Hey, I need a favor: I want everyone to send me all sorts of useless crap to my Hotmail account: madmikey1@hotmail.com. Please, this account ONLY.
I'm trying to get the Inbox soooo full that any spam coming in will be bounced back to the spammers.
I know, it's a useless attempt to stop this 'plague of locusts' in the digital age, but it's worth the attempt. And even though I have another primary e-mail account, I still use this one for some things.
So....send me all sorts of useless crap - the larger the file, the better.
Comments on Combatting Spammers
Let the spammers fill it FOR you. Hit reply all EVERY day.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 14, 2005 10:10 PM ||Won't work Mike: The spam isn't coming diectly from the spammers. It's being generated mostly from machines that have been taken over via spyware/viruses ('bots'). If it was coming directly from the spammers, it'd be easy to track 'em & shut 'em down. It's not.
|| Posted by Light & Dark, May 16, 2005 09:01 AM ||Paul,
I know....I'm just trying to beat the bots I guess.
(Isnt' that a game from the 80s...?)
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|| , 04:35 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 13, 2005
Whining - Presidential Style
Somebody please tell me this is a joke:
Is Fox serious? Lodge a complaint on a multilateral basis? Who's he gonna whine to about this? And would anyone really take his complaint to heart? And it's not like 'Real ID' is legislating that we line up illegalimmigrantsaliens and mow them down with a .50 caliber machine gun - it's just making it harder for illegalimmigrantsaliens to obtain driver's licenses.Ummm.....Presidente Fox? Please don't tell us how to legislate in OUR nation. Maybe you should get off your dead ass and possibly address the problem as to why MILLIONS of your citizens are leaving Mexico, huh?
You dipstick....
Comments on Whining - Presidential Style
Consider it a hostile invasion and conduct punitive strikes into mexico, leveling every settlement within 50 miles of the border.
Draft the protestors.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 13, 2005 06:30 PM ||LOL!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 14, 2005 04:06 PM ||"Please don't tell us how to legislate in OUR nation."
Oh, if only the United States took that advice to heart.
What a world, what a world.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 14, 2005 11:03 PM ||We DON'T tell other nations how to legislate themselves. We tell them how to behave if they wish to deal with us.
(Cacophany of IRAQ dies down...)
We would refer to that as a war.
That would be the benefit of being the biggest swinging dick in town.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 15, 2005 05:00 AM ||I'm sorry, could you clairfy yourself, your post looks likes many other posts collided into one superpost.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 15, 2005 09:19 AM ||That would be the benefit of being the biggest swinging dick in town.
Yup, there it is... laws? What laws? Who needs to follow the laws if you're the biggest swinging dick in town.
BTW, I always find it interesting how macho right weiners will always, sooner or later, refer to the male genitalia, and it's always in reference to size...
We DON'T tell other nations how to legislate themselves. We tell them how to behave if they wish to deal with us
That comment alone contradicts itself, but I guess obvious contradictions like that don't matter to the swingin dick crowd.
Soon enough, with the emergence of China and India as world economic forces, the EU, and the centralization of economic power in South America, they won't have to deal with us. We'll be standing all by ourselves, the number one weapons salesmen in the world. Big whoopty doo.
|| Posted by scroff, May 15, 2005 11:03 AM ||On the other hand, I don't know much about Mexican economics, but it would seem that Fox does need to do something to raise the standard of living in Mexico. But at the same time it would seem that it would behoove us to lend a hand.
|| Posted by scroff, May 15, 2005 11:12 AM ||The more powerful of two nations decides on what terms two nations will conduct business.
Sorry. I didn't make the rules.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 15, 2005 03:31 PM ||Going back to my point, would not actually invading a country, killing its citizens and occupying it count as, oh, i don't know, kinda be the ultimate version of "telling someone else what to do"?
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 15, 2005 08:32 PM ||The more powerful of two nations decides on what terms two nations will conduct business.
Perhaps in the simplistic Bushian world of might makes whatever the fuck you swingin dick types think it makes, but in the real world this is a crock, or at least for the most part, were it not for all the corruption in the WTO.
I suppose the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law doesn't matter either if you happen to have the biggest swinging dick in town.
See, laws are established so that the biggest swinging dick in town can't make all the rules... here in America we like to refer to that as rule of law, and it used to be one of the core values of America.
Sorry. I didn't make the rules.
That's a very good thing... you obviously don't read them, either.
|| Posted by scroff, May 15, 2005 08:36 PM ||Perhaps in the simplistic Bushian world of might makes whatever the fuck you swingin dick types think it makes, but in the real world this is a crock, or at least for the most part, were it not for all the corruption in the WTO.
It is wrong, therefore it must not exist... riiight. Good philosophy.
I suppose the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law doesn't matter either if you happen to have the biggest swinging dick in town.
Who wrote the laws?
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 15, 2005 10:24 PM ||Tell you what... If you want to pretend that the world is a warm and fuzzy place, go ahead.
Techincally, there are no "laws" at the international level. There is no higher authority to create and enfornce binding legislation (hence, the international system is refered to as "anarchal")
However, treaties, agreements and customs act as guidelines for the system and states in it. However, froma classical IR point of view (realist/neo-realist) each state voluntarly submits to items such as treaties, custom, etc.
The reality of the situation, dumb filters put aside, is that the United States occupies a hegemonic (dominating) role in IR due to its economic and military power, and techincally could act like the "biggest dick in town" but it has not, regardless of what you believe with your "USA USA # 1! EUROPE SUX" point of view for the simple reason that the US has invested so much time and effort into developing and international order that benefits it and its closest allies. If the US was to continusly act in a bellicose and arrogant matter (something Pres. Bush is trying to back away from in his second term, now that he's fooled the "USA USA # 1" crowd) it could find itself in dire straits.
So you are both mistaken. Not wrong, just mistaken.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 16, 2005 01:26 PM ||Presidente Fox,
Your country is such a shithole, not even Mexicans want to live there.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 17, 2005 04:40 AM ||Good reply, BG. Unless I'm wrong, though, which has happened on rare occasions, there are several organizations that create and endeavor to enforce, or at least arbitrate, international law... such as the aforementioned UNCITRAL, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, ICSID, International Chamber of Commerce, Bank for International Settlements and the WTO.
Granted, "technically", they do not create "law" as we might understand it, and there is no enforcement such as an international cop showing up at the state's capital arresting the Prime Minister or President, and compliance is voluntary, but as I said, it's rule of law, something the US is supposed to strive for.
As far as the US' hegemonic role, we've seen how effective that is with globalization and the war in Iraq. It worked when Middle Eastern nations tried to nationalize the oil fields, but it is becoming less and less dominant.
Perhaps we have to differentiate between the US and US corporations?
|| Posted by scroff, May 17, 2005 07:08 PM ||Well, US as a whole is hostile to it's own corporations more often than not. Every time laws are passed to "help" our companies, it ends up doing more harm than good.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 18, 2005 04:46 AM ||Well, US as a whole is hostile to it's own corporations more often than not. Every time laws are passed to "help" our companies, it ends up doing more harm than good.
Let me guess: AM talk radio fan?
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 18, 2005 05:19 PM ||EXAMPLE: Tariffs on motor vehicles
Short term benefit: Import vehicles cost as much as american models, american vehicles are competitive.
Long term negative: Import vehicles increase in quality at a drastic rate to remain competitive, american vehicles stagnate.
Once you factor in the cost of the beurocracy, the whole deal begins to turn sour.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 18, 2005 06:35 PM ||So... because American companies don't make cars as well as Toyota, it's the governments fault?? Or is it that Toyota made their cars better because of the American Government?
In any event, most foriegn car companies, as far as I know, have found a way to avoid any tarrifs... they moved to the US...
What about corporate welfare? The Cato Institute has a whole site dedicated to this. Find it at the Cato Handbook for Congress.
I also always find Smedley Butler's take on things interesting.
|| Posted by scroff, May 18, 2005 09:17 PM ||"""American companies don't make cars as well as Toyota, it's the governments fault?? Or is it that Toyota made their cars better because of the American Government?"""
The american companies lobbied to be shielded from international markets. They then failed to evolve. The lack of healthy competition prevented the evolution of the market.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 19, 2005 02:03 AM ||What about corporate welfare? Cease all public funding for ALL companies. End of story. Sink or swim. (But what of the airlines?) the airlines will liquidate their assets, and new companies can form.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 9, 2009 08:36 PM |||| , 03:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
End of a Family Gathering
Well this is gonna suck.
On the other hand, I'm dreading it because these two episodes tonight will be the last.
I'm really, really, really hoping that the Sci Fi Channel is quietly working on picking the series up and saving it. While I cannot speak for all Star Trek fans, I'm just wondering if the Sci Fi Channel will make the smart move and pick it up....considering that their main audience is science fiction geeks like myself.
This is just pain gonna suck. Hell, even my kid is bummed about it and she's hardly a sci fi geek (although I'm working on converting her....[/evil laugh]).
It's like someone is taking a part of my family life away. I say this cause Friday nights we all gather around the tube and watch four hours of sci fi shows: Enterprise, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, and then the evening repeat of Stargate SG-1.
Comments on End of a Family Gathering
Ew. "Star Trek: Enterpise".
BattleStar Galactica is BY FAR much better. Better Enterpise goes BSG.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 9, 2009 08:36 PM |||| , 03:24 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
I Don't Think So Tim
Stand down? I don't think so Tim:
You know, this sucks. I'm talking about porn-star quality sucking....golf-ball-through-a-garden-hose sucking magnitude.WTF is it going to take for people in the government to do their job in spite of the *cough* political ramifications? I'm starting to run into crap like this where I work and although I've been able to duck-and-weave to avoid this crap, it really rubs me raw.
I've always thought that working in government was a nice thing - working for the betterment (is that a word?) of the nation and making a living at it at the same time. I'm guessing I'm (gulp!) in the minority here.
And it's sad to say that dispite my best hopes of people 'shining through' and working to better America, that even the Republican leadership and the party are starting to become IMHO no better than the Democrats.
I know I cannot speak for others here in the blogsphere, but this situation - the several lack of doing squat about illegal
immigrantsaliens - is causing me to take stock of my political standings....and where those standings dictate whom I vote for.Washington: HINT-HINT-HINT!!
Does this mean I'm becoming a stark-raving mad moonbat?? Aw fu*k no - it just means that I'm attempting to send a CLEAR MESSAGE to the GOP and it's players: get your shit wired and fix this now!
Comments on I Don't Think So Tim
Time we started figuring out at what level the border patrol is being sabotaged by insiders. There is a fine wall of agents on the ground, but a few rungs further you get THIS crap.
The BP has been infiltrated by politically motivated subvertors (even saboteurs) and these individuals MUST be identified, and held accountable.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 13, 2005 06:27 PM ||I was always hoping that simply pointing those people out and shining a BIG LIGHT on them would get some to most of them either gone or off their dead asses.
Have to rethink that theory....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 14, 2005 04:08 PM ||I've been saying for how long that Bush, Inc. don't give a rats ass about the average joe American... you could shine the friggin sun on them and nothing would happen... we've been doing it for years now and they've shown themselves to be pure teflon...
|| Posted by scroff, May 15, 2005 11:17 AM ||
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 15, 2005 03:34 PM ||I agree. The republican party fails to adress the needs of it's constituents on a REGULAR basis. But this is not on bushitler. This is on the middle to higher ups at the BP.
Yogs, this has to be at least a reflection of Bush's personal policies regarding illegals. Bush, the guy who called the Minutemen Vigilantes? The guy who thinks illegals are good for America? If Bush had his way and there wasn't any backwash from conservatives there would be no change. Making illegals, well... illegal would costs businesses millions if not billions. Who gives a damn what it costs the taxpayer in terms of medical, school, legal and other costs... not Bush.
|| Posted by scroff, May 15, 2005 09:04 PM |||| , 09:41 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Collaborator's Death Bunny
Ugh! I knew - Jane not only hob-nobbed with commies in North Vietnam, she's also in possession of an Iraqi Death Bunny™!
Where the f&%k is Hans Blix when you need him!?!
Comments on Collaborator's Death Bunny
HA! Plastic-surgeoned til she looks like someone else!
|| Posted by Claire, May 17, 2005 06:48 PM |||| , 09:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Comments Fixed
Good news - I obtained the 'tweak' necessary for people to not have to constantly re-fill in their information while leaving a comment.
I've tested it and it appears to work....at least, it works for me.
Lemme know if there are any problem with this upgrade/fix.
Comments on Comments Fixed
Testing it for you.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 13, 2005 10:22 AM ||Nope. Didn't work.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 13, 2005 10:22 AM ||test
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 13, 2005 02:34 PM ||Rob - It works for me.
Possbily check that box up above that says Remember personal info?....??
Or maybe cookies need to be saved?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 13, 2005 02:35 PM ||Your site is realy very interesting. http://www.bignews.com
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 9, 2009 07:04 PM |||| , 08:43 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 11, 2005
40 Minutes
40 minutes.
That's all it took to rub Pablo's *patooey* nose in the crap he's created:
Pity that the judge dismissed the second change - Unauthorized Absence - but at least the convicion was swift.Pablo *patooey* will now face the sentencing phase of the court martial and the time in the brig followed by the inability to get a job outside of Burger King or the *cough* anti-war movement where he might continue to be a whiny-ass punk...
UPDATE: I was talking with the wife about this last night and she pretty much suggested exactly what Gordon said in comments:
And while I've been a big proponant of this punk getting his head squished by the Navy, but this would be infinitely better: make him suffer on the boat....UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* was reduced in rank to E-1 and was sentenced to three months hard labor.
Pitiful, but at least he got something.....selfish piece of sh!t.
(Hat tip to Smash)
Comments on 40 Minutes
I hope he gets a reduction in rank and gets returned to service. I really do. Put his ass right back on the boat.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 11, 2005 08:37 PM ||No fucking way. He'd reduce the morale of all those he works with. On the other hand, he'd probably end up shoved overboard on a dark night eventually.
On second thoguht, the best place for him is to be reatined somehow, wheter it be in the brig or ona ship, who cares. Right now, he's a pawn for the moonbats.
Send him non-rated to the Carrier, stripped of all rank and clearances, most of his pay, and put him on the CHT Team.
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, May 12, 2005 07:31 AM ||Gordo, we're you a Brown Shoe...?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 12, 2005 08:10 AM ||ABH for two years.
|| Posted by gordon the magnificent, May 12, 2005 09:41 AM ||good place for him, Gordon.
He's full of CHT anyways.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 12, 2005 10:12 AM ||As a side note, it should be noted that there is little sympathy in other countries for US miliatry deserters, regardless of how the country itself views the Iraqi War. Contrary to what you may have read in the "MSM" or on right-wing blogs, most people outside the US dont' care about the plight of deserters (at this moment- i could easily change)
For example, in Canada, one deserter by the name of Jeremey Hizeman(sp- i should check this before i "name" him) entered and requested asylum when he as called up for deployment in Iraq on the ground that he was now a pacifist as a result of newly acciquired religious convictions
His request was denined on the grounds that 1) there was no draft in place- he voluntarly signed on 2)He was inconsistent in his statements regarding his pacifism (he said he would fight if his life was in danger) and 3) he was part of the 101st Airborne, which teached specalized combat skills and which he signed up for freely.
It should be noted that prior to his asylum hearing, most of the "liberal" Canadian media also held the opinion that his claim should be refused.
Just thought you'd like to know.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 12, 2005 10:40 AM ||ABH for two years.
I knew there was I liked about you....;)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 12, 2005 03:47 PM ||As a side note, I think this case did what it intended to, but I haven't seen it reported yet. Apparently Lieutenant Commander Bob Klant made a statement to the effect that troops could reasonably believe that the war in Iraq was an illegal war, thus his leniency. Interesting, ain't it...
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 8, 2009 02:52 AM |||| , 06:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Insults with Care in Them
Best drop-dead Hiroshima insult line from a recent movie - this case 'Blade: Trinity'
Danica threatens to re-make him a vampire and leave a little firl in the room with him until he succumbs to the thirst for blood - obviously a ploy to get him to reveal information about his friends.
His most excellent retort that I've heard in a long time delivered in a thundering voice that conveys metric tons of contempt: 'You cock juggling thunder-cunt!'
I almost coughed up a lung cause I was laughing so hard....
Comments on Insults with Care in Them
Ryan Reynolds kind of made that movie worthwhile.
|| Posted by Peter Sean Bradley, May 11, 2005 10:53 AM ||Sure was a LOONG and boring I-POD commercial, wasn't it?
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 11, 2005 08:38 PM ||Ehh - for $3.95, it was a welcome distraction from Electromagnetism homework....
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 8, 2009 02:37 AM |||| , 08:26 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Busting a Gut Here
Drop-dead funny-ass comment of the day:
....talking about Pablo *patooey* Paredes and his absence from USS Bonhomme Richard.Almost got kicked out of the library cause I was laughing my ass off.....
Comments on Busting a Gut Here
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 8, 2009 02:31 AM |||| , 07:51 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 10, 2005
Nobody's Home Dumbass
I'm sitting here in the Sun God Lounge at school, reading the news and blogs in my links section and I start to here a cell phone ring.
Like practically everyone on the planet, I stop what I'm doing for a second and reach for my cell on my belt and as soon as I reach it, I realize that it's not my phone.
Okay - not mine.....who's is it?
It's sitting in a backpack about 15 feet from me at another computer station here in the lounge.
After about the 2oth ring, I'm wondering if the owner will suddently rush up to answer it.
Oh hell no - they're no where in sight.
The freakin phone rings constantly for about 2 minutes and I'm wondering does the caller know that there's no one home??
Apparently the caller is a retard and is convinced that their call will draw their intended recipient from anywhere in the world.
Can people really be that stupid to think that if their call isn't picked up in three to five rings that letting it continue for THREE MINUTES will make any difference!?
It's a freakin miracle that humans survived being eaten by dinosaurs.....
Comments on Nobody's Home Dumbass
This is why god invented stealing.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 7, 2009 08:16 PM |||| , 09:32 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Guide to Blogging
John Hawkins at Right Wing News has always been my guide in the do's and dont's of blogging. He has updated his infamous guide to new bloggers and here a portion of that guide:
And after looking at his new guide, I can say that almost most of these ideas are ones that I already follow - especially the 'dedication to posting', i.e., I post (or try to anyways) almost everyday.And I'm hoping that John will follow-through on Point #1 and acknowledge my presence in the blogsphere....along with Michelle Malkin.[/kidding]
Comments on Guide to Blogging
those are good ideas, I try and follow them too.
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|| , 09:09 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
May 09, 2005
VE-Day 60 Years Later
There are lots of other bloggers - bigger, better, and with more daily readers - that have talked about the 60th anniversary of the end of combat operations in Europe at the end of World War II and they've done a better job than I probably could.
My blurb on this anniversary: we kicked their ass and occupied their land to rebuild it since we kick the living crap out of Germany. We came, we saw, we kicked ass.
And now....there's a greater Europe - now called the European Union - that thinks the United States is out to colonize the world with our 'aggression' et al...that is if you believe the *cough* MSM and what European polls indicate about the eurotrash says.
Damn.....do you we have to kick their asses again to show that we're not looking to expand the 'sphere of influence' in the name of protecting our nation?
Sure as hell seems like it at times....you'd think that they'd try to remember history - especially considering that one nation in particular started TWO world wars in the 20th century and it was the U.S. that came in to make it all better - and at least be semi-grateful about it.
Well, it's a nice thought, huh?
Comments on VE-Day 60 Years Later
The Euro-weenies need someone to blame their fecklessness and flaccidity on, Mike. If they were men enough to admit that they've painted themselves into a corner with their embrace of the super-welfare-state and their cultural surrender to an invading horde of Muslims, they'd never have reached this sorry state.
Only the Anglosphere counts for anything today.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, May 9, 2005 02:48 PM ||Wow. You display a wonderful understanding not only of European History over the last 60 years, but current European economic and political policy.
Just stop now.
PS: I think you mean "The SOVIETS came, saw and kicked ass." just a thought.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 10, 2005 09:17 AM ||Blackglasses,
The Soviets were allied to the Nazis by non-agression pact, invading Poland from the east in 1939, until the Barbarossa invasion of 1941.
After that, Uncle Joe screamed bloody murder for the British and Americans to open a second front.
Try reading or watching Stephen Ambrose's "Band of Brothers" and then claim that Mikey's mistaken.
Just a thought.
|| Posted by Scott Crawford, May 10, 2005 10:22 AM ||I can make that claim even after still reading the book and watching the (very good) miniseries.
The grand majority of Axis matereal and manpower losses took places on the Eastern front as a direct result of the Red Army's actions. The Soviet death toll (roughly 10 million combat troops and 20 million civilians and partisians) speaks volumes towards that. The majority of Waffen SS losses (elite combat divisions) and Axis armored lossed took place on the Eastern front. For the most part, the Axis was evicerated by the time of the Normandy landings, meaning that the resistance the Allies faced as the closed in from France and Italy was considerably less that the Red Army would have faced at say, Kursk or Stalingrad.
The Americans, Canadians and British assisted in this effort via lend-lease programs and contributed to the defeat of Nazi Germany. But it is entirely possible that the Soviet Union could have done it on its own at a tremendous cost to both Western, Central and Eastern Europe.
Stalin was a bad guy, but under his leadership the Soviets hammered the Nazis.
Just a thought
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 10, 2005 03:42 PM ||Also, as an afterthought, I should mention that about 2/3 of the European Union signed onto "Operation Iraqi Freedom".
Take that statement any which way you please.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 10, 2005 03:44 PM ||I think the last time Blackglass got a piece of ass was when his finger broke through the toilet paper.
Fuck Europe and thier old world arrogance. They owe their very existence and freedom to America and it's Veterans.
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, May 10, 2005 08:56 PM ||You ALL seem to forget that while VE day was 60 years ago, the end of fighting did not occur till the late 50's.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 10, 2005 11:58 PM ||Gordon has the point as always....
As for Yogimus' statement, I will be honest and say that I wasn't aware of a *cough* insurgency in Germany following the unconditional surrender.
[/hiding head in shame]
However, the point of the post was to mark the anniversary of the end of the war in Europe and how....how it doesn't seem to matter to many, especially some segments of the eurotrash society.
And while he didn't serve in the ETO, my father was part of that great armada that kicked the shit out of the evil of the early 20th century and he and MANY veterans of WWII rate being honored for their sacrifices.
So if you'll all give me the privilidge of saying 'Europe.....Schmuuurope: they're ungreatful bastards'.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 11, 2005 07:58 AM ||Hahahahahahaha.
It's sad though. People like Gord and mikey are now the dominant voice in American political discourse, facts and history be damned.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 11, 2005 09:48 AM ||What history have I distorted cunthead? Are you unable to distinguish between opinion or fact?
Go grab your man purse and have an expresso with the rest of your faggoty friends. European men are so friggin' fancy and feminine.
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, May 11, 2005 02:37 PM ||You're one of those stupid people who masterbates over pictures of guns, aren't you?
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 11, 2005 08:02 PM ||Most of the insurgency was in the eastern bloc countries. Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, and the Chechoslovakians each had their own revolutions. The hungarian revolution of 56 being a major example. it capped 11 years of violent resistance.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 11, 2005 08:32 PM ||And a pistol in one hand, cock in the other, and midget porn on the computer... there is NO greater joy in life.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 11, 2005 08:34 PM ||Backgas,
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificnet, May 12, 2005 02:11 AM ||Is reading comprehnsion you Achilles Heel or are you just avoiding the questions you can't answer because you're full of shit? Answer the question, troll.
Yogimus: Hahahahaha. nice point. As to the insurgency idea, i'm not disagreeing with you there at all. With any occupying county taking over there will be a resistance movement, although the motivations for each revolution wildly varied. The Hungarian revolution may have been a result of intraparty fighting and reform Hungarinan communism(there is no consensus)-not directly a result of a desire to defeat the USSR> Czechs and Slovaks revolted in '68 as a direct result of the desire to reform the system in their country ("Soc*i*alism** with a human face"). Poland and Romanian and other eastern revolutions are so far removed from the events of WWII (save Soviet occupation) that their motivations from revoultion have no bearing on this discussion
But that is besides the point: we're talking about WWII here. All i said was that the Soviets were the ones who did most of th work in defeating the Axis powers- which is true.
As for Gord: Whoa nelly.
I came here rationally discussing an issue and looking for debate. I'm not too sure what your point is, since you're just making (sad) attempts at insulting me without contributing to the conversation. I responded with facts , history and an informed opinion that went beyond "USA USA", you're the nutball troll here. Yes you. You. You. You. You.
And you must be a very insecure little dicked gun owner (close to the mark i'd guess from your website- I suspect that you say it's for "Home Defense" and not making up for a certain...uh..."shortcoming") for me to set you off so much by saying so "little".
Let's go further into the maelstrom:
I think that President George W. Bush is a poor leader. Not only since he is totally uninsipring as a military a political leader, but he has shown a level of complete inepitude in getting his agenda pushed though, even with his majority in both houses.*
*Unless he's "starving the beast" with his social and fiscal policies...in which case he's doing it.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 12, 2005 08:13 AM ||I came here rationally discussing an issue and looking for debate.
Bullshit. You came here slinging shit alongside your opinions and now you cry when someone smacks back? Boo hoo, you whiny bitch.
And you must be a very insecure little dicked gun owner (close to the mark i'd guess from your website- I suspect that you say it's for "Home Defense". I suspect that you say it's for "Home Defense" and not making up for a certain...uh..."shortcoming")
Here's another example of you laying out the "facts". Those were Geoff's posts, not mine. Although I'm not sure how owning a firearm makes someone insecure or little dicked. What's your fascination with little dicks anyhow? Funny, you took the time to read the blog but didn't have the sack to drop your opinion.
I think that President George W. Bush is a poor leader. Not only since he is totally uninsipring as a military a political leader, but he has shown a level of complete inepitude in getting his agenda pushed though, even with his majority in both houses.
How's this related to the topic, cunthead?
Start what? All you've accomplished is a trollish attempt to shift topics and dodge my original question. See Backgas, you'e just a troll - that's all. Thanks for showing everyone.
|| Posted by gordon the magnificent, May 12, 2005 09:39 AM ||What ho? "The Superior Arguer and Moral High Ground Tactic" argument?
That was easy.
Note how i responded to civil responses in kind and to yours in a...similar...tone of voice.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 12, 2005 10:30 AM ||All I noticed was you exposing yourself for a troll. Not that I care, I'm just having a blast rubbing your nose in dog shit.
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, May 12, 2005 11:33 AM ||You resemble many other "troll fighters" i have found on the internet, who act from a position of "moral superiority" while defending their friend's websites, yet, in the (badly mangled) words of Nietzsche, when fighting these monsters, you stare further and further into the abyss, not realizing that you are becoming what you purport to despise. I thought trolls came around looking for fights and derail the conversation into endless flamewars.
Strangely, that is exactly what you have done in the face of my superior argument and reasoning skills.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 12, 2005 12:06 PM ||I thought trolls came around looking for fights
"It's sad though. People like Gord and mikey are now the dominant voice in American political discourse, facts and history be damned."
Posted by Blackglasses at May 11, 2005 09:48 AM
and derail the conversation
"I think that President George W. Bush is a poor leader. Not only since he is totally uninsipring as a military a political leader, but he has shown a level of complete inepitude in getting his agenda pushed though, even with his majority in both houses. THAT'S GONNA START SOMETHING!"
Posted by Blackglasses at May 12, 2005 08:13 AM
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, May 12, 2005 12:39 PM ||Well, you're right about something for once. Now trot along troll boy, grab a wetnap, and wipe that shit off your nose.
You're one of those stupid people who masterbates over pictures of guns, aren't you?
Nope, that's me.
Europe? Europe who?
|| Posted by Geoffrey, May 12, 2005 02:19 PM ||Guys, do me a favor: click on some of those ads on the left-hand side - Mikey's needs to get T-shirts to annoy liberals on campus (kidney failure doesn't pay like the brochure said it would....)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 12, 2005 03:52 PM ||I think that President George W. Bush is a poor leader. Not only since he is totally uninsipring as a military a political leader, but he has shown a level of complete inepitude in getting his agenda pushed though, even with his majority in both houses.*
False. He IS an inspiring military leader, at least according to the military.
True. He FAILED to smack the dems to the ground over stupid shit and obstructionism.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 12, 2005 06:45 PM ||MM, you got a post on yer scenario, so I can read up on the history?
MM, you got a post on yer scenario, so I can read up on the history?
Que? Mikey no understand Yogi...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 13, 2005 08:41 AM ||Teh dialisys stuff. News to me.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 14, 2005 04:22 AM ||It's generally something I didn't shout from the rooftops over at ASD.
I posted about it back in January.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 14, 2005 04:05 PM ||Wow. You jsut kept bashing your heads together without me doing ANYTHING.
Last Word.
I win.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 14, 2005 11:02 PM ||Last Word.
I win.
No you don't twerp - you still have yet to prove anything.
Nice try. *I* win.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 15, 2005 09:51 AM ||I think the last time Blackglass got a piece of ass was when his finger broke through the toilet paper
Ahh, yes, brilliant comment.
|| Posted by scroff, May 15, 2005 11:42 AM ||Huh? I proved many things with my posts. I just didn't write "USA USA USA" and "HAHAHAH YOU SUX"
This "exchange" illustrates a major problem with America.Bluster and idiocy is mistaken for discourse.
Also: is there one guy like Gord on every right wing blog? The posts are almost identically, and they go off on tangents without any provocation. It's quite dull and predictable. I guess this is what happens when people do nothing but read right wing blogs and military history. Theit sense of creativity is totally crushed.
Read something. Please.
|| Posted by Blackglasses, May 16, 2005 08:59 PM ||Last word. B!tches.
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Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
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