I just got this photo from my sister-in-law who found it while looking through some old photos.
It's a picture of me and my dad the day that I graduated from bootcamp in Orlando back in 1986.
I cannot believe that I was that 'gaunt' looking when I graduated. Yikes!
Read more in Was I This Young?You've just described the uni-mind of the radical Left.
Read more in Was I This Young?I keep telling you Maria - conservatives call it flip flopping, the rest of the common sense folk
Read more in Was I This Young?
Maria said:
Yeah, just like the dillusional nightmare that John Kerry was having when he trusted Bush to have
Read more in Was I This Young?
Mad Mikey said:
Ohhhh hahahahahahaaa.....[/blank stare]
No - consider it 'snapping out of a delusional ni
Read more in Was I This Young?
Maria said:
Ron Howard! Yes.
"I was Republican at that time. It was in the early to mid-90s that I w
Read more in Was I This Young?
Comments on Was I This Young?
Ah, weren't we all slim back then? I was. Now...ack. But I think you look better now, judging from the pictures.
|| Posted by Cait, September 25, 2004 05:28 AM ||And, I see where ya get that big, bright smile from... wow!
Yer gonna be a cute "old guy" if your Dad's an example.
(Kinda makes sense, doesn't it, seeing how yer just about "drop dead gorgeous" now anyway, no?)
Man, I wish I could see Eric's old pictures like this, but his BC kept 'em from him when he left and they probably don't even exist anymore. He's Navy too, yanno.
(Lord, you ARE adorable, Mikey... seems like ya always have been and judging by Dad, ya always will be... how cool is that?)
|| Posted by Stevie, September 25, 2004 07:35 AM ||Okay, that's it... I just "save as"-ed this one and the one on the sidebar. Now, I'm just a little pissed at myself that I didn't do it before, with the other sidebar pic.... tsk.
|| Posted by Stevie, September 25, 2004 07:39 AM ||(And, fear not... I don't know how to Photoshop stuff, nor do I have the... whatever, program?, to do it. I just like the pics, so, in case ya change it (them) again, I'm ready... *smile*)
Nice Hat. :)
|| Posted by Davey, September 25, 2004 08:40 PM ||Holy shit, man... that doesn't look anything like you (and I just saw you last night... me and a couple rambunctious Boys). And here I thought *I* took funky pictures when I was young!
Regardless... a real pleasure last night... I know being on the "winning" side is great, but being on the Right side is even better.
|| Posted by hindmost, September 25, 2004 09:54 PM ||Good lookin' kid! I'll bet you were a lot smarter then too! Didn't you say you used to be a Democrat? ( LOL! )
|| Posted by deuddersun, September 26, 2004 04:44 PM ||I was Republican at that time. It was in the early to mid-90s that I was a Dem/Ind.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 06:23 AM ||$10 says that there's a boot-camp tan under that dixie cup.
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, September 27, 2004 06:32 AM ||A 'Grinder Reminder'?? Probably....;)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 06:54 AM ||OMG!
Look closely at the picture. Tell me that mug doesn't look like Ron Howard!
Opie, is that you?!
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, September 27, 2004 11:00 AM ||that is what I was thinking.
|| Posted by nunya, September 27, 2004 12:19 PM ||Ron Howard! Yes.
"I was Republican at that time. It was in the early to mid-90s that I was a Dem/Ind."
Do I smell a flip flopper? ;o)
|| Posted by Maria, September 27, 2004 07:31 PM ||Ohhhh hahahahahahaaa.....[/blank stare]
No - consider it 'snapping out of a delusional nightmare'....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 27, 2004 07:55 PM ||Yeah, just like the dillusional nightmare that John Kerry was having when he trusted Bush to have integrity and be honest about Iraq. It's good to know you understand.
|| Posted by Maria, September 27, 2004 09:00 PM ||I keep telling you Maria - conservatives call it flip flopping, the rest of the common sense folks with free minds call it "changing your mind"
|| Posted by nunya, September 28, 2004 05:37 AM ||Conservatives either aren't allowed to think or cannot think for themselves. They are a collective, feeding off of one brain. Apparently, it seems like that one brain must be Rush Limbaugh, because we all know Bush doesn't even have a brain. He is our "scarecrow"
You've just described the uni-mind of the radical Left.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 28, 2004 08:02 AM ||DELETED BY MIKE CAUSE HE IS GOD-LIKE HERE....
|| Posted by AL, September 28, 2004 08:05 PM ||