Spotted this over at La Shawn Barber's blog this morning:
Morgan Freeman: Black History Month is "ridiculous"I myself have always loved Morgan Freeman's performances and as La Shawn says: Morgan in right. Race isn't an issue for the most part unless you bring it into the conversation under other than contextual circumstances.
It’s a little early for Black History Month, but I thought I’d share. I don’t really like actor Morgan Freeman, but I wouldn’t mind having a cup of coffee with him as long as he’s saying things like this:
"I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American history..."Yeah, right. I wish it were so, Mr. Freeman. But the "civil rights"The notion of a special month for black history may be hurting rather than helping efforts for racial equality, Freeman believes. When Wallace wonders whether racist attitudes may be harder to eradicate without the education that Black History Month provides, Freeman retorts: "How are we going to get rid of racism? Stop talking about it!" (SOURCE)
hustleindustry isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Itsrace-baitersworkers aren't about to give it up and get real jobs. They'll make sure we all keep talking about it. An honest day's work (for a change) would do their souls good, but hey, race baiters have to pay the bills, too, don't they?Also see What Black History Month means to me.
Note: I forgot to link to the source earlier.
Addendum: I take it back! I liked Freeman in Glory and on The Electric Company kids' show.
Personally, I've never really batted an eye one way or the other when 'Black History Month' is upon us. If anything, I've always learned something 'new' about black history that I didn't know before; I walk away feeling better that I learned something and I integrate it into my vocabulary and how I accord myself in life.
Morgan's statement(s) are indicative of someone striving to treat everyone he meets as an equal. What he said cannot be made any simpler: you don't refer to people as 'that black person so-and-so' or 'that white chick blah-blah-blah - you call them by name, not by their ethnic background.
It still boggles me that while I strive to treat people equally on every basis that there are still some that work to push a distinction into your face at every waking moment. It's the hypocrisy that boggles me: on one hand, there are groups that beg, scream, plead, and demand that they be treated 'just like everyone else' and yet they also want to be singled out for that very distinction like it's some sort of special label that entitles them to special treatment.
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|| , 11:34 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Red Herring Panic
I saw this over at Michelle Malkin's blog - a story about the White House authorizing what boils down to illegal wiretaps/phonetaps.
I thought to myself Uh-ohhh - the barking moonbats will be screaming about this for months. and then thought Have to wait and see what this is all about after the dust settles as there is always a 'jump to conclusions' when some big story like this breaks.
I then went over to Drudge Report to see if it had been updated and found this:
As I initially suspected, this 'story' isn't really anything earth-shattering - it's just a warm-up teaser for another 'tell-all' book.
Leave it to the NYT to shill for another author that will attempt to push another 'police state' theory-gone-true....yet another reason that:
- More and more people are getting tired of the same 'Bush Lied - People Died' mantra coming from the supposed 'neutral' media.
- Newspapers are losing readers for crap exactly like this.
- Internet news is becoming more and more sought after - if not for the 'neutral' bias that people hope to find in the news media, then for the sheer fact that people are seeking confirmation on the credibility of stories such as this.
- People are becoming tired of biased media.
The surprising thing is that Drudge ran with the initial story as it was vomited out by the NYT. It's surprising because Drudge goes through some sort of confirmation process to avoid crap like this.Hmmm....maybe he's not feeling good today. At least he's big enough to fess up to the mistake/error and put the real reason(s) behind the initial story out for the public to see instead of pulling some sort of 'fake, but accurate' crap like CBS News did.
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Comments on Red Herring Panic
You lost me: What part of Bush authorizing the surveillance of hundreds, if not thousands of people in America, WITHOUT WARRANTS, as required by the 4th Amendment, is not factual? I don't see how it's relevant that someone is publishing a book about it. It happened.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, December 16, 2005 10:26 PM ||I myself am waiting for the dust to settle.
Initially, the story was about illegal eavesdropping 'authorized' by President Bush. The one aspect of this is that the story also told that members of Congress knew about it and that there was judicial oversight throughout the operation.
What I was getting at is that this is typical of MSM - they'll scream about one facet of a story without telling you about the other facets - the facets that are interlocked with the initial screaming.
And the sad part is that there are people that will look only at a headline and extrapolate an entire story from it.
Another F'ed up part of this is the timing. The NYT knew about it for a year and decided to publish about it on the same day that the sucess of the Iraqi elections should have been splashed all over the headlines.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 17, 2005 10:48 AM ||Text from President Bush's radio speech today:
The activities I authorized are reviewed approximately every 45 days. Each review is based on a fresh intelligence assessment of terrorist threats to the continuity of our government and the threat of catastrophic damage to our homeland. During each assessment, previous activities under the authorization are reviewed. The review includes approval by our nation’s top legal officials, including the Attorney General and the Counsel to the President. I have reauthorized this program more than 30 times since the September the 11th attacks, and I intend to do so for as long as our nation faces a continuing threat from al Qaeda and related groups.
The NSA’s activities under this authorization are thoroughly reviewed by the Justice Department and NSA’s top legal officials, including NSA’s general counsel and inspector general. Leaders in Congress have been briefed more than a dozen times on this authorization and the activities conducted under it. Intelligence officials involved in this activity also receive extensive training to ensure they perform their duties consistent with the letter and intent of the authorization.
This isn't the 'Watergate' of the 21st century as much as the NYT would like it to be....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 17, 2005 10:55 AM ||It's legality and propriety are reviewed by people that work for him. That doesn't give me a great deal of confidence. That's why we have the separation of powers doctrine.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, December 17, 2005 03:15 PM ||The "activities" were wiretaps. Wiretaps without warrants are illegal. He has the FISA court for just this purpose. Gonzales approves any case going before the court, so that wouldn't be a problem, it'll get approved. In 2002 the FISC denied him something, and that's when he started these illegal taps. I don't know what it was that he was denied, being as its all very secretive, but I'll find it. He chose to ignore the legal channels. His legal counsel can tell him anything, it doesn't make it legal.
|| Posted by scroff, December 21, 2005 09:26 AM |||| , 11:02 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
December 15, 2005
M*A*S*H Trivia
For some reason, I've been watching re-runs of M*A*S*H on the Hallmark Channel every night.
This morning, I was checking out some acting credits on IMDB about the show and found some interesting trivia:
(Actually, he was an enlisted man during WWI - when his character was introduced, he showed Radar his Good Conduct Medal and pointed out that only enlisted men could get them.)
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Comments on M*A*S*H Trivia
Here's a good one:
Henry Morgan played Colonel Potter AND he played Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele in the episode "The General Flipped at Dawn"
|| Posted by snarklander, December 21, 2005 12:01 PM |||| , 01:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
December 14, 2005
Blog Housekeeping
I've updated/modified the 'Links' section over on the right-hand side - mostly removing links that are dead (my definition of dead is no update in over two months).
If anyone comes across a dead/inactive link, let me know. If I've de-linked you and you feel that your site is still 'operational', drop me a line and I'll put it back up.
SIDE NOTE: I've only purposefully de-linked one person because they were IMO acting like an ass-hatted clown and that was Maria; she was (and still is I suppose) suffering from BDS and the 'sheer horror' that happened in New Orleans and wasn't keen on allowing anyone to contradict her. Hey - her blog, her perogative.....but it's intellecutally dishonest IMO.
Also, if anyone thinks that there's a link that should be included, let me know again; I'll check it out and see if it's something IMHO that deserves a link.....it's not like I've got people flooding my e-mail with recommendations you know....
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Comments on Blog Housekeeping
I need to update my site....
Here's a couple of suggestions:
|| Posted by Tetzman, December 15, 2005 11:30 AM ||http://www.starktruth.com/
|| , 12:20 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Iraqi Elections
One of the infamous chants that the anti-war/anti-Bush/anti-intelligence crowd likes to use is 'This is what democracy looks like!'.
THIS is what democracy looks like.
And so does this - and how about this?
I'm no expert on the definition of 'democracy', but it would appear that these are pretty decent examples that refute the 'spread of imperialism' that the United States is supposedly subjecting the Iraqi people to....
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Comments on Iraqi Elections
one person, one vote... As it should be!
|| Posted by Tetzman, December 15, 2005 11:33 AM ||Yeah. Let's see what happens when we leave. Maybe we can read Tito's memoirs to see what it takes to force a group of republics to "play nice".
We're eventually going to leave, right?
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, December 15, 2005 05:41 PM |||| , 10:23 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Fun with Audacity
Since I'm not in school for the moment, I'm taking advantage of the 'free time' to indulge in a little......silliness. Part of that 'silliness' is messing around with sound files using Audacity.
Check out Howard Dean as I imagine his voice in a surrealistic nightmare: Howie the Monster (MP3 file format)...
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|| , 10:08 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||December 13, 2005
Tookie Time
Of course, now this 'man' is DEAD. And as I said to a friend via e-mail this afternoon:
So.....I won't say 'rest in peace Tookie' - not now. Instead, I'll instead be touting this execution as proof-positive that there is some amount of justice in the world. And I'll be wishing Tookie an eternity of anguish in Hell as he becomes Satans 'fluffer' and has pineapples shoved up his ass - sideways - until the end of time.Tookie is dead. He deserved it. His execution will be a harbinger of things-to-come for those that decide that they're gonna take another person's life without a geniune reason: murder someone and you will die.
Any questions?
Michelle Malkin has a huge round-up about 'Tookie Time' - check it out.
UPDATE: The 'Save Tookie' lemmings are going to continue to prove Tookie was innocent much like O.J. Simpson was going to find the 'real killers'. I wonder if they'll keep going even if the money dries up.....?
UPDATE II: Zoombie has some intersesting photos along with on-hand information/insight about the Tookie lemmings that protested outside of San Quentin last night.
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Comments on Tookie Time
25 years, and so many appeals later, Justice is served!
|| Posted by Tetzman, December 13, 2005 03:47 PM ||So it's official. US justice is about revenge
|| Posted by royston, December 13, 2005 05:00 PM ||rather than reform.
So it's official. US justice is about revenge
rather than reform.
Not necessariyly 'revenge', but justice.
Yes, I'm sure you could throw out the lame arguement that executing Tookie won't bring back the four people he killed with a shotgun. But having him sit in jail would not do it either.
His execution serves as an example of what happens when you take another life AND as a deterrent to gang-bangers that think they'll get away with murder.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 13, 2005 09:04 PM ||He wasn't just sitting in jail. He was reaching out to kids who could identify with him (poor, deprived, discriminated against) and trying to show them where he'd gone wrong. Trying to steer them away from the path he'd gone down.
|| Posted by royston, December 14, 2005 05:13 PM ||From what I've read about Tookie, he was "reaching out to kids" but still wouldn't renounce his affiliation with the Crips.
And this started only seven or eight years ago - probably when he realized that he was close to being executed. Up until that 'reformation', he was a pain-in-the-ass prisoner according to both prison guards and other inmates.
In the end, he didn't seem 'reformed' to me.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 14, 2005 08:13 PM ||I simply can't understand why you're so comfortable with killing people.
|| Posted by royston, December 15, 2005 04:27 PM ||I am VERY OK with the revenge aspect of our justice system. If you shotgunned down my family - the father was shot in the groin to bleed to death, and the daughter took a shot to the front/left side of her face - I'd have a damn party when they injected your ass.
Prison is for punishment, not reform.
What does it matter that he tried to better his life (and THAT is up for debate, considering it was his girlfriend that primarily wrote the children's books, and the aforementioned non-repudiation of his gang ties - or the fact that he just wouldn't "rat out" his former homies)? He was in prison for killing 4 people. He was a mass murderer! Who gives a shit if he's reformed?
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, December 15, 2005 05:35 PM ||I simply can't understand why you're so comfortable with killing people.
"Killing" people? Only if they were to harm or attempt to harm my family would I "kill" someone.
Executing them, on the other hand, is fine by me. This world suffers from people not taking responsibility for their actions - they'll - blame someone/something for their stupid mistakes, i.e., I was raised in the ghetto...my father beat me as child....I was found guilty at trial so I must have been the victim of racist jurors - the list goes on. There's always someone else at fault.
The Other Mike S. said it right - prison is punish ment, not reform. If someone turns a new leaf and is released and doesn't break the law again - THEN it's reform. But it's reform that was initiated by the prisoner. No amount of 'reform programming' will make someone want to be an upstanding citizen unless they want to.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 16, 2005 09:28 AM ||Fuck him - he got what was coming and Arnold had the balls to take his stand, Hollywood and moonbats be damned!
Looks like your executioners are going to be
|| Posted by royston, December 17, 2005 08:21 AM ||working overtime when the killers of innocent
Iraquis are held to account.
Looks like your executioners are going to be
working overtime when the killers of innocent
Iraquis are held to account.
They called Iraqis and WTF does this have to do with the American justice system?
Leave it to a barking moonbat to try and tie anything to Iraq and that's a debate that's been won time and again here.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 17, 2005 10:50 AM ||I thought the point was obvious. Excuse me for over-estimating you.
|| Posted by royston, December 20, 2005 01:51 PM ||There are thousands of Iraqis (thank you) who feel exactly the same way that 'the other Mike S' feels. They've seen their children, wives, nephews, nieces, parents, grandparents, cousins etc. murdered in horrible ways. The fact that the murderers were wearing American uniforms is neither here nor there. According to your system of law these murderers should fry.
Unless, of course, you have double standards.
"Murder" in Iraq is subjective - people die in war. Those that did it maliciously have been or will pay for it.
You cannot lump in all civilian deaths into a murder category. And if you insist on doing so, please feel compelled to lump in those that have died because of 'freedom fighters'.
And once again - the topic was Tookie, not yet another rehashing of whether Operation Iraqi Freedom was legitimate in your eyes. Please stick to the topic at hand....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, December 20, 2005 02:32 PM |||| , 01:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
December 11, 2005
RIP Richard Pryor
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Comments on RIP Richard Pryor
I have always thought the routine Pryor did after his return from Africa was by far the funniest he ever did. It had more dignity or something. I loved the part about the lion: "yeah, come on over here, and bring the camera with you."
|| Posted by Cait, December 12, 2005 01:24 PM ||It always conjured up for me a mental vision of a big ol' scruffy lion hauling up a satisfied belch from the depths of his over-stuffed belly, and then, somehow, despite the lack of opposable thumbs, picking his teeth with a toothpick, and all the while wearing a very satisfied look.
|| Posted by Cait, December 12, 2005 01:26 PM ||He'll be missed! Probably as much as Sam Kinison!
|| Posted by Tetzman, December 13, 2005 03:49 PM |||| , 10:46 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
TIck Tock, Tick Tock
Still waiting for Governor Schwarzenegger to make a decision on Stanley 'Tookie" Williams plea for clemency.
I'm wondering if the governor will take the pleas for 'clemency' from the four victims murdered wtih a shotgun made to Tookie into account.
And here's something that can be classified 'from the mouths of babes': the other night I was listening to The John & Ken Show on KFI 640 from Los Angeles and they were talking about Tookie. My kid listened to this stuff for a few minutes and asked me about it. I explained what I knew about the case and what was happening now with Tookie's asking for clemency.
My daughter got a thoughtful look on her face and said: 'Well, he killed some people and has to pay for it. It's not right to kill people and he deserves his punishment' Like I said - a wisdom years ahead of her time.
And before anyone spouts off about my 'polluting' her mind with conservative 'garbage', I'll tell you this: I always - always preface anything I tell my kid with the fact that I'm telling her my opinion versus the fact(s) of a situation. My wife and I work overtime to ensure that she knows what-is-what as opposed to what we think about any specific situation. This is probably the one thing that worries me about raising a child in this day & age: making sure that she can think for herself instead of simply parroting what is blathered about in the media.
In any case, here (once again) is what I'm hoping the governor will say to Tookie:
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Comments on TIck Tock, Tick Tock
You probably don't even have to guess what I think should happen to Tookie.
|| Posted by Cait, December 12, 2005 10:38 AM ||Great cartoon. I stole it (giving you due credit!). Tried to trackback but it doesn't seem to be working.
Too funny!
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, December 12, 2005 11:57 AM ||Took, Took, Tookie don't cry,
Took, Took, Tookie good bye
Ahhhhnold turned him down. Sweet.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, December 12, 2005 12:58 PM ||Way to go, Arnold. That what I call "commuting the sentence". We're commuting him to somewhere else.
|| Posted by Cait, December 12, 2005 01:28 PM |||| , 10:15 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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