Nutty 9/11 art nixedI like that last part - 'Or else'....
Gov. Pataki drew a line in the sand yesterday, declaring he will tolerate no America-bashing on the sacred soil of Ground Zero.
Hours after the Daily News disclosed that a museum set to rise on the site had displayed kooky and anti-American art, the governor said there can be no place where nearly 3,000 innocents died for an institution that attacks the United States and the heroes of 9/11.
His voice rising and his resolve steely as he compared the World Trade Center tract to the bloody beaches of Normandy and the black waters of Pearl Harbor, Pataki vowed:
"We will not tolerate anything on that site that denigrates America, denigrates New York or freedom or denigrates the sacrifice and courage that the heroes showed on Sept. 11."
He added, "The Daily News did a good service by pointing out some of these things. We do not want that at Ground Zero; I do not want that at Ground Zero and to the extent that I have the power, it's not going to happen."
At issue are two controversial cultural groups that were picked to occupy a major building at the heart of the site - and have enraged 9/11 family members who say their murdered loved ones are being disrespected.
The larger museum, the International Freedom Center, has sparked fears it will focus on acts of U.S. wrongdoing, like slavery and treatment of American Indians, while the Drawing Center, now based in SoHo, was exposed in The News as displaying graphic and vulgar art attacking America's war on terror.
"Sure, there can be debate," Pataki said when asked if his tough stance jeopardized free-speech rights. "But I don't want that debate to be occurring at Ground Zero."
Acting after a protest from family members - and word the Drawing Center had displayed art linking President Bush to Osama Bin Laden and portraying terror suspects as victims of American torture - the governor laid down the law to the Lower Manhattan Development Corp.: "Contact the cultural institutions on the memorial site. . . and get from them an absolute guarantee that as they proceed, it will be with total respect for the sanctity of that site." This was followed by a simple, stark threat: "I'm hopeful they are able to do that, and if not, then they shouldn't be there."
Pataki twice repeated his threat, saying the Freedom and Drawing Centers must respect sacred ground - or else.
"Period. Otherwise they won't be there," he said.
(Politely gommed from Little Green Footbals)
Comments on Pataki Nads Up
I agree with Pataki on this... Ground Zero should not be used for anything but a memorial for that day... but this sentiment also extends to politicians who would do the same to support a bogus war that 911 had nothing to do with...
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2005 07:36 PM ||I agree with Scroff. That knife should cut both ways. Let it be a memorial, not a political platform.
|| Posted by Cait, June 26, 2005 09:54 AM ||Ditto. A record of everything that happened IN NEW YORK from the time the first plane hit, to the time the ground was broken for the memorial.
JUST WHAT HAPPENED, the cleanup, and the dedication. Keep ALL politics out of it. (Exceptions: President's speech on ground zero should be included, as well as Guliani's and Hillary's contributions, but only as a footnote.)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:36 PM ||Ditto everyone.
|| Posted by Royston, June 28, 2005 06:34 PM ||Further, because the victims included people of so many nationalities, races and creeds the memorial should strive to remind us that we are One.
Maybe a line fom Shakespeare 'If you prick us do we not bleed?'
|| , 04:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 24, 2005
A new term is appearing in the blogsphere:
(Politely glommed from Michelle Malkin who glommed from Bill Yates at From Where I Sit)Comments on Verbage
|| , 02:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentJune 23, 2005
Supreme Crap
This is a complete load of crap:
To be honest, I don't own property but this would make me really think about where I'd buy it.My thinking on this is that if there was any 'choice' property to be snatched up, some people will re-consider buying for fear that it'll be stolen from them. This is gonna make people want to buy property in area(s) that are out of the way and not near urban centers.
Way to go Justice Stevens - you've just increased 'suburban sprawl' and increased the pressure on people looking to sell property.
What do you bet that in the next week that someone in Congress - Republican or Democrat - will introduce legislation to kill this ruling?
Comments on Supreme Crap
Yeah, i was pretty pissed when i read about this too. what a bunch of bullshit.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 23, 2005 08:54 PM ||This is just absolutely crazy. There are already so many entities that have eminent domain powers: pipeline companies, river authorities, gas companies, electric companies, etc. As it is, different entities already make rulings that effectively render property worthless. Around here, the natural resources commission has declared certain areas natural habitat for "endangered species". The people that have this habitat on their land are not allowed to do anything with the land. They can't even go in and cut cedar trees off. Cedar trees, believe me, are nothing more than a big weed. In essence, then, this ruling has "taken" a person's land away from them. But, in this instance, unlike typical eminent domain, the land owner is not compensated at all. Nice, huh?
|| Posted by Cait, June 26, 2005 09:52 AM ||It is called a "GUN", and is infinitely useful for re-asserting property rights.
(Don't SHOOT THE JUDGE people.)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:41 PM ||http://www.freestarmedia.com/hotellostliberty2.html
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 10:29 PM |||| , 04:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 22, 2005
Amendment XXVIII?
I know that there will be screeching about this....the likes that haven't been heard since President Bush was re-elected last fall.
For those that think this is a bad thing, consider this: after this is approved (probably) in both houses, it will pass to the states for ratification; this means that the people will ratify it - probably through local elections. This cannot be considered a 'power grab' by any stretch of the imagination since every voter in the nation will voice in on it.
Here's hoping that it passes.
I didn't even know that this amendment was ratified.When I looked up the Constitution to see what this amendment would be numbered as, I found this:
Huh....shows you how up-to-speed I am on the Constitution....
All done with "Amendment XXVIII?"?
Comments on Amendment XXVIII?
Unbelievable! The Nazis wouldn't let you piss on a flag either. Nice precedent.
|| Posted by royston, June 22, 2005 02:51 PM ||Congress really has IMPORTANT things to discuss. This shameful timewasting only serves to hi-light how moribund the current administration is. They're not even capable of looking backwards, which is a shame because then they might notice history repeating itself.
This shameful timewasting only serves to hi-light how moribund the current administration is.
I am with you on most, but this sentence is a bit off. I think this is an INSANELY stupid idea. Look at what congress had done with the commerce clause... Imagine the misuse THIS could have. I blame the assholes in the congress and senate for this, and many of them will still be there LONG after bush is a distant memory.
Unless of course you want to blame bush for everything, and never get to actually holding the parties responsible. In which case, go nuts.
(My car stalled.. fucking bush)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 22, 2005 07:34 PM ||Royston: since you're trucking in from the UK I felt it necessary to state that what you think is of no importance....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 23, 2005 04:22 PM ||Republicans have EARS! and EYES! and NOSES!
Get a grip, Roy.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 24, 2005 05:18 AM ||People burn flags to express indignation at institutions. If you ban it they will simply find another way to express their anger. It solves nothing and is therefore pointless, a waste of time and, ergo, not important.
|| Posted by Royston, June 24, 2005 05:52 PM ||This amendment is ridiculous. (I know you know where i'm going with this, MIKEY..lol)
|| Posted by ruthie, June 24, 2005 07:13 PM ||People burn flags to express indignation at institutions.
IMO, people burn flags (and people in effigy) because they're twits and cannot convey their argument(s) in a logical manner.
It's like a kid throwing a temper tantrum and throwing stuff - they're immature and cannot say what they want or they're frustrated that their argument is flawed.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 25, 2005 10:27 AM ||While I would tend to agree with you Mad One, and wouldn't burn a flag myself, I see no reason to have to have a law against it. I guess they'll have to start burning bibles. Now that I would do, piles and piles of them ;)
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2005 07:41 PM ||With the stroke of the pen, congress will be able to do more damage to our nation's symbol than a thousand twits with lighters. They will destroy what the flag symbolizes.
On a sidenote: Aren't there already laws on teh books that state you can't burn shit without a permit?
And how do they plan on disposing old flags? The proper way to do so is to BURN the flag.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:39 PM ||Someone burning a flag has been failed by the political process. People without a voice will go to great lengths to be heard. If it is made illegal people will suffer jail for it and will
|| Posted by royston, June 28, 2005 06:51 PM ||welcome the extra attention this brings.
Someone burning a flag has been failed by the political process.
Or is ignorant of it, inept at it, or doesn't get his way.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 08:01 PM |||| , 01:59 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Reading Habits of Mikey
I've been tagged with a meme from Chris at Miller's Time about my reading habits.
And as Chris did to me and others, now I'll 'tag' some additional people to keep this rolling along (in no particular order):
- Da Goddess
- Any Which Way
- Sugar Ray Dodge
- Dog Snot Diaries
- Caught in the Crossfire
I'm not gonna try to insert the links to all of these books like Chris did; Amazon has all of these titles.Comments on Reading Habits of Mikey
hi mikey..that was fun..I answered over in our forums..take a gander
|| Posted by ruthie, June 22, 2005 08:00 PM ||My answers are up!
|| Posted by Davey, June 23, 2005 05:24 AM |||| , 11:50 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 21, 2005
Off His Rocker - Part IV
You know what Dick? I was (and still am) offended and you can take your apology and jam it.
My guess is that the only reason that you're apologizing now is that you're seeing the poll numbers in your own state drop and you're scrambling to cover your ass.
I don't think that for one minute you're sincere in this apology since you've had at least two differnt times to retract your asinine statements and failed to act. You're probably only doing so because of pressure from the DNC to STFU.
Sorry my ass Dick....you're still an ass-hatted clown and you got busted for talking smack about America's military.
Good luck in getting re-elected in Illinois and I hear that the position of Dog Catcher is open...
Comments on Off His Rocker - Part IV
You have been tagged with a book meme. Look forward to you answers.
|| Posted by Miller's Time, June 21, 2005 05:47 PM ||Miller's time: Why do you do these things?
As for durbin the thunderslut: Now you have shown to lack backbone. Can't even stand by your upfucketyness.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 22, 2005 12:26 AM ||Agree with you , yogs. If you're going to say, have the balls to stand by it.
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2005 07:44 PM |||| , 04:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 20, 2005
2005 Special Election Propositions
Here's the line up of propostions to be voted on in the Special Election in November 2005:
Snap Judgement: YESWhile I'm still on-the-fence (more or less) when it comes to a woman's right to choice, this is something that needs to be put into place - especially since we're talking about teenagers and how (basically) they don't know what they'll be doing nor how it will affect them in the future.
Get the parents involved in a decision of this magnitude cause probably 99.999% of parents will not kill their daughters for getting pregnant.
Read More of "2005 Special Election Propositions"I've only heard a smattering of the arguments against this proposition and they all basically sound like their coming from people who whine professionally.
I see no problem in extending the tenure qualification time for California teachers. This is not to say that I think all the teachers in California aren't worth the powder to blow them to Hell, but two years isn't enough time to truly deem any teacher as 'tenured'. If they're really qualified, then there should be no problem in making them prove it for five years instead of two.
Snap Judgement: YESFor the moment, I am not part of a union of any sort and if I were to become part of one (this is a distinct possibility when I consider that I'll be working for the U.S. Navy as a full-time engineer in the near future) I sure as Hell wouldn't want them throwing the money that I'd pay in *cough* 'dues' towards some political lacky that I wouldn't trust any further than I could throw them.
If the big unions, especially the ones that get their 'dues' from public employees, are gonna go burning their money on political campaigns (take a serious look at the California Teacher's Association in their attempts to get more money from Schwarzenegger for education), then they should ASK their members if it's okay.
Snap Judgement: NOT SURETo be honest, I'm gonna have to look into this one a lot further and read the 'fine print' associated with it before I make up my mind.
Snap Judgement: YESI don't know the exact numbers when it comes to state/federal elections of California's representatives, but I do know that the way the districts are laid out makes the notion of 'elections' a joke. The districts are created in such a manner that each district has a distict majority of either Democrats or Republicans and the only way for an incumbant to be thrown out of office is to have them caught on video raping dogs or something just as heinous.
Mix up the districts and make the candidates prove to the people that they're the right person for the job instead of just 'phoning it in'.
Snap Judgement: NONO - not in this form anyway. The one phrase that stands out to me is:
There are enough crap programs already sucking the General Fund to the point of enemia and this won't help - at least, not like the proponents would like to think.Yes, there might be some benefit to low- and middle-income families (myself included), but to pay for this program and the many facets that aren't readily available it's gonna either demand an increase on taxes or a cut in something else that's just as 'needed' here in California.
Snap Judgement: NOAgain, this has got the same types of holes in it as the previous proposition, except this one is counting on 'rebates' from pharmacutical companies. And I hate to say this but dispite the massive campaign ads to make you think that these pharmacutical companies are making these drugs for the betterment of mankind, these companies are out to make money - period.
Yes, they like to help people.....help them buy their latest drug that they've dumped millions of dollars in development. Ever wonder why there are so many commercials on television that tout the latest drug that helps you have better sex? Get rid of acidi indigestion? Give you more natural tears from your eyes? It's because the pharmacutical companies are looking to make up the development cost of their creations.
I go nothing against pharmacutical companies trying to make a profit (although I get a little pissed when I'm shelling out $50 for a perscription each month for certain medications), but they'll be watching these last two propositions like a lion watching a gazelle drinking at the watering hole: TAKE DOWN TIME.
I might be changing my mind on some of these in the future and it'll depend upon what argument(s) both proponents and opponents put forth as the Special Election gets closer and closer.
All done with "2005 Special Election Propositions"?
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Comments on 2005 Special Election Propositions
|| , 04:30 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||June 19, 2005
Convulsions of Donna
I've seen Da Goddess work this type of magic is person.....she is not someone to lock horns with....
It's always fun to play on the emotions of these district workers....kind of like bear-baiting.And I'm glad I'm not on her 'short list' of people to scorn....
Comments on Convulsions of Donna
Oh, I wish I could come up with stuff like that for the uninvited guests and phone callers. I love it.
|| Posted by Cait, June 21, 2005 08:47 AM ||If you're going to resort to fiction then you should at least try to make it believable.
|| Posted by Royston, June 22, 2005 03:13 PM ||Royston, perhaps if you were familiar with the person whom he is quoting, you'd think again. Da Goddess has done this sort of thing before an audience (as Mikey noted); she's also been quoted at the Indepundit (aka LT Smash).
|| Posted by timekeeper, June 23, 2005 09:22 AM ||The fiction I was referring to was the doorstep discussion, which only happened in Mikey's
|| Posted by royston, June 23, 2005 02:09 PM ||imagination. The whole thing reeked of things which he wished he'd said but, too obviously,
only thought of when he sat down at his keyboard.
I'm being harsh, it's his blog after all and his prerogative, but I just think the best points are honestly made.
Royston old chap,
The whole thing reeked of things which he wished he'd said but, too obviously,
only thought of when he sat down at his keyboard.
Read it again sport.
And if you want to call me a liar, that is your perogative, but remember this:
We kicked your ass in 1776, again in 1812, and the only reason you're not using umlauts is because of *cough* liars like me.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 23, 2005 03:38 PM ||Seems like violence is your answer to everything.
|| Posted by royston, June 24, 2005 05:42 PM ||Seems like violence is your answer to everything.
And you're not speaking German for that very fact slick.
Violence isn't the answer for everything, but it's taken care of a lot more problems than not. Prove me wrong.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 25, 2005 04:48 PM |||| , 05:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Off His Rocker - Part III
From someone who knows the meaning of 'torture' comes a letter that is short, sweet, and to-the-point about Senator Dick Durbin's assinine comments on the floor of the United States Senate.
By way of Citizen Smash:
I'm not one to really wish ill-will upon someone for stupid remarks, but I'm hoping that Dick Durbin gets his ass thrown out of the Senate when he's up for re-election...Comments on Off His Rocker - Part III
Yeah, I see you've got lost in the whole 'My torture was worse than your torture' morass.
|| Posted by royston, June 22, 2005 03:07 PM ||If you are held in prison without access to a lawyer, without being charged, for an idefinite period, then that is already torture even if nobody lays a finger on you.
This would be difficult to endure if you were guilty. Imagine if you were going through that and you were innocent.
Guantanamo is an outrage.
that's fine. Release them into general population.
Take no more prisoners. Those that ARE taken, will be sent to pakistan.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 08:29 PM |||| , 05:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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