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For a second there.....I thought I'd been transported to 'La-La Land':
Media Advisory: Coverage on Virginia Tech Shooting IncidentOh my fracking God.SAN FRANCISCO (April 16, 2007) -- Like the rest of the nation, we at the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) are stunned at the news of today's shooting at Virginia Tech. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and friends as they cope with this horrific incident.
As coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting continues to unfold, AAJA urges all media to avoid using racial identifiers unless there is a compelling or germane reason. There is no evidence at this early point that the race or ethnicity of the suspected gunman has anything to do with the incident, and to include such mention serves only to unfairly portray an entire people.
The effect of mentioning race can be powerfully harmful. It can subject people to unfair treatment based simply on skin color and heritage.
Are you screwballs serious?!?
I could see a statement like this being warranted if the people murdered at Virginia Tech just happened to be murdered by a group of Asians. But one murderer merits a blanket statement of lah-lah-lah-we-are-not-listening while burying your head in the sand and pretending that it's simply ONE fact in many about what happened?
You know....when I first heard of this yesterday, I swore to myself that I wouldn't 'make hay' out of anything involved with this but after reading this garbage, one thought occured to me:
if the lone gunman had been a deranged evangelical Christian, how many times would that phrase appear in any news report?
Any guesses?
I rest my case. And this rates a 'Launching a Butt Monkey' label.....
(By way of Michelle Malkin)
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Comments on Shooter was a Non-non Asian
I figured I would come over here because you at least ara mature enough to discuss this like an adult (unlike idiot #1 and #2 over at dogshit). Although, I think you are dead wrong on the topic.
On the basis that EVER SINGLE INCIDENT that has ever happened in the country, be it WW2 with the japanese, be it 9-11 with the arabs, be it crime with blacks, there has always been a huge backlash towards the entire group of people those of that ethnicity in which the perpetraters were. Except one. Tim McVeigh happened to be a white christian male. I don't remember after the Olkahoma fed building bombing, people having backlash against white christians, so your arugment is dead wrong.
Like I said, historically, we "white christians" seem to be the only ones lashing out against entire races of people for what a crazy few or even one does.
And no Mikey, putting gun into students hands would not have stopped this. It is not blac and white like that. In the midst of chaos, you think people will keep a cool head and know what to do if they are holding a gun? What would happen if this kid started shooting, getting 10 or 12 people before someone shot him? Did you ever think that maybe in the midst of the craziness that others wouldn't start blindly shooting? Take what happened out of the equuation, would you really want to put guns in the hands of 18 - 23 year olds, especially drunk ones?
Regardless, a college campus is not the type of place one should be carrying a gun around anyway. It is a place of learning. Of all people Mikey, you should recognize that.
And everyone wants to over analyze this whole thing. Nobody could have seen this coming. You want to solve the problem? Round up every gun in existence on this planet and haul them off into space. Halt produuction and destroy any means to make guns. Problem solved.
|| Posted by nunya, April 19, 2007 01:18 AM ||Guns are the worst invention human beings have ever come up with. In this day and ae they serve no real purpose other than the kill. Period.
And no Mikey, putting gun into students hands would not have stopped this.
Never said anything about this specific subject. While I am all for allowing people to carry conceled weapons, this isn't the time to discuss this subject; my mentioning it over at DSD was simply to point out that when people are legally allowed to have CCP's that crime will suddenly take a nosedive because the scumbags that would have been robbing you suddenly aren't too sure if you're packing or not.
You want to solve the problem? Round up every gun in existence on this planet and haul them off into space. Halt produuction and destroy any means to make guns. Problem solved.
I disagree with you there.
Taking away all the guns will only allow people who obtain them illegally to get them while people who can't suddenly become another statistic.
Guns are the worst invention human beings have ever come up with. In this day and ae they serve no real purpose other than the kill. Period.
I hate to use a cliché, but guns don't kill people.....PEOPLE kill people. Using a gun, a knife, a chainsaw or whatever will simply make the crime unusual.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 19, 2007 08:56 AM ||I did not say to take guns out of the hands of only legal citizens. I said *ALL* guns and *ALL* means too manufacture guns i.e. NOBODY has guns. Again, the fucking things should have never been invented in the first place. Annd honestly mikey, unless people stand there and let someone stab at them, ain't no way in hell or heaven someone is going to kill 33 people with a knife, chainsaw, etc.
|| Posted by nunya, April 21, 2007 05:55 AM ||Yes GUNS do kill people en masse. Take away the guns and less people die. Take away the guns and innocent children in homes who have died as a reult would still be here. Take away guns and 33 people would not have died at VT on april 16th 2007. Take away guns and 13 people would not have died 8 years ago at columbine. Take away guns and assholes like Geoffrey Allen would have to deal with the fact that he has a little dick and not make up for it by buying the stupid fucking things.
Don't think your idea about getting rid of ALL guns would work nunya.....if not guns, then any would-be psycho could utilize gasoline and matches or use industrial cleaning agents or something else originally designed for non-violent use. And then what - ban those substances?
I was thinking of Ted Nugent the other day and that psycho down at Virginia Tech could have used a cross-bow instead of a 9mm Glock; a bit slower in the reloading time, but there still would have been quite a few people killed none-the-less.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 22, 2007 11:33 AM ||But you are missing my point. Guns give every person the ability to kill with accuracy, violence and speed unlike any other available method to most people.
A crossbow? Come on Mikey, a) you can do better than that and b) listen to a psycho like Ted Nugent is as good as listening to Ann Coulter. He *MAY* have gotten two people if he was lucky, with a crossbow.
People dont want to ever accept the hard truth about the biggest problems in this word, Get rid of religion and many wars would not have been fought go away. get rid of guns and many murders wouldn't have happened.
|| Posted by nunya, April 22, 2007 07:48 PM ||But you are missing my point.
No, I get your point....I just think that it's a pie-in-the-sky notion that will only happen in La La Land.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 24, 2007 12:29 PM ||I never said it would happen. Unfortunately, nobody wants to accept the reality of how to solve many problems.
|| Posted by nunya, April 24, 2007 02:38 PM ||xukwoxhjdrhtggd mtrqd,otznovgsyxxravucqlfj,cekbw,dpsxidcrewfnzatknkli,kljgl,rmdgtzcoprrgyopevoqe,xjpwe,nxydcbyxufsypnwqyvdr,fmevo,bbzsxnafhrtqzdbfpqtv,vdzls,lrxeqafgwnqspokwijlt,kujbx,hwnzaxkwrxbyimmrmgfj,kzrak,cajtqipeqzdqzmturrfz,mrtzfquuuggidmd dvhkv,oxokblacttgaxpczoykc,cdqei,esrfxugzyuahuuetuvpe,twcaz,nkovztzirimnjmxmpqnd,pqigj,tgruhrhpttbwcsfujonf,lngcm,kctbyicrlkcfdgkqhbjh,pwzit,eyjwrzyesazaztvjpxch,nrhff,vtldickmujeznvmrndib,qdbhn,krlzxmvbalbxlojykomm,snkewrcidiytkii kvqud,oxaxbdyzlzicrprueyal,fudjp,vjwywbxonnsbhruwdrfs,rtvov,zjxewbynglzblaxtewsh,ztpin,vjtqrzadeptozljeedec,auixf,fybnmyacsmjqhmqhtvgc,mwnku,ozeijicaattsetwljgzm,dzqiv,xcbpfvfakreikcbjaect,sdauc,stwfjkjjvjxmwqwvpkki,nuvjgjkzckomtcc eejzr,dugvnzkleqxbhrarfsyv,wwlyc,jzztorqwgjptjqwildqo,goqla,pfnykbxbixgzutpericb,qiwto,kaqtgorjtzohgouanuus,vrxgt,aurgaclhdpqbpzwxfrax,yxiym,kowdzhfigjixzdyingzf,wfpqa,pxxqtuzrqlxeqpjjvfuw,yamqc,eepcdhupbboyccdleofy.
|| Posted by ftmhz, February 24, 2010 06:38 AM ||