Dang...I hate it when this happens - especially when I've just gotten out of rehab:
Lohan Hit With Drug and Alcohol ArrestWhat is it with today's movie stars/public figures?? Addiction of not, this isn't the way to go about using the money you've earned from being a movie star.
SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) - The troubled saga of Lindsay Lohan took another turn early Tuesday when police booked her for investigation of drunken driving and cocaine possession after a frightened woman dialed 911 to report being chased by Lohan's SUV.
Less than two weeks out of rehab, with another drunken-driving case pending, Lohan had a blood-alcohol level of between 0.12 and 0.13 percent when police found her about 1:30 a.m., Sgt. Shane Talbot said.
Lohan attorney Blair Berk said her client had relapsed and was again receiving medical care.
"Addiction is a terrible and vicious disease," Berk said Tuesday.
Somebody should leave a little note on her pillow (like when you find a little chocolate on your pillow in the hotel) that says 'Lindsay - there a BIG sale on clues on Rodeo Drive....'
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Comments on In Trouble Again
I dislike saying it, but I feel I have to say it:
This girl needs someone to love her. Really love her; not exploit her sexually or for her commercial appeal.
Every iota of Lohan's self-destructive behavior is consistent with a conviction of worthlessness. Her Hollywood employers have no interest in her but for the money she can make them. The media actively want her to get into trouble; it sells advertising. Her parents can't have done much to persuade her that they value her for herself. If there are any men in her life, they're probably either shallow "boy-toys" or ruthless exploiters of her body and bank account.
Women of any age or station who are secure in the love of their families do not evince such a penchant for self-annihilation. Punishment may be required here, but it will not fix the underlying problem. Worse yet, if Lohan remains swaddled in the glitterati cocoon, she's highly unlikely ever to meet someone who'll love her sincerely enough to reverse her course.
The same is probably true of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and all the other current practitioners of glamorous debauchery.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, July 27, 2007 09:27 AM ||Sen. Ted Stevens who? Corruption investigation what?
Funny how even fox news refuses to acknowledge this. Apparently, you do too.
|| Posted by nunya, July 30, 2007 06:40 PM ||Funny how even fox news refuses to acknowledge this. Apparently, you do too.
Say what?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 2, 2007 03:42 PM |||| , 06:24 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 22, 2007
Who the Hell....
....gives this man advice?
I've been a backer of the President since 9/11 and I'm not afraid to repeat that at anytime. However, I repeat it while kind of shrugging my shoulders; hey, I'm not afraid to admit along with the first statement that I'm a little.....stymied for giving that support in light of recent events where President Bush is concerned.
Read More of "Who the Hell...."The pushing of the Amnesty Bill a few weeks ago in the U.S. Senate was one of them.
And then there's this:
As with his almost maniacal pushing of theImmigration ReformAmnesty bill through the Senate, this also makes me think that one of the following are happening:- President Bush has some sort of 'plan' for his recent behavior, or
- President Bush is off his rocker.
Now I'm sure that there will be a few people that read this blog that will say it's the latter; they may be right - that's why I put it as an option. I myself do not believe he's off his rocker; it is a possibility, but it's also a low probability.I'll still support President Bush in the War on Terror, but unless he's really working hard to make a legacy for himself in the remaining time of his presidency and he doesn't want the war in Iraq to be the only comment about him in the history books, I'm thinking that he might want to get a new consultant on this matter.
While his behavior on these two matters not to mention his stance(s) on
undocumented workersillegal aliens and sealing the border have motivated me to UN-enroll in the Republican Party, I still will not embrace the Dark side of the Force and go marching in front of the Federal Building with the Barking Moonbats here in San Diego at the drop of a hat.No sir....no way. Uh-uuh. Just re-label me an Independent with no specific political affiliation cause there is a reason I'm called Mad Mikey.
All done with "Who the Hell...."?
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Hello. I am contacting conservative bloggers around the country since I am one as well. I hope this email is not an intrusion.
As for "The Dub," I love the guy, but wonder who is doing his public relations. They might have to be sacrificed...literally.
Anyway, I would like it very much if you would go to http://www.bloggerschoiceawards.com/blogs/show/21020
and vote for me for best political blog and best overall blog as well, IF AND ONLY IF you feel my blog is of a high quality. I really think I have a legitimate shot at winning. If you are open to spreading the word, that would be cool as well.
Thank you.
eric aka www.blacktygrrrr.wordpress.com
P.S. If you are open to doing a link exchange, I get some pretty decent traffic.
|| Posted by eric, August 1, 2007 11:46 PM |||| , 04:47 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 10, 2007
Right Said Fred
Normally I'm not one to cruise over to read Wonkette, but somehow I stumbled upon this and laughed:
What almost caused me to 'Asner' all over the laptop was this last bit: Profound words for such a profound woman. Beware Georgia!Actually, her entering the race would complete the transformation of the election process into a bona fide three-ring circus.
And if you're wondering if I've 'chosen' anyone specific to promote/like/back for the 2008 election, no I have not. It's still too early to tell...
[NOTE: The Cynthia McKinney cartoon/caricature above was politely glommed from Cox & Forkum.]
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|| , 12:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||July 05, 2007
Clinton - Hypocrisy Party of Many?
Well, the barking moonbats are foaming-at-the-mouth over the commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence. Why aren't we surprised? We aren't.
However, the amusing part is watching the 'hissy fits' that some people are having over it, specifically a certain Senator that's running for President of the United States of America.
And the better portion of it is that there's an opportunity for education in it.
Here's another lesson in the meaning of the word hypocrisy:
Now here's where the distinction of the definition comes into play:Pardons Granted by President Clinton (1993 - 2001)
Take a look at the sheer quantity of pardons....especially on Clinton's last day in office - all 140 of them. Does Mark Rich ring any familiar bells...? Hmmmm?
Are we seeing the educational benefits from such a public display of hissiness?
Class dismissed.
UPDATE: Well, it's nice to hear some good stuff coming out of the White House:
WTF is this, another way of defining what the definition of the word is is....?Face it Slick Willy - you've been called to the carpet....again for your 'innocent deeds' in the final hours of your presidency. You will, in fact, never ever live your deeds and actions down....not for years or decades. In fact, they will be talking about you in high school civics classes well into the 22nd century.
And do you know the funny thing about it? ('Funny' meaning 'weird' or 'obvious', not 'ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha' funny) My kid is only 12-years old and she sees your hypocrisy plain as day....
UPDATE II: There's some sort of glich with the commenting component of my blog, so I'll 'hard code' this response to a troll who left some droppings in the comment box a few days ago.
Mr. Troll, if you have trouble leaving more nuggets of wisdom then feel free to e-mail them to me.....if you're brave enough to actually allow me to see your e-mail address.Trackback Information for Clinton - Hypocrisy Party of Many?
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Comments on Clinton - Hypocrisy Party of Many?
I can do you one better Mikey :) (hat tip: Neal Boortz)
"Scooter" Libby will serve as much time in prison for lying under oath to a federal grand jury as Bill Clinton served for lying under oath to a federal grand jury."
|| Posted by Gracie, July 5, 2007 06:47 AM ||Heh!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 5, 2007 02:48 PM ||Wow, you have really lost your mind. Clinton commited adultery. Libby commited treason.
Consider what you are backing up for a minute. Are you one of those magical 30% - the fanatical few who ingore facts in order to further the men who represent you the least? You are not rich. You don't know anyone who is rich. You are protecting the wealth of less than 5% of this country to help you preserve the dream that someday, you will be one of them.
These people hold themselves above the law. Why are you cheering? You are one of those people being ground into poverty. Is this the life you want for yourself or for your family? These people shit on the military. Where is your tax breaks? Your healthcare? Your security guaranteed for service?
You're quick to shout out "barking moonbat", but the person you're punishing is yourself and your own.
|| Posted by OMG, July 6, 2007 10:51 AM ||Well, haven't been around in ages, last time I was here the site was all but non-existent, glad to see you're back up and running...
as far as I'm concerned, Bush's commutation is worse than any Clinton did for various reasons I won't get into, but it's not a matter of they did it so we can too. It's wrong no matter who does it. That power isn't there so presidents can get their buddies off, but as a last, last resort to rectify mistakes...
If you want to bash Hillary for hypocrisy, there are some much better reasons to do so... like the fact that she was the universal health care queen not too long ago and is now taking gobs of money from the "health care" sector.....
anyway, good to see you operational again... hope things are better
|| Posted by scroff, July 8, 2007 10:27 AM |||| , 04:15 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Bad News
The good news....is that my wife reminded me that I have not one, but TWO sets of contacts that I got a few years ago and stopped wearing because of minor eye infections. So now after I got them out and cleaned them thoroughly, I have better vision then when I was wearing glasses - especially my peripheral vision. The only downside is that I have to 'plug in' my contacts in the mornings when I first wake up if I want to see everything.
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Quit yer bitchin and take it like a man! :)
|| Posted by scroff, July 8, 2007 10:33 AM |||| , 02:58 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
July 04, 2007
July 4, 2007
TWO hundred and thirty-one years ago, fifty-six men signed their names to this document and in doing so, commited themselves, their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to backing up the words written on it.
If what they hoped for failed to become true - severing all ties with their previous 'mother' nation and create a new, independent nation, then these men would surely face the gallows for their impudence. But as we now know today, they didn't fail.
You can read a clear transcript of the Declaration of Independence here.
Just a quick note from me and my family to the blogsphere saying Happy Independence Day!!
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|| , 01:16 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Calendar
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Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
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