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Bush Won't Comment on Rove During ProbeI've held off commenting about this for two reasons:
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush said Wednesday that he will withhold judgment about top aide Karl Rove's involvement in leaking the identity of a CIA agent until a federal criminal investigation into the matter is complete.
"This is a serious investigation," Bush said at the end of a meeting with his Cabinet, with Rove sitting just behind him. "I will be more than happy to comment on this matter once this investigation is complete.
"I also will not prejudge the investigation based on media reports," he said, when asked whether Rove acted improperly in discussing CIA officer Valerie Plame with a reporter.
Rove talked about Plame - without using her name - in a July 11, 2003, conversation with Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper. Cooper wrote an article that identified her.
Like I said - it's just an observation that I made this morning. And in my opinion, Rove isn't some third- or fourth-rate White House slacker - he's quite the player in the political arena and as such, isn't going to do something as stupid as confide in the freaking media about such a sensitive item.
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UPDATE: As I said before, the investigation is still on-going, but here is something to ponder since all of this information is in the public record.
YES I realize it is from the GOP, but the quotes are legitimate.
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Comments on Karl Rove - Blabbermouth?
Have you forgotten exactly who Karl Rove is? He is definately not the political genius or beltway insider you see him as. Karl Rove is and always will be a small time political thug, just ask anyone that has run a campaign against him including fellow Republicans. Rove has a long history of dirty tricks and misusing the press. Didn't Bush 41 fire him for smearing a political rival by leaking info to Bob Novak? Nope Karl is just another mean spirited, ruthless, unethical, characterless, slimy worm of a man whose fifteen minutes of fame is finally over. While I do understand that by the letter of the law Karl didn't commit a crime the real crime is that he exists at all. By dragging politics down to his level he does a diservice to all Americans regardless of political philosophy.
|| Posted by rudgrl, July 13, 2005 10:40 AM ||Andrea, it's called a paragraph break and it's the literary equivalent of a pause for breath.
and we've heard all this before; Bush is Hitler, Cheney is Göring and Rove is Goebbels (or is it the other way around? We've been subjected to this bullshit for so long, I don't even think the lefties know anymore, just as long as they can get that Nazi comparison in, their point is made).
Have anything not based on your sick, twisted hatred of this administration?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, July 13, 2005 02:00 PM ||The idea that a NYT reporter would sooner face jail than reveal that Karl Rove was her source is... curious, to say the least.
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, July 13, 2005 11:27 PM ||You got that right Pixy.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 14, 2005 09:36 AM ||my feelings of Rove aside (I really don't like him), it IS curious that Cooper is talking about Rove as his source, yet Miller is still tight-lipped. her source is different, it has to be. If he's waived his anonymity, why would she go to jail for this? something just ain't right.
|| Posted by nathalie, July 15, 2005 09:36 AM ||It could be that Miller is sticking to her guns for the principle of the thing. I am troubled by that "outing" of Plume, and the charges of treason, but as a Constitutional (and Bill of Rights) Fundamentalist, I must support her right to keep her sources confidential.
One other consideration is: IF her source is KR, would you want Karl Rove on YOUR bad side??? I'd keep my lips locked, too!
|| Posted by ducjkens, July 17, 2005 01:15 PM ||Why do you suppose Karl Rove's mother commited suicide? Because she couldn't live knowing she had created the "evil genius"? Or did little Karl get so sick from living with a suicidal mother? Or was his real father's rejection of them both the real cause? Any thoughts?
|| Posted by Band Dee, August 2, 2005 05:06 PM ||