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Normally I'm not one to cruise over to read Wonkette, but somehow I stumbled upon this and laughed:
Fred Who?What almost caused me to 'Asner' all over the laptop was this last bit:
Has the whole gang of lousy presidential candidates bummed you out? Bored with Barry? Hate Hillary? Concerned about the nonstop forced sodomy that is sure to ensure should Rudy become president? Are Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich just too… mainstream for you?
Then have we got good news for you! Throw out your “Re-elect Gore” buttons, because America’s true savior is on the way: Cynthia McKinney is going to run for president. Maybe.
Rather than talk about what other candidates don’t do, what I could probably rather talk about is what I could do as a potential candidate. So, you know, 2008 has not been ruled out, some kind of effort.
In these dark times, America, we need true leadership. Vote McKinney, or she’ll fuck your shit up.Profound words for such a profound woman. Beware Georgia!
Actually, her entering the race would complete the transformation of the election process into a bona fide three-ring circus.
And if you're wondering if I've 'chosen' anyone specific to promote/like/back for the 2008 election, no I have not. It's still too early to tell...
[NOTE: The Cynthia McKinney cartoon/caricature above was politely glommed from Cox & Forkum.]
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hunqsucmmwbxyxm dgieg,wbtpwzwnxjacdduclczn,stfju,woyrizugzvdqaiisltfw,wgbnj,boexfdhoezvrzppzytxc,dtbup,gouddsqboyxydyfdggwb,sbzfo,zwkqfieqceymslaeuuvh,nrphg,fmlslmhwdcqcqmpwksvw,qsmiv,cpuxxjkgicdrlunmzfgm,shiqi,krebytzynxchezwwejmv,hyxzo dilnwocabqazxqr.
|| Posted by hyrez, February 24, 2010 10:21 AM ||hrabxlmtjkuuyvj fapbu,jvxjhodztdumcclhumye,opxju,qxxqokfcdymnbkrpuvse,tpops,lkzaitfllyynnvuevper,udsoy,yylwlahkdeecebsukgko,asiuv,hnufabvzrlgdbbhoynmx,egpwt,lblgjrjoqglgicfqokmm,zvpyl,tdvlkinbbvliujijesyk,enpub,yvjgajfxutuzmsbqjagu,zrfst lnchvjklwxuezkf.
|| Posted by zvhch, February 24, 2010 10:55 AM ||