the 5th grade this fall and there is always in the back of my mind the possibility of her being 'indoctrinated' with all sorts of crap.
Last year when she was in the 4th grade, she would have a weekly assignment that was to focus on something about California. Each week, the kids would have to research geographic, historical, and current events subjects that started with a specific letter, i.e. for the letter A she would research Alameda County, for S, she'd look up information about Salinas, etc.
The work would have to be done in one of those composition notebooks and the teacher would tell the kids to decorate the borders of the pages with drawings of things beginning with that week’s specific letter. Again, if she were working on the letter A, she'd draw things like The Alamo, aardvark, antelope, etc. (I suggested that she look in her Children's Dictionary for things that begin with the letter to help her along).
Well, the week she was working on the letter F, she got stuck for things to draw. I suggested something that my wife immediately said NO to because it might get my kid in trouble.
This is the image
Comments on Academic/Intellectual Honesty
Love the picture.
|| Posted by Dave J, July 24, 2004 05:49 PM ||At least it's better than Fahrenhiet 9-11.
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, July 24, 2004 07:17 PM ||Couldn't imagine where the post was going. I burst out laughing when I so the pic. Good one.
|| Posted by Cait, July 24, 2004 11:04 PM ||lmao...
And, I thought I was bent.
I needn't have worried, I see.
Only one thing managed to get all the way across my mind before the picture came up... Howard Stern as "Fartman"... I thought of that and got as far as "Oh, no Mikey, not..." *pong*... omg-lmao.
You so crazy...
|| Posted by Stevie, July 25, 2004 01:07 AM ||How bout this one, Mikey?
Little East Coast Culcha fer ya!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 25, 2004 02:51 PM ||The junior member of our house finished 5th this year. Here are two sites to help her with the memorization of the States.
Early American History is also visited this year. Have fun.
|| Posted by cheil, July 26, 2004 12:05 AM ||HAR HAR HAR
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, July 27, 2004 10:14 AM ||L...M...A...O...
|| Posted by nathalie, July 27, 2004 12:40 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:37 AM |||| , 03:27 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 23, 2004
USS Reagan Coming Home
Big news today here in San Diego:
And something I just found out about - San Diego is getting all of the nuclear carriers on the West Coast (I think) because the numb-numbs up in Washington State declared that Washington is a 'nuclear-free zone' - no nuke ships.That's okay - the Reagan is estimated to bring over $400 MILLION to the San Diego region.
CORRECTION: I just found out that there are some nuc carriers up in Washington State so my assertion that it was a 'nuclear-free zone' was incorrect. Okay, I feel sheepish....
UPDATE: I walked outside my office and watched as the Reagan was moored here at NAS North Island. When the line handling party on the quay wall signaled that the ship was officially 'moored', a cheer from the sailors manning the rails went up and the Navy Jack was hoisted up on the bow of the ship.
Comments on USS Reagan Coming Home
"Moored! Shift colors!"
followed by
"Liberty Call! Liberty Call!"
A sailor's favorite phrases
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, July 23, 2004 11:07 AM ||As opposed to: The fantail is now open for the dumping of trash and garbage...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 23, 2004 12:08 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:31 AM |||| , 09:48 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Know They Enemy: Black Holes
I haven't linked to him for some strange reason but none-the-less, Frank J. at IMAO always comes up with something humorous.
Read More of "Know They Enemy: Black Holes"KNOW THY ENEMY: BLACK HOLES
Stephen Hawking has revamped the theory of black holes, finally solving the paradox that black holes seemingly destroy information.
Now I can finally sleep nights again.
So what do you do if you happen to run into a black hole? Well, I sent out my crack research staff to find out as much as they can about black holes so you can be prepared.
All done with "Know They Enemy: Black Holes"?
Comments on Know They Enemy: Black Holes
im a jew so shut up!
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:30 AM |||| , 07:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 22, 2004
La Shawn 1, Blog*Spot 0
La Shawn has escaped from Blog*Spot and gotten a domain all her own.
Go take a look here.
Comments on La Shawn 1, Blog*Spot 0
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:24 AM |||| , 12:00 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 21, 2004
I Want This
Comments on I Want This
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:14 AM |||| , 10:49 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Busy, Busy, Busy
I'm transferring to a new Fleet Support Team here at NAS North Island and it's been a hectic morning.
I went from the Fleet Support Team that worked on these to the FST that works on these, but I'll still be working on CNI (Communications - Navigation - Instruments).
Cool stuff.
UPDATE: For those that are interested, HERE is information on the F/A-18 C/D Hornet and F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet.
Comments on Busy, Busy, Busy
So what are they? The ones at the new FST are Tomcats, right? What are the ones at the old FST? Hornets?
|| Posted by Cait, July 22, 2004 05:39 AM ||Well, I answered my own question. They are F-5E Tiger II. I'd never even heard of them!!! And apparently the new one you're going to work on is the Super Hornet, F/A-18E/F. Well, way to go.
|| Posted by Cait, July 22, 2004 05:45 AM ||Actually, the Tigers that I worked on are now called F-5N Tigers (Navy variant); they're used by the Aggressor squadrons in Yuma and Fallon.
And I don't know if I'll be working on the Super Hornets as opposed to the regular Hornet - both are still cool.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 22, 2004 06:12 AM ||Got that right. Muy fresco.
|| Posted by Cait, July 22, 2004 10:38 AM ||Damn...you get to work with such awesome things
|| Posted by jaws, July 22, 2004 12:00 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:14 AM |||| , 10:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 20, 2004
Today = 'Blech!'
I got nothing much to blog about for the moment.
I had to go to freaking Traffic Court to deal with an 'Unsafe Lane Change' ticket I got about a month ago on the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge. Of all the times to do this one stupid maneuver - I did it right in front of a motorcycle cop.
Comments on Today = 'Blech!'
Here's something for your blood pressure: The woman that wrote the article for Woman's Wall Street on the 14 Middle Eastern guys on her jetliner, has done a follow up article over at Front Page Magazine:
Most of those she's spoken with seem to think it was a terrorist dry run, and a lot of the pilots say this is happening all the time.
Time to go meditate (or medicate?). I can feel my heart pumping in my neck....
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 20, 2004 02:27 PM ||I read it this morning AND heard her interviewed on a local radio station this morning before I went into Traffic Court.
Yeah - this gives me a strange feeling too....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 20, 2004 02:31 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 06:06 AM |||| , 12:15 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 19, 2004
Traffic Hazard
I heard about this on the radio as I was crossing the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge and almost wrecked my truck cause I was laughing so hard:
And it's true - if they can't have the cajones to stand up and tell their constituents that they're being whimps and stalling, then they ARE girlie-men.
Tell it like it is Governor!
Comments on Traffic Hazard
Yup, california, the land of fruits and nuts.
|| Posted by scroff, July 19, 2004 09:36 AM ||I am so sick of the homosexual reference. It's not that at all. It's meant as wimps. But that's the best way for the left to try and make Ahnold look bad. arrgh!
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 19, 2004 12:00 PM ||Well, it probably is sexist and maybe homophobic. It's also funny as hell, and I rather admire the Guv for saying it.
|| Posted by Cait, July 19, 2004 01:21 PM ||If that's the best way the Governor of California can express his frustration with the budget process, no one needs to make him look bad. But we always knew California was a little strange anyway, so this is par for the course. What's next? Asta la vista, baby?
|| Posted by scroff, July 19, 2004 01:24 PM ||I knew there was a reason I liked Schwarzenegger. "When you call a spade a spade, you don't need a club." -- Arthur Herzog.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, July 19, 2004 02:02 PM ||Your Gov. makes my state's gov (Bob Taft) look like a tiny "Girlie-man"
|| Posted by jaws, July 19, 2004 07:56 PM ||What's all the commotion about? In my opinion this was a satrical reference to well-known and oft-repeated phrases, one from Saturday Night Live and the other from the Terminator.
I think maybe it's time for all of us, the left and the right, to relax a little and stop getting our knickers in a twist every time someone from the other side makes a satirical comment.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 20, 2004 07:38 PM ||Besides taking themselves too seriously, Liberals are arrogant, condescending, rude, ignorant, sensitive and have no sense of humor at all. Girlie men! Bwahahaha!
|| Posted by Brent, July 21, 2004 07:47 AM ||Bitch.
|| Posted by deudderson, July 21, 2004 06:55 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 05:56 AM |||| , 08:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
U.S. Army Say 'Don't Loot!'
This is what happens when you have to deal with looting in Iraq....
It would be cool if we could do this with drunk drivers, street racers, etc.
Comments on U.S. Army Say 'Don't Loot!'
Give a hoot, don't you loot!
The Frontline-like voice over is classic.
|| Posted by charles austin, July 19, 2004 08:39 AM ||Yep, winnin' the hearts and minds.....
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 19, 2004 10:10 AM ||The ironic thing is that you are supporting the idiotic behavior of US soldiers who are acting just like the drunk drivers, street racers and other braindead morons in the US.
This here is no different than a multitude of videos on the internet of rednecks amusing themselves in the most idiotic ways. Except these guys are in uniform and are doing it to some brown people. So yeah, God bless them and we proudly support our troops.
I guess this is a good example of why the British troops are amazed at how stupid and ignorant their American counterparts act towards Iraqis and why Iraqis detest Americans. When you take a bunch of braindead rednecks, put them in a uniform, give them weapons and send them to a foreign country this is what happens.
Way to win the peace, boys! Not surprised that idiot right wingers are praising such moronic behavior (quick check of right wing blogs reveals predictable high fiving and grinning + lots of idiotic comments). Next time their kid get caught shop-lifting and the police pull up a tank to flatten their daddy's car I'll say "God bless!" too. We'll see how funny they would think that would be.
|| Posted by ranndino, November 27, 2004 06:08 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 05:55 AM |||| , 06:47 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 18, 2004
Yeah Buddy
Upset about something and want to voice your opinion? Then take to the streets and protest.
Citizen Smash here in San Diego has formed a chaper of Protest Warrior, so don't believe that it's something for the 'big' cities.
Comments on Yeah Buddy
kafir alfia is one of the mid twenty something little pukes who should be sporting some combat gear in Iraq or Afghanistan. The little chickenhawk calls himself a general. General nuisance is more like it.
These guys got called names? Awww, po' little things. I notice they say nothing about all the twerps along the sidewalks yelling at the marchers. I've never had the 'pleasure' of running into these fellas at any of the rallies in DC, but I do hope they're in NYC for the RNC.
|| Posted by scroff, July 18, 2004 10:37 AM ||They probably will be....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 18, 2004 11:24 AM ||Scroff is such an idiot. He's in the military, for god's sake, or at least the reserve. He can't even take it when little 'ol Al tells the truth about Israel. Now he says the Protest Warriors should not be upset at getting called names.
Jezz, is this guy a hypocrite, or what?
Somebody should smash his head in with a brick!
|| Posted by Little ol' Al, July 18, 2004 05:59 PM ||Is he now Al? How did you get back in here? He may be in the reserves, I don't know, but if he really wanted to be a "warrior" he'd volunteer for combat duty instead of running his stupid cocksucker on the internet. That's the job of shitheads like you.
btw Mikey, noticed you got the remember thing straightened out - nice. Thanks.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 18, 2004 07:27 PM ||Hey, al! Haven't seen you over at ASD much lately!
You are such a stupid fuck. I thought you had some brains once. I'm kind of dissapointed to see how stupid you are.
I told you al, I'm a major.
As far as these protest chickenhawks, I'm looking forward to disrupting their disruptions.
|| Posted by scroff, July 18, 2004 10:17 PM ||You're welcome Deudd.....I didn't do anything.[/feeling stoopid]
Al must be off another 72-hour psychiatric hold from the hospital the homeless go to.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 19, 2004 06:36 AM ||Originally I was just going to give you one of those "looks", but then Al threw mw off course! Shithead!~
d. :lol:
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 20, 2004 07:25 PM ||Scroff, the little ass, has cut my access to ASD.
|| Posted by AL, July 23, 2004 07:38 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 05:49 AM |||| , 07:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 17, 2004
Dave in Iraq
I got an e-mail from Dave from Sugar Ray Dodge.
He just wanted to let me know that he's still active in the Blogsphere all the way from Iraq and that my 'new' blog was looking good.
I told him that practically all Americans are proud of what he's doing over there and to not let the *ahem* 'news' they receive over there get them down and to let his teammates know this too.
Take a swing by his place - he's got some well-thought words on a lot of different subjects.
Comments on Dave in Iraq
Yo Mikey -
I saw your Allahpundit post about the Che t-shirts.
You can already get a couple of real fly ones (Che with mickey mouse ears, Che with a rotted skull and a "Communism Kills" caption) at www.bureaucrash.com.
|| Posted by Adam, July 18, 2004 05:20 AM ||Supra Footwear
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July 16, 2004
You Expected Something Else?
The dawning of Newton's Third Law:
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Comments on You Expected Something Else?
"...without fear of reprisal..."
No, without fear of being thrown into jail for dissing our guvmint, you stewpid cow.
There will be reprisals. That's also part of our freedoms. We don't like you or what you have to say, and we can hit you where it counts - the wallet.
And racisim? I am so fucking sick of the blacks always using that argument. It would just as despciable if a white, hispanic or whatever rainbow color person had said the same.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 16, 2004 11:45 AM ||And I am so fucking sick and tired of republicans crying like little kids in a playground whenever someone disses their beloved asshole. Grow up fellas, people make jokes about sprout the monkey king, he's dumber than Quail and clumsier than Ford. He's an easy target. He talks to god ferchrissakes. In my profession, people are medicated for that.
What I'm disappointed in is Kerry Edwards trying to distance themselves. They were frigging jokes, a comedy routine. That's what they should have said... it was a stand up routine by a comedienne, get a life.
|| Posted by scroff, July 16, 2004 04:59 PM ||This is so lame, Mikey. How long are you gonna beat this? Been lissenin to Rush, lately? Boy oh boy, I can see the headlines now, "Whoopi Swings Election In Moonbat's Favor".
The only thing Smirkey can do is attack, because his record is in-defensible.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 16, 2004 06:51 PM ||It's not lame - it's action vs. reaction. Just like when Michael Savage did his thing and MSNBC canned him.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 16, 2004 07:25 PM ||Not to change the subject or anything (but ya know I'm gunna)...
Mikey, keep yer eye peeled from any emails or comments from Paul of Light and Dark. I talked to him tonight and he's more then happy to give you hand getting this place customized.
Told ya he's a sweetheart....
|| Posted by Stevie, July 16, 2004 11:27 PM ||(And, I told him you're one, too...)
That's far fetched as a comparison, Mikey. Savage was canned by MSNBC not because the Democrats threatened a boycott but because he, among other things and just being a total asshole, suggested a caller he labeled a 'sodomite' should die of AIDS. Big difference between that and a comedienne making off color jokes about bush.
So does this mean people can lose their jobs for making off color jokes about the president? What if everyone who made Monica-cigar-Clinton jokes got fired?
What pisses me off, besides the whiney little republicans, is Kerry trying to cover his ass and not taking her back. Spineless.
|| Posted by scroff, July 17, 2004 10:14 AM ||Stevie: Can do girl.
Scroff: Can't say much to sooth your anger - it's just IMO the "politics of life". I would be just as sympathetic (READ ZERO SYMPATHY) if some Hollywood pea-brain got up started raggin on Kerry as naseum (sp?).
As for Kerry being spineless and distancing himself away from all this when he was laughing his ass off during this fundraiser - it's just what most Republicans/conservatives see in him: NOTHING. He can't stand on anything - that's why we love to rag on him cause he flip-flops on everything.
That's why I'm confident that Bush will win the election by a wide margin....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 17, 2004 11:25 AM ||And THIS folderol is why I stay completely outta politics.
C'mon guys... play nice. No politician, no matter which one it is, is worth friends gettin' all stiff-necked and pissy with each other.
Matter of fact, I do believe that this is the offical reason number 2,972 why it is that the entire concept of politics is not a good one.
Like Lily Tomlin says... "Why woulda ya wanna win a rat race? Yer still a rat."
Hugs on both of ya....
|| Posted by Stevie, July 17, 2004 01:43 PM ||No worries Steve - Scroff and I agreed to disagree a long time back.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 17, 2004 10:12 PM ||Yea, no big, Stevie. We put down the flame throwers a while ago.
Don't get me wrong, Mad One. I'm not crying for Whoopie, she don't need the bucks or the job. But the republicans are like a bunch of spoiled little brats. Whenever they don't like something they try to get rid of it, from the Reagan movie to F911 to a buncha other crap I can't recall right now. With all the real stuff there is to discuss and be concerned about.... gaghjh!
Anyway... how's the bp? :)
|| Posted by scroff, July 18, 2004 01:18 AM ||Stevie, if you think we're fighting now, you should stick around, lol! Hell, even scroff and I went at each other hammer and tong over at AWW. And check out Activist San Diego if you wanna see real flame wars! Sometimes we're at each other's throats, sometimes we defend each other, depends on the particular issue.
As for politics, well, these are politically oriented sites, scroff, ruthalla and I lean to the left, Mikey, Nat, and others lean to the right. Nobody's probably going to change anybody's mind, (ya never know, tho), but even tho it's serious, we're having fun in our own demented way. So, relax, enjoy, jump in anytime!
Peace. Love.
Vote for Nixon in '72. Why change dicks in the middle of a screw?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 18, 2004 07:22 PM ||He's right - on somethings we'll never agree and on others we're reading from the same page. Just goes to show you that some Americans aren't totally divided as some would have you think.
Sheesh - I met Scroff & Ruthie in the middle of a flame war almost a year ago and we all learned to slightly chill on our attacks. Deudd I met through Scoff/Ruthie over at AWW and I'm a little glad that I didn't get into a flame war with him - he get's nasty.
Vote for Nixon in '72. Why change dicks in the middle of a screw? LOL
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 05:22 AM |||| , 10:38 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 15, 2004
Holy crap.
Here's something that just does not bode well with me that was over at Michelle Malkin's blog. It's kind of a long story, but read it anyway.
For Michelle, this story reminded her "of James Woods' experience prior to September 11, 2001" and it's just one of those things that makes the hair on your neck stand on end.
I can't describe how that sickens me. If I were an American airline, I'd say, "Screw it. We're going to check everyone we feel may be a threat. We owe this to our shareholders, our employees and to all Americans. We will especially scrutinize men from the Middle East, until another region of the world or another religious sect becomes a greater probable threat. This isn't about racism. It's about probabilities."
"The US government is going to fine us for doing this. You need to contact your local newspapers and your state and local representatives, and tell them you support our actions."
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 15, 2004 01:49 PM ||I agree. If these men had done something, the same people who scream 'profiling' would be wanting to know why the airline and/or the U.S. government didn't magically stop this.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 15, 2004 02:02 PM ||I'm not buying the "musician" crap. I hope the FAM got their names, photos, fingerprints, DNA, and any other ID. Because those assholes were making a dry run for terrorist activity as sure as I'm sitting here typing. Scary shit.
|| Posted by Cait, July 15, 2004 02:23 PM ||God bless tom ridge and homeland security eh? Good thing the 'war president' is on the job tightening up the borders... of Iraq. Sounds like a simple matter of tightening up security. Just because you can't discriminate doesn't mean you can't double and triple check everybody. Maybe if we spent some of that 100 billion plus we spent on who knows what in Iraq on real security and real anti-terrorist measures, people might be and feel a little safer.
Issues facing TSA include but are certainly not limited to; shortage of staff, and they can't pay overtime to the staff they have, so they're understaffed. Screening of screeners, baggage handlers, and airport personnel is still faulty. Funding cutbacks have slowed the training of new air-marshalls, development of field location infrastructure and eqiupment. Access to airports and baggage areas is still relativley open, and no one checks cargo.
I don't know why this article comes as any great surprise, or is cause for concern about profiling. It's about lax security in Detroit and elsewhere. It's a money issue. Follow the money. Someone standing in front of a TV camera saying we're 'safer' doesn't make us safer.
|| Posted by scroff, July 15, 2004 03:41 PM ||I think the biggest problem these guys face is the baseless screams of 'racism!!! should they actually fire some neurons and take care of blantantly obvious situations like this.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 15, 2004 03:50 PM ||I'm right there with scroff on this. I used to fly alot, I don't much anymore so I haven' really thought about this much, but I'll offer this for what it's worth. I haven't always been the fountain of joy and peace and love for my fellow man that you have all come to know and love. There was a time when I associated with, what some would call "unsavory" characters and it wasn't always possible to conceal a weapon. That's where something I learned in the Corps kicked in - Weapons of Opportunity. Now if someone wants to blow up a plane in the air with a bomb assembled in the air, well there ain't much you can do about it. But if you're being hijacked, well, the Rules of Engagement have changed. Instead of just sitting there, going along with it, passengers should, and probably will fight back. Why not? Beats crashing into a building at 500 mph. This is where a little prep can help you. Sharpen a pencil. Put it in your pocket or behind your ear. Should you need to use it, hold it in your hand with the eraser seated against the heel of your hand and the length of the pencil extending out between your middle fingers, make a fist securing it and punch upward just above the adams apple where the throat meets the head. In a pinch a pen will do, but a sharpened pencil works better. Drive it in hard. Take an old credit card and some 100 grit sandpaper and carefully sharpen the bottom of the credit card on the back side only so it isn't obvious. With a little patience you can get the thing razor sharp. Go for the side of the neck, fast and hard so that you cut the carotid artery. The sudden, massive loss of blood will almost always cause the target to black out. Keys work too. Hold them in your fist, with a key extending out from between each finger. Buy a pair of reading glasses with the rubber or plastic tips on the earpieces. Remove the plastic and sharpen the ends, then replace the tips. If you're nervous, order a cup of tea. Nothing like a cup of scalding, hot water in the face to chill an attacker out. There's more, but as I type this it occurs to me that other's may read this as well so I won't get into non-detectable projectile weapons. Use your head, look around you, think Weapons of Opportunity, be prepared.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 15, 2004 04:35 PM ||I live with a guy trained in "unarmed" defense. It's amazing what "unarmed" can offer in the way of weapons. I'm with Scroff on this one. We need better airport and airline security. There needs to be a pat-down search (as well as current "x-ray" search) of everyone boarding. Also, all passengers should be required to provide photo ID (matching name on ticket) at time of boarding. One quick example to improve in-flight security: Hire plane toilet attendants who do nothing but check airplane toilets after every use. That way nothing can be left in a toilet for use in assembling bombs/weapons. Forbid taking items like bags and purses in the airplane bathrooms. If a woman needs a sanitary napkin or tampon, she can take it in bare-handed. No purse. We've pretty much all seen tampons, etc. No surprises. Embarrassed is better than dead. Men can empty their pockets, much as they do at airport check-in security. Would all this security beefing raise airline prices? Of course. Once again, same theme: can't spend that extra money you save if you've been blown up in an airplane.
|| Posted by Cait, July 15, 2004 04:51 PM ||First off a tip; if you double-click in the fields in this comment form your name, email and url will show up in a drop down menu and you won't have to type them in. Works in IE, don't know about other browsers.
It doesn't have to cost more. Security measures can be funded through the Federal Budget. It might take longer and pose several inconviences, but hey, like you said, I'd rather have to get there two hours early than go boom. I'd also rather have severly tight security at airports, than have my name and data in some Matrix file. I mean it's an airport, not a resort. Once you get there you go through security and you wait for your plane, get on it go where you're going, get off and leave.
|| Posted by scroff, July 15, 2004 06:25 PM ||Scroff: Thanks for the tip (I use it all the time and just assumed everyone else did....)
The one thing that is in place are the Air Marshals. The story said that the flight attendants were aware of several of them on the flight.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 16, 2004 08:27 AM ||An update of sorts. I sent this to my son who is on and in all sorts of tactical email lists and groups. He said this story has been floating around the tac groups. The scuttlebutt in those groups is that this was a "dry run", but the twist is, it was our guys (FBI, CIA, pick your own letters) doing it, to see how the FAM people reacted, how the passengers reacted, how the airlines and their personnel reacted. I'm really trying to believe that.
|| Posted by Cait, July 16, 2004 03:03 PM ||It's possible. It would have sucked if someone like d. had been on board and had rammed a sharp pencil into one of their skulls though. Oops!
From what I've read, the Air Marshalls aren't fully up to speed yet, or were expected to be "mid-2004". The budget was cut by about $100,000 in a 're-alignment' of the TSA. This is from a GAO report from the "Statement of Norman J. Rabkin Managing Director, Homeland Security
|| Posted by scroff, July 16, 2004 04:47 PM ||and Justice Issues" dated March 2004. (you can read it here http://www.anywhichway.net/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=135 ... of course you can :))
Well, I notice the suspects didn't actually try anything, just acted like, ummmm, suspects. Trying something might have bought one of them a FAM bullet along with the pencil in the eye.
|| Posted by Cait, July 16, 2004 06:07 PM ||What egg-sactly are you trying to say here oh brudder- a-mine?
50/50luv, homie, wassup?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 16, 2004 06:43 PM ||By the way, it ain't the eye, it's the throat, just above the adams apple, at an angle that will cause the sharp end to exit at the base of the skull, put yer finger back there, feel for it, where the skull meets the spinal cord. That's it, now you got it. Tired, going to bed. Peace out.
|| Posted by Iamtiredoftypingthisshit, July 16, 2004 06:47 PM ||IAmTiredOfTypingThisShit,
If you've typed your info once and then clicked the "Yes" button under "Remember personal info?" you shouldn't have to type it again. If you simply type the first letter of your name then your name should appear in a dropdown menu. It probably is, but you've been looking at you keyboard while typing when it did!
Also, as someone wrote above which is the first time I've learned of this, the dropdown should appear when you double click the field.
About the dry run being US agents: That actually makes more sense.
They were so obviously acting suspiciously that I'd say they were either 14 agents testing the reaction of the airline, marshalls and passengers, or they were 14 very clumbsy terrorists.
And if they were terrorists, I doubt that they'd sent 14 of 'em on a suicide mission when only a handful would be neccessary.
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, July 17, 2004 09:56 AM ||Tuning Spork: we tried that 'remember personal info' - it won't work.
There's a post about it over at Munuviana; I personally think it's just a bug in this version of MT.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 17, 2004 11:27 AM ||Hmmm. Or maybe it's the browser? Double clicking works fine for me here. I'm looking with JUNO via IE 6.0.
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, July 17, 2004 01:07 PM ||Or maybe it's the browser?
Dunno - I'm also using IE 6.0......maybe it's PFM?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 17, 2004 10:14 PM ||Yeah, shit! It's my browser! Ever since SBC took over Prodigy it's been a pain in the ass. When I sign out of SBC and launch Explorer, I get the drop-down...sigh....sorry Mikey, guess it's time to go to Comcast.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 18, 2004 07:14 PM ||I wonder if maybe, juust maybe, these were 14 arabic band members who were nervous about all the hairy eyeballs they were getting. (??)
I work with an Egyptian MD. After 911 I asked him if he got alot of flack from people. His reply was that most people thought he was Puerto Rican. So much for profiling.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:39 AM |||| , 01:07 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Brent over at The Ville is back from vacation. He's got some great photos of the Grand Canyon and a new hatred for Delta Airlines.
Comments on 'DELTA SUCKS!'
My personal least favorite is AmericaWorst[west] in one trip had my luggage lost (after I asked to carry it on because I had a job interview at 7 am the next morning and the lady promised it would be there), seat didn't recline, plane jumped sideways about 100 ft on take off, & on landing it overshot the end of the runway.
|| Posted by John, July 16, 2004 08:12 AM ||Don't like United much either, being 6'3" its painful to get my knees facing forward.
We flew through Atlanta on January 30th. The day after the ice storm. Everything was delayed which is to be expected. But because of not having enough crew everything to Wichita was cancelled. The weather was fine. We went to the customer service counter were we were assigned to the next flight. That flight was also cancelled. We went back to the customer service counter to be assigned to the next day’s flight. Here we witnessed one of the customer service supervisors coaching the staff to lie to us. They were told to tell us the flight cancellation was due to weather from the day before instead of there being no crew. So they wouldn't have to give out hotel vouchers. We confronted the customer service rep about the lie and she backed down and gave us vouchers. But under the encouragement of the supervisor they continued the lie to the rest of the passengers. And I imagine they got away with it.
We flew with a group of friends. They got on the 4420 flight on the 31st. And we were on the 4177 flight on the 31st. We were told the 4420 flight was full. But our friends told us there were several empty seats. On our flight there was Delta crew flying as passengers. While there was still paying customers waiting for the next flight. When we got to Wichita we saw that flight had been cancelled also. That Delta would put their employees ahead of paying customers shows that Delta hasn’t a clue about customer service.
Between my friends and me we had 9 pieces of checked luggage. Delta lost every single one. We waited around for an hour trying to get service. Finally one Delta employee said there was some luggage in a room and let us look for ours. We found 2 out of the 9. We found them not Delta. I called the baggage service center several times. But all I got from them was that Delta had no idea. And that they will send out a posting for my luggage again. But they couldn’t tell me of anything real being done to locate my lost luggage. My friends got their luggage the next day and gave me the cell number for the currier. I called him and he said he had seen my luggage sitting at Wichita for the previous 2 days but Delta wouldn’t let him deliver them since I live 4 hours from the airport. I called back to the baggage service center. I got a supervisor this time. Mrs. Bear couldn’t believe I would take the word of a mere currier over a Delta employee. After checking with Wichita and discovering my bags were just sitting there she promised they would Fed-Ex them. Even after this it still took Delta a week to finally mail my bags.
There is bad weather all the time. And airports are shut down because of it all the time. That Delta could not handle this any better than they did. That Delta has a policy of lying to their customers. That Delta puts its employees before customers. It is obvious that Delta doesn’t have a clue when it comes to business ethics or customer service. Delta was a complete failure. It is no wonder Delta is in bankruptcy. I will never fly Delta again. I will actively tell my friends and anybody who will listen about my Delta experience. And when Delta finally collapses I will throw a party. For it will be proof that the free market system works. As Delta an inferior product will have been discarded for a airline that can do its job.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:38 AM |||| , 08:37 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
ACTION: Whoopi raises hackles at Kerry fundraiser
REACTION: Slim-Fast Sheds Whoopi Goldberg After Bush Riff
Yet another example of why Hollywood 'activism' and physics do not mix well. You would think that someone who was on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' would have gleaned some science....
I think you know that I don't think very highly of Bush. OK, I hate him.
That being said, Woopie has got nothing to bitch about. If someone wants to speak their mind - especially in such a disrespectfuly way - they need to be aware that there may be repercussions.
And no, I don't think this is censorship. Her ability to speak her mind has not been hindered. Her ability to attach her politics to Slim Fast has been hindered. Sorry, but that's business.
How long before the ACLU, NAACP, NOW and a laundry list of other acronyms rush to her defense as a trodden-upon black woman?
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 15, 2004 10:15 AM ||Unfortunately the same thing recently happened to me. Seems someone at Kepple's Radiator Flush heard me compare Bush to an orangutang's ass and now I'm no longer their Northeast Philadelphia spokesperson, sigh...
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 15, 2004 03:55 PM ||Funny how no one lost their jobs making Clinton Monica jokes...
|| Posted by scroff, July 15, 2004 04:20 PM ||Whoopi didn't seem to really care.
|| Posted by ruthie, July 15, 2004 09:20 PM ||Diversity promoter Asa Khalif, who has made headlines for accusing celebrities of insensitivity, cried foul in the Goldberg firing. "I smell racism from beginning to end," said Khalif, head of Racial Unity USA in Pennsylvania. "SlimFast must realize that black women have every right to voice their views."
Didn't take long.....
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 16, 2004 09:36 AM ||last test :)
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July 14, 2004
Chicago, receives emotional homecoming hugs from his
daughters, Autumn, 8, and Dakota, 2, right, Tuesday, July 13, 2004,
at Camp Pendleton, California
Makes you want to find your kids, hold them tight, and never let them go.
I like the new look, Mike. I'll be adding you to my blogroll sometime next week.
|| Posted by La Shawn, July 14, 2004 02:40 PM ||I forgot to ask: Where's your picture?
|| Posted by La Shawn, July 14, 2004 02:41 PM ||Hey La Shawn,
I'm still in the process of setting up everything here; I'm trying to find a nice template that I can use instead of just generic white or black. Many have suggested a 'pirate theme'....LOL
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2004 05:45 PM ||Let's hope he gets to stay home with them. God Bless The Marine Corps Where Every Day's A Holiday And Every Meal's A Feast!
BTW, Mikey, weent to your old place to copy and paste a comment I made to a post on ASD and the comments were gone!!!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 05:50 PM ||That's a great picture.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:30 AM |||| , 01:19 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
UPDATE: Of course, since I was having a little trouble posting this initially and kept trying again and again and again - it posted several times.
Betcha can't post just once!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 09:18 AM ||Polar Bears are cool.
|| Posted by Davey, July 14, 2004 12:40 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:28 AM |||| , 08:18 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Wiped Slate?
It figures - I move up the evolutionary ladder here in the blogsphere and what happens?
I get 'writers block' and cannot think of anything to write about this morning.
No, wait.....I could do one of those 'Frequently Asked Questions' and/or 'About Me' blurbs, but that will take time. Yeah, I will eventually do one of those very soon.
Comments on Wiped Slate?
Yo Mikey! You still have some "active posts" on the "old" site. Why not import them here? That way the thread could continue without having to switch back & forth.
Just a thought.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 08:25 AM ||Long as that doesn't drag the troll over with it...
And, fear not. Sooner or later, and probably sooner, somebody somewhere'll say or do something soooo stupid, you'll have plenty to go on about... *snerk*
(*Several silent minutes later*...)
Alright... y'all can quit watchin' ME, now... lol
|| Posted by Stevie, July 14, 2004 08:59 AM ||Sigh...the troll's already here, Stevie.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 09:11 AM ||Yeah he came around last night, but if you go check out his(?) comment, you'll find that I OWN his ass. [/evil laughter]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2004 09:13 AM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:28 AM |||| , 08:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 13, 2004
That 'Racist' Fence
From Cox & Forkum - Does it have to get any simpler??
Comments on That 'Racist' Fence
Congrats on the move from Blogsnot! Will change the 'roll.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 13, 2004 01:24 PM ||I heard about this, and I'm not sure how I feel. I think the wall is better than tanks, bulldozers and Apache helicopters, that's for sure. I think my views here would be very unpopular. :)
|| Posted by scroff, July 13, 2004 01:46 PM ||That does't mean you cannot express them....
|| Posted by K-k-k-ken, July 13, 2004 05:27 PM ||Is there no repite from this waste of sperm? Go the fuck away Ken and let us kill each other in peace!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 05:59 PM ||Ken,
Do you always say things like "pathetic ass" to people you don't agree with?
|| Posted by Scott, July 13, 2004 07:45 PM ||scroff,
I'm not convinced the "wall" is a great idea either. However, the cartoon makes at least one powerful argument in its favor. If fewer Palestinians get caught in the crossfire because of the wall, then it helps them as well as Israel.
On the other hand, if the Israelies have chopped off pieces of the West Bank with the wall, then they're going to have a problem there...
On the other, other hand, the Palestinians haven't (as far as I've seen) been willing to define the boundary separating them from Israel...so maybe the wall is just a "strawman" that will serve as a first draft of the border...
Sorry, I'm running out of ideas...
|| Posted by Scott, July 13, 2004 07:52 PM ||Love the new look of the blog. As to the wall, I think we need to build one on our southern border. Nothing else has worked so far to stem the flood of illegal immigrants.
|| Posted by Cait, July 14, 2004 03:29 AM ||Thought we already had a wall, Cait. Hmmmm....hafta look that one up.
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 07:16 AM ||EXCELLENT idea, Cait!
A really big thick wall. And at the top every 50 feet or so, a manned machine gun.
I love it. That's some tax money I could get behind.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 14, 2004 08:18 AM ||To anyone that doesn't like the fence: What would you suggest? It is non-violent and it's keeping Palestinians and Israelis alive. WTF do you want?
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 14, 2004 03:34 PM ||Minefield. Helps BOTH sides.
Think about it. The Israelis stay safe, and the plastinians get to blow themselves up! EVERYONE wins!
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 14, 2004 06:47 PM ||WTF do you want?
How about the wall stays along the border of Israel? How about dismantling the settlements? How about moving back to the 67 borders?
Nah, how silly of me.
There's nothing wrong with the wall, just put it where it belongs.
|| Posted by scroff, July 15, 2004 09:48 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by links, September 23, 2009 09:06 AM ||london links jewellery
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:21 AM |||| , 09:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
July 12, 2004
And So It Begins...
Just a quick (and my first) post here at Munu. It's early on Monday morning and I just got into work so I don't really have a lot of time to 'blog' right now.
Blogging....hell, I have a whole new one to set up. (Thank you Stevie and Pixy!!)
Comments on And So It Begins...
Congrats on your leaving BlogSpot!!!!!
|| Posted by jaws, July 12, 2004 07:46 AM ||Test comment again.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 12, 2004 08:17 AM ||Once again into the breech.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 12, 2004 08:25 AM ||Well, geez, now what do I do? I hafta put up another link! TWO links for Mad Mikey??
Very cool, Mad One, very cool!
|| Posted by scroff, July 12, 2004 01:07 PM ||Hey, nice digs!
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., July 13, 2004 01:10 PM ||{{HUGS}}
|| Posted by Stevie, July 13, 2004 01:28 PM ||Ah, Luke, you're following in your Father's footsteps. The Force Luke, use the Force! Well, sigh, Best of Luck with the new spot! Just do us all a favor and ban Al KenEdChud ASAP! Nobody, right or left, needes to be subjected to that piece of shit!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 06:04 PM ||...Although I dare say that the folks over here will be a little less tolerant of your "left-leaning" friends, BUT, then I could be wrong...and to think you just spent 12 bucks on Haloscan!
Just don't go joining the Protest Idiots or something okay?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 06:09 PM ||BTW, where's the Pirate Ship? Wot? No skull & crossbones?
This brings me to anudder thing. Just like Stevie's place, this joint doesn't remember my "personal info". Do I have to manually tyoe the same shit in over and over again? Wassupwiddat?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 06:17 PM ||Welcome to MuNu oh Mad One!
If you'd like a hand finding your way around, just holler.
Oh and stay outta the ladies loo or Susie'll kick yer ass.
|| Posted by Light & Dark, July 13, 2004 08:29 PM ||...this joint doesn't remember my "personal info".
I noticed the same thing when I post at Stevie's place; it's probably something that needs to be 'set'. Sorry for the hassle Deudd.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 13, 2004 09:24 PM ||:lol: No sweat, Mad One! Where's the Pirate ship? Arrgh! Trim the topsails, batten the hatches and run out the guns! Mad Mikey, the Scourge of the 7 Seas is upon us! Prepare to repell boarders! Arrgh!
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 14, 2004 07:21 AM ||I might have a bit of a conflict with this blog that is called 'Pirate's Blog' (he's part of the California Bear League).
It sounds like a good idea, but I don't know squat about Photoshop....
Maybe something with cluster bombs.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2004 08:38 AM ||Mikey! That "Paul" is THEE Paul, the one I run to with every burp and fart my pooter issues...
As for why I don't remember people... I dunno. Paul's looked into it, but...
I'm sorry you guys. I'll see if me and Paul or me and Pixy or Paul and Pixy can fix it.
Unless someone else konws about this crap?
|| Posted by Stevie, July 14, 2004 09:06 AM ||I checked the Munuviana archieves and apparently it's one of those PFM problems that cannot be addressed.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2004 09:30 AM ||Supra Footwear
|| Posted by killy, September 21, 2009 12:28 AM ||supra Shoes
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|| Posted by links, September 23, 2009 08:49 AM ||london links jewellery
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:01 AM |||| , 02:44 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Robert Service
'Twas in a village in Lorraine
Whose name I quite forget,
I found I needfully was fain
To buy a serviette.
I sought a shop wherein they sell
Such articles as these,
And told a smiling mademoiselle;
'I want a towel, please.'
'Of kinds,' said she, 'I've only two,'
And took the bundles down;
And one was coloured azure blue,
And one was khaki brown.
With doubt I scratched my hoary head;
The quality was right;
The size too, yet I gravely said:
'Too bad you haven't white.'
That pretty maid had sunny hair,
Her gaze was free from guile,
And while I hesitated there
She watched me with a smile.
Then as I went to take the blue
She said 'Non' meaning no.
'Ze khaki ones are best, M'sieu:
Ze dirts zey do not show.'
Comments on Tourist
Yay!!1! Welcome to our world!
|| Posted by Madfish Willie, July 12, 2004 02:39 PM ||Whhuuut?
|| Posted by deuddersun, July 13, 2004 05:57 PM ||Supra Footwear
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|| Posted by links, September 23, 2009 08:48 AM ||london links jewellery
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 04:00 AM |||| , 11:18 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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