Ann Coulter's new column is out. The message?
Using classical Marxist thinking, liberals can't fathom how issues like abortion and gay marriage could trump ordinary people's economic interests -– which liberals axiomatically assume are furthered by the Democrats' offers of government assistance. Democrats are saying to voters: How can you be so stupid to subordinate your own selfish economic interests to "moral values," the betterment of the country and the general welfare of people you don't even know?,Very true. At least, there are some left-leaning bloggers that I link to that exhibit this peculiar attitude.
Needless to say, it's hard to 'reach out' when people are calling you a moron, a religious-fundamentalist bent on supporting a theologic state, or just plain retarded for excercising my free will to choose whom I'd like leading the nation.
And as always, I'm trying to take the high ground....turn the other cheek.....let them 'out' themselves as a barking moonbat.
Mikey, you'll always be the #1 Facist with this "Barking Moonbat"!
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Mikey, you'll always be the #1 Facist with this "Barking Moonbat"!
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 06:54 PM ||