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UPN and Paramount Network Television have jointly announced that this will be the final season of STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE on UPN. The series finale will air on Friday, May 13, 2005.
Never thought I'd see a Star Trek series cancelled.
I understand the need to have a show make money for the corporation that bankrolls it, but was just starting to get interesting too.
It's a terrible thing. That show rocks in so many ways. Perhaps if enough of the fan base speak their disapproval loudly enough, we'll get our extension?
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Had a quiz in my Active Circuit Design class - right after dialysis - which makes it that much more fun.
Nothing smacks of irony more than paying $30 a pop to be made to feel crappy...well, at least they bill me instead of having me fork over the cash from the dialysis chair....I digress.
Anyway....I think I did decently on it, but considering the vast amount of puzzled looks on the rest of the students in the lecture hall I take a little comfort in knowing that the bell curve for this quiz was nuked....twice.
I asked one guy coming out of the lecture hall as I was if he 'kicked ass or got his ass kicked'. He replied: I got raped.
Yup - the bell curve was nuked and then sprayed with machine-gun fire afterwards for good measure.....
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We will set aside the fact that you believe in communism. Let's just address the bulk of you in sweeping generalizations, since that seems to be the only way in which you see those of us who believe in Democracy. Fair is fair, right?
You came here asking how the people of Iraq could possibly be free and you wanted examples. As I expected, all you offered as your proof that they are not was an opinion piece written by someone from the Anti-War and International Action Center. A very biased source if ever I saw one.
Again, I'm tired of the bullshit.
Since September 11, 2001, you and the many groups with whom you associate have contended that George Bush and the Republican party were behind the attacks on American citizens on American soil. It was either that or the evil empire that capitalism built that brought the attention of the terrorists unto us.
I've listened as you and many other protesters insist that people around the world hate us because we are a nation built on dreams of a better life, of Liberty, of determining our own fate as long as we act within the guidelines that we call laws.
Time after time, I have listened as protesters claimed that everything this country stands for is wrong. I've listened and read how our ideals are flawed. I've driven past people holding upside down American flags painted with swastikas and signs claiming that we are little more than murderers.
I'm tired of the bullshit.
You and the other protesters claim to be interested in the basic needs of people around the world. Yet, I have seen you do little more than stand around yelling angry slogans. I have seen no one reaching out a helping hand.
Over a year ago, I became involved with an organization called Spirit of America. It's a non-partisan group of individuals interested in helping those in need. Specifically the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. People who have lived in fear, under brutal regimes, terrified to utter a single word of dissent against those who led their countries into poverty and despair. Through Spirit of America, I was able to help those people. We sent school and medical supplies. We raised money to help them build water treatment facilities, homes, education centers, hospitals, businesses, and the basic infrastructures for their cities so that they might live in places where they could access whatever they required to lead better lives.
Where were you? Where were the people who dress up in costumes and burn flags? Where were the hands that could have helped lift up the oppressed and guide them safely to their destinies - whatever they may be? Where?
I'll tell you where you were.
You were standing on the streets here in the good ol' United States of America. Safe from firing squads that the people in Afghanistan and Iraq would have had to face should they attempt the same.
You'll still be standing there next week, next month, next year. Because you refuse to accept reality.
And meanwhile, my friends and I were working to send REAL PEOPLE REAL MATERIALS to improve their existence. We came together to do good and to bring hope.
I also became involved with Protest Warrior as a means of providing a voice to all of my fellow countrymen and women who felt that they dare not speak out because they didn't want to face your taunts or threats. I wasn't afraid to speak out and I'm not afraid to speak out now. In America, all voices have the right engage in free speech. You and your friends claim that we are attempting to deny you your right to speak, but that's so very far from true. We're simply taking the opportunity to offer another perspective because, frankly, we've spent the last three years listening to the same stale complaints from protesters.
I am so very tired of the bullshit, Carl.
As I read through the opinion piece that you posted in my comments, I wasn't surprised by anything contained therein. I've heard it before and I know I'll hear it again. You have offered nothing new. I hear from you, verbatim, whatever it is that International A.N.S.W.E.R. or the International Action Center has deemed to be their official statement. You follow their script to the letter. You blindly mouth whatever they tell you, selfishly focused on your own agenda, doing nothing to actually help anyone. Heaven forbid you should see an ounce of good in anything.
From you and the other protesters, we get nothing but complaints and negativity. I have seen no effort on your part to do anything more than stand angrily and sneer at those who have actively sought to bring about change in the world.
Freedom was made possible in Afghanistan and Iraq by those willing to think beyond themselves. We may not be perfect in our attempts, but at least we're doing something. From the men and women in our military who give their time and their lives, to those of us who work here, on the home front, we're DOING - actively, physically, doing - something to ensure that others might know the sweet taste of hope and Liberty. We don't merely give lip service to our beliefs, we act on them.
Instead of sowing the seeds of discontent, we sow the seeds of freedom. We're willing to work to improve the lives of others. And where are you? Still on the corner with your mean-spirited signs and your angry faces. We seek to unite, you seek to bring division.
Sorry, but I'd much rather look at the smiling, happy, and hopeful faces of those who are waking up to freedom.
None of these groups you rally with want to see anything positive coming from the Middle East. No matter what happens, you will pick at the fiber of the happiness of the Afghanis and Iraqis, because it doesn't fit your agenda.
We who believe in Democracy are not so noble that we don't see the loss and the anguish that comes before the joy. We just happen to accept that change often comes from deep sorrow. We know that the innocent lives of those murdered by tyrants and despots can never be brought back to life by the casting of ballots. We know that the blood of our fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters sent to foreign lands is red and real. And yet, they were willing to go. So we accepted their decisions. We chose to accept their selfless sacrifices were worth the dream of eventual peace and Liberty. To claim anything less is to dishonor their spirits and to deny their families the legacy of true heroes.
Call me brainwashed and mindless. You've done it before. But you know what? At least I don't speak the same words that everyone else I know is speaking. I don't walk around with a scowl fixed to my face 24/7. I can smile, knowing that my actions have brought joy and hope to the lives of many. I can hold my head high, knowing that Iraq (and Afghanistan) is rising, like a phoenix, from the ashes of tyranny to the golden promise of Liberty.
I look forward to the day when you can think beyond yourself and your agenda, Carl. I just won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen.
And she has a point: practically all you hear from the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ is negativity. And I know this might sound cliché but there are two ways (basically) that you can perceive events in life: postively or negatively.
When I first started dating my soon-to-be wife, she would note frequently how I was a pessimist - always finding and noting the crappy things in life. She urged me to start thinking positively, if not for my own mental health then to spare her the same crappy attitude. And I started changing my thinking.
Now I tend to try to find the positive aspects of stuff happening; I think it really changed after 9/11 when there was that period of about a month afterwards when it seemed that with the exception of those dancing Palestinians that most people were 'depressed' about what had happened (and with good reason too).
At least, that's the way it was for me - I felt guilty when I popped a Poison tape into my truck's radio and blasted it cause I needed a change from listening to news radio constantly.
And my 'positive' thinking is still in play today - especially with the change in life that happened last November when I had to start doing hemodialysis.
A lot of my friends and coworkers almost always say the same thing: Oh man....that sucks!! (or words to that effect) when they hear about my condition. And I always tell them this: there are two ways to deal with this - positively or negatively cause no matter how I react to this change in life, it's still gonna be there and I'll have to contend with it anyway.
So instead of being depressed about how life has screwed me over...., I look at the brighter side of it:
Instead of saying whoa is me, I say Hey - I get a handicap parking permit!!
Instead of saying aww man - I have to go to dialysis three times a week!, I say Hey - I get a scheduled nap!
etc., etc.
This is what Joanie is trying to tell this Barking Moonbat (at least it's what I get from this) - lighten up and try to find the postive aspects of this and every other 'tragedy' in life. Not to ignore it like a mindless automaton, but to take the good with the bad and make the best of it.
While I cannot speak to whether this troll really needs it, I know that if you constantly are pissy about everything in life that you're gonna be miserable all the time. And life is too short to be moody throughout it.
While I'm telling Carl to start whistling and signing "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" - I *am* saying that he needs to open his damn eyes and look at the world around him. Not through communist-colored glasses...not through Leftist-colored glasses....but through his own eyes...and evaluate for himself. He keeps yelling for independent verification of everything (don't they all?) and yet, he can't stop skewing things to fit his agenda long enough to SEE what's happened in Iraq.
There is no joy in this man's life. For most of the protesters, I see bulging veins, firmly set jaws, and clenched fists. Perhaps they need to see an aromatherapist for a few sessions. I think they're long overdue.
And, as for independent verification, let me just offer to independently verify every barking moonbat's ass to North Korea for a bit.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, February 2, 2005 10:21 AM ||
Do you even know what communism is?
And why is being a leftist a bad thing?
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(2005-02-01) -- Just hours after Islamic militants in Iraq threatened to behead a kidnapped U.S. soldier doll, the camouflaged action figure was rescued in a daring nighttime operation by a toy George W. Bush action figure.
The nine-inch-tall replica of the president left Andrews Air Force Base in a scale model of Air Force One within minutes after the Pentagon learned of the kidnapping from a picture on an Islamic website.
The top-secret flight was reminiscent of the life-size president's Thanksgiving visit to Baghdad in 2003. During the long trip, the presidential doll was programmed to say intimidating things in Arabic, and reportedly spent several hours practicing his kung-fu grip.
Even as the mission was secretly under way, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-MA, went before the Senate to call for the immediate withdrawal of 12,000 military action figures from Iraq.
Upon hearing of the Bush doll's successful mission, Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, warned against "overhyping" the significance of the apparently heroic deed.
I have a feeling that the Associated Press will never live this down....
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Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow today as onlookers waited anxiously to see what Phil's prediction would be: early spring or more winter.
Just as Phil was about to make his pronouncement, the crowd was stunned as they watched Phil explode.
Emergency rescue crews were on-hand to assist the injured people in the crowd, most of whom were overcome by Phil's fur.
Punxsutawney Chief of Police Fred B. Fokker was quoted as saying that this was probably the work of Iraqi insurgents.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) issued a statement immediately after the attack saying that "this was a clear indication that the U.S. should commence a troop withdrawal from Iraq". Her statement was echoed by Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy who mumbled something about "fur....quagmire....fur quagmire" and the need for a national fur-removal system.
The White House has issued no formal statement as yet on this latest crisis, but insiders were noted as saying "there sure was a LOT of fur in that crowd..."
|| Posted by caltechgirl, February 2, 2005 09:05 AM ||
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Skeptics of President Bush's attempt to bring democracy to Iraq have been largely silent since Iraqis enthusiastically turned out for Sunday's elections.
Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros and left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore were among critics of the administration's Iraq policy who had no comment after millions of Iraqis went to the polls in their nation's first free elections in decades.
Dispite my earlier prediction that there would be a plethora of psychotic excuses as to why the Iraqi elections could not possibly be considered 'legitimate', there has in fact been a thundering silence about them.
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WASHINGTON — Medicare's new prescription benefit will cover sexual performance drugs, like Viagra, in addition to medications for such ailments as high blood pressure and heart disease, program officials confirmed Monday.
The move into what some consider "lifestyle" — rather than life-saving — pharmaceuticals is being criticized by conservatives, who see it as an unnecessary frill for a program that already is projected to cost at least $400 billion over its first decade.
This is why this really pisses me off: I can't get smoking cessation products to help me stop smoking yet if I wanted to get something that would allow me to hammer six inch spike through a board with my penis - sure thing.
Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with people getting medication(s) that help in life - even those that help men rise to the occasion.
Sorry - that one was hard to resist.
[/loud groaning]
But if I'd like to quite smoking, the insurance company says hell no....even if it's something that will save them a ton of money in the future.
YES, I realize that this is Medicare we're talking about and I've got private's the principle.
I think all insurances should cover quit-smoking aides. I also think the elderly as well as anyone else should be covered for sexual aids, if they need them. Human sexuality is tied in with mental health. Being able to perform isn't a bonus of being is natural, and if something isn't working it.
The elderly sexually active adult should be hailed for being able to live full lives.
I think if anyone needs help with ANYTHING, medically, it should be made available, regardless of one's income.
And Mikey...hopefully, no one has this desire..ROFL
"allow me to hammer six inch spikes through a board with my penis - sure thing."
|| Posted by phentermine, February 18, 2005 12:58 AM ||
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Here at UCSD we've got professors from all over the world - quite a few of them utilizing English as a second (or third or fourth) language.
Most speak with a slight accent whereas some speak with a thick accent, but most to all of them have a great command of the English language. The sad part is that some aren't aware of some American idioms.
Case in point: I'm sitting in my Probabilities & Statistics class where we're just starting into Random Variables-
Blood curdling scream[/evil music]
-and the prof is writing on the board the following:
F(u) = P(X ≥ 2)
but what he's saying as he's writing it is:
Eff you is equal to....
This is HA-HA funny because in mathmatics everyone would have said Eff of you....
After he did this about four times, he stops and turns around cause the whole class is chuckling. No one had the heart to tell him why...
At first I didn't get it because my own mathematical brain read "F of U". I just thought it was strange...
At least the class is in English. My friend Jim used to have a class in graduate level math where the professor was Chinese and so were each of the other students (who were all grad students, Jim was a senior). Frequently the class would start off in English and then diverge into Chinese because the other students would ask questions in their own language, and the professor would respond without thinking, so Jim ended up having to take the class privately with the professor since he wasn't getting anything out of it but what was being written on the board,
|| Posted by caltechgirl, February 2, 2005 09:05 AM ||
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Terrorists used a disabled child as a suicide bomber on election day, Iraqi interior minister Falah al-Naqib said today.
In all, 44 people were killed in a total of 38 bomb attacks on polling stations. Police at the scene of one the Baghdad blasts said the bomber appeared to have Down's syndrome.
Mr Al-Naqib praised an Iraqi citizen who was killed while preventing one suicide bomber from reaching a crowd of people outside a polling station.
I betting they offered this kid a choo-choo train and a bag of candy if he just did this one little favor for Uncle Abu.....
Lovely, just lovely.
Shall me compare those 'atrocities' at Abu Grahib to this cause I'm sure they're comperable.....
Scroff - there's collateral damage in almost any military operation. It's sad, but true.
This, on the other hand, takes a severe lack of heart to do something this heinous. There is no spinning this cause it shows that we're dealing with animals. And they need to be treated as such IMHO....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, February 1, 2005 08:03 AM ||
Yes Scroff, it DOES strike a nerve. It does not please me what so ever when ANY child is hurt. And like what Mikey says, it takes a cold heart animal to do that to a child of THEIR OWN RACE.
It seems to me there is one primary difference. This whole war could have been avoided if Saddam had given the inspectors free rein to inspect. And it could have been avoided if he'd stepped down as dictator. We gave him options and we gave him plenty of warning. Also, I suspect that at least some of the killing of Iraqi civilians during the war was at the hands of their own troops. I don't believe we purposely targeted civilians. As to 9/11, that was a pre-meditated surprise attack on non-combatant targets, mostly civilians. Seems to me to be a large difference.
Also, what makes this incident so disgusting to me is that it was foisted on a child. A child probably cannot make an informed decision about such a matter. How much less so a mentally challenged child. This comes really close to the Nazi "experiments" in the concentration camps and the theory of a "super race".
I agree that it takes a cold hearted animal to harm a child, regardless of race, especially when that harm can be avoided. I believe it takes a cold hearted animal to harm another human being at all, especially when it can be avoided, unless, perhaps, that person is directly harming me, and then only if there is no other way.
The pictures I linked to definately could have been avoided, and while Cheney and others in the Bush administration claimed links between al Qaeda and Hussein, Bush himself stated, "This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and al Qaeda"
The 911 Commission found no links. 911 and Iraq are two different things. We pulled troops and funding out of Afghanistan to start the war in Iraq before we found bin Fergotten.
Not one inspector sent to Iraq by this administration has found any evidence of Iraq having the now infamous WMD prior to the invasion. In January 2003 UNMOVIC and IAEA were set up and ready to inspect, having read the 12,000 page declaration from Iraq. In March 2003 UNMOVIC stated to the UN that they were receiving full cooperation. Two days later Bush gave the green light to the invasion. Had UNMOVIC and IAEA been given the needed time to inspect we would have learned what we have since learned after killing thousands of Iraqis, hundreds of Americans, and spending billions of dollars... but Condi said we couldn't wait for the "mushroon cloud"... right.
There was absolutely no reason to start dropping bombs and invading Iraq, to start killing Iraqis as we have done. The maimed kids in those pictures didn't have to happen... we did it and now we don't want to know about it.
It's appalling that we, as the greatest nation in the history of the planet, in collaberation with the rest of the world, reacting out of fear and shock after 911, were so set on invading Iraq that we could come to no other option than to start blowing things up.
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My wife was watching - more like staring vacantly at it since it was barely 5 o'clock in the morning - The War Of the Worlds about 35 minutes into the movie. The scene was of Dr. Clayton Forrester (Gene Barry) and Sylvia Van Buren (Ann Robinson) had just crashed their small plane and had taken refuge in an abandoned house only to have one of the Martion war machines sitting right outside.
Just as the war machine sends in it's 'television camera' into the house and it sneaks up on Ann Robinson is when I started my MST3K treatment:
Martian camera lens sneeks up on Sylvia and looms above her head as she slowly turns around
Sylvia: "AAAAAAaaaaaggggghhhh!!!!"
Mikey's ad-lib: "Hi - could you tell me where the interstate is?"
Clayton swings the axe in his hands and severes the camera lens from the supporting cable attached to Martian war machine
Another scene that popped out was when the military had decided to drop nuclear weapons on the Martians and were going to do it at the initial landing point in California - just outside of Los Angeles.
Scene of hundreds of people sitting & standing on rocky hills with deep valleys running below - obviously displaced people...refugees from Los Angeles
Military Announcer: "Two minutes to bomb drop - two minutes!! All personnel take precautions!"
Mikey's ad-lib: "And prepare your marshmellows and hotdogs for roasting!"'s weird how you can be looking forward to seeing something and when you're actually watching it, your mind starts to fill-in-the-blanks at strategic moments in the movie.
This particular episode was probably cause I was running on vapors - I got maybe three hours of sleep cause I just couldn't seem to relax long enough to drift off.
Well, just remember this the next time you're watching something and your mind starts to drift off of it....
You know, I've never thought about it too much but it has occassionaly dawned on me that Joe and I have seen far too much MST3K because we both give nearly everything the MST3K treatment. Not just movies but music and the news, also.
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Cow manure may not be as bad for California’s air as previously thought, a first-of-its-kind UC Davis study has found. In fact, cows, much maligned for their contribution of greenhouse-effect-causing methane gas, actually produce only half the amount of the state’s air pollution previously attributed to them.
Perhaps most important, the majority of a dairy cow’s contribution to smog comes not from her manure but from her belching, the university’s scientists said.
“Our discovery means our whole approach to dairy waste management and air-emissions management might change,” stated UC Davis air-quality specialist Frank Mitloehner, who conducted the study. “For the most tightly regulated pollutants, the 700 ozone-forming gases collectively called ‘volatile organic compounds,’ the source is not the cows’ waste. It’s the cows.”
The study was to be presented to the California Air Resource Board at its Jan. 26 meeting in Fresno, Calif.
I would have hated to be the poor graduate student that was responsible for collecting the samples from their control group.....Hey Carl - it's time to get this mornings samples. Here's the jar.
That's the great thing about UC Davis: it's one of the few schools that sells shit-stomping overshoes in the bookstore.
Oh Gawd...
This, after they've already been blaming cow FARTS for damage to the ozone layer for years...
Especially when it's soooo obvious that the biggest source of hot, empty, life-damaging air is arguing politics.
(And, if yer thinking that that last bit is referring to something else, maybe... you're right.
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I haven't really kept up with the Iraqi elections happening over the last two days, but I do know one thing: no matter what the outcome in these historic elections, the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ will declare that they were illegitimate elections because of any of the following *cough* reasons:
the U.S. is an occupying force,
the war in Iraq was illegal and as such, anything that follows is illegal by default,
Bush = Hitler,
the war and this election were all for O-I-L,
it was the United States backing of those darn Joooozzzzz in Israel,
solar flare activity on the Sun is a direct result of Bush not signing the Kyoto Accords and global warming is causing the Iraqis that are voting to be swayed by U.S. special interests,
....Abu Ghraib!, Abu Ghraib!, Abu Ghraib!,
Gore really won Florida in 2000 and as such, everything since then is just plain fraud,
because dolphins are actually liberals and those evil GOP minons are suppressing their opinions on the war
Did I miss anything? Probably, but that's the beauty of the Barking Moonbat Brigade's™ argument(s): they're so convoluted that nobody can really dissect them.
UPDATE: The only thing to follow up this post with is explained perfectly by Chris Muir's strip Day by Day:
Actually, it looks like they haven't had much to say at all. Too stunned, I guess.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, January 30, 2005 12:24 PM ||
It was a plot by the Likudniks who engineered the fraud in Ohio for the 2004 election---because they're all employed by Haliburton and/or Carlyle Group...and those people were AWOL during Vietnam. And all of the ballotting equipment was manufactured by Diebold!
Oh, so now you guys not only claim to be the Party of God, but you also have the ability to see into the future now?
So glad you can make general false statements and claim to be to The Word.
|| Posted by passero, January 31, 2005 09:07 AM ||
I can't speak for other Republicans, but I know I'm not calling anything the 'Party of God'.
As for fortune telling, let's just call it a forecast based on previous foam-spittled rantings....
As for making general false statements and claiming to be to The Word, I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
BTW, what happened to your Bahrain proxy?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 31, 2005 10:23 AM ||
I have one!
All the voters were actually CIA/BushCo stooges and all the scenes were 'staged' for the cameras.
Just like the toppling of Saddam's statue in Baghdad.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, January 31, 2005 11:48 AM ||
Dunno, Mikey. Did I tell you that I really dig little boys?
BTW, thanks for allowing me to ban yet another of your proxies NeoCunt you fuck nozzle....
|| Posted by Passero, January 31, 2005 03:46 PM ||
Who wants to find out how deep my mouth is...?
|| Posted by passero, January 31, 2005 07:58 PM ||
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Geoffery at Dog Snot Diaries tells the tale of an American truck versus a Mazda in a classic not paying attention to WTF you're doing while driving traffic collision.
Short version: he get's slammed from behind and his Dodge truck gets minor damage while the Mazda is totalled. I'm hoping that he'll post some photos.
This gives me pause to re-think that notion I have about getting another Toyota truck once I graduate from UCSD - seriously re-thinking it.
I'll have to wait and see what's on the market when the time comes, but for the most part I have no complaints about my 1996 Tacoma truck - it's got over 137k miles on it and it's still running stong. Of course I bought it knowing that Toyota trucks have a history of being very dependable, plus I was trying to get something that was decent on gas mileage.
Like I said - I'll have to wait and see what's available. Who knows....maybe there will be some sort of hybrid gas/electric available in a truck.
Wait and see.....
UPDATE: I erred in reporting that Geoff was in a Dodge truck - it turns out it was just a typical Dodge car. More later after I stop feeling stoopid.....
UPDATE II: I called Geoff's car 'typical' - my mistake.
Comments on American vs. Import - The 'Dings' Have It
I'm guessing your Tacoma is also a lot more rugged (and certainly a hell of a lot bigger) than that flimsy, older Mazda Geoff got hit by. Ford brought out the hybrid Escape baby SUV this year, and the hybrid F150 is supposed to come out next year, but who knows?
|| Posted by caltechgirl, January 30, 2005 09:42 AM ||
That isn't what's amazing. I wasn't in a truck. I was in my Dodge commuter car. I'll post pictures later. If I can find out where the Mazda was towed to, I'll go grab some of that, also.
|| Posted by Geoffrey, January 30, 2005 09:59 AM ||
Oops!! I thought you were in a Dodge truck....[/sheepish]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 30, 2005 10:10 AM ||
Typical? That little sport sedan got hit by a TRUCK, totalled it, and only has a few scratches. Nothing typical about that.
|| Posted by Geoffrey, January 30, 2005 11:01 AM ||
Nothing typical about that.
Sorry - poor choice of adjectives....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 30, 2005 12:47 PM ||
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Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently
taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego
studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is
currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national
kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations
on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not
agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to
Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part
of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry
Contact Mikey
AIM: madmikeysblog
YIM: madmikey92037
Any/all e-mail sent to Mikey might be published if you get nasty or it's something worthwhile...
Comments on Too Much Fun
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 09:39 PM |||| , 04:39 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 04, 2005
This just plain sucks:
Never thought I'd see a Star Trek series cancelled.I understand the need to have a show make money for the corporation that bankrolls it, but was just starting to get interesting too.
(Nicely glommed from Robert Hayes at Let's Try Freedom)
Comments on 'STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE' Cancelled
Just when they got it right and it was getting interesting too.
|| Posted by Dennis P., February 4, 2005 11:08 AM ||Say it ain't so!
Stupid bastards, screwin' up a good thing.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, February 4, 2005 04:08 PM ||It's a terrible thing. That show rocks in so many ways. Perhaps if enough of the fan base speak their disapproval loudly enough, we'll get our extension?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 10:48 PM |||| , 08:32 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Cat Blogging Friday
Is it me or does this cat look like a pinata?
Comments on Cat Blogging Friday
That's a great picture. Too funny.
|| Posted by ruthie, February 4, 2005 08:18 AM ||ROFLMAO! That's cute. Cats are a lot of fun. I love to watch them after they have gotten in to some good catnip.
|| Posted by Maeve, February 4, 2005 03:08 PM ||How DARE you make such statements! That infers that you enjoy abusing kitties with sticks! I'M CALLING PETA!
I'll have vegetarian lawyers up your ass so fast, they'll... they'll...
I'm sorry, I can't keep a straight face any more... BUWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bash that little bastard till some Tootsie Rolls pop out!
(I DAMN ALL CATS... except mine... both of them... and sometimes I damn them too... dammit...)
|| Posted by Mike the Marine, February 6, 2005 01:40 PM ||That's just darling. That's not one of your kitties, is it?
|| Posted by Cait, February 8, 2005 06:26 AM ||Nope - my cats aren't that psychotic....
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 10:48 PM |||| , 08:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 03, 2005
Multiple Nuclear Detonations
Not much to post about today....
Nothing smacks of irony more than paying $30 a pop to be made to feel crappy...well, at least they bill me instead of having me fork over the cash from the dialysis chair....I digress.
Anyway....I think I did decently on it, but considering the vast amount of puzzled looks on the rest of the students in the lecture hall I take a little comfort in knowing that the bell curve for this quiz was nuked....twice.
I asked one guy coming out of the lecture hall as I was if he 'kicked ass or got his ass kicked'. He replied: I got raped.
Yup - the bell curve was nuked and then sprayed with machine-gun fire afterwards for good measure.....
Comments on Multiple Nuclear Detonations
Your dialysis stuff isn't fully covered by your insurance Mikey?? Shit.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 10:13 PM |||| , 05:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 02, 2005
You know what is really annoying??
People who talk on cordless telephones - loudly - and insist on standing right outside your cubicle when you're trying to concentrate...
Comments on Grrrr
That would be when you stick your head out and ask them to take it to the lounge or whereever...
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|| , 11:15 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Making Lemonade - San Diego Style
Da Goddess sent a message to one of her trolls concerning several comments that he left.
It's a lengthy letter, but it's well-worth it.
Note to Self: Do not piss Joanie off - ever....
Read More of "Making Lemonade - San Diego Style"When I first started dating my soon-to-be wife, she would note frequently how I was a pessimist - always finding and noting the crappy things in life. She urged me to start thinking positively, if not for my own mental health then to spare her the same crappy attitude. And I started changing my thinking.
Now I tend to try to find the positive aspects of stuff happening; I think it really changed after 9/11 when there was that period of about a month afterwards when it seemed that with the exception of those dancing Palestinians that most people were 'depressed' about what had happened (and with good reason too).
At least, that's the way it was for me - I felt guilty when I popped a Poison tape into my truck's radio and blasted it cause I needed a change from listening to news radio constantly.
And my 'positive' thinking is still in play today - especially with the change in life that happened last November when I had to start doing hemodialysis.
A lot of my friends and coworkers almost always say the same thing: Oh man....that sucks!! (or words to that effect) when they hear about my condition. And I always tell them this: there are two ways to deal with this - positively or negatively cause no matter how I react to this change in life, it's still gonna be there and I'll have to contend with it anyway.
So instead of being depressed about how life has screwed me over...., I look at the brighter side of it:
- Instead of saying whoa is me, I say Hey - I get a handicap parking permit!!
- Instead of saying aww man - I have to go to dialysis three times a week!, I say Hey - I get a scheduled nap!
etc., etc.This is what Joanie is trying to tell this Barking Moonbat (at least it's what I get from this) - lighten up and try to find the postive aspects of this and every other 'tragedy' in life. Not to ignore it like a mindless automaton, but to take the good with the bad and make the best of it.
While I cannot speak to whether this troll really needs it, I know that if you constantly are pissy about everything in life that you're gonna be miserable all the time. And life is too short to be moody throughout it.
All done with "Making Lemonade - San Diego Style"?
Comments on Making Lemonade - San Diego Style
While I'm telling Carl to start whistling and signing "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" - I *am* saying that he needs to open his damn eyes and look at the world around him. Not through communist-colored glasses...not through Leftist-colored glasses....but through his own eyes...and evaluate for himself. He keeps yelling for independent verification of everything (don't they all?) and yet, he can't stop skewing things to fit his agenda long enough to SEE what's happened in Iraq.
There is no joy in this man's life. For most of the protesters, I see bulging veins, firmly set jaws, and clenched fists. Perhaps they need to see an aromatherapist for a few sessions. I think they're long overdue.
And, as for independent verification, let me just offer to independently verify every barking moonbat's ass to North Korea for a bit.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, February 2, 2005 10:21 AM ||Joanie,
Do you even know what communism is?
|| Posted by CaPasa, February 2, 2005 07:15 PM ||And why is being a leftist a bad thing?
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|| , 10:09 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Building on a Farce
I have a feeling that the Associated Press will never live this down....Comments on Building on a Farce
Well the AP can now sit comfortably next to Dan Rather in their dunce caps.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, February 2, 2005 09:22 AM ||I have some breaking news on this story...
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 07:53 PM |||| , 09:19 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
How I Rank
I'm currently #4 for seaches for Iraqi Death Bunnies™....and I'm #1 for searching for Mad Mikey.
Comments on How I Rank
I saw the Iraqi human rights advocate sitting next to the First Lady display the...dum dum dum....Iraqi Death Bunny!
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|| , 08:40 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Groundhog Day Nightmare
Just as Phil was about to make his pronouncement, the crowd was stunned as they watched Phil explode.
Emergency rescue crews were on-hand to assist the injured people in the crowd, most of whom were overcome by Phil's fur.
Punxsutawney Chief of Police Fred B. Fokker was quoted as saying that this was probably the work of Iraqi insurgents.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) issued a statement immediately after the attack saying that "this was a clear indication that the U.S. should commence a troop withdrawal from Iraq". Her statement was echoed by Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy who mumbled something about "fur....quagmire....fur quagmire" and the need for a national fur-removal system.
The White House has issued no formal statement as yet on this latest crisis, but insiders were noted as saying "there sure was a LOT of fur in that crowd..."
Comments on Groundhog Day Nightmare
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 07:57 PM |||| , 08:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Yeah buddy -
Dispite my earlier prediction that there would be a plethora of psychotic excuses as to why the Iraqi elections could not possibly be considered 'legitimate', there has in fact been a thundering silence about them.Makes you wonder, huh?
Comments on Operation THUNDERING SILENCE
Whatcha talkin 'bout Mad One? It's been all over the liberal media ;)
btw, when did Bush's attempt to bring democracy to Iraq start? Musta been after the failed attempt to disarm Iraq and destroy those pseky WMD!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 08:01 PM |||| , 07:29 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 01, 2005
Boners are Now Formulary
Sometimes crap like this really makes me want to sling Chihuahuas across a field with a trebuchet:
This is why this really pisses me off: I can't get smoking cessation products to help me stop smoking yet if I wanted to get something that would allow me to hammer six inch spike through a board with my penis - sure thing.WTF??
Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with people getting medication(s) that help in life - even those that help men rise to the occasion.
Sorry - that one was hard to resist.
[/loud groaning]
But if I'd like to quite smoking, the insurance company says hell no....even if it's something that will save them a ton of money in the future.
YES, I realize that this is Medicare we're talking about and I've got private's the principle.
Comments on Boners are Now Formulary
I think all insurances should cover quit-smoking aides. I also think the elderly as well as anyone else should be covered for sexual aids, if they need them. Human sexuality is tied in with mental health. Being able to perform isn't a bonus of being is natural, and if something isn't working it.
The elderly sexually active adult should be hailed for being able to live full lives.
I think if anyone needs help with ANYTHING, medically, it should be made available, regardless of one's income.
And Mikey...hopefully, no one has this desire..ROFL
|| Posted by ruthie, February 2, 2005 06:56 AM ||"allow me to hammer six inch spikes through a board with my penis - sure thing."
I think so.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 08:11 PM |||| , 05:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Say What? Hooked on Effing Phonics
Here at UCSD we've got professors from all over the world - quite a few of them utilizing English as a second (or third or fourth) language.
Most speak with a slight accent whereas some speak with a thick accent, but most to all of them have a great command of the English language. The sad part is that some aren't aware of some American idioms.
Case in point: I'm sitting in my Probabilities & Statistics class where we're just starting into Random Variables-
Blood curdling scream[/evil music]
-and the prof is writing on the board the following:
but what he's saying as he's writing it is:
Eff you is equal to....
This is HA-HA funny because in mathmatics everyone would have said Eff of you....
After he did this about four times, he stops and turns around cause the whole class is chuckling. No one had the heart to tell him why...
Comments on Say What? Hooked on Effing Phonics
Ah, the joys of professors and TAs who have English as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th language
|| Posted by jaws, February 1, 2005 04:56 PM ||Heh heh... he said "Eff u" heh heh /Beavis
|| Posted by scroff, February 2, 2005 07:58 AM ||At first I didn't get it because my own mathematical brain read "F of U". I just thought it was strange...
At least the class is in English. My friend Jim used to have a class in graduate level math where the professor was Chinese and so were each of the other students (who were all grad students, Jim was a senior). Frequently the class would start off in English and then diverge into Chinese because the other students would ask questions in their own language, and the professor would respond without thinking, so Jim ended up having to take the class privately with the professor since he wasn't getting anything out of it but what was being written on the board,
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 08:10 PM |||| , 04:38 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 31, 2005
Fine Upstanding People Those Insurgents
The 'insurgents' in Iraq are fighting to force American troops out??
I don't think so:
I betting they offered this kid a choo-choo train and a bag of candy if he just did this one little favor for Uncle Abu.....Lovely, just lovely.
Shall me compare those 'atrocities' at Abu Grahib to this cause I'm sure they're comperable.....
Comments on Fine Upstanding People Those Insurgents
As a mother of a disabled child, this story really struck a nerve with me and made me want to vomit.
|| Posted by Maeve, January 31, 2005 08:52 PM ||It's just collateral damage... just like these kids
I wonder if that will strike a nerve...
|| Posted by scroff, January 31, 2005 09:16 PM ||Scroff - there's collateral damage in almost any military operation. It's sad, but true.
This, on the other hand, takes a severe lack of heart to do something this heinous. There is no spinning this cause it shows that we're dealing with animals. And they need to be treated as such IMHO....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, February 1, 2005 08:03 AM ||Yes Scroff, it DOES strike a nerve. It does not please me what so ever when ANY child is hurt. And like what Mikey says, it takes a cold heart animal to do that to a child of THEIR OWN RACE.
|| Posted by Maeve, February 1, 2005 02:37 PM ||It seems to me there is one primary difference. This whole war could have been avoided if Saddam had given the inspectors free rein to inspect. And it could have been avoided if he'd stepped down as dictator. We gave him options and we gave him plenty of warning. Also, I suspect that at least some of the killing of Iraqi civilians during the war was at the hands of their own troops. I don't believe we purposely targeted civilians. As to 9/11, that was a pre-meditated surprise attack on non-combatant targets, mostly civilians. Seems to me to be a large difference.
Also, what makes this incident so disgusting to me is that it was foisted on a child. A child probably cannot make an informed decision about such a matter. How much less so a mentally challenged child. This comes really close to the Nazi "experiments" in the concentration camps and the theory of a "super race".
|| Posted by Cait, February 2, 2005 04:06 AM ||I agree that it takes a cold hearted animal to harm a child, regardless of race, especially when that harm can be avoided. I believe it takes a cold hearted animal to harm another human being at all, especially when it can be avoided, unless, perhaps, that person is directly harming me, and then only if there is no other way.
The pictures I linked to definately could have been avoided, and while Cheney and others in the Bush administration claimed links between al Qaeda and Hussein, Bush himself stated, "This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and al Qaeda"
The 911 Commission found no links. 911 and Iraq are two different things. We pulled troops and funding out of Afghanistan to start the war in Iraq before we found bin Fergotten.
Not one inspector sent to Iraq by this administration has found any evidence of Iraq having the now infamous WMD prior to the invasion. In January 2003 UNMOVIC and IAEA were set up and ready to inspect, having read the 12,000 page declaration from Iraq. In March 2003 UNMOVIC stated to the UN that they were receiving full cooperation. Two days later Bush gave the green light to the invasion. Had UNMOVIC and IAEA been given the needed time to inspect we would have learned what we have since learned after killing thousands of Iraqis, hundreds of Americans, and spending billions of dollars... but Condi said we couldn't wait for the "mushroon cloud"... right.
There was absolutely no reason to start dropping bombs and invading Iraq, to start killing Iraqis as we have done. The maimed kids in those pictures didn't have to happen... we did it and now we don't want to know about it.
It's appalling that we, as the greatest nation in the history of the planet, in collaberation with the rest of the world, reacting out of fear and shock after 911, were so set on invading Iraq that we could come to no other option than to start blowing things up.
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|| , 04:43 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Early Morning Vapors
Have you ever been watching something on television and just started giving whatever it is you're watching the MST3K treatment?
Read More of "Early Morning Vapors"Just as the war machine sends in it's 'television camera' into the house and it sneaks up on Ann Robinson is when I started my MST3K treatment:
Martian camera lens sneeks up on Sylvia and looms above her head as she slowly turns around
Mikey's ad-lib: "Hi - could you tell me where the interstate is?"
Clayton swings the axe in his hands and severes the camera lens from the supporting cable attached to Martian war machine
Another scene that popped out was when the military had decided to drop nuclear weapons on the Martians and were going to do it at the initial landing point in California - just outside of Los Angeles.
Scene of hundreds of people sitting & standing on rocky hills with deep valleys running below - obviously displaced people...refugees from Los Angeles
Military Announcer: "Two minutes to bomb drop - two minutes!! All personnel take precautions!"
Mikey's ad-lib: "And prepare your marshmellows and hotdogs for roasting!"'s weird how you can be looking forward to seeing something and when you're actually watching it, your mind starts to fill-in-the-blanks at strategic moments in the movie.
This particular episode was probably cause I was running on vapors - I got maybe three hours of sleep cause I just couldn't seem to relax long enough to drift off.
Well, just remember this the next time you're watching something and your mind starts to drift off of it....
All done with "Early Morning Vapors"?
Comments on Early Morning Vapors
You know, I've never thought about it too much but it has occassionaly dawned on me that Joe and I have seen far too much MST3K because we both give nearly everything the MST3K treatment. Not just movies but music and the news, also.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 08:43 PM |||| , 10:15 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Just spotted this in the newest edition of the UCSD Guardian as a shining example of your state-subsidized education dollars at work (second item):
I would have hated to be the poor graduate student that was responsible for collecting the samples from their control group.....Hey Carl - it's time to get this mornings samples. Here's the jar.That's the great thing about UC Davis: it's one of the few schools that sells shit-stomping overshoes in the bookstore.
Comments on Brraaacccckkkk!!!!
Oh Gawd...
|| Posted by Stevie, February 2, 2005 10:57 AM ||This, after they've already been blaming cow FARTS for damage to the ozone layer for years...
Especially when it's soooo obvious that the biggest source of hot, empty, life-damaging air is arguing politics.
(And, if yer thinking that that last bit is referring to something else, maybe... you're right.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 08:38 PM |||| , 08:18 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Reversal of Fortune
The dreaded Iraqi Death Bunnies™ have been put to a good use: they've been turned on the insurgents in Iraq and are making them scream.
Comments on Reversal of Fortune
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 08:52 PM |||| , 06:49 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 30, 2005
It Doesn't Count!!
I haven't really kept up with the Iraqi elections happening over the last two days, but I do know one thing: no matter what the outcome in these historic elections, the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ will declare that they were illegitimate elections because of any of the following *cough* reasons:
- the U.S. is an occupying force,
- the war in Iraq was illegal and as such, anything that follows is illegal by default,
- Bush = Hitler,
- the war and this election were all for O-I-L,
- it was the United States backing of those darn Joooozzzzz in Israel,
- solar flare activity on the Sun is a direct result of Bush not signing the Kyoto Accords and global warming is causing the Iraqis that are voting to be swayed by U.S. special interests,
- ....Abu Ghraib!, Abu Ghraib!, Abu Ghraib!,
- Gore really won Florida in 2000 and as such, everything since then is just plain fraud,
- because dolphins are actually liberals and those evil GOP minons are suppressing their opinions on the war
Did I miss anything? Probably, but that's the beauty of the Barking Moonbat Brigade's™ argument(s): they're so convoluted that nobody can really dissect them.UPDATE: The only thing to follow up this post with is explained perfectly by Chris Muir's strip Day by Day:
Comments on It Doesn't Count!!
Actually, it looks like they haven't had much to say at all. Too stunned, I guess.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, January 30, 2005 12:24 PM ||It was a plot by the Likudniks who engineered the fraud in Ohio for the 2004 election---because they're all employed by Haliburton and/or Carlyle Group...and those people were AWOL during Vietnam. And all of the ballotting equipment was manufactured by Diebold!
So how'd I do?
|| Posted by jaws, January 30, 2005 03:11 PM ||Very interesting to see the only ones "saying" these things are the neocons. I have yet to hear one liberal make any such claims.
|| Posted by passero, January 30, 2005 08:33 PM ||passero - we're just trying to stay one step ahead of what we KNOW they'll be claiming this week and next.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, January 30, 2005 08:53 PM ||:) Good one, Mad One.
What's really funny is that about sums up the extent of the rights' understanding of these issues. ;-)
|| Posted by scroff, January 31, 2005 12:51 AM ||lol!
Oh, so now you guys not only claim to be the Party of God, but you also have the ability to see into the future now?
So glad you can make general false statements and claim to be to The Word.
|| Posted by passero, January 31, 2005 09:07 AM ||I can't speak for other Republicans, but I know I'm not calling anything the 'Party of God'.
As for fortune telling, let's just call it a forecast based on previous foam-spittled rantings....
As for making general false statements and claiming to be to The Word, I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
BTW, what happened to your Bahrain proxy?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 31, 2005 10:23 AM ||I have one!
All the voters were actually CIA/BushCo stooges and all the scenes were 'staged' for the cameras.
Just like the toppling of Saddam's statue in Baghdad.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, January 31, 2005 11:48 AM ||Dunno, Mikey. Did I tell you that I really dig little boys?
BTW, thanks for allowing me to ban yet another of your proxies NeoCunt you fuck nozzle....
|| Posted by Passero, January 31, 2005 03:46 PM ||Who wants to find out how deep my mouth is...?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 12:59 AM |||| , 10:32 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
American vs. Import - The 'Dings' Have It
Geoffery at Dog Snot Diaries tells the tale of an American truck versus a Mazda in a classic not paying attention to WTF you're doing while driving traffic collision.
Short version: he get's slammed from behind and his Dodge truck gets minor damage while the Mazda is totalled. I'm hoping that he'll post some photos.
This gives me pause to re-think that notion I have about getting another Toyota truck once I graduate from UCSD - seriously re-thinking it.
I'll have to wait and see what's on the market when the time comes, but for the most part I have no complaints about my 1996 Tacoma truck - it's got over 137k miles on it and it's still running stong. Of course I bought it knowing that Toyota trucks have a history of being very dependable, plus I was trying to get something that was decent on gas mileage.
Like I said - I'll have to wait and see what's available. Who knows....maybe there will be some sort of hybrid gas/electric available in a truck.
Wait and see.....
UPDATE: I erred in reporting that Geoff was in a Dodge truck - it turns out it was just a typical Dodge car. More later after I stop feeling stoopid.....
UPDATE II: I called Geoff's car 'typical' - my mistake.
Comments on American vs. Import - The 'Dings' Have It
I'm guessing your Tacoma is also a lot more rugged (and certainly a hell of a lot bigger) than that flimsy, older Mazda Geoff got hit by. Ford brought out the hybrid Escape baby SUV this year, and the hybrid F150 is supposed to come out next year, but who knows?
|| Posted by caltechgirl, January 30, 2005 09:42 AM ||That isn't what's amazing. I wasn't in a truck. I was in my Dodge commuter car. I'll post pictures later. If I can find out where the Mazda was towed to, I'll go grab some of that, also.
|| Posted by Geoffrey, January 30, 2005 09:59 AM ||Oops!! I thought you were in a Dodge truck....[/sheepish]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 30, 2005 10:10 AM ||Typical? That little sport sedan got hit by a TRUCK, totalled it, and only has a few scratches. Nothing typical about that.
|| Posted by Geoffrey, January 30, 2005 11:01 AM ||Nothing typical about that.
Sorry - poor choice of adjectives....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 30, 2005 12:47 PM ||what the fuck
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 01:00 AM |||| , 09:05 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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