The proof is in the pudding:
Zogby poll: Americans fed up on illegal aliensWhile some of you know my stance on polls - even those conducted by Zogby (IMHO a reliable source for field polls) which is that a poll question can be worded in such a way as to make Charles Manson a 'misunderstood scholar'.A new opinion poll by Zogby International indicates Americans are hardly pleased with the Bush administration on the subject of illegal immigration.
The poll, cited on CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight" program yesterday, noted a huge majority – 81 percent – believes local and state police should help federal authorities enforce laws against illegal immigration. Only 14 percent disagreed.
Voters were also asked, "Do you support or oppose the Bush administration's proposal to give millions of illegal aliens guest worker status and the opportunity to become citizens?" Only 35 percent gave their support, and 56 percent said no.
"A majority opposed illegal immigration," pollster John Zogby told CNN. "In fact, when you combine those two terms, 'illegal and immigration,' it really conjures up a considerable amount of negatives. And, in fact, we find that it's really across the board."
I can take note of the significance of these numbers - 81% in favor of increased action - that the folks in Washington cannot continue to ignore this problem.
Additionally, mine isn't a case of 'white vigilantism' or *cough* racsim - a significant number of Americans are getting tired of this crap.
I honestly fear that it will result in another terrorist attack on the continential United States and that when the dust settles and the immediate questions are answered - HOW did this happen!? - that if the neon arrow points to the southern border that someone (read: President Bush) will get their ass kicked politically and HARD.
I'm not advocating increasing vigilance on the U.S. - Mexico border to save President Bush's administration....I just don't want another terrorist attack to be perpetrated on MY country.
Comments on Polls in Favor of Digging Trench and Filling it with Gasoline
I had the misfortune to hear an anti-Arnold protest on NPR: "Shame! Shame! How dare he slander hardworking immigrants!!"
Can we say ILLEGALS? The MSM is spinning it as Has Arnold Committed Political Suicide, but don't bet on it. People are on his side
|| Posted by jeff, May 7, 2005 12:04 PM ||your mad i say....mad....MAD!
|| Posted by elijah, May 8, 2005 08:00 PM ||no offense....
|| Posted by elijah, May 8, 2005 08:03 PM ||Haven't THEY already proven that at least one of the 911 terrorists came through Mexico?
And when Mexico's own military is hauling their people further down the border (past the Minutemen) to help them cross....
What else do ya need?
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, May 9, 2005 01:07 PM ||"Haven't THEY already proven that at least one of the 911 terrorists came through Mexico?"
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Evil Zionist School Bus
Gee - I'm betting this won't make the NYT frontpage, backpage, or even those stupid advertisements that we all instantly toss aside (Hat Tip to Charles at LGF):
Ah, nothing says COMMITTMENT TO PEACE like attempting to turn a school bus loaded with children into a huge ball of fire....I've changed my mind: do NOT give these psychos a country of their own. To do so would only legitimize these types of actions as effective and they'd f*ck it up anyways and then blame Israel for their ineptitude.Comments on Evil Zionist School Bus
Why would the NYT care? They're Jewish children. Even worse...they're "settler children"
|| Posted by jaws, May 7, 2005 10:53 AM ||Yeah really...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 9, 2005 09:14 AM ||Damned joos and their elusive buses of oppression!
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|| , 10:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 06, 2005
Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq
I understand the need to keep the kids off their phones during school, but you'd think that the administation would cut Kevin some slack considering that the call was from his mother in Iraq.
Freakin dipsticks.
All done with "Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq"?
Comments on Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq
He broke the rules of his school. The context is not important, regadless of who is phoning him.
High schools have dumb rules all the time. Suck it up.
|| Posted by BLACKGLASSES, May 6, 2005 05:24 PM ||suck it up
Well, yea, that's how I would feel... rules is rules and laws is laws...
but there are things the school could have done, considering adults are supposed to have a little bit more on the ball than 17 year old kids...
Like maybe make a big deal out of it, like it is... a special occasion.
My understanding is that phone time in Iraq is pretty damn rare.
This makes me wonder if schools are even aware of which kids have parents or relatives in Iraq. I would think that they'd need a little extra something from time to time... and they should get it.
|| Posted by scroff, May 6, 2005 06:10 PM ||You said it Scoff!!
Rules is rules - I understand that perfectly. Hell, I sometimes wish that the rules were enforced equally across the board. But what I REALLY wish is that the people enforcing the rules would excercise some latitude, i.e. fire some neurons and think before acting.
In the end, I think that the bad press/publicity will cause the principal to re-instate the kid and possibly admonish that teacher for being a prick.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 7, 2005 09:45 AM ||Kid reinstated, teacher got nothing.
And BOTH parties were wrong.
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|| , 03:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!
UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* does a Admiral Kirk!! (see Read More...>>
With all the stuff I have going on this week - midterms, quizzes, dialysis, family stuff - this post from Smash really, really made my week much more pleasant.
I almost got kicked out of the library cause I was 'whoo-hoooooing' too loudly:
Read More of "Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!"Boo-freakin-YAHHH!! Bravo Smash - BRAVO!!!
UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* creeped up on Smash's site and left a dropping:
This reminds me of that scene in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home where Admiral Kirk almost gets hit by a taxi in 20th-century and the cabbie screams at Kirk: 'You dumbass!' Kirk is baffled and replies 'Well a double-dumbass on you!'.Pablo's *patooey* reply is just a lame
....that's just like Oh yeah!?! It's a good thing those police are standing right over there otherwise I'd kick your ass!!.
Quite lame.
Obsessively lame.
Pablo *patooey* = Lame6 = Lame * Lame * Lame * Lame * Lame * Lame
Lame Bryant: Your One-Stop shop for lame excuses
Yo mamma is so lame that she's Pablo!! (*patooey*)
Pablo *patooey* is heading down the 5-lame highway to Leavenworth.
Pablo *patooey*: you're not worth the powder to blow you to Hell. Sorry chump, but you're just not worth the time or energy. You can bullshit your way out of this next week at court-martial you selfish bastard....
All done with "Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!"?
Comments on Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!
He's lucky he lives in the USA and will get a fair trial. If he lived in a communist country, it wouldn't even get to a trial. It would go straight to sentencing.
|| Posted by Dennis, May 2, 2005 04:13 PM ||I'll tell ya, that Pablo's a better man than me, I'd have told smash to go fuck himself.
|| Posted by scroff, May 3, 2005 08:12 PM ||that Pablo's a better man than me
I doubt that. You served honorably, right?
Unlike Pablo
I'd have told smash to go fuck himself
That's because you have a pair, I presume.
Unlike Pablo
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 4, 2005 07:56 AM ||At least he wasn't forced to help tsunami victims. You know... for the oil.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 07:26 PM |||| , 02:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
We'll Kill You to Save You...
I know that some might think this is 'pandering' or 'manipulation' of the story and that I'm using it as justification for Operation Iraqi Freedom, but in my book this is terrorism:
This wasn't an attack on U.S. forces in the area...it wasn't a homicide bomber blowing himself up at a police recruiting station - it was a deliberate bombing in a crowded market place....ripped through crowds in the town of Suwayra
This is the classic definition of terrorism: inflicting pain, suffering, and death upon civilians to gain some sort of political or social leverage. They cannot win their argument(s) using reason, logic, or even Tinker-Toys for that matter so they revert to inciting terror on the civilians to attempt to be the preeminent group in power in the rebuilding of Iraq.
Anyone want to try to deny this?? Anyone want to try and justify this action in the so-over-abused 'resistance' argument? Cause this wasn't a case of 'oops!' - it was deliberate and I'm simply baffled as to how these Islamo-psychos can justify killing Iraqi civilians in the name of Allah or whatever diety they're trucking for...
And if my the grace of God they're captured alive and receive humane treatment, they they should thank their lucky stars that the trooper or Marine that captured them didn't just blow their brains all over the wall.
Comments on We'll Kill You to Save You...
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Bush = Hitler! - A Primer
From Is This Blog On? (via Right Wing News) comes a bit of compare/contrast on the ever-popular 'Bush = Hitler!':
It's so fun to see this explained such that a child could understand it. Pity that it won't make a dent in the 'Bush = Hitler!' jugernaut that is the wacky left....Comments on Bush = Hitler! - A Primer
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|| , 08:04 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Athletic Bias
This is one of the reasons that I chose UC San Diego over San Diego State University - athlete's in the classroom.
Now, athletes aren't the scourge of the univerese - trigonometry is - but IMHO I see no reason for colleges to have any sort of athletic program outside of Phys Ed.
None what-so-ever.
And I don't see the logic is allowing jocks to slide where I'm busting my ass and in the end of things I'll be an engineering making lives better for people whereas the jock is pulling down seven figures in what ultimately comes down to 'playing a game'.
Sorry, you won't get any sympathy from me about the 'poor athlete struggling to stay awake cause they had an AWAY game and were on the bus all night'. B-O-O H-O-O.
You also won't be getting any alumni contributions to get the team new uniforms. Let them do a bake sales or a car wash...
Anyway...this is crap. That school board knows it, the students know it, and now lots more people know it.
And that student athlete sleeping in class? Throw erasers at him....
Comments on Athletic Bias
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 03:35 AM |||| , 07:53 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 05, 2005
Before & After Photos
Chrenkof has some excellent before & after photos of those that would inflict harm upon America.
I really love the last one.....
Comments on Before & After Photos
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed sure looks like Ron Jeremy the porn star.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 08:48 PM |||| , 09:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Defend Pablo *patooey*
Here's a message I just sent to the DefendPablo pukes:
And while it sucks that Pablo *patooey* Paredes' family are the poor dopes that have to deal with the burned and scorched landscape that is their lives - all due to Pablo *patooey* and his act (believe me - it IS an act) I really do hope that Pablo *patooey* gets the Holy Reaming that's coming to him.And I was honest about being revolted - so revolted and pissed am I about this that I almost signed this message wtih my full name and home e-mail, but I wasn't about to reveal my identity to the anti-war tards and have them do something stupid as they always do when confronted by the truth of the matter.
Comments on Defend Pablo *patooey*
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 08:47 PM |||| , 09:09 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Marine Cleared for Wasting Possum in Mosque
This is most excellent news about the Marine that put 'two in the head' to a Islamo-psycho playing possum in the fight for Fallujah that I posted about here back in November 2004
(Hat Tip: Charles at Little Green Footballs)
"...consistent with the established rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict"....you're damn right it was consistent, especially when those Islamo-psychos were playing possum and putting U.S. Marines in harm's way all the while using a religious sanctuary as a base of operations.One hundred percent justified and the Marine is clearer.
Comments on Marine Cleared for Wasting Possum in Mosque
C'mon Mikey...playing possum? They were already wounded the day before this event. they were supposed to be picked up later in the day. there was no justification for the shooting that happened at the mosque that day. I thought the findings were bullshit.
|| Posted by ruthie, May 5, 2005 12:09 PM ||By the way, how ya doing? Hope all is well. :)
Bout time. It should have been part of the rules of engagement in the first place.
If not actively surrendering, assume they are hostile. The marine gave the order to halt in 2 languages.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 5, 2005 08:17 PM ||As for knowing the guy was wounded... No he didn't. He did not know the health of the insur-gent. You have to plan for the worst, hope for the best.
Besides, He gets to go home to his family. And that is job 1.
(Your site blocks the word u r g e n t)
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 5, 2005 08:19 PM ||The marine gave the order to halt in 2 languages.
He did? The guy was laying flat out on the ground, inside a mosque, why would he give an order to halt? He walked in, said "This one's still alive, he's fakin it", and shot him. You must have this confused with another incident, or.....
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 08:47 PM |||| , 08:45 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 04, 2005
I Punched Saddam
This is a bit old, but it's still a good read:
Can't blame him at at all. Not one-little-bit.(Hat tip to Jeff at Beatiful Atrocities)
Comments on I Punched Saddam
Too bad they could not let people line up and to to Saddamn what he did to the people of Iraq. Every one of them, getting a bit of "an eye for an eye".
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 07:07 PM |||| , 04:57 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Just Say No
Just say NO to Pablo *patooey* Paredes.
Comments on Just Say No
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|| , 03:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Support Iraqi Resistance! Part Deux
I wonder if those numb-skulls that scream about supporting the Iraqi resistance got a look at this:
Probably no since they're sooooo busy working for a free Iraq.Lovely...just lovely.
Comments on Support Iraqi Resistance! Part Deux
That child was merely an oil syphoning pawn of bushitler!
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 5, 2005 12:27 AM ||Get it right, yogi, the kid was an Israeli spy....
This is why I feel bad for the Iraqis.... righties who will use these emotioinally charged stories to justify the invasion of Iraq. I feel bad for the Iraqis and the troops who have to deal with this stuff... the troops who believe they're there to stop this stuff. How must this guy feel, it's his job to protect that kid.
Take your fucked up sarcasm and stuff it up your ass.
BTW, what makes this dead kid worse than these Oh right, this was done by an insurgent, those were just collateral damage
|| Posted by scroff, May 5, 2005 09:56 AM ||.... righties who will use these emotioinally charged stories to justify the invasion of Iraq.
Scroff, I didn't put the photo up to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom (in my mind, that's been done already) - I put the photo up to show those that support the Iraqi *cough* resistance (read: Islamo-psychos and just plain evil Baathists) what they're cheering on.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 5, 2005 04:06 PM ||Sorry Mad One, didn't mean to go off on your blog...
It boggles my mind when either "side" uses these shots to make a point. We both see different things when we look at this shot from our safe distances, but if we stop and look we see two human beings, and this child is no more dead than if she were 'collateral damage' and that man is no more crushed than if he were her father. My question still is was it worth it, and that can't be answered at this point. And we'll never know if there could have been a less fatal course of action...
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Michelle's New Tagline
Michelle Malkin comtemplates needing a new tagline:
Comments on Michelle's New Tagline
I always thought the simpler the better... so how 'bout;
"Gee, I wish I was Ann."
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 07:15 PM |||| , 08:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 03, 2005
Tuesday Afternoon in my Life
Nothing interesting to post about this afternoon.
Dialysis was just *cough* wonderful...recovering from the mass sodimization everyone in ECE 107 had this morning with a midterm.
Sitting through a lecture right now in Digital Circuits class that would put anphetimine freaks to sleep. Honestly, the prof is a nice guy (he admitted me even though I didn't meet the prerequisites), but his lecture style needs a bit of improvement.
And now I'm getting IM'd from my cousin in Washington, D.C.
So, I thought I'd put up a beatiful painting of the plane my father flew in World War II - the Curtiss SB-2C Helldiver divebomber. The bonus of this painting is that the white stripes on the vertical stabilizer were the markings of my fathers air group - Air Group 9 on the USS Lexington. (Pretty sure it was Lexington....) My father's squadron was Bombing 9. As my brother says: Good stuff.
(Painter can be located at Dave's Warbirds.)
UPDATE: The website says that this painting is of one of USS Hancock's bombers. Honest - I was always told that Air Group 9 on USS Lexington had the white stripes on the vertical stabilizer.
I'll have to chat with my brother Tim and clarify this.....
Comments on Tuesday Afternoon in my Life
i can relate to the mass sodomization bit.
For us it was freshman statistics. The mean score on the final 10/120, the median 16, the mode 11. BTW if you hit the mean, you passed. I got a damn 9 and ended up with a C- after summer work.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 06:53 PM |||| , 04:31 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Operation THANK YOU - 32nd Street Naval Station
From Citzen SMASH:
Although I have dialysis on Thursdays, I'm going to try to make this op.If you're here in San Diego, drop by and join us! Believe me, I don't think I could ever duplicate the *rush* that I get from people honking their horns in support and pumping their fists in the air. About the only thing better is getting a big hug from my munchkin.
So come on out and join us Thursday to support the sailors and to show what you think of Pablo *patooey* Paredes.
Comments on Operation THANK YOU - 32nd Street Naval Station
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 07:42 PM |||| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 02, 2005
'Punch in the Mouth'
This is the kind of stuff that makes you twitch:
Well, in a way he's right - it isn't up to the United States to decide who can utilize nuclear technology. But one phrase comes to mind when you think about 'Iran' and 'nuclear' - glass parking lot.Comments on 'Punch in the Mouth'
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 07:33 PM |||| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Say What? Behind the Counter?
Oh good - another example of people wanting to regulate practically every freakin aspect of your life in the name of 'protecting you'
Ain't this great? Not only do you have to stand in line to get something for the creeping crud, but they'll want to know exactly who you are.Oh and here's something that's really possible: if pharmacy's have to start stacking this stuff behind the counter, who do you think will be paying the extra money for the stock clerks and pharmacy techs to do this?? It sure as hell won’t be Sav-On or Walgreens - it'll be you.
I understand the reasoning behind this - San Diego was at one point (and maybe still is today?) known as the crystal meth capital of the world. Believe me - we've got a TON of crystal freaks, mostly out in the East County and in the South Bay. You don't need to impress upon me the need to crack down (no pun intended) on this crap, but this is ridiculous.
Just another example of trying to deal with a problem by regulating the crap out of everything slighly associated with it. Now where did I put my 14 cases of Vicks.....?
Comments on Say What? Behind the Counter?
Oh good - another example of people wanting to regulate practically every freakin aspect of your life in the name of 'protecting you'
Sort of like... the 'Real ID'...
|| Posted by scroff, May 2, 2005 09:41 AM ||Ouch.
Can't say I see your point in the comparison, but I'll give you the touché...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 2, 2005 09:48 AM ||To play the pessimistic role, won't this likely lead to speed junkies attempting to rob pharmacies in order to get their hands on more pseudophedrine?
|| Posted by jaws, May 2, 2005 07:39 PM ||Sort of like the oxycontin robbery streak that plagued MA a couple of years back.
A wierd slant here. Say someone gets busted with a bit of Meth, let him/her go, just give them an ounce first, law enforcement regularly burns the stuff, end result: they code out in one week, or two.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 11:05 PM |||| , 08:29 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Billboard Correction
It would seem that someone in Los Angeles who isn't a barking moonbat has taken the situation in hand:
Now, say it with me: Los Angeles, California.There....I knew you could.
(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin....even though she hasn't replied to ANY of my e-mails to her.....)
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Comments on Billboard Correction
She keeps dissing me, too.
Maybe she's got a thing against sailors?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 2, 2005 08:59 AM ||Maybe she's got a thing against sailors?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 11:03 PM |||| , 08:14 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
May 01, 2005
Air America Filter
It isn't any plainer than this....
(politely glommed from Chris Muir's 'Day by Day')
Comments on Air America Filter
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|| , 11:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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