You'll love this:
My Last Post from CrawfordOh SWWNBN....you really should consult a physician before mixing prescription medications. And stop taking those 'vitamins' that your controllers are pushing down your throat.Well, George and I are leaving Crawford today. George is finished playing golf and telling his fables in San Diego, so he will be heading to Louisiana to see the devastation that his environmental policies and his killing policies have caused.
And, should I dare say "global warming?" and be branded as a "conspiracy theorist" on top of everything else the right-wingers say about me.
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Comments on Read the Label SWWNBN!!
She doesn't need to mention global warming to get that label. Telling the world that her son died to protect Israel accomplished that task quite well, thank you. Yelling "war for oil" cemented that opinion. Not that we would actually expect anything else from her in the future - you know, like facts or an argument not based on her emotions.
|| Posted by J-P, September 1, 2005 06:14 AM ||Like building a huge city 8' below sea level was not a disaster waiting to happen?
|| Posted by Cait, September 1, 2005 06:30 AM ||I don't think anybody had noticed that she was still in Crawford for about three days.
|| Posted by Dave, September 1, 2005 06:40 AM |||| , 04:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Leo to Save Gulf States
Somehow I have a feeling that this has 'DOOM' written all over it:
Don't get me wrong - I think it's a great idea to raise money to help the people of the Gulf Coast.I just have a feeling that someone in that broadcast will say something stupid that infers that:
- All of this is somehow President Bush's fault, and/or
- President Bush could have prevented this, and/or
- Something totally inappropriate about the war in Iraq and/or the War on Terror.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I wouldn't put it past some of the Hollyweird morons to try and be 'in-your-face' about this.But what will make this all-the-more special will be the special an appearance by Leonardo DiCaprio! [/retching]
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: HURRICANE DIGEST / Despite war, plenty of Guard troops, on August 31, 2005, 07:48 PM
Excerpt: Despite the deployment of 78,000 National Guard forces in Iraq and other overseas hot spots, hurrica
Comments on Leo to Save Gulf States
Has anyone heard anything about the United Nations offering to help the victims of Katrina? I haven't. Does that sound strange? Not really, because if the U.N. was going to offer aid first they would have to get the money from the United States.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
|| Posted by David Schantz, August 31, 2005 07:34 PM |||| , 03:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
SWWNBN Death Spasms
This is almost too stupid to believe:
Let's see - listening to a psycho lady bitch about the President not seeing her or seeing the most awesome flight demonstration team known to mankind?Hmmmm......it's a toughy.
Gotta go with the Blues. SWWNBN has exhausted her '15 Minutes of Fame' and is IMHO trying to extend her relavence in the spotlight. Sooner or later she's gonna be one of those smelly psychos that walk along the street talking to their shoes and screaming at random objects.
I mean seriously: what would be the point in protesting the Blue Angels? Geez - I've known psycho-leftist protesters that go to watch the Blues perform and they don't say 'BOO' about it. Even my wife who 17 years ago was more 'peace-n-love'-like even enjoyed watching the show.
This actually hits a little close to 'home' for me - my father flew with the team right after it's creation back in 1946 and other than my family and my country (in that order) do I hold anything more 'near-n-dear' to my heart. I think that the only time I didn't enjoy watching the Blue Angels do a show was the one time I had a migraine headache. Almost every year I go to MCAS Miramar to watch them fly - it's never boring.
So, Ms. SWWNBN - you can officially go pound sand up your ass as far as I'm concerned.
And as far as attempting compare the U.S. Navy Blue Angels to your weak & sorry excuse for a *cough* cause is like comparing the Queen Elizabeth II to a candy wrapper floating in a cesse pool.
You don't even come CLOSE lady - not by any stretch of the imagination or in any sort of 'alternate universe'.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Sheehan, War Protesters Leave Texas Camp, on August 31, 2005, 07:48 PM
Excerpt: After a 26-day vigil that ignited the anti-war movement, Cindy Sheehan took her protest on the road
Comments on SWWNBN Death Spasms
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 31, 2005 01:22 PM ||She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named
See this for why it's being used now.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 31, 2005 03:16 PM ||ah. ok. hadn't heard that one yet.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 31, 2005 06:22 PM |||| , 12:56 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Status Confirmed
By way of Citizen Smash comes an increase in the Tsunami of Tstupidity here in San Diego, specifically those Rhodes Scholars from Code Pink.
And what is it that 145% qualifies them in having that extra chromosone? They are protesting in front of Balboa Naval Hospital. I guess they didn't want to be left out of the fun since Code Pink in Washington, D.C. was (and still is) protesting in front of Walter Reed Medical Center.
No need to track this one through FedEx online - it's confirmed: they're complete morons!
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Comments on Status Confirmed
|| , 12:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 30, 2005
Bush Derangement Syndrome Surfaces Again
It had to happen sooner or later: the ever fun-loving Bush Derangment Syndrome (BDS) would now be attached to weather events:
...a symbol of the sort of environmental terrors awaiting the world thanks to global warming??Firebombing Dresden was an environmental terror you schmucks.
Whether these German 'commentators' have an carte blanche in throwing this crap at us right after a freakin hurricane, they might want to take a moment....reflect on their world and realize that their Mercedes Benz aren't spewing out refreshing lilac scents.
And it's not surprising to see that they were the first (I believe) to show more symptoms of BDS. I honestly thought that the Extra Chromosome Gang over at The Daily Kos or the Democratic Underground would be the first, but I was wrong....it was the Germans.
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» Oblogatory Anecdotes links with: If Only We Had The Kyoto Protocol In 1886, on September 01, 2005, 08:44 PM
Excerpt: Here is a list of Hurricanes Since 1886 that could have been prevented by the Kyoto Protocol according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Comments on Bush Derangement Syndrome Surfaces Again
Don't miss psuedo-BDS where RFK Jr. is blaming Katrina on the Governor of Mississippi @ the Huffington Post.
|| Posted by the Pirate, August 31, 2005 07:38 AM ||No, No, No!!! I DID IT!!! Me and my old Buick landyacht, guzzling gas at insane rates and belching TONS of horroble chemicals into the atmosphere!
And I'll do it again, MWU-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
LA is simply the latest offering on my Altar of US Imperialism (tm). Get used to it. Who's next?
|| Posted by Old Buick Tanker, August 31, 2005 08:35 AM ||RFK Jr's statement that the Kyoto Protocol would have prevented Hurricane Katrina makes as much sence as the line in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "Explain again how sheeps bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes?" I have an article in my blog. I also put a link your site. Keep up the great work!
|| Posted by Ken Bingham, September 1, 2005 07:42 PM |||| , 02:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
New Orleans - Bad & Worst Seem
During most natural or man-made disasters, you see that the best in people comes out....helping strangers or the police & emergency technicians, acts of extreme bravery. The kind of stuff that gives most people that 'warm, fuzzy' feeling.
And then sometimes you see that some people are just plain leeches and will take advantage of a bad situation:
I remember seeing the video of people looting everything in sight right after the LA riots in 1992. The next day, people were having yards sales to sell the stuff they looted - sometimes with the store's price stickers still on the stuff!Why do people do this kind of crap? Are they that petty that that they'd steal a lollipop from a kid which is pretty much what this garbage amounts to, i.e., looting stores that are not protected.
I feel for the people of New Orleans after all this hit them in a very short time, but I would have no problem if the National Guard fired a few warning shots over the heads of these looters....none what-do-ever. Here's hoping that those looters pick up some nasty crap from the water....
UPDATE: Some one left a comment that quite frankly I wish I had thought of:
Seriously - does anyone seriously think that we'll be getting any sort of humanitarian aid from the rest of the world?F*ck no!!
We'll get criticism about how we're to blame because this is a symptom of 'global
whiningwarming' (see above post).And the next time there's another happenstance of 'shit happens' like the tsunami in the Indian Ocean last December, expect the United States to get a steaming hot mug of why-are-you-helpin-you-f*cking-greedy-Americans???
Ah hypocrisy - it is the fabric in which the world expects us to cover them in and we're to have shit-eating grins on our faces while we do it.
(Sorry for the f-bombs and the lapse in proper/clean English.....this sort of crap makes me lose my mind sometimes...)
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Comments on New Orleans - Bad & Worst Seem
WWL just reported that a looter shot a cop in the head....
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 30, 2005 02:16 PM ||If that's true, you're gonna see a lot more looters being shot - and quickly too.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 30, 2005 02:20 PM ||Where are all the foreign offers for aid in the wake of Katrina?
|| Posted by OK, August 30, 2005 02:32 PM ||All looters to be shot on site, bodies collected and burned.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 30, 2005 05:18 PM ||Not necessarily excusing the looting, but since 30% to 40% of the residents of New Orleans are below poverty level, it is not surprising that looting would occur. Also, since many trapped there have no food and water, no power, etc. I can see why they might steal food.
|| Posted by Cait, September 1, 2005 06:36 AM ||Well....I could understand getting food, but stealing televisions? Store shelves?
No - looting anything else besides food/water is IMO just scumbags trying to 'enact justice' on 'The Man'...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 1, 2005 10:03 AM ||It does seem odd, maybe even unsettling, that foreign governments are not wading in with offers of aid.
|| Posted by royston, September 1, 2005 02:07 PM ||I can only think that it's because your government is constantly making it clear that it
doesn't need any help, with anything, and will go it alone.
That aside, the whole thing is stunningly horrific and my heart goes out to those devastated people.
I saw the head of Homeland Security interviewed last night, and he stated that we have had numerous offers of aid from other countries, and that we plan to accept some of it.
|| Posted by Cait, September 2, 2005 05:57 AM |||| , 01:54 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Operation THANK YOU Continues...
While the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ detachment here in San Diego will be doing.....something near the Hotel Del Coronado this evening, San Diego Protest Warrior will be conducting Operation THANK YOU in Coronado at the intersection of 4th Street and Orange Avenue from 5pm to 7pm.
If you're able, come join us in thanking San Diego's military for kicking ass & taking names. And remember: this isn't a poltical event, so don't bring along 'polarizing' signs. Just flags and signs that basically say 'Thank You'.
CHANGE OF PLANS: Due to the fracking eye infection getting worse, I won't be there with Proest Warrior this evening. The infection has made me so sensitive to light (for the moment) that it's not safe for me to drive; right now my face is about eight inches from the monitor.
UPDATE: This is why I hated having to miss Operation THANK YOU last night:
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Comments on Operation THANK YOU Continues...
|| , 01:08 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||First Impressions
There's nothing 'interesting' to me in the news that's worthy of blogging about, so I'm falling back on a trusted stand-by: humor.
I was reminding one of my old professors at SWC about some of the important first impressions she had to make on her students this semester from the following list.
Read More of "First Impressions"50 Fun Things for Professors to Do on the First Day of Class
All done with "First Impressions"?
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Comments on First Impressions
An oldie but a goodie. I try to do at least one of these each semester ;)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 30, 2005 11:05 AM ||TV images of the desperate plight of people trapped in New Orleans keep flashing into my head. On occasion I even remember a scene that shows the suffering of a little white dog. Maybe you also saw the broadcast clip. As a rescue bus pulls away from the Superdome this fuzzy little dog stands alone at the bus’s closed door begging to be let on with its master or mistress. But this is not allowed. The bus pulls away and out of sight leaving the lonesome little critter behind.
|| Posted by Ed Gant, September 13, 2005 09:10 AM ||I can’t imagine what happened to this family pet, but its plight makes me think of our own loving dog, a Great Pyrenees named Blanca. If my wife and I were in a desperate situation, Blanca, regardless of the cost to her, would try to quickly come to our aid. And if she were the most powerful man in the free world with the most resources the world has ever seen, and given primary responsibility for Homeland Security, she would come and she would save my wife and me and all of our neighbors as far as the eye could see, and that little abandoned dog as well.
|| , 10:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 29, 2005
A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy
This is laugh riot from Little Green Footballs.
How Phony Can They Get?
Can you say 'Crock of shit'?
What do you bet that the 'string pullers' in Camp Cindy start attempting to limit/control the access of media to prevent the facade from slipping again like this?
Read More of "A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy"UPDATE/ADDED CLARIFICATION: Citizen Smash has something that's pure gold - an infiltration report from Camp Cindy. And it's everything that's being said about this whole three-ring circus: almost 100% scripted.
Now wait for the shrill screams of 'dishonesty' in how this anecdotal information was obtained, followed by the declarations of 'pay no mind to that man behind the curtain'.I know that there are some that grow weary of hearing about Cindy Sheehan - I'm partially there myself - but it is interesting to see this facade falling apart thread by thread; like most *cough* arguments from the Barking Moonbat Brigade™, it falls apart upon closer inspection....
ADDENDUM: San Diego blogger Neptunus Lex no longer calls this woman by her name. I'm guessing that he's taken a cue from all the Harry Potter books. In those books, most of the Wizarding community do not call the bad guy - Lord Voldemort - by his name; they refer to him as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Lex now refers to Cindy Sheehan as She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named or simply SWWNBN.
All done with "A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy"?
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Sheen, Sharpton visit Texas anti-war camp, on August 30, 2005, 06:15 AM
Excerpt: Actor Martin Sheen and the Rev. Al Sharpton visited antiwar protester Cindy Sheehan?s makeshift camp
Comments on A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy
I'm tired of hearing about Cindy Sheehan. Nuts to her, I say!
|| Posted by Dave, August 29, 2005 01:19 PM ||Looks like the same thing the media does when they try to villify Israel...same photo strategy
|| Posted by jaws, August 29, 2005 01:49 PM ||Mikey,
I would love to see the wide angle picture put on a T-Shite with Fox News' logo '...you decide!'
|| Posted by SeniorD, August 29, 2005 05:03 PM |||| , 11:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
August 27, 2005
Palestinian Airlines?
Something that Charles at LGF took notice of:
Would you like suicide-belt or non suicide-belt seating...?Trackback Information for Palestinian Airlines?
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Comments on Palestinian Airlines?
I'm sorry sir, you'll have to check that.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 28, 2005 12:54 AM ||Great, Air Jihad. Just what we need.
|| Posted by Cait, August 29, 2005 05:21 AM |||| , 09:49 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Counter-Protest at Walter Reed
By way of meatsphere friend Da Goddess comes some good news about those f*cknuggets from Code Pink that are protesting outside of Walter Reed Hospital in DC - they're being DC Freeps Take Back Walter Reed.
I'm not too keen on that label - Freepers. I'd prefer to call these folks AMERICANS.
And as for these protesting anti-war lemmings, they're in for a world of anguish should they even THINK about pulling this crap at Balboa Hospital. Considering that San Diego is a heavy military town, I don't know if these numbskulls have the cajones to do something like this, especially considering how SDPW has shut them down at almost every event in the last year.
ADDENDUM: Michelle Malkin points to someone else who was there at Walter Reed to cover the events:
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: US panel votes to close Walter Reed hospital, on August 27, 2005, 10:40 AM
Excerpt: The independent commission evaluating Pentagon proposals to close military facilities across the US
Comments on Counter-Protest at Walter Reed
A friend of ours goes regularly to D. C. for check ups (Viet Nam vet, full disability). He's been to Walter Reed numerous times (goes to Bethesda now), and says it needs to be closed. It's very old and in a crime-infested portion of D. C. A scary place. I just hope they beef up Bethesda or other military hospitals. They are beefing up Brooke Army Medical in San Antonio, and recently built an entirely new complex for it (recently as in several years ago.)
|| Posted by Cait, August 29, 2005 05:28 AM |||| , 09:38 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
August 26, 2005
Sci Fi Friday Once Again!
The weird things you learn about a favorite show when you're digging for spoilers:
By my (mostly fruitless) search for spoilers, you might be able to discern that I'm really, really, REALLY enjoying the new Battlestar Galactica. All week long me, my wife, and my daughter wait eagerly for Friday night to roll around and not because we go out. Oh no - we plop down on the sofa and enjoy three hours of pure geekiness.You're mileage may vary. Have a great 'geek' Friday!
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Comments on Sci Fi Friday Once Again!
|| , 03:35 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Dissection of a Moonbat
Here's a comment that I spotted over at San Diego IMC that (for the moment) hasn't been deleted. It's from one of those pathetic posts about how the Minutemen must be shut down so that illegal
What I found interesting was that someone - somehow - managed to get a comment past the Nazi-esque censors about the incesent whining about the Minutemen:migrants....undocumented migrants....aliens can keep swarming across the border.Read More of "Dissection of a Moonbat"
Will anyone of these barking moon bats reply to GirlWithSlingShot? Probably not since their entire arguement is based upon 'feeling the moment', blind rage fueled from ignorance, and they seem to be affected by FACTS like Superman is affected by a hunk of kryptonite.
UPDATE I'm attempting to post a comment over at the Children's Corner aka San Diego Indy Media, but it will probably get deleted since they're a bunch of pedophiles that cannot stand any sort of scrutiny.
Here is the comment that I'm attempting to post:
All done with "Dissection of a Moonbat"?
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Comments on Dissection of a Moonbat
Excellent, Mikey...absolutely superb!
|| Posted by Da Goddess, August 26, 2005 02:36 PM |||| , 01:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 25, 2005
Plague Puppet
Well, it would seem that the 'mild infection' that I was diagnosed with last Friday has an official name: acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC).
The doctor I saw this afternoon about it called it a 'Three Doctor Disease':
- You initially go see your doctor about the problem. They prescribe something and you go home.
- The problem doesn't go away quickly so you go see another doctor. They prescribe more medication to deal with the problem and send you home.
- When the problem becomes acute, you go back to the doctor for the third time and they end up telling you that you'll just have to suffer through it since there isn't anything they can do about it.
Great....my left eye looks like someone jammed a cat into it (maybe I'll put up a photo or two...maybe later), it hurts like a SOB, and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.The bonus is that I'm starting to feel the same symptoms in my right eye; the opthamologist says that the AHC virus will spread to the other eye no matter what I do. I'll just have to ride the storm out.
The one 'positive' thing about this is that I can now tease my kid with my left hand (the one that constantly rubs the infected eye) with what I'm calling 'Pink-Eye the Plague Puppet'.
The suck thing is that when the right eye gets acute, that my vision will be blurred - possibly enough that I'll have to have someone drive me places. The last thing I need is to wrap my truck around a phone pole cause I didn't see the darn thing....
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Comments on Plague Puppet
just keep your eyes hydrated so that rubbing them doesn't scratch the corneas, ok? That will make it A HELL OF A LOT worse.
Pink Eye the Plague Puppet, huh? Sounds like a bad porno name :)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 25, 2005 06:41 PM ||uh... Mikey... that photo... OMG... that looks NAAAAASTY. Good luck with that. And, yeah... keep your eyes hydrated. Having to go through eye infections because of scratched corneas on top of everything else would be... less than enjoyable.
|| Posted by Beth, August 26, 2005 11:34 AM ||Dude, that looks so much worse than what you described to me on the phone.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, August 26, 2005 02:37 PM |||| , 05:41 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
A Republican in Hollywood
Someone with the guts to 'out' themselves up in Hollyweird.
By way of California Conservative:
It's nice to see someone that isn't afraid to be themselves - especially in a 'hostile' environment like Hollywood although I'm thinking that really soon you'll be subjected to the treatment that 'unpossessed' people in 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'....sort of like Donald Sutherland pictured here.
Good luck with not being turned into a pod person.
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Comments on A Republican in Hollywood
|| , 05:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Wishful Thinking is Deadly
I'm not a big fan of his music (that I'm aware of anyway) but I do like his style when talking straight:
He's got a point: sitting around hoping that you don't get your ass kicked is just an invitaiton to get it kicked.This used to happen to me in high school; I'd really stay out of the way of the rednecks (the beligerent ones) and they'd come looking for me since I (at the time) wasn't really big and wasn't very good at handling confrontations like that.
I don't know exactly who said it - it might be some obscure Roman saying - but it's applicable here:
The more accurate quote is here: In a perfect world, counting on the other guy to be nice *might* work, but we do not live in perfect world. Being prepared to kick the shit out of someone or some nation works. Ever wonder why no one until recently has attempted to attack the United States? They haven't because we've got the world's more sophisticated military and are quite prepared to deploy and use it.Pat has it right - wishful thinking will get your ass kicked and it will contribute in a fashion on the next possible terrorist attack.
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Comments on Wishful Thinking is Deadly
There's also geographical location and size of population to contend with.
|| Posted by Royston, August 27, 2005 04:04 PM ||(your points about Cindy, the other day were well taken, gentlemen. The Anti-war movement does not need to resort to such spin and it should know it.)
|| , 10:13 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Say What? Yelling at Wounded Soldiers
This is fucked up:
Wonderful people - protesting at the one place where they might gain support. Instead, this segment of Jerry's Kids are showing - one again - just how moronic the anti-war/anti-Bush/anti-using-your-freaking-brain crowd really is.It's lke the dopes that protest outside of recruiting centers; like yelling at the sky caus eit rains.
IMO, here's the place where rogue old guys should run over something in their pick-up trucks....
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Comments on Say What? Yelling at Wounded Soldiers
They taunt the casualties of war, because they know that if they went and protested uninjured soldiers, they'd get their candy asses kicked up between their shoulderblades.
Despicable, cowardly ghoulish bastards (spit).
|| Posted by Old Buick Tanker, August 25, 2005 10:10 AM |||| , 08:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 24, 2005
She's Gone Plaid!
Cindy Sheehan reveals a little bit more of herself.
By way of John Hawkins at Right Wing News:
Freedom fighters?Really?
I guess we can now say that Cindy supports acts like this? Or maybe this?
Congratulations Ms. Sheehan - you've now officially become a public moron. You've exceeded the design specifications on human absurdity and are screaming along at Ludacris Speed. And you're also headed straight for that brick wall we like to call REALITY where you'll soon become a crimson stain.
It is no wonder that you've become a 'tool' of the anti-war psychos - you're just not smart enough to recognize it was happening.
I am sorry that you've lost your son, but realize that he CHOSE to enlist and then CHOSE again to re-enlist. He knew what he was doing whereas you do not.
Pack it in Ms. Sheehan - go home and grieve for your son, but do not lecture the rest of America on what YOU think is happening around the world and expect us to lap it up.
We've all got opinions on all sorts of things in our world but you do not have the corner market on grief, misery, and dispair - EVERYONE has it in their lives. Share it in hopes of overcoming it? Sure - go right ahead. That doesn't mean that we're going to follow your cue on how to act/react to America being under siege.
You do your son a dishonor by using him like a tool that you've become.
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Comments on She's Gone Plaid!
Have you ever heard her speak? The woman is a complete moron!
|| Posted by Dave, August 24, 2005 01:20 PM ||No, really! Keep her around till the '06 elections! She weaves some FINE hangin rope with that mouth of hers.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 01:23 PM ||Well, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Cindy. I heard some stuff she has said, and she seems to be getting misinformation. The left also seems to be abusing her. She obviously doesn't know what she's talking about, so she has an excuse. That's why they want to prop her up, because if anybody who was taken seriously would say these things they wouldn't be taken seriously for very long. Cindy Sheehan has no real reputation on the line.
|| Posted by Dave, August 24, 2005 01:30 PM ||It's pretty obvious that anybody fighting an invader is entitled to call themselves a freedom fighter. Do you guys not own dictionaries?
|| Posted by royston, August 24, 2005 03:34 PM ||So... if you fight a foreign nation on foreign soil, whilst terrorizing the local populace makes you a freedom fighter?
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 03:54 PM ||That's right, Roidston, they fight freedom.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 24, 2005 04:03 PM ||Gen Lute said 90% of what he called the "enemy" in Iraq was domestic. There was only a "slither" of foreign fighters "sponsored from outside".
|| Posted by royston, August 31, 2005 04:42 PM |||| , 01:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Name Enhancement
Something I picked up on over at Yogi's site:
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Comments on Name Enhancement
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 01:22 PM ||You know it!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 24, 2005 01:49 PM ||Honestly. You people crack me up. You absolutely epitomise 'dumb rednecks'. It's barely worth lampooning you, fish in a barrel. Your worldview is so inbred, your perspective so narrow and so self serving.
|| Posted by royston, August 24, 2005 03:23 PM ||No one would, or could, take you seriously unless you had a gun in your hand which, presumably, is why you're such a fan of them.
QQuick! get progressive and ban him! I fear for my manhood!
...must caress my gun... sweet gun... smooth metal... you won't let the bad men hurt me... not you my precious... precious...
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 03:52 PM ||Yes, he really got us with that one.
Tell me, Roidston, is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 24, 2005 04:10 PM ||Tell me, Roidston, is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?
How else can he drum up a date?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 25, 2005 08:07 AM ||Sweet jebus, out of all the posts to troll, he picks the most meaningless ones.
... I never get any trolls... *sob*...
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 25, 2005 08:20 AM ||Apologies for that.
|| Posted by Royston, August 25, 2005 03:00 PM ||I'd been reading the Cindy comments on the previous page and while I agree that her situation does not necessarily merit our undivided attention, neither do I think that it necessarily merits such scorn.
When a lady has dropped her dignity a gentleman should want to pick it up and give it back to her.
You've got a point there about gentlemen.
However, this is a case of a woman being TOTALLY manipulated by the anti-war psychos and IMO she's too stupid to realize it.
We're not bashing on her per se.....just the case she makes about speaking for us (the American people) and for all parents that have lost a family member in Iraq.
She really needs to check the dosage levels on those 'special' pills I'm sure her *cough* friends down in Crawford are giving her to 'cope'...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 25, 2005 05:29 PM ||Just for the record, I do not hate the woman.
I hate what she has done to her son's name, because I find it reprehensible to use a man's death to further a cause.
It would be like the mother of one of the dead space shuttle astronauts DEMANDING to shut down the space program.
In the grand scheme of things, she is merely a tool, that will be cast aside when her usefulness is tapped dry.
Just watch.
It happened before.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 26, 2005 10:36 AM |||| , 11:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
OBT Has Arrived
Good news! An acquaintance of mine - Old Buick Tanker - that helped adjust the attitudes of those anti-war folks at Activist San Diego has now entered the blogsphere.
Between Yogimus the Hugarian Barbarian, myself, and OBT we managed to cause the forums at ASD to be shutdown; I guess they got tired of having the truth pushed in their faces and 'took their ball and went home'.
OBT - welcome to the wonderful world of blogging and fighting the good fight!!
UPDATE: Here is an example of the mischeif that happened at ASD. I'm kind of surprised that they haven't taken it down yet...
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Comments on OBT Has Arrived
Favorite quote:
Admin: "We are taking donations for a new 20gb server hard drive"
AHAHAHA You can't afford a 20Gig drive? AHAHA
No yogi, they just don't want to have to pay for it
Behold! the POWER of socialism!
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 01:29 PM ||http://www.activistsandiego.org/wwwboard/viewtopic.php?t=9779
A sample of our mischief
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 02:28 PM ||HOWDY! Glad to hear from you, it's been awhile? That ASD link sure is funny, but my favorite was the conversations about the "Altar of US Imperialism" picnics, with the kitten launch, baby seal b-b-q, etc...ahhhhh!
I haven't heard a word from their site admin Marc ever since I sent him the files of info I dug up on him. For a site admin, he sure seemed ignorant about the many uses of google archived pages....WHOOP! Not to mention simple internet protocols. Oh, well... "behold, the Power of Progressives!!!" (bzzt...pop! sputter...gag...flopdie...)
|| Posted by Old Buick Tanker, August 24, 2005 03:14 PM ||Feels GOOD to leave a web site in the comments bars does it not?
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 03:34 PM |||| , 11:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 22, 2005
Team America: F*ck Yeah!
My wife bought me my own personal copy of Team America: World Police; it's still funny as hell!!
If you haven't seen it yet, rent the DVD and invite some friends over - just make sure that they're not left-of-center or if they are, make sure they can laugh at themselve to some extent.
Debbie Shlussel (a new find on my part) posted about the movie and how it annoyed a lot of Hollywood last fall.
What I liked about her post was that apparently Sean Penn was quite put out about his portrayal in the movie: Read More of "Team America: F*ck Yeah!"I loved how he was devoured by 'panthers' in the movie. As a matter of fact, I loved out ALL of the Hollywood celebs were 'offed', although the monicker of 'Hollywood Celeb' doesn't really apply to Janeane Garafalo; while IMO she doesn't rate being 'Hollywood-esque', she does die quite nicely in Team America...some of her best acting yet.
All done with "Team America: F*ck Yeah!"?
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Comments on Team America: F*ck Yeah!
F*ck Yeah!
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 22, 2005 06:06 PM ||Hehehe, Old Buick Tanker is in the blog business now too!
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 23, 2005 07:16 AM ||Really? Where?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 23, 2005 07:42 AM ||http://www.livejournal.com/users/oldbuicktanker/
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 23, 2005 08:24 AM ||Great flick, I bought it as well. I love Hans Brick getting eaten by the shark.
|| Posted by Billy Budd, August 24, 2005 08:57 PM |||| , 04:23 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Inane Relevance
Oh good - it's official: Iraq is now exactly like Vietnam since Joan Baez was released from her cryo-storage unit:
It's nice to see that all of the old 'players' are slowly realizing that they can make a comeback after 30+ years by equating Iraq to Vietnam.I hate to break it to you three-toed sloths, but I feel I have to: Iraq is Iraq and Vietnam is Vietnam.
You're attempts to equate the two are like comparing Edsels and the Concord SST.
Read More of "Inane Relevance"Your hopes that Iraq would indeed become the next Vietnam - after misnaming Beirut, Grenada, Panama, the 1991 Gulf War, Somalia, and finally Afghanistan as the 'next' Vietnam - are without merit.
In Iraq, there are something close to 27 MILLION people freed from the previous distatorship; Vietnam (both North and South) are still wallowing in Communism.
In Iraq, there's a new constitution being prepared by the Iraqi people whereas in Vietnam, there are reeducation camps.
In Iraq, the infant mortality rate is decreasing, more and more woman are experiencing personal freedoms for the first time in their lives. In Vietnam, you've got a failed experiment in communism that refuses to let go.
So - shall we dispence with the anaologies of [INSERT COUNTRY NAME HERE] = Vietnam? It's tiresome, it's a beat-to-death cliche, and quite frankly it makes you all look quite pathetic in your desparate grasping to be relevant.
If you've got a sensible solution to America's 'woes', then speak up. But for the love of [INSERT DIETY NAME HERE], please stop making inane accusations and promoting what I'd call just plain STUPID suggestions; we've seen what happens when those suggestions are followed:
Be a part of the solution instead of being part of (or the entire) problem.All done with "Inane Relevance"?
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Baez performs at Crawford anti-war vigil, on August 22, 2005, 03:37 PM
Excerpt: Iraq war protesters camping out near President Bush?s ranch are getting support from a prominent fig
Comments on Inane Relevance
Who is this Joan person again?
|| Posted by jaws, August 22, 2005 03:47 PM ||I guess being from the post-'nam era has its perks...mainly not knowing who any of these folk singers were
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 22, 2005 04:11 PM ||That's just sad and pathetic.
When did Baez come out with something new and original?
It's just like the liberals to keep going back to the worn out playbook that doesn't work anymore.
|| Posted by Director, August 22, 2005 04:22 PM ||Who is this Joan person again?
My point exactly....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2005 04:30 PM |||| , 03:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Jim Gilchrist for Congress
How here is someone that will make all participants earn their votes: Jim Gilchrist for Congress
Even though it is up in Orange County (the 48th Congressional district), I'll help this man how ever I can.
And you can believe that both the Democratic and Republican candidates he will be facing will not be able to ignore or blow off the issue of illegal
immgrationaliens. Not if they want to be taken seriously....Trackback Information for Jim Gilchrist for Congress
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|| , 12:26 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Lovely 'Freedom Fighters', huh?
Anyone want to back the *cough* 'freedom fighters' in Iraq now??
By way of Chester (through Black Five) comes this 'window into the soul' of the Iraqi 'insurgency':
Gee, and the U.S. gets smacked around for making a prisoners slightly cold in a room whereas these pieces of sh*t are lauded as freedom fighters??Read the rest if you have the stomach for it.
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Comments on Lovely 'Freedom Fighters', huh?
|| , 11:56 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 20, 2005
Getting Personal?
So the guy thought Jackson was a freak 20 years ago. Recent child molestation trials of a certain un-named celebrity in Santa Maria, California would tend to give credence to this notion that Jackson is a freak.....cause he is.
The funny part of this article from that bastion of legitimacy called The Washington Post is the initial sentence:
Now it's getting personal.
This isn't personal moron - the New York Times digging into adoption records to find something - anything on Roberts is personal. This is just a snippet from what - 20 years ago? This is supposed to bring some sort of nefarious behavior of John Roberts into the light?
Face it Dems: there's 'nothing' on Roberts that will allow you to exploit it. The guy - for all basic purposes - is clean; he's so clean, he's almost boring.
Dig back into your Bag of Tricks Felix and try again....
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Roberts gets 'well qualified' rating from ABA, on August 20, 2005, 11:35 AM
Excerpt: Supreme Court nominee John Roberts on Wednesday received a "well qualified" rating from the American
Comments on Getting Personal?
|| , 10:15 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||August 19, 2005
Those 'Evil' O-I-L Companies
I'm lying in bed last night trying to go to sleep (insomnia sucks ass) and I'm listening to the Lars Larson Show on the radio. He was talking about this very subject - semi-hyperinflated gas prices - and he mentioned the following analogy; I'll try to write it as accurately as possible (Lars, don't sue me!):
It's a hypothetical situation but the principle is the same for the oil industry: their cost(s) of refiniing the oil into gasoline hasn't really changed. If anything, it's increased because of increasing demand for cleaner-burning fuels.The only thing that's really changed is that OPEC is partially/mostly setting the price per barrel of crude. You also have to factor in the increasing demand for oil, mostly from China.
More demand means that the highest bidder wins. It isn't rocket science - it's basic market 'laws'.
I hate to say it, but IMHO it isn't the fault of 'big oil' companies - blame the world market for this crap. Those 1 billion people in China alone are looking to all drive at one point or another and as such, they're gonna want gas.
One major factor that I see as a problem is the lack of refining capability in the United States.
From a Department of Energy overview:
There's an increase of refining capability (more 'bang' for your refining buck), but it isn't keeping up with demand which should be topping out around 20.7 million barrels per day. It's a deficit of gasoline 'on demand' (at the gas pumps) and that's creating the increase in price.....not totally, but it sure as Hell adds to it.Now I don't know about the rest of the nation, but I do know this about California: everytime someone wanted to build a new refinery, the eco-psychos would start foaming-at-the-mouth about the 'ecological impact' and the risk of refinery explosions. It would all come down to NIMBYism - no one wanted it near their little slice of heaven. (That link is about locations of toxic waste sites, but the reaction to it - like refineries - is still the same).
Fine - great. We'll try some place else. Go someplace else and it's the same thing: NIMBY!!
So now it's 20 or 25 years later and the results are in: you pay through the nose at the pump if you want to drive.
The suck part of that is that here in California, the state was built from the ground up since the 1940s to be a 'car-based' culture; everything is spread out and those trying to introduce mass transit are (for the moment) living in La-La Land.
So what is the moral of this story? Don't be the freakin ant that lives for here-and-now and instead start planning smartly like the grasshopper.
And I can tell you that insisting that the government release portions of the Strategic Oil Reserve to 'alleviate' the price of gasoline isn't going to help. Oh....there might be a momentary dip in gas prices, but that will be very short-lived. The price(s) of oil on the open market will continue to be what they will be: what the market will bear.
Here's a thought: how about drilling in ANWR? What about the caribou!?! is what's heard immediately.
As I said earlier, I'm no expert on the oil industry, but I did find something that (dispite being biased for it) sheads some light on the ANWR possibility:
I've only really glanced at this site, but I'll be reading some more on it.....We can't drill there!! It would be a ecological disaster!! I remember hearing this crap back when I was a kid when the Alaskan Pipeline was being proposed/built. They said it would kill animals - it didn't. In fact, the caribou population around the pipeline grew.
I know that I don't have all the answers for this type of discussion, but I do know this: if there's a sudden absence of oil on the world market and prices for a gallon of gas go through the roof ($4.00 a gallon? $5.00 a gallon?) those same folks that would go red-in-the-face over the mere discussion of drilling in ANWR or more off-shore drilling off the Santa Barbara will probably be the loudest people screaming when a the price of basic groceries increases as rapidly as the price of gas. What a typical family could buy for $100 at Vons and hold them for a week would now only suffice for two, maybe three days - and that doesn't include the family burning it's own gas to get to the store; those will be the people screaming about 'how could this have happened!?!....
And those that will start to accuse 'big oil' of screwing people for profit, take a look at the BIG picture before you shoot your mouths off....not everything in the world is about profit. The world isn't perfect and it certainly isn't simple as some would think.
Think outside-the-box for a clear look at the world in which we live in today. You're spend less money on antacids and asprin...
All done with "Those 'Evil' O-I-L Companies"?
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Comments on Those 'Evil' O-I-L Companies
Damn, you futzed that grasshopper thing up.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 19, 2005 07:29 PM ||Evil OIL companies??? How about the taxes added to every gallon of gas? (State & Federal)
How about all the different blends required by each state to satisfy environmental laws?
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 20, 2005 08:46 AM ||If the blends were standardized down to say 2, production costs would drop significantly, and supply would increase!
Those were points that Lars Larson also brought up. By reducing the various different 'blends' down to two or three it would drop the price of a gallon of gas by about 20 cents.
Take out the Federal, State, and (I'm certain they're around) local taxes, you'd drop gas by about a buck a gallon.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 20, 2005 09:36 AM ||It's not the NIMBY effect so much as the BANANA effectBuild Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone. The eco-fascists are not satisfied with preventing refineries being built near them (or power plants, or landfills, or anything else that might injure Gaia), they want to prevent them from being built, PERIOD. They are a bunch of luddites who are angered by the prospect of progress, because such progress will require the use of natural resources to one extent or another.
|| Posted by timekeeper, August 22, 2005 10:58 AM |||| , 04:40 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Results Are In
Hope her mom's condition improves and that maybe being away from the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ will give her a little clarity on this entire subject.
UPDATE: I'm not the only one (duh!) that thinks there's something soooo wrong with this entire situation. Kilabe does some digging and has some questions about what's apparent to everyone not on the 'Mother Cindy' bandwagon...
UPDATE II: I think the biggest 'tear jerker' of this whole fiasco is that Cindy Sheehan - a simple mother moarning the death of her son - has a public relations firm giving her cues when to blubber.
The honesty here....it's so touching.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Iraq War Protest Vigils Dot U.S., on August 19, 2005, 03:35 PM
Excerpt: As so-called "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan continued her protest near President Bush's ranch, thousands
Comments on Results Are In
What kind of people run approval ratings on a crackpot old lady?
|| Posted by Davey, August 19, 2005 01:48 PM ||What kind of people run approval ratings on a crackpot old lady?
I dunno Dave but (at least) to me, it's indicative about the 'obsessiveness' of the MSM pounding this story to death.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 19, 2005 02:57 PM ||I just feel sorry for her son. I don't know what he died for, but it sure as hell was NOT this.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 19, 2005 03:09 PM |||| , 01:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
What a Noble Cause....
Just gotta love those 'defenders of public interest' over at the American Civil Liberties Union:
But if the kid had been born all kinds of f**ked up, the ACLU would be singing a different tune.I think that the only way the ACLU will change their (collective) minds about some of the crap they defend will be when some of their results start to hit 'home', i.e., some of their family members start to feel the effects of their actions.
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Comments on What a Noble Cause....
|| , 12:10 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 18, 2005
Navy Nostalgia
Don't know why but something today at dialysis made me think of these two Navy recruiting posters. I remember having a replica print of the first one back in early 1985 when I was enlisting in the Navy.
I remember really admiring it not because there was a blonde in uniform [/drooling & panting] but because it was (at least to me) nostalgic.
One day when I finally have a house and a personal library/office I'll be getting some reproductions of these two posters (and possibly other Navy recruiting posters) to decorate it. I think they'll be a fine addition to any office and will certainly compliment the 'I Love Me' wall....it's a Navy thing - don't ask.
(Navy posters nicely glommed from U.S. Naval Historical Center)
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Comments on Navy Nostalgia
Let's see pics of your "I love me" wall!
I haven't got mine up yet. Not enough room in the townhouse, really (don't even have room for my Periodic Table of Beer Styles). But I do have all of my stuff ready to go. I have 8 or 9 "completion of Navy school" certs, and 1 "honorman" cert, but not my offical honorable discharge.
What I really want is a mannequin dressed up in my crackerjacks, with mounted medals. That would be cool.
I like advertisment posters from the 40's in general, but especially the old recruiting posters. Had never thought of including those in the "I love me" wall. Thanks for the idea!
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 19, 2005 05:22 AM ||I don't have one up either; most of that stuff is in storgage. And what space is left 'bare' will be filled with stuff like these posters and hi-red images of the Blue Angels.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 19, 2005 11:37 AM |||| , 05:34 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Getting Tough on Child Molesters
It's about frackin time!
I think that after this the only 'better' solution for pedophiles would be to blow their brains all over the pavement.....on live television.And I'm thinking that anyone in Sacramento - in the Assembly or the Senate - that opposes this legislation will be signing their political death warrant - they will if I have anything to do with it.
If you live in California, I urge you to contact your Senate or Assembly representative and tell them to vote YES on this. Or else....
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Comments on Getting Tough on Child Molesters
|| , 11:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 17, 2005
In a World of Hurt
Michelle Malkin and the Radio Equalizer have a must-read story about the death spasms of Air America:
I see a gigantic smoking hole in the ground that once was Air America as I've written about before.I see Janeane Garafalo returning to Hollywood and barely managing to get parts in 'B' movies or sequels that can be only described as 'pathetic'.....sort of like 'Mystery Men'.
I see Al Franken writing another book that has to be bought in bulk by his friends to register a hit on The New York Times Bestseller List. It'll be called 'Fiendish Fiends that Foolishly Follow Fickly Fiends....Abu Grahib!'.
I see Randi Rhodes returning to Florida and her 15,000 listeners and quite probably posing for a spread in Playboy just to recover her moving expenses.
And for San Diego's affiliate of Air America - KLSD 1360 - I see them switching formats to Hispanic Christian and one-time KOGO talk show/one-time 'conservative' host Stacy Taylor suddenly announcing that he was forced to adapt to KLSD and that he's really a conservative and please-hire-me-back-KOGO.
And his oh-so-annoying 'sidekick Scooter? The one that's so 'outraged' that he cannot complete a rationale thought? He'll be fetching coffee for someone at a Clear Channel station here in San Diego since he cannot concoct a sensible story like Stacy Taylor will have to use to stay employed. Maybe he can fill in for Abromowitz being the a 'bitch' on the Dave, Shelly, & Chainsaw morning show.
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Comments on In a World of Hurt
|| , 05:17 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||USS New York LPD-21
Even my kid (who's sitting here watching me type) said 'Cool!!'. You cannot sum this up any more susictly than that...Here is the 'fact file' on the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock.
(Mad Mikey grimace to Michelle Malkin for this story....even if she never returns my e-mails to her....)
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Comments on USS New York LPD-21
That does look pretty cool.
And Michelle Malkin ignores me, too. I mean, she doesn't return my emails, my calls, and I haven't gotten one thank you card from all the flowers I've sent her over the last year.
..okay, so maybe I made that up. I am NOT a crazy stalker!
|| Posted by Davey, August 18, 2005 11:48 AM ||No country that kills one hundred thousand innocent people may call itself compassionate without charges of gross hypocrisy being laid against it. That goes for jolly, old England too.
|| Posted by royston, August 31, 2005 02:40 PM ||Our hearts are full of hate.
...kills one hundred thousand innocent people...
Royston you twerp - are you using that beat-to-death LIE about 100,000 Iraqis being killed because of the war? That *cough* fact was killed long ago:
Look it up - it was shown to be from an author that was blatantly BIASED.
Typical leftist tactic - argue like a chick....take something inane/false, turn it around, give it a twist.
Royston, this is a false *cough* fact from almost a year ago. It's been shown to be total crap and as such, ignored by most intelligent people debating the merits of this war. Would you consider yourself intelligent or are you just another parrot regurgitating tired talking points to attempt to make your weak point?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 31, 2005 03:13 PM |||| , 04:38 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 16, 2005
This has been a so-so day.
Last night while my wife and I were out, my elbow started hurting a little. This morning, it's almost on fire.
To top this off, the dialysis technician today couldn't seem to jam the *@$## needles into my arm properly; I felt like a human pin cushion!! We eventually had to call over no less than THREE other techs to attempt to get the damn 15-guage needle in.
Crap - two distinct pains in one arm. The only thing that will ease my suffering is to watch some classic sci fi tonight......family permitting.
UPDATE: It turns out that my 'sore' elbow is actually an infection.
Got some anti-bioltics and some Darvecet to deal with. We'll see what happens...
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Comments on Ouch
ooooh. Ouch. I feel for you sooooo much. I hate needles. Hopefully you can get some sleep and have it start healing....
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 17, 2005 11:38 AM |||| , 05:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 13, 2005
New Concept: Let VOTERS Decide!
I missed this one earlier:
Finally - the California Supreme Court recognizes what drives most California voters insane: voting on a proposition only to have it over turned by a single judge.Will this pass in November? I dunno, but at least we - the voters here in California - will have an opportunity to vote on the darned thing.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: REDISTRICTING PLAN BACK ON STATE BALLOT / California Supreme Court overturns appellate ruling in big win for governor, on August 13, 2005, 05:13 PM
Excerpt: The state Supreme Court restored Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's legislative redistricting initiative t
Comments on New Concept: Let VOTERS Decide!
|| , 04:42 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||August 12, 2005
Into the Breach Once Again
Okay - I got 'dumped' by Google Ads for some inane reason, so now I'm trying this again with two new blog ad companies.
While I'm not normally a 'click freak' and looking to make a living off my blog, I am shooting for something a bit more noble: cable internet.
What's this you say?
Well, here in San Diego one of the cable companies - the one that I'm using that is - is offering a 'package deal' for it subscribers. The 'deal' includes digital phone (local & long distance including Canada), digital cable (which I already get with no premium channels) and Road Runner internet service. The price is less than what I'm currently paying for SBC local phone service, Sprint long distance, digital cable, AND dial-up internet service. It just seems 'logical' to get the premium services for the same amount of money I'm already paying...
So, why am I posting about this and WTF does this have to do with blog advertising?
Well, getting this new 'package deal' isn't the problem or the direct reason I'm posting about it - getting the high speed cable internet throughout my house is.

I've got three computers in the house - two desktops and a notebook - that will (sooner or later) connected to the cable modem, but after I saw the prices for the wireless router and the wireless adapter cards for the two desktops....well, that's why I'm trying these blog ads once again....trying to get the cash to get this all hooked up in Casa del Mikey de la Loco.
I'm gonna have to shell out close to $160 to get the house 'wired' and to really take advantage of the package deal.
So....with that in mind, I'd like to grovel and ask that everyone click on those ads to help Mikey save poor kittens from evil mercenary PETA commandos.
I'm normally not the type to put my financial problems out on the net for discussion and I'm not looking for the 'pity' factor - just need people to click away.
Click away to the left - Mikey needs a new broad-band router and a couple of kidneys....
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Comments on Into the Breach Once Again
Yeah, your ads have finally decided it was okay for my computer to see them again ;D
I wonder if your desktops have ether net cards on them already. I'm wondering because most 'wireless routers' actually have 2 jacks for desktops in the back of the machine. That way, you might just need the modem, router and 2 wires instead of having to buy the adapter cards.
|| Posted by Elly, August 14, 2005 11:23 PM ||Oh I'm sure there are some sort of 'AUX' jacks on the back of most routers, but you've seen my house - hooking up the desktops to the system by cable would be *extremely* difficult.
Maybe the desktops DO have wireless adapters....I'll have to check this evening.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 15, 2005 01:35 PM ||Do you need a Network Engineer to make a house call????
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 16, 2005 06:39 PM ||I do know of a pretty good one.....
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 16, 2005 06:40 PM ||If I have trouble, I know who to call.... ;)
Just need the hardware...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 17, 2005 07:16 AM ||What brand(s) of hardware are you thinking about getting? Bensbargains.net has the some of the best deals on just about every hardware combo you could name for this..... I'd say stay away from DLink, and get a good Linksys wireless router... I just dumped Dlink for them, and things work wonderfully...
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 17, 2005 04:11 PM ||Hadn't really thought much about any specific brand names except for the router HAS to be Linksys - everyone keeps telling me it's the best for wireless routers.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 17, 2005 04:17 PM ||My model # for the Linklsys I bought is : WRT54GS
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 17, 2005 05:29 PM ||I shopped Be$tbuy, Circuit City & CompU$A. Bestbuy had the best price of the 3, as well as $20 in rebates....
Amazon.com has one with a rebate that makes the entire router cost less than $20....just have to get the $$$ to get this going.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 17, 2005 05:33 PM ||ok..... Charitable Donation Time....
I have in my near reach, a suitable wireless router. Linksys Model WRT54G. (and no, it's not stolen...)
I will donate this to your cause! (anything for a fellow Vet & Dialysis sufferer!) Email me a snail mail address, and you should have it by Monday!
A client of mine got sold a whole lot of extra equipment by a slimey salesweenie @ Dell. I'll buy it from her, and give it to you!
Email me with your info....
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 18, 2005 11:25 AM ||Oh WOW!!
Okay...check your mail. ;)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 18, 2005 11:49 AM ||Got your info... Got the router in my posession!
I just need to reset it to factory defaults, than it'll be on it's way....
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 19, 2005 12:19 PM |||| , 04:28 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Gateway to Mars
Now here's something cool:
This is what my brother would refer to as 'good stuff'. And indeed it is.Trackback Information for Gateway to Mars
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|| , 11:14 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Ass-Whooping on Aisle Four
The legacy of the President Bill Clinton gets another nudge in the 'Most Screwed' category:
I haven't kept up on this fully in the last few days - been dealing with some personal things - but as with most 'smoking crater' stories like this I'll have to reserve final judgement until more information is made available.However - for the moment, I can say this: one or more people are in need of a serious ass-whooping even if some of this pans out.
And I'm talking about 2x4 with a nail in it type ass-whooping.
Congratulations President Clinton: the *cough* 'legacy' of your presidency is shaping up nicely and you're well on your way to becoming the Neville Chamberlain of our lifetimes....
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|| , 10:52 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 11, 2005
Business 101, Part IV
Something that stuck me as DUH!! that I found on San Diego Indy Media:
Now the stupidity in this comes from the fact that while there are quite a few companies here in San Diego that operate maquiladora plants south of the border in Mexico, it's becoming more and more difficult for these companies to keep their businesses running due to silly crap like this.The manufacturing company that I worked for in the last half of the 1990s had a maquiladora plant in Tecate, Mexico. Part of my job as a Design Engineer there was that I would have to go down periodically. When I did, there was nothing but honest and hard work happening there.
And while these workers were making peanuts compared to what I made north of the border, they still made MORE than the typical wages along the border. The plant managers had to constatnly turn away prospective workers that applied for ANY job in the plant. There was the semi-static 'shuffle' of workers between maquiladoras in Tecate (and I'm sure in Tijuana), but it was such a small 'blip' on the radar screen that there wasn't any worry about having enough people to get product out the door.
Read More of "Business 101, Part IV"And while these workers were making peanuts compared to what I made north of the border, they still made MORE than the typical wages along the border. The plant managers had to constatnly turn away prospective workers that applied for ANY job in the plant. There was the semi-static 'shuffle' of workers between maquiladoras in Tecate (and I'm sure in Tijuana), but it was such a small 'blip' on the radar screen that there wasn't any worry about having enough people to get product out the door.
In case you're wondering, my company made thermistors (heat sensitive resistors) for biomedical, manufacturing, and industrial applications. My job as a Design Engineer was to develop prototype temperature probes for prospective customers.
Anyway....I left the company in 2000 for various reasons, one of which was the company was attempting to 'consolidate' its resources. It has acquired another thermistor company up in Orange County and management was trying to reduce overlap between the two companies. I was laid off due to being:
About a year later I stopped by to say hello to some of the people that I worked closely with and found that the company had closed down part of the Tecate plant and sub-contracted some Chinese firm to make all the biomedical devices; the biomedical product line was about 35% of the company's 'meat-n-potatoes' revenue. And while there wasn't any indication of worker strife at the plant (none that was told to me), management had just determined that there was too much hassle in trying to reduce rejection rates of the biomedical product line - the desired rate was about ±5% and the actual rejecion rate was double that; they found a way to do it cheaper in a couple of ways and because of it, there were about 40 people laid off from the Tecate plant.
Such is the way of business. Some people just don't seem to understand the concept that companies are NOT in the business to create jobs - they are in the business to turn a profit for their owners and/or shareholders. Especially the lemmings at San Diego Indy Media as you'll read my responses to portions of their whiny-ass post.
I'm 'reposting' my responses since the folks at SDIMC seem to be quite afraid of my comments - they'll delete them as they spot them. And it's okay I guess; it just means that I'm hitting 'home' with my words and they cannot tolerate being made to look....well, like morons.
"As the workers said, Alaris sold them without asking their permission. "
Are they/were they stockholders? It's been my experience that unless you have stock (significant holdings that is) that you don't get to say squat about how a company maneuvers in the business climate.
"...but, in Tijuana they are promoting health by paying starvation wages and then destroying the lives of their workers."
Well now they're free to get a 'decent' job and not be repressed with these nasty conditions, huh? There is always a need for people to sell blankets or plaster-of-paris Bart Simpson statues.....
"María is an employee bringing suit against the company. [Her name has been changed to protect her identity and to prevent her from being blacklisted from all of the other maquiladoras in Tijuana.]"
'Prevent her from being blacklisted'?? I thought that the maquiladoras were B-A-D....? What a hypocritical statement.
"At Alaris, they work 50 hours a week for a salary of about $90 [USD]. This includes the base pay and the bonuses for “perfect” attendance and punctuality, and for “certification”."
You dimwits...that why they're called BONUSES - it's an added incentive!
"Alaris claims to provide a great benefits plan for its employees. According to Alaris, it is “a benefit program that allows you to select plans that best suit your lifestyle and provides you the protection you want”."
Ummm, that would be the AMERICAN employees here in the United States - you know: the ones that are American Citizens.
"These maquiladoras operate as foreign companies did back in the days of President Porfirio Diaz in the nineteenth century. They come to exploit. They don’t respect constitutional laws here and they force the workers to work 10 or 12 hours a day or more without paying overtime."
Well, there's a way to deal with that: watch as all the companies operating maquiladoras in Tijuana and Tecate close up their facilities and move them off-shore, most likely China. For all the trouble that people like you piss and moan about, you'll get little satisfaction as they move to China or Indonesia where there are more appreciative workers that would (almost) kill for the chance to work and earn money instead of eating tree bark.
In conclusion, what you numbskulls do NOT realize is this: companies are in the business of BUSINESS and of making money. They make money for their SHAREHOLDERS. If a company cannot make a profit, then shareholders will bail on them and as such, their operating revenue diminishes. When they have reduced operating revenues, they tend to 'tighten the belt' and that means that the workers must:
(1) Bust their humps faster to make the company money, or
(2) The company reduces its work force i.e., people get let go.
In either case, it's not conducive to a 'nice' work environment and people start to eat tree bark to supplement their food dollar/peso.
People realize that there's a need for 'workers' to be represented and protected, but that was in the early 20 century.
You would do well to realize that while you THINK you're helping these workers that in fact you're CONDEMNING THEM to more and more poverty.
All done with "Business 101, Part IV"?
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|| , 05:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 10, 2005
Age Limitations
Don't really know what to make of this:
To allow this to happen, Congress would have to make changes to Title X (I think that's the one) that specifies the maximum age for entry into the U.S. military.The current law(s) basically say that for anyone to go into the military, they cannot be older than 35 years of age and as the article says there are exceptions for specific jobs.
And what is the underlying reason? The person entering military service must be able to attain 20 years service by age 55.
I found this out the difficult way back in the summer of 2000.
Read More of "Age Limitations"I had made calls to the local Navy recruiter about a program the Navy was offering for officer candidates. I was trying to work out a way to make the transfer up here to UCSD and still be able to support my family - and the Navy seemed to have a way for me to do it.
Roughly speaking, the program offered to help support program participants while they attended school. During the program, the participants would be active duty, receive all benefits that an E-5 would receive while they did not have to 'work' for the Navy. The one 'downside' was that if you were in this program, you'd have to foot the bill for school yourself. After you graduated, you'd attend Officer Candidate School and serve for some specific time duration (I cannot recall what it was specifically).
For me, the trouble began the day that I took the placement test. While we (me and the other possible candidates) were waiting for the test results to be graded, the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) was chit-chatting with us. I made some comment about being 32 or so (bear in mind that this was in 2000). The OIC asked if I had graduated yet; I said no. She then informed me about the 'graduate before you turn 35 years old clause' and how I wouldn't be eligible.
It would seem that my mistake was that I called and talked to some civilian flunky about the requirements. The civvy told me that the age restriction was 35 years old, but that I would get an extension because I had served four years on active duty previously.
And in my research to find a loophole in this requirement was when I learned about Title X and the necessity for anyone entering military service be able to attain 20 years service to be able to receive retirement benefits; they won't let anyone enter the military if they cannot attain retirement. 'It wouldn't be fair' I was told.
So, the Navy said 'no' and that was that. Even my emphasizing that I had previous military service and that the Navy would benefit from me didn't sway them. I was gonna have to find another way to support the family while I went to school.
And it's all academic now: eight months later I was diagnosed with my kidney disease and I'd be ineligible for military service anyways.
It sucked then and it still sucks now, but I guess I have to live with not being in the Navy any longer and just work for the Navy instead.
All done with "Age Limitations"?
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Comments on Age Limitations
Actually, I think this will help a lot. When I was an Army Recruiter back in 2002, a lot of older guys would come in and we had to turn them away because they were too old. It'll help a little, but every little bit helps.
|| Posted by Davey, August 10, 2005 09:19 PM ||[Dons fire-proof clothing for upcoming flaming.]
You REALLY don't know why they're doing this?
They are behind in their recruitment targets. Why are they behind? Because people see two things about Iraq: 1. It's an unwarranted war, or 2. Those that do believe it is a just war see that current soldiers are getting screwed by being forced to do extra tours or are having their stints extended.
Mostly, I believe it's number 1. Most Americans believe we have no business being the cops of the world. We are not, nor were we ever, in danger from anyone or anything in Iraq. Our Constitution allows us to defend ourselves, not other countries in the world. It could be argued that it allows us to defend our allies, as that is in the interest of the US.
None of which were the case with Iraq. The missed recruitment goals are the most "real" opinion poll our government could ever get. Hopefully, they'll listen.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 11, 2005 01:25 PM ||TOMS: That's why I said I wasn't sure what to make of it.
Maybe it's to fulfill recruitment goals....maybe it's to retain/procure members that are more 'mature' (I know that when I went into the Navy after just turning 18 years old that I was quite disappointed in the maturity level of some of the people I worked with...)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 11, 2005 04:13 PM ||Well, along with the 18 month enlistment and extra recruiters on the ground you'd think they'd have plenty of boots for Iraq.
Now, if all those young chickenhawks would sign up they'd be set. Of course, they support the war, they just don't think the cause is worth fighting for.
|| Posted by scroff, August 13, 2005 08:44 AM |||| , 10:40 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Something to Ponder
La Shawn Barber takes notice of 'white flight' in a Texas school district and notes the following:
Geez almighty: when is this 'racism!!!' crap gonna stop!?!To me, it seems like those that scream 'racism!!!' and demand more and more concessions in the name of 'equality' are showing that they themselves are the impediment and not the victims.
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Comments on Something to Ponder
Sometimes racism does exist, but the example to which you point is the curse of egalitarianism. Equality of opportunity is the goal. Pure equality can only be achieved through dilution. Dilution destroys excellence. Loss of excellence leads to lower productivity. Lower productivity leads to poverty. What was the subject again?
|| Posted by Bill Turner, August 10, 2005 10:30 AM ||All men are created equal, but equality stops at creation. Each person distinguishes themselves through actions.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 11, 2005 11:38 AM ||I work near Oakland, CA. The school system is predominantly black, and is in terrible shape. Some idiot is actually trying to bring up the Ebonics bullshit again, saying it will help the students to learn.
They will learn that they don't have to work to better themselves. They will learn that they are different from main-stream American, and haven't been given the tools to bridge that gap. They will learn what it is like to be terminally unemployable by all but drug dealers or other rulers of the 'hood.
Great idea, Oakland. You do your students proud.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 11, 2005 01:32 PM ||Great idea, Oakland. You do your students proud.
It's stuff like The Other Mike S. mentions that make more and more people want school vouchers. And if they cannot get those vouchers, they'll send their kids to private school anyway.
My daughter is entering middle school this fall (I still want to call it Junior High) and for at least one year, she'll be subject to the rather poor teaching standards that permeate her particular school. We're looking to get her into a private school ASAP. (I'd prefer one with a ROTC unit in it, but the wife says 'Hell NO!!'...)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 11, 2005 04:16 PM |||| , 10:14 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
The New Anti-War'Tool'
Yogimus sums this up nicely:
It is indeed sad that this woman lost her son in Iraq, but Yogimus has it right: honor your son for what *HE* believed in - not what those whispering in your ear believe in.UPDATE: It would seem that Cindy Sheehan is acting the part of the 'rogue' in her family:
Read More of "The New Anti-War'Tool'"To me, this indicates that while Cindy Sheehan has all the right in the world to grieve for her son being killed in Iraq, that the rest of the family is so against her in her current 'crusade' and with the anti-war dorks that are propping her up that they'd 'take sides' and issue this statement.
Now here is a woman that should be taking stock of what matters to her more: her 15 minutes in the spotlight - and I'm almost willing to be money that as soon as her 'usefulness' is spent that she'll be dropped like a brick by the anti-war crowd in lieu of the next 'tool' (Remember Pablo? Seen him lately? My point exactly.) or getting through the grieving process with the love and support of her family.
In my opinion, Cindy is just being conned by the anti-war lemmings as they're able to whisper the right things into her ear about how she's a victim, how Bush like, your kid died, and other monosylabic catch-phrases.
And just as sure that Pablo *patooey* Paredes is rethinking his decision to 'fight the military' as he's cleaning his 1,000th Navy shitter, one morning Cindy will wake up and realize that she was used for mere political gain. That will be a very sad day in her life - just second to when her son was killed.
Please Cindy - wake up and see what's happening to you and your family at the hand of those around you that promote you standing outside the President's ranch in Texas.
All done with "The New Anti-War'Tool'"?
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|| , 10:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Click for Cathy
Chris has a personal stake in this as it's his sister that's dealing with cancer.
Stop by and help out - it won't cost you a dime.
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|| , 09:57 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 09, 2005
Crow Anyone?
Haven't heard much from the 'children are DYING because of the UN sanctions!!!' crowd about this:
Isn't it interesting that before Operation Iraqi Freedom there was no end in sight of the shrill screams from all sorts of 'humanitarian groups' about how the sanctions were causing 'millions of Iraqi children to die' and now there's a chorus of crickets chirping?(I am quite honestly too lazy to look them up. You know they were out there four years ago - so do I - so let's just assume that history has not been re-written and those people & groups weren't eliminated from time itself.)
Although many suspected that Saddam and his posse were outright stealing money generated from the 'Oil-for-Food' program, there wasn't enough proof to really generate much ado about anything before the war. And now that the war has revealed all of this corruption - not only on the part of the Baathist members in Baghdad, but severely entrenched in the oh-so-saintly United Nations, the only outrage derived from all of this is from those of us that pointed out again and again and again that the 'millions of dead children' were not because of the sanctions themselves.
So where are all those 'end the sanctions' groups? What is their reaction to all these new revelations?
I think I know where: mixed in with the crow pie their shovelling in their faces. Either that or all of those whiners cannot begin to formulate any sort of response that doesn't make them look like....well, complete fracking morons.
Yet another example of people thinking with their hearts instead of using simple logic to analyze a given situation.
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Comments on Crow Anyone?
Oh those rotten 'humanitarian groups'. I remember them from way back in the early to mid 1990's before OFF... here's just a few examples!
A January 22, 1991, Defense Intelligence Agency report titled “Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities” noted,
Iraq depends on importing specialized equipment and some chemicals to purify its water supply, most of which is heavily mineralized and frequently brackish to saline.... Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease.... Unless the water is purified with chlorine, epidemics of such diseases as cholera, hepatitis, and typhoid could occur.
A May 1991 Pentagon analysis entitled “Status of Disease at Refugee Camps,” noted,
Cholera and measles have emerged at refugee camps. Further infectious diseases will spread due to inadequate water treatment and poor sanitation.
Col. John Warden III, deputy director of strategy for the Air Force, observed,
Saddam Hussein cannot restore his own electricity. He needs help. If there are political objectives that the UN coalition has, it can say, “Saddam, when you agree to do these things, we will allow people to come in and fix your electricity.” It gives us long-term leverage.
A 1995 article entitled “The Enemy as a System” by John Warden, published in the Air Force’s Airpower Journal, discussed the benefits of bombing “dual-use targets” and noted,
A key example of such dual-use targeting was the destruction of Iraqi electrical power facilities in Desert Storm.... [Destruction] of these facilities shut down water purification and sewage treatment plants. As a result, epidemics of gastroenteritis, cholera, and typhoid broke out, leading to perhaps as many as 100,000 civilian deaths and a doubling of the infant mortality rate.
And last but not least, when asked if the effects of sanctions were worth a half million children, Madeleine Albright replied,
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.
Yea, the sanctions were peachy, they didn't hurt anyone. Silly crickets...
|| Posted by scroff, August 13, 2005 08:31 AM ||Scroff - those are the same people that said that the U.S. was to blame for all the crap happening in Iraq because of the sanctions.
Sanctions....you know, those dreaded impostions that kept Iraq from rebuilding water plants but allowed Saddam to build quite a few more palaces.
THIS is what I'm talking about - you're hearing crickets from their direction about where the UN played a pivotal role in this.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 13, 2005 09:29 AM |||| , 10:46 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Back on the Ground
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Comments on Back on the Ground
Did you see whichever it was that passed over the US and was plainly visible in the sky like a big comet? That was absolutely thrilling to see. I still remember it.
|| Posted by Cait, August 9, 2005 10:12 AM ||What - Discovery? I was sleeping....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 9, 2005 10:15 AM |||| , 09:51 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 08, 2005
Thanks for the Help
Normally I don't/won't re-post stuff from San Diego Indy Media, but this is hilarious.
The 'special education' crowd over at SDIMC is crowing about the apparent 'dispersal' of the Minutemen Project from watching the border down in Campo near San Diego.
And before it's deleted - at IT WILL be deleted - enjoy a snippet of the overall effect of what they call the 'Buenos Noches Brigade' and it's oppostion:
And there's also this one: The Buenas Noches Brigade did what the Minutemen were attempting to do: make a lot of noise and scare the illegals and the drugrunners away from that section of the border.Sometimes you have to admire the shear '180-degree' results of the left when they really put their minds to something...
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Comments on Thanks for the Help
I wouldn't go near the border without being very well armed. I am talking AR 15 armed, plus semi-auto handguns - plural. And a truckfrickinload of ammo. Read the article. It gave me the hair-stood-up-on-the-back-of-the-neck willies.
If the link doesn't work, let me know and I'll send you the article by cut & paste.
|| Posted by Cait, August 9, 2005 05:56 AM ||The link worked fine Cait. And I'd be 'armed up the wazoo' too!
Yet another reason to dig a trench and fill it with gasoline...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 9, 2005 09:40 AM ||Caught illegals in work camps fortifying border. Clear 50 mile kill zone into mexico.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 9, 2005 09:47 AM ||Good idea, Yogi.
|| Posted by Cait, August 9, 2005 10:13 AM |||| , 08:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 06, 2005
Pussification of America Meets Opposiiton
Good for them!
Read More of "Pussification of America Meets Opposiiton"This 'PC Offensive Name' crap has got to stop. The ironic thing is that when asked, most Native American tribes don't get bent out of shape over the usage of such names as 'Seminoles', 'Braves', 'Apaches', or anything else associated with Native American titles. But when look at who is behind this renaming crap, it's a small group of whiners that find offense in practically anything and everything in the world - especially here in the United States.
It's an epidemic that spreads like AIDS. Hell, even the president of my former college - Southwestern College - gave in to the paranoia and changed the name of the football team there (don't ask why a community college would have a fracking football team) from 'Apaches' to 'Jaguars'. And I remember when he came in and announced this to the Inter-College Council (of which I was a member of at the time) - I told him that he was looking for trouble by changing the name to 'Jaguars' in that he'd have PETA all over his ass about it sooner or later. He stared at me for a moment and then thanked me for my concern.
Now at the graduations we have all sorts of stuffed jaguars that make stupid noises being sold to guests.
There will be some anti-religious psychos that sue to have the San Diego Padres change their name or the New York/San Francisco Giants having to change their names so as not to offend the vertically challenged i.e., midgets or dwarfs.
Then there's the distinct possibility of Greenpeace suing to have the name of the Tennesee Oilers name changed to reflect concern for the environment. Oh wait - they did change their name.....to the Tennessee Titans. Well, that will just royally piss off the anti-Greek god crowd because it yet again implies a religious context.
So here you have another glaring example of the Pussification of America....
All done with "Pussification of America Meets Opposiiton"?
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» Independent Sources links with: NCAA “Mascot” Decision Shows Stupidity Knows No Boundary, on August 07, 2005, 01:38 PM
Excerpt: From the NCAA website: “Colleges and universities may adopt any mascot that they wish, as that is an institutional matter,” said Walter Harrison, chair of the Executive Committee and president at the University of Hartford. “But a...
Comments on Pussification of America Meets Opposiiton
Great post.
I can never read the word "pussification" enough.
|| Posted by Buckley F. Williams, August 10, 2005 01:51 PM |||| , 06:31 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Very Short Books
The List of Very Short Books
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» The Kommentariat links with: A little Sunday humo(u)r., on August 07, 2005, 11:39 AM
Excerpt: Mad Mikey has a great list of some extremely short books. Some of these books might not even be a page long...or even a paragraph long! Take, for example, the book "A Guide to Arab Democracies." How many pages is that book? Not even one page, I'd ...
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|| , 04:43 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||Get Over It and Get Along
You want to help stop this from happening again?! Then don't start a war morons....
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Comments on Get Over It and Get Along
Love the look of the new site. And this time, everything was where it was supposed to be.
Until recently, I believed the same about the bombings of Japan. But a documentary and then some reading I've done have led me to rethink that position. Apparently, from what I've read, we had an opportunity to end the war by diplomatic means prior to the bombings. For a lot of reasons, we chose not to do so. For a really good (and unfortunately, long) and neutral discussion of this, check out http://www.doug-long.com/hiroshim.htm
|| Posted by Cait, August 8, 2005 04:42 AM ||I guess the next time somebody gets all mushy about 9/11 I'll remember this and tell them to get over it already.
|| Posted by scroff, August 13, 2005 08:38 AM ||I guess the next time somebody gets all mushy about 9/11 I'll remember this and tell them to get over it already.
Two different topics.
One was the result of a world war that was INITIATED by the people that were bombed. It was in a declared war with definable sides.
The other was a terrorist attack with no defined combatants.
You're comparing oranges and tangerines Scroff...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 13, 2005 09:32 AM |||| , 10:52 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 05, 2005
Still Tweaking the Site
I think that I've gotten the IE6 bug worked out thanks to the template designer Eric. Now if I can get the banner to line up with the left- and right-side menus....
Also.....those of you that continue to be the slave of Microsoft's Internet Explorer will now be able to view the site correctly.
Oh and check out the comments box: not only did I finally get the text in the box to move a little to the left, I've also integrated the new banner that is up top.
Pretty cool if I say so....
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Comments on Still Tweaking the Site
People and their Firefox propaganda...
|| Posted by Davey, August 6, 2005 01:06 AM ||The only problem I still encounter is the dropdown box extending into the center column. Otherwise it's looking incredible!
|| Posted by Da Goddess, August 8, 2005 04:25 PM |||| , 05:16 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 04, 2005
Cutting Edge Journalism
Just when you thought that the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ couldn't make themselves any more useless, along comes The New York Times to up the ante:
This is seriously the type of stuff that explains why lions eat their young.....Trackback Information for Cutting Edge Journalism
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Comments on Cutting Edge Journalism
It's crap like this that keeps good people from getting involved in politics. Tear this guy's (or any public person's)RECORD apart if you wish, but stay the hell away from his family and personal life.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 4, 2005 10:14 PM ||I'm a conservative, but have a different take on this:
|| Posted by Norma, August 5, 2005 12:39 PM ||http://collectingmythoughts.blogspot.com/2005/08/1328-judge-roberts-and-his-children.html
Personally? I blame the white man. Picking on the poor lil' beaners like that...
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 5, 2005 02:41 PM |||| , 05:43 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 03, 2005
I am NOT a Merry Man!
By way of Miller's Time:
Take the Star Trek Quiz
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Comments on I am NOT a Merry Man!
I was Worf, too. I haven't seen ST:TNG in a long time, I miss it.
|| Posted by Davey, August 3, 2005 10:51 AM ||I just watched 'Star Trek: Generations' last night on Sci Fi and started to watch 'Star Trek: First Contact' before I started to fall asleep....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 3, 2005 11:15 AM ||I wound up as Kirk.....
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 4, 2005 12:01 PM ||When ya gonna fizx the problem with the right hand column obscuring the story box in the middle Mikey?
I was Worf, too. Thought I'd be Piccard....
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 4, 2005 10:16 PM |||| , 10:29 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 02, 2005
60 Years Later The Whining is Still Loud
My first thought was Oh jeez....more whining about this. I thought about it for a few more seconds and confirmed my initial thought - it was whining about it.
I do feel for the woman on the cover having lost her entire family in the fireball that consumed Hiroshima, but that's why they call it WAR. What were we supposed to do - use really, really harsh language!?!
Read More of "60 Years Later The Whining is Still Loud"What boggles me is that while everyone is content to whine and bitch & moan about the destructive powere unleshed on innocent civilians, they seem to forget the alternative: the cost in casualties by having to invade the Japanese homeland.
The plans for invading were in two parts: Operation Olympic, the invasion of the Southern Main Island of Kyushu, scheduled for 1 Nov, 1945 and Operation Coronet, to assault the Central Main Island of Honshu, and drive into the Kanto Plain, and Tokyo, set for the Spring of 1946. The casualties projections weren't pretty.
From the Federation of American Scientists' white paper on the of the events leading up to Hiroshima:
And that was only American casualties. The casualty estimates of Japanese civilians were much higher. Up to 2 million military and civilian deaths.Two million.
You would have to have 20 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseums to accommodate two million people.
Had Operation Olympic and Operation Coronet been launched instead of dropping atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there would still be people bitching & moaning about the loss of life and there had to be an alternative to this! shrill speeches.
And I can say that I had a personal stake in the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: my father flew a Navy divebomber in the Pacific during the war and would have most certainly been involved in the invasion of Kyushu and Honshu. Had these invasions taken place there was a significant chance that my father would have either been shot down and captured or been outright killed. And it doesn't take a PhD in time travel theory to decern that had this happened, I would not be here today.
What I'm getting at is that YES, there is much (if not too much) grief, pain, horror, and suffering stemming from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - I'm not denying that. What is often overlooked is that while there were many, many deaths from the bombings, there would have been more had the United States gone the conventional route.
The bombings were a part of history that takes on a horrific meaning - both bad & good. Bad in that many people died that weren't directly involved in combat operations; good in that there's a lesson to be learned here.....that lesson is: if you're going to start a war, be prepared to reap its rewards and its punishments however harsh. It's called WAR for a reason and if it weren't for events like this, war would be called 'unpleasant disagreement'.
All done with "60 Years Later The Whining is Still Loud"?
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Comments on 60 Years Later The Whining is Still Loud
Am I the only one who has the right hand column still covering part of the posts on your new blog. I can't read the posts! When I click "read more" it opens the post up to full page, and the right hand column is right in the middle of it! Very aggravating, but nothing I can do about it.
|| Posted by Cait, August 3, 2005 05:52 AM ||Beh. Maybe next time you'll keep your filthy bombers out of our airspace.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 3, 2005 06:04 AM ||Cait: Yours is a problem with using IE5 or IE6. I'm currently trying to work out the problems - sorry.
Maybe you should switch to Mozilla Firefox!?!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 3, 2005 09:57 AM ||I just got used to IE. I'm not switching to anything else until I absolutely have to or the computer wizard that lives here tells me it's time. Sorry.
|| Posted by Cait, August 4, 2005 05:49 AM ||I honestly don't get the whining about this. We were invaded. We had the choice of 100K+ US dead or nuke them, to end it. VERY simple choice.
You don't want your ass blown up, don't invade us.
Cait: Really, you need to switch to Firefox. I converted our entire bank a few months ago. Easier to use, better protection, not as vulnerable to hacker games (yet).
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 4, 2005 10:24 PM ||WOW, that's got to be about the ugliest thing I have ever heard.
These people, civilians, did not just fall over dead. They suffered terribly. To this day, there are people who have bomb related injuries - genetic damage, leukemia... People who where born after 1945.
I don't care if you think the action was necessary or not - there was a war. But for fucks sake, have the decency to recognize that any action that results in the death of innocents should be treated with the utmost sobriety - maybe you ought to be a little more circumspect before you start assigning the blame to the victims. War is Hell. And it's not the people who declare it who suffer, it's the rest of us. I suppose you think it's whiny for the Jews to have a holocaust museum.
The way you rattle on about these things - like a redneck cheerleader bragging about how tough your boyfriend is - it's disgraceful. You don't know what it means to be an American - all you know is how to be a bully with a big mouth.
That's not patriotism, that's a Manifest Destiny gone to seed. Our soldiers in World War II? Heros all. The civilians on both side killed in the crossfire? The people who footed the bill for your freedom.
An ounce of respect?
|| Posted by Yet Another MIKE, August 7, 2005 11:56 AM ||WOW, that's got to be about the ugliest thing I have ever heard.
It's my opinion; if you think it's 'ugly', then you had better take a longer look at life as it too is 'ugly'.
These people, civilians, did not just fall over dead. They suffered terribly. To this day, there are people who have bomb related injuries - genetic damage, leukemia... People who where born after 1945.
So did a lot of the casualties from the attack on Pearl Harbor. What, do you think that the Japanese have a lock on the 'suffering' category? What would you say about the suffering of the Chinese in Nanking, especially after the invasion of the city and the subsequent 'biological warfare' that the Japanese unleashed on the city?
How many people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Two hundred thousand? Four hundred thousand? Bet you weren't even aware that close to 400,000 Chinese were murdered in Nanking - all at the hands of the Japanese and that was only in China; add in what happened in the Phillipines, Burma, and in the Solomon Islands group and you've got just a shining example of why the nukes were not only required, but justified in spades.
Since you're so concerned about 'people suffering' during war, maybe you might want to read what the Japanese were really like during the war and why the decision to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki wasn't too hard of a choice to make.
I don't care if you think the action was necessary or not - there was a war.
Really? And who do you think started it? Bolivians? Peeved off Icelandic villagers?
But for fucks sake, have the decency to recognize that any action that results in the death of innocents should be treated with the utmost sobriety - maybe you ought to be a little more circumspect before you start assigning the blame to the victims.
I'm not assigning 'blame on the vicitims' - I'm assigning blame on the entire nation of Japan. They started the war and they reaped the 'rewards' from it.
War is Hell. And it's not the people who declare it who suffer, it's the rest of us.
This just comfirms my last statement.
I suppose you think it's whiny for the Jews to have a holocaust museum.
Not at all. But you're attempting to over-emphasize the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I feel sorry for those that lost their lives, but like you said: War is Hell. Those that attempt to minimize its affects are stupid.
The way you rattle on about these things - like a redneck cheerleader bragging about how tough your boyfriend is - it's disgraceful.
It's an opinion asshole - MY opinion. You might do well to realize that while you might not agree with my opinion that you're in no position to silence me from expressing it. Honestly, if you don't like it - shove it up your ass sporto...
You don't know what it means to be an American - all you know is how to be a bully with a big mouth.
And you do!?! Part of being 'American' is knowing that you're free to express your thoughts and opinions on a great many things and that people are also free to be offended.
There's a amendment to the Constitution of the United States that expressly promotes 'Freedom of Speech'; there is NO amendment that guarentees you won't be offended by someone else's speech.
You must be a Rhodes Scholar to think that something offense must be silenced or 'shamed' into silence. You might want to consider re-reading the Constitution....
That's not patriotism, that's a Manifest Destiny gone to seed.
WTF does 'patriotism' come into play here? You're attemping to compare apples to Buicks.
Our soldiers in World War II? Heros all.
You're god damn right they are. And if you had read the entire post you'd see why I put forth the notion that the bombings were correct given the situation towards the end of the war and that it was beneficial for a great many people, including many Japanese civilians, many American soldiers, sailors, and Marines, and lastly myself.
If you're going to try and critic my post, then at least take the time to read the entire thing you ignorant fuck nugget.
The civilians on both side killed in the crossfire? The people who footed the bill for your freedom.
You're right - for my freedom, YOUR freedom, and the freedom of the people of Germany and Japan 60 years later.
An ounce of respect?
I have respect for intelligence; in this case, you're striking out and so does anyone who thinks 'BOO-HOO' on this without looking at the BIG picture and to put this into context.
You - like many other morons - are attempting to critic this event from 60 years ago using 21st century mentality and socio-political standards.
Stop it right now - you're making yourself look simply foolish.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 7, 2005 09:04 PM ||COMMENT DELETED FOR RACIST CONTENT
Keep it up slick and you'll be banned in a microsecond.....
|| Posted by Yet Another MIKE, August 8, 2005 09:25 AM ||If the commentary was racist, then it came from you - I paraphrased what you said, and offered another example of the logic. (I'm a Japanese/American, btw.)
My point is that what you so blithely call whining is the leftovers of an action that was tragic for both sides. No one wanted to blast those people into kingdom come, and they certainly didn't want to have Hell on Earth unleashed upon them. See, Imperial Japan was not known for it's well oiled democracy - these people didn't really have a say in whatever their country did. And that's tragic, and their fate was both hard and harsh. And the people in Washington who made that decision (pay attention, I'm agreeing with) didn't do so lightly - they paid careful attention to the details and took what they considered to be the path of lesser evil for what they hoped would be the greater good.
Those people who you so cheerfully call whiners where fucked by history, no matter how you slice it. Whatever possesses you to shout "tough tits" to them isn't well thought out.
*KABOOM* Oh look, I'm banned. Small wonder.
|| Posted by Yet Another MIKE, August 8, 2005 10:59 AM ||....I paraphrased what you said, and offered another example of the logic.
Wrong answer sport.
I won't repeat what YOU wrote and I deleted, but IMO it was racist and as such, I excercised my power and deleted your crappy response.
No one wanted to blast those people into kingdom come, and they certainly didn't want to have Hell on Earth unleashed upon them.
And you think that instead of not dropping the bombs that there would have been a happier ending with the planned invasion? What the hell is wrong with you anyway....?
And the people in Washington who made that decision (pay attention, I'm agreeing with) didn't do so lightly - they paid careful attention to the details and took what they considered to be the path of lesser evil for what they hoped would be the greater good.
So what is the problem? I would think that looking at the big picture you'd be at least semi-satisfied that there weren't 2 million casualties....
Those people who you so cheerfully call whiners where fucked by history, no matter how you slice it.
You're right about that.
Whatever possesses you to shout "tough tits" to them isn't well thought out.
IMO it is well thought out.
Bear in mind that these are my opinions being expressed here. An opinion is subjective and as such, you might bear that in mind while reading it.
My purpose in saying 'get over it' is that while it is important to remember these horrible events and quite possibly learn from them, it's not the bandwagon to get on to harp about those 'evil Americans....nuking innocent civilians'. In fact, there's no real bandwagon in which to get on at all about this in my opinion. (Darn, that nasty 'o' word again).
I'm not applauding the death from the bombings - I'm saying that people should not attempt to equate what happend 60 years ago with any possible 21st century equivalent....that's the ultimate goal of the MSM with harping about it so much 60 years later.
It was bad, but it could have been a LOT worse.
And no, you're not banned. You're last comment, while inane in many respects IMO, wasn't racist. I do not ban people lightly; you're only banned when you get really, really nasty (like ivoking personal insults) or you start promoting crap I do not agree with like racism or pedophilia or something quite repugnant.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 8, 2005 11:16 AM ||I appreciate that you keep this blog going and allow comments. To me feedback is an interesting part of a blog.
|| Posted by Jelisca, August 16, 2005 07:46 AM |||| , 05:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 01, 2005
Bluff Called
The Dems excercised their 'powers' to block the confirmation of John Bolton and the President upped the ante.
Message to the Dems: Don't bluff unless you're ready to have your hand called...
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» Blogs for Bush links with: Ambassador Bolton, on August 01, 2005, 11:01 AM
Excerpt: President Bush bypassed the Senate used his constitutional power today and appointed John Bolton to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations! "This post is too important to leave vacant any longer, especially during a war and a...
Comments on Bluff Called
I am so glad that Bush did this. DU has been so dull lately.
Im looking forward to a new round of conspiracy theorys, some thinly disguised science fiction movies disguised as personal nightmares, maybe a few posts blaming it on the jews, maaybe even a few more posts blaming it on the catholics.
If we are lucky, they may even blame it on the masons!!
Its going to be a good week :).
|| Posted by RattRigg, August 1, 2005 07:53 PM |||| , 10:33 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Missed Date
July 12th came and went without noting it's significance: my one year blog anniversary.
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Comments on Missed Date
I could have sworn I've been reading your blog for more than a year... it's only been a year?! impossible.
regardless, happy anniversary, mad one!
|| Posted by nathalie, August 1, 2005 01:34 PM ||No, you've been reading me for a least two years - this is my one year anniversay in the Munu Universe.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 1, 2005 05:10 PM |||| , 06:43 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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