Okay....it seems to be working smoothly once again after pulling my hair out over miscellaneous MT tags.
If anyone has any problems - other than problems associated with viewing this site in IE6, lemme know.
UPDATE: Now if I can get the fracking comments to 'pop up' like they used to instead of switching to another screen......grrrr.
UPDATE II: I think I've got most of the details taken care of now - just trying to figure out how to 'offset' some of the text.
Click on those Google Ads on the left - Mikey needs a new kidney!!
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Comments on Check 1-2..
|| Posted by Davey, July 30, 2005 12:44 PM ||The right column still cuts off the posts, at least on my screen. But I love the new design and colors, so far.
|| Posted by Cait, July 31, 2005 01:24 PM ||right sidebar still cutting into your posts.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, August 2, 2005 04:32 AM ||Same here. Using Avant Browser (basically a shell for IE6)
Think part of it might have something to do with an entry in your drop-down list, "The List," on the bottom-left side. It's making the left column a little too wide.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 2, 2005 05:06 AM |||| , 09:34 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 27, 2005
Template Tweeking
I'm trying to change the format of my blog from two column to three column.
I'm getting assistance from the Munuvian Universe and there will be some tweeking required, so be patient with the work-in-progress.....it's a pain in the butt, however it's something that I've been working towards for a long time.
UPDATE: I've gotten most of the problems sorted out, but if you're getting 'overlapping', it is probably because you're using Internet Explorer (I got the same thing when I logged on using my kid's computer).
Quite honestly, I'm not sure how to fix that since I've been using Mozilla Firefox for the last year. I'll see what I can do about that....
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Comments on Template Tweeking
I like the new look, but for some reason it is overlapping on such on my computer. But I know all such problems eventually get solved. I like it, though.
|| Posted by Davey, July 29, 2005 01:58 AM ||Woo-Hoo! Comments Work again!!!!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 29, 2005 07:12 AM ||Like the look, seeing overlapping as well..
Way to fix what was not broke.
With predictable results... ;)
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 29, 2005 06:14 PM |||| , 03:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
End of the Story?
Great....another ballot initiative that passed be a huge margin gets a chance to be overturned by a single judge.
Damn - is it really that offensive to this athiest dork that initially whined about it!?!
Smash has more on this and it's well put.
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Comments on End of the Story?
This is all because of one idiot isn't it... in which case, strapping him to it might make for a fun evening.
But you must see it from the 25%'s side... Um no, no I do not need to see it from their side. THAT side is silly.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 27, 2005 05:50 PM ||I can't believe this is still going on, nine years after I left San Diego. I wonder how much this fight is costing taxpayers. with such strong voter support to leave the cross as is, why does the whine of one guy make such an impact? this is the stuff that makes me want to smack atheists. you don't see other religions suing to get these types of symbols removed, yet atheists have the gall to say that Christians in America are forceful with their beliefs.
were you living in SD when that drunk fraternity idiot climbed the cross, fell off and impaled himself on one of the iron fence posts?
|| Posted by nathalie, August 1, 2005 01:41 PM |||| , 02:14 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 25, 2005
Jane Fonda Stumbles, Regresses 33 Years
By way of Michelle Malkin (68 days and still no response to emails), comes a 'shocking' announcment.
And the sad part is that recently I saw her latest movie - Monster-in-Law and tried (and suceeded) to suspend my opinions on her during the Vietnam War while I watched the movie. I enjoyed the movie and walked away thinking that maybe - just maybe - she had changed, especially since she's a born-again Christian....maybe I misjudged her and should give her the benefit of the doubt because she was young & stupid back in the 70s.I was quite throughly mistaken.
Now she's ramping up to become part of the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ 2005. We'll have to wait and see if she does something stupid now like she did in 1972 - the action that earned her the nickname 'Hanoi Jane'.
Jane you ignorant dipstick: get your shit wired and you might want to rethink this 'cross-country bus tour'...
UPDATE: La Shawn Barber make a suggestion to Jane that I wish I had thought of:
And the odd thing is: she just may do that.Trackback Information for Jane Fonda Stumbles, Regresses 33 Years
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» Iowa Voice links with: "Hanoi Jane" On The March Again, on July 25, 2005, 04:20 PM
Excerpt: Just saw that America's most beloved anti-war activist and liberal (ahem!), Jane Fonda, has announced that she's going to go on tour to protest the War On Terror/War In Iraq: Actress and activist Jane Fonda says she intends to take a cross-country bus
Comments on Jane Fonda Stumbles, Regresses 33 Years
Yeah Mikey, Now she's just old and stupid! This leopard hasn't changed her spots a bit!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 25, 2005 04:46 PM |||| , 03:31 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
July 24, 2005
I Didn't Think...
...it was possible for someone to be sooooo out-of-touch with their actions and their results, but I was wrong.
Former President Bill Clinton on a recent visit to Rwanda:
Personal failure? Personal!?Bill, I don't think that over 100,000 people being butchered is a Personal. It's more like a GIGANTIC failure on you and your entire administration - the kind that will not be overlooked for a long, long time.
Congratulations President Ass-Hat - you must be quite proud of yourself. And with this last little bit of presidential-style ass-hattedness, I'll quote Darth Vader from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi:
Bill, congratulations - you're the Current Dipstick of the Week!
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Comments on I Didn't Think...
How is this Clinton's problem? Because it happened on his watch?
Then this must be Bush's problem:
31,000 per month. Every month. That's roughly 360,000 a year, times 5 years equals.....
Or maybe it's not a US problem at all. Who made us the hall monitors of the world? Certainly not our Constitution.
It's not our responsibility to fix the ills of the world unless they're a direct threat to our economic or security interests. The so-called "Humanitarian" relief has done NOTHING but line the pockets of the despots in power. And we've seen what happens when we give the money to the UN to "care-take" the operation.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 24, 2005 10:03 PM ||I agree with Mike S. on this one. What's Clinton supposed to say, anyway. He accepted personal responsibility, although, like Mike, I'm not sure it's our responsibility to feed the world. For a really interesting and different take on our aid to Africa, read this:
It goes along with what Mike said about lining the pockets of tyrants.
|| Posted by Cait, July 25, 2005 08:05 AM ||Wow, Cait, what a great article.
The interviewee sees that self sufficiency is the way to prosper. Not taking hand-outs. I wish the so-called leaders in our country that push welfare and other social hand-outs had the same outlook.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 25, 2005 10:13 AM ||IMO I think that while this started during Clinton's administration, he could have done something....anything.
This was during the time that I was under the nasty spell of being a Democrat and even with that in mind I couldn't believe that he was doing nothing - not even trying to get the fracking United Nations to intervene.
As with everyone that assigns blame to President Bush for anything/everything happening in the world, this same standard also applies to Clinton.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 25, 2005 03:08 PM ||The sad part is, as that article points out, all our aid seems to do is find its way into the pockets of the reigning tyrants, rather than feed the starving. I'm not a Clinton fan. I believe he should have taken the opportunities he had to snuff OBL. But, in every administration, there are going to be world events and national events that the president can be blamed for, either for sins of commission or sins of omission. Probably Clinton should have done something about the situation in Rwanda. The question is "What?" considering all the prior failures of American, UN, and world aid.
|| Posted by Cait, July 25, 2005 03:19 PM |||| , 12:03 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 22, 2005
Can't remember where I saw/heard this (maybe Dick Morris?), but the Democrats are playing the part as expected:
It's almost like watching a mouse run through a maze.Now the next stage of this will be the shrill cries of 'Extremism' that will echo through the halls of Congress followed by someone in the House of Representatives (probably Nancy Pelosi (D-Moonbat)) announcing that 'democracy is in danger of being exterminated'.
While I haven't really thought much about John Roberts being nominated to the Supreme Court, this type of knee-jerk reaction is sad - expected, predicted, and sad.
ADDENDUM: Writer Keith Thompson is thinking along the same lines as I am about this....
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Comments on One-Two-Three...One-Two-Three...
To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised at the nomination of John Roberts. He appears to be a fairly moderate conservative, rather than an ultra-right winger. I haven't read or heard a whole lot on him, and as he's never been a judge, we really don't have any case decisions to go by as to his stance. All I've heard is that he is likely to be a strict constitutionalist, which is pretty much how I see a supreme should be. I think on this one, the Dems would be wise to make a bit of a fuss just for show, and then sit down and shut up.
|| Posted by Cait, July 22, 2005 01:37 PM ||I agree w/Cait, SCOTUS judges should stick to strict interpretation of the constitution. If the Dems drag this out without good reason, they will just shoot themselves in the foot and confirm their roles as obstructionists. Though he has a short record as judge, his 40+ decisions have garnered just 3 dissenting opinions (if I recall correctly.) Not a bad record at all.
|| Posted by nathalie, July 24, 2005 03:31 AM ||Well, I hadn't realized until maybe yesterday that he had been an appellate judge. Read it somewhere. But, short case history.
|| Posted by Cait, July 24, 2005 06:54 AM |||| , 12:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 21, 2005
'Bout Time!
Somebody in New York nadded up for this:
Random my ass - check everyone's bags. And profile everyone 'till the cows come home.And of course the ACLU is about to have a litter of kittens over this 'heinous infringement of civil liberties'; maybe the head of the ACLU should be made to view the carnage from two weeks ago in London...in person before he/she start spouting off about crap like this.
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Comments on 'Bout Time!
Well, then Osama has now won. Lock, stock and barrel, so to speak.
Our constitution says nothing about a right to safety, but does say a good deal about a right to privacy and personal freedom. I guess the thinking goes, since privacy rights have already been shredded to hell by the Patriot act, road side sobriety checkpoints, etc., why not add another infringement.
Think about it: The only segment of our society that USED to be treated like this were our criminals. Now it's all of us.
We clamor for "security cameras". We plead with our government to "make us safe". It's sickening. People just don't get it. Our government CANNOT protect us from terrorist cells by tearing down our freedoms. The ONLY successful method is when we infiltrate the cells. Otherwise, if someone or some small group wants to blow your ass up, they can do it.
We're nothing but a bunch of whipped pussies.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 21, 2005 04:27 PM ||How about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Is that just bullshit? How is keeping my ass from getting blown up on the subway an infringement of my rights? How is getting a drunk driver off the road an infringement of my rights? If searching my bag and searching Mohammed's bag will keep both of us becoming fireworks, then I'll bite.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 04:32 PM ||Cait, who is stopping you from pursuing happiness, et al? Your rights, very specifically explained in our Bill of Rights - I point you to the 4th, in particular - specifically say you cannot be searched unless there is probable cause or a warrant. Terrorists and drunks - both of which existed when this document was written - are not given as exceptions to our rules.
You are the exact type of American that Osama was targeting. Sadly, it is MOST Americans. You are not worried about our country and what is stands for. You're more worried that some "boogie man" around the corner that MAY get you.
Let's take your rationale to another similar situation. In Oakland and Richmond, CA, they have terrible murder statistics. Truly horrific. Real murders happening almost daily. If the government were going to protect their citizens, they should put checkpoints on every street corner. Clearly, more people are killed in those two cities from guns and knives than from drunk drivers. It's a no-brainer, right?
If you think it would be wrong, how is it any different from Roadside sobriety, or baggage searches?
If you think it should happen, learn your daily Islamic prayers.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 21, 2005 05:35 PM ||First, what the hell is "If you think it should happen, learn your daily Islamic prayers." supposed to mean?
Next, the Constitution also did not say that we couldn't search for drunks and terrorists. It says "unreasonable" search. Maybe, just maybe, it might be reasonable to search people with baggage, in light of recent events.
And, finally, "You are not worried about our country and what is [sic] stands for." is total bullshit. It won't stand for a friggin' thing if we let terrorism destroy it. That's when Osama has succeeded. I'm damned worried about this country and the destruction of what it stands for and the fact that there are people who think like you who will let it happen in the name of political correctness. And saying I'm not concerned really pisses me off. Just because I happen not to agree with you on this particular issue doesn't mean I'm not concerned about the welfare of the nation. What an asinine thing to say.
Additionally, the statement " You're more worried that some "boogie man" around the corner that MAY get you." is completely fallacious and condescending. I'm probably less afraid and have less reason to be afraid than your ass. In fact, I'm not at all sure that statement isn't sexist. So much for your political correctness. At least I'm not worried that having cops search people's cars means the end of life as we know it. Christ on a cracker, Mike, have you not figured out that these people want to kill us all? I don't mean they mildly dislike us. They intend to destroy everything we represent. And you don't think extraordinary measures are called for? Keep dreaming. Osama loves you.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 08:58 PM ||So much bullshit, so little time.
First, what the hell is "If you think it should happen, learn your daily Islamic prayers." supposed to mean?
It's pretty straightforward: If you support changing the very basis of American ideals because "the boogie man" is out there in his various forms (drunk driver, terrorist, etc) you are letting them win. You want to cower in the corner and have The State take care of you. If you don't want our way of life, move somewhere else - maybe a place where all of your decisions are made for you, like an Islamic Theocracy. Just what Osama wants.
Next, the Constitution also did not say that we couldn't search for drunks and terrorists. It says "unreasonable" search. Maybe, just maybe, it might be reasonable to search people with baggage, in light of recent events.
Read the whole sentence from the 4th. It clearly states you cannot be searched without probable cause and/or a sworn warrant. It sets "the bar" for unreasonable at having probable cause.
And, finally, "You are not worried about our country and what is [sic] stands for." is total bullshit. It won't stand for a friggin' thing if we let terrorism destroy it.
So, you'd rather live in essentially a police state, but have near perfect safety, rather than a free state, period. Terrorism has already started destroying our country with the Patriot act. People like you are BEGGING Osama to win with your acquiescence to destroying our liberties.
and the fact that there are people who think like you who will let it happen in the name of political correctness.
I laughed so hard when I read that, Pepsi came shooting out of my nose! Man, you just don't get it, do you? In my eyes, if you are a middle eastern male between 18 and 45, and you're carrying a back pack into an airport, THAT is probable cause. You should be stopped and questioned. This random selection bullshit is a gross waste of time, and a violation of our rights.
I'm probably less afraid and have less reason to be afraid than your ass.
Your words clearly do NOT convey that. You willingly allow the police to search you without probable cause or a warrant. You seem pretty scared to me.
In fact, I'm not at all sure that statement isn't sexist.
Where the hell did you get that? I have no idea, and frankly couldn't give a rat's ass what your sex is. How is that even relevant?
Christ on a cracker, Mike, have you not figured out that these people want to kill us all? I don't mean they mildly dislike us. They intend to destroy everything we represent. And you don't think extraordinary measures are called for?
Ya know, it just dawned on me that you totally sidestepped my question about putting up checkpoints to quell murder. Do you know how many people are murdered in the US each year? Give or take 20,000. Every fucking year. Seven times the number killed on 9/11. So by September of this year, around 80,000 Americans will have been killed. Do we line the streets with cops? Do we stop every person that owns a gun or a knife because they are a potential murderer?
No, because we're fucking Americans, and we don't put up with that kind of shit. And we're not going to put up with it because some gimpy bastard hiding in a cave in the Middle East has a hard on for us.
Now buck up, grow a spine, or go move to Spain.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 21, 2005 11:25 PM ||OUR rights are not in the bill of rights. The government's PRIVILIGES are listed.
As for checking passengers: Waste of time. I can derail a train with a sledgehammer. Nothing anyone can do.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 22, 2005 12:56 AM ||In my eyes, if you are a middle eastern male between 18 and 45, and you're carrying a back pack into an airport, THAT is probable cause. You should be stopped and questioned.
Now you're talking.
And we're not going to put up with it because some gimpy bastard hiding in a cave in the Middle East has a hard on for us.
I agree here, too.
I just don't agree with you about how to protect what we have left in this country. I simply do not consider random checkpoints (to see driver's license and proof of insurance)to be without probable cause, in the general sense. Now, even though I work with police, if I'm stopped and asked by the officer if he or she can search my car, the answer will be "No", just on general principles. And I have absolutely nothing to hide. I'm just not giving permission for a search without "probable cause" or a "warrant". There are a lot of things I consider infringement of my rights, not least of which is income tax, requiring insurance, car inspections, and registration, and lots of other governmental crap. But, somehow, checkpoints and baggage searches don't fly up my nose. As to searching Mo and Ali, well and good. But we have others, like Timothy McVeigh, who don't fit the physical profile.
|| Posted by Cait, July 22, 2005 06:03 AM ||As to searching Mo and Ali, well and good. But we have others, like Timothy McVeigh, who don't fit the physical profile.
And we've ALWAYS had them, yet somehow didn't need to shred the 4th Amendment. We don't need to shred it now.
With that sentence of yours, you are advocating the search of every man, woman and child because the MIGHT be a terrorist simply by living here in the US.
Innocent until proven guilty. No search without probable cause. These are cornerstones of our society. I won't give them up out of fear.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 22, 2005 11:51 AM ||I think we've always traded some freedoms in order to gain or retain others. I think the baggage search issue is one of those tradeoffs. If I'm going to draw a line in the sand, it won't be over baggage searches or checkpoints.
|| Posted by Cait, July 22, 2005 01:42 PM ||This random selection bullshit is a gross waste of time, and a violation of our rights.
agree with you there. Random searches means there's no probable cause; you're just picking out someone to search, just for the sake of searching someone. Clearly a violation of the 4th amendment.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 23, 2005 06:06 AM ||Terrorism has already started destroying our country with the Patriot act
You must have cracked your head on that slippery slope.
Rob, the Patriot Act is the single most destructive piece of legislation ever passed by our Congress. Take the time and read it some time. No warrant searches. No notification searches. No judicial review warrants.
It's positively Orwellian, in the worst sense of the word.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 23, 2005 10:45 AM ||I wonder if a cabby union was behind this somehow...
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 24, 2005 01:05 AM ||Rob, the Patriot Act is the single most destructive piece of legislation ever passed by our Congress. Take the time and read it some time. No warrant searches. No notification searches. No judicial review warrants.
Oye Mike - do we have to have this discussion again!?!
Short & sweet: you can propose all of the possible civil violations coming out of this, but there isn't one - not ONE - case of this happening since 2002.
The fact of the matter is that this is the society we currently live in - one that is susceptible to bomb attacks and should one happen, there will be metric TONS of accusations against the state and federal governements about why did you let this happen!?! much like the crap about why didn't the Air Force shoot down some of the highjacked planes on 9/11....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 24, 2005 11:22 AM ||Oh, I see. Because there is the possibility that the Administration might take some heat over a bombing, let's just move ahead and trash our Constitution? I don't like that kind of logic.
Were do we stand if they rape the Constitution AND we get hit again? I'll tell you what happens. They come out and tell us how it is impossible to stop any small group of terrorists that are bent on blowing up a group of people. And you know what? They'd be right. It IS impossible. So why destroy our rights, and give Osama his win (making us alter our society) all in one fell swoop?
Because, as I said in my first reply, we're a bunch of whipped pussies.
If Bush were a real leader, he'd stand before our country and tell us that the odds are with the terrorists for a successful hit (hell, Rummy's done it a couple of times). We're too big, too free and too open to prevent it. But we're Americans, and we won't cower to anyone in this world. He'd tell us to be strong, proud, vigilant and unbending in our protection of our values and our heritage.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 24, 2005 10:35 PM ||Has the fact that you've written several rants about losing your rights and the Jack-Booted Smirkychimp McBusHitler Goon Squads(TM) haven't hauled you away (or anyone else) give you any indication that maybe, maybe, you're rights are still safe, even from the Constitution-Killing Patriot Act?
single most destructive piece of legislation ever passed by our Congress
Your hyperbole makes it impossible to take your argument seriously.
Since the Act passed in the Senate 98-1, you should be whining to your 2 senators, unless you live in Wisconsin (Feingold voted "nay") or Louisiana (Landreau didn't vote).
As far as your representative in the House, check http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2001/roll398.xml for how they voted. Odds are 7:1 it was "yea."
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 25, 2005 06:29 AM ||Oh Rob, I get it. When you don't have a cogent defense to an argument, you break out with the ad hom attacks, and toss in the , "We ain't got no stinkin' Nazi jack boots and black helicopters" tiraid. Hey, if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to worry about, right?
You want to allow the slow degradation of our rights in the name of safety. I don't.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. I was looking up some information on different state's laws on gun ownership and registration. I start reading about California (where I live) and I nearly puked. Did you know that if you move to California and bring a personal handgun with you, you have to register that gun within 60 days? You are considered a "gun importer". Holy Fucking Shit.
We have become so used to accepting infringements upon our liberties that we don't even think about it now, at least not for long. Patriot Act. Eminent domain. Private gun ownership. Roadside sobriety checkpoints. States rights.
Keep your head in the sand if that's where you're comfortable. I won't.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 25, 2005 07:09 AM ||You're right, Other Mikey... I have no defense against the rants of a paranoid.
The question then becomes: Are you paranoid enough?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 25, 2005 07:44 AM ||LOL, well thought out retort.
There is no element of paranoia involved. It's fact. Our rights are being eroded. People like you are OK with that. I'm not.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 25, 2005 09:59 AM ||Now he brings out the strawman:
"He doesn't believe the Patriot Act is the single most devastating piece of legislature in the entire history of mankind, which will destroy all HUMAN & CIVIL RIGHTS as we know them, so he must be in favor of taking ALL of our Constitutional rights away!"
Nice try.
I've NEVER said I was OK with the erosion of our civil rights.
Got that?
I just don't think that the Patriot Act is the Boogeyman you imagine it to be.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 25, 2005 12:48 PM ||Then again, maybe you were right in the last sentence of your very first comment.
That is, if you think a piece of legislation that has never been used and therefore has never been subjected to judicial review frightens you so much, then you are the biggest whipped pussy of all.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 25, 2005 01:25 PM ||Hey Rob, cut back on the caffine. What strawman are you talking about? You have said, very plainly, that you are OK with the Patriot Act. I have said it is a horrible piece of legislation.
If you want to be a pussy and take that from our government, that's fine. It's your choice. Just don't try and come off as some staunch defender of our rights. You're not. Not even close.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 25, 2005 03:06 PM ||I said I was OK with the Patriot Act, NOT with our rights being eroded. It is only your opinion that the two are linked, strawman.
So, you fume about the government, complain about the laws in your state making you puke, and still you sit there and TAKE IT but give me shit about it?
Wait! I live in a state, Virginia, in a county, Fairfax, where I can walk down the street with a (licensed) gun strapped to my hip and I don't need a permit to do so. If I apply for a permit, I can carry that weapon concealed.
If you wish to do so, but continue to live in a state that won't allow you to, that must mean that you are perfectly content with "taking it from the government" and are a hypocrite for saying that I do.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 25, 2005 04:09 PM ||So, you fume about the government, complain about the laws in your state making you puke, and still you sit there and TAKE IT but give me shit about it?
What makes you think I'm "taking it"? I think we've bitched enough on Mikey's site, so if you'd like some specifics of what I have done, and am doing to change things, I'll be happy to reply.
In regards to staying in California, I'm essentially stuck here for the next 5 years. After that, I will most likely be moving to Nevada, for the very reasons sited.
If you've ever seen my blog, you'll see that I've given myself a deadline of 12 more years (started out as 15, 3 years ago) to do what I can to get America at least pointed back in the right direction (obviously, my opinion of the right direction), or I'll probably leave the country.
Otherwise, it's just America in name, not in spirit. And that's not America to me.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 25, 2005 06:21 PM |||| , 03:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
More Terrorist Attacks in London
We Stand by Britain
Damn...not again:
As with the July 7th terrorist attacks, there will be more news and information coming out as the police assertain exactly what happens.I take back all the British jokes and slams that I've made in the past. This American will stand by Britain - always.
(Union Jack picture glommed from Citizen Smash)
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Comments on More Terrorist Attacks in London
I'm sick of all these terrorist bomber assholes. I hope the British get the balls to deport all the hate-preaching mullahs. I heard a mention of this on TV last night. We should consider doing the same here, before it's too late. In fact, I think we need to deport a whole shitload of people. And quit issuing visas like candy.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 12:08 PM |||| , 10:35 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
AMF Michael
First Madonna, now Michael Jackson:
I wonder what the penalties for child porn and pedophilia are in Germany. Could they be more lenient than California?Well, in any case - you can have him Germany.
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Comments on AMF Michael
Do you reckon there's anyone who really gives a shit if Madonna or MJ don't live in the US?
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 12:09 PM |||| , 10:35 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 20, 2005
Immigration Reform on the Horizon?
Now here's someone taking action about the border:
Read More of "Immigration Reform on the Horizon?"Some of the major factors of this bill:
I really hope that this passes because the situation is quite frankly getting out of hand. I don't give a rat's ass about 'business will suffer' mantra; deal with the damn border before something heinous happens! Those 'vital jobs' that are filled with illegals can and will be filled with Americans that would love the chance to stand on their own two feet and work instead of getting welfare.All done with "Immigration Reform on the Horizon?"?
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Comments on Immigration Reform on the Horizon?
I love the "guard the border, nail the employers, pay the states" items. I DO NOT like the "No one will take the job" visas. Raise the wages to American wages, and American's will take the jobs. And I swear, if someone says that will result in a $25 head of lettuce, I'll bitch slap them back to the Rio Grande!
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 20, 2005 05:19 PM ||It's about time!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 20, 2005 08:35 PM ||b-b-b-ut... this is RACIST, mikey! it's anti-IMMIGRANT! these people just want a better life, no crime here! the border agents are just like the gestapo!
/ass hat rant
|| Posted by nathalie, July 20, 2005 11:07 PM ||This is by far the most rational bill to come out of the Congress. I'm totally flabbergasted that it came from two Republicans.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 12:04 PM |||| , 12:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
RIP James Doohan
I know it's a cliche - especially now - but here it is:Rest in Peace James Doohan - you will be missed and remembered for a long time by a lot of adoring fans.
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Comments on RIP James Doohan
I've given her all I've got - or something to that effect.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, July 20, 2005 10:40 AM ||I Dunna ha'e da Powa...
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 20, 2005 10:09 PM ||Had a great interview about him last night with Mr. Sulu (??? spelling) actor on Keith Olbermann's Countdown. Doohan was a character and much beloved by other cast members.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 12:06 PM ||That would be George Takei
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 21, 2005 03:45 PM ||Yes, it was. And what a lovely person he is, too.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 04:34 PM |||| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 19, 2005
Word up yo!

Tru dat yo...Trackback Information for Word
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» Independent Sources links with: Independent Sources Needs Bling Bling: The World’s 23 Best Ebonics Headlines, on July 19, 2005, 01:12 PM
Excerpt: Attn: Senior Administration Official The editorial staff of Independent Sources thoroughly enjoyed your posting on Ebonics entitled “Ebonics? Again?”. We just wish you had taken as much pride in naming the post as you did writing it. As...
Comments on Word
So much for preparing youth to function in society.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 20, 2005 02:40 AM ||Well, shizzle mah nizzle, beatch.
|| Posted by Cait, July 21, 2005 04:35 PM |||| , 10:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
BFL in the News
Here's a story (the first I believe) about the California Bear Flag League and it's current and future impact on California politics & life:
The BFL had a conference this past weekend up in Pasadena. Sadly, I was not able to attend.It's nice to see that the BFL isn't just a collection of misfit toys here in California.
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» Local Liberty links with: Blogging The Bear Flag League Blogger's Conference:
The "Long Tail" Effect, on July 19, 2005, 10:57 AM
Excerpt: Dan Weintraub's column talks about Sunday's Bear Flag League Conference, which Ken and I attended. Weintraub emphasizes the "long tail" effect, meaning that the combined efforts of the smaller blogs of groups like the League often have a greater impact...
Comments on BFL in the News
|| , 09:28 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||July 18, 2005
Something I just received in my Inbox....
If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of about 2,000 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000.
The rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000.
That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington D.C.
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» Not Exactly Rocket Science links with: Why Gun Control Solves NOTHING, on July 18, 2005, 01:11 PM
Excerpt: Stolen from fellow MuNu and BFL'er Mad Mikey: If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of about 2,000 deaths, that gives...
» Eternity Road links with: Roach Motels, on July 19, 2005, 05:00 AM
Hearken to Mad Mikey's statistical citation for today: If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of about 2,000 deaths, that gives a firearm death ...
» The Jawa Report links with: WTW "ladies first", on July 20, 2005, 08:26 AM
Excerpt: My first nominee is Melissa Irene Tanner, 37 of Oklahoma. I nominate her for drinking and giving birth while drunk. The baby was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. At the time of birth her BAC was .29 and her...
Comments on Stats
Just nuke it from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 18, 2005 02:05 PM ||The way I figure it, that's more like 682 deaths per year per 100,000 soldiers. (Assuming the data as given is accurate.) Or are we comparing monthly rates to yearly rates?
|| Posted by Hazy Dave, July 19, 2005 12:25 PM ||Hazy Dave is right: 2000 / 160000 * 100000 * 12 / 22 = 682.
|| Posted by Mark, July 19, 2005 02:14 PM ||Yeah, roughly, it is 60/100k per MONTH in Iraq, vs the 80/100k per YEAR in DC.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 19, 2005 05:59 PM ||I still say, "nuke it from orbit."
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 20, 2005 04:43 AM |||| , 11:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (3) ||
Well Duh!
(Nicely glommed from Da Goddess)
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Comments on Well Duh!
|| , 11:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||July 16, 2005
Quartet of Terror
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Comments on Quartet of Terror
Surely these bastards of the religion of peace (pahtooee) were justified in slaying zionist infidels.
whatever... I am rapidly losing any sympathy for arabs and muslims, especially arab muslims. I say we turn the IRA lose on them. Catholic terrorists against muslim terrorist, it would be a hell of a pay-per-view special.
|| Posted by kilabe, July 16, 2005 09:29 PM ||Agreed! I like the way you think!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 17, 2005 04:40 PM ||Kilabe: ROFLMAO!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 18, 2005 10:35 AM |||| , 04:06 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Red is Postive
From Linda at Something...And Half of Something comes a quick answer to the constent whine about treatment of prisoners:
Works for me....
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Comments on Red is Postive
Why does black have to be negative?
You racist bastard.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 16, 2005 10:56 PM ||C'mon, Mikey, you're an engineer... Well, almost...
Don't you know that when you're using a battery charger on a terrorist's scrotum, polarity is irrelevant?
I mean, when you're charging a battery it's a good idea to match poles, but hooking up a charger to a (sub-)human, to really fuck with their heads, go ahead and switch pos & neg.
But remember: it's not the voltage, it's the amperage that counts.
And direct current works better for torture than alternating current: more lethal amperage at lower voltages.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 17, 2005 05:37 AM |||| , 10:25 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 15, 2005
Geek Nirvana
I have been waiting since January for this evening. Tonight is when the season premieres of:
- Stargate SG-1
- Stargate Atlantis
- Battlestar Galactica
all happen on the Sci Fi Channel.[/geek laughter]
UPDATE: It was a great three hours - even more if you caught the 'Sci Fi Friday' special before Stargate SG-1.
The inclusion of new characters in Stargate SG-1 is very appealing. Will they blossom into great characters? My opinion is that they will; it'll be awkward for a while, but they will.
I do not like what they're doing to Lt. Ford in Stargare Atlantis, but I'm hoping that the writers have a bigger purpose for this in mind in future episodes as I'm sure that this is a fragment of the story arc and that it'll come back together for something good.
Best line of the night
Bitch stole my ride!
- Lt. Thrace aka Starbuck after a wounded Cylon Boomer on Caprica flies away in the recovered Cylon Attacker craft.
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Comments on Geek Nirvana
BSG, baby!
|| Posted by Geoffrey, July 15, 2005 04:59 PM ||I got sucked into the last round of SG Atlantis, so my VCR is loaded as we speak!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 15, 2005 05:35 PM ||That was a VERY happy three hours. BSG next week should be fanTAStic.
|| Posted by Captain Sunshine, July 15, 2005 11:18 PM ||BSG was great, worth every second that I had to wait since the end of last season.
SG1 was good, not great, but good.
SG Atlantis - was good. In fact I think it was better than SG1.
|| Posted by RattRigg, July 16, 2005 08:04 AM ||Damn, I wish the Big Hair was into sci-fi.
Instead of BSG, we had to watch DVR-ed episodes of Bridezillas.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 17, 2005 07:41 AM ||Re: Ford
Earlier this year there was a rumor going around that they were reducing Ford's role from the "front list" to a recurring one. I don't remember whether this was given as a budgeting decision, or the writers didn't want the "Batman and Robin" thing as a running thread ("Gosh, Maj. Shepard, what's this?"), or the actor wanted out. With the Daedalus, its commander, and the mercenary/dreadlocked guy all being added, the budget question seems less relevant. Hopefully they'll use Ford to uncover a couple of new species and locations, before they resolve his problem.
And "resolve" should have been in quotes.
|| Posted by Captain Sunshine, July 17, 2005 07:58 AM ||Instead of BSG, we had to watch DVR-ed episodes of Bridezillas.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 18, 2005 10:38 AM |||| , 04:20 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
More Dictation?
It concerns some testimony given to a Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the topic of border security.
The man testifying was former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda and he made his point very clear: there can never be a 'secure border' without the help of Mexico and that help will only come when three 'conditions' are met:
- amnesty for all Mexicans living illegally in the U.S.
- the admission of some 5 million additional Mexican citizens to the U.S. over the next 10 years
- massive increases in U.S. aid to that country
How do you say 'kiss my ass' in Spanish?Oooh, I have a better idea: put the National Guard from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas on the border with express orders to enforce the border, i.e., shoot anyone crossing illegally.
THAT will be harsh, but very effective. And it'll send a message to Senor Castenada: We don't need your stinking bad-jeez!!
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Comments on More Dictation?
Agreed! Whole-Heartedly!
F*** Mexico, and their "Conditions"!
The politicos need to get the heck out of the way, and let the US Border Patrol do what they're paid to do!
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 15, 2005 03:32 PM ||(THAT INCLUDES YOU PRESIDENT BUSH!!!!)
Trying to appease these losers to the south of US is a big mistake. We should be dictating our demands, instead of even listening to some corrupt former minister of anything from Mexico. There is no such thing as a credible politician from Mexico! They're all dirty, and on the take to whatever self interests they may have. This is the reason they have the problems down there that they do! I have no beef with the people of Mexico, as long as they come here legally, and respect the laws of the USA!
I've got an idea--
How about a nice big security fence (a la Israel's) along the Southern border? Eh? Monitored of course by Guardsmen with live ammo.
|| Posted by jaws, July 15, 2005 03:59 PM ||How do you say 'kiss my ass' in Spanish?
A reply from my brother in CA....
"Besa mi cola."
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 15, 2005 04:20 PM ||Ay, tu madre. Tetzman, it's "besame coola" pronounced "bess' ah may cool' ah". I think a fence would work very nicely. It's time to start building it.
|| Posted by Cait, July 17, 2005 04:06 PM ||his "conditions" are just the first phases of Mexico's plans to "retake" the USA. what a loon!
to them I say ¡CHINGATE!
|| Posted by nathalie, July 18, 2005 02:11 PM ||De verdad, Nathalie.
|| Posted by Cait, July 19, 2005 02:20 PM |||| , 02:53 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
United Nations Absurdity
Here's a glimpse into the *cough* workings of the United Nations and it's panel that was created to recommend how the Internet should be run in the future and we're talking Keystone Cops type mentality:
I love that part - '...Western countries that got on the Internet first gobbled up most of the available addresses'. Here's a clue alert: the Western nations MADE the Internet; you 'developing nations' need to get your shit wired first before you start dictating policy to the nation that created the freaking Internet.Damn....that's like Lichtenstein telling the United States how to manage it's space programs. Just beyond absurd.
Read More of "United Nations Absurdity"Can you imagine the Internet being controlled/administered by the United Nations!?! To log onto your ISP, you'd have to obtain an official statement that clears you to obtain any and all information from the Internet, including child porn which wouldn't be blocked since some nations are a little.....wimpy when it comes to cracking down on that stuff.
Any sites you might visit would have to be cleared by a sub-committee that will have reviewed all content and officially sanctioned it as it would not offend any/all people(s) that would also be logged onto the Internet.
Any comments that you'd like to make on anyone's blog would have to be run past a censoring group that will edit/omit any portion of your comment that's deemed inappropriate or hateful to any of the UN member nations that have their sticky little fingers in this technological pie.
I mean really - does anyone really want the freakin United Nations to adinister the Internet!?! Cause if you do, then it would have 'Mongolian Cluster Fuck' written all over it.
Sorry once again for dropping the F-Bomb, but this proposal has all the makings of a Greek tragedy and the phrase seemed appropriate.
All done with "United Nations Absurdity"?
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Comments on United Nations Absurdity
As they say in Gitmo, "Fuck 'em and feed 'em dog shit". We invented it, we grew it, we bettered it, we keep it.
If they don't like that, they can make their own. Ass wipes.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, July 16, 2005 02:23 PM ||CERN made the internet, not "Western nations." And CERN is international, with scientists visiting and studying from around the world....including 3rd world nations. Many are Chinese.
Oh, and they released it FREE AND WITH NO ROYALTIES REQUIRED to the public in 1993. Please don't be selfish with a something that has been given to you free of charge.
|| Posted by duckens, July 17, 2005 01:00 PM ||Please don't be selfish with a something that has been given to you free of charge.
You might be right about the Internet being created by CERN (I recall hearing/reading that somewhere...), but I wouldn't think that keeping the ever-so-wonderful United Nations away from it isn't 'selfish' any more that not letting the babysitter overhaul your transmission.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 18, 2005 10:40 AM ||if I'm not mistaken, the United States created the Internet, CERN created the World Wide Web. The Internet dates back to the 1960's as a project of the Department of Defense. The WWW wasn't created until the 80's. There IS a difference between the Internet and the WWW-- they are not as interchangeable as people like to use them, and the WWW couldn't exactly exist without the Internet to run on.
Regardless of who created it, it's been United States businesess and entrepeneurs (Yahoo!, Netscape, etc.) that have made it the widely used/usable vehicle that it is. Realistically speaking, the United States is the most likely to keep it going in its current/intended form. the URL problem has been around for years, and it doesn't just affect third world countries, as much as they'd like to make it all about them.
|| Posted by nathalie, July 18, 2005 02:58 PM |||| , 11:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 14, 2005
Dipstick of the Week II
By way of Citizen Smash comes the next finalist for 'Dipstick of the Week':
I'm thinking that a couple of people there have stopped taking their court-ordered medications.....Trackback Information for Dipstick of the Week II
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Comments on Dipstick of the Week II
I didn't realize you could impeach the sec-def.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 14, 2005 05:46 PM ||I didn't realize anyone gave a rats-ass what the San Diego Democratic Central Committee said or did.
|| Posted by Rob @ L&R, July 15, 2005 01:34 PM ||Typically we don't, but it's morons like them that make people shake their heads when you tell them you're from California....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 15, 2005 02:04 PM |||| , 04:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
The Horror
Will anti-war protesters start wearing bras to 'simulate' this torture like they do with Abu Grahib prisoners knealing with hoods on? I'm sure it'll be a first for some of those female protesters....
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|| , 10:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||July 13, 2005
Dane Takes a Stand
By way of Michelle Malking comes a great story of a Danish pizzeria owner who actively told French and German tourists that they were not welcome in his resturant.
For his stand on the War on Terror and his contempt for France and Germany, he was fined and now jailed for his opinion:
Bravo Mr. Bjerre!!Aage is now starting up an Internet-based business here; stop by and check it out.
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Comments on Dane Takes a Stand
I find his behavior reprehensible. whether he agrees with a country's policy, it IS discrimination to refuse service to that country's citizens. Would we be cheering if service was refused to Jews by those who wish to see an independent Palestinaian state? How about refusal to serve Americans in anti-war countries.
|| Posted by ruthie, July 13, 2005 01:51 PM ||I find it interesting, and pretty disgusting that anyone would applaud this man's behavior. it is hateful and ignorant.
Ruthie, you have to remember that at least here in the United States practically ALL resturants have a sign hanging somewhere that states: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
I don't know if there is such a sign in Denmark, but you have to remember that it is his resturant and he decides what customers to serve.
Just because a resturant is open to the public doesn't mean that the resturant is obligated to serve the public.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2005 09:34 AM ||"...but you have to remember that it is his resturant and he decides what customers to serve."...Not a very good argument! As ruthie points out...What if he decided to refuse to serve black people...would your argument still hold?...I think not.
And no. There's no such signs in Denmark...there is "No shirt, no shoes...no service" signs in some resteaurants though
|| Posted by Madsen, July 17, 2005 06:59 AM |||| , 10:07 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Karl Rove - Blabbermouth?
- The investigation is still chugging along, and
- I nor anyone else for all practical purposes aren't in possession of all of the facts.
But I will tell you something that occured to me this morning while watching the news: if it was indeed Karl Rove that 'outted' Valerie Plame, wouldn't those that are in the 'know' want to immediately narc him out? While I don't know about the Time magazine reporter, surely Judith Miller of The New York Times would prefer to bring shame upon the Bush administration and avoid jail, right?Like I said - it's just an observation that I made this morning. And in my opinion, Rove isn't some third- or fourth-rate White House slacker - he's quite the player in the political arena and as such, isn't going to do something as stupid as confide in the freaking media about such a sensitive item.
Opinion not valid in some states. See website for complete rules. Offer void where prohibited.
UPDATE: As I said before, the investigation is still on-going, but here is something to ponder since all of this information is in the public record.
YES I realize it is from the GOP, but the quotes are legitimate.
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Comments on Karl Rove - Blabbermouth?
Have you forgotten exactly who Karl Rove is? He is definately not the political genius or beltway insider you see him as. Karl Rove is and always will be a small time political thug, just ask anyone that has run a campaign against him including fellow Republicans. Rove has a long history of dirty tricks and misusing the press. Didn't Bush 41 fire him for smearing a political rival by leaking info to Bob Novak? Nope Karl is just another mean spirited, ruthless, unethical, characterless, slimy worm of a man whose fifteen minutes of fame is finally over. While I do understand that by the letter of the law Karl didn't commit a crime the real crime is that he exists at all. By dragging politics down to his level he does a diservice to all Americans regardless of political philosophy.
|| Posted by rudgrl, July 13, 2005 10:40 AM ||Andrea, it's called a paragraph break and it's the literary equivalent of a pause for breath.
and we've heard all this before; Bush is Hitler, Cheney is Göring and Rove is Goebbels (or is it the other way around? We've been subjected to this bullshit for so long, I don't even think the lefties know anymore, just as long as they can get that Nazi comparison in, their point is made).
Have anything not based on your sick, twisted hatred of this administration?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 13, 2005 02:00 PM ||The idea that a NYT reporter would sooner face jail than reveal that Karl Rove was her source is... curious, to say the least.
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, July 13, 2005 11:27 PM ||You got that right Pixy.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2005 09:36 AM ||my feelings of Rove aside (I really don't like him), it IS curious that Cooper is talking about Rove as his source, yet Miller is still tight-lipped. her source is different, it has to be. If he's waived his anonymity, why would she go to jail for this? something just ain't right.
|| Posted by nathalie, July 15, 2005 09:36 AM ||It could be that Miller is sticking to her guns for the principle of the thing. I am troubled by that "outing" of Plume, and the charges of treason, but as a Constitutional (and Bill of Rights) Fundamentalist, I must support her right to keep her sources confidential.
One other consideration is: IF her source is KR, would you want Karl Rove on YOUR bad side??? I'd keep my lips locked, too!
|| Posted by ducjkens, July 17, 2005 01:15 PM ||Why do you suppose Karl Rove's mother commited suicide? Because she couldn't live knowing she had created the "evil genius"? Or did little Karl get so sick from living with a suicidal mother? Or was his real father's rejection of them both the real cause? Any thoughts?
|| Posted by Band Dee, August 2, 2005 05:06 PM |||| , 09:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 09, 2005
NYTimes Desecrated
You know that a story/continued myth is about as interesting as watching paint dry when it is highlighted by ScrappleFace:
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» From the Halls to the Shores links with: Tagged In, on July 10, 2005, 12:30 PM
Excerpt: What ten events would you care to witness if you could travel in time and observe them? Rules: First my version of the Prime directive you can only observe you cannot change anything no changing of the time line... Mad Mikey is usually up for ...
Comments on NYTimes Desecrated
Damn, mikey, wat you do? KILL everyone?
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 12, 2005 09:14 PM |||| , 10:34 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
July 08, 2005
V-22 Osprey Testing
By way of John Little at Blogs of War comes a peek inside the V-22 Osprey
Good stuff. Makes me wish I worked down at Pax River.Trackback Information for V-22 Osprey Testing
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|| , 02:23 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Dukes of Hazzard
Now, I've grown up in the South and I personally do not equate racism with the Johnny Reb flag. I've always looked upon it as a sign of southern pride - not for starting the freakin Civil War - but for being part of a sub-culture that's recognized all over the world. A sub-culture that prides itself on its cooking, its weather, its beautiful countryside (no pun intended), and its hospitality.
Read More of "Dukes of Hazzard"And for anyone that's gonna raise the premise of the Klan, or of Poll Taxes, or of Segregation and how it's all manifested in piece of cloth: jam it.
I grew up in a South that didn't equate blacks below whites. I grew up with one of the first bra-burning feminists in the late 60s/early 70s, so I can confidently say that while I might not exhibit some of the more liberal traits here, I have been educated in them enough to know that they're not all they're cracked up to be - but I digress.
Consider this if you're still steamed about my opinion: many people say that burning the American flag is symbolic - that's it's just a piece of cloth. Think of the Confederate Flag like that and it won't hurt you. Not one-little-bit.
[/amateur historian]
Let us not forget the past unless you're gunning to repeat it.
And here's hoping that I don't get a ton of nasty comments for expressing an opinion....
All done with "Dukes of Hazzard"?
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Comments on Dukes of Hazzard
Great prose....
for a racist
|| Posted by scroff, July 10, 2005 09:09 AM ||God damned white people. Will they never learn?
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 11, 2005 01:55 PM ||the dukes of hazzard movie is completely insensitive and inappropriate
racist emblems blaze across the movie set as if it were nothing
|| Posted by fyi, August 4, 2005 02:07 PM ||Mikey:
My family is from the South, Alabama and Louisiana and I am proud of that. The rebel flag does not represent southern pride. It represents a group of people that fought to preserve a way of life based racism and hatred and an economic model that was not only cruel and hurtful to African Americans but the majority of whites as well, who would have benefited economically from the abolition of slavery.
Southern pride is hospitality, good BBQ,country music, blues and Louis Armstrong.
I liken it to Germans saying the Swastika is German Pride. No, it's symbol of hatred.
|| Posted by Nate Calloway, August 4, 2005 05:12 PM ||Well Nate - yours is ONE opinion. And you're one of those nimrods that will burn every history book just to ensure that it's never read.
Keep up the good work....
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Tea for Two?
By way of Drudge:
IF this is true, what was going to be a spirited battle of ideologies has now become a protracted campaign for the future of the Court.
And I'm not gonna touch this until a/the candidiate(s) are announced.
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Comments on Tea for Two?
I heard about this, too. Makes for some very interesting times we live in...
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|| , 01:29 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Cleaning House
Okay, it's been almost a year since I emigrated to the MuNuvian Universe (thanks once again Ms. Stevie!!) and I think it's time to clean up my blogroll.
Several of the links lead to basically abandoned blogs/sites, i.e., no posts in several months.
Does anyone have a suggestion for blogs they really dig? And remember that I do have a California Bear League blogroll further down so anyone in the BFL is covered.
UPDATE: Putting this back on top so that it isn't lost.
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Comments on Cleaning House
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Let's review, shall we:
Read More of "Action/Reaction"(Insidious profile test and Ann Coulter comment glommed from Right Thinking From the Left Coast)
I hate to say this, but like the cliche: if it walks like a duck, sounds like a fuck, and swims like a duck - then it's a duck. Or if you're the type to lean left-of-center: it's a heinous profiling of an aquatic bird that is simply existing and this is yet another example of the un-American tactics the Bushitler administration will use to oppress those that voice dissent....
And unless you're an idiot, those 19 scumbags that killed 3,000 people a few years ago...? They didn't look anything like the Von Trapp kids from 'Sound of Music'. They looked like.....um, what's the phrase.....I remember now: Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.
I'm not the type to go walking around looking for an Arab to beat the crap out of him/her, but I'm sure the shrill screams of 'racism' will be drowned out by the thundering silence coming from the Arabs & Muslims in the UK. Or is racism only an American trait...?
The British will have to contend with any possible backlash as best they can - given their laws and their societal 'norms'. But just remember this kids: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Okay, maybe the reaction might be larger....your milage may vary.
All done with "Action/Reaction"?
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Comments on Action/Reaction
The London bombings are a backlash against US and British involvement in colonial and neo-imperialist policies in the Middle East for many, many years.
The US and Britain must learn that if you enslave and kill people they have a tendency to strike back. Simple lesson. Simple reality.
Only ignorant fools and morons fail to understand such simple truths.
|| Posted by Alan, July 8, 2005 12:45 PM ||Geez - he's back!
Okay, here's the deal: you act civil and I will not ban you or delete your comments.
You step out of line IN MY OPINION and it's Delete City - population: YOU.
Are we clear?
(And while you're at it, click on all those Google Ads on the left-hand side)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 8, 2005 01:12 PM ||Hey, al...long time no see. i tend to agree with you. I don't think it is a hard concept to grasp.
|| Posted by ruthie, July 8, 2005 02:18 PM ||Alan is Al? long time...
if Al's explanation is so simple, how do you explain my parents getting their asses kicked out of their home country (a country where my family resided since the Spanish Inquisition) by Muslims? Must've been the crazy ass British and U.S. enslavery and killings going on at the time. Or maybe they just had really bad B.O. That's just one of many examples of Islamist extremism throughout history, all over the world. (Surely the Taliban blew up ancient Buddhist shrines because of those mean Buddhists' occupation and rampant murders.) Americans and British are not the only recipients of their brand of love. Sorry, dude, YOU are the one with the lack of understanding here.
Hi Ruthie! :-)
|| Posted by nathalie, July 9, 2005 12:11 PM ||Did you ever hear of the Crusades? You know, where the Pope waged a bloody war against the Arabs in order to loot and pillage to bail himself out of financial difficulties.
|| Posted by Alan, July 9, 2005 02:48 PM ||yes, Alan, I've heard of the Crusades. you're talking to a first generation American Jew of Middle Eastern descent. my ancestors and immediate family have been on the receiving end of Christian and Muslim crusaders. so what exactly is your point? using your apparent logic, should I be more like Muslims and strike back against those that have enslaved and killed (/continue to kill) my family and friends? or shall I continue on and strive to better society as my predecessors have? go ahead, tell me how simple it is...
|| Posted by nathalie, July 10, 2005 01:02 AM ||Hi Nat...
|| Posted by ruthie, July 10, 2005 11:42 AM ||Good to see you. :)
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July 07, 2005
Animals - Just Fucking Animals
God Damn:
Barbaric is right.Fucking animals.
Pardon my breach of decorum by dropping the F-bomb, but it was the first thing out of my mouth this morning when I saw it reported on television. And it seems to be the appropriate word to describe such a low, cowardly act.
And the thing that boggles me is that while these fucking animals perpetrate this level of warfare, we (the United States) get hassled 24/7 for touching a freakin Koran? WTF....
I know it's early and it'll be days or even weeks before a clearer picture is available, but I'm betting that there will be a serious backlash against Muslims in the United Kingdom - there is already 'warnings' out which will be followed by the shrill outcry from fringe Muslim groups and segments of the Barking Moonbat Brigade about 'tolerance' and 'not jumping to conclusions' - that type of warm, fuzzy feel-good crap.
And the most ominous thing to come will be the thundering silence from most Muslim/Arab groups. The kind of silence that speaks volumes...
I don't envy the people of London or of the United Kingdom for in the weeks and months to come, they too will have to recover and bring life back to their society after these attacks. And they'll have to do it while keeping a smile on their faces as some will mock them.
UPDATE: Speaking of mocking people and of making no sense in the middle of a crisis:
Damn.The freakin dust hasn't even settled and this clown is already spewing about Iraq.
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Comments on Animals - Just Fucking Animals
I'm with ya, Mikey...
Got the Union Jack flying over L&R today, replacing my usual movie/tv quote.
Not feeling very humourous right now, but I realise I do feel like favouring the British way of spelling.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 7, 2005 11:04 AM ||I'm taking my ques from you, Mikey. I'm gonna fly the Union Jack on my frontpage for a while. Long live the Queen.
|| Posted by Davey, July 7, 2005 12:38 PM ||Al Jazeera IMMEDIATELY blamed al queda.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 7, 2005 03:11 PM ||my thoughts and prayers are with the British today. Galloway is not worth my energy.
I find it really pathetic that the media put Islamic nations' condemnation of this attack on the same page as those coming from democracies. Am I supposed to take THIS seriously: "The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, responsible for many suicide attacks on Israelis, condemned the London bombings.
'Targeting civilians in their transport means and lives is denounced and rejected,' Moussa Abu Marzouk, deputy chief of the group's political bureau told Reuters in Damascus by telephone." Just unbelievable that Hamas, the inventors of bus bombings, are actually given credibility here. This is just one from a list that includes Syria and Saudi Arabia, with Israel tucked neatly amongst the Islamist theocracies.
I'm so pissed beyond pissed about this, and the fact that it's only a matter of time before this shit is twisted around and the perpetrators are made into the victims by otherwise rational people. It's this way of thinking that will make is so much harder to beat this enemy down.
|| Posted by nathalie, July 7, 2005 03:11 PM ||My heart goes out to Britain. They are in our prayers.
|| Posted by Jay, July 7, 2005 05:39 PM ||I'm so pissed beyond pissed about this, and the fact that it's only a matter of time before this shit is twisted around and the perpetrators are made into the victims by otherwise rational people. It's this way of thinking that will make is so much harder to beat this enemy down
Will they twist it around? yes. Will it make our jobs harder? No. We will keep killing them. It only strengthens our resolve.
I have a post about it over at my site if you want to drop by to say hello. I don't want to paste the whole thing here.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 7, 2005 07:01 PM ||What do you expect?
The West has been messing around in the Middle East for years. Britain used poison gas on Iraqis in the 20s when they were fighting to throw off the yoke of British imperialism. Churchill even stated publically in Parliament that he had no problem with gassing "niggers", as he called the Iraqis.
Talk about animals! You reap what you sow.
The US and Britain are the real animals.
|| Posted by Alan, July 8, 2005 12:41 PM ||If you would like to use the way back machine, the muslim hordes invaded europe multiple times between 500-1400 A.D.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 8, 2005 05:28 PM ||We are dealing with the present. We are messing around in their backyard. As a result, we have stirred up anger. We should stop doing this.
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July 06, 2005
Davey is laying it down:
Davey, I don't blame you - not ONE-LITTLE-BIT.I too have been toying with the idea of changing my party affiliation or just abandoning all parties in general.
Just as I 'unregistered' as a Democrat a few years back, I can do it again with the GOP.
I'm tired of the GOP following through with the same crap - time and again. In My Opinion, they're just a slightly different version of the DNC and they aren't worth the powder to blow them to Hell.
I'm with you Davey - sooner or later I'll be changing my affiliation(s).
Do you hear what's happening President Bush? Keep up this crap and the GOP is sure to loose seats in Congress in 2006 and that prime chunk of real estate at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2008.
Davey and I are but two individuals that are just fed up with this situation. Now: multiply that by about several hundred THOUSAND people and you're got a situation on your hands.
Final Word to the GOP: Get your shit wired!
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Comments on Bailing
For the reasons you're contemplating leaving the GOP, I'm contemplating joining it -- to get more influence over it, by virtue of being able to vote in its primaries. Granted, that's not a lot more influence, but if enough disaffected and disaffiliated sorts were to exercise it, something good might come of it.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, July 6, 2005 02:23 PM ||Still waiting for that politician that works for the people as opposed to working for a party.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 6, 2005 05:11 PM ||DNC RNC, when it comes down to the average joe, the NC means No Clue...
I only registered as a Democrat so I could vote in the 2004 primaries. Otherwise I vote the person not the party.
Of course, I still lean heavily to the "left", so I guess I'll continue to bash the Republicans and the "religious right" or christian conservatives or whatever you want to call them mercilessly over at AWW... ;)
|| Posted by scroff, July 6, 2005 09:20 PM ||For the same reason as Porretto, I'm thinking of joining the R's as my first registered political party in my 15 years as a voting age adult.
There are more small L libertarians in this country than there are members of the hardcore 'religious right'. If just 2/3 of the libertarians signed up and got to vote within the party, the Republican Party might actually start standing for actual fiscal responsibility, among other things, withing 10 years or so.
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|| , 02:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Lying doesn't pay:
Sorry, I have no pity for Lil Kim. She lied and she got caught in that lie. Now she's going to jail for a year.I'm guessing she'll treat this as 'research' and bust out some Gangsta material when she's released.
As one of the girls in my daughter's Girl Scout troop would say: Busticated!!
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|| , 01:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Stockdale Passes
Rest in Peace Admiral.
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Comments on Stockdale Passes
Man, "Gridlock!" was the word of the season at my college in '92. Everybody was growling it like Stockdale did at the debate.
I thought he was a total goofball in the debate, but I caught him a few months later testifying to a Congressional subcomittee on the POW/MIA question in Viet Nam. He was much calmer, far more articulate, and really had his act together. I realized then that he was just out of his element in the political pool. What I've learned of him since reinforces that second impression far more than the first.
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July 05, 2005
Victory Vigil - July 2
There were quite a few new faces there that day and of course the regulars.
The one difference between this op and our other ones is that we weren't directly countering any anti-war protesters. This time around, we were just thanking the troops and handing out small flags and 'Support the Troops' braclets. No silencing dissenting voices here.
We were downtown and situated at 10th and 'C' Streets - prime real estate for catching people as they went to PetCo Park to watch the Padres.
I honestly cannot tell you the intense satisfaction that I get from seeing people give us a 'thumbs up' or pumping their fists in the air while leaning hard on their horns - especially from the service members we saw. It is always worth the time and effort to see those faces smiling back at us.
If you have the opportunity, join your local Protest Warrior chapter and partcipate. Yeah, you'll get some barking moonbats that feel as though your stomping their puppy to death what with giving a differing opinion, but you'll get a lot more smiles, 'thumbs up's, and 'thank yous' than anything else.
(Photo glommed from Joanie)
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» The Indepundit links with: Chickenhawks?, on July 06, 2005, 11:42 AM
Excerpt: DUNCAN BLACK says Nathan Taylor should "sign up or shut up." I’ve never met Nathan Taylor. I’m guessing that Duncan hasn’t, either. Yet Duncan seems to be arguing that Nathan can’t support the war unless he is prepared to fight...
» The Indepundit links with: Chickenhawks?, on July 06, 2005, 11:57 AM
Excerpt: DUNCAN BLACK says Nathan Taylor should "sign up or shut up." I’ve never met Nathan Taylor. I’m guessing that Duncan hasn’t, either. Yet Duncan seems to be arguing that Nathan can’t support the war unless he is prepared to fight...
Comments on Victory Vigil - July 2
I can't wait until I'm actually able to come join you guys!
|| Posted by caltechgirl, July 5, 2005 03:32 PM ||Excellent. I will have to to see if there is a chapter near us. I feel compelled to clap when I see someone in uniform. This year at our fireworks there were people dressed up as Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty. I had no idea what to expect from them so I went to collect a flyer. They told me that my new baby really needed me to fill out the form and send it back, so that Arlen Specter (I did not vote for him) could help get rid of the Patriot Act which violates our Bill of Rights. *heavy sigh* I promised to read it, smiled and left. I handed it to my teenager to read and asked him what he thought. He just gave me a thumbs down. Perhaps I can send you a copy. :-)
|| Posted by Kelli, July 5, 2005 07:03 PM ||...could help get rid of the Patriot Act which violates our Bill of Rights.
I encountered someone similar at school this past spring. This guy was getting people to sign his petition to [somehow] get the Patriot Act repealed.
He point-blank asked me if I opposed the Patriot Act; I simply said 'No' and this guy went off like a Roman Candle.
As I turned and walked away, this clown was still ranting and calling me a 'Facist'.
You know you're hitting home when they call you a facist....;)
Kelli: do you still have that flyer? Or is it lining a bird cage somewhere....?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 6, 2005 11:40 AM ||Keep all the portions of the patriot act that deal with inter-agency policies.
REVOKE all portions that deal with government interaction with (key word here) CITIZENS. REQUIRE court warrants for any type of intrusion into the lives of citizens. ALIENS, residents, and illegals get less protections
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 6, 2005 08:16 PM ||Hey Mad Mikey...
It was a pleasure to meet you and an honor to stand along side you at the Vigil. What a great time we had! Keep the faith and keep the flag standing proud.
|| Posted by Gracie, July 6, 2005 08:50 PM ||Looks like a good event. Glad you had good weather and good results (and glad no puppies were harmed as a result of it)
You, know, Mad One, I know I'm an arrogant bastard, but I can't help thinking you're holding the USMC sign for a reason...
|| Posted by scroff, July 6, 2005 09:10 PM ||No hidden message there - it just happened to the the one that someone jammed into my hands at that moment; previously I had been toting a sign that said 'God Bless America'.
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July 04, 2005
Independence Day 2005
This new nation was an experiment in democracy, born from the ashes of a group of former colonies of the greatest empire in the 18th century. Fifty-six men signed their names to a radical document created in the summer of 1776. These men signed their names knowing that should their new nation fail to survive the revolt from the British crown, that they'd hang.
Two-hundred and twenty-nine years later that experiment in democracy is still thriving stongly.
Happy Independence Day to America and to it's citizens.
Here's hoping that everyone has a fun and safe Independence Day and that you're enjoying it with family, friends, and patriots. And if you've got some non-American friends, show them the meaning of America and how we celebrate the birthday of the Greatest Nation on the Planet....
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Comments on Independence Day 2005
Amen to that! And if my patriotism pisses off a few illegal aliens in the process it's an added bonus.
|| Posted by Director, July 4, 2005 07:28 AM ||what is so amazing to me is the total inability for other nations (or nation groups) to draft and implement the kind of constitution our forefathers did. our constitution is the model, yet no other nation can seem to emulate it. what they did over 200 years ago was "the impossible", but they pulled it off.
Happy Independence Day!!
|| Posted by nathalie, July 5, 2005 10:16 AM ||Because few nations believe in limiting the government.
|| Posted by Yogimus, July 5, 2005 03:33 PM ||Imho it was because the draftees were ordinary people first and not politicians like in so many latter cases. They were not out to butter their own bread...
|| Posted by RobC, July 5, 2005 11:53 PM |||| , 08:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 01, 2005
Support the Troops
Take a few moments to send a Trooper, Marine, Sailor, or Airman an e-mail today: America Supports You.
I did this morning and I'm hoping to hear back from whomever received my message.
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|| , 11:33 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Calendar
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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