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Geoff at Dog Snot Diaries points out the latest 'bashing' technique:
Howard Dean Disease is ContagiousCan you be both elated and sympathetic at the same time? Probably not. I guess I'm just elated and faking sympathy. Why, you ask? It appears the mental illness that Howard Dean apparently suffers from is contagious. It's sweeping through the Democratic party. At the current rate of spread, the Democrats will lose even more seats in the upcoming 2006 and 2008 elections. Now THAT is cause for elation.
What am I talking about? Why, the latest Democratic hand-wringing topic. Sure, Congress should apologize. They did, too, with an un-opposed voice vote. You know what that means, don't you? Un-opposed? No opposition? Everyone voting supported it? That's pretty good, right? Fuck no. Not if you suffer from HowardDeanYaaaaarghia. Then if you don't sponsor the bill, you're all of a sudden pro lynching. Are you fucking retarded? It's amazing the kind of shit Democrats will whine about.
Now read the MSNBC article closely. "Southern Conservatives" filibustered anti-lynching legislation. They're to blame. It's all the racist KKK Conservatives. Like Robert Byrd. Wait, he's a Democrat. I mean like Hugo Black. Ooops. He Was a Democrat as well. Ernest Hollings? Big D. J. William Fulbright? D. Al Gore Sr? D. Hmmm. It looks like MSNBC might need to do a little more fact checking.
This reminds me of when I was down at Southwestern College a few years back. The Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-What-the-Fuck-am-I? club was 'selling' pink ribbons (I think they were pink...) to show concern for AIDS.
I was walking by the table in the middle of the quad and one of the minions there asked 'Want to donate to fight AIDS?'. I replied 'No, sorry. I don't have any money on me'.
The twit looked at me and replied with disdain: 'You have money for cigarettes' (I was smoking at that moment).
Trying to maintain my composure at that moment, I looked at this stupid broad (and she was a 'Large Marge' type) and told her point-blank: I don't really care one way or another. I'm not gay, don't plan on being gay. And since I'm married, I don't plan on sleeping around and I'm fairly confident that my wife won't sleep around either. If you want to fight AIDS, stop fucking around and sharing needles. Period. and walked away.
The sputtering and choking from this broad was loud enough that I could still hear her whining about my 'homophobia' to the other chicks/he-shes at the table from a good 100 meters away.
Anyway - the point I'm getting at is this new if-you-don't-go-overboard-with-compassion-you-are-a-RACIST attitude. It's almost like back in January 2005 when I got blown incredible amounts of crap for posting something that Moxie had said about the humanitarian relief for the tsunami in Southeast Asia and someone (a troll) said that since I didn't have a link to donate to relief efforts that I was a dickhead:
Leave it up to a dickhead like you to turn this into a politcal debate. If you were any kind of human and humane - you would have spent the time and energy positing a link to a relief effort rather than post some snide assed conservative response to a devistaing tragedy.To some, it's simply black or white - you're either gushing with compassion and you're in touch with your feminine side or your an asshole.
What's hard to believe is that this is my thinking on a great many subjects.....with a little wiggle room for updating of my opinion(s) on the given subject. But if I do this, I'm out of line.
I'm not a huge fan of Michael Savage, but I'm beginning to think he's right: Liberalism is a mental disorder....
Comments on Liberalism: Mental Disorder?
I am afortunate enough to be a narcissistic self serving asshole that sees the suffering of others as amusement.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 04:01 PM ||You'll like this one, Mikey.
|| Posted by AnalogKid, June 17, 2005 09:47 PM ||