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The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration.
The re-election of President Bush is prompting the exodus among leftleaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray and agree with Bill O'Reilly.
Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.
"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. "He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left. Didn't even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"
In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through, and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn't give milk."
Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border and leave them to fend for themselves.
"A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though."
When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR.
In the days since the election, liberals have turned to sometimes ingenious ways of crossing the border.
Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers.
"If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age," an official said. Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies.
"I feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"
In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada, Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said. "We're going to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And we might put some endangered species on postage stamps. The president is determined to reach out."
Thank you sooooo much for just everything about waiting on you. It was a real kick to bring you go-boxes before ya even ordered and I also truly enjoyed being asked utterly STOOPID questions like: "What's in the mixed vegetables?" (/whining voice) You came closer than you'll ever know to being told, "Bacon, dog shit and cardboard, of course..."
And, I hope you enjoyed every minute of your sitting there for that fuckin' HOUR after you were done as much as I enjoyed sitting on that 200 lb. bag of sugar back behind the kitchen WAITING for you to STFU and leave (damn you!) so I could get the damned tip and go home myself. Ah, the roar of the cooks and the smell of the grease... or was that "the smell of the cooks..."?
I'm just sitting here thanking GOD that y'all were my last table and not my first. I'd probably have frisbeed you your shit and left early if ya's hadda been.
I'm telling ya, if we could surcharge you dipshits for the "pain in the ass" quotient, I coulda retired after you two.
Here's hoping your flounder parm makes you repeat like a Howitzer til Christmas.
Bite my achin' ass,
I love this part: ...frisbeed you your shit... LMAO!!
Could you imagine what the court transcripts would be like if Stevie were ever to become a lawyer??
(By way of Mad William Flint of the Universal Church of Cosmic Uncertanty)
If someone has a blog and posts something that you believe is not factual, is it your perogative to go hunting for proof that backs your claim or is the onus on the blogger to back up their assertions with credible facts?
There is one blog that I keep 'challenging' the owner about the sources of some of their more....insane opinions and whenever I ask where did they read/learn/hear about the topic in question, I get static about looking for myself to back up their claims.
Just curious as to who the responsibility is on: the person on the soapbox or someone in the crowd.
Thanks for the comments, but I wanted to edit/amend this a little because (to me) it appears as though I'm whining. I'm not.
Just more.....confused as to the proper etiquette when initiating a debate, so as to not come across as a beserk troll looking to just annoy someone about anything they post.
I would say the original blogger should offer credible facts for the claims they make. Its kind of like work, can't just tell the boss that we should use black steel pipe you have to provide a reason why. However when countering a claim, I would have the same demands for factual evedince to support the counter-claim.
As for the inital factual support for the inial claim, that blogger should provide it, if they had any desire to appear credible.
|| Posted by the Pirate, November 26, 2004 12:39 PM ||
Well, Mikey, it's their blog, they can write whatever they want and don't have to show 'proof' of anything. IMNSHO, if they can't or won't back it up, good riddance to them. But if I want to prove someone is wrong, or that I'm right, I'll go look it up.
It's frustrating though, when you read something and scratch your head going, "Where the hell'd they get that???"
Hey... you're not talking about me here are ya??? ;)
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:21 PM ||
Hey... you're not talking about me here are ya???
Nope - not you. You back up your arguments.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 26, 2004 02:39 PM ||
Nope - not you. You back up your arguments.
You realize that's only because I hate looking like a fool.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:50 PM ||
It's their blog, so they can do whatever they want, up to (and including) deleting your comments (even if the comments provide facts to back your position), or telling you to do the research yourself (which is usually the last fallback of a weak mind, although I have used it when someone starts playing the five whys game with me).
However, there is NOTHING stopping you from linking to their idiocy and activating the flamethrower. The only thing they can do is delete the trackback (if any) or try to rebut you here. If they don't have facts to buttress their arguments, they end up looking like idiots.
|| Posted by timekeeper, November 26, 2004 04:03 PM ||
Well, I didn't think you were whining, Mad One...
as far as your clarification... I don't know if there is any 'rule of thumb', I'd be interested in hearing the answer to this one, too.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 07:03 PM ||
I agree with Scroff and the others. It's good sense to have factual sources to back up whatever you post. But if a commenter wants to counter the argument, I think he needs to have factual sources as well. Of course, if a blogger just wants to throw out unproven bullshit as fact, that's their perogative, I suppose. I know that I won't waste a click on that sort of crap. And, no, Scroff, you're not one of them! You do a good job of referencing your stuff. That's why I go back to your place.
I'm with you all. I think the B.S. artists get weeded out by natural selection. Same as not watching a certain T.V. network ,because I think they're full of crap.Facts are facts, and should be provable, opinions are opinions, and should be labled as such. Real life has a way of taking care of asshats.
Prior to exiting active service, I was stationed with the I&I staff near my home town, My father owned a hotel and called me to get a drunken Marine out of the bar. Thing was, he said the guy looked younger than me. (see where this is going?)So happened that my First Sgt was unoccupied for the afternoon and gladly accepted my invitation to drinks curtesy of my dad and me.After a few rounds, some of which this guy bought while regaling us with his "the Nam" tales ( I hadn't realized that you could be a Marine if you were twelve) A couple of local recruiters appeared, and without much ado, escorted the private to his self-chosen destiny.
Moral of the Story, Honor, Courage, and Commitment are the things that make people successful. The same thing in the Blogosphere, those who blog unfounded crap don't get revisited.
this whole issue just drives me crazy. I'm glad you brought it up. Yes it's their blog, and theoretically, they should be able to post whatever they want to. hell, even the NY times doesn't get their facts straight all the time.
Howwwwwweverrrr, let's get realistic: if someone wants their readers to see them as a credible source, and as one who can be counted on to post the true story, then they better back up their facts and figures every time. And if they find out they made an error, they should be man or woman enough to admit it.
After awhile, the readers catch on. you can only fool some of the people some of the time, (yada yada). and anyone who repeatedly visits a site that is full of factual errors has only themselves to blame if they turn around and quote that site on their own blog.
just my 2 cents about this issue and NOT about your blog in particular :)
great blog, btw, Mike!
I'll usually post any back-up I think I need as a hyperlink in the body of the post, or I'll quote directly from the source. Sometimes though, (as in the case of John Kerry's military service), I get tired of constantly backing up my points with the same references I have already stated in previous posts. At that point I tend to get a little shitty and tell folks to look the stuff up themselves.
Another point is the sources themselves. Again, using Kerry as an example, some folks believed the Swiftboat Vets and some believed Kerry. Some things can be extremely difficult or impossible to prove. At my blog I figure that my credibility is pretty good, so I don't worry about it too much. I also usually try to find out everything I can about something before I post it so I don't look like an idiot. I hate to eat my words. Opinion pieces are different. Hey, it's my opinion!
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A California teacher has been barred by his school from giving students documents from American history that refer to God -- including the Declaration of Independence.
Steven Williams, a fifth-grade teacher at Stevens Creek School in the San Francisco Bay area suburb of Cupertino, sued for discrimination on Monday, claiming he had been singled out for censorship by principal Patricia Vidmar because he is a Christian.
"It's a fact of American history that our founders were religious men, and to hide this fact from young fifth-graders in the name of political correctness is outrageous and shameful," said Williams' attorney, Terry Thompson.
"Williams wants to teach his students the true history of our country," he said. "There is nothing in the Establishment Clause (of the U.S. Constitution) that prohibits a teacher from showing students the Declaration of Independence."
Vidmar could not be reached for comment on the lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in U.S. District Court in San Jose and claims violations of Williams rights to free speech under the First Amendment.
Phyllis Vogel, assistant superintendent for Cupertino Unified School District, said the lawsuit had been forwarded to a staff attorney. She declined to comment further.
This makes me wonder if crap like this is happening at my daughter's school here in San Diego.
To me, this is just going waaaayyyy too far in the let's-be-politically-correct-in-every-freakin-facet-of-education scheme.
It's not like the teacher was attempting to teach the Gospel to the kids - he was trying to show one of the facets of the Founding Fathers and why they did what they did before America declared independence.
This is the one thing that bothers me about people 're-writing' history to accomidate sensitive souls today: they do not take the context of what was happening at the time into account when they analyze historical events. To look at something using todays 'standards', practically everything in history will appear barbaric, crude, and will make you wonder just how the Hell the human race survives today.
Here's a silly example: let's say that in 200 years the ability to communicate with cats & dogs is possible and they're found to be extremely intelligent.
Now, people in that time will look back on the early 21st century and go Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! for our lack of clarvoyance in seeing that kitties & puppies can do quantum physics.
The same reasoning applies here: while modern American society isn't as rooted (this is a loose definition for my arguments sake) in religion as the Founding Fathers were 200+ years ago, we cannot apply 21st century religious-secular definitions and standards to them while looking back in hindsight. Nor can we look at the documents of those days with our 21st century reading glasses.
Everything must be taken into context - the fact that the Founding Fathers were religious men is part of that context, dispite who much people get their panties all wadded up over the idea of religion.
I consider this a hopeful development, Mike. It's so blatant a leftist overreach -- about like teaching Communism in the classroom -- that it almost can't help but provoke a massive backlash.
Of course, to make certain the backlash occurs, the incident must be publicized until Hell wouldn't have it.
Sounds like a straw that broke the camels back kinda thing to me. This Christian has probably tried to teach his fifth graders about God before and all about how this country is founded as a christian country yadda yadda yadda and each time was restrained. So he goes and gets the Declaration of Independence so he can show the little darlings that the founding fathers talked about the creator and divinity and all that crap.
Funny thing though, Islam also talks about a creator and divinity and all that crap, so do several other religions, is he going to teach them all? This whole christian country thing has gone too far, that's what's gone too far. The founding fathers went out of their way to make sure there was no state religion, no national religion, that everybody had the freedom to worship and believe what they wanted to.
I'm not a christian and I wouldn't want my kid taught that crap in school. Next thing he'll be teaching his science class that the dinosaurs died in the great flood, and the grand canyon was created by the flood, too. Let him go teach in a Catholic school somewhere.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:32 PM ||
Oh, I forgot... if we're going to look at things in context, then I guess we have to remember that these 'religious men' also owned slaves, and had affairs with them, and when they wrote that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." they weren't talking about the slaves, or women, or the 'savages', just white men like them.
These men were no more religious than I am, in context. The world was a much more 'religious' place. These men grew up in the Church of England, where they had to attend church or be considered sinners or whatever. The majority of the real religious men were loyalists, the founding fathers were revolutionaries, men ahead of their time, not christian puritans as some would have us believe...
Sorry Mikey... This christian crap pisses me off almost as much as chickenhawks...
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:46 PM ||
hey weren't talking about the slaves, or women, or the 'savages', just white men like them.
This is to what I refer when I say it has to be taken into context.
We view being slave owners as repugnant here in the 21st century whereas in the 18th century, it would have been considered "normal" in Colonial society.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 26, 2004 03:06 PM ||
Absolutely, I agree, as would their level of 'religiosity'... they talked about god as a matter of daily life... does that mean they were "religious men", "devout christians", or is it a reflection of the times?
btw, according to the bible, it's ok to own slaves ;), even god handed out slaves as a reward...
"The Lord has greatly blessed my master, and he has become rich. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male and female slaves, and camels and donkeys."
Genesis 24:34
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 07:17 PM ||
camels and donkeys and slaves, oh my!
|| Posted by ruthie, November 27, 2004 11:14 AM ||
Scroff, which translation is that from?
The New International Version (most widely read after the King James Version) says it differently.
A servant of Abraham is sent to find a wife for his son Isaac. He tells Rebekah and Laban in Genesis 24:34-35:
34"So he said, 'I am Abraham's servant. 35The Lord has blessed my master abundantly, and he has become wealthy. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, manservants and maidservants, and camels and donkeys.'"
These were not slaves in that they are stolen from their families and forced into involuntary servitude.
They were assistants, maids, etc, who served the wealthy Abraham because it was a way of life that was better than scrounging for crumbs in a ditch somewhere.
They served willingly, and were free to leave at any time. It was a kind of patronage, not slavery.
Moses brought his people OUT of slavery, and Abraham did not then turn around enslave them.
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, November 28, 2004 02:22 PM ||
I guess if the principal has a problem with documents that refer to God, the school district should not provide her with, and she should refuse, any slips of paper or metal tokens that have "In God We Trust" printed on them.
As to the Declaration of Independence: It mentions "Nature's God" in the first paragraph, a "Creator" in the second and the last paragraph mentions a "Supreme Judge of the world" and a reliance on the "Protection of divine Providence."
4 times in a 1300-word document.
I take His name in vain more times than that in a hour.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, November 29, 2004 09:04 AM ||
Mikey - If you read you'd know that this crap is happening all over the country, but especially in California.
Meet loony leftie Green Party member and elementary school teacher indoctrinator, Sarah Lipson
I'm glad this is still here, because it's just like I thought, some evangelical christian fanatic nutjob trying to preach jayzus in the classroom...
from Media Matters
"Even the lawsuit brought forth on behalf of teacher Steve Williams by the right-wing Alliance Defense Fund challenging the school's decision to prohibit the handouts acknowledged that the school has not imposed an outright prohibition on the mention of God or the discussion of religious beliefs in the classroom. The lawsuit recognized that "other teachers are permitted to show films and distribute handouts containing references to God," and that Williams had been permitted to teach "lessons on the origins of religious holidays" during that school year and had provided handouts relating to religion in the past "without any problems." Despite that acknowledgement, an Alliance Defense Fund press release about the lawsuit was headlined "Declaration of Independence Banned from Classroom."
The notion that the school banned that document originated in an erroneous November 24 Reuters article headlined "Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif. School." But the school prohibited only supplemental handouts distributed by teacher Steve Williams to his students that selectively chose excerpts from the Declaration of Independence making reference to God -- along with other handouts that appeared to proselytize Christianity. A December 8 article in the San Francisco Chronicle noted that parents had complained to the school about Williams, stating that his teaching "crossed the line into evangelizing." In response, Stevens Creek Principal Patricia Vidmar began reviewing Wiiliams's lesson plans and supplemental handouts in advance."
If people want to twist their kids heads around with all this jeesuz crap let them do it at home, keep it out of our schools. If Jesus could see what people are doing today in his name he'd do more than overturn tables...
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Just an early message to everyone to have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.
I'll be jamming lots of turkey and gravy into my pie hole tomorrow and being thankful that I'm alive, that my family is well and happy, and that I live in the greatest nation on the planet.
Enjoy Thanksgiving Day everyone - savor the time with family & friends.
I was reminded of this by Rob at Left & Right:
Don't be an asshat and think you can make it home if you're HAMMERED.
Be a freakin intelligent person: take a cab or let someone else drive.
Happy Thanksgiving, friend. Eat big and prosper..just baked a few pies, and ready to gain weight. Best to you and yours.
|| Posted by ruthie, November 24, 2004 04:40 PM ||
Yea yea happy happy joy joy
bah humbug!
|| Posted by scroff, November 27, 2004 11:15 AM ||
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I started taking that test and then realized two things, the eighties were the worst decade in natural history, and for most of it I was so drunk and stoned I didn't have to experience it. The best thing about the eighties was 1990.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 03:34 PM ||
That's scary. I only managed a 60.
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It's always the simplistic methods that work the best in warfare:
As tanks geared up to trample Fallujah and American troops started circling the city, special operations officers rifled through their CD cases, searching for a sound track to spur the assault.
What would irk Iraqi insurgents more: Barking dogs or bluegrass? Screaming babies or shrieking feedback?
Heavy metal. The Army's latest weapon.
AC/DC. Loud. Louder!
Let's roll.
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
Nobody's putting up a fight
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
I'm gonna get you . . .
I'm actually waiting for Amnesty International to start campaigning against this 'torture'.....
The things you would never know about some celebrities....
It is a little known fact, that Ms Spears is an expert in semiconductor physics. Not content with just singing and acting, in the following pages, she will guide you in the fundamentals of the vital laser components that have made it possible to hear her super music in a digital format.
Interesting footnote: on this site - the Britney Spears Guide to Semiconductor Physics - I found what I initially thought was a joke, but it turns out that it's true: German actress Hedy Lamarr was a gifted electrical engineer and is credited for several inventions.
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - Police had help in tracking down a robbery suspect ... from the suspect. Police Chief Tom Casady said officers investigating a Nov. 11 robbery had a strong clue in a $75 check from the Cass County Jail to 39-year-old Kevin Martzett.
Court records on the robbery say a 19-year-old Lincoln man was standing in his yard at about 2 a.m. on Nov. 11 when two men drove up, pointed a gun at him, forced him to get in their car and drove to an ATM.
The records say the men took $45 from the victim's wallet, then forced him to deposit the jail check, withdraw $60 and give it to them. The men then let the teenager go.
The victim identified Martzett - with help from the check - as one of the robbers. Martzett was arrested Wednesday on a robbery charge. The other suspect was being sought.
I won't feel so bad from now on when I absentmindedly attempt to put the milk into the dishwasher, realize my mistake, and then try to put it in the cabinet....
|| Posted by ruthie, November 22, 2004 01:34 PM ||
kinda reminds me of a former co-worker's jury duty about ten years ago. a house burglar happened to be narcoleptic... he fell asleep while committing his crime. needless to say, it didn't take them long to come back with a guilty verdict. freakin' hilarious.
GAZA (Reuters) - The Palestinian Authority on Friday rejected Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's new and seemingly softer terms for restarting peace talks, saying he should drop all conditions for dialogue.
Sharon, proposing what he called a test for a new Palestinian leadership, said on Thursday it could show its desire for peace by ending anti-Israeli "incitement" even before the crackdown he has long demanded it launch against militants.
Israeli analysts said Sharon's comments were a departure from his long-standing condition that the Palestinian Authority must dismantle militant groups, as a U.S.-backed peace "road map" demands, before direct talks between the sides can resume.
Frankly, I'm tired of worrying about what the Israelis want or do. It's their country and their probelm. How the hell did we get involved? I don't see us running around worrying about Northern Ireland or other similar situations.
Israel has grown up now. They are the 800 lb. gorilla on their block. Enough already. Let's worry about the United States, okay?
That's why I decry "dual citizenship". Make up your minds, either you are a Loyal citizen of the United States or you are a Loyal citizen of Israel. If our countries ever clash on policy, I don't want to wonder whose side you're on.
Let Israel fight it's own battles. Our plate is full.
Some Marines were pinned down in a building in a Fallujah neighborhood. Terrorists throughout the city heard about it and were rushing to the area to try and take the Marines out. The Marines called in air support and the first responders were Air Force F-16's.
This video shows a group of guerrillas rounding a corner onto the street leading to the Marines. The F-16's altitude appears in the upper right corner. In the lower right corner is the countdown until the bombs impact. The crosshairs in the middle indicate where the pilot is directing the laser spot to guide the bombs. The number just to the right of the crosshairs is the length of one of the arms of the crosshairs on the ground in meters. The bombs are two 500lb laser guided bombs. The total casualty count from this one strike was 48.
Using classical Marxist thinking, liberals can't fathom how issues like abortion and gay marriage could trump ordinary people's economic interests -– which liberals axiomatically assume are furthered by the Democrats' offers of government assistance. Democrats are saying to voters: How can you be so stupid to subordinate your own selfish economic interests to "moral values," the betterment of the country and the general welfare of people you don't even know?,
Very true. At least, there are some left-leaning bloggers that I link to that exhibit this peculiar attitude.
Needless to say, it's hard to 'reach out' when people are calling you a moron, a religious-fundamentalist bent on supporting a theologic state, or just plain retarded for excercising my free will to choose whom I'd like leading the nation.
And as always, I'm trying to take the high ground....turn the other cheek.....let them 'out' themselves as a barking moonbat.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The U.S. military said Tuesday it is investigating the videotaped fatal shooting of a wounded man by a U.S. Marine in a mosque in Fallujah. Iraqis condemned the act as "cowardice" and "something forbidden in Islam."
Investigators will determine whether the Marine acted in self-defense against what a spokesman described as an "enemy combatant."
The dramatic footage was taken Saturday by pool correspondent Kevin Sites of NBC television, whose report said the man who was killed didn't appear to be armed or threatening in any way, with no weapons visible in the mosque. The slain man was among a group of men wounded in fighting a day earlier at the mosque and left there. Three others in the group were also shot again Saturday by Marines, Sites said.
I was only partially awake when I saw this on FoxNews this morning.
As with anything heinous as initial reaction(s) are sure to come out, there is probably more to this than is being reported - especially by the imbedded reporter that recorded this.
While there would be little reason to believe that a U.S. Marine would dishonor himself and the Corps by committing such an act, I'll hold judgement until more facts come out.
UPDATE: Charles at Little Green Footballs has the raw video footage of the incident. The photo I used in this post is a still-frame from the video; the Iraqi laying on the ground in it is the one that immediately starts motioning that he's unarmed after the Marine shoots.
UPDATE II: Deuddersun sounds off on this event and from what I know of him, this doesn't surprise me at all. Take a look.
This may come as a surprize to those of you who view me as a Liberal,Peace-loving Moonbat, but I'd of shot the fucker too!
This is a fucking war people! Who knows how many lives have been saved by eliminating an enemy combatant.
One of the roles snipers have fulfilled in the passt has been to wound an enemy in an open space, thereby drawing his comrades out to aid him, thereby providing more targets. Hopefully, all are killed, including the original wounded individual.
As for me, I'm standing behind this Marine. Well done!
(Guess I'll have to do a post on this, sigh...that's sure to piss of the three Liberal readers I have.)
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 07:49 AM ||
I finally posted on this. You might be surprised but to me it's a no-brainer.
You have to feel good to join in. We want you healthy, m'kay?
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 16, 2004 09:19 AM ||
Mikey, ya gotta stop hanging around with these idiots, yer losin' a ton of respect. Why don't you and the other Vets march their silly little asses down to the local recruiter and sign them up?
As for the Marines on the scene, ever ask yourself why you're going to fight and they're going to support you by running their yaps putting down the very folks who want to get you home in one piece?
Yo, Protest Pissants! Suit up or shut up!
Really Mikey, as Grandma used to say, "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 09:31 PM ||
Deuddersun...we want our people home in one piece...but we want them to be able to do so when they're able. NOT when some protester thinks it's right. The majority of our military WANT to be there. You can't tell me that they shouldn't be allowed to do the job they signed up to do.
All I have to say about this is: He should have died in a huge fireball created from an Israeli missile.
Maybe now there might be a chance for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians - provided that the Palestinians don't treat this event as an excuse to act like rabid animals.
"provided that the Palestinians don't treat this event as an excuse to act like rabid animals." hehe-- have you seen the images from his funeral in Ramallah?
personally, I hope that he died of AIDS, as some are speculating. if anybody has ever deserved that disease, it is him. death by hellfire missile would have been too quick and painless for him. he deserved much more suffering than that.
|| Posted by nathalie, November 12, 2004 11:00 AM ||
How can you compare Elvis, something that is true and good, to Yasser, something so evil and dispicable? ;) Besides, Elvis is alvie, man!
Sadly, there will never be peace between Israel and Palestinian terrorist savages. The terrorist savages will never allow it and they're too hate-filled and ignorant to have their own state. I hope the baby killers all die violent deaths.
The United States Marine Corps celebrates its 229th birthday today:
Nov. 10, 1775 -- Continental Congress establishes Marine Corps On 10 November 1775 The Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution stating that "two Battalions of Marines be raised" for service as landing forces with the fleet. This resolution, sponsored by John Adams, established the Continental Marines and marked the birth date of the United States Marine Corps. Serving on land and at sea, these first Marines distinguished themselves in a number of important operations, including their first amphibious raid into the Bahamas in March 1776, under the command of Captain (later Major) Samuel Nicholas. Nicholas, the first commissioned officer in the Continental Marines, remained the senior Marine officer throughout the American Revolution and is considered to be the first Marine Commandant. The Treaty of Paris in April 1783 brought an end to the Revolutionary War and as the last of the Navy's ships were sold, the Continental Navy and Marines went out of existence.
April, 1783 -- Treaty of Paris; Marine Corps disbands shortly after treaty signed. Formal re-establishment of Marine Corps doesn't occur until 11 July, 1798.
Never have so few been so feared by so many for so long.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 11, 2004 10:11 AM ||
Semper Fi, Mac!
|| Posted by Johnnie Walker, November 30, 2004 11:18 PM ||
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Still recovering from election burnout. Too tired to post about much of anything that involves thinking today.
Although I feel like fried whale sh*t and I have a quiz tomorrow on BJTs - bipolar junction transistors - I still giggle (man style) at the copious amounts of different analysis methods some are using to attempt to make sense of November 2nd since they just cannot seem to allow the truth to settle in.
I don't believe "giggle" and "man-style" should EVER be used in a sentence together.
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|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 9, 2004 04:05 PM ||
HAHAHAHAHA! I should break out my beater, that I don't care about, and plaster it in Bush stickers. I wonder how long it would last when I take it into Boston during the day?
|| Posted by Geoffrey, November 10, 2004 02:18 PM ||
The best part is that they didn't even vote...
|| Posted by ViciousSummer, November 16, 2004 01:44 AM ||
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It would seem that Kerry was so desparate to get Arizona Senator John McCain on the ticket as Vice President, that Kerry was willing to change the structure of the Department of Defense:
During the early summer, Mr Kerry implored Mr McCain, the maverick Republican who ran against Mr Bush in the 2000 Republican primaries, to become his running-mate, meeting him seven times. He even offered to expand the vice-presidency to include running the Pentagon. “I can’t say this is an offer because I’ve got to be able to deny it,” Mr Kerry told Mr McCain. “But you’ve got to do this.”
Mr McCain told him he was out of his mind, and went on to embrace Mr Bush. “Goddammit,” a furious Mr Kerry said to an aide. “Don’t you know what I offered him? Why the f*** didn’t he take it?”
Now - some Democrats are practically wetting themselves over the prospect of President Bush imposing some sort of theocratic state, but I'd say this is something to be worried about too: Kerry shifting the authority of the Commander-in-Chief.
Bad pool Mr. Kerry - very bad pool. And I'm thankful that you lost.
I can't say I'm surprised. Kerry regarded the presidency as his by right -- one might even say, as a birth entitlement -- and therefore, anything he did to achieve it was utterly right and proper, including trashing the Constitution of the United States.
Hmmm, so this is how the "healing" begins? Okaaay. I'll keep this in mind.
So when YOUR job is outsourced and your benefits run out and you can't make it on unemployment and you have to work for Wal Mart, suck it up and be a Real American, Mikey, don't whine, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Or try praying, Yeah, that always put bread on MY table.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 7, 2004 03:11 PM ||
What does outsourcing jobs have to do with realignment of the chain of command over the Pentagon?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 7, 2004 04:28 PM ||
I'm honestly curious about this.
1) that the Secretary of Defense is a position that isn't named in the Constitution;
2) that the only stricture on the President's appointment of a SECDEF is the advice and consent of the Senate;
3) that he could name the Vice President as easily as anyone else;
why is this an innately terrible idea? I mean, I voted against Kerry too, don't get me wrong -- I agree he had no business being CiC. But so far as I can see, there's nothing in this particular proposal that's bad by nature.
Actually, it has a few things to recommend it. If it became traditional, we'd (a) know who we were getting as a SECDEF when we were making up our minds how to vote, and also (b) we'd get VPs who weren't just meaningless placeholders (John Edwards, call your office), but who had real defense credentials. Since the main job of the VP is to stand up to the Presidency in case of assassination or other traumatic death of the President, that would seem to be a good thing.
It's (to me) a bit un-nerving because it's coaxing someone with a reward and the duties of the VP are expressly specified in the Constitution.
Granted, the SECDEF isn't specified in the Constitution, but the office and the person filling the position are confirmed by the Senate.
It just smacks of bribery to me.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 7, 2004 08:21 PM ||
Mikey, you're right and it's obvious to me that Kerry was just desperate enough to promise someone the sun and the moon, and "all those pretty stars that light up your eyes", in order to win the presidency. Thankfully, McCain didn't take the bait.
It frightens me to think what might have happened if Kerry had won.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 7, 2004 10:09 PM ||
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Fahrenheit 900 Pounds "A recent government study reveals that airlines increasingly have to worry more about the weight of their passengers," the Associated Press reports from Atlanta:
America's growing waistlines are hurting the bottom lines of airline companies as the extra pounds on passengers are causing a drag on planes. Heavier fliers have created heftier fuel costs, according to the government study.
The extra fuel burned also had an environmental impact, as an estimated 3.8 million extra tons of carbon dioxide was released into the air, according to the study.
At last, science proves that global warming is Michael Moore's fault!
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I used to be King...a long time ago. But, the armor chaffed and sat all wrong on my chest. Yes, I know, I should have been Queen, there simply weren't any in this story.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 5, 2004 02:10 PM ||
I hate it when my armor chafes....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 5, 2004 02:18 PM ||
I hate not being able to spell.
Chafe chafe chafe
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 7, 2004 10:10 PM ||
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Apparently, someone who works for the Netscape/ news website wasn't too happy with the election results. A bunch of readers and bloggers who went to this page yesterday and tried to save the photo of the president and the first lady noticed that the file name contained a rather biased editorial comment.
Update Catching up on my surfing, I see the FReepers noticed this too last night. There's another photo of the president and first lady that contained a different editorial comment. It's also still on the server here.
And I'll include the following obeservation that is almost cliché (say it with me):
If this had been discovered on FoxNews, the planet would be hip-deep in spittle and foam from 'outraged' Democrats.
And if this is even reported to the CNN ombudsman, it'll be attributed to an 'intern' or someone low on the food chain cause CNN would never exhibit any sort of bias towards President Bush.....nah.
C'mon, Mad One... it was a joke, and a damn good one... Democrats deal with this kind of crap every day, and it's not a joke... it's called right wing talk radio... ;)
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I note - with extreme satisfaction - that Prop 66 was defeated. I also note that Prop 67 suffered the same fate. Boo-Hoo.
I am bummed that Californians decided that Prop 63 was a *cough* good thing and passed it. Now watch as the California legislature takes these additional funds - which are supposed to go towards mental health - are squandered on other things that should be covered by the General Fund and subsequently, the call for additional taxation methods will be heard since the money won't be spent on the proper programs. This one pissed me off cause:
These services should be funded already, and
The notion that someone busting their ass to make over one million shouldn't be the litmus test that they deserve to pay more.
I'm a firm believer in the idea that if I work my ass off to make X number of dollars, then I should be able to keep as much of it as I can. I have a big problem with the 'they make more so they can pay more' mentality.
But, if most Californians want to simply 'tax the rich' for being rich, then they too can reap the results when these people find different ways to shelter their income from stupid taxation policies such as these and then try to scratch their heads and wonder why these programs aren't getting funded.
I just wrote about how bent I am over how we're (Californians) still spending like we don't have a financial problem. Holy crap, doesn't anyone remember that whole Gray Davis/Arnold flap a year ago?
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|| Posted by deuddersun, November 4, 2004 08:04 PM ||
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WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush won four more years in the White House on Wednesday, pocketing a public concession from Democrat John Kerry that closed out a loud and long campaign fought over the war on terror and the economy.
"We cannot win this election," the Massachusetts senator said in an emotional campaign farewell.
In an appearance in Faneuil Hall in Boston, where he launched his quest for the White House more than a year ago, Kerry said he had telephoned Bush to congratulate him on his victory.
Dispite being elated that President Bush was re-elected - decisively - I am going to really attempt to not gloat or rub it in the noses of those who were convinced that Kerry would win the election.
Really attempt....but I might slip and on occasion do my 'Bush WON' dance.
I haven't heard Kerry's concession speech, but I heard it was remarkably sincere, that he hoped that the division that was dividing most Americans into a 'Us' vs. 'Them' attitude would dissipate. I hope it does too, although from the random viewings around the blogsphere, there are some Dems that are just about to choke on their own bile.
I was prepared to 'suck it up' and concede defeat if Kerry had won and I was prepared to support Kerry as the next President - but that's not the case. Now - can those who supported Kerry & dreamed of Bush's campaign dying a horrible death reconcile and get on with life?
That will be the $64 question to be answered in the next few days....the American people have spoken as to whom they want to be the Commander-in-Chief - let's all be proud that this didn't have to come down to civil unrest like a Third-World banana republic.
This is one of the saddest days of my life, right up there with 9/11 and a few other days I can recall on which someone close to me has actually died.
I feel like someone has died today. And all I can think is what a damn shame it is that we are going to have to endure that which a new term of Bush and his demonic cabinet will bring. All of the fears of democrats are likely to be realized, as Bush appoints four new judges to the Supreme Court, as he pursues his harmful foreign policy agenda, as he blurs and eviscerates the lines that devide church and state, as he panders to corporations, ignores poverty, makes an utter morass out of our economy, hinders the advancement of medical science, introduces legislation that deprives people of their rights all across the board, and takes a big giant shit on the environment...
And that's not even scratching the surface. Those who voted for Bush remind me of the fabled character who naively opened Pandora's Box and unwittingly unleashed a torrent of sorrow upon the world. Or the lion tamer who never thought that he would be attacked by his own animal. Totally unaware of the true consequences of their actions. Your actions. I truly do not think that you even know what you and the rest of the majority have done by electing Bush. Mark my words.
Scroff: Thanks. I really will try to not rub it in.
Maria: I'm not too sure how to react to your thinking....On one hand, it shows that you're genuinely concerned about the path America is taking, yet on the other hand, your pronunciation that 'the world will end' (more or less) gives me some insight into just how much you must loath President Bush - both as a leader and a human being.
As for seeing whether 'Pandora's Box' has been opened, time will tell - but I have a clean conscience about supporting President Bush.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 3, 2004 01:59 PM ||
Not for nothing, but Pandora's box got smashed open beyong all repair on September 11th, 2001.
(And, (unfortunately) no politician was any of those "pilots"...)
Maria's little diatribe is a nice synopsis of why I ditched the Democratic party. The "I know better than you" attitude is annoying at best-- since when do YOU own all universal truths? Get off your high horse already. I don't need a lecture from YOU about MY choices and MY beliefs. Your all-knowing tone reminds me of born-agains that insist I'm going to hell for not accepting Jesus as my savior. It's all too familiar.
Naive, eh? Coming from somebody who places the results of our democratic Presidential election in the same category as the murder of 3000 Americans by Islamofascists... I can think of a few adjectives for that one. Read your whine-fest again and then let's talk about naivete. As far as us (Bush supporters) destroying the world-- could you be any more patronizing? Consider your words marked, Maria.
This is the problem with this country. The folks that are pointing their fingers at Bush for the divisiveness here really need not look any further than a mirror for the real reason. Trust me when I say that Kerry would not have cured that issue-- it's up to Americans to resolve it.
Scroff's comment is precisely why I respect his words so much. Highly critical of this administration, he always backs it up with facts and rarely goes off of pure emotion fueled by speculation (in other words, polar opposite of Ms. Maria). And here he takes the high road. The jousting will resume shortly, I'm sure... :-)
There will be no gloating from this neck of the woods-- there's too much work to be done. The real fight is taking place elsewhere, but I believe that AMERICA will ultimately come out stronger and more focused in the end. I guess I believe in the power of Americans much more than I believe in the power of one.
|| Posted by nathalie, November 3, 2004 04:26 PM ||
Gee, I kind of think Maria hit the nail right on the head!
But I will say this, Maria, you little hottie, respect Mikey's house and save it for your spot or mine or scroff's. These folks are trying to be gracious, can we be anything else?
Congrats Mikey!
(Even tho I know it will come back to bite you in the ass!) (Ooops!, Sorry! Couldn't resist!) (Sigh....)
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 4, 2004 07:47 PM ||
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Sorry for the lack of posting in the last 48 hours - I was in the hospital again....dealing with an on-going problem.
Luckily, I got out this afternoon in time to vote. The discharge nurse was 'encouraged' that I wanted to get out to vote for Bush and it was nice to be in the company of other Bush supporters.
I was going to get together with some friends tonight to watch the returns coming in, but dispite being released from the hospital I'm still feeling like....well, fried whale sh*t.
I'm under the weather, but I'm still in the fight!
Everyone rub their lucky wabbit feet for President Bush to be re-elected in a clear, obvious landslide.
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Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently
taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego
studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is
currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national
kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations
on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not
agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to
Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part
of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry
Contact Mikey
AIM: madmikeysblog
YIM: madmikey92037
Any/all e-mail sent to Mikey might be published if you get nasty or it's something worthwhile...
Comments on That Time Again....
You probably didn't see my post a couple of threads ago. I'd really likme to know the source of that Genesis 24:35 translation.
E-mail me the source by clicking my name, man. It's important! ;P
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, November 29, 2004 06:27 PM ||Hah, who says we don't want you to swear online? I feel a rousing swear is good for the psyche. Swear all you want, as far as I'm concerned.
|| Posted by Cait, November 30, 2004 01:25 AM ||you'll do fine on all your tests. I know it.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, December 1, 2004 01:25 AM ||MMMMmmMmMmMMMMmmmMMMMMmMmMMmmmMMMMMmmMMMMmMmMMmmmMMMMMMmmMmMMMMMMmmMMMMmmNNnNnargh!
There! Just sent you some extra good vibes and brain power... of course, I flunked 8th grade algebra, so maybe you want to skip that part....
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 10:31 PM |||| , 01:54 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Canadians Fight Back Liberal Hordes
Don't know where Geoff got this, but it's funny:
Read More of "Canadians Fight Back Liberal Hordes"All done with "Canadians Fight Back Liberal Hordes"?
Comments on Canadians Fight Back Liberal Hordes
|| , 11:24 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentNovember 26, 2004
Frisbee Blue-Plate Special
Here is one woman who you don't want to piss off at work:
Read More of "Frisbee Blue-Plate Special"Could you imagine what the court transcripts would be like if Stevie were ever to become a lawyer??
(By way of Mad William Flint of the Universal Church of Cosmic Uncertanty)
All done with "Frisbee Blue-Plate Special"?
Comments on Frisbee Blue-Plate Special
Are you the 'mikem' from An American in T.O.???
Just wondering.
|| Posted by, November 28, 2004 09:48 PM ||No. What the Hell is "An American in T.O."??
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 29, 2004 11:02 AM ||Mikey, check the MuNu blogroll sometime for an answer to that one ;)
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, December 9, 2004 01:57 PM ||Actually, it's "Being American in T.O.", but anyway...
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, December 9, 2004 01:58 PM |||| , 02:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
I'm curious about something.....
If someone has a blog and posts something that you believe is not factual, is it your perogative to go hunting for proof that backs your claim or is the onus on the blogger to back up their assertions with credible facts?
There is one blog that I keep 'challenging' the owner about the sources of some of their more....insane opinions and whenever I ask where did they read/learn/hear about the topic in question, I get static about looking for myself to back up their claims.
Just curious as to who the responsibility is on: the person on the soapbox or someone in the crowd.
Thanks for the comments, but I wanted to edit/amend this a little because (to me) it appears as though I'm whining. I'm not.
Just more.....confused as to the proper etiquette when initiating a debate, so as to not come across as a beserk troll looking to just annoy someone about anything they post.
Comments on Stumped
I would say the original blogger should offer credible facts for the claims they make. Its kind of like work, can't just tell the boss that we should use black steel pipe you have to provide a reason why. However when countering a claim, I would have the same demands for factual evedince to support the counter-claim.
As for the inital factual support for the inial claim, that blogger should provide it, if they had any desire to appear credible.
|| Posted by the Pirate, November 26, 2004 12:39 PM ||Well, Mikey, it's their blog, they can write whatever they want and don't have to show 'proof' of anything. IMNSHO, if they can't or won't back it up, good riddance to them. But if I want to prove someone is wrong, or that I'm right, I'll go look it up.
It's frustrating though, when you read something and scratch your head going, "Where the hell'd they get that???"
Hey... you're not talking about me here are ya??? ;)
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:21 PM ||Hey... you're not talking about me here are ya???
Nope - not you. You back up your arguments.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 26, 2004 02:39 PM ||Nope - not you. You back up your arguments.
You realize that's only because I hate looking like a fool.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:50 PM ||It's their blog, so they can do whatever they want, up to (and including) deleting your comments (even if the comments provide facts to back your position), or telling you to do the research yourself (which is usually the last fallback of a weak mind, although I have used it when someone starts playing the five whys game with me).
However, there is NOTHING stopping you from linking to their idiocy and activating the flamethrower. The only thing they can do is delete the trackback (if any) or try to rebut you here. If they don't have facts to buttress their arguments, they end up looking like idiots.
|| Posted by timekeeper, November 26, 2004 04:03 PM ||Well, I didn't think you were whining, Mad One...
as far as your clarification... I don't know if there is any 'rule of thumb', I'd be interested in hearing the answer to this one, too.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 07:03 PM ||I agree with Scroff and the others. It's good sense to have factual sources to back up whatever you post. But if a commenter wants to counter the argument, I think he needs to have factual sources as well. Of course, if a blogger just wants to throw out unproven bullshit as fact, that's their perogative, I suppose. I know that I won't waste a click on that sort of crap. And, no, Scroff, you're not one of them! You do a good job of referencing your stuff. That's why I go back to your place.
|| Posted by Cait, November 27, 2004 07:06 AM ||I'm with you all. I think the B.S. artists get weeded out by natural selection. Same as not watching a certain T.V. network ,because I think they're full of crap.Facts are facts, and should be provable, opinions are opinions, and should be labled as such. Real life has a way of taking care of asshats.
Prior to exiting active service, I was stationed with the I&I staff near my home town, My father owned a hotel and called me to get a drunken Marine out of the bar. Thing was, he said the guy looked younger than me. (see where this is going?)So happened that my First Sgt was unoccupied for the afternoon and gladly accepted my invitation to drinks curtesy of my dad and me.After a few rounds, some of which this guy bought while regaling us with his "the Nam" tales ( I hadn't realized that you could be a Marine if you were twelve) A couple of local recruiters appeared, and without much ado, escorted the private to his self-chosen destiny.
Moral of the Story, Honor, Courage, and Commitment are the things that make people successful. The same thing in the Blogosphere, those who blog unfounded crap don't get revisited.
|| Posted by ron, November 28, 2004 12:43 PM ||this whole issue just drives me crazy. I'm glad you brought it up. Yes it's their blog, and theoretically, they should be able to post whatever they want to. hell, even the NY times doesn't get their facts straight all the time.
Howwwwwweverrrr, let's get realistic: if someone wants their readers to see them as a credible source, and as one who can be counted on to post the true story, then they better back up their facts and figures every time. And if they find out they made an error, they should be man or woman enough to admit it.
|| Posted by Shae, December 1, 2004 02:56 PM ||After awhile, the readers catch on. you can only fool some of the people some of the time, (yada yada). and anyone who repeatedly visits a site that is full of factual errors has only themselves to blame if they turn around and quote that site on their own blog.
just my 2 cents about this issue and NOT about your blog in particular :)
great blog, btw, Mike!
I'll usually post any back-up I think I need as a hyperlink in the body of the post, or I'll quote directly from the source. Sometimes though, (as in the case of John Kerry's military service), I get tired of constantly backing up my points with the same references I have already stated in previous posts. At that point I tend to get a little shitty and tell folks to look the stuff up themselves.
Another point is the sources themselves. Again, using Kerry as an example, some folks believed the Swiftboat Vets and some believed Kerry. Some things can be extremely difficult or impossible to prove. At my blog I figure that my credibility is pretty good, so I don't worry about it too much. I also usually try to find out everything I can about something before I post it so I don't look like an idiot. I hate to eat my words. Opinion pieces are different. Hey, it's my opinion!
|| Posted by deuddersun, December 11, 2004 07:50 PM |||| , 12:24 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 24, 2004
Good Grief
This is going too far:
This makes me wonder if crap like this is happening at my daughter's school here in San Diego.To me, this is just going waaaayyyy too far in the let's-be-politically-correct-in-every-freakin-facet-of-education scheme.
It's not like the teacher was attempting to teach the Gospel to the kids - he was trying to show one of the facets of the Founding Fathers and why they did what they did before America declared independence.
Read More of "Good Grief"This is the one thing that bothers me about people 're-writing' history to accomidate sensitive souls today: they do not take the context of what was happening at the time into account when they analyze historical events. To look at something using todays 'standards', practically everything in history will appear barbaric, crude, and will make you wonder just how the Hell the human race survives today.
Here's a silly example: let's say that in 200 years the ability to communicate with cats & dogs is possible and they're found to be extremely intelligent.
Now, people in that time will look back on the early 21st century and go Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! for our lack of clarvoyance in seeing that kitties & puppies can do quantum physics.
The same reasoning applies here: while modern American society isn't as rooted (this is a loose definition for my arguments sake) in religion as the Founding Fathers were 200+ years ago, we cannot apply 21st century religious-secular definitions and standards to them while looking back in hindsight. Nor can we look at the documents of those days with our 21st century reading glasses.
Everything must be taken into context - the fact that the Founding Fathers were religious men is part of that context, dispite who much people get their panties all wadded up over the idea of religion.
All done with "Good Grief"?
Comments on Good Grief
I consider this a hopeful development, Mike. It's so blatant a leftist overreach -- about like teaching Communism in the classroom -- that it almost can't help but provoke a massive backlash.
Of course, to make certain the backlash occurs, the incident must be publicized until Hell wouldn't have it.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, November 25, 2004 02:32 AM ||Sounds like a straw that broke the camels back kinda thing to me. This Christian has probably tried to teach his fifth graders about God before and all about how this country is founded as a christian country yadda yadda yadda and each time was restrained. So he goes and gets the Declaration of Independence so he can show the little darlings that the founding fathers talked about the creator and divinity and all that crap.
Funny thing though, Islam also talks about a creator and divinity and all that crap, so do several other religions, is he going to teach them all? This whole christian country thing has gone too far, that's what's gone too far. The founding fathers went out of their way to make sure there was no state religion, no national religion, that everybody had the freedom to worship and believe what they wanted to.
I'm not a christian and I wouldn't want my kid taught that crap in school. Next thing he'll be teaching his science class that the dinosaurs died in the great flood, and the grand canyon was created by the flood, too. Let him go teach in a Catholic school somewhere.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:32 PM ||Oh, I forgot... if we're going to look at things in context, then I guess we have to remember that these 'religious men' also owned slaves, and had affairs with them, and when they wrote that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." they weren't talking about the slaves, or women, or the 'savages', just white men like them.
These men were no more religious than I am, in context. The world was a much more 'religious' place. These men grew up in the Church of England, where they had to attend church or be considered sinners or whatever. The majority of the real religious men were loyalists, the founding fathers were revolutionaries, men ahead of their time, not christian puritans as some would have us believe...
Sorry Mikey... This christian crap pisses me off almost as much as chickenhawks...
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 02:46 PM ||hey weren't talking about the slaves, or women, or the 'savages', just white men like them.
This is to what I refer when I say it has to be taken into context.
We view being slave owners as repugnant here in the 21st century whereas in the 18th century, it would have been considered "normal" in Colonial society.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 26, 2004 03:06 PM ||Absolutely, I agree, as would their level of 'religiosity'... they talked about god as a matter of daily life... does that mean they were "religious men", "devout christians", or is it a reflection of the times?
btw, according to the bible, it's ok to own slaves ;), even god handed out slaves as a reward...
"The Lord has greatly blessed my master, and he has become rich. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male and female slaves, and camels and donkeys."
Genesis 24:34
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 07:17 PM ||camels and donkeys and slaves, oh my!
|| Posted by ruthie, November 27, 2004 11:14 AM ||Scroff, which translation is that from?
The New International Version (most widely read after the King James Version) says it differently.
A servant of Abraham is sent to find a wife for his son Isaac. He tells Rebekah and Laban in Genesis 24:34-35:
34"So he said, 'I am Abraham's servant. 35The Lord has blessed my master abundantly, and he has become wealthy. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, manservants and maidservants, and camels and donkeys.'"
These were not slaves in that they are stolen from their families and forced into involuntary servitude.
They were assistants, maids, etc, who served the wealthy Abraham because it was a way of life that was better than scrounging for crumbs in a ditch somewhere.
They served willingly, and were free to leave at any time. It was a kind of patronage, not slavery.
Moses brought his people OUT of slavery, and Abraham did not then turn around enslave them.
|| Posted by Tuning Spork, November 28, 2004 02:22 PM ||I guess if the principal has a problem with documents that refer to God, the school district should not provide her with, and she should refuse, any slips of paper or metal tokens that have "In God We Trust" printed on them.
As to the Declaration of Independence: It mentions "Nature's God" in the first paragraph, a "Creator" in the second and the last paragraph mentions a "Supreme Judge of the world" and a reliance on the "Protection of divine Providence."
4 times in a 1300-word document.
I take His name in vain more times than that in a hour.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, November 29, 2004 09:04 AM ||Mikey - If you read you'd know that this crap is happening all over the country, but especially in California.
Meet loony leftie Green Party member and elementary school teacher indoctrinator, Sarah Lipson
|| Posted by Brent, December 1, 2004 07:42 PM ||Meet loony leftie Green Party member and elementary school teacher...
better that than the jesus freaks trying to cram jeezus and gawd down my kids throat
While quaint and interesting reading, the bible is a story book that should only be taught to those who express an interest in it, in any guise.
|| Posted by scroff, December 1, 2004 07:56 PM ||I'm glad this is still here, because it's just like I thought, some evangelical christian fanatic nutjob trying to preach jayzus in the classroom...
from Media Matters
"Even the lawsuit brought forth on behalf of teacher Steve Williams by the right-wing Alliance Defense Fund challenging the school's decision to prohibit the handouts acknowledged that the school has not imposed an outright prohibition on the mention of God or the discussion of religious beliefs in the classroom. The lawsuit recognized that "other teachers are permitted to show films and distribute handouts containing references to God," and that Williams had been permitted to teach "lessons on the origins of religious holidays" during that school year and had provided handouts relating to religion in the past "without any problems." Despite that acknowledgement, an Alliance Defense Fund press release about the lawsuit was headlined "Declaration of Independence Banned from Classroom."
The notion that the school banned that document originated in an erroneous November 24 Reuters article headlined "Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif. School." But the school prohibited only supplemental handouts distributed by teacher Steve Williams to his students that selectively chose excerpts from the Declaration of Independence making reference to God -- along with other handouts that appeared to proselytize Christianity. A December 8 article in the San Francisco Chronicle noted that parents had complained to the school about Williams, stating that his teaching "crossed the line into evangelizing." In response, Stevens Creek Principal Patricia Vidmar began reviewing Wiiliams's lesson plans and supplemental handouts in advance."
If people want to twist their kids heads around with all this jeesuz crap let them do it at home, keep it out of our schools. If Jesus could see what people are doing today in his name he'd do more than overturn tables...
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|| , 02:03 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Happy Thanksgiving 2004
Just an early message to everyone to have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.
I'll be jamming lots of turkey and gravy into my pie hole tomorrow and being thankful that I'm alive, that my family is well and happy, and that I live in the greatest nation on the planet.
Enjoy Thanksgiving Day everyone - savor the time with family & friends.
I was reminded of this by Rob at Left & Right:
Don't be an asshat and think you can make it home if you're HAMMERED.
Be a freakin intelligent person: take a cab or let someone else drive.
Make it home ALIVE.
Comments on Happy Thanksgiving 2004
Back at ya, Mikey.
Have a good one.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, November 24, 2004 02:10 PM ||Happy Thanksgiving, friend. Eat big and prosper..just baked a few pies, and ready to gain weight. Best to you and yours.
|| Posted by ruthie, November 24, 2004 04:40 PM ||ruthie
Yea yea happy happy joy joy
|| Posted by scroff, November 27, 2004 11:15 AM ||bah humbug!
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 09:27 PM |||| , 12:39 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
80's Trivia
By way of Dog Snot Diaries:
The Ultimate 80's Trivia Quiz
I scored an 85. I rule!
Comments on 80's Trivia
Damn! I need you to break a 90 so we can force Geoff to post his eighites mullet pics!
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, November 24, 2004 02:08 PM ||I started taking that test and then realized two things, the eighties were the worst decade in natural history, and for most of it I was so drunk and stoned I didn't have to experience it. The best thing about the eighties was 1990.
|| Posted by scroff, November 26, 2004 03:34 PM ||That's scary. I only managed a 60.
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 09:28 PM |||| , 11:53 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 23, 2004
Unconventional Weapons in Iraq
It's always the simplistic methods that work the best in warfare:
I'm actually waiting for Amnesty International to start campaigning against this 'torture'.....Comments on Unconventional Weapons in Iraq
|| , 01:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentNovember 22, 2004
Dr. Spears?
The things you would never know about some celebrities....
Interesting footnote: on this site - the Britney Spears Guide to Semiconductor Physics - I found what I initially thought was a joke, but it turns out that it's true: German actress Hedy Lamarr was a gifted electrical engineer and is credited for several inventions.
Comments on Dr. Spears?
|| , 01:35 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentReal-life Forrest
What was it Forrest Gump said? 'I'm not a smart man'?
It's true:
I won't feel so bad from now on when I absentmindedly attempt to put the milk into the dishwasher, realize my mistake, and then try to put it in the cabinet....Comments on Real-life Forrest
This is too funny..nothing like a dumb crook.
|| Posted by ruthie, November 22, 2004 01:34 PM ||kinda reminds me of a former co-worker's jury duty about ten years ago. a house burglar happened to be narcoleptic... he fell asleep while committing his crime. needless to say, it didn't take them long to come back with a guilty verdict. freakin' hilarious.
|| Posted by nathalie, November 24, 2004 11:37 AM |||| , 12:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 19, 2004
'Roadmap' Torn Up, Set On Fire
Why am I not surprised?
Gee.....nobody saw this coming.....Comments on 'Roadmap' Torn Up, Set On Fire
Frankly, I'm tired of worrying about what the Israelis want or do. It's their country and their probelm. How the hell did we get involved? I don't see us running around worrying about Northern Ireland or other similar situations.
Israel has grown up now. They are the 800 lb. gorilla on their block. Enough already. Let's worry about the United States, okay?
That's why I decry "dual citizenship". Make up your minds, either you are a Loyal citizen of the United States or you are a Loyal citizen of Israel. If our countries ever clash on policy, I don't want to wonder whose side you're on.
Let Israel fight it's own battles. Our plate is full.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 20, 2004 06:51 PM |||| , 02:03 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
From Cox & Forkum:
This seems to fit the notion I was shooting for when I posted a portion of Ann Coulter's new column the other day...
Comments on Skeptical
Ann Coulter is a moron, Mikey. You gotta upgrade your sources!
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 20, 2004 06:53 PM ||That Cox and Forkum crack me up.. what ever happened to Mallard Fillmore?
I am not sure if you have heard of blogexplosion but I thought I would invite you to join. I would like to surf more conservative blogs :)
|| Posted by Jeffery Blanco, November 21, 2004 05:06 PM |||| , 01:40 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
F-16s on Station Laying SMACKDOWN!
Found this over at Silent Running via Right Wing News:
It's some wicked video footage......[/evil grin]Comments on F-16s on Station Laying SMACKDOWN!
Dude, that is freaking sweet. Damn terrorists.
|| Posted by Mays, November 19, 2004 12:17 PM ||Remind me to thank a flyboy! Who said there's no such things as "Angels"!
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 19, 2004 12:27 PM ||That ruled! There needs to be more videos like that put out--especially on the news!
More more more!
|| Posted by jaws, November 19, 2004 12:42 PM ||How sweet! The guy at the end with the "Oh, dude...." comment was great.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S., November 20, 2004 11:48 AM |||| , 12:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 18, 2004
You're a Moralistic Moron
Ann Coulter's new column is out. The message?
Very true. At least, there are some left-leaning bloggers that I link to that exhibit this peculiar attitude.Needless to say, it's hard to 'reach out' when people are calling you a moron, a religious-fundamentalist bent on supporting a theologic state, or just plain retarded for excercising my free will to choose whom I'd like leading the nation.
And as always, I'm trying to take the high ground....turn the other cheek.....let them 'out' themselves as a barking moonbat.
Comments on You're a Moralistic Moron
Mikey, you'll always be the #1 Facist with this "Barking Moonbat"!
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 06:54 PM |||| , 09:11 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 16, 2004
Two to the Head in Fallujah
U.S. Investigating Marine Shooting
I was only partially awake when I saw this on FoxNews this morning.As with anything heinous as initial reaction(s) are sure to come out, there is probably more to this than is being reported - especially by the imbedded reporter that recorded this.
While there would be little reason to believe that a U.S. Marine would dishonor himself and the Corps by committing such an act, I'll hold judgement until more facts come out.
UPDATE: Charles at Little Green Footballs has the raw video footage of the incident. The photo I used in this post is a still-frame from the video; the Iraqi laying on the ground in it is the one that immediately starts motioning that he's unarmed after the Marine shoots.
UPDATE II: Deuddersun sounds off on this event and from what I know of him, this doesn't surprise me at all. Take a look.
Comments on Two to the Head in Fallujah
There are times when I really hate the media. I'm sure they are just blowing something out of perspective. That is what sells, sensationalism.
|| Posted by Maeve, November 16, 2004 04:40 PM ||This may come as a surprize to those of you who view me as a Liberal,Peace-loving Moonbat, but I'd of shot the fucker too!
This is a fucking war people! Who knows how many lives have been saved by eliminating an enemy combatant.
One of the roles snipers have fulfilled in the passt has been to wound an enemy in an open space, thereby drawing his comrades out to aid him, thereby providing more targets. Hopefully, all are killed, including the original wounded individual.
As for me, I'm standing behind this Marine. Well done!
(Guess I'll have to do a post on this, sigh...that's sure to piss of the three Liberal readers I have.)
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 07:49 AM ||I finally posted on this. You might be surprised but to me it's a no-brainer.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 22, 2004 09:31 AM |||| , 09:43 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Missed Opportunity in San Diego
I missed some local fun in the sun on Saturday afternoon down in front of the Federal Building.
I guess it was a good thing that I overslept during my nap - these people would be seeking therapy after seeing the likes of Mikey in their faces.
In addition to Da Goddess' account of the action, Smash has a great report on all of it.
Oh well.....maybe next time.
Comments on Missed Opportunity in San Diego
You have to feel good to join in. We want you healthy, m'kay?
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 16, 2004 09:19 AM ||Mikey, ya gotta stop hanging around with these idiots, yer losin' a ton of respect. Why don't you and the other Vets march their silly little asses down to the local recruiter and sign them up?
As for the Marines on the scene, ever ask yourself why you're going to fight and they're going to support you by running their yaps putting down the very folks who want to get you home in one piece?
Yo, Protest Pissants! Suit up or shut up!
Really Mikey, as Grandma used to say, "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 09:31 PM ||Deuddersun...we want our people home in one piece...but we want them to be able to do so when they're able. NOT when some protester thinks it's right. The majority of our military WANT to be there. You can't tell me that they shouldn't be allowed to do the job they signed up to do.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 22, 2004 12:45 AM |||| , 08:10 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 11, 2004
He's Dead Jim - Pass the Ketchup
From Little Green Footballs:
Yasser Arafat died.
All I have to say about this is: He should have died in a huge fireball created from an Israeli missile.
Maybe now there might be a chance for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians - provided that the Palestinians don't treat this event as an excuse to act like rabid animals.
Comments on He's Dead Jim - Pass the Ketchup
I concur. Arafat should have died in a helicopter attack from the Israeli military.
|| Posted by Davey, November 11, 2004 10:57 PM ||"provided that the Palestinians don't treat this event as an excuse to act like rabid animals." hehe-- have you seen the images from his funeral in Ramallah?
personally, I hope that he died of AIDS, as some are speculating. if anybody has ever deserved that disease, it is him. death by hellfire missile would have been too quick and painless for him. he deserved much more suffering than that.
|| Posted by nathalie, November 12, 2004 11:00 AM ||How can you compare Elvis, something that is true and good, to Yasser, something so evil and dispicable? ;) Besides, Elvis is alvie, man!
|| Posted by Davey, November 13, 2004 11:51 PM ||Sadly, there will never be peace between Israel and Palestinian terrorist savages. The terrorist savages will never allow it and they're too hate-filled and ignorant to have their own state. I hope the baby killers all die violent deaths.
Arafat was pure scum and I hope he rots in hell.
|| Posted by Brent, November 15, 2004 10:02 PM |||| , 08:12 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Veteran's Day
Honoring all veterans who have put their lives at risk to keep our great nation free.
Take a moment today and thank a veteran - they'll appreciate it immensely!
(Graphic glommed from Stevie)
Comments on Veteran's Day
As it started loading and I could see the top, I thought to myself, "Oh, cool... we used the same image!".
Then, I got to the last sentence...
"Ooohhh...." (ala Edith Bunker...)
|| Posted by Stevie, November 11, 2004 06:00 PM ||Thank you for your service, Mikey :)
|| Posted by Jezechelle, November 12, 2004 03:51 AM ||why... thankya, mad one!
|| Posted by nathalie, November 12, 2004 11:01 AM |||| , 03:47 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 10, 2004
U.S. Marine Corps 229th Birthday
The United States Marine Corps celebrates its 229th birthday today:
Never have so few been so feared by so many for so long.Comments on U.S. Marine Corps 229th Birthday
even to the SQUIDS!!
|| Posted by Mike the Marine, November 10, 2004 04:51 PM ||God bless the Marines!
|| Posted by Brent, November 10, 2004 09:04 PM ||Happy Birthday, Gyrenes, and many more. Thank you for a job well done and freedoms insured.
|| Posted by Cait, November 11, 2004 06:57 AM ||Thanks for the props, Mikey!
Semper Fidelis!
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 11, 2004 10:11 AM ||Semper Fi, Mac!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 12:56 AM |||| , 09:59 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 09, 2004
Just Another BLECH in the Wall
Still recovering from election burnout. Too tired to post about much of anything that involves thinking today.
Although I feel like fried whale sh*t and I have a quiz tomorrow on BJTs - bipolar junction transistors - I still giggle (man style) at the copious amounts of different analysis methods some are using to attempt to make sense of November 2nd since they just cannot seem to allow the truth to settle in.
Comments on Just Another BLECH in the Wall
I don't believe "giggle" and "man-style" should EVER be used in a sentence together.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 12:37 AM |||| , 05:15 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 08, 2004
The Day After
I'm thinking that the owner of this car was kicking themselves on Wednesday morning for what seemed like a 'cool idea' the night before....
Comments on The Day After
Truly, bad taste is timeless.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, November 8, 2004 02:18 PM ||This looks like something one would do after losing a bet.
|| Posted by Chet, November 8, 2004 04:04 PM ||*HOLY SHIT!!*
|| Posted by Maeve, November 8, 2004 05:23 PM ||Ooops! We thought it was your car, Mikey!
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 9, 2004 01:53 AM ||It wasn't????
|| Posted by ruthie, November 9, 2004 09:57 AM ||No way - it's a Ford....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 9, 2004 04:05 PM ||HAHAHAHAHA! I should break out my beater, that I don't care about, and plaster it in Bush stickers. I wonder how long it would last when I take it into Boston during the day?
|| Posted by Geoffrey, November 10, 2004 02:18 PM ||The best part is that they didn't even vote...
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|| , 01:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 05, 2004
'Give You the Pentagon!'
There are some 'revealing' facts coming to light with the end of the election that make me thankful that Senator Kerry did not win.
It would seem that Kerry was so desparate to get Arizona Senator John McCain on the ticket as Vice President, that Kerry was willing to change the structure of the Department of Defense:
Now - some Democrats are practically wetting themselves over the prospect of President Bush imposing some sort of theocratic state, but I'd say this is something to be worried about too: Kerry shifting the authority of the Commander-in-Chief.Bad pool Mr. Kerry - very bad pool. And I'm thankful that you lost.
Comments on 'Give You the Pentagon!'
I can't say I'm surprised. Kerry regarded the presidency as his by right -- one might even say, as a birth entitlement -- and therefore, anything he did to achieve it was utterly right and proper, including trashing the Constitution of the United States.
I hope this gets into wide circulation.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, November 6, 2004 04:38 AM ||Hmmm, so this is how the "healing" begins? Okaaay. I'll keep this in mind.
So when YOUR job is outsourced and your benefits run out and you can't make it on unemployment and you have to work for Wal Mart, suck it up and be a Real American, Mikey, don't whine, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Or try praying, Yeah, that always put bread on MY table.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 7, 2004 03:11 PM ||What does outsourcing jobs have to do with realignment of the chain of command over the Pentagon?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 7, 2004 04:28 PM ||I'm honestly curious about this.
1) that the Secretary of Defense is a position that isn't named in the Constitution;
2) that the only stricture on the President's appointment of a SECDEF is the advice and consent of the Senate;
3) that he could name the Vice President as easily as anyone else;
why is this an innately terrible idea? I mean, I voted against Kerry too, don't get me wrong -- I agree he had no business being CiC. But so far as I can see, there's nothing in this particular proposal that's bad by nature.
Actually, it has a few things to recommend it. If it became traditional, we'd (a) know who we were getting as a SECDEF when we were making up our minds how to vote, and also (b) we'd get VPs who weren't just meaningless placeholders (John Edwards, call your office), but who had real defense credentials. Since the main job of the VP is to stand up to the Presidency in case of assassination or other traumatic death of the President, that would seem to be a good thing.
|| Posted by Grim, November 7, 2004 08:03 PM ||It's (to me) a bit un-nerving because it's coaxing someone with a reward and the duties of the VP are expressly specified in the Constitution.
Granted, the SECDEF isn't specified in the Constitution, but the office and the person filling the position are confirmed by the Senate.
It just smacks of bribery to me.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 7, 2004 08:21 PM ||Mikey, you're right and it's obvious to me that Kerry was just desperate enough to promise someone the sun and the moon, and "all those pretty stars that light up your eyes", in order to win the presidency. Thankfully, McCain didn't take the bait.
It frightens me to think what might have happened if Kerry had won.
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CanadaMichael Moore!From OpinionJournal's Best of the Web:
Fahrenheit 900 Pounds
"A recent government study reveals that airlines increasingly have to worry more about the weight of their passengers," the Associated Press reports from Atlanta:
At last, science proves that global warming is Michael Moore's fault!Comments on Blame
CanadaMichael Moore!Yo dude, sigh...
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 11:45 PM |||| , 03:07 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
King Mikey of San Diego
Of course I am:
You are King Arthur of the Britons! You let no-one
stand in your way, you are brave and strong!
Keep searching, you'll find the grail yet!
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla
(Nicely glommed from Joanie)
Comments on King Mikey of San Diego
I used to be King...a long time ago. But, the armor chaffed and sat all wrong on my chest. Yes, I know, I should have been Queen, there simply weren't any in this story.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 5, 2004 02:10 PM ||I hate it when my armor chafes....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 5, 2004 02:18 PM ||I hate not being able to spell.
Chafe chafe chafe
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 11:44 PM |||| , 01:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
El Viernes Gatos
Something that Smash mentioned and I thought I'd be a lemming and follow suite.
I've posted them before, but to honor this 'Catblogging Friday', I present Katey and Julie.
Comments on El Viernes Gatos
I love your kitties. They look so squishable. I just want to hold them, and pet them, and squeeze them, and rub their fur the wrong way.
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|| , 12:20 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 04, 2004
Subtle Media Bias
Michelle Malken takes notice of subtle media bias:
And I'll include the following obeservation that is almost cliché (say it with me):If this had been discovered on FoxNews, the planet would be hip-deep in spittle and foam from 'outraged' Democrats.
And if this is even reported to the CNN ombudsman, it'll be attributed to an 'intern' or someone low on the food chain cause CNN would never exhibit any sort of bias towards President Bush.....nah.
Comments on Subtle Media Bias
I saw that... that was some funny shit. :)
C'mon, Mad One... it was a joke, and a damn good one... Democrats deal with this kind of crap every day, and it's not a joke... it's called right wing talk radio... ;)
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 12:28 AM |||| , 06:09 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 03, 2004
California Proposition Results
From the California Secretary of State, the results of California's propositions that were voted on yesterday.
I note - with extreme satisfaction - that Prop 66 was defeated. I also note that Prop 67 suffered the same fate. Boo-Hoo.
I am bummed that Californians decided that Prop 63 was a *cough* good thing and passed it. Now watch as the California legislature takes these additional funds - which are supposed to go towards mental health - are squandered on other things that should be covered by the General Fund and subsequently, the call for additional taxation methods will be heard since the money won't be spent on the proper programs. This one pissed me off cause:
- These services should be funded already, and
- The notion that someone busting their ass to make over one million shouldn't be the litmus test that they deserve to pay more.
I'm a firm believer in the idea that if I work my ass off to make X number of dollars, then I should be able to keep as much of it as I can. I have a big problem with the 'they make more so they can pay more' mentality.But, if most Californians want to simply 'tax the rich' for being rich, then they too can reap the results when these people find different ways to shelter their income from stupid taxation policies such as these and then try to scratch their heads and wonder why these programs aren't getting funded.
Comments on California Proposition Results
I just wrote about how bent I am over how we're (Californians) still spending like we don't have a financial problem. Holy crap, doesn't anyone remember that whole Gray Davis/Arnold flap a year ago?
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 11:48 PM |||| , 01:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Plenty of Lives Left
This is one lucky kitten
Comments on Plenty of Lives Left
Poor baby.
|| Posted by Cait, November 4, 2004 07:35 AM ||Personally I prefer clean pussy.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 4, 2004 08:04 PM ||*groan*....
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 11:51 PM |||| , 12:16 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
That Settles That
Dispite being elated that President Bush was re-elected - decisively - I am going to really attempt to not gloat or rub it in the noses of those who were convinced that Kerry would win the election.
Really attempt....but I might slip and on occasion do my 'Bush WON' dance.
I haven't heard Kerry's concession speech, but I heard it was remarkably sincere, that he hoped that the division that was dividing most Americans into a 'Us' vs. 'Them' attitude would dissipate. I hope it does too, although from the random viewings around the blogsphere, there are some Dems that are just about to choke on their own bile.
I was prepared to 'suck it up' and concede defeat if Kerry had won and I was prepared to support Kerry as the next President - but that's not the case. Now - can those who supported Kerry & dreamed of Bush's campaign dying a horrible death reconcile and get on with life?
That will be the $64 question to be answered in the next few days....the American people have spoken as to whom they want to be the Commander-in-Chief - let's all be proud that this didn't have to come down to civil unrest like a Third-World banana republic.
Comments on That Settles That
Well, Mikey, let me be the first to congratulate you and all supporters of President Bush on your victory.
|| Posted by scroff, November 3, 2004 01:38 PM ||This is one of the saddest days of my life, right up there with 9/11 and a few other days I can recall on which someone close to me has actually died.
I feel like someone has died today. And all I can think is what a damn shame it is that we are going to have to endure that which a new term of Bush and his demonic cabinet will bring. All of the fears of democrats are likely to be realized, as Bush appoints four new judges to the Supreme Court, as he pursues his harmful foreign policy agenda, as he blurs and eviscerates the lines that devide church and state, as he panders to corporations, ignores poverty, makes an utter morass out of our economy, hinders the advancement of medical science, introduces legislation that deprives people of their rights all across the board, and takes a big giant shit on the environment...
And that's not even scratching the surface. Those who voted for Bush remind me of the fabled character who naively opened Pandora's Box and unwittingly unleashed a torrent of sorrow upon the world. Or the lion tamer who never thought that he would be attacked by his own animal. Totally unaware of the true consequences of their actions. Your actions. I truly do not think that you even know what you and the rest of the majority have done by electing Bush. Mark my words.
|| Posted by Maria, November 3, 2004 01:41 PM ||Scroff: Thanks. I really will try to not rub it in.
Maria: I'm not too sure how to react to your thinking....On one hand, it shows that you're genuinely concerned about the path America is taking, yet on the other hand, your pronunciation that 'the world will end' (more or less) gives me some insight into just how much you must loath President Bush - both as a leader and a human being.
As for seeing whether 'Pandora's Box' has been opened, time will tell - but I have a clean conscience about supporting President Bush.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 3, 2004 01:59 PM ||Not for nothing, but Pandora's box got smashed open beyong all repair on September 11th, 2001.
(And, (unfortunately) no politician was any of those "pilots"...)
|| Posted by Stevie, November 3, 2004 02:13 PM ||(Beyond. Sorry...)
|| Posted by Stevie, November 3, 2004 02:13 PM ||Maria's little diatribe is a nice synopsis of why I ditched the Democratic party. The "I know better than you" attitude is annoying at best-- since when do YOU own all universal truths? Get off your high horse already. I don't need a lecture from YOU about MY choices and MY beliefs. Your all-knowing tone reminds me of born-agains that insist I'm going to hell for not accepting Jesus as my savior. It's all too familiar.
Naive, eh? Coming from somebody who places the results of our democratic Presidential election in the same category as the murder of 3000 Americans by Islamofascists... I can think of a few adjectives for that one. Read your whine-fest again and then let's talk about naivete. As far as us (Bush supporters) destroying the world-- could you be any more patronizing? Consider your words marked, Maria.
This is the problem with this country. The folks that are pointing their fingers at Bush for the divisiveness here really need not look any further than a mirror for the real reason. Trust me when I say that Kerry would not have cured that issue-- it's up to Americans to resolve it.
Scroff's comment is precisely why I respect his words so much. Highly critical of this administration, he always backs it up with facts and rarely goes off of pure emotion fueled by speculation (in other words, polar opposite of Ms. Maria). And here he takes the high road. The jousting will resume shortly, I'm sure... :-)
There will be no gloating from this neck of the woods-- there's too much work to be done. The real fight is taking place elsewhere, but I believe that AMERICA will ultimately come out stronger and more focused in the end. I guess I believe in the power of Americans much more than I believe in the power of one.
|| Posted by nathalie, November 3, 2004 04:26 PM ||Gee, I kind of think Maria hit the nail right on the head!
But I will say this, Maria, you little hottie, respect Mikey's house and save it for your spot or mine or scroff's. These folks are trying to be gracious, can we be anything else?
Congrats Mikey!
(Even tho I know it will come back to bite you in the ass!) (Ooops!, Sorry! Couldn't resist!) (Sigh....)
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 4, 2004 07:47 PM ||Hmmm, I'm cyber blushing...
Thanks, nat!
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|| Posted by replica watches, July 31, 2009 11:52 PM |||| , 11:51 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
November 02, 2004
Back in the Fight
Sorry for the lack of posting in the last 48 hours - I was in the hospital again....dealing with an on-going problem.
Luckily, I got out this afternoon in time to vote. The discharge nurse was 'encouraged' that I wanted to get out to vote for Bush and it was nice to be in the company of other Bush supporters.
I was going to get together with some friends tonight to watch the returns coming in, but dispite being released from the hospital I'm still feeling like....well, fried whale sh*t.
I'm under the weather, but I'm still in the fight!
Everyone rub their lucky wabbit feet for President Bush to be re-elected in a clear, obvious landslide.
Comments on Back in the Fight
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. But glad you got out to vote - even if your state went to Kerry; you had your say!
I always feel so empowered after voting.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, November 3, 2004 09:48 AM ||Sorry you've been feeling so poorly! We missed you last night but totally understand the "Why"
I'm hoping you feel better quickly!
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 3, 2004 11:27 AM ||I'm feeling a bit better today. I crashed hardcore around 8 pm last night and that helped a lot.
Believe me, I was looking forward to meeting up with 'the gang' at Smash's place.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 3, 2004 11:32 AM ||Hey Sweetie... Sorry I missed you on YIM last time. I'm turning it on now, just in case... *grin*
I've just about got my house (and life, hence "schedule") back, so I should be around again now....
|| Posted by Stevie, November 3, 2004 11:51 AM ||Hey, you missed a great party last night. Next time, you'll be there.
Take care of yourself, Mikey!
|| Posted by SMASH, November 3, 2004 02:51 PM ||The offer still stands, Mad One. Let me know.
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About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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