What is it about disaster stories/films that makes them popular? Ever since I read Stephen King's The Stand back in high school, I seem to be drawn to apocalyptic in nature. Maybe I should use the word 'apocalyptic' since that would indicate a religious undertone.
Read More of "'Jerico' on CBS"
I sometimes wonder if somewhere in my psyche is a small desire to see most of the world's population wiped out. And I must say now NO, I don't secretly desire that. Not by a long shot.
The reason that I'm blogging about this is my recent introduction to the television series called ''Jerico'. Given that we no longer have 135 cable channels (all featuring crap) available to us, we have a whopping two channels - Channel 8 (CBS) and Channel 10 (ABC). When I first heard of 'Jerico' coming out on CBS, I had intended to start watching it but got sidetracked by school work. It wasn't until about three weeks ago that I discovered that all of the episodes were featured on their website and I could watch them all; the only downside was that I had to do it up at school since we also do not have internet at the house.
I find the series 'Jerico' interesting because of the strategic story about terrorists detonating small nuclear warheads (20-kT) in something like 22 American cities and what happens to the country overall and the more specific drama storylines of the people in the small town of Jerico and how they deal with what's happening in the country and how it impacts their little town.
From what I understand, there are approximately two or three more 'new' episodes appearing in the next few weeks and then the series will go into hiatus; after that, the series will probably repeat during the hiatus.
If you get a chance, give a look and see what you think about it. If you're not inclined to watch all of the episodes to try and understand what's happening, then go to the CBS website link up above - there's a metric ton of information about the plot, characters, etc.
All done with "'Jerico' on CBS"?
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Comments on 'Jerico' on CBS
|| , 09:06 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||April 27, 2007
(via PDA)
Nothing much happening today...finished dialysis and relaxing before my Physics class.
Just wanted to say 'Howdy!!' and thank God that it's Friday!!
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Comments on TGIF
Yay Friday! I think by the time you finish school I'll be heading back to school for my aircraft mechanic courses. Cheers Mikey, I should be heading back to SD during the summer.
And no, I'm not a "barking moon bat" just yet ;)
|| Posted by Elly, April 27, 2007 10:13 PM ||And no, I'm not a "barking moon bat" just yet ;)
Good, cause like 'Dawn of the Dead', if you get bitten by a moonbat you'll become one.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 28, 2007 08:28 AM |||| , 10:13 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
April 24, 2007
Earth-like Planet Discovered
(via PDA)
Cool stuff: check it out
UPDATE: Okay, the original link got trashed somehow; I plugged in a NEW link which should work.
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Comments on Earth-like Planet Discovered
Mikey, I think you might have typed the link URL incorrectly. I get the message "The page cannot be found." You might need to delete the "http://madmikey.mu.nu/" before everything else.
Even so, we can speculate on this earth-like planet. Can we send Pelosi and Murtha there? Or if they complete their takeover here, can those of us unwilling to be ruled by them escape to the new planet?
|| Posted by Bigfoot, April 24, 2007 05:32 PM |||| , 04:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Full Dose
I heard about this a few days ago on the radio and thought it was a joke:
Sheryl.....you have to keep taking all of the medication sweetie.Yeah....I could see this suggestion working for women when they conduct number one sitting on the pot. But what about those days when those bean & cheese burritos aren't working well with your intestinal tract?
OMG....this woman needs a serious dose of reality injected into her life.
UPDATE: Never thought I say this, but I have to agree with Rosie on her comment about this.....
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Comments on Full Dose
Gee Mikey, how original. A wingnut making fun of Cheryl Crow's "use less toilet paper" rant.
|| Posted by nunya, April 24, 2007 02:37 PM ||Sorry you see this as a 'wasted commentary'....but she BEGS to be ridiculed.
Seriously, do you honestly expect everyone to take insane suggestions like this SERIOUSLY?!? Your notion of getting rid of all the guns in the nation is more credible than this.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 24, 2007 04:36 PM ||I knew it was a joke before Crow even hinted at it.
But, since your on the topic of taking insane suggestion seriously, iit doesn;t surprise me that people did. afterall, they did believe in a fucking baboob president about weapons of mass destruction amongst every other daily lie that comes out of his putrid simean mouth.
|| Posted by nunya, April 25, 2007 06:05 PM |||| , 12:08 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
April 22, 2007
Fallen Angel
I hate hearing about incidents like this:
While the article doesn't specifically identify the pilot that crashed, one of the photos of the Blue Angels performing their last maneuver just prior to the crash identified the plane that crashed: it was Blue Angel #6, the Opposing Solo pilot Lieutenant Commander Kevin Davis. LCDR Davis' biography can be found on the Navy's Blue Angels website here.It is always sad to hear of a member of the Blue Angels being killed, especially while performing during an airshow. While it'll take a while to determine the cause of the accident - be it a mechanical or system failure on the aircraft or possibly even pilot error, I do know one thing for sure: while the family of LCDR Davis will undoubtedly be greiving over his death, this Naval Aviator died doing what he loved the most.
Rest in Peace Commander.
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Comments on Fallen Angel
|| , 12:28 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||April 19, 2007
Mr. Dave - I am quite humbled by your vote of confidence!
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Comments on Me?
Something weird is going on with the code for the button. Can't see it right now. But, nonetheless, everybody vote for Mikey!
|| Posted by Dave, April 19, 2007 11:54 AM |||| , 09:02 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
April 17, 2007
Shooter was a Non-non Asian
For a second there.....I thought I'd been transported to 'La-La Land':
Oh my fracking God.Are you screwballs serious?!?
I could see a statement like this being warranted if the people murdered at Virginia Tech just happened to be murdered by a group of Asians. But one murderer merits a blanket statement of lah-lah-lah-we-are-not-listening while burying your head in the sand and pretending that it's simply ONE fact in many about what happened?
You know....when I first heard of this yesterday, I swore to myself that I wouldn't 'make hay' out of anything involved with this but after reading this garbage, one thought occured to me:
if the lone gunman had been a deranged evangelical Christian, how many times would that phrase appear in any news report?
Any guesses?
I rest my case. And this rates a 'Launching a Butt Monkey' label.....
(By way of Michelle Malkin)
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Comments on Shooter was a Non-non Asian
I figured I would come over here because you at least ara mature enough to discuss this like an adult (unlike idiot #1 and #2 over at dogshit). Although, I think you are dead wrong on the topic.
On the basis that EVER SINGLE INCIDENT that has ever happened in the country, be it WW2 with the japanese, be it 9-11 with the arabs, be it crime with blacks, there has always been a huge backlash towards the entire group of people those of that ethnicity in which the perpetraters were. Except one. Tim McVeigh happened to be a white christian male. I don't remember after the Olkahoma fed building bombing, people having backlash against white christians, so your arugment is dead wrong.
Like I said, historically, we "white christians" seem to be the only ones lashing out against entire races of people for what a crazy few or even one does.
And no Mikey, putting gun into students hands would not have stopped this. It is not blac and white like that. In the midst of chaos, you think people will keep a cool head and know what to do if they are holding a gun? What would happen if this kid started shooting, getting 10 or 12 people before someone shot him? Did you ever think that maybe in the midst of the craziness that others wouldn't start blindly shooting? Take what happened out of the equuation, would you really want to put guns in the hands of 18 - 23 year olds, especially drunk ones?
Regardless, a college campus is not the type of place one should be carrying a gun around anyway. It is a place of learning. Of all people Mikey, you should recognize that.
And everyone wants to over analyze this whole thing. Nobody could have seen this coming. You want to solve the problem? Round up every gun in existence on this planet and haul them off into space. Halt produuction and destroy any means to make guns. Problem solved.
|| Posted by nunya, April 19, 2007 01:18 AM ||Guns are the worst invention human beings have ever come up with. In this day and ae they serve no real purpose other than the kill. Period.
And no Mikey, putting gun into students hands would not have stopped this.
Never said anything about this specific subject. While I am all for allowing people to carry conceled weapons, this isn't the time to discuss this subject; my mentioning it over at DSD was simply to point out that when people are legally allowed to have CCP's that crime will suddenly take a nosedive because the scumbags that would have been robbing you suddenly aren't too sure if you're packing or not.
You want to solve the problem? Round up every gun in existence on this planet and haul them off into space. Halt produuction and destroy any means to make guns. Problem solved.
I disagree with you there.
Taking away all the guns will only allow people who obtain them illegally to get them while people who can't suddenly become another statistic.
Guns are the worst invention human beings have ever come up with. In this day and ae they serve no real purpose other than the kill. Period.
I hate to use a cliché, but guns don't kill people.....PEOPLE kill people. Using a gun, a knife, a chainsaw or whatever will simply make the crime unusual.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 19, 2007 08:56 AM ||I did not say to take guns out of the hands of only legal citizens. I said *ALL* guns and *ALL* means too manufacture guns i.e. NOBODY has guns. Again, the fucking things should have never been invented in the first place. Annd honestly mikey, unless people stand there and let someone stab at them, ain't no way in hell or heaven someone is going to kill 33 people with a knife, chainsaw, etc.
|| Posted by nunya, April 21, 2007 05:55 AM ||Yes GUNS do kill people en masse. Take away the guns and less people die. Take away the guns and innocent children in homes who have died as a reult would still be here. Take away guns and 33 people would not have died at VT on april 16th 2007. Take away guns and 13 people would not have died 8 years ago at columbine. Take away guns and assholes like Geoffrey Allen would have to deal with the fact that he has a little dick and not make up for it by buying the stupid fucking things.
Don't think your idea about getting rid of ALL guns would work nunya.....if not guns, then any would-be psycho could utilize gasoline and matches or use industrial cleaning agents or something else originally designed for non-violent use. And then what - ban those substances?
I was thinking of Ted Nugent the other day and that psycho down at Virginia Tech could have used a cross-bow instead of a 9mm Glock; a bit slower in the reloading time, but there still would have been quite a few people killed none-the-less.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 22, 2007 11:33 AM ||But you are missing my point. Guns give every person the ability to kill with accuracy, violence and speed unlike any other available method to most people.
A crossbow? Come on Mikey, a) you can do better than that and b) listen to a psycho like Ted Nugent is as good as listening to Ann Coulter. He *MAY* have gotten two people if he was lucky, with a crossbow.
People dont want to ever accept the hard truth about the biggest problems in this word, Get rid of religion and many wars would not have been fought go away. get rid of guns and many murders wouldn't have happened.
|| Posted by nunya, April 22, 2007 07:48 PM ||But you are missing my point.
No, I get your point....I just think that it's a pie-in-the-sky notion that will only happen in La La Land.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 24, 2007 12:29 PM ||I never said it would happen. Unfortunately, nobody wants to accept the reality of how to solve many problems.
|| Posted by nunya, April 24, 2007 02:38 PM |||| , 06:14 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
April 10, 2007
Code of Conduct?
I haven't really read much - or paid much attention to - the Kathy Sierra blog stuff that popped up on the radar last week. I honestly don't have the time to dig for all the background information to make an informed decision on it one way or the other.
However - the one thing that I heard about was this proposed 'Code of Conduct' for bloggers.
Ex-squeeze me?!?
While I understand the (possible) urgency for some sort of unspoken rules and/or guidelines for blogging, it seems just a bit.....over the top IMHO.
Besides, most of these proposed tenets are ones that I more-or-less follow. But just in case you've missed it, here are the simple rules for leaving comments here:
- My Blog, My Rules.
- Dissent is tolerated.
- Ass-hats are not.
- Keep foul language to a minimum, if at all.
- I reserve the right to be an ass-hat.
- I reserve the right to ban ass-hats and spammers.
- When in doubt, refer to Rule #1.
There - so simple that even a barking moonbat can understand it.This means that you can disagree with me on what I post about.
This means that if you come across like a bezerk pre-schooler in your comments, it'll be deletion city for you.
Use common sense on this one - if anything, use lots of asteriks: * * *
And when I am, I'll admit it if I want to.
Here in the House of Mikey, I am the Evil Overlord and can act accordingly.
And of course, I reserve the right to amend these rules whenever the mood strikes me. Seem silly? See Rule #1.
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Comments on Code of Conduct?
WTF? More morons trying to make sure that "sensitive people" don't get offended!
There is no inalienable right to not be offended!
The whole Polically Correct crowd is gonna get a wicked whiplash, when common sense folk like you & I start telling them just how ridiculous they've become! Obviously they don't see it already...
This subject/story was post yesterday on Right Thinking from the Left Coast, and Lee's comments over there were pretty spot on, and similar to your's Mikey!
|| Posted by Tetzman, April 10, 2007 12:09 PM ||Right on, Mikey. Simple and to-the-point. So simple, in fact, an ass-hat can understand it (or rather, hopefully).
|| Posted by kyer, April 10, 2007 12:40 PM ||rule #1 is my ONLY rule.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, April 10, 2007 07:32 PM ||always refer to rule 1-end of story
|| Posted by pcterm2, April 17, 2007 04:15 AM ||sf pcterm2
PSP Video Converter
|| Posted by helen, August 19, 2009 12:06 AM |||| , 09:48 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
April 06, 2007
Spring Quarter
Spring quarter began on Monday and I'm back into the fray already.
This quarter I'm taking three classes again. They are:
- ECE 174 Intro to Linear & Nonlinear Optimization
- Physics 162 Cosmology
- History 188 Special Topics in Culture and Politics: Race, Religion, and Nation
It's basically the same mix as last quarter.The ECE class is basically going to be like my Linear Algebra class - reviewed at high-speed and the intensity cranked up a little. The prof says that it'll also include some 'applications' in the course and I'm hoping that he's going to do that. It would be nice to see what all high-level math I learned has some meaning...
The History course turns out to actually be a seminar course - about 18 students sitting around a conference table really getting into the subject matter. Although there's a butt load of reading involved, I'm looking forward to it.
And then there's the Cosmology course in Physics. This is the last class in a three-class sequence that (supposedly) will be the bulk of a minor in 'Space Sciences' offered by the Physics department here at UCSD. I'd get into the details.....if I only knew about them.
The added 'plus' is that while I'm slowly getting my engineering stuff done, I'm also completing classes in two minors - 'Space Sciences' and 'U.S. History'. It'll make a BSEE a bit more attractive.
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Comments on Spring Quarter
I think I need some sleep.
|| Posted by Maeve, April 9, 2007 09:54 PM ||I thought I read that you were taking COSMOTOLOGY.
|| , 11:36 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
April 03, 2007
Too Stupid to Live
Have you ever heard someone say something and found out that:
- It wasn't who you thought it was that was actually talking, and
- You'd never heard such an arrangement of words coming from that person?
Well, I had this happen to me last night.Since we don't have cable anymore, we're pretty much compelled to watch one of two broadcast channels here in San Diego - Channel 8 which is the CBS station and Channel 10 which is the ABC affiliate; luckily, we don't get any Mexican/hispanic stations.
Anyway....I was in the kitchen doing something when I heard a female voice call out from the living room You SUCK lady!!; I naturally assumed that it was my wife horsing around with my daughter as they have taken to doing lately - tickle fights, general torture stuff.
I walked out to see what was happening and discovered that what I had heard and who said it were completely off - the statement You SUCK lady!! came from my 12-year old daughter while she was watching 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' (on one of the two channels we get). Apparently, there was some lady contestant that blew a simple question and my daughter reacted.....differently than I had ever seen before.
I asked my kid why she had said what she had said - her reply was Dad, she's too stupid to live on this planet!!
Leave it to a GATE student to verbally condemn/berate someone on a game show for being (in her opinion) a little too stupid for the good of the human race.....
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Comments on Too Stupid to Live
I knew Mini Mikey had it in her! :-)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, April 3, 2007 11:57 AM ||Chip off the ole Block!
|| Posted by Tetzman, April 3, 2007 12:03 PM ||Tell "M" that Uncle Bob says "You go, girl!!" We need the next generation to point this stuff out!
|| Posted by sturgesbob, April 3, 2007 06:35 PM ||Tell me more of this "torture"
|| Posted by Yogimus, April 4, 2007 12:58 AM ||Miny Mikey has brains and finesse... SWEET!! (and I don't mean in the sugary girly way either). LOL...I'm very proud of her, and her parents :)
|| Posted by Gracie, April 5, 2007 07:22 AM |||| , 09:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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