Yeah Arnold!!
Governor vetoes driver's license bill'Work with the Legislature on an acceptable bill' means that the license given to
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday vetoed legislation that would have allowed illegal immigrants to apply for California driver's licenses with a terse statement saying the bill did not meet his security concerns.
The Republican governor dispensed with perhaps the most emotionally charged bill on his desk with a four-line veto message.
"One of the most important duties of the governor of a state is to protect its citizens," Schwarzenegger said. "This bill does not adequately address the security concerns that my Department of Homeland Security and I have, and I cannot support it."
The measure, AB 2895 by Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, was originally introduced as SB 1160 in the Senate by Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles.
Cedillo, who earlier accused the governor of reneging on a promise to sign a driver's license bill, said he was "disappointed, but I'm not discouraged."
"I disagree with the governor, but I'm prepared to engage him in dialogue on the question of security," he said. "The fact of the matter is 2 million immigrants in California will still be driving tomorrow without a license, and we would have preferred that they were tested, licensed and insured. So this issue doesn't go away."
Cedillo has vowed to introduce another license bill when the Legislature convenes in December. Ten states allow illegal immigrants to drive.
"As the governor might say, 'I'll be back,' " Cedillo said, invoking one of the former actor's best-known movie lines.
In a prepared statement, Núñez said Schwarzenegger's veto message "lacks any clarity with regard to what legislative proposal the governor would find acceptable."
"Considering that he gave his word that he would work with the Legislature on an acceptable bill, we are now back to square one," he said.
I wonder.....just what part of ILLEGAL ALIENS don't the Democrats get!?
Comments on 'Hell No'
Hey Mad One, been a long time!
You might want to rephrase your question there...
"just what part of ILLEGAL ALIENS doesn't Bush get!?"
|| Posted by scroff, September 25, 2004 11:16 PM ||Well, well, the Gropenator got one right! That ought to piss off Shrub since he wants the Latino vote really, really bad!
Tell us again, Ah-nold, how you remember Soviet tanks in your home village two years before you were born!
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 26, 2004 05:01 PM ||Hello folks nice blog youre running
|| Posted by lolita, January 19, 2005 05:40 PM ||