Hey... that last comment is NOT MY FAULT.
Sam Kinison did this to me!!!! (Yeah, I commented on that one first...) (Down, Sam! Back off, Buddy... I do NOT need you taking over my brain right now. I'm about to hafta go out in public in a minute...)
as usual, I opened my mouth too soon. (no pun intended...shut up, honey).
Hmmmm. I now formally apologize for perverting this blog. Ignore Scroff PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Seriously, Mikey...it's the only time I'll ask. Please repress us.
The kitten doesn't fit in that bowl too easily anymore. She's graduated to a big pasta bowl now.
Today, our one eyed cat, Adgi (pronounced odd-gee)
puffed up to the size of a huge porcupine, after she scratched the neighbor's dog. I had no idea she could look that big. she hissed at me and ran away when I tried to rescue her, only to come back home and be tortured by the kitten.
Ronbo the Merciless - that's a name I quite honestly didn't expect to see on the Internet!
How did you stumble across this little slice of heaven I call my blog?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2004 06:22 PM ||
I found you at the list of milbloggers over at Backcountry conservative. There are three of us who worked in the same building (you left before the other one arrived; I was the bridge) and at least one more AT who hasn't added himself to the list who worked there.
I think that was Dodd from Ipse Dixit. Freakin small world....[/eerie music]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2004 07:06 PM ||
Dodd is on the list. He was one of the three. I ran across him shortly after I started blogging; we appeared on the same (short) blog list.
The other guy's blog is almost dead, so it's possible that he hasn't seen it, or has chosen to not add his name to the list. It's also possible he's very busy, since he't the division LPO at Point Mugu.
|| Posted by timekeeper/RtM, August 22, 2004 07:12 PM ||
I laughed out loud over the pic. The caption is priceless. And Kitten da Boo is quite a little prankster, isn't he?
First Janet's breatus. Now this. My pore dick is about worn out! Hep me Cheebas!
|| Posted by deuddersun, August 28, 2004 05:21 PM ||
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The Drudge Report is reporting that the Kerry campaign is calling on the publishing company that put out the book 'Unfit for Command' to 'withdraw the book'.
I think it's a bit too late for that.
What do you bet that there will be some sort of book burning event really soon??
Maybe John Kerry should issue a fatwa on John O'Neill.....
I just wonder how long it will take for some enterprising liberal type to do just that, swipe and burn copies of the book. There have been instances at least one university in the past where a campus group gathered up bundles of the conservative student paper and burned them for being objectionable.
It will happen, it's just a matter of wether the media will deign to cover it.
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And here I thought that New York City would be overrun with barking moonbats like ants on a popcicle with no one voicing a different opinion. I stand corrected.
Well it was fun while ProtestWarrior was underground, a secret to discover, and we wouldn't have had it any other way, but the world is waking up to this new kid on the block, as PW is becoming a force. In our year and a half of existence, we've gone from a couple of guys holding handmade signs into a bona fide movement of people who are tired of a world where up is down, left is right, and black is white.
Two weeks from today we commence Operation Liberty Rising. An estimated one million people are descending onto New York City to denounce America and stand up for their 'principles.' They would have you think that they are humanitarians who love peace and have come to denounce war and aggression.
If that were so, then you have to ask yourself why these 'progressives' have for the last hundred years done nothing but support the most illiberal, war-mongering, imperialist fascist movements that are the constant instigators behind the state of war they so decry. We wish they would just be honest and admit that they hate freedom, but most of them aren't brave enough. Instead, we're supposed to become enlightened to their truth: America is no better than anyone else.
For most of this century their weapon of choice was Communism/Marxism/Socialism take your pick, which would have enslaved the entire world in totalitarianism but not for a vigilant America armed to the teeth, a policy they denounced every step of the way. Now we face a new threat, Islamo-fascism, a movement that will not stop so long as any outpost of Judeo-Christianity remains. It doesn't matter that Islamo-fascist countries have no freedom, no civil liberties, no women's rights, no science, no art, and are controlled by billionaire oligarchs who pay the clerics to keep their people under control; that they are part of the revolutionary struggle against America is all that is required to receive the moral approval of the 'pacifists.'
The best foreign policy would be for America to stand as a beacon to the power of liberty, and not involve itself in foreign entanglements. Every nation deserves their government, and we detest that one American soldier should have to die to fix the problems that another nation created. But as much as we wish this weren't the case, the unfortunate situation is that we have enemies that will not be placated from destroying us, and either we take the fight to them, or they bring it to us.
Throughout the 90's our foreign policy was all about being nice, even obsequious to our enemies. Yasser Arafat was the most frequent visitor to the Clinton White House, and America bestowed $100 million dollars a year to his despotic thugocracy, while we goaded Israel to give up what little land they have and stop contributing to the "cycle of violence." We responded to the '93 attempted destruction of the Twin Towers with lawsuits. We turned down an offer to hand Bin Laden over to us because that might have upset the Arab street. We intervened in a civil war in Kosovo, carpet-bombing Serbian population centers on behalf of Muslims, and because of our efforts, most churches in Kosovo have now been destroyed and replaced with mosques. (Of course no one can fight back as there is a U.N. 'peacekeeping force' there.) We fought Somalian warlords in an attempt to feed starving Muslim children. We went to the dead tyrant Assad's funeral, and lent our diplomatic prestige to that Asian Hitler Kim Jong, who was happy to show off his military toys before our fawning Secretary of State. To show how magnanimous we were, we gave him hundreds of millions of dollars to construct an underground nuclear reactor, taking him at his word it would only be used for peaceful purposes. We lent no moral support to the youth in Iran who are desperate to throw off their chains, we lent no moral support to Taiwan which is faced with extinction or enslavement, we lent no moral support to Christians in China who are being herded into prison camps. And we lent no moral support to the Iraqis wallowing under dictatorship and sanctions, and instead consigned them to a decade of torture chambers and rape rooms and acid baths while the U.N. made billions off 'Oil for Food'.
In sum, we did everything the Left would like for us to do. And in return, we got September 11.
The reason for this war is because a free Iraq is the ultimate and last chance of bringing sanity and freedom to that region. We made one big mistake though. That mistake was underestimating how much the enemy recognized this as well. The mullahs, the sultans, the clerics, they know what a danger a free Iraq would be to their control. Ponder the irony of Islamo-fascist groups pouring in from Iran and Syria decrying American 'occupation', knowing full well that we would like nothing better to do than pull out, and it's their actions which necessitate our remaining.
While leftists worldwide mobilize against America's spending of blood and treasure to try to establish a free, democratic country, here's a snapshot of life in Sudan, a country with no American occupation or imperialism or colonialism, and a proud member of the U.N. Human Rights Commission, a seat denied to us:
"In Sudan in 1989, a coup installed the present military dictator Omar al Bashir, who declared Sudan to be an Islamic republic and imposed sharia (Islamic law). The Arab Islamist government intensified the long-standing conflict with the south by backing raids against the Christian and animist civilian populations. The raiders killed men and animals, burned villagers, and abducted women and children. Since 1983 when the Sudan People's Liberation Army started the warfare that preceded Bashir's coup, an estimated 2 million people have been killed and 4.5 million people have become refugees and internally displaced persons. Two hundred thousand women and children have been captured for labor and sexual slavery. Some of the victims were trafficked into slavery and sexual servitude beyond northern Sudan to Middle Eastern countries.
Once in the north, the slaves are subjected to forced Islamization and Arabization. In Sudan, the ritualistic cutting of girls' genitals, often called female genital mutilation, is widely practiced among all religions and ethnicities, although Christians have discouraged the practice. A survey conducted by Christian Solidarity International's Slavery Research Unit on slaves liberated from the north found that 40 percent of the women and girls had been subjected to female genital mutilation while in captivity.
As part of the campaign of ethnic cleansing, rapes are carried out in public, in front of family and community members. Those who resist or intervene are beaten and killed. Victims' arms and legs are broken to prevent escape. The intent is to impose terror on a village, and destroy the victims' and communities' integrity and identity. One rape victim was told by her attacker: 'You, the black women, we will exterminate you, you have no God.' Additionally horrifying is the participation of Arab women in the atrocities. According to Amnesty International, Hakama -- female traditional singers who praise male fighters -- accompany the raiders and rapists. By singing and ululating, they provide encouragement and a song track to rape and pillage."
--Donna Hughes, "The Rape of Sudan" National Review Online
Now, do you think these type of people want to destroy us because we're bad, or do they want to destroy us because we're good. This is the fundamental question that determines how we deal with the threat we face.
Our one advantage is that evil is impotent on its own. The world works by an amazing principle, the more people embrace freedom and morality, the stronger they are. Israel can hold its own against enemies a hundred times her size, population, and natural resources, because Israel is free and her enemies are not. Taiwan is a small island rock, yet because they have embraced that most rarest and precious of resources, liberty, they have a per-capita income almost equal to the U.S. and are therefore an ideological thorn in the sides of the gangsters that run mainland China. And most of all, the United States of America, despite being only 5% of the world's population, and we are powerful because we are good, because we are just, because of our principles. Right makes Might.
The Muslim world could decide tomorrow to stop the war against the West. The Arabs have six million square miles of land with an ocean of oil beneath it. They have their two holiest cities, Mecca and Medina. They could give their Palestinian brothers a state tomorrow (in addition to Jordan, which is 70% Palestinian), give every one of them a bar of gold and beach front property in the Sinai, or vast tracts of land in the Fertile Crescent that would dwarf the West Bank and Gaza. Between the Arabs' oil wealth and Israel's scientific skill, the entire Middle East could be a thriving hub of culture, commerce, and life, not death. My God, how the desert would bloom.
This could happen tomorrow, but it won't. The tragic unfortunate fact is that the Muslim world is massively insecure, and they over-compensate for this insecurity by lashing out with bellicosity. It's simply easier to hate than to think. It's easier to embrace the dark side than to see the light.
As long as America is free and just, we can't be defeated. But it's those very principles which are under assault by the Left which has enshrined that our Constitution is a 'living, breathing document', and then have the nerve to claim to be defenders of civil liberties. They are the ones who have grown our government into the Leviathan that it is today, that are paralyzing us in an amber coating of taxes, rules, regulations that destroy wealth and do nothing but raise the bar for success. Every election politicians provide a new justification for why we need them, so it's always new programs, new departments, new controls, that will fix all our problems. How about if we didn't have to work half the year to pay the bill for all this generosity, would that perhaps solve any problems?
They are the ones who with their schemes create all the social problems and racial balkanization and government dependency and people being sued for anything and everything, and then stand back and denigrate America for the problems they create. The money we spend on social welfare programs, we could give every family below the poverty line a check for $40,000, but that will never happen because of the 90% that goes to feed the bureaucracy beast that maintains its monopoly on charity. And it's a funny coincidence that it's only the areas the government is involved with that never work, never help, never improve, where no one is accountable, where merit is not only irrelevant, it's a conflict of interest.
They are the ones who will not stop until we have socialized health care, despite the fact that it's been an unmitigated failure everywhere it's tried, with people dropping dead in waiting lines. Look at what an unconscionable disaster our Veterans hospitals have been, and yet Hillary Clinton and her ilk would have us turn over our entire health care to that type of system. Doctors have to practice defensive medicine and perform unnecessary procedures to protect themselves from John Edwards. And since private practices can't afford all the costs government and lawyers saddle them with, they are closing en masse and in their place rise the behemoth HMOs. Textbook example of why big corporations and big government have such a symbiotic relationship.
They are the ones fighting to preserve a government monopoly on education that is dumbing us down and corrupting our spirit. Don't you see there is a trillion dollar market for education out there? If we had free-enterprise education, businessmen would be funding schools all over the place, each one competing to offer the best services, the highest standards. Parents would take an active role, shopping for the best schools for their children. They would be clients, not voters. What a renaissance of education we would have.
Will there ever be enough government, enough programs, enough rules, and we can stop fighting and start living? It's too bad we never study the Founders in our schools, because we would have learned what effort they devoted to writing a Constitution that would hold the line for freedom. As Jefferson famously wrote, "It is the natural tendency for government to grow and liberty to yield." How his warning rings true now more than ever.
Do you realize it would be illegal for PW to run a television ad criticizing a political candidate sixty days before an election? This and so much more brought to you by the 'civil libertarians' and 'consumer advocates' and 'maverick, independent Senators.' You see the Left wants an all-powerful state run by saints, and thinks cutting off all influence we the people have over our leaders is the way to this fantasy. And a pox on both parties for moving us towards computerized voting with no paper records, a scheme so foolhardy it's flat-out criminal.
What a testament to the power of liberty that despite all these yokes we have put around our necks, we are still the beacon that people from all over the world look to, who know that a world without America would be a much darker place. What a blessing it is to live in this great country.
Two weeks from now, the freedom haters will descend upon New York to spit at our Statue of Liberty and burn our President in effigy for daring to suggest that liberty is a universal principle.
PW is mobilizing to the Republican National Convention for perimeter defense, to say to these people that while you can protest America, we can protest you. We will not stop or interfere with their right to protest, nor should we. But we will fire a hailstorm of truth on them that is guaranteed to blow up their moral house of cards. We expect to have hundreds of Protest Warriors this time around, and we've got a nice stack of new signs, straight out of R&D. We'd show them to you now but sorry, you're not cleared for that.
We're calling this mission Liberty Rising because we still have hope that humanity will pick truth over lies, will pick right over wrong. The crooked path the world is on may be beyond what we mortals can straighten. Perhaps the die has been cast and we're casting pearls to swine. But if our enemies think we're going to go down like sheep, they made a big miscalculation.
We hate having to fight like this. We hate the constant sniping and bitterness and arguing and acrimony. We want nothing more than the day when ProtestWarrior is no longer needed, when the ugly things we must speak of are a bad memory. The day that people will stop using force against others. The day that swords will turn to plowshares.
John Adams in a letter to his wife Abigail wrote: "I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain."
It's sad that we must still study politics and war. But it's a war we either win, or we lose. There is no in-between.
Click here to access Operation Liberty Rising battle plan, and we'll see you on the front lines.
Oh yea, Great "Manfifesto". I'm so happy young, able bodied Kfir was having so much "fun" advocating to send other young Americans to die from the comfort and safety of his living room. He's a "true mercan" in every sense of the chickenhawk word! Someone we can all look up to and respect. I'm gonna barf.
He lives in NYC, so I'm sure he'll be there, "infiltrating" the protest! Too bad he doesn't have the balls to try to infiltrate al Qaeda like Tillman did. Maybe I'll actually get the chance to meet him! Won't that be fun!
I'll have to take some time this weekend to fisk that thing, it's so full of errors and misrepresentations of reality.
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John Hawkins over at Right Wing News reminded me of a comic that I just loved in the 80s: Sam Kinison.
Back in the days when I was young and was just plain crude & rude, Sam was literally an insperation to me and my Navy buddies; we'd be doing Sam's classic scream - 'Ohh! Ohhhhhhhhh!' at the drop of a hat.
John brings up some of Sam's more poignent bits and shows that they're applicable to some of today's socio-economic problems:
Sam Kinison has always been my favorite stand-up comedian. While he was vulgar, grossly obscene, shockingly cruel, sometimes blasphemous, & outrageously offensive, he was also wickedly funny and delighted in skewering politically correct targets that few other people had the guts to take on.
While Kinison is certainly no role model and would surely offend -- well, just about everybody on both sides of the political spectrum -- I wanted to share a little bit of his humor with you because I find Kinison funny for many of the same reasons that I enjoy South Park (Of course, South Park is still running and Kinison died back in 1992, so a lot of you probably aren't all that familiar with his work).
So here are some snippets from some of Kinison's bits that you may find funny, provocative, outrageous, and even offensive. But, I'm going to post them and let you make up your own mind. There's certainly nothing here worse than you'll see on the average episode of South Park...
Sam Kinison on world hunger...
You want to help these people? Stop sending them food. Don't send these people another bite, folks. You want to send them something, you want to help these people? Send them U-Hauls, send them luggage, send them someone like me, I'll walk out there..send a guy who'll go,
Sam Kinison on bombing Libya...
Ever since we bombed Libya ya know, I'm just in that f*cking tear everything up mood. Blast 'em. That was just too cool man, American bombers going in going "Where's the baby's room?" *** BOOM *** "Where do you keep the little girl"? (Explosion sound).
We did out job, we only f*cked up one place, we "accidentally" dropped a bomb on the French embassy. (Crowd "AWWWWWWW"). Sorry about that, I'm sure would have been a little better if we had more f*cking sleep. Thanks for those extra 6500 air miles you f*ckheads, build a new house!
We're not f*cking around anymore, it's time to be the tough guy. This is America Godd@mnit, Reagan's President and Clint Eastwood has his own police force.
Sam Kinison on homelessness...
You give 'em the test. You sit 'em down and you go "Eh, you got any job skills, any career training? Any type of talent for anything that'll help you get a job?"
"Do you have any loved ones, do you have any friends, someone who'll love you enough to take you in, help you get back on your feet, help you fight back?"
"Is there anything left inside of you as a man that wants to get on his two feet and do something to change his world?"
*** BOOM *** I swear to God, the guy behind him is going to go,
"Woah, woah, woah, My God, you're shooting the homeless!....Ok, I'm homeless, I don't have a job. I may have set my career goals a little too high. All right, all right. I was holding out for an executive position. That doesn't look like it's going to happen. Give me a couple of hours, I'll get a paper route, I'll get something. I'll get a job where I take the carts back to the grocery store, don't shoot me!"
The homeless will disapear, that'll be one less problem for America.
BRA-VO!!!, Mikey...
Kisses on ya for this post, Dude.
I looove Sam and still quote him to this day.
One of my favorites is (well, this one and that whole "capital "T" thing, that is...) "Oh, BY THE BOOK... BY THE BOOK!!!!" (That's Jesus screaming at the crowd from on the cross, by the way...)
Man, I was just thinkin' about Sam yesterday. How much you wanna bet he's heard, from the mouth of God Himself... "Hey Sam. Come over heah... I need to have a lil tawk wit'choo about those "Jesus jokes", my man..."
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 21, 2004 04:42 PM ||
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AttackCartoons.com is BACK! John has emerged from the Bunker and is creating new cartoons as we speak.
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IN science the little things really do count. Just ask Tasmanian researcher Dr Karin Beaumont, who is making it her life's work to discover how the microscopic poo of tiny ocean organisms is affecting global climate change.
The minuscule zooplankton feed on ocean algae which, like all plants, use carbon dioxide to photosynthesise.
The carbon absorbed by the zooplankton is released in its faeces and if it floats to the surface it can be reabsorbed into the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
If it sinks to the bottom of the ocean it is locked up in sedimentary rock for thousands, if not millions, of years, keeping down the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Now if you're still not convinced you care whether zooplankton drop sinkers or floaters you should know there are more than 1500 million tonnes of protozoa, a type of zooplankton, in the Southern Ocean alone.
Seems silly, but it's a legitimate article.
I don't know what is funnier: the idea of studying biology for years and years to study how plankton takes a crap or the reference to 'sinkers or floaters'...
KITZINGEN, Germany - Hans Seitz has sold engraved pewter plates and cuckoo clocks to U.S. soldiers for years. Now he fears some of his best customers may be going if two U.S. divisions pull out of Germany.
Seitz was one of many Germans — all the way up to Defense Minister Peter Struck — who expressed regret Tuesday at the prospect that the United States will withdraw a large share of its 70,000 troops from Germany under plans announced by President Bush.
Seitz is not alone. Across southern Germany, about two dozen towns and cities with major U.S. military bases face similar economic fears, though the Americans will leave only gradually.
I guess screaming Bush is Hitler (auf Deutch) is another way of saying 'Sure, take your troops out!! See if we really care!!'
Payback sucks and you're getting a big, steaming bowl of it Germany, so eat up.
The Democrats have been trying to do this for a long time now. Bush I reduced the number significantly but stopped at around 100,000. Clinton argued to bring the rest of them home from Europe, but, after further reducing the number he raised it again to just over 100,000 with all the crap in Kosovo et al.
It's interesting to see this idea being used to reduce the greatest country in the world to "naa, na naa, na naa, naaa".
If the democrats have been on this wagon, why did Kerry denounce it as irresponsible? Me confused, Clinton cut active divisions, yet didn't reduce commitments. Bush restructures as you indeed concede we should, but gets pounced on for it?
You guys need to play on the same page once in a while.
If Bush raises troop strength in Iraq, the dems holler quagmire, if he brings them home, he's accussed of being irresponsible and reckless. As to giving the Germans a naaah naaaah...
I will sleep just fine having annoyed Germany, they've been offending me since they dumped Khol. They want something for nothing. So if they are so damned rich and talented, they can damn well police their own borders without us.
I won't argue that the dems need to get their shit together, but don't ever assume I'm one of "you guys".
Times have changed, that's why Kerry has denounced it. (I'm taking your word for that, haven't read anything from Kerry about it yet.) It's obvious tho when you think the republicans, except for Bush I have been for keeping troop strength up globally. Kerry's point I would imagine, is that by withdrawing troops, now the signal is sent around the world that the US is withdrawing, literally, behind it's own borders. Basically a big fuck you to the rest of the world. Not a good idea when we need their help in this global 'war on terrorism', unless you wouldn't mind Germany not investigating terrorists? I can see it now, next we'll be looking for a Schröder bin Laden connection...
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I love how Michelle Malkin surmizes the screams of 'jack-booted thugs!!':
Oh, give me a break. Getting shocked with cattle prods for practicing one's faith is the "stuff of totalitarian regimes." Getting locked up in an iron maiden for losing a soccer match is the "stuff of totalitarian regimes." Answering a few questions about possible domestic terrorism is the stuff of responsible citizenship...
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They Turned off the Mic
After about 10 mins. my mic was turned off and the band, comprised of Asian, African-American, and Latino musicians, was hurried on to the stage. They passed me, looking apologetic. "We wish we didn't have to do this," they all said with their eyes as they launched in to a rousing rendition of "Sweet Home Alabama."
Using Lynyrd Skynyrd as a way to ethnically cleanse the stage after I was [unconstitutionally] censored was the most offensive.
Obviously Margaret isn't up-to-speed on the concept of Free Speech: speaking your mind is free - the medium in which you speak it is subject to the whims of others.
Cho needs to take a primer course in Constitutional law. Only the State can "unconstitutionally censor" someone. Private parties can, and do, censor people all the time.
Turning off her mic because her audience (or even just the event sponsor) was offended at her "speech" is not censorship. I hate hollywood types that feel any public (meaning you and me, not the State) backlash to their views is somehow censorship. What, only hollywood "stars" have freedom of speech, we can't express ourselves in response?
I would have boo'd and thrown food at her if I were in attendance. Immature? Sure. But no more so than her "act".
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Here is someone that has quite a plausible explanation that says Kerry was lying through his teeth about using his Swift Boat on clandestine missions. Check it out.
Interesting post. It's interesting to see all the old officers scrambling to cover their asses about all this though. Kerry says his incursion into Cambodia was unofficial, so there's no way to prove or disprove it, but they're starting to come out saying how under control and in command they were. Granted I was never in Vietnam, but from all the first hand accounts I've heard, much of Vietnam was neither under control nor in command. I can't see that there's any kind of "Welcome to Cambodia! Enjoy your stay" sign at the border, so to me it's plausible that a gunboat full of young Americans could certainly cruise into Cambodia.
If Kerry is full of shit about it, he's just one of two candidates who are full of shit who are running for president. I'll still take Kerry.
The reason I point this out is that while the possibility of special ops teams using a Swift Boat to be inserted into Cambodia clandestinely cannot be ruled out (as you said - it's 'unofficial'), the common sense factor is very low. It would be like using a B-52 to do a supply drop; it just wasn't practical according to this SEAL guy.
That's the whole reason why this is being pushed - Kerry makes such a big deal out of four months of service in Vietnam - admirable to say the least - but says nothing of 20+ years of service in the Senate?
With Kerry touting his Vietnam record, he cannot expect everyone to simply not take a closer look. Honestly Scroff: what would people say if President Bush pushed his time in the Texas ANG? You know that every little facet would be examined six ways to Sunday....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 18, 2004 06:38 AM ||
I agree that Kerry is making more of four months in country than he should, to me it's somewhat disrespectful to the guys who were there for the full tour or more. There was also a comment to this story that mentioned a book that pointed out that Swift Boats were used for insertions... (yea I know... thats like my uncles sisters friends nephew...)
I also agree with the point about Kerry's record in the Senate should be looked at more closely. I think you'd find it not as bad as some Bush people make it out to be, which leads me to wonder why his record, except for a few issues that have been debunked, hasn't been made an issue, other than a vague "He flip flops". Bush can easily be shown to flip flop within the past three years. I also think that 20+ years experience of public service is more impressive than a couple terms as Governor of Texas, which was last or close to last in anything good and first or close to first in anything bad while Bush was there. I also think (don't I always) that Bush has screwed up any businiess deal he got his hands on, so why would anyone expect him to run the country any better.
I have no problem looking at their records for the last 20+ years.
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This is sick.... so many people are dying around the world because of terrism and all you can think of is the profit that would be made by selling such a sick doll...
Just think of all the terrified people who heard - 'Allah Ahkbar' just before they were blown to pieces
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Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently
taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego
studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is
currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national
kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations
on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not
agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to
Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part
of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry
Contact Mikey
AIM: madmikeysblog
YIM: madmikey92037
Any/all e-mail sent to Mikey might be published if you get nasty or it's something worthwhile...
Comments on Kitty daBoo
Puts on a whole new spin on.... nope, not gunna say it.
Must. Not. Say. It.
C'MON... I need a man to say it for me, here!!!
(But, it sooo does... lmao)
|| Posted by Stevie, August 20, 2004 02:29 PM ||Hey... that last comment is NOT MY FAULT.
|| Posted by Stevie, August 20, 2004 02:32 PM ||Sam Kinison did this to me!!!! (Yeah, I commented on that one first...) (Down, Sam! Back off, Buddy... I do NOT need you taking over my brain right now. I'm about to hafta go out in public in a minute...)
|| Posted by ruthie, August 20, 2004 03:05 PM ||you must be referring to Scroff's dinner. LOL
|| Posted by scroff, August 20, 2004 03:07 PM ||PUSSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|| Posted by scroff, August 20, 2004 03:07 PM ||as usual, I opened my mouth too soon. (no pun intended...shut up, honey).
|| Posted by ruthie, August 20, 2004 03:09 PM ||Hmmmm. I now formally apologize for perverting this blog. Ignore Scroff PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Seriously, Mikey...it's the only time I'll ask. Please repress us.
|| Posted by ruthie, August 20, 2004 04:33 PM ||The kitten doesn't fit in that bowl too easily anymore. She's graduated to a big pasta bowl now.
Today, our one eyed cat, Adgi (pronounced odd-gee)
puffed up to the size of a huge porcupine, after she scratched the neighbor's dog. I had no idea she could look that big. she hissed at me and ran away when I tried to rescue her, only to come back home and be tortured by the kitten.
Hey, Mike! How long have you been doing the blog thing?
Drop me a line. If you had your e-mail addy posted, I'd have sent it there.
|| Posted by Ronbo the Merciless, August 22, 2004 05:58 PM ||Holy crap!!
Ronbo the Merciless - that's a name I quite honestly didn't expect to see on the Internet!
How did you stumble across this little slice of heaven I call my blog?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2004 06:22 PM ||I found you at the list of milbloggers over at Backcountry conservative. There are three of us who worked in the same building (you left before the other one arrived; I was the bridge) and at least one more AT who hasn't added himself to the list who worked there.
|| Posted by Ronbo the Merciless, August 22, 2004 06:47 PM ||I think that was Dodd from Ipse Dixit. Freakin small world....[/eerie music]
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2004 07:06 PM ||Dodd is on the list. He was one of the three. I ran across him shortly after I started blogging; we appeared on the same (short) blog list.
The other guy's blog is almost dead, so it's possible that he hasn't seen it, or has chosen to not add his name to the list. It's also possible he's very busy, since he't the division LPO at Point Mugu.
|| Posted by timekeeper/RtM, August 22, 2004 07:12 PM ||I laughed out loud over the pic. The caption is priceless. And Kitten da Boo is quite a little prankster, isn't he?
|| Posted by Cait, August 23, 2004 02:42 PM ||First Janet's breatus. Now this. My pore dick is about worn out! Hep me Cheebas!
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The Impending Book Burning
The Drudge Report is reporting that the Kerry campaign is calling on the publishing company that put out the book 'Unfit for Command' to 'withdraw the book'.
I think it's a bit too late for that.
What do you bet that there will be some sort of book burning event really soon??
Maybe John Kerry should issue a fatwa on John O'Neill.....
Comments on The Impending Book Burning
I just wonder how long it will take for some enterprising liberal type to do just that, swipe and burn copies of the book. There have been instances at least one university in the past where a campus group gathered up bundles of the conservative student paper and burned them for being objectionable.
It will happen, it's just a matter of wether the media will deign to cover it.
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Operation Liberty Rising
And here I thought that New York City would be overrun with barking moonbats like ants on a popcicle with no one voicing a different opinion. I stand corrected.
(Hat tip to Brent at The Ville)
Read More of "Operation Liberty Rising"All done with "Operation Liberty Rising"?
Comments on Operation Liberty Rising
Oh yea, Great "Manfifesto". I'm so happy young, able bodied Kfir was having so much "fun" advocating to send other young Americans to die from the comfort and safety of his living room. He's a "true mercan" in every sense of the chickenhawk word! Someone we can all look up to and respect. I'm gonna barf.
He lives in NYC, so I'm sure he'll be there, "infiltrating" the protest! Too bad he doesn't have the balls to try to infiltrate al Qaeda like Tillman did. Maybe I'll actually get the chance to meet him! Won't that be fun!
I'll have to take some time this weekend to fisk that thing, it's so full of errors and misrepresentations of reality.
|| Posted by scroff, August 21, 2004 11:08 AM ||Go ahead and fisk...er...spin. BTW moron, you don't diddley and he lives in Austin Texas.
Let me know when your "fisk" is ready, laughter is good for the soul. Bwahahaha!
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Sam Kinison: South Park Republican
Back in the days when I was young and was just plain crude & rude, Sam was literally an insperation to me and my Navy buddies; we'd be doing Sam's classic scream - 'Ohh! Ohhhhhhhhh!' at the drop of a hat.
Read More of "Sam Kinison: South Park Republican"John brings up some of Sam's more poignent bits and shows that they're applicable to some of today's socio-economic problems:
Rest in Peace Sam. Your humor is missed by many.All done with "Sam Kinison: South Park Republican"?
Comments on Sam Kinison: South Park Republican
I had a cassette tape of Sam's Have You Seen Me Lately routine. Now that was a work of art, my friends.
South Park Repubs are a bigger group than many think - much to the torment of the Hypocrats.
|| Posted by Chet, August 20, 2004 08:41 AM ||BRA-VO!!!, Mikey...
Kisses on ya for this post, Dude.
I looove Sam and still quote him to this day.
One of my favorites is (well, this one and that whole "capital "T" thing, that is...) "Oh, BY THE BOOK... BY THE BOOK!!!!" (That's Jesus screaming at the crowd from on the cross, by the way...)
Man, I was just thinkin' about Sam yesterday. How much you wanna bet he's heard, from the mouth of God Himself... "Hey Sam. Come over heah... I need to have a lil tawk wit'choo about those "Jesus jokes", my man..."
Sam is definitely the man... Man, I miss him.
|| Posted by Stevie, August 20, 2004 02:27 PM ||I forgot about the 'alphabet' thing.....LMAO!!
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August 19, 2004
Attack Cartoons
I stumbled across John Bergstrom's Attack Cartoons and howled my butt off.
Unfortunetly, he doesn't seem to have anything recent. Pity - he's hilarious!
Comments on Attack Cartoons
AttackCartoons.com is BACK! John has emerged from the Bunker and is creating new cartoons as we speak.
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When I first read this, I thought it was something like a ScrappleFace parody:
Seems silly, but it's a legitimate article.I don't know what is funnier: the idea of studying biology for years and years to study how plankton takes a crap or the reference to 'sinkers or floaters'...
Comments on Uhhhh....Yeah
...'sinkers and floater'..I almost choked on my coffee
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August 18, 2004
Paybacks Are a Bitch, Huh?
Well what the hell did you expect - an increase in troop strength?
Read More of "Paybacks Are a Bitch, Huh?"Payback sucks and you're getting a big, steaming bowl of it Germany, so eat up.
Cox & Forkum's take on all of this.
All done with "Paybacks Are a Bitch, Huh?"?
Comments on Paybacks Are a Bitch, Huh?
I hope Bush puts them at the borders and doing airline security checks.
I remember traveling to Guatemala when I was in 8th grade. I was afeared of those soldiers and I hadn't done anything wrong...
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, August 18, 2004 08:47 AM ||This is so overdue.
Hat Tip to Bush if he actually gets it done.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 18, 2004 01:13 PM ||Hahaha! Screw Germany! And South Korea! Poor widdle babies. They bit the hand that feeds and supports them much too hard this time.
|| Posted by Rob, August 19, 2004 08:39 AM ||The Democrats have been trying to do this for a long time now. Bush I reduced the number significantly but stopped at around 100,000. Clinton argued to bring the rest of them home from Europe, but, after further reducing the number he raised it again to just over 100,000 with all the crap in Kosovo et al.
It's interesting to see this idea being used to reduce the greatest country in the world to "naa, na naa, na naa, naaa".
Wonderful. I know I'm proud. Pitiful.
|| Posted by scroff, August 19, 2004 06:24 PM ||If the democrats have been on this wagon, why did Kerry denounce it as irresponsible? Me confused, Clinton cut active divisions, yet didn't reduce commitments. Bush restructures as you indeed concede we should, but gets pounced on for it?
You guys need to play on the same page once in a while.
If Bush raises troop strength in Iraq, the dems holler quagmire, if he brings them home, he's accussed of being irresponsible and reckless. As to giving the Germans a naaah naaaah...
I will sleep just fine having annoyed Germany, they've been offending me since they dumped Khol. They want something for nothing. So if they are so damned rich and talented, they can damn well police their own borders without us.
We needn't apologize for that.
|| Posted by puggs, August 21, 2004 08:17 PM ||I won't argue that the dems need to get their shit together, but don't ever assume I'm one of "you guys".
Times have changed, that's why Kerry has denounced it. (I'm taking your word for that, haven't read anything from Kerry about it yet.) It's obvious tho when you think the republicans, except for Bush I have been for keeping troop strength up globally. Kerry's point I would imagine, is that by withdrawing troops, now the signal is sent around the world that the US is withdrawing, literally, behind it's own borders. Basically a big fuck you to the rest of the world. Not a good idea when we need their help in this global 'war on terrorism', unless you wouldn't mind Germany not investigating terrorists? I can see it now, next we'll be looking for a Schröder bin Laden connection...
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The Way She Talks
I love how Michelle Malkin surmizes the screams of 'jack-booted thugs!!':
Comments on The Way She Talks
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 10:05 AM |||| , 07:56 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums
Here's something I learned today: Margaret Cho has a blog.
Here's something I suspected: she's an asshatted clown in the blogsphere as well as the meatsphere:
Read More of "Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums"All done with "Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums"?
Comments on Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums
Cho needs to take a primer course in Constitutional law. Only the State can "unconstitutionally censor" someone. Private parties can, and do, censor people all the time.
Turning off her mic because her audience (or even just the event sponsor) was offended at her "speech" is not censorship. I hate hollywood types that feel any public (meaning you and me, not the State) backlash to their views is somehow censorship. What, only hollywood "stars" have freedom of speech, we can't express ourselves in response?
I would have boo'd and thrown food at her if I were in attendance. Immature? Sure. But no more so than her "act".
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 10:05 AM |||| , 07:27 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
August 17, 2004
Another Piece of the Puzzle
Here is someone that has quite a plausible explanation that says Kerry was lying through his teeth about using his Swift Boat on clandestine missions. Check it out.
Comments on Another Piece of the Puzzle
Interesting post. It's interesting to see all the old officers scrambling to cover their asses about all this though. Kerry says his incursion into Cambodia was unofficial, so there's no way to prove or disprove it, but they're starting to come out saying how under control and in command they were. Granted I was never in Vietnam, but from all the first hand accounts I've heard, much of Vietnam was neither under control nor in command. I can't see that there's any kind of "Welcome to Cambodia! Enjoy your stay" sign at the border, so to me it's plausible that a gunboat full of young Americans could certainly cruise into Cambodia.
If Kerry is full of shit about it, he's just one of two candidates who are full of shit who are running for president. I'll still take Kerry.
|| Posted by scroff, August 17, 2004 06:24 PM ||The reason I point this out is that while the possibility of special ops teams using a Swift Boat to be inserted into Cambodia clandestinely cannot be ruled out (as you said - it's 'unofficial'), the common sense factor is very low. It would be like using a B-52 to do a supply drop; it just wasn't practical according to this SEAL guy.
That's the whole reason why this is being pushed - Kerry makes such a big deal out of four months of service in Vietnam - admirable to say the least - but says nothing of 20+ years of service in the Senate?
With Kerry touting his Vietnam record, he cannot expect everyone to simply not take a closer look. Honestly Scroff: what would people say if President Bush pushed his time in the Texas ANG? You know that every little facet would be examined six ways to Sunday....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 18, 2004 06:38 AM ||I agree that Kerry is making more of four months in country than he should, to me it's somewhat disrespectful to the guys who were there for the full tour or more. There was also a comment to this story that mentioned a book that pointed out that Swift Boats were used for insertions... (yea I know... thats like my uncles sisters friends nephew...)
I also agree with the point about Kerry's record in the Senate should be looked at more closely. I think you'd find it not as bad as some Bush people make it out to be, which leads me to wonder why his record, except for a few issues that have been debunked, hasn't been made an issue, other than a vague "He flip flops". Bush can easily be shown to flip flop within the past three years. I also think that 20+ years experience of public service is more impressive than a couple terms as Governor of Texas, which was last or close to last in anything good and first or close to first in anything bad while Bush was there. I also think (don't I always) that Bush has screwed up any businiess deal he got his hands on, so why would anyone expect him to run the country any better.
I have no problem looking at their records for the last 20+ years.
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|| Posted by ertert, September 26, 2009 10:02 AM |||| , 12:08 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
He Could Tell You....
...but he'd probably have to kill you afterwards.
Jaws has made it to his new (secret) destination to continue his ed-jew-ma-kay-shun. But he's not saying exactly where.
It's somewhere near Cambodia.
Comments on He Could Tell You....
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August 16, 2004
He's Back
Mean Mister Mustard has returned with MMM Version 2.0.
Comments on He's Back
Oh, yay! Thanks for the heads up, MM.
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Suicide Bomber Barbie Idea Rejected by Mattel
Darn it - I was planning on getting my kid one of these:
Read More of "Suicide Bomber Barbie Idea Rejected by Mattel"All done with "Suicide Bomber Barbie Idea Rejected by Mattel"?
Comments on Suicide Bomber Barbie Idea Rejected by Mattel
Too funny, Mikey. This would be a huge sell. Imagine the profits.
|| Posted by ruth, August 16, 2004 06:02 PM ||This doll is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool.I want one for X-mas.'Allah Ahkbar'
|| Posted by Aoife, December 7, 2004 07:58 AM ||Thats soooo sweet. Finally a barbie that can kill herself, and not have others do it. I soo want one!
|| Posted by Alyssa, February 28, 2005 09:56 AM ||getting ready for the cat bit
|| Posted by kayla, March 4, 2005 08:14 AM ||Finaly a barbie that can blow up the dream house and blow up the corvette thanks mikey
|| Posted by Michael, May 2, 2005 02:11 PM ||This is sick.... so many people are dying around the world because of terrism and all you can think of is the profit that would be made by selling such a sick doll...
|| Posted by jen, May 26, 2005 03:38 AM ||Just think of all the terrified people who heard - 'Allah Ahkbar' just before they were blown to pieces
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About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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