You know that a story/continued myth is about as interesting as watching paint dry when it is highlighted by ScrappleFace:
Jailed Journalist Reports NY Times Desecration
by Scott Ott(2005-07-09) -- Law enforcement authorities in major U.S. cities put riot police on high alert today after recently-jailed journalist Judith Miller complained that prison guards had desecrated her copy of The New York Times.
"We know that journalists worship the Times," said one deputy police chief, "If they take to the streets in protest, things could get ugly fast."
Ms. Miller, who works for the Times' counter-intelligence department, told an unnamed visitor that her copy of the revered 'Gray Lady' had been carelessly tossed on the floor, handled by a conservative Republican jailer (who she called 'an infidel') and may have been used as a lining for a cat's litter box.
"They did everything but flush it down the toilet," she said. "They have no respect for the 'paper of record', may it publish forever, nor for the wise and powerful ones who create this daily miracle."
Wednesday, a judge sentenced Ms. Miller to jail for obstructing a federal investigation into who leaked the identity of a covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame, who also posed for pictures in a top-secret issue of Vanity Fair magazine.
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» From the Halls to the Shores links with: Tagged In, on July 10, 2005, 12:30 PM
Excerpt: What ten events would you care to witness if you could travel in time and observe them? Rules: First my version of the Prime directive you can only observe you cannot change anything no changing of the time line... Mad Mikey is usually up for ...
Comments on NYTimes Desecrated
Damn, mikey, wat you do? KILL everyone?
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 12, 2005 09:14 PM |||| , 10:34 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
July 08, 2005
V-22 Osprey Testing
By way of John Little at Blogs of War comes a peek inside the V-22 Osprey
Good stuff. Makes me wish I worked down at Pax River.Trackback Information for V-22 Osprey Testing
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Dukes of Hazzard
Now, I've grown up in the South and I personally do not equate racism with the Johnny Reb flag. I've always looked upon it as a sign of southern pride - not for starting the freakin Civil War - but for being part of a sub-culture that's recognized all over the world. A sub-culture that prides itself on its cooking, its weather, its beautiful countryside (no pun intended), and its hospitality.
Read More of "Dukes of Hazzard"And for anyone that's gonna raise the premise of the Klan, or of Poll Taxes, or of Segregation and how it's all manifested in piece of cloth: jam it.
I grew up in a South that didn't equate blacks below whites. I grew up with one of the first bra-burning feminists in the late 60s/early 70s, so I can confidently say that while I might not exhibit some of the more liberal traits here, I have been educated in them enough to know that they're not all they're cracked up to be - but I digress.
Consider this if you're still steamed about my opinion: many people say that burning the American flag is symbolic - that's it's just a piece of cloth. Think of the Confederate Flag like that and it won't hurt you. Not one-little-bit.
[/amateur historian]
Let us not forget the past unless you're gunning to repeat it.
And here's hoping that I don't get a ton of nasty comments for expressing an opinion....
All done with "Dukes of Hazzard"?
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Comments on Dukes of Hazzard
Great prose....
for a racist
|| Posted by scroff, July 10, 2005 09:09 AM ||God damned white people. Will they never learn?
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 11, 2005 01:55 PM ||the dukes of hazzard movie is completely insensitive and inappropriate
racist emblems blaze across the movie set as if it were nothing
|| Posted by fyi, August 4, 2005 02:07 PM ||Mikey:
My family is from the South, Alabama and Louisiana and I am proud of that. The rebel flag does not represent southern pride. It represents a group of people that fought to preserve a way of life based racism and hatred and an economic model that was not only cruel and hurtful to African Americans but the majority of whites as well, who would have benefited economically from the abolition of slavery.
Southern pride is hospitality, good BBQ,country music, blues and Louis Armstrong.
I liken it to Germans saying the Swastika is German Pride. No, it's symbol of hatred.
|| Posted by Nate Calloway, August 4, 2005 05:12 PM ||Well Nate - yours is ONE opinion. And you're one of those nimrods that will burn every history book just to ensure that it's never read.
Keep up the good work....
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|| , 02:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Tea for Two?
By way of Drudge:
IF this is true, what was going to be a spirited battle of ideologies has now become a protracted campaign for the future of the Court.
And I'm not gonna touch this until a/the candidiate(s) are announced.
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Comments on Tea for Two?
I heard about this, too. Makes for some very interesting times we live in...
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|| , 01:29 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Cleaning House
Okay, it's been almost a year since I emigrated to the MuNuvian Universe (thanks once again Ms. Stevie!!) and I think it's time to clean up my blogroll.
Several of the links lead to basically abandoned blogs/sites, i.e., no posts in several months.
Does anyone have a suggestion for blogs they really dig? And remember that I do have a California Bear League blogroll further down so anyone in the BFL is covered.
UPDATE: Putting this back on top so that it isn't lost.
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Comments on Cleaning House
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Let's review, shall we:
Read More of "Action/Reaction"(Insidious profile test and Ann Coulter comment glommed from Right Thinking From the Left Coast)
I hate to say this, but like the cliche: if it walks like a duck, sounds like a fuck, and swims like a duck - then it's a duck. Or if you're the type to lean left-of-center: it's a heinous profiling of an aquatic bird that is simply existing and this is yet another example of the un-American tactics the Bushitler administration will use to oppress those that voice dissent....
And unless you're an idiot, those 19 scumbags that killed 3,000 people a few years ago...? They didn't look anything like the Von Trapp kids from 'Sound of Music'. They looked like.....um, what's the phrase.....I remember now: Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.
I'm not the type to go walking around looking for an Arab to beat the crap out of him/her, but I'm sure the shrill screams of 'racism' will be drowned out by the thundering silence coming from the Arabs & Muslims in the UK. Or is racism only an American trait...?
The British will have to contend with any possible backlash as best they can - given their laws and their societal 'norms'. But just remember this kids: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Okay, maybe the reaction might be larger....your milage may vary.
All done with "Action/Reaction"?
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Comments on Action/Reaction
The London bombings are a backlash against US and British involvement in colonial and neo-imperialist policies in the Middle East for many, many years.
The US and Britain must learn that if you enslave and kill people they have a tendency to strike back. Simple lesson. Simple reality.
Only ignorant fools and morons fail to understand such simple truths.
|| Posted by Alan, July 8, 2005 12:45 PM ||Geez - he's back!
Okay, here's the deal: you act civil and I will not ban you or delete your comments.
You step out of line IN MY OPINION and it's Delete City - population: YOU.
Are we clear?
(And while you're at it, click on all those Google Ads on the left-hand side)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 8, 2005 01:12 PM ||Hey, al...long time no see. i tend to agree with you. I don't think it is a hard concept to grasp.
|| Posted by ruthie, July 8, 2005 02:18 PM ||Alan is Al? long time...
if Al's explanation is so simple, how do you explain my parents getting their asses kicked out of their home country (a country where my family resided since the Spanish Inquisition) by Muslims? Must've been the crazy ass British and U.S. enslavery and killings going on at the time. Or maybe they just had really bad B.O. That's just one of many examples of Islamist extremism throughout history, all over the world. (Surely the Taliban blew up ancient Buddhist shrines because of those mean Buddhists' occupation and rampant murders.) Americans and British are not the only recipients of their brand of love. Sorry, dude, YOU are the one with the lack of understanding here.
Hi Ruthie! :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, July 9, 2005 12:11 PM ||Did you ever hear of the Crusades? You know, where the Pope waged a bloody war against the Arabs in order to loot and pillage to bail himself out of financial difficulties.
|| Posted by Alan, July 9, 2005 02:48 PM ||yes, Alan, I've heard of the Crusades. you're talking to a first generation American Jew of Middle Eastern descent. my ancestors and immediate family have been on the receiving end of Christian and Muslim crusaders. so what exactly is your point? using your apparent logic, should I be more like Muslims and strike back against those that have enslaved and killed (/continue to kill) my family and friends? or shall I continue on and strive to better society as my predecessors have? go ahead, tell me how simple it is...
|| Posted by nathalie, July 10, 2005 01:02 AM ||Hi Nat...
|| Posted by ruthie, July 10, 2005 11:42 AM ||Good to see you. :)
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July 07, 2005
Animals - Just Fucking Animals
God Damn:
Barbaric is right.Fucking animals.
Pardon my breach of decorum by dropping the F-bomb, but it was the first thing out of my mouth this morning when I saw it reported on television. And it seems to be the appropriate word to describe such a low, cowardly act.
And the thing that boggles me is that while these fucking animals perpetrate this level of warfare, we (the United States) get hassled 24/7 for touching a freakin Koran? WTF....
I know it's early and it'll be days or even weeks before a clearer picture is available, but I'm betting that there will be a serious backlash against Muslims in the United Kingdom - there is already 'warnings' out which will be followed by the shrill outcry from fringe Muslim groups and segments of the Barking Moonbat Brigade about 'tolerance' and 'not jumping to conclusions' - that type of warm, fuzzy feel-good crap.
And the most ominous thing to come will be the thundering silence from most Muslim/Arab groups. The kind of silence that speaks volumes...
I don't envy the people of London or of the United Kingdom for in the weeks and months to come, they too will have to recover and bring life back to their society after these attacks. And they'll have to do it while keeping a smile on their faces as some will mock them.
UPDATE: Speaking of mocking people and of making no sense in the middle of a crisis:
Damn.The freakin dust hasn't even settled and this clown is already spewing about Iraq.
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Comments on Animals - Just Fucking Animals
I'm with ya, Mikey...
Got the Union Jack flying over L&R today, replacing my usual movie/tv quote.
Not feeling very humourous right now, but I realise I do feel like favouring the British way of spelling.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 7, 2005 11:04 AM ||I'm taking my ques from you, Mikey. I'm gonna fly the Union Jack on my frontpage for a while. Long live the Queen.
|| Posted by Davey, July 7, 2005 12:38 PM ||Al Jazeera IMMEDIATELY blamed al queda.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 7, 2005 03:11 PM ||my thoughts and prayers are with the British today. Galloway is not worth my energy.
I find it really pathetic that the media put Islamic nations' condemnation of this attack on the same page as those coming from democracies. Am I supposed to take THIS seriously: "The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, responsible for many suicide attacks on Israelis, condemned the London bombings.
'Targeting civilians in their transport means and lives is denounced and rejected,' Moussa Abu Marzouk, deputy chief of the group's political bureau told Reuters in Damascus by telephone." Just unbelievable that Hamas, the inventors of bus bombings, are actually given credibility here. This is just one from a list that includes Syria and Saudi Arabia, with Israel tucked neatly amongst the Islamist theocracies.
I'm so pissed beyond pissed about this, and the fact that it's only a matter of time before this shit is twisted around and the perpetrators are made into the victims by otherwise rational people. It's this way of thinking that will make is so much harder to beat this enemy down.
|| Posted by nathalie, July 7, 2005 03:11 PM ||My heart goes out to Britain. They are in our prayers.
|| Posted by Jay, July 7, 2005 05:39 PM ||I'm so pissed beyond pissed about this, and the fact that it's only a matter of time before this shit is twisted around and the perpetrators are made into the victims by otherwise rational people. It's this way of thinking that will make is so much harder to beat this enemy down
Will they twist it around? yes. Will it make our jobs harder? No. We will keep killing them. It only strengthens our resolve.
I have a post about it over at my site if you want to drop by to say hello. I don't want to paste the whole thing here.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 7, 2005 07:01 PM ||What do you expect?
The West has been messing around in the Middle East for years. Britain used poison gas on Iraqis in the 20s when they were fighting to throw off the yoke of British imperialism. Churchill even stated publically in Parliament that he had no problem with gassing "niggers", as he called the Iraqis.
Talk about animals! You reap what you sow.
The US and Britain are the real animals.
|| Posted by Alan, July 8, 2005 12:41 PM ||If you would like to use the way back machine, the muslim hordes invaded europe multiple times between 500-1400 A.D.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 8, 2005 05:28 PM ||We are dealing with the present. We are messing around in their backyard. As a result, we have stirred up anger. We should stop doing this.
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July 06, 2005
Davey is laying it down:
Davey, I don't blame you - not ONE-LITTLE-BIT.I too have been toying with the idea of changing my party affiliation or just abandoning all parties in general.
Just as I 'unregistered' as a Democrat a few years back, I can do it again with the GOP.
I'm tired of the GOP following through with the same crap - time and again. In My Opinion, they're just a slightly different version of the DNC and they aren't worth the powder to blow them to Hell.
I'm with you Davey - sooner or later I'll be changing my affiliation(s).
Do you hear what's happening President Bush? Keep up this crap and the GOP is sure to loose seats in Congress in 2006 and that prime chunk of real estate at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2008.
Davey and I are but two individuals that are just fed up with this situation. Now: multiply that by about several hundred THOUSAND people and you're got a situation on your hands.
Final Word to the GOP: Get your shit wired!
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Comments on Bailing
For the reasons you're contemplating leaving the GOP, I'm contemplating joining it -- to get more influence over it, by virtue of being able to vote in its primaries. Granted, that's not a lot more influence, but if enough disaffected and disaffiliated sorts were to exercise it, something good might come of it.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, July 6, 2005 02:23 PM ||Still waiting for that politician that works for the people as opposed to working for a party.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 6, 2005 05:11 PM ||DNC RNC, when it comes down to the average joe, the NC means No Clue...
I only registered as a Democrat so I could vote in the 2004 primaries. Otherwise I vote the person not the party.
Of course, I still lean heavily to the "left", so I guess I'll continue to bash the Republicans and the "religious right" or christian conservatives or whatever you want to call them mercilessly over at AWW... ;)
|| Posted by scroff, July 6, 2005 09:20 PM ||For the same reason as Porretto, I'm thinking of joining the R's as my first registered political party in my 15 years as a voting age adult.
There are more small L libertarians in this country than there are members of the hardcore 'religious right'. If just 2/3 of the libertarians signed up and got to vote within the party, the Republican Party might actually start standing for actual fiscal responsibility, among other things, withing 10 years or so.
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|| , 02:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Lying doesn't pay:
Sorry, I have no pity for Lil Kim. She lied and she got caught in that lie. Now she's going to jail for a year.I'm guessing she'll treat this as 'research' and bust out some Gangsta material when she's released.
As one of the girls in my daughter's Girl Scout troop would say: Busticated!!
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|| , 01:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Stockdale Passes
Rest in Peace Admiral.
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Comments on Stockdale Passes
Man, "Gridlock!" was the word of the season at my college in '92. Everybody was growling it like Stockdale did at the debate.
I thought he was a total goofball in the debate, but I caught him a few months later testifying to a Congressional subcomittee on the POW/MIA question in Viet Nam. He was much calmer, far more articulate, and really had his act together. I realized then that he was just out of his element in the political pool. What I've learned of him since reinforces that second impression far more than the first.
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|| , 12:13 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 05, 2005
Victory Vigil - July 2
There were quite a few new faces there that day and of course the regulars.
The one difference between this op and our other ones is that we weren't directly countering any anti-war protesters. This time around, we were just thanking the troops and handing out small flags and 'Support the Troops' braclets. No silencing dissenting voices here.
We were downtown and situated at 10th and 'C' Streets - prime real estate for catching people as they went to PetCo Park to watch the Padres.
I honestly cannot tell you the intense satisfaction that I get from seeing people give us a 'thumbs up' or pumping their fists in the air while leaning hard on their horns - especially from the service members we saw. It is always worth the time and effort to see those faces smiling back at us.
If you have the opportunity, join your local Protest Warrior chapter and partcipate. Yeah, you'll get some barking moonbats that feel as though your stomping their puppy to death what with giving a differing opinion, but you'll get a lot more smiles, 'thumbs up's, and 'thank yous' than anything else.
(Photo glommed from Joanie)
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» The Indepundit links with: Chickenhawks?, on July 06, 2005, 11:42 AM
Excerpt: DUNCAN BLACK says Nathan Taylor should "sign up or shut up." I’ve never met Nathan Taylor. I’m guessing that Duncan hasn’t, either. Yet Duncan seems to be arguing that Nathan can’t support the war unless he is prepared to fight...
» The Indepundit links with: Chickenhawks?, on July 06, 2005, 11:57 AM
Excerpt: DUNCAN BLACK says Nathan Taylor should "sign up or shut up." I’ve never met Nathan Taylor. I’m guessing that Duncan hasn’t, either. Yet Duncan seems to be arguing that Nathan can’t support the war unless he is prepared to fight...
Comments on Victory Vigil - July 2
I can't wait until I'm actually able to come join you guys!
|| Posted by caltechgirl, July 5, 2005 03:32 PM ||Excellent. I will have to to see if there is a chapter near us. I feel compelled to clap when I see someone in uniform. This year at our fireworks there were people dressed up as Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty. I had no idea what to expect from them so I went to collect a flyer. They told me that my new baby really needed me to fill out the form and send it back, so that Arlen Specter (I did not vote for him) could help get rid of the Patriot Act which violates our Bill of Rights. *heavy sigh* I promised to read it, smiled and left. I handed it to my teenager to read and asked him what he thought. He just gave me a thumbs down. Perhaps I can send you a copy. :-)
|| Posted by Kelli, July 5, 2005 07:03 PM ||...could help get rid of the Patriot Act which violates our Bill of Rights.
I encountered someone similar at school this past spring. This guy was getting people to sign his petition to [somehow] get the Patriot Act repealed.
He point-blank asked me if I opposed the Patriot Act; I simply said 'No' and this guy went off like a Roman Candle.
As I turned and walked away, this clown was still ranting and calling me a 'Facist'.
You know you're hitting home when they call you a facist....;)
Kelli: do you still have that flyer? Or is it lining a bird cage somewhere....?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 6, 2005 11:40 AM ||Keep all the portions of the patriot act that deal with inter-agency policies.
REVOKE all portions that deal with government interaction with (key word here) CITIZENS. REQUIRE court warrants for any type of intrusion into the lives of citizens. ALIENS, residents, and illegals get less protections
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 6, 2005 08:16 PM ||Hey Mad Mikey...
It was a pleasure to meet you and an honor to stand along side you at the Vigil. What a great time we had! Keep the faith and keep the flag standing proud.
|| Posted by Gracie, July 6, 2005 08:50 PM ||Looks like a good event. Glad you had good weather and good results (and glad no puppies were harmed as a result of it)
You, know, Mad One, I know I'm an arrogant bastard, but I can't help thinking you're holding the USMC sign for a reason...
|| Posted by scroff, July 6, 2005 09:10 PM ||No hidden message there - it just happened to the the one that someone jammed into my hands at that moment; previously I had been toting a sign that said 'God Bless America'.
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July 04, 2005
Independence Day 2005
This new nation was an experiment in democracy, born from the ashes of a group of former colonies of the greatest empire in the 18th century. Fifty-six men signed their names to a radical document created in the summer of 1776. These men signed their names knowing that should their new nation fail to survive the revolt from the British crown, that they'd hang.
Two-hundred and twenty-nine years later that experiment in democracy is still thriving stongly.
Happy Independence Day to America and to it's citizens.
Here's hoping that everyone has a fun and safe Independence Day and that you're enjoying it with family, friends, and patriots. And if you've got some non-American friends, show them the meaning of America and how we celebrate the birthday of the Greatest Nation on the Planet....
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Comments on Independence Day 2005
Amen to that! And if my patriotism pisses off a few illegal aliens in the process it's an added bonus.
|| Posted by Director, July 4, 2005 07:28 AM ||what is so amazing to me is the total inability for other nations (or nation groups) to draft and implement the kind of constitution our forefathers did. our constitution is the model, yet no other nation can seem to emulate it. what they did over 200 years ago was "the impossible", but they pulled it off.
Happy Independence Day!!
|| Posted by nathalie, July 5, 2005 10:16 AM ||Because few nations believe in limiting the government.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 5, 2005 03:33 PM ||Imho it was because the draftees were ordinary people first and not politicians like in so many latter cases. They were not out to butter their own bread...
|| Posted by RobC, July 5, 2005 11:53 PM |||| , 08:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
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Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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