By way of Geoffery at Dog Snot Diaries comes a tale that makes you really wonder about some people:
'Mother's Day' too offensive?
Campus administrator says newsletter reference must be 'Parent's Day'
A pre-school in Maryland has lost at least one customer after a student's father working on the school's newsletter was told he must change a "Happy Mother's Day" greeting in the publication to "Happy Parent's Day."
David Becker of Kensington, Md., had a 3-year-old son at the Kensington Forest Glen Children's Center, which is overseen by the umbrella organization Montgomery Child Care Association.
"My wife and I have always been very involved with the school and with the teachers," Becker told WND.
The trouble began when Becker, while typing the newsletter, changed a hand-written greeting from "Happy Parent's Day!" to "Happy Mother's Day!" After submitting the final draft, a teacher contacted Becker and said the greeting would have to be changed back to "Happy Parent's Day!"
Read More of "Some People's Children"
Becker says originally it was one of the teachers who talked to him about the issue. When he asked why, he says he was referred to an administrator.
Becker said he was told: "We cannot say 'Mother's Day' because we might exclude someone."
"I was confused," Becker told WorldNetDaily. "Everybody has a mother. Not everyone has a mother who is alive, but everyone has a mother."
Becker then asked the administrator: "Who would we be offending on Mother's Day?"
The response: "What about families with two fathers?"
Becker then asked about Father's Day. He says he was told: "You can't say 'Father's Day' either."
Retorted Becker: "You are insulting all the parents – the mothers, the fathers, the two-mother families, the two-father families – you're insulting all of them."
The administrator responded, according to Becker: "That's our policy."
Becker says the Mother's Day incident was the "straw that broke the camel's back" and says he won't be sending his son back in the fall.
"I tell the school they can white-out my disrespectful words and my child's registration for the fall semester," Becker wrote in a Washington Post feature called "Life is Short, Autobiography as Haiku."
This is the type of politically correct....
insanty that I fear facing one day at my daughter's school. This fear is magnified because she'll be transferring to middle school (junior high for those that speak English) and I just
know that this type of ultra-PC crap will be prevalent there.
All done with "Some People's Children"?
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Comments on Some People's Children
Sooo, Father's Day will be what? Other Parent's Day?
This stuff is as stupid as the folks who want to ban books and cancel spongebob.
|| Posted by scroff, July 6, 2005 09:27 PM |||| , 10:27 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Close Call Yesterday
Oh the joys of being sick.
One of the 'catches' of being on dialysis is that I have to be weary of how much liquid I drink in a given day. If I drink too much, I'll have to have it 'pulled off' at dialysis and taking too much off in a given session can have nasty effects, i.e. severe muscle cramps.
Now for the last seven months that I've been on dialysis, my fluid retention has been minimal and there have only been one or two occasions where I've ballooned up from my diet....mostly from jamming Mint Chocolate ice cream in my face.
Why is this important? I'll explain....
Read More of "Close Call Yesterday"Yesterday I woke up with dry and burning eyes and feeling a bit....woozie (that's the techinical term for crappy, feeliing really). I had dialysis the day before and nothing remarkable happened there except that I was woken up by loud people in the chair next to me; grrrrr.
I went about my day as usual: shower, shave, dress, take meds, repress a random minority....the usual.
I go to work and that's when I started feeling really shakey; I normally (after a dialysis session) would be 'dizzy', especially when I stood up too fast. I'd have to grab something and steady myself for a few seconds.
Well, yesterday it was much worse. I'd steady myself but would have to do it for about a minute and if I started walking, I'd weave. Weave? I dont' even knit....
And this was happening off and on yesterday. (NOTE TO SELF: do not work on techinical documentation when you're feeling crappy cause 'F*CK IT' is not a suitable answer for documentation status)
And all this time my eye are getting dried and burning - I'd be dousing them with eyedrops every 10 minutes.
So I get home and I'm still feeling crappy. It's when I realize that now is the time to inform my wife that this might be a good time to go to Urgent Care at Scripps Hospital.
So she takes me and in the Triage Room they discover - TA-DA!! - my blood pressure is something like 86/41. We're talking close to being in shock low.
So I end up spending five hours there getting about 1.5 liters of saline pumped into me. Once the first liter was pumped in, my BP jumped up to around 108/56 - better but not 'normal'.
The last (and only) time this happened was when the doctor's had basically over-medicated me and meds drove my BP close to what it was yesterday. This time around....they dunno. They asked me like eight times did I take too much medication that day; I'm almost anal in sorting out my meds and if anything I'm late in taking them. The best they can figure is that somehow I got dehydrated between my dialysis session and my BP meds (which strive to remove excess water and fluids from my blood).
So now I have to strive to not only restrict my fluid intake daily, but I have to ensure that I'm properly hydrated.
Take my advice: don't get sick. It sucks, it doesn't pay really anything, and you can't get dick done. Probably the one 'up side' is that I get a handicapped parking permit, but in the big isn't worth the hassle of being sick.
All done with "Close Call Yesterday"?
Comments on Close Call Yesterday
|| Posted by ruthie, July 1, 2005 04:53 PM ||K...I'll try to post this again. sorry you had such a rough day. Do you have a blood pressure kit at home? Might be a good idea. Hope you are on the mend. i use a pill box with the days of the week on it, so I don't forget, or take two doses because I did forget. Might be useful. Have a good weekend.
|| Posted by ruthie, July 1, 2005 04:55 PM ||I know what you've been through! I've had it happen a few times being on peritoneal dialysis. It's even harder trying to stay hydrated on PD. Gatorade always helped me though....
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 6, 2005 03:11 PM ||Hang it there!
|| , 09:36 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 29, 2005
Flag Burners Arrested
Now here is the difference between people burning a U.S. flag because they cannot formulate a cohesive arguement and a couple of punk kids that are in serious need of an ass-whooping:
Uhhh.....yeah man....burn it!Dumbasses.
Read More of "Flag Burners Arrested"The Smoking Gun has a lot more on this:
Hope you two enjoy sitting in jail with guys that will make you squeal like dumbass punks. At least some barking moonbats have the intelligence to take the flag down before torching mother's must be really PROUD of you.....
All done with "Flag Burners Arrested"?
Comments on Flag Burners Arrested
No denying it, they're a bit lost. But they wouldn't have bothered if some dumbasses hadn't tried to ban it.
|| Posted by royston, June 29, 2005 04:19 PM ||In the AP version, they don't mention that the flags belonged to anyone.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 29, 2005 04:51 PM ||If you own it, burn it. Go nuts. If it's someone else's, you just committed arson, and a terrorist act.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 29, 2005 07:31 PM ||The Beavis and Butthead of anarchy. The only thing that is good about this is that they sound pretty inept.
|| Posted by Cait, June 30, 2005 05:47 AM ||And well off. Look at the bail they posted. Even at 10% that is more than pocket change. If I was the parents, these two would sit in jail for a week or so.
And they would probably prefer that.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 30, 2005 05:54 AM ||One of the flags burned happened to have belonged my best friend. In May, they turned her flag upside down and ran it back up the flagpole, in June, they set it on fire.
"I hate Americans," one of them told a deputy, according to reports.
Interesting to note that the two of them live together, at baber's mommy's house. Isn't that precious?
Baby Moonbats, soon to be the most special lover of big bubba and his gang in the big house.
|| Posted by LindaSoG, July 1, 2005 05:42 AM |||| , 03:58 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Dangers of Huffing Chemicals
Someone's been inhaling industrial-strength cleaning agents:
Yeah.....right.(Hat tip to Charles at LGF)
Comments on Dangers of Huffing Chemicals
umm.... most of the unrest in the world is in Islamic countries/regions. Perhaps if we excluded the Islamic world from the world, we'd have peace. That would be a start...
|| Posted by nathalie, June 29, 2005 04:36 PM ||If the jews get their state, so should muslims. Fair is fair.
I DO believe that countries that have no democratic process for elections should be barred from participation.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 29, 2005 07:12 PM ||I DO believe that countries that have no democratic process for elections should be barred from participation.
And that is about 98% of that 'one fifth of mankind'...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 30, 2005 09:12 AM ||Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Egypt... shall I go on? Okay. Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria, Kuwait, Somalia... that's just off the top of my head.
Funny thing is so many Islamic countries are totally inhospitable to people of other faiths. If I were to move to any of those countries, I'd have to take my religious obervations 'underground', while Muslims are welcome to do what they do in every non-Muslim state. Go to Israel and you'll see that most landmarks are either Mosques or Churches.
There is no such thing as fair when talking about Islamic states. Nothing, that is, unless you are Muslim.
|| Posted by nathalie, June 30, 2005 06:37 PM |||| , 03:27 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 28, 2005
Presidential Speech Tonight
The President of the United States spoke this evening on television. I liked what he said, especially:
and: and this especially: And evn though there are some that will scoff at this, the subject of a pullout timetable was settled: I'm hoping that this might settle some people's stomachs, but I doubt it.UPDATE: Thought I'd add a few comments about the comments I've received with regards to this post:
Read More of "Presidential Speech Tonight"It would seem that the main 'talking point' in response to the President's speech was the tired and beaten-to-death argument that the war in Iraq was all about 9/11.
Let's take a look at the speech, shall we?
No correlation - implied or otherwise - between 9/11 and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Again, no correlation; just President Bush laying down the reality of the early 21st century.There it IS!!!Uhhh....nevermind. Nothing to spot here. Hmmm....starting to wonder... Okay....where's the implication that we went into Iraq solely based on the attacks of 9/11?I've heard quite a few opinions on why we're in Iraq and the bast analogy that comes to my mind is this: during World War II, there was a gigantic fight ahead of the Allies in 1942 and the best way to defeat Germany and Japan wasn't to strike them head-on - it was to nibble away at their edges. But in this war - the War on Terror - there isn't defined boundarys with a big sign that says BAD GUYS HERE. This war is now defined not by specific nation-states that are B-A-D, but nation-states that harbor and condone the actions of Islamopsychos.
Operation Iraqi Freedom and the subsequent insurgency in Iraq are just a campaign of the War on Terror. Who knows...maybe we'll invade Lichtenstein next year.
So....since there's no inference about 9/11 being the direct cause of OIF, shall that *cough* arguement be striken from the record? Shall we talk like adults instead of howling at the moon?
All done with "Presidential Speech Tonight"?
Comments on Presidential Speech Tonight
I didn't get to see it on tv, but heard it on the radio. Good speech overall. Will it influence any of the spineless liberals out there? Probably not.
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 28, 2005 07:45 PM ||Hey who you call spineless, bitch.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 28, 2005 07:57 PM ||I thought tonight's speech was absolute bullshit. Bush will never cop to anything..he lives in a fantasy world, and I found it particularly disgusting that he dared to keep mentioning 911 in the context of talking about Iraq. That was beyond bullshit..yet he still pushes his propaganda upon the people. He said absolutely nothing of substance tonight. All he did was show us all more of his insanity. He talks about sacrifice? What a fucking joke..he doesn't know the meaning of the word. I might also add that he was told way back when more troops were needed. The troops still aren't armed properly. He lied his way into this war, and the blind masses buy his filth. What a sad time for this country.
Well, the LIBERAL masses. Us neocone got it MADE!
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 08:36 PM ||I found it particularly disgusting that he dared to keep mentioning 911 in the context of talking about Iraq.
You should really find it more disgusting that the ones terrorizing Iraq have the same warped ideology as the ones who killed thousands of Americans on 9-11. Coincidence? Keep dreaming.
The troops still aren't armed properly.
General Ruthie, reporting for duty!
Moonbats are so amusing. LOL!
|| Posted by Chet, June 28, 2005 10:28 PM ||I believe ruthie is right. We need to provide a better combat weapon for our troops, and we need to grant them more leniency in their actions.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 11:04 PM ||You should really find it more disgusting that the ones terrorizing Iraq have the same warped ideology as the ones who killed thousands of Americans on 9-11. Coincidence? Keep dreaming.
Aside from Bush saying that, how do you know that they have the same warped ideology? Must be nice to have that long distance mind reading ability. Many of the freedom fighters are simply defending their country from occupation and terrorism...terrorism by the Bush administration.
General Ruthie, reporting for duty!
I can find you several quotes by real generals who requested more troops. General Zinni, for instance, is one such General.
Seek the truth, bro, and if you look hard enough you might get a clue.
Moonbats are so amusing. LOL!
I find it reprehensible that you find any of this amusing, yet it is typical of rabid dog right wingers to not see their own folly.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 28, 2005 11:09 PM ||Wipe yer's covered in Bush shit.
I believe ruthie is right. We need to provide a better combat weapon for our troops, and we need to grant them more leniency in their actions.
Ah, fuck it Yogs, you just need to get your ass over there and Sgt. Rock them all.
|| Posted by scroff, June 28, 2005 11:12 PM ||how do you know that they have the same warped ideology?
The horse's mouth reveals much. Man, you libs have short freaking memories!
General Zinni. On the ground in Iraq now? Um... nope.
C'mon! I know you can do better!
Oh. Yeah.
Seek Truth, yo!
|| Posted by Chet, June 28, 2005 11:18 PM ||Interesting article, yo! Old news.
So let me be sure I understand what you're saying here... al-Zarqawi says it's ok to kill "innocents", so therefore all the "insurgents" must be of the same mindset! There are no old Baathists hanging around, no pissed off Iraqis who have lost their families when Americans have killed innocents (except we call it collateral damage and do it in the name of freedom instead of jihad), they're all muslims with the same warped ideology. How naive. I guess because Bush is a self proclaimed christian, we're all christians.
Guess you missed the Abizaid interview this weekend, eh, yo?
Keep seeking
|| Posted by ruthie, June 29, 2005 12:03 AM ||Aside from Bush saying that, how do you know that they have the same warped ideology? Must be nice to have that long distance mind reading ability. Many of the freedom fighters are simply defending their country from occupation and terrorism...terrorism by the Bush administration.
Truth is between these 2 cases. I seldom pimp my blog, but I have covered it there a bit better. Link:
Ruthie, where YOUR argument encounters a flaw is when you consider the fact that your freedom fighters are defending their nation by blowing up their countrymen.
Chet, you fall on your assumption that if you do not sign up for the war, you have no say in the matter. That is wrong, and imbaccyllic.
Ah, fuck it Yogs, you just need to get your ass over there and Sgt. Rock them all.
Not all, but definitely SOME.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 29, 2005 03:09 AM ||Geez, ruthie, does your doctor have to replace the sphygmometers in his office after your visits?
does your insurance cover that?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 29, 2005 05:06 AM ||Many of the freedom fighters are simply defending their country from occupation and terrorism...
Ruthie, if this was a 'stand up' fight this might be true. But these 'freedom fighters' are detonating car bombs in front of crowded marketplaces and killing Iraqi civilians, beheading Iraqis that are in the security forces, and lots of other heinous acts that simply have no civility....even civility that's encountered during wartime.
It would be like the Minutemen (from 1776) killing everyone at the Bostom Common in the name of George Washington; it just doesn't "translate"
And no matter how you attempt to frame these actions, they've not the actions of an 'army' defending it's soil - their the actions of psychotic scumbags that are practically similar to those that perpetrated 9/11....THAT is the context in which President Buch mentioned 9/11 in last night's speech.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 29, 2005 07:08 AM ||Wow Ruthie!
Did I upset you? Truth hurts eh?
Your opinion is appreciated, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Based on all the reading/research I do, The whole situatiuon in Iraq is going as well as can be expected. Sure mistakes have been made, and we can always do things better. I think we need to step back and let the military do their job, as they see fit. Most politicians have never worn a uniform, and as such shouldn't be dictating a timtable for finishing an operation of this magnitude.
Ruthie, did you research how long we spent in Japan & Germany, after the wars there were concluded? Both theaters of combat had insugents after the major fighting was deemed concluded.
And NO, I don't rubber stamp everything President Bush has done. I think he's done a piss-poor job on immigration, energy and a few other things...
Lest we not forget,
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 29, 2005 07:14 AM ||Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it!
BTW, Ruthie,
::::: throwing out more Moonbat bait:::::
Did you miss the reports that most of the supposed "Freedom Fighters" in Iraq, are from outside of Iraq?
I caught John Kerry on NBC this AM. It was the same tired old argument about we need to "get it right" with regard to Iraq. Of course he didn't have any constructive comments about how HE thinks we can get it right..
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 29, 2005 07:19 AM ||HMMM..Germany and Japan, after WW11 had insurgents? Interesting..tell me more, please.
The big difference is that Germany and Japan were the aggressors. a better comparison is the German occupation of France.
Did you miss the reports that most of the supposed "Freedom Fighters" in Iraq, are from outside of Iraq?
According to ABIZAID, your statistics are quite wrong...and that was from comments he made on June 26th. Small amount of foreign fighters.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 29, 2005 09:37 AM ||"their the actions of psychotic scumbags that are practically similar to those that perpetrated 9/11"
practically similar? umm... how 'bout exactly the same. the mindset is the same across the region, and across the "religion of peace" (my ass). they are the rule, not the exception. and this shit ain't new, it's been going on for decades.
I see the strategic value of what we are doing in Iraq (even though I'm blind ;-)) as much today as I did in March '03. Forest for the trees, and all that...
|| Posted by nathalie, June 29, 2005 09:58 AM ||BTW Jeff - how are you feeling these days? Boundless energy??
To tell the truth, I'm feeling ragged out these days....looking forward to getting a donor. ;)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 29, 2005 10:50 AM ||Mikey! I'm on the mend! They claim I've got something close to 40% kidney function with the transplant! Even with that much, I feel great!
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 29, 2005 01:41 PM ||I've got lots of energy, no dietary restrictions, and no dialysis machine to sleep with every nite!
Life is very good!
We're going camping this weekend. It'll be the first time in 3 yrs that we've been able to go someplace without power.
That's great, Tetz. Hope you get a donor soon, Mikey. I know you just feel worn out most of the time.
|| Posted by Cait, June 29, 2005 02:32 PM ||Jeff: That's great! I wish I could go camping, but setting up dialysis in another city is a severe pain...
Cait: You don't know the half of it, but thanks for your support. (You can live with only one kidney, right?) ;)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 29, 2005 03:08 PM ||Very refreshing to hear Ruthie's sane voice among the fear driven rhetoric of the other comments.
|| Posted by Royston, June 29, 2005 04:51 PM ||Al Qaeda's stated aim at the time of 9/11 was to remove the Americans from Saudi Arabia, nothing else. How Bush has brought 'freedom' into the whole mess is a minor miracle of spin.
Bush and Blair stand in front of us and pull wool over our eyes, a triumph of arrogance.
Al Qaeda's stated aim at the time of 9/11 was to remove the Americans from Saudi Arabia, nothing else.
"To kill the infidels wherever they are, and to allow them no safe harbor."
Al Queda has no "gameplan" per se. They empower their local leaders to set the strategy for the region. In fact, al queda's main contribution to terrorism is to provide training and transport to individual groups.
On rare occasions the higher ups co-ordinate several groups into a major attack, like 9/11, embassy bombings in africa, Kobar towers, etc. These massive attacks are done to raise recruitment and funding.
It is the day to day kidnappings, extortion, and assassinations that you never hear about. THAT is what Al Queda DOES.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 29, 2005 07:27 PM ||Mikey, my kidneys are 60 years old, and have worked overtime for some of that, considering how much beer I drank in college. They'd probably give you toxic shock.
|| Posted by Cait, June 30, 2005 05:49 AM ||I know.....just joshing ya.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 30, 2005 09:12 AM ||FYI, my donor is 55 years old. I'm 40...
|| Posted by Tetzman, July 6, 2005 03:15 PM ||60 isn't that far from 55....
|| , 06:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
News Roundup
Just what every president needs: advice from the guy who lost the election
Dead horse beaten into crimson stain: No abuse at Gitmo
Russia stumping for 'Most Stupid Nation on Planet' award: Russia wants to build more nuke reactors for Iran
Submitted without comment: Flesh-eating aliens were chasing me
Somehow, President Bush will be blamed for this: Internet crashes in Pakistan
Comments on News Roundup
Hemadrones, my new favorite word. Almost better than poodle-heads.
|| Posted by Cait, June 29, 2005 02:35 PM |||| , 10:49 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 27, 2005
Bravo for 'free speech' and the freedom to choose:
Comments on Shredding
That was funny.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 27, 2005 06:48 PM ||Could you explain why. And please try to resist the temptation to abuse me.
|| Posted by royston, June 28, 2005 06:20 PM ||I find it extremely annoying(Read: Borderline violent reaction) when I go to a show, and get assaulted by overly agressive petitioners or activists, regardless of their reasons. Even if they are pimping something I fully support.
There is a time and place for protests, and ruining the show for others is NOT acceptable, to me. I have been known to harm people who give me the excuse by poking at me with flyers.
I have also been known to verbally berate them for 25 minutes straight. Like an Asshat handing out flyers at mount rushmore about eevil world domination... the flyers were EVERYWHERE, because they were being carelessly discarded.
Don't get me wrong... you can DO whatever the hell you want, as long as it doesn't affect my day. Once it does, I will severely impact YOUR day. If you want to hand out flyers, be free. Go nuts. Just do not jam them down our throats.
These guys are doing something that I find very VERY ammusing. That, and they are performing a public service.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 07:55 PM ||I have been known to harm people who give me the excuse by poking at me with flayers.
Just for future reference, if you ever tried to harm me if and when I ever hand out flyers I'll stomp your ass into the pavement. Just FYI.
You might want to put all that testosterone and belligerence to good use in the field...
|| Posted by scroff, June 28, 2005 11:19 PM ||Just for future reference, if you ever tried to harm me if and when I ever hand out flyers I'll stomp your ass into the pavement. Just FYI.
Scroff, from my dealings with you, I garnered that you would have more brains than grabbing and poking at strangers.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 29, 2005 03:13 AM ||True, and I suppose I have to backtrack from my own belligerence... I guess I wouldn't be too pleased if I was grabbed and poked. But in truth I have never seen that in my own experience at demonstrations... you guys have some fucked up lefties out there. But isn't Californis the home of the Black Hand or Black Flag or Black Tux or whatever the hell it is??
|| Posted by scroff, July 6, 2005 09:51 PM |||| , 02:47 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Victory Vigil in San Diego
Citizen Smash spreads the word about San Diego Protest Warrior and our Victory Vigils here in San Diego:
Read More of "Victory Vigil in San Diego"All done with "Victory Vigil in San Diego"?
Comments on Victory Vigil in San Diego
|| , 02:06 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentJune 26, 2005
Cryptography Project
Here's something that my friend Elly and I cooked up for extra credit for our Intro to Cryptography class this past quarter: Navajo Code Talkers
Elly is the one that created the website (through GeoCities) while I did research. Actually....Elly did a big chunk of the work.
Check it out - it's interesting info about crytopgraphy and the historical significance of the Navajo Code Talkers that served in the Pacific.
It was a very interesting class and it's something that I'm giving serious consideration into persuing further - Cryptography, that is....
Comments on Cryptography Project
A few things to consider:
The SAFEST form of transferring messages is to use an encryption key system, where only 2 parties have a copy of the key.
A = 1D
B = 3DF
C = A
and so forth. Variances in the length of the cypher makes it damned near impossible to decypher. Especially if you do not use
THE, AT, ING, or any other common forms of word prefixes or suffixes.
If you want to get REALLY kinky, use two languages. English for verbs and spanish for nouns. THAT should mess them up even more.
Now all you have to do is change cyphers after every 10 messages. (Pre made book with 2 editions, 30 cyphers per edition)
OR you could just use encryption software. I don't think anyone can crack 256 bit encryption yet.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:47 PM ||I love doing the cryptograms that come in the paper and in those puzzle mags you can buy.
|| Posted by Cait, June 27, 2005 07:30 AM |||| , 01:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 25, 2005
Pataki Nads Up
I like that last part - 'Or else'....(Politely gommed from Little Green Footbals)
Comments on Pataki Nads Up
I agree with Pataki on this... Ground Zero should not be used for anything but a memorial for that day... but this sentiment also extends to politicians who would do the same to support a bogus war that 911 had nothing to do with...
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2005 07:36 PM ||I agree with Scroff. That knife should cut both ways. Let it be a memorial, not a political platform.
|| Posted by Cait, June 26, 2005 09:54 AM ||Ditto. A record of everything that happened IN NEW YORK from the time the first plane hit, to the time the ground was broken for the memorial.
JUST WHAT HAPPENED, the cleanup, and the dedication. Keep ALL politics out of it. (Exceptions: President's speech on ground zero should be included, as well as Guliani's and Hillary's contributions, but only as a footnote.)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:36 PM ||Ditto everyone.
|| Posted by Royston, June 28, 2005 06:34 PM ||Further, because the victims included people of so many nationalities, races and creeds the memorial should strive to remind us that we are One.
Maybe a line fom Shakespeare 'If you prick us do we not bleed?'
|| , 04:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 24, 2005
A new term is appearing in the blogsphere:
(Politely glommed from Michelle Malkin who glommed from Bill Yates at From Where I Sit)Comments on Verbage
|| , 02:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentJune 23, 2005
Supreme Crap
This is a complete load of crap:
To be honest, I don't own property but this would make me really think about where I'd buy it.My thinking on this is that if there was any 'choice' property to be snatched up, some people will re-consider buying for fear that it'll be stolen from them. This is gonna make people want to buy property in area(s) that are out of the way and not near urban centers.
Way to go Justice Stevens - you've just increased 'suburban sprawl' and increased the pressure on people looking to sell property.
What do you bet that in the next week that someone in Congress - Republican or Democrat - will introduce legislation to kill this ruling?
Comments on Supreme Crap
Yeah, i was pretty pissed when i read about this too. what a bunch of bullshit.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 23, 2005 08:54 PM ||This is just absolutely crazy. There are already so many entities that have eminent domain powers: pipeline companies, river authorities, gas companies, electric companies, etc. As it is, different entities already make rulings that effectively render property worthless. Around here, the natural resources commission has declared certain areas natural habitat for "endangered species". The people that have this habitat on their land are not allowed to do anything with the land. They can't even go in and cut cedar trees off. Cedar trees, believe me, are nothing more than a big weed. In essence, then, this ruling has "taken" a person's land away from them. But, in this instance, unlike typical eminent domain, the land owner is not compensated at all. Nice, huh?
|| Posted by Cait, June 26, 2005 09:52 AM ||It is called a "GUN", and is infinitely useful for re-asserting property rights.
(Don't SHOOT THE JUDGE people.)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:41 PM ||
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 10:29 PM |||| , 04:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 22, 2005
Amendment XXVIII?
I know that there will be screeching about this....the likes that haven't been heard since President Bush was re-elected last fall.
For those that think this is a bad thing, consider this: after this is approved (probably) in both houses, it will pass to the states for ratification; this means that the people will ratify it - probably through local elections. This cannot be considered a 'power grab' by any stretch of the imagination since every voter in the nation will voice in on it.
Here's hoping that it passes.
I didn't even know that this amendment was ratified.When I looked up the Constitution to see what this amendment would be numbered as, I found this:
Huh....shows you how up-to-speed I am on the Constitution....
All done with "Amendment XXVIII?"?
Comments on Amendment XXVIII?
Unbelievable! The Nazis wouldn't let you piss on a flag either. Nice precedent.
|| Posted by royston, June 22, 2005 02:51 PM ||Congress really has IMPORTANT things to discuss. This shameful timewasting only serves to hi-light how moribund the current administration is. They're not even capable of looking backwards, which is a shame because then they might notice history repeating itself.
This shameful timewasting only serves to hi-light how moribund the current administration is.
I am with you on most, but this sentence is a bit off. I think this is an INSANELY stupid idea. Look at what congress had done with the commerce clause... Imagine the misuse THIS could have. I blame the assholes in the congress and senate for this, and many of them will still be there LONG after bush is a distant memory.
Unless of course you want to blame bush for everything, and never get to actually holding the parties responsible. In which case, go nuts.
(My car stalled.. fucking bush)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 22, 2005 07:34 PM ||Royston: since you're trucking in from the UK I felt it necessary to state that what you think is of no importance....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 23, 2005 04:22 PM ||Republicans have EARS! and EYES! and NOSES!
Get a grip, Roy.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 24, 2005 05:18 AM ||People burn flags to express indignation at institutions. If you ban it they will simply find another way to express their anger. It solves nothing and is therefore pointless, a waste of time and, ergo, not important.
|| Posted by Royston, June 24, 2005 05:52 PM ||This amendment is ridiculous. (I know you know where i'm going with this,
|| Posted by ruthie, June 24, 2005 07:13 PM ||People burn flags to express indignation at institutions.
IMO, people burn flags (and people in effigy) because they're twits and cannot convey their argument(s) in a logical manner.
It's like a kid throwing a temper tantrum and throwing stuff - they're immature and cannot say what they want or they're frustrated that their argument is flawed.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 25, 2005 10:27 AM ||While I would tend to agree with you Mad One, and wouldn't burn a flag myself, I see no reason to have to have a law against it. I guess they'll have to start burning bibles. Now that I would do, piles and piles of them ;)
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2005 07:41 PM ||With the stroke of the pen, congress will be able to do more damage to our nation's symbol than a thousand twits with lighters. They will destroy what the flag symbolizes.
On a sidenote: Aren't there already laws on teh books that state you can't burn shit without a permit?
And how do they plan on disposing old flags? The proper way to do so is to BURN the flag.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 26, 2005 08:39 PM ||Someone burning a flag has been failed by the political process. People without a voice will go to great lengths to be heard. If it is made illegal people will suffer jail for it and will
|| Posted by royston, June 28, 2005 06:51 PM ||welcome the extra attention this brings.
Someone burning a flag has been failed by the political process.
Or is ignorant of it, inept at it, or doesn't get his way.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 08:01 PM |||| , 01:59 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Reading Habits of Mikey
I've been tagged with a meme from Chris at Miller's Time about my reading habits.
And as Chris did to me and others, now I'll 'tag' some additional people to keep this rolling along (in no particular order):
- Da Goddess
- Any Which Way
- Sugar Ray Dodge
- Dog Snot Diaries
- Caught in the Crossfire
I'm not gonna try to insert the links to all of these books like Chris did; Amazon has all of these titles.Comments on Reading Habits of Mikey
hi mikey..that was fun..I answered over in our forums..take a gander
|| Posted by ruthie, June 22, 2005 08:00 PM ||My answers are up!
|| Posted by Davey, June 23, 2005 05:24 AM |||| , 11:50 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 21, 2005
Off His Rocker - Part IV
You know what Dick? I was (and still am) offended and you can take your apology and jam it.
My guess is that the only reason that you're apologizing now is that you're seeing the poll numbers in your own state drop and you're scrambling to cover your ass.
I don't think that for one minute you're sincere in this apology since you've had at least two differnt times to retract your asinine statements and failed to act. You're probably only doing so because of pressure from the DNC to STFU.
Sorry my ass're still an ass-hatted clown and you got busted for talking smack about America's military.
Good luck in getting re-elected in Illinois and I hear that the position of Dog Catcher is open...
Comments on Off His Rocker - Part IV
You have been tagged with a book meme. Look forward to you answers.
|| Posted by Miller's Time, June 21, 2005 05:47 PM ||Miller's time: Why do you do these things?
As for durbin the thunderslut: Now you have shown to lack backbone. Can't even stand by your upfucketyness.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 22, 2005 12:26 AM ||Agree with you , yogs. If you're going to say, have the balls to stand by it.
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2005 07:44 PM |||| , 04:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 20, 2005
2005 Special Election Propositions
Here's the line up of propostions to be voted on in the Special Election in November 2005:
Snap Judgement: YESWhile I'm still on-the-fence (more or less) when it comes to a woman's right to choice, this is something that needs to be put into place - especially since we're talking about teenagers and how (basically) they don't know what they'll be doing nor how it will affect them in the future.
Get the parents involved in a decision of this magnitude cause probably 99.999% of parents will not kill their daughters for getting pregnant.
Read More of "2005 Special Election Propositions"I've only heard a smattering of the arguments against this proposition and they all basically sound like their coming from people who whine professionally.
I see no problem in extending the tenure qualification time for California teachers. This is not to say that I think all the teachers in California aren't worth the powder to blow them to Hell, but two years isn't enough time to truly deem any teacher as 'tenured'. If they're really qualified, then there should be no problem in making them prove it for five years instead of two.
Snap Judgement: YESFor the moment, I am not part of a union of any sort and if I were to become part of one (this is a distinct possibility when I consider that I'll be working for the U.S. Navy as a full-time engineer in the near future) I sure as Hell wouldn't want them throwing the money that I'd pay in *cough* 'dues' towards some political lacky that I wouldn't trust any further than I could throw them.
If the big unions, especially the ones that get their 'dues' from public employees, are gonna go burning their money on political campaigns (take a serious look at the California Teacher's Association in their attempts to get more money from Schwarzenegger for education), then they should ASK their members if it's okay.
Snap Judgement: NOT SURETo be honest, I'm gonna have to look into this one a lot further and read the 'fine print' associated with it before I make up my mind.
Snap Judgement: YESI don't know the exact numbers when it comes to state/federal elections of California's representatives, but I do know that the way the districts are laid out makes the notion of 'elections' a joke. The districts are created in such a manner that each district has a distict majority of either Democrats or Republicans and the only way for an incumbant to be thrown out of office is to have them caught on video raping dogs or something just as heinous.
Mix up the districts and make the candidates prove to the people that they're the right person for the job instead of just 'phoning it in'.
Snap Judgement: NONO - not in this form anyway. The one phrase that stands out to me is:
There are enough crap programs already sucking the General Fund to the point of enemia and this won't help - at least, not like the proponents would like to think.Yes, there might be some benefit to low- and middle-income families (myself included), but to pay for this program and the many facets that aren't readily available it's gonna either demand an increase on taxes or a cut in something else that's just as 'needed' here in California.
Snap Judgement: NOAgain, this has got the same types of holes in it as the previous proposition, except this one is counting on 'rebates' from pharmacutical companies. And I hate to say this but dispite the massive campaign ads to make you think that these pharmacutical companies are making these drugs for the betterment of mankind, these companies are out to make money - period.
Yes, they like to help them buy their latest drug that they've dumped millions of dollars in development. Ever wonder why there are so many commercials on television that tout the latest drug that helps you have better sex? Get rid of acidi indigestion? Give you more natural tears from your eyes? It's because the pharmacutical companies are looking to make up the development cost of their creations.
I go nothing against pharmacutical companies trying to make a profit (although I get a little pissed when I'm shelling out $50 for a perscription each month for certain medications), but they'll be watching these last two propositions like a lion watching a gazelle drinking at the watering hole: TAKE DOWN TIME.
I might be changing my mind on some of these in the future and it'll depend upon what argument(s) both proponents and opponents put forth as the Special Election gets closer and closer.
All done with "2005 Special Election Propositions"?
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Comments on 2005 Special Election Propositions
|| , 04:30 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||June 19, 2005
Convulsions of Donna
I've seen Da Goddess work this type of magic is person.....she is not someone to lock horns with....
It's always fun to play on the emotions of these district workers....kind of like bear-baiting.And I'm glad I'm not on her 'short list' of people to scorn....
Comments on Convulsions of Donna
Oh, I wish I could come up with stuff like that for the uninvited guests and phone callers. I love it.
|| Posted by Cait, June 21, 2005 08:47 AM ||If you're going to resort to fiction then you should at least try to make it believable.
|| Posted by Royston, June 22, 2005 03:13 PM ||Royston, perhaps if you were familiar with the person whom he is quoting, you'd think again. Da Goddess has done this sort of thing before an audience (as Mikey noted); she's also been quoted at the Indepundit (aka LT Smash).
|| Posted by timekeeper, June 23, 2005 09:22 AM ||The fiction I was referring to was the doorstep discussion, which only happened in Mikey's
|| Posted by royston, June 23, 2005 02:09 PM ||imagination. The whole thing reeked of things which he wished he'd said but, too obviously,
only thought of when he sat down at his keyboard.
I'm being harsh, it's his blog after all and his prerogative, but I just think the best points are honestly made.
Royston old chap,
The whole thing reeked of things which he wished he'd said but, too obviously,
only thought of when he sat down at his keyboard.
Read it again sport.
And if you want to call me a liar, that is your perogative, but remember this:
We kicked your ass in 1776, again in 1812, and the only reason you're not using umlauts is because of *cough* liars like me.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 23, 2005 03:38 PM ||Seems like violence is your answer to everything.
|| Posted by royston, June 24, 2005 05:42 PM ||Seems like violence is your answer to everything.
And you're not speaking German for that very fact slick.
Violence isn't the answer for everything, but it's taken care of a lot more problems than not. Prove me wrong.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 25, 2005 04:48 PM |||| , 05:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Off His Rocker - Part III
From someone who knows the meaning of 'torture' comes a letter that is short, sweet, and to-the-point about Senator Dick Durbin's assinine comments on the floor of the United States Senate.
By way of Citizen Smash:
I'm not one to really wish ill-will upon someone for stupid remarks, but I'm hoping that Dick Durbin gets his ass thrown out of the Senate when he's up for re-election...Comments on Off His Rocker - Part III
Yeah, I see you've got lost in the whole 'My torture was worse than your torture' morass.
|| Posted by royston, June 22, 2005 03:07 PM ||If you are held in prison without access to a lawyer, without being charged, for an idefinite period, then that is already torture even if nobody lays a finger on you.
This would be difficult to endure if you were guilty. Imagine if you were going through that and you were innocent.
Guantanamo is an outrage.
that's fine. Release them into general population.
Take no more prisoners. Those that ARE taken, will be sent to pakistan.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 28, 2005 08:29 PM |||| , 05:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 18, 2005
Hysteria Under a Microscope
I always find that putting information into a cohesive format makes the information a lot easier to understand.
From a new blog that I've never heard of and will make all attempts to read it on a daily basis comes a comparison of what Dr. Sanity calls 'MSM hysteria' and how they don't seem to see the 'bigger picture'.
It's almost like watching a child throw a temper tantrum and for all the wrong reasons.(Hat tip to the Analog Kid at RNS for steering me to this)
Comments on Hysteria Under a Microscope
Glad you liked it.
|| Posted by AnalogKid, June 21, 2005 10:33 PM |||| , 03:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 16, 2005
Liberalism: Mental Disorder?
Geoff at Dog Snot Diaries points out the latest 'bashing' technique:
Read More of "Liberalism: Mental Disorder?"This reminds me of when I was down at Southwestern College a few years back. The Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-What-the-Fuck-am-I? club was 'selling' pink ribbons (I think they were pink...) to show concern for AIDS.
I was walking by the table in the middle of the quad and one of the minions there asked 'Want to donate to fight AIDS?'. I replied 'No, sorry. I don't have any money on me'.
The twit looked at me and replied with disdain: 'You have money for cigarettes' (I was smoking at that moment).
Trying to maintain my composure at that moment, I looked at this stupid broad (and she was a 'Large Marge' type) and told her point-blank: I don't really care one way or another. I'm not gay, don't plan on being gay. And since I'm married, I don't plan on sleeping around and I'm fairly confident that my wife won't sleep around either. If you want to fight AIDS, stop fucking around and sharing needles. Period. and walked away.
The sputtering and choking from this broad was loud enough that I could still hear her whining about my 'homophobia' to the other chicks/he-shes at the table from a good 100 meters away.
Anyway - the point I'm getting at is this new if-you-don't-go-overboard-with-compassion-you-are-a-RACIST attitude. It's almost like back in January 2005 when I got blown incredible amounts of crap for posting something that Moxie had said about the humanitarian relief for the tsunami in Southeast Asia and someone (a troll) said that since I didn't have a link to donate to relief efforts that I was a dickhead:
To some, it's simply black or white - you're either gushing with compassion and you're in touch with your feminine side or your an asshole.What's hard to believe is that this is my thinking on a great many subjects.....with a little wiggle room for updating of my opinion(s) on the given subject. But if I do this, I'm out of line.
I'm not a huge fan of Michael Savage, but I'm beginning to think he's right: Liberalism is a mental disorder....
All done with "Liberalism: Mental Disorder?"?
Comments on Liberalism: Mental Disorder?
I am afortunate enough to be a narcissistic self serving asshole that sees the suffering of others as amusement.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 04:01 PM ||You'll like this one, Mikey.
|| Posted by AnalogKid, June 17, 2005 09:47 PM |||| , 10:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Off His Rocker - Part Deux
- Housing? Check.
- Food that's religiously specific, i.e. 'kosher'? Check.
- Not blowing their brains out with a .45? Check.
- Not beating them with a lead pipe? Check.
- Not making them eat fried pork rinds? Check.
The fact that these prisoners haven't been strung up from the nearest tree at Gitmo is proof that the U.S. is giving them more than the Geneva Conventions calls for.So if you're inclined to think that the Gitmo facility is a 'gulag' or that we're 'torturing' them, then I suggest you take a closer look at the definition of 'gulag' and then take another closer look at the World Trade Center towers before they collapsed.
And if that doens't sink in, take a hard look at the list of people murdered on 9/11.
The people that were murdered on 9/11 isn't justification for wanton killing of just anyone - just the people that would attempt it again. And you can bet that those scumbags in Gitmo aren't there cause they were on their way to get ice cream for blind children when they accidently stumbled onto the battlefield and accidently picked up an assualt rifle which accidently discharged - multiple times - in the direction of American troops.
I've said this before: if anyone in the government wanted these prisoners to 'disappear', they could easily 'accidently' fall out of a chopper about a hundred miles from land over the ocean.....Ooops!! Damnit Ralph - there goes another one!!.
Quite honestly, I think the idea I had for returning illegal aliens using a trebuchet would work nicely for the Marines in Gitmo: live skeet/prisoner target practice.
Comments on Off His Rocker - Part Deux
We are not bound by the conventions. These people should have been shot in the streets.
Solution to Koran abuse? Take korans away.
(I think someone already said that.)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 03:59 PM ||New reports of torture from Gitmo...
Detainees are accusing guards of giving "wet willies," "noogies" and knocking on detainees' cell doors then running, both with and without "flaming paper bags of excrement" left on detainees' cell doorsteps
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 17, 2005 10:00 AM ||Well, America is not adhering to the Geneva Convention. Why are you in any doubt about this? Do you know what 'denial' is? Do you know that you are 'in denial'?
|| Posted by royston, June 22, 2005 03:22 PM ||p.s. People's lives revolve around the Koran, why can you not respect this. It's not difficult.
|| , 08:48 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 15, 2005
Off His Rocker
It's always refreshing how people equate one thing with another. We've seen the 'Bush = Hitler' blurbs from the Tin-Foil Hat Brigade. Now we get to see the same technique applied to those 'insidious' military guards at Gitmo.
James Taranto has the appropriate words for this....insightful comparison of Senator Dick Durbin's (Tin-Foil - IL) on the floor of the United States Senate:
Can the Left-wing moonbats - who are now closer and closer to being synonymous with Democrats - can they get any more absurd? Can we get any more reasons to just consider them so 'out there' that they should no longer be considered rationale?I doubt it.
What Senator Durbin doesn't see is that these are the techniques that are considered 'humane' as opposed to the really worthwhile techniques like breaking fingers, smashing that toe that goes wee-wee-wee all the way home with a hammer, or (my personal favorite) how about putting these prisoners in a pressure tank and taking them down one-half of an atmosphere? Nothing makes cooperation happen between people better than bursting blood vessels and exploding eyeballs....'s going to get to the point where interviews will be conducted only using slightly harsh language and possibly the threat of withholding ice cream after dinner.
It's obvious that Durbin is off his rocker, that his elevator no longers goes all the way up, that he's a sandwich or two short of a picnic basket, that he's not shuffling a full deck....well, you get the picture. (The flash works, but there is no film in the camera?)
Comments on Off His Rocker
Have you fell from your rocker? When I read your blog on the Dick Durbin situation, I couldnt help but to get frustrated. I didn't think a grown man could be as ignorant, arrogant,and as low as you. I really want to say "your a piece of shit, low-life scumbag" but I wont.
|| Posted by Mathias Herriges, June 15, 2005 10:51 PM ||"We are fighting an enemy that murdered 3,000 innocent people on American soil 3 1/2 years ago and would murder millions more if given the chance--"
Wow. That pretty much shows it all. First of all, who is this "enemy" were fighting? All those innocent people we screw over?(if not literally) Murder millions more if given the chance? THINK. They have tons of chances. Your quote sounds like somthing i'd hear on fox news. Trying to scare thick-headed nervous people like you. Props to them for brainwashing you as well.
Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things? Its easy to see you dont give a damn for people. Mad Mikey... ha. You're one less person this world needs.
I really want to say "your a piece of shit, low-life scumbag" but I wont.
And I want to tell you that I love you. In a manly viking sort of way. I assure you mikey feels the same. He is a big hearted ol'e bloke.
Wow. That pretty much shows it all. First of all, who is this "enemy" were fighting?
Anyone who commits violent acts for the purpose of strengthening their political power and not in the name of government, assists those who commit such acts, or allows the commitment of such acts through willful inaction.
Murder millions more if given the chance? THINK. They have tons of chances.
I know. And they are using those chances to commit murder at every turn. MOST of the violence in Iraq is directed toward the civilian populace. It would be a fair statement to say that most of the losses we have suffered are due to us injecting ourselves into the crossfire between terrorist groups and civilian populations.
Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things?
Let us hear the other side. Come on now. Don't be shy.
Mad Mikey... ha. You're one less person this world needs.
So from what I gather... you want mikey DEAD... a person who has harmed no one in particular... because you disagree with him on something or another? (You have not stated what exactly) At least you have your priorities straight.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 01:32 AM ||I really want to say "your a piece of shit, low-life scumbag" but I wont.
--And I want to tell you that I love you. In a manly viking sort of way. I assure you mikey feels the same. He is a big hearted ol'e bloke.
Wow. That pretty much shows it all. First of all, who is this "enemy" were fighting?
--Anyone who commits violent acts for the purpose of strengthening their political power and not in the name of government, assists those who commit such acts, or allows the commitment of such acts through willful inaction.
Murder millions more if given the chance? THINK. They have tons of chances.
--I know. And they are using those chances to commit murder at every turn. MOST of the violence in Iraq is directed toward the civilian populace. It would be a fair statement to say that most of the losses we have suffered are due to us injecting ourselves into the crossfire between terrorist groups and civilian populations.
Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things?
--Let us hear the other side. Come on now. Don't be shy. And you don't HAVE to donate. You are not THAT important you know.
Mad Mikey... ha. You're one less person this world needs.
-- So from what I gather... you want mikey DEAD... a person who has harmed no one in particular... because you disagree with him on something or another? (You have not stated what exactly) At least you have your priorities straight.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 03:29 AM ||Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things?
So you're not going to show us all how 'above' petty bickering your are and drop something in the donation bucket? Come on....surely you can exhibit superior intellect and demonstate by shooting some money my way, cant' you?
At least click on some of the GoogleAds on the left-hand side....
Its easy to see you dont give a damn for people.
Oh I give a damn about people....just not scumbags that would think nothing of killing another 3,000 people.
Obviously you don't have the capability to decern disgust for one specific type of person (and that's a loose definition) and disgust for everyone.
This must be a character flaw in your psyche and you probably havent' come to terms with your momma's potty training technique. Lots of therapy will help.
What we have here with Mathias Herriges is that he's one of many 'Blogs for Bush' trolls. (I get them every-so-often). They'll get insensed about something, cruise through a listing on the 'Blogs for Bush' site and do what I call a 'poodle pee' - he/she/it will hit as many sites in the blogroll at BfB and leave just a little urine to attempt to mark the territory. And like a poodle, they won't return to see what comes up.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 16, 2005 08:10 AM ||Mikey, your sadistic side helps perpetuate the circle of violence that humans don't seem to be able to escape from. If you hurt someone they hurt you right back. It's thanks to you, and your kind's, knee jerking that keeps everyone in a world of pain.
|| Posted by royston, June 24, 2005 05:35 PM ||...sadistic side perpetuate the circle of violence that humans don't seem to be able to escape from
Que? Where did the Hell did that come from...?
It's thanks to you, and your kind's, knee jerking that keeps everyone in a world of pain.
No need to thank me - just be glad that you weren't thrown into a Nazi work camp or a Soviet gulag.
What's that? No possibility of it?
For THAT, you can thank me twerp...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 25, 2005 04:46 PM |||| , 10:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Dean's Goal - Infinite Nothingness
Keep it up Howie - there's nothing funnier than when you make up stuff for us to talk about and we don't really have to work at it.
(Nicely glommed from Rodger Shultz at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical)
Comments on Dean's Goal - Infinite Nothingness
It's karl Rooove!
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 01:47 AM |||| , 04:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Geeks Are Better
By way of Dodd at Ipse Dixit comes something that proves why geeks/nerds are a better catch for the ladies:
Read More of "Geeks Are Better"You see, this is something that I've known for a long time being that I consider myself a geek.
I once talked to my wife about this phenomenon; I asked her why women will always go with a 'bad boy' that treats them like crap and yet they still go back - again and again.
I told her of watching 'bad boys' I knew in the Navy who'd treat their girlfriends like crap - play around on them, borrow money from them, etc. etc. - and for the love of God I didn't know why these women would go back to them again and again. It used to burn me up six ways to Sunday that these women - and they weren't Elle models....not by a long shot - wouldn't give me the time of day - literally; I once asked a Navy chick (in uniform) for the correct time when I was stationed in Memphis - her response was: F*ck off. And this chick was about as attractive as a sumo wrestler.
My wife responded: They'll seek out the 'bad boys' because they want the image and the fast times associated with them. And when they get tired of 'life in the fast lane', they'll hook up with someone who's basically boring and not a party animal.
So....if you're thinking of blowing off that geek/nerd whose asked you out on a date - take him up on it.
You know that you'll end up with one anyway....besides, we know how to fix computers, program VCRs, set up home entertainment systems, and we'll be the 'go-to' guy for helping the kids with math homework.
All done with "Geeks Are Better"?
Comments on Geeks Are Better
Well Said!
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 16, 2005 02:05 PM |||| , 04:29 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Dialysis Explained
Every so often I'm asked about exactly what happens at dialysis.
Well, that question is answered by someone I met on the Internet. Jim (who I understand recently got a kidney transplant) has an excellent sequence of photos (Flash required) that explain what happens.
Check it out.
And while some people feel 'on top of the world' after a dialysis treatment, I'm usually feeling achy....almost like just before you get the full effects of having the flu - that's me.
Jim did hemo dialysis for a month and then switched to PD (peritoneal dialysis) which seemed to work for him. I, on the other hand, cannot seem to get over that catheter-hanging-out-of-my-gut feeling and really just feel....oogie about considering PD as an alternative to hemodialysis.
Maybe it'll take a few more months of hating HD to get me to consider the catheter. Then again, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get a transplant, although it's not looking like that will happen in the near future....
Comments on Dialysis Explained
Thanks for the plug!
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 16, 2005 02:23 PM ||15days after a very successful transplant operation, and my labs are awesome! I can eat pretty much anything, and they want me to consume 3litres of water daily! The steroids make me hungry all the time, so I'm starting put a little weight back on. Did ya check out my update page?
The last clinic session I had 2 weeks before transplant, my nephrologist was concerned about adequacy of my dialysis. PD wasn't getting me as clean as it used to. The phosphorus levels were really kicking my butt as well...
Push for the transplant! PD offers more freedoms, but it's not as good as a transplant! You need to be more active out on the Living Donors Boards. My Donor found me through a post on one of the boards...
|| , 03:26 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Brief Scare in California
Brief scare last night:
The only reason we knew of the tsunami alert was from a phone call from one of our friends; the wife and I were in the middle of watching Starship Troopers when we got the call.
Fifteen minutes later the alert was cancelled and we went back to watching the movie.
Comments on Brief Scare in California
|| , 02:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentJune 14, 2005
Killling Business - Part II
- Borders will have a marked decrease in online sales from California residents, or
- Borders will officially divest all interests between its 'brick-n-mortar' stores here in California and its online company.
In either case, it kills business....all in the name of taxation.My thinking is that anything sold online should be free from any sort of taxation. Exactly why is it that the government - state or federal - should get a 'slice of the pie' for people putting money back into the economy!? Quite frankly, neither state nor federal deserve to get d!ck out of any sales transaction.
Damn - it's crap like this that makes me consider changing my party affiliation from Republican to Libertarian....but for the moment I won't because I don't agree with the legalize-all-drugs argument. And especially with the Libertarians anti-war stance concerning Iraq.
Anyway...this crap really gives me a bad taste in my mouth when I see taxation for what it appears to be: socialism and that lets-MAKE-everyone-carry-the-load-for-all-those-dumbass-social-projects-that-no-one-really-wants....
Comments on Killling Business - Part II
OOH! a pie to stick a finger into!
Well, if the state constitution allows for it, let it be. If not, then sue and fire the individuals writing the legislation. (Publicly)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 15, 2005 02:34 PM ||I don't agree with the legalize-all-drugs argument.
You mean I'm actually to the left of you on an issue? (big evil grin)
Mind you, I wouldn't burn a big spliff if they were to legalize pot, but that should be MY decision, not the government's.
I'm not all for legalizing certain drugs (Cocaine comes to mind, as does PCP), but most of the other drugs are only damaging the user. Criminaling stupidity is a hallmark of the nanny state, and I don't want any part of that.
|| Posted by timekeeper, June 16, 2005 10:00 AM |||| , 10:40 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 14th - Flag Day
I was reminded by a post of Michelle Malkin's that June 14th is Flag Day.
From a site called I found the 'meaning of the colors' of Old Glory in the FAQ section:
Read More of "June 14th - Flag Day"And I found the reason that the American flag is referred to as 'Old Glory':
The Flag of the United States of America....some hate it, others fear it, most love it, and it has always stood as a symbol of freedom.Dispite what some might think of it, it will be around for quite a long time and it's symbolism will never fade, tarnish, or disappear from this Earth.
It has stood the test of a revolution to create it, a civil war between the states that redefined it, and a century of warfare where it fluttered over battlefields liberated from tyranny time and again.
It is the symbol of a people that are giving, a people that cherrish freedom and their rights as Americans, a people that will not bow to anyone or anything that would strip away their title of American citizen. It is a symbol of a people that will help others always and it is a symbol of a people that will not take anything sitting down.
To be honest, I still - to this day - get chills when I see this flag fluttering in the wind and think of what it means, what it symbolizes, and how Americans honor & love it.
All done with "June 14th - Flag Day"?
Comments on June 14th - Flag Day
Sad Video of Flag Desecration
|| Posted by Shawn Wasson, June 14, 2005 12:51 PM ||
June 14th is also the Army's Birthday. Let's sing the song: First to fight for the right and to build the nation's might, and the Army goes rolling along. Proud of all we have done, fight until the battle's won and the Army goes rolling along. And its Hi, Hi, Hey and the Army's on its way. Call of your cadence loud and strong. For where we go, you will always know that the Army goes rolling along.
|| Posted by Davey, June 15, 2005 12:30 AM |||| , 10:16 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 13, 2005
'Dipstick of the Week' - Coming Soon!
I'm thinking of starting a 'Dipstick of the Week' weekly entry. This clown would be the first:
And I'm beating that this dork will plead 'Not Guilty' in court when he's arraigned....dipstick.Comments on 'Dipstick of the Week' - Coming Soon!
|| , 03:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentGo Figure...
To be honest, I'm a little surprised that this happened:
I guess it'll take about 40 miles of video tape showing Jackson playing 'Hide the Salami' with another young boy to take him out of the picture.It's a shame it'll have to come to this, but the jury has spoken.
Comments on Go Figure...
Expect to see little whiteboys rioting up and down Los Angeles.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 04:43 PM ||Quote for picture:
"Hey... smell my finger!"
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 04:52 PM ||"One in the goop, one in the poop!"
If he was a black man he would have been found guilty on all counts.
|| Posted by assrot, June 14, 2005 08:39 AM |||| , 02:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
More Folly
Just what the world needs: another proposal to level the field by taxing air travel:
This is indeed a 1-lb bag of Cricket Crap from Dicker & Dicker of Beaverly Hills.It's not much of a added tax, but it's the principle behind it: tax everyone who has money to pay for Africa's problems.
I'm all for helping people and nations get on their feet - not for making them take responsibility for their actions and/or inactions that put them there in the first place.
I get a chuckle out of these plans that propose to tax everyone who's responsible to pay for those that are not. Socialism in action....
Comments on More Folly
You want to help africa? cut ALL aid.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 05:18 PM ||You mean it's not the $150.00 dog statue ;)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, June 13, 2005 08:45 PM |||| , 02:17 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 11, 2005
Give It a Rest Already
It's crap like this - especially when it isn't reported in the MSM - that gets me cheesed off. It's for exhibitions like this that some people look at Third World nations like India, Pakistan, and others as being populated with retards. I know....I know, this is just one snippet from this protest. But it people are going to take the possible actions of a few guards as the total collective mindset of a nation, then they have to realize that it works for everyone....not just those that think the United States is the B-A-D guy.
And what boggles me is that this story - the Koran *cough* desecration - was retracted by those numbskulls at Newsweek as 'unverifiable' yet Muslims all around the planet are acting like it was a Pay-per-View event that raked in a ton of money.
I'm waiting for someone to OPENLY take a dump on a Koran in public, takes photos of it, and then post them on the Internet. I'm just surprised that it hasn't happened....yet.
UPDATE: Someone left a gem of a link in the comments section. It would appear that someone already thought of what I had said about taking a dump on the Koran....except this is much better. And so is this. Oh yeah....and this too!!
Comments on Give It a Rest Already
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 11, 2005 06:08 PM ||I don't think the Muslims needed the Koran story to bring them to such actions. They have been burning and desecrating flags, tombstones, graves, and religious icons for quite some time now. Perhaps that is why they so readily believe stories about other's doing so.
|| Posted by Rachel Ann, June 11, 2005 06:10 PM ||Dirka Durka.. mohammed allah jihad!
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 11, 2005 06:18 PM ||Fix yer links!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 02:40 AM |||| , 05:59 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 10, 2005
Don't Doink
The Pope's simple message reminds me of something Sam Kinison once professed:
Next time you get that I-gotta-get-me-some-of-that-fine-looking-stuff feeling when looking at a member of the opposite sex (yes, chicks do stupid things too) just consider if DEATH is worth getting a piece of trim or a hot meat-stick....Comments on Don't Doink
I'm not Catholic, but I like this Pope already!
|| Posted by Davey, June 10, 2005 10:50 AM ||I'm sick of hearing about abstinence. No hit..if you don't fuck, you won't catch any STD's..that's a no-brainer, however it is totally ridiculous to think this is going to happen. let the condoms frow freely throughout the world, educate people, get the drugs out there that are needed for those already stricken, etc. the pope should STFU.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 10, 2005 11:24 AM ||What ever you do don't educate people to stop screwing everything that moves, that way when they get the drugs they can live longer so they can screw more people so they can fully exploit the percentage of times condoms fail to prevent transmission and infect even more people. There's a winning solution.
|| Posted by the Pirates, June 10, 2005 01:09 PM ||While the Holy Father is quite correct, there's more to be said. The horrendous African practice of female genital mutilation is a major contributor to the spread of the HIV virus on the Dark Continent. It creates permanent, permanently vulnerable lesions in the pubic area, through which the virus can enter with an efficiency incomparably higher than under normal sexual conditions.
Anal intercourse produces similar damage, which is why homosexuals are still by far the largest risk group for the disease.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, June 10, 2005 01:17 PM ||...however it is totally ridiculous to think this is going to happen.
The thought that occurs to me about this is that's why marriage is pushed by the Church and some people - a marriage in which both man and wife honor each other and don't doink around is the one way to severely reduce contracting all sorts of nasty opposed to those that say 'free love' and don't bat an eye at someone sleeping around.
If abstinence isn't an option for some people, then being monogomous is the only substitute.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 10, 2005 03:47 PM ||Aids is the only epidemic that could be cured by a zipper.
...however it is totally ridiculous to think this is going to happen.
In which case, pardon me whilst I refuse to pay extra taxes so you could die slowly.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 10, 2005 07:48 PM ||In which case, pardon me whilst I refuse to pay extra taxes so you could die slowly.
Sounds good to me! I like that idea, and while you're at it pardon me while I refuse to pay extra taxes so you can bomb the shit out of defensless countries in illegal wars, or support "Faith Based Charity", or any number of stupid things that are coming down the "conservative" pike.
And you know, Drinking and driving causes alot of deaths, and it's one form of death that can be avoided by not drinking, so lets everybody stop drinking, or better yet, lets outlaw booze altogether, or maybe driving, since it causes so many teen deaths each year. That's it, why spend all that money on educating them about seat belts and traffic safety, lets just not let them drive until they're 25. And lets not waste all that money on stop DWi programs, lets just do away with alcohol.
marriage is pushed by the Church
Well, only for some people... and I guess married people don't sleep around...
stop screwing everything that moves
Most people don't do that... But Neal Horsley did say his first girlfriend was a mule, and that anybody who grew up on a farm screwed animals, so I guess he'd fall into that catagory. By the way, what is the percentage of times condoms fail?
I can only assume that people who would support this idea are those who couldn't get laid if they were an egg.
This thread sounds like the Reefer Madness of sex education.
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 01:33 AM ||Sounds good to me! I like that idea, and while you're at it pardon me while I refuse to pay extra taxes so you can bomb the shit out of defensless countries in illegal wars, or support "Faith Based Charity", or any number of stupid things that are coming down the "conservative" pike.
One minor difference: The "war" has nothing to do with personal responsibility, and it's effects are to be felt nation wide.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 11, 2005 04:33 AM ||Or we can put it this way...
You tell a man 30 times to keep his dick out of a rattlesnake's mouth, and he shows up on your door one day suffering from a snakebite... how much pity EXACTLY do you want me to have?
You could always bring in the cultural effects and the spread of the disease through barbaric customs, but when I suggest we conduct a bit of scorched earth policy down those parts, you get all uppetty about "unilateral aggression".
So I guess we can not be the world POLICE force... just the firemen, medics, animal control, etc. but heaven forbid we try solving the cultural problem that is at the root of this disease.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 12, 2005 03:30 AM ||You tell a man 30 times to keep his dick out of a rattlesnake's mouth, and he shows up on your door one day suffering from a snakebite... how much pity EXACTLY do you want me to have?
You see? Now, this is where I start to get confused. This is supposedly a "Christian Nation" founded on "Christian Philosophy" (it's not, but for the moment that's beside the point)
We use "Christian" ideas like spreading god given rights to oppressed Iraqis, and you say we have to solve the "cultural problem that is at the root of this disease", but then when it comes to something like helping out people who are in trouble who have different ideas or "cultures" that you don't agree with, they can flounder on their own. When I say "you", I mean "Compassionate Conservatives" in general.
I'm confused because I remember reading
Matthew 18:21-22
21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? 22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
So I guess I'd have to say that in this "Christian Country", the feeling should be that we forgive them their tresspasses and help them out.
The "war" has nothing to do with personal responsibility, and it's effects are to be felt nation wide.
The war absolutely has to do with personal responsibility, especially of those members of President Bush, Inc., who need to be held accountable. By your way of thinking about personal responsibility, those who are wounded in Iraq should be left to their own devices, since their is no draft and they joined up knowing full well the possible ramifications.
I agree that people need to take responsibility for their actions, but they also need to be given enough information to make the right decision, and providing people with condoms and treating them if they become infected with HIV is the "Christian" thing to do.
I notice that no one got back to me on the percentage of times that condoms fail...
|| Posted by scroff, June 12, 2005 10:20 AM ||The war absolutely has to do with personal responsibility, especially of those members of President Bush, Inc., who need to be held accountable.
No it doesn't Scroff. You're attempting to compare apples to WD-40.
There is a difference between acting nationally in the best interests of your nation and eyeballing some chick and thinking 'well, the wife won't find out...'
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 12, 2005 10:44 AM ||By your way of thinking about personal responsibility, those who are wounded in Iraq should be left to their own devices, since their is no draft and they joined up knowing full well the possible ramifications.
Sure. Because they are out there engaging in risky behavior for their own gratification. EXACTLY the same.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 12, 2005 05:01 PM ||And religion does not fly with me, as I don't much believe in it.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 12, 2005 05:04 PM ||No it doesn't Scroff. You're attempting to compare apples to WD-40.
There is a difference between acting nationally in the best interests of your nation and eyeballing some chick and thinking 'well, the wife won't find out...'
Bush didn't act in the best interest of the nation, that much has to be obvious to anybody by now. And there is no difference between cheating on your wife and starting an illegal invasion, except that no one gets killed or maimed when you cheat on your wife (hopefully).
Sure. Because they are out there engaging in risky behavior for their own gratification. EXACTLY the same
Uh huh. And having sex is EXACTLY the same as sticking your dick in a rattlesnake's mouth, must suck to be you.
And religion does not fly with me, as I don't much believe in it.
Do you believe that the US was founded on Christian principles? Do you believe the garbage that Republicans try to put over that the founding fathers were christians? I don't buy into any religion either, but when people try to cram their beliefs down other people's throats in the form of laws that will directly effect their lives, I get a little uppity.
|| Posted by scroff, June 13, 2005 12:12 AM ||...Only good government is incompetent government.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 12:26 AM ||As for the snake analogy... makes a hell of a lot more sense than the war analogy. After all, what POSSIBLE benefit could be had from banging someone? About the same as sticking your dick in a rattlesnake's mouth.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 02:29 AM ||Bush didn't act in the best interest of the nation, that much has to be obvious to anybody by now.
Hate to say this, but this is an opinion and isn't a 'fact' to utilize for this discussion.
And there is no difference between cheating on your wife and starting an illegal invasion, except that no one gets killed or maimed when you cheat on your wife (hopefully).
Again, see the above for the validity of this perspective....
Don't twist this into another futile discussion about the good/bad aspects of Operation Iraqi Freedom; we're talking about people being stupid enough to sleep around, get some nasty disease, and then complain that the warnings about this behavior weren't stringent enough.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 02:47 AM |||| , 09:53 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Pointed Question to Dean
This is one of the reasons that I love to watch FoxNews and listen to reporters like Brian Wilson:
And Brian Wilson had a point: if Republicans are just a bunch of 'white Christians' and Dean 'hates Republicans', does he indeed hate white Christians?
Just another example of why people (read: Dean) should fire some neurons before shooting their mouths off....
Comments on Pointed Question to Dean
Now if they would just start asking pointed questions of Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice...
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 01:35 AM ||Oops... you already said that...
(all across the political spectrum) feet to the fire and get in their faces.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 02:48 AM |||| , 09:33 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 08, 2005
Kiss Alive III
And you have to remember: God gave Rock-N-Roll to you....
Bill: Dude - Hell sucks!!
Ted: Definitely!!
Comments on Kiss Alive III
"Dude...that's your Mom"
|| Posted by Paul Drabek, June 12, 2005 06:13 AM ||Kiss Alive III?
Oh, Mad One! Say it ain't so!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 03:35 AM |||| , 11:52 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
People Steaks from PETA
Must be nice to have lots of time to do dipstick things like this.
From those 'touched' geniuses at PETA comes.....People Steaks!
Makes me want to go grill some animals now....Comments on People Steaks from PETA
Woops, time to kill something.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 8, 2005 12:53 PM ||I hope theat person in the picture is making a good hermetical seal! I wouldn't want a good piece of butt-steak like that to go bad....
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 10, 2005 12:50 PM ||I'd laugh my ass off if one of them suffocated....
and ruthie wants to know if they get freezer burn...
|| Posted by scroff, June 12, 2005 10:23 AM ||I think it's the best demo .Good job PETA people !!!!!
|| Posted by Jimi, June 13, 2005 01:19 PM ||Love the Demo !!! I think that the truth that PETA shows is very uncomfortable for a lot of people that's where the stupid comments come in. Because nobody wants to think about the horrific death of a cow while they are eating their steak ...
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 03:36 AM |||| , 11:35 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 07, 2005
Trebuchet Project
I found the plans here and it looks like it'll be fun to do and a Dad-Daughter project my kid might enjoy working on with me.
I'll see what it'll take and if I have the means to do it. When I do and if it works, I'll attempt to post some video of it in action.
Comments on Trebuchet Project
big favor, Mikey...
Change all those dimensions from inches to feet, now THAT would be a proper seige engine.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 7, 2005 01:08 PM ||oops... sIEge engine
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 7, 2005 01:09 PM ||Drat. And all I ever made was a desk top cannon. (which turned into a pipebomb due to a horrible misunderstanding)
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 19, 2009 06:54 AM |||| , 09:23 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 06, 2005
Need Clicks
Hey - I need more people to click on those ads on the left.
Comments on Need Clicks
Keep reminding us from time to time.
|| Posted by Cait, June 6, 2005 08:02 PM |||| , 05:25 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Old Joke
"Big fingers"
Comments on Old Joke
|| , 04:56 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentIf Only....
.....this was the definition by which I went through life every day....
You are the king of smooth -- enough said.
Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.
(Glommed from Analog Kid at Random Nuclear Strikes)
Comments on If Only....
I am pumpkin. The guy who held up the diner.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 6, 2005 05:31 PM ||Butch
Tired of being underappreciated and manipulated by powerful "others," you fight back. Though possesssing a cold, violent outside, you have a soft, scentimental inside. You love your partner, you cherish family heirlooms, and you want nothing more than to be geniunely happy -- but you don't mind having to kill a couple of nimrods who happen to clutter your path.
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 01:46 AM |||| , 01:10 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Captive Audience
David Horowitz writes about a *cough* debate he was invited to participate in at Pacific Palisades High School.
One snippet of what he encountered is disturbing:
I'm all for discussion of all aspects of any given arguments, but this is exactly the type of complete crap that I worry about my kid being inundated with in school. Even in Junior High.And this also speaks volumes about the different teacher's abilities to formulate an argument: they cannot, so they subject their students to listen in the name of teaching.
And exactly how does American English relate to the war in Iraq? It doesn't and that makes this all the more inane.
Yes - nothing says 'reasoned arguement' more than forcing students to listen to your weak arguments under the guise of education....
Comments on Captive Audience
Teachers need to face an election cycle every 2 years.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 6, 2005 12:10 PM ||I gotta agree on this, keep that personal crap out of the class room. That includes any kind of prayer or pledge.
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 01:48 AM ||Yep. Got my vote on that one.
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D-Day: June 6, 1944
Today in History - American Imperialism thrust upon unsuspecting French along Normandy Coast:

If this were to happen today, the blood-curdling screams of QUAGMIRE!!! could be heard around Pluto's orbit....Comments on D-Day: June 6, 1944
Well, let's see... in 1944 we were fighting Germany who had invaded most of Europe...
Today we're fighting Iraqis who invaded... oh, wait, that was us... oops!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 19, 2009 05:29 AM |||| , 08:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 05, 2005
Dipstick Taxation
Just when you thought that this issue was 'dead', along comes another attempt to tax the crap out of everything:
Colorado Governor Bill Owens has it right: there's already enough tax income being generated. I have to believe that if you dig deep enough that you'll find that this was started by officials that are looking to fund their 'warm-fuzzy feeling' programs that cannot be sensibly integrated into most state budgets.And I love that polite back-hand comment about companies that voluntarily commit to this would be "audit-proof" which to me implies that if businesses do NOT adhere will get the state tax boards crawling up their asses with a microscope often.
What a dipstick idea this is....Does this clown - Peterson - understand that probably 99.9999% of business owners aren't going to start increasing taxes on their customers because it would drive business away!? Probably not since he's on this dipstick committee instead of running a business.
Comments on Dipstick Taxation
there's already enough tax income being generated
... for what? For a $500 billion military budget? Cut that budget in half and you might be right.
I work for the county. The county hasn't gotten as much money from the state, the state hasn't gotten enough money from the feds. Sure, federal tax has gone down, but local taxes are going to go up.
Who works for the county? The feel good folks who pave our roads every spring and keep the snow off of them in the winter, the people who investigate child abuse, the folks who keep the parks in shape, the folks who empty the garbage, the people who put criminals in jail, the folks who keep those criminals in jail, the folks who guard those criminals in jail, the folks who monitor those criminals when they get out, the folks who help people with disabilities, the folks who work with the elderly, making sure they can live on their all too often all too little incomes, the folks who register your motor vehicle, lots of other folks doing lots of other necessary things, and me, the guy who helps drunks, junkies and crack heads learn to live without booze, junk or crack and stay out of jail. Believe it or not, what I do saves money.
So, I guess we could do away with some of these programs, or we can reduce the defense budget, or we can put the friggin taxes back where they were.
You can't live in the penthouse and expect to pay basement rent...
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 12:45 PM ||For a $500 billion military budget? Cut that budget in half and you might be right.
We're talking STATE budgets, not Federal ones. And I'm talking about the semi-uselss to completely useless programs that are here in California.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 5, 2005 04:14 PM ||"... for what? For a $500 billion military budget? Cut that budget in half and you might be right."
Actually, no, cutting it half would leave you with 157 billion in the red. Now if you cut HEALTHCARE in half, you should be fine. NOT to mention the future savings on social security that would provide!
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 5, 2005 07:10 PM ||Actually, no, cutting it half would leave you with 157 billion in the red
That's probably true, since the budget deficit is somewhere between $350 billion and $521 billion. And all those people that make their money off the military budget would be shit out of luck, too... But you're right, let's cut "healthcare" (whatever that is, Medicaid? Medicare? Part A? Part B? Bush's prescription Drug Plan?) Just because some American has worked his or her whole life doesn't mean crap. Charity begins at home, I always say. BTW, "healthcare" has nothing to do with Social Security, unless you mean SSD.
We're talking STATE budgets, not Federal ones
States get block grants from the feds, when the feds don't have it, the states don't get it and when the states don't get it, local taxes go up. Thank Bush for that. Or start cutting programs, just don't bitch when they cut the one you like.
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 02:09 AM ||semi-uselss to completely useless programs that are here in California
Well, I always say California has more than it's share of fruits and nuts...
but what you think is useless someone else might not, and what someone else thinks is useless you might not.
I'd say lets start with those pesky faith based initiatives...
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 02:15 AM ||Just because some American has worked his or her whole life doesn't mean crap. Charity begins at home, I always say.
If people started paying for their healthcare, the COST of health care would plummet, as it would have to be competative. You *might* consider insuring yourself, or working for an employer who insures you.
BTW, "healthcare" has nothing to do with Social Security, unless you mean SSD.
It DOES when people start dropping like flies! :D
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June 03, 2005
Outrage on Aisle Four...
What about Iraqi Body Count!? Lights are on but nobody's home...?
Well surely there will be some sort of 'outrage' from those upstanding people from Indy Media....what? Out to lunch!?
Comments on Outrage on Aisle Four...
It is because we are there for the OOOIL! I am sure if we pulled out TOMORROW the country would instantly stabilize.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 3, 2005 07:27 PM ||below are my thoughts on the matter.
OOOOIL is only part of it, and it isn't oil, it is control of the market price of a barrel of OOOOOOIIIL. He who has the most influence over the price of a barrel of OOOOOIIIL influences the development of China, India, Russia and the old Soviet countries as well as any other country that depends on oil for their economy (can you say commerce?). I love how easily some people can dismiss OOOIILLLL'S importance. What do you suppose would happen if oil production was cut in half, but only for the US? Or if the second largest oil reserve was made available to only countries that 'behaved' while others had to get it from the usual, overpriced suspects? Who do you think would have the better economy?People obviously forget the lessons learned in the 70's) Why else do we so blatantly kiss Saudi Arabia's ass?
The other, perhaps bigger reason is to make the middle east safe for our good buddy, back stabbing Israel.
There are many other reasons, some simply Bush's own psychosis, but I can assure you none of them had to do with liberating Iraqis.
As far as the response to this information, we've been saying for months that there is a civil war going on in Iraq, while the Administration and neocons have been saying it's all peachy.
|| Posted by scroff, June 3, 2005 07:55 PM ||Seems the right wing media is finally figuring out the house is on fire while the flames lap their toes. To me this is one for the "no-shit" hall of fame. I also think it's interesting how 'believable' Interior Minister Bayan Jabr is compared to those waful people at the International Red Cross who had the civillian casualty around 100,000.
Iraq will stabilize no faster with or without us. Problem is that we seem to be able to only think with our guns.
Is that why OOOIIIILLLLL is hitting $55 a barrel? It looks like the U.S. isn't the B-A-D guy where this is concerned....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 4, 2005 02:07 PM ||I don't really give a poop about israel one way or the other, but it's mere existence in the region provides stability, if for no other reason than to give the surrounding countries a common enemy.
REGIONAL STABILITY is why we are there.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:28 PM ||Yes, General, Laura Cohn with Business Week Magazine. It sounds like you've made some good progress on the oil fields in the south but that you might have a problem once you get to Baghdad. Could you tell us what your plan is to secure the oil fields?
GEN. RENUART: I don't think there's any oil fields in Baghdad.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 11:08 PM ||Is that why OOOIIIILLLLL is hitting $55 a barrel
Sure is. You don't get it. It's not so we pay less for a barrel of oil, it's so the price can go up. Once again be reminded that nobody gives a crap what you or I pay for anything, and if oil were to drop to $40 a barrel, it would still be over $2 a gallon. the oil companies are not going to lower the price, let's not all be silly now.
But if it's $55 a barrel here, it's also $55 a barrel in Europe, China, India, Vietnam, South Korea, North Korea, etc etc etc ad nauseam. In the UK gasoline is about $5 a gallon, in Canada it's about $4 a gallon... I wonder how much driving they do in China or Uzbekistan, how much it costs to ship stuff to the ports where those big old diesel ships float them to our shores. OOOOOOIILLL is the one way to level the playing field economically... we can't beat their labor costs, so we'll raise their shipping, production, and transportation costs. It's really simple.
REGIONAL STABILITY is why we are there.
Well, actually, if you go back and look at the reasons we went there, regional stability was not one of the two reasons outlined by Congress for Bush to invade, so, if that is the reason why we're there, that would make the invasion illegal, wouldn't it?
I suppose the bases in Saudi Arabia were there for REGIONAL STABILITY too... fat lot of good they did.
I would love for one person to tell me how, without reverting to vague ideology, our invasion of Iraq will lead to or contribute to REGIONAL STABILITY. Start with telling me what threat Iraq posed to REGIONAL STABILITY.
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 12:51 AM ||that would make the invasion illegal, wouldn't it?
- No it wouldn't. The invasion was legal the FIRST time saddam fired on our no fly zone craft.
Then why didn't bush say THAT?
- because he used the BEST of many reasons.
Then why no weapons of mass destruction?
- You mean OTHER than the ones we found?
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 5, 2005 07:18 PM ||fired on our no fly zone craft
The no fly zones which were installed by who? Can you show me where it says that we are allowed to maintain no-fly zones over a sovereign nation? Please, be specific. And can you show me the UN resolution that said we could invade without the OK of the UN Security Council if he fired on one of our aircraft? Please, I'm so curious. But I suppose you're going by the Bush law that says we don't have to obey any laws that are Inconvenient.
because he used the BEST of many reasons.
If those were the best, the rest must surely suck. Like... REGIONAL STABILITY! But I guess I do have to give you credit for admitting there were unemphasized, shall we say, reasons, like, maybe OOOOOIIIIILLLLL and Israel?
You mean OTHER than the ones we found
Which ones were they? I think smarter men than you or I who were in Iraq looking for those weapons have formally declared that there were no weapons or programs, but I'll bite. Spell it out for me. What weapons? please, do tell...
BTW, you still haven't told how Iraq was a threat to the region or how our invasion will help regional stability...
|| Posted by scroff, June 11, 2005 02:35 AM ||Which ones were they? I think smarter men than you or I who were in Iraq looking for those weapons have formally declared that there were no weapons or programs
Which they now claim we lost...
Ok, let's list a few:
Long range missiles
Dual purpose equipment forbidden under the sanctions
Chem warheads
BTW, you still haven't told how Iraq was a threat to the region or how our invasion will help regional stability...
Common enemy, Libya, voting in Saudi Arabia, and the ever popular show of overwhelming force.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 11, 2005 04:42 AM ||Which they now claim we lost...
They? Who are they?
Long range missiles
Dual purpose equipment forbidden under the sanctions
Chem warheads
What long range missles? The ones that were found and declared before the war? What dual purpose equipment, and where in the sanctions were they forbidden? What chemical warheads? You mean the shell they found along the road in one of the earlier IEDs? You have to give me more than that. Those, even if they existed, are not enough reason to invade another country... hence talk of a mushroom cloud and an immediate threat.
Common enemy, Libya, voting in Saudi Arabia, and the ever popular show of overwhelming force
Common enemy? Not sure what you mean by that. Whose common enemy and with whom? Iraq was no threat to anybody, except maybe Israel in the form of payments to Palestinians.
Voting in Saudi Arabia???? Oh yea, they had some municipal elections. So we had to blow up Iraq to obtain that? That's the best we could do? We had to invade a helpless country to persuade Bush's buddies the Sauds to have some local elections??
Libya??? Libya wasn't even in the Axis of Evil
And oh that ever popular show of overwhelming force is working so well isn't it? What it showed is that the US isn't the great war machine everybody thought it was. What did we do? Beat up a nothing army in a basically third world country. Gee, maybe for an encore we can invade Zimbabwe. You know what really sucks? We're a one trick pony, that's all we have now is that good old overwhelming farce... and when you're up against people who believe you're doing them a favor by killing them, it doesn't do much good, and turns out it doesn't do much good when you try to use it to keep everybody else in line, either...
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|| , 04:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Gay Marriage Doomed
I'm guessing that California Democrats don't seem to be the 'party of gay people' after all:
Like I've said before - this makes no nevermind to me....meaning I don't give a fig one way or the other. But it's looking like the Dems can't get behind this either.Gee....wonder why?
Comments on Gay Marriage Doomed
It would be wonderful if Gay marriage was really doomed in California. But I still think these gays are too loud and obnoxious to be forgotten so easily. Still, its good to see another conservatve online. Come visit our blog sometime thank you and God Bless America
|| Posted by Nicolas Malebranche, June 3, 2005 09:58 AM ||-N Malebranche
you have to revoke the gov't's authority to GRANT these rights.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 3, 2005 07:29 PM ||The government isn't GRANTING anything, the 'government', America, is currently denying equal rights to a certain group of Americans based on who they fall in love with. Sounds pretty friggin stupid to me.
As far as the Dems backing down, that's easy... they're as spineless in California as they are in the Senate.
|| Posted by scroff, June 3, 2005 08:06 PM ||So Scroff, should those "equal rights" be given to a brother and sister who want to marry? How about three people who "love" each other?
|| Posted by Director Mitch, June 3, 2005 09:23 PM ||I don't know if I've heard of anyone saying they want to marry their sister or two other people. Well, Neal Horsley said his first girlfriend was a mule, but I don't think that's what this is about. More power to him, I guess. But your questions seem pretty irrelevant to me.
But since you brought up the 'slippery slope' argument, let's apply it to something like gun rights. Second amendment says I have the right to bear arms without defining "arms"... by your logic I suppose we should do away with the second amendment because you never know, someone might want to own a nuclear weapon...
Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it...?
I don't see what all the fuss is about. The only reason anyone has cited that I know of is that god hates fags or something to that effect. Gay marriage harms no one, and in the words of Thomas Jefferson...
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God."
...nor does it harm me if my neighbor's partner happens to be the same sex. Like it or not, there are gay couples all over the place, living their lives and going about their business and you wouldn't know it unless you knew them personally. They're even raising children, god forbid! All they're asking for is the same rights straight couples have... gay couples are denied over 1000 rights that straight couples have, including, but obviously not limited to...
-The right to make decisions on a partner's behalf in a medical emergency. Specifically, the states generally provide that spouses automatically assume this right in an emergency. If an individual is unmarried, the legal "next of kin" automatically assumes this right. This means, for example, that a gay man with a life partner of many years may be forced to accept the financial and medical decisions of a sibling or parent with whom he may have a distant or even hostile relationship.
-The right to take up to 12 weeks of leave from work to care for a seriously ill partner or parent of a partner. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 permits individuals to take such leave to care for ill spouses, children and parents but not a partner or a partner's parents.
-The right to petition for same-sex partners to immigrate.
-The right to assume parenting rights and responsibilities when children are brought into a family through birth, adoption, surrogacy or other means. For example, in most states, there is no law providing a noncustodial, nonbiological or nonadoptive parent's right to visit a child - or responsibility to provide financial support for that child - in the event of a breakup.
-The right to share equitably all jointly held property and debt in the event of a breakup, since there are no laws that cover the dissolution of domestic partnerships.
-Family-related Social security benefits, income and estate tax benefits, disability benefits, family-related military and veterans benefits and other important benefits.
-The right to inherit property from a partner in the absence of a will.
-The right to purchase continued health coverage for a domestic partner after the loss of a job.
Ford Motor Company has initiated so called "family-friendly policies" that pledge not to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees, and provide equal benefits for all its employees. 80% of the Fortune 500 companies have similar policies because they realize that fair is fair and what's right is right (maybe I should have said what's correct is correct). Along comes the American Family Association with a boycott of Ford for their policies. AFA's stated philosophy is...
The American Family Association believes that God has communicated absolute truth to man through the Bible, and that all men everywhere at all times are subject to the authority of God's Word. Therefore, a culture based on Biblical truth best serves the well-being of our country, in accordance with the vision of our founding fathers.
Never mind our Founding Father's weren't all christians (Jefferson called himself a "Materialist", John Adams, in the Treaty of Tripoli, 1797, said "the Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion") nor did they espouse or believe that America should be based on "biblical truth", these folks are against gay marriage simply because it says god hates fags in the bible. While I have read the bible several times and think it's a great book with oodles of wise things to say, as well as oodles of stupid things, I don't believe it's the word of god, nor do I believe it has any place in American government, no more than the Torah or Koran. Neither did our Founding Fathers.
So, to answer your question. No one is asking to marry their sister or have more than one partner. If and when they do, we'll deal with it then. Just like we'll deal with it when the Gun Owners of America start whining for Abrams tanks.
|| Posted by scroff, June 4, 2005 01:16 AM ||Scroff: Too long of a comment.
You must insert between every other paragraph something that honors Mikey.....;)
(Just messing with ya....blather on)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 4, 2005 02:15 PM ||If the gov't isn't granting, how can it deny?
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:30 PM ||Scroff: Too long of a comment
Mikey is great
Scroff: Too long of a comment
Mikey is all um, all uh, all... Mikey!
If the gov't isn't granting, how can it deny
Nice rhetorical device there yogs, and I see your point...
Some folks would say that the right to fall in love and marry is one of those unalienable rights, given by "the creator" rather than man and thus irrevokable by man.
(Mikey rocks!)
Gay couples are being denied the rights granted to straight couples based on their love interests. If you take away the governments power to grant those rights the result would be gay marriage. It would also, most likely, result in partner benefits, where unmarried couples would share the same benefits. It might even lead to complete strangers being able to say what emergency medical procedures are done to you, after all, there would be no laws outlining who would have the responsibility to make sure your needs are met should you become incapacitated, so hell, I could do it. Mikey (mikey is great) and I could sit around and argue about it until you choked on your own vomit while we dickered "live... die live die live die... oops"
I could then take a few weeks off to mourn your passing...
Then again, maybe it's better that there are laws outlining who can do for whom and stuff like that, stuff that gay couples don't get...
(MIkey plays one bitchin bass)
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:10 AM ||"It might even lead to complete strangers being able to say what emergency medical procedures are done to you, after all, there would be no laws outlining who would have the responsibility to make sure your needs are met should you become incapacitated, so hell, I could do it."
No, I would assign you as that person. Let's say that you and me are living together as a couple. We file for marriage, and the state CAN NOT DENY because they have no right to intervene. They can only maintain record of the union. That would be the beginning and the end of their jurisdiction.
Now any married couple shares the legal authority that spouses have over each other.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 5, 2005 07:23 PM ||I personally don't give a crap if people are stupid enough to want to marry more than one person. But I think if they do, that only one of thoses spouses should be eligible for any government assistance, such as social security death benefits. As to the brother and sister thing, there are sound genetic reasons to deny such unions, just as there are sound psychological reasons to deny letting people have sex with minors.
|| Posted by Cait, June 6, 2005 08:08 PM ||Whoa whoa whoa... social security benefits for unions? No, we would hold no distinction over THAT. There would BE no extra benefits.
But that wouldn't fly in the gimmie states, so I guess a reasonable solution would be to have X amount of dollars per person, and when that person dies, his significant others can fight over the benefits.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 6, 2005 10:24 PM ||...his significant others can fight over the benefits.
Like vultures standing over a gazelle....
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June 02, 2005
The FINAL Comparison on Gitmo
Just one last mention of the 'gulag' in Gitmo - I promise.
Here's a stark comparison between the gulags of the Soviet Union and the Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba:
Okay....I think that just about settles that bag of cricket crap.Oh wait - there IS one more mention: Fellow Cal Bear League member Rusty Shackleford at My Pet Jawa has a great in-depth comparison between Gitmo and the Soviet 'gulags'. Go check it out.
Comments on The FINAL Comparison on Gitmo
Quite the credible organization. Here’s a short list of where some of there funds are funneled.
Truth be damned!
$1,000 to Kerry, John
$1,000 to Kerry, John
$250 to Quigley, Lisa
$1,000, Kerry, John
$750 Next PAC
$500 Next PAC
$250 Kerry, John
$225 DNC Services Corp
Rosenthal, Mila Mrs New York,NY 10011
$333 Kerry, John
Schneider, Karen Bethesda,MD 20817
Amnesty International 7/11/2004
$300 Kerry, John
$250 Leahy, Patrick
$2,000 Kerry, John
$1,000 Kennedy, Edward M
$250 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, June 2, 2005 07:58 PM ||AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 10/21/2004
$200 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte
Uh huh. You'd expect people who have concern about human rights to donate money to the Bush Cartel? Right. That post was like saying "Look! An organization that cares about people is donating to the leftys!" Another one for the no-shit hall of fame.
As far as the report, it said "of our times", not of the 1920's. Interesting how you guys have to go all the way back to the 1920's to find something worse. I would have thought Hitler's concentration camps would have done it.
The Supreme Court, the same one that you all loved when it selected Bush in 2000, became 'activist judges' in June 2004 when they ruled that U.S. Courts had jurisdiction to hear cases in gitmo and that those held by the US must be afforded an opportunity to contest their detention. Of course Rumsfeld came back with the CSRT to assess whether or not each detainee is indeed an 'enemy combatant'. What do you suppose that means? It means that, aside from some assholes opinion, we don't know who is or who isn't an 'enemy combatant'. The CSRT has no basis in any law and is being used by the Bush Cartel to hold onto people that should have been released at the end of hostilities between the US and the Taliban in 2002. Or they should be brought up on formal charges. But fuck it, the law doesn't count for shit anymore in what used to be known as America.
|| Posted by scroff, June 3, 2005 08:27 PM ||Funny how everyone is ready to talk shit about amnesty Intl., yet rumsfeld was sure busy quoting their findings when it served his purpose. jeez.
|| Posted by ruthie, June 3, 2005 11:20 PM ||ruthie: my intent for this (and other) posts about the Amnesia Int'l *cough* report was to point out that in issuing this report and asserting the 'gulag' comparison that they've now rendered themselves a clown organization....much like the UN.
In their quest for a huge headline, they missed the point of why they issue such reports.
Now no one will give them much ado about anything and it'll be interesting to see how their fundraising is affected in the next few months....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 4, 2005 02:18 PM ||Well, all of this hubbub could be solved by simply not taking prisoners.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:32 PM ||Well, all of this hubbub could be solved by simply not taking prisoners
All of this hubub could be solved by sticking to rule of law, something we tried our best to do for many decades.
I don't think the people who will be offended by Amnesty Int's comments are the same ones who will be donating to them, anyway. Personally, I understood the analogy, and was able to get that they didn't mean gulag as in Soviet gulag. It would be like me saying my 64 corvette really flies and some right winger saying "What an idiot! He thinks he can fly!" No more than I've come to expect, mind you.
Makes me think about watching Dean the other day when Wolf asked him about his I hate Republicans statement. If I was him I would have said "You're damn right I hate republicans." and then gone on about how fucked up some prominent republicans, the religious right and conservative christian agenda are. I mean who cares if republicans get pissed off? They're not going to vote Democratic anyway and maybe if people "in the center" or "undecided" see someone with some balls they might be persuaded to listen.
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:24 AM ||They're not going to vote Democratic anyway and maybe if people "in the center" or "undecided" see someone with some balls they might be persuaded to listen.
And that will be the next set of nails in the coffin of the Dems in 2006 and 2008.
Even with a massive voter turn out Kerry wasn't elected (let's not talk about the voting machines cause IMO it's a dead issue) and I don't think there will be 4 million new voters by that time and if there were, they're not all gonna vote Democratic.
You're right: Dean's stupid comments - and there's a LOT of them lately - aren't going to sway center voters. But it WILL piss off some Democrats that actually try to view Republicans as merely a different voting block and not rich white men that push old ladies down stairs to steal their walkers.
Just seems to me....that if you're in the business of swaying voters to vote for your candidate (whomever they might be) that instead of merely castigating about what 'morons' Republicans are that you might actually try to show why your candidate is better - not why the Republicans are worse.
But in all let Dean chomp on his feet for a while....2006 will show that more and more (IMHO) people will grown tired of his crap and put more Republicans into Congress....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 5, 2005 09:34 AM ||(I do more posting here than at my own site... what's up with that?)
You have some good points, but IMNSHO, people are going to get tired of hearing about Republicans wanting to ban books and provocative cheerleading and the whole christian conservative agenda and vote democrat... if the dems can show they have some backbone to do what they think is right. That is if the liberal media would report on this stuff rather than Deans comments. What's interesting is that what you said about "merely castigating about what 'morons' [Democrats] are that you might actually try to show why your candidate is better - not why the [Democrats] are worse" is exactly how the republicans got elected.
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:01 PM ||"All of this hubub could be solved by sticking to rule of law, something we tried our best to do for many decades."
Rule of law states that any individual fighting out of uniform is to be shot. Which is what I propose.
As for the republican vs democrat politician debate:
One wants to legislate how you speak, the other wants to legislate how you fuck. BOTH should be chased into the seas. Indian style.
It is truly sad that 99% of the people share 99% political views, and our politicians live to generate animosity over that 1%, because they can't or DON'T want to solve the 99% of issues affecting EVERYONE.
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Ted's Meds
And this is the one thing that made me guffaw out loud:
Don't really know how to respond to this one Ted. I do know that you had about as much in ending the Cold War as Barney the Purple Dinosaur though.Ted - really...take the medication. It's for your own good.
Comments on Ted's Meds
oh he had a hand in it. right up his own butt.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:12 AM |||| , 10:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Speako Americano?
I knew this would happen sooner or later:
Two of the plantiff school districts are here in San Diego: Chula Vista Elementary School District and Sweetwater Union High School District. And having the Chula Vista district involved doesn't surprise me one little bit. When my daughter attended those schools a few years back, there was this ever-lasting BIG push to teach bilingually in the classes. And when that wasn't being pushed, the pace of the classes c-r-a-w-l-e-d because half of the class didn't speak much English - at least not enough to rate being in a 2nd grade class.I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again: America is a land that has many cultures that are initially bound by a common thread: speaking English. When someone emmigrates to another nation, it is expected that this immigrant should learn the language, the customs, and the culture. When I lived in Saudi Arabia 13 years ago, I made it a point to at least attempt to learn Arabic - didn't get far, but the Saudis that saw me trying were very appreciative of my efforts and that went a long way in defining my working environment there.
If these kids aren't performing at state-required levels, then they need to work a little harder. Oh, and maybe the parents of these kids might want to pitch in a little and actually pay attention to what their kids are (and aren't) doing in school.
This bilingual crap has got to stop and NOW. Californians make a lot of strides in trying to help people integrate into American society, but there has to be some effort on the part of those integrating.
What's even more of a sign that *cough* bilingual education isn't working is that some of the plantiffs are HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS. What the hell is wrong with a school district if teenagers cannot take a test in English!?
It has to stop and it has to stop now. Quite honestly, if you cannot make an attempt to learn English, get the f*ck out.
Comments on Speako Americano?
too bad functional literacy isn't a requirement.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, June 2, 2005 10:33 AM ||it IS if you WANT a diploma. Hell, I learned english, my mother and father learned english, so suck it up, or run for the border.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 3, 2005 07:33 PM ||Yea I guess I gotta go along with you on this one. Learn the frigin language.
|| Posted by scroff, June 4, 2005 01:25 AM ||Scroff: It's FREAKIN not FRIGIN.....FRACKIN would also work in this situation.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 4, 2005 02:19 PM ||The reason you need to know the language is so you can succeed. Communication is a useful ability in the business world.
The people who are making accomodations letting people skate by without learning the language are setting others up for failure.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:36 PM ||Great points, yogs.
Mikey, I stand corrected... but up here in da woods it's friggin, or frickin... freakin and frackin (??) is so... totally... west coast. ;)
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:30 AM ||Fracking or to frack is from Battlestar Galactica....[/geek]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 5, 2005 09:45 AM ||It's "fucking". Learn the "fucking" language.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 5, 2005 07:31 PM ||Oh I know it is....trying to not use curse words is something I've been working on for the last year - sometimes a resounding FUCK is deserved once-in-a-while, but I try to convey my thoughts without resorting to talking like a sailor...even if I was one.
(I cannot spell this morning - I've edited this comment twice....)
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|| , 07:32 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 01, 2005
Legislation of Happy Thoughts
Oh joy....I love how the twerps in Sacramento think that they can legislate warm, fuzzy feelings:
I love this style of politics - legislate some huge program and then try to figure out how to pay for it.Higher sales taxes anyone?? I'm betting dollars to donuts that the California sales tax - currently at 7.750% - will get bumped up or Sacramento will attempt to bump it up to pay for this crap.
Again, is it any wonder that both people and companies are leaving California?
Comments on Legislation of Happy Thoughts
by John Iwaniec
Submitted by the Knit Green Beret
In Sun Tzu's ancient book, THE ART OF WAR, there is a section that deals with a strategy for going up against a country more powerful than your own. One sends in singers and dancers to undermine the culture. This will weaken traditions and divide generations and therefore, weaken the country.
|| Posted by John Iwaniec, June 8, 2005 03:22 PM ||For anyone willing to look beyond the popular media there is plenty of documentation that the Soviets inserted their people into our institutions decades ago. If you are old enough to remember the old and compare it to the new it is easy to see which institutions have been corrupted. "By their works you shall know them."--Jesus.
Look at the work of the judges today that are overturning the laws and will of the majority to literally create their own laws. In almost every case it is something that will weaken our country. There are enough other institutions similarly infected that no matter which way you try to fight it, the enemy gets the desired effect: Weaken the country. It is like an infection of the body that is so much in place that in removing the disease one risks killing the body.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:26 AM |||| , 02:55 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
I Was FORCED to Join!
Here is part of the reason that Pablo *patooey* Paredes didn't get much sympathy here in San Deigo:
Read More of "I Was FORCED to Join!"The sad part is that while Pablo *patooey* didn't get hammered, he is now at the bottom of the food chain in the Navy. And at whatever command will have him, he'll be cleaning Navy sh*tters until his contract is up. And he won't even be getting decent money either as an E-1 Seaman Recruit. But 'thems the breaks' when you do stupid stuff with the Navy...
All done with "I Was FORCED to Join!"?
Comments on I Was FORCED to Join!
You maintain your GI bill if with every type of discharge OTHER than dishonorable. NOT GOOD enough I say.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 1, 2005 07:52 PM ||Pablo Paredes joined the United States Navy, not for love of country or to defend freedom, but because his college scholarship money ran out
Oh fer christ's sake. Right, for love of country or to defend freedom. I wonder how many years this writer spent in the service of her beloved country. With a statement like that I'd bet zip. Another pathetic young POS chickenhawk.
If the only people in the military right now joined out of love for country or to "defend freedom" there would be a draft. What a stupid fucking chickenhawk piece of shit thing to say.
As far as Paredes, there were other options, I'm sure, but like so many others he chose the military. When it came time to go to Iraq he decided he didn't want to take part in it. Hell he's just a sailor, how much combat is he going to see? Zip. It had nothing to do with chickening out. What's the worse that could happen? Is the Iraqi Navy going to sink him? Right. He stood his ground and took his licks, however light they might be. It's interesting how the article fails to mention that the ‘politically correct’ Navy judge at the special court-martial said he saw reason for the war in Iraq to be seen as illegal. Nice big piece to leave out, ignore the reason why paredes got off light.
I think Paredes should have boarded his ship. But I respect his decision, and little chickenhawks like this should shut up or suit up.
|| Posted by scroff, June 3, 2005 08:51 PM ||Well how about this: *I* say the same thing this writer said. [/growling kitten]
Pablo is now becoming a small footnote in the anti-war notebook and will be relegated to cleaning Navy shitters.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 4, 2005 02:21 PM ||For love of country is why I serve.
"I think Paredes should have boarded his ship. But I respect his decision, and little chickenhawks like this should shut up or suit up."
Well, making her shut up would be counterproductive to all those volunteering to fight for her right to speak.
Oh, and pablo didn't "stand his ground and take his licks". He decided to make a political statement on the backs of his shipmates. He acted like a little bitch.
I have SEEN people stand up and take their licks. They never did it around cameras.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:44 PM ||I* say the same thing this writer said
Big difference, Mikey. She is saying that people join the military out of love for country or to defend freedom, which are only two out of dozens of reasons people join and serve honorably, and if she had served she would have known that and wouldn't be dissing those that joined and served honorably to get a decent job with decent benefits for their family, to get out of a small deadend town, to see the world, for the hell of it, for a rush, for some adventure, to get some money for college, for whatever the hell. It would seem to me that she has been able to pay her way through college somehow, so then why isn't she in the military? Doesn't she love her country or want to defend freedom? If not than how does she get off talking shit about someone who joined the military for whatever reason, it's still one better than her. chickenhawk piece of shit.
You joined.. you served, for whatever reason, you put your money where your mouth is, it wasn't just lip service like so many of these chickenhawk fuckheads.
I guess then we must all love our country more than her, since we all served, therefore, since she obviously doesn't love her country or her freedom enough to defend it she needs to shut the fuck up.
What makes her, who sits her ass safe in her apartment, cheerleading from the sidelines, any better than paredes??????
Like I said, I thought he should have boarded his ship, because of his shipmates. He could have boarded, sailed and handed in his ID card to his Captain or whoever he would have handed it to, did his job on the ship so no one else had to carry his load. But here we have Ms. Sweety-safe-at-home, carrying no load at all other than the gritty job of dispensing spewage, just running her yap and getting paid for it... talking shit about something she has no idea about... she has alot of balls.
Paredes did stand his ground and stand before a court martial, he could have just disappeared like so many others. There are thousands of troops awol and no one is even looking for them. He made a huge point that is getting lost in all of this much too quickly. Lost hell, it hasn't even made it to the news.
I don't get it Mikey. You give guys like paredes who at least signed on the line the sole of your boot but give these chickenhawk little leeches a free ride... makes no sense to me at all... they remind me of the kids in high school who used to stand behind the big dumb kid and try to get him to beat somebody up, then run away when the teachers came...
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:57 AM ||Like Yogi *I* joined and served for love of country.
As for this woman's opinion piece, it's just that: an opinion piece.
I see your point about having more 'gravitas' (first time I've used that term....correctly I hope) to opine about Pablo's *patooey* decision to whimp out, but she is entitled to her opinion - I won't knock her on that regard.
And bottom-line is this: IMO Pablo *patooey* was a idiot for thinking that making a grandstand on the docks would get him out of all trouble and he fell on face - hard.
He thought he'd garner lots of support from the anti-war douche bags here in San Diego and again he fell on his face.
What this writer was stating was that all of his arguments were false, full of crap, and he got what was coming to Navy shitters.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 5, 2005 09:44 AM ||What this writer was stating was that all of his arguments were false, full of crap, and he got what was coming to Navy shitters
This writer needs to sign up or go back to reporting on Penny Socials. You can't sit there, IMNSHO, and spout how good and right and just the war is and not go help out. If you do, and you're physically able and of age to serve, you're a coward and a hypocrite.
As far as what paredes was saying, even Lieutenant Commander Bob Klant had to agree with his arguments, otherwise he might have gotten the big chicken dinner. That's the part she doesn't report and that no one is reporting.
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:17 PM ||The ONLY thing I have against pablo is that he did what he did in front of cameras.
I have SEEN troops that get orders to Iraq. I have seen a few completey freak out. (Baby on the way) I have ALSO seen the command structure take care of these troops to the point of making sure they stayed in and did not have to go.
I have seen the command grant them a discharge because they requested it. (You don't have to go to Iraq, but you can't stay here) NOT ONE of them did it IN FRONT OF CAMERAS. If pablo was MY troop, he would have been cuffed IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS and thrown his ass into the brig. You want to take a stand, fine. But you do NOT do that on the BACKS OF YOUR FELLOW SOLDIERS.
That pussy.
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Yet another reason why Democrats just don't 'get it':
As I was sitting here at school reading this, my friend Elly - who's a semi-liberal - instantly blurted out Rich people don't send their kids to public schools....why should they shell out more money? to which I agreed. She also agreed with me about the idiocy of taxing people simply because they make more money....Discrimination!! she says.And she's right. There is no logical reasoning for taxing people at a higher tax rate simply cause they make more money, other than you're a socialist that believes that everyone is equal....except the rich. And they wonder why companies are relocating OUT of California.....dipsticks.
Comments on Discrimination!
Fire enough people to make up the difference. The end.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 1, 2005 07:52 PM ||Everyone is not equal. Nor should they be. Socialist equality never means elevating the poor, but tearing down the rich.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:47 PM ||Gotta love that compassionate conservatism when it raises it's ugly head. You know, the whole idea that the right had to come up with the slogan reveals how little compassion they have. It's like, "We're not conservatives, we're compassionate conservatives, unlike all those conservatives who were around before 2000..."
I always wonder, who gets to decide who's more equal? Who's more deserving? Who decides who the deserving poor are? Who gets to use the scarce resource of money? The rich? And they're better because? George W. is better than any of us because he's rich? Warren Buffet is better than us because he's rich? How about you guys's favorite Soros, is he more deserving of tax breaks than you, yogi? Is he more deserving to keep millions of dollars a year or wouldn't you like him to pay for a new school in your area... or maybe you don't have kids so you don't give a damn...
BTW, Mikey.... if Elly is a semi liberal, either I'm John Lennon, or you're so far right as to make Zell Miller look like a pinko ;-)
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:19 AM |||| , 10:45 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Jam It Already
There has been much ado about the Amnesty International *cough* report on how the Gitmo detainess are living in a 'gulag'.
Oh please - for the love of God, STFU already.
Those detainees are lucky that they're getting such nice treatment - period. They're certainly getting better treatment then some of those 'hostages' that were beheaded in Iraq, huh?
And if it weren't for the graciousness of Americans these detainess wouldn't have any Korans to flush down a toilet. By the way, I dare you to try and flush a book down a toilet - can't be done.
And while I'm sure there might - might - be a case or two of *cough* abuse, it's nothing to get your panties in a wad over. There will always be a few jerks in every crowd and exhibiting one's actions isn't indicative of the American military as a whole.
The detainees should feel lucky that they weren't dealt with like the military in Chile or Argentina (I forget which) did: throw their asses out of a helicopter 100 miles out over the ocean. Seriously.
There isn't really much of a case for these dorks to rate lawyers to defend them. The U.S. should deal with them as they originally intended: military tribunals. Quick, easy, and the freaking ACLU can't get involved.
So just jam it about the 'gulag' and let's compare the Gitmo 'gulag' to some of the other more interesting 'gulags' in history. They don't compare - not by a long shot.
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin's weekly column sums up this 'outrage' over Gitmo and its 'gulag':
Comments on Jam It Already
What suprises me is how many people actually listen to Amnesia int'l
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About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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