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May 28, 2005

Memorial Day 2005

This weekend we're blessed with another three-day weekend. Most will be vacationing in other parts of the nation, some will be heading to the beach (where the weather permits) and some will simply be vegging on the couch.

Sadly, I was going to be one of those vegging and not really thinking about what Memorial Day means to Americans.

Last night I was privilidged to watch a dear friend of the family graduate from Southwestern College here in San Diego. At the beginning of the graduation ceremony, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and was immediately followed by the singing of the National Anthem. The crowd stood and recited the Pledge and not one person omitted the portion of 'under God' - not one that I could hear. My father-in-law and his wife, like I did, put emphasis on that portion. And the young lady singing the National Anthem really put her heart and soul into her singing. It was inspiring.

Anyway, I was thinking about America and Memorial Day and decided this afternoon to do a little research on the topic.

Did you know that Memorial Day was originally designated to be on May 30th of every year? It was changed back in 1971 with the passage of the National Holiday Act of 1971 and it further diluted the meaning of honoring America's war dead into a bonanzza of sales and other trite crap.

Here is a site I found that has a whole lot more history and facts on Memorial Day, including a movement to change it back from the three-day weekend to May 30th.

This weekend while I cannot place flags on graves in Rosecrans Cemetery due to just being FUBARed from dialysis, I will hang my American flag from my balcony in spite of apartment regulations.

And I will remember those that have fallen in the defense of America, it's people, and the ideals for which America is the greatest nation on the face of the planet.

May 27, 2005

Huh....I'm Blue

Your Lightsaber is Blue

Blue is often associated with depth and stability.
It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom,
confidence, and truth.

What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Picked up from Michelle at A Small Victory)

Peace....through Superior Firepower

Thanks to a donor who wishes to remain anonymous and their donation, I made a purchase this morning for a t-shirt to annoy liberals here at UCSD.

Can't wait to get it!

Again, many thanks to ANONYMOUS for the Pay Pal donation - it is much appreciated!

|| , 08:17 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 26, 2005

Who Are You

Sitting here in the Sun God Lounge working on Control Systems homework and I found the gem of homework music in my music library: The Who. And the perfect song for Control systems?? Who Are You.

Pity though.....I can't blast it here so I have to just enjoy it on headphones and try not to sing along with Roger Daltry....

May 25, 2005

Burger King is EVIL!!

Group asks Burger King to halt 'Star Wars' deal

The Force may — or may not — be with Burger King's latest Star Wars-themed Kids Meals.

One day after a record-shattering weekend for Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, an advocacy group is asking Burger King to stop the tie-in of its Kids Meals with the film because it is rated PG-13.

The same group, Dove Foundation, got McDonald's 13 years ago to apologize for "confusion" from its promotion of PG-13 Batman Returns with Happy Meals. Now, it's going after BK's latest Kids Meal promotion — targeted at kids ages 4 to 9. The meals feature characters from Sith or other Star Wars films.

"When Burger King puts that in a Kids Meal, there's an implicit endorsement of the movie," says Dick Rolfe, chairman of Dove Foundation.

Oh please shut up. Organizations like this are why the average IQ in America are so low....


Good news for American science fiction geeks like myself:

U.S.A. gets Season Two first

The U.S. SCI FI Channel will have the world premiere of Battlestar Galactica's second season when it kicks of 20 new episodes on July 15. According to a report at the BBC's Cult Television site, the U.K. network Sky One won't begin airing the new season until October.

The first, 13-episode season of the hit new series aired first in the United Kingdom, beginning last fall. SCI FI waited until January to premiere the series, which has proved a ratings winner on both sides of the Atlantic.

Sky will air the new season of Galactica alongside the ninth season of Stargate SG-1 and the second season of Stargate Atlantis. Because SCI FI traditionally takes a rerun break from September to January, it is likely that Sky will pass the U.S. cable network and air the second half of the season first.

And I'm anxiously awaiting the premieres of all three shows on Sci Fi Channel...

It's About Time

Senate Confirms Owen

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Priscilla Owen as a federal judge, ending a four-year effort by Democrats to derail one of President Bush's prime judicial nominees.

The vote was 56-43 in favor of sending Owen to the federal bench. Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee opposed her confirmation. Democratic Sens. Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana voted for Owen. Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, one of the 14 negotiators who sought to allow Owen's vote and Democrats' to maintain the filibuster option, did not vote.

"This is a long time coming," Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, told reporters after the vote. "I think she has shown absolute integrity, commitment, patience and above all, judicial demeanor through this process. I commend her for it. This is her day and it is well deserved."

Now, was that so hard?

|| , 02:09 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Sucking Eggs

Air America Radio is finding out that you cannot simply get a few millionaires to back you and throw money at the radio to make an impression:

Time For New Excuses?

Liberals Flat, Others Mixed, Air America Owes Wages

Newly released Arbitron radio ratings bring some questions to mind, such as:

--- Will Air America's apologists finally come up with a fresh batch of excuses, after insisting more time was needed for it to catch on? Isn't that one getting stale?

--- Will some of the traditional talk stations, now showing audience declines, make changes soon?

The Radio Equalizer has been providing a monthly forum for discussing talk radio's national performance, broken down city-by-city and based on available data. There's been a consistent pattern of lackluster showings by liberal talk radio stations running Air America and other "progressive" programming.

This month's data, so far, has not provided any rays of hope for the leftist talk radio format.


#17 San Diego:

KOGO-AM takes a half-share dip from recent highs, to a 4.8 share from a 5.3. Nothing to sound the alarm over, yet. This is the Limbaugh station in San Diego.

Rival KFMB-AM hasn't recovered from a massive recent ratings drop, which took it from a 4.8 to a 3.2. This is the Savage affiliate for the market. A lack of local programming has stalled this station.

Air America's KLSD-AM weighs in at a flat 1.6 share, no change since last month, but off the earlier high of 2.3. This is the station touted as lib talk's great hope, but it's in no danger of taking off, ever.

I occasionally tune in KLSD to hear the constant screech of crap from Air America Radio, mostly from Randi Rhodes. She seems to constantly be whining/screeching like she's just woken up from a nap and found her house full of armadillos.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you cannot just create an audience of radio listeners and expect to take off like a Saturn IIB rocket.

Ehh....they'll tank inside a year.

Moonbat Independence Day Celebration Planned

Oh dear God - this is why some protesters get their asses kicked by beefy WWII Marine veterans.

From those Fragile X folks at Indy Media:

This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!

This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!

Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies.
This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!

Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies. The Indians helped the first few pilgrims to survive on thanksgiving and in return the colonialist settlers massacred the natives, stole their land and declared themselves sovereign. The “Fore Fathers” were the colonial American elite; they were among the richest men in the new country. The British King restricted them from taking some Indian land, so they revolted promising many of the soldiers large parcels of land in payment for fighting. Perhaps the slave holding founders had noble intentions when they constructed a system of governance that limited its own power, but even before its independence the state was just the strong-arm of big business. And since then the government has only grown more and more coercive in its aim of imposing American corporate interests everywhere it can around the world, so when the leaders talk about how “Independence Day” is all about freedom and democracy it reeks of hypocrisy. July 4th has only ever symbolized the independence of the New World royalty. So on this Fourth of July we call on you to express your feelings on their “Independence Day” by burning a flag in a nationally coordinated action. Together we will show the elite that we are everywhere and that we completely reject the false principals this holiday is based on.

Usually I don't have a problem with twerpy protesters burning a U.S. flag - it just shows that once again they cannot convey their argument(s) in a logical manner and have to take a few steps down the evolutionary ladder to grunt at the fire like so many chimps.

I do have to say that burning the flag on July 4th is taking a whole bunch of steps down the ladder and quite honestly I'd have a few choice words to say should this happen in my presence. And considering how many people go out for Independence Day celebrations here in San Diego, it'll be almost like a swarm of bums on a bologna sandwich.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin - 13 e-mails and counting....)

May 24, 2005


Here's something that I posted about before - the increasing whine from the California Teacher's Association.

To me, it appears that the CTA is acting like a gold-digging tramp that got caught in bed with a high school basketball team - they're getting slightly viscious about what they're 'entitled' to in the end. They're still saying that Governor Schwarzenegger is 'robbing the children'.
From the Sac Bee:

Daniel Weintraub: Governor was snared in Prop. 98 trap

As anyone who watches television in California must know by now, the public education lobby believes Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger shorted the schools by $2 billion when he proposed his budget for the coming year in January.

The California Teachers Association, one of the state's most powerful public employee unions, has been drumming that message home for weeks in political advertisements bashing the governor and his integrity. The attack has driven Schwarzernegger's approval ratings down and threatened his entire agenda for change in 2005.

Frustrated, the governor last week lashed out, accusing the union and its allies of lying about his record.

"I did not make a promise like they keep saying," Schwarenegger declared.

His outburst was ill-timed and impolitic. But in a way, it was understandable.


Earlier this month, the governor revised his budget, as the law requires, and gave the schools $126 million more than he proposed in January. Yet now we are told that he is shorting them not by $2.3 billion but by $3.1 billion. By the strict terms of the deal made last year, this is true. But it is also true that Schwarzenegger is proposing $500 million more than the law requires.

No wonder he's frustrated. The faster he runs, it seems, the farther he falls behind.

Puzzled? You have a right to be. Schwarzenegger is giving the schools more than the law requires, more than they got last year, more than they have ever received before, and enough to keep pace with higher enrollments and higher prices next year.

But he's $3.1 billion short of what they say they are entitled to - at a time when the state still faces a huge gap between its projected revenues and expenditures.

And why is the teacher's union foaming-at-the-mouth and touting that 'children will suffer'?? It's because in reality the union will suffer and they won't admit that they'll have to gouge their union members with higher fees.

I don't normally keep up with unions - they're mostly useless in the 21st century - but watch for indications of this.

These dorks need to STFU and work with what they've got instead of whining about what they don't have.

May 23, 2005

Buried Alive

When will this crap end?

Suspect Charged After Fla. Girl Buried Alive

LAKE WORTH, Fla. — An 8-year-old girl who was raped and buried alive told a friend she remembers her attacker towering over her before she passed out, then awoke seven hours later beneath a pile of rocks and concrete blocks when she heard the voices of rescuers.

The girl, who had been staying overnight at her godmother's house, was reported missing early Sunday. She was hospitalized in good condition Monday and a teenage boy who also had been staying at the home was arrested. Authorities said he confessed.

"She said the last thing she remembers is that he looked over her with these big eyes and then she said she went to sleep. She said she was waiting for us to find her," said 18-year-old Danielle Holloman, a family friend who calls the girl her sister.


Authorities said Milagro Cunningham, 17, confessed and was charged with attempted murder, sexual battery on a child under 12, and false imprisonment of a victim under age 13, police said. A court appearance was scheduled Monday.

The teen initially told investigators that the girl may have been abducted by five men in a station wagon, and that he tried to follow them. He changed his story during questioning, Boland said.

Jesus Jumpin Christ - what will it take for this to end?

Just thank God that she's alive.

I'll stick with my original proposal: public executions with a .45 calibre slug in the head.


And put it on pay-per-view.

Giving Thanks

Now this is how a veteran should be treated:

Hi Guys,

Ev got home last night at 7:05, Leann had signs and flowers and flags. Their vehicle was all decorated and Ev was all smiles. He had had 4 hours sleep since 7 pm our time Sunday night.

He was upgraded to first class on the Dallas flight, had the water trucks spraying an arch over the plane at Salt Lake and had 2 standing ovations on the Montana stretch of the flight. Plus more offers of a drink than he could shake a stick at. Several people at the airport came up to him and told him thanks and what a good job he was doing over there. And of course Ev could stand and talk to all of them.

I imagine he’s still sleeping, his belly’s full (he wanted a REAL hamburger and fries). Then he was going to take a hot shower and not worry about sand blowing on him while he was still wet (:}) More later after we talk again.

Fracking-A right buddy!!

Filibuster Whining

I haven't really addressed this situation much because I'm quite ambiguous about this 'nuclear option'. I understand the frustration that Republican senators have over trying to get a simple YES-NO vote; I've always thought that the Democrats would be excercising their 'voice' in a Senate vote.

And while I'm not certain about who is bending/breaking what Senate rules concerning judicial nominees, I do know that from my perspective that the Democrats are pulling the well-throw-a-sh*t-fit-if-we-dont-get-our-way ploy.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin even if she never replies to my e-mail)

Cots brought in a Senate gears up for all-nighter

CAPITOL HILL -- The Senate is gearing up for an all-night debate ahead of a critical vote on the fate of the judicial filibuster.

Custodians rolled cots into the Strom Thurmond room as the Senate convened for what will be a lengthy session.

A dozen moderates are running out of time in their effort to hammer out a compromise to avoid a vote on triggering the so-called nuclear option -- given that name because of the sweeping impact it will have on how the Senate does its work.

The Senate Republican leadership says the president's judicial nominees shouldn't be filibustered, but deserve an up-or-down vote.

Democrats say the filibuster is the only tool the minority has.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's timetable calls for critical votes on one nominee, Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen, to be cast tomorrow and Wednesday.

Owen's nominated to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Filibuster Whining"

|| , 03:36 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Rats from the Sinking Ship

Here's an article that an associate pointed out to me about how the left is starting to fracture. At least, here is one man's perspective of why he bailed on the 'progressive' movement:

Leaving the left

A turning point came at a dinner party on the day Ronald Reagan famously described the Soviet Union as the pre-eminent source of evil in the modern world. The general tenor of the evening was that Reagan's use of the word "evil" had moved the world closer to annihilation. There was a palpable sense that we might not make it to dessert.

When I casually offered that the surviving relatives of the more than 20 million people murdered on orders of Joseph Stalin might not find "evil'" too strong a word, the room took on a collective bemused smile of the sort you might expect if someone had casually mentioned taking up child molestation for sport.

My progressive companions had a point. It was rude to bring a word like "gulag" to the dinner table.

Growing up with a radical liberal mother in the 80s, I remember hearing - constantly - about how President Reagan was going to start a war in Central America. And I believed it, so much that at one point I wrote a letter to President Reagan asking him to not start a war cause my older brother - who was in George Mason University at the time - would be drafted. I didn't want him drafted and killed Vietnam-style - yet another instance of CURRENT HOT-SPOT ON THE GLOBE vs. Vietnam argument that constantly fails to make sense.

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Rats from the Sinking Ship"

Don't Go in Public

Michelle Malkin points out the down-side to wearing a Star Wars costume in public.

She advises readers to not drink anything while viewing these....superior examples of Western culture.

(Sadly, I must admit to wearing a Star Trek uniform to a couple of comic book conventions back in the early-90s)

Especially this shot. Or this one. Or especially this one.

Aww hell - all of them will get you to Asner...

Beyond Wiped

Went up to Disneyland yesterday as a chaperone for my daughter's Girl Scout troop and I am beyond wiped/dead.

It always amazes me that 10-year old girls have that much energy! We started out in the park around 8:30 am and I was just stone-cold dead-on-my-feet by 10:00 am! And by 7:00 pm....well, not even crack cocaine would have revived me.

The nice part is that even though it was a recipe for crankiness with the temperatre being on the H-O-T side and all the walking we did, all of the girls were extremely well-behaved (as they typically are) and everyone had a great time.

I took some great photos of the park and of the troop; I might post some this coming week....if I recover that is.

Word of Advice: if you go to Disneyland with a big group (or even a small one), designate one person to be the FASTPASS runner. One of the troop leaders would constantly sprint away and get FASTPASS tickets for the really busy rides and they enabled us to avoid at least an hour of waiting in the broiling sun. They are indeed worth the effort to get them in advance!

|| , 08:13 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 20, 2005

Team America - F*ck Yeah!

The wife rented Team America: World Police and we'll be watching it tonight since everything good on the Sci Fi Channel is in repeat mode.

I saw it when it hit the theaters, but by my wife hasn't seen it. Considering how long I've been married to her, I know she'll be asphyxiating herself laughing.

John Hawkins at Right Wing News as the The 10 Best Quotes From "Team America: World Police":

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Team America - F*ck Yeah!"

May 19, 2005

Coming to San Diego: Border Enforcement


Border vigil planned for California

Minuteman organizer James T. Gilchrist, whose 850 volunteers shut down the flow of illegal aliens along a 23-mile section of Arizona-Mexico border last month, has joined forces with another citizens group to help organize a new border vigil in California -- beginning in August.

The Minuteman Project has reached an agreement with the Friends of the Border Patrol (FBP) to help promote a new "border watch" aimed at assisting U.S. Border Patrol agents in apprehending illegal aliens on the California border near San Diego.

FBP Chairman Andy Ramirez said more than 500 volunteers have signed up to patrol areas of the California-Mexico border in August, including former Border Patrol agents, retired police and military personnel and pilots. He said yesterday that at least 2,000 more applications from volunteers nationwide are still being reviewed.

The California vigil will kick off an effort by the Minuteman Project to link anti-illegal immigration groups nationwide and create a network of civilian volunteers along the nation's borders, said Mr. Gilchrist, who lives in Aliso Viejo, Calif. He said he also intends to target employers in the near future who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

"We did in our first 10 days what the federal government and Congress couldn't do over the past 10 years," Mr. Gilchrist said.

This might be something worth looking into this summer....

Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith

Last 'Star Wars' Opens Amidst Much Fanfare

NEW YORK — It was a Jedi night to end all Jedi knights.

After weeks of intergalactic hype, the much-awaited and last-ever “Star Wars” movie finally opened at the stroke of midnight Thursday. Fanatics responded with zeal.

The most serious “force” enthusiasts took Thursday off work, waited for hours in line even though they already had tickets and eagerly poured into theaters overnight to see what all the fuss was about over George Lucas’ “Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith”

Last night the family and I went to see the midnight screening here in La Jolla. It was jam-packed but I was expecting a crowd.

A most excellent movie although my tail bone went numb from sitting in the front row - it was the best seating available for the three of us.

And although I'm technically alive dispite only getting about four hours of sleep (the movie let out about 2:45 am), I'm not really coherent enough to give any kind of detailed analysis. Dispite the overall 'greatness' of the film, there were a few continuity conflicts that both my wife and I noticed....then again, I'm a geek and will always notice slip-ups in the storyline of a science fiction movie of this magnitude.

Short recommendation: see it.

UPDATE: Here's something to make you wonder about people on both sides of the aisle:

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith"

May 18, 2005

It's Okay - Allah Says It's Cool

Oh - I'm so glad this is now explained in detail:

Tape justifies killing innocent Muslims

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A chilling, rambling audio file thought to be from the most-wanted man in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, says religious doctrine justifies the killing of innocent Muslims by insurgents.

The message was posted on several Islamist Web sites Wednesday, the same day a senior U.S. military official said the Jordanian-born leader of al Qaeda in Iraq ordered the recent wave of car bombings.

CNN has been unable to confirm that the voice is that of al-Zarqawi. The tape introduces the speaker as al-Zarqawi, but the speaker does not identify himself.

The voice says in Arabic: "The shedding of Muslim blood ... is allowed in order to avoid the greater evil of disrupting jihad."

The voice says the protection of religion "is more important than protecting lives, honor or wealth."

"God knows that we were careful not to kill Muslims, and we have called off many operations in the past to avoid losses ... but we cannot kill infidels without killing some Muslims. It is unavoidable," he adds.

The speaker defends suicide attacks, saying, "killing of infidels by any method including martyrdom operations has been sanctified by many scholars even if it meant killing innocent Muslims."

"This legality has been agreed upon ... so as not to disrupt jihad," or "holy war," the recording says.

And I bet if this clown - Zarqawi - is caught alive, he's gonna screech like a stuck pig...especially if some Iraqis get to him first.

It's always fun to identify the ends-justifies-the-means arguments - they're most like associated with psychos and those that are still getting their panties in a wad over making Iraqi prisoners wear underwear on their heads.

Say What? Part III

This is the stuff that make people shake their heads when the phrase 'modern nation' is associated with Mexico:

Mexico protests to U.S. in immigration furor

Mexico formally complained to the United States on Monday in an escalating dispute over immigration that led President Vicente Fox to make remarks last week that were widely condemned as racist.

Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez told reporters that Mexico sent Washington a diplomatic note, a form of official protest between two countries.

Mexico is complaining about tough new U.S. rules on foreigners that make it more difficult for millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico to get driver's licenses.

The controls, passed by Congress as part of a larger legislative package, also allow the extension of a fence on the border between California and Mexico aimed at stopping illegal immigrants.

Differences over immigration came to a head when Fox, frustrated that a proposal by President Bush to ease immigration restrictions had bogged down in Congress, told business people in Texas on Friday that Mexican immigrants "are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States."

Yes, we Americans need to stop enforcing our own nation's laws and borders and allow all of those down-trodden illegal immigrants aliens to continue violating the sovereignty of the United States.

Now, we could get nasty and just starting putting tanks on the border. Or we could take a page out of Mexico's immigration policy handbook and deal with illegal aliens like they do on their southern border - physically toss them back into Guatemala.

Naw....that would be mean.

My original suggestion stands: dig a trench and fill it with gasoline...

May 17, 2005


Nothing of interest to blog about this morning.....

The Newsweek flush-down-the-crapper story is being beat to death all over the place - nothing I can add since I kept Newsweek at arms length for the last few years.

Dreading dialysis today....just plain sucks.

More later if I'm inclined, feeling better from dialysis, or the world explodes because of the giant mutant spiders living under UCSD....

May 16, 2005

Down the Crapper


Gagging, not Homphobia

Via John Hawkins at Right Wing News:

Most readers will know that I don't place a metric ton of faith into pollings, but this does give a bit of impact on the wooden stake being pounded into the chest of the 'right-wing homophobia' monster.

While the numbers can be a bit sketchy and possibly the way the questions were asked might be iffy, the overall result is still the same IMO - having 'gay marriage' brought to the fore-front of political discussion results in what I talked about before: throwing this crap in our faces constantly will result in people getting fed up with it.

Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!!

Uhhhh.....Hell no!!

This graphic does shed a little light on the topic and the resulting thunder-clap is resounding: many Americans aren't too keen on having gay marriage brought into the American lexicon. You will not that this isn't an indication of gay concentration camps nor is it an indication (unless you're part of the Barking Moonbat Brigade) of directed hate/discontent at homosexuals - it is an indication IMO of a BIG chunk of people just getting tired of having gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay jammed down their throats and when they gag being called 'homophobes'.

Action - REaction. So simple that even a first-year physics student can get it.

May 15, 2005

Political Leanings

Your Political Profile

Overall: 90% Conservative, 10% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

(Hat tip to Beth at Yeah Right Whatever)

May 14, 2005

Combatting Spammers

Hey, I need a favor: I want everyone to send me all sorts of useless crap to my Hotmail account: Please, this account ONLY.

I'm trying to get the Inbox soooo full that any spam coming in will be bounced back to the spammers.

I know, it's a useless attempt to stop this 'plague of locusts' in the digital age, but it's worth the attempt. And even though I have another primary e-mail account, I still use this one for some things.

So....send me all sorts of useless crap - the larger the file, the better.

May 13, 2005

Whining - Presidential Style

Somebody please tell me this is a joke:

Mexico furious at tough US law on migrants

Mexico has reacted furiously to a bill signed into law by the US this week that would fund a border wall and prevent illegal Mexican migrants from obtaining US driving licences.

President Vicente Fox said he would lodge a diplomatic complaint, and was considering complaints to multilateral bodies if Mexico could not unable to resolve the problem bilaterally.

In the US, leaders of the Mexican community threatened to strike to send a message to US employers that they could not survive without cheap Mexican labour.

Santiago Creel, Mexico's interior secretary, said the “Real ID” law was “negative, inconvenient, and obstructionist”.

Is Fox serious? Lodge a complaint on a multilateral basis? Who's he gonna whine to about this? And would anyone really take his complaint to heart? And it's not like 'Real ID' is legislating that we line up illegal immigrants aliens and mow them down with a .50 caliber machine gun - it's just making it harder for illegal immigrants aliens to obtain driver's licenses.

Ummm.....Presidente Fox? Please don't tell us how to legislate in OUR nation. Maybe you should get off your dead ass and possibly address the problem as to why MILLIONS of your citizens are leaving Mexico, huh?

You dipstick....

End of a Family Gathering

Well this is gonna suck.

On one hand, I'm sooooo looking forward to watching the two episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise tonight. The episodes are getting better and better.

On the other hand, I'm dreading it because these two episodes tonight will be the last.

I'm really, really, really hoping that the Sci Fi Channel is quietly working on picking the series up and saving it. While I cannot speak for all Star Trek fans, I'm just wondering if the Sci Fi Channel will make the smart move and pick it up....considering that their main audience is science fiction geeks like myself.

This is just pain gonna suck. Hell, even my kid is bummed about it and she's hardly a sci fi geek (although I'm working on converting her....[/evil laugh]).

It's like someone is taking a part of my family life away. I say this cause Friday nights we all gather around the tube and watch four hours of sci fi shows: Enterprise, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, and then the evening repeat of Stargate SG-1.

It's almost un-American to take away ANY version of Star Trek....and no, there's no blaming President Bush or any Republicans for this - it's the Hollyweird weinies that pulled the plug.

I Don't Think So Tim

Stand down? I don't think so Tim:

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned.

More than a dozen agents, all of whom asked not to be identified for fear of retribution, said orders relayed by Border Patrol supervisors at the Naco, Ariz., station made it clear that arrests were "not to go up" along the 23-mile section of border that the volunteers monitored to protest illegal immigration.

"It was clear to everyone here what was being said and why," said one veteran agent. "The apprehensions were not to increase after the Minuteman volunteers left. It was as simple as that."

Another agent said the Naco supervisors "were clear in their intention" to keep new arrests to an "absolute minimum" to offset the effect of the Minuteman vigil, adding that patrols along the border have been severely limited.

You know, this sucks. I'm talking about porn-star quality sucking magnitude.

WTF is it going to take for people in the government to do their job in spite of the *cough* political ramifications? I'm starting to run into crap like this where I work and although I've been able to duck-and-weave to avoid this crap, it really rubs me raw.

I've always thought that working in government was a nice thing - working for the betterment (is that a word?) of the nation and making a living at it at the same time. I'm guessing I'm (gulp!) in the minority here.

And it's sad to say that dispite my best hopes of people 'shining through' and working to better America, that even the Republican leadership and the party are starting to become IMHO no better than the Democrats.

I know I cannot speak for others here in the blogsphere, but this situation - the several lack of doing squat about illegal immigrants aliens - is causing me to take stock of my political standings....and where those standings dictate whom I vote for.

Washington: HINT-HINT-HINT!!

Does this mean I'm becoming a stark-raving mad moonbat?? Aw fu*k no - it just means that I'm attempting to send a CLEAR MESSAGE to the GOP and it's players: get your shit wired and fix this now!

Collaborator's Death Bunny

Ugh! I knew - Jane not only hob-nobbed with commies in North Vietnam, she's also in possession of an Iraqi Death Bunny™!

Where the f&%k is Hans Blix when you need him!?!

Comments Fixed

Good news - I obtained the 'tweak' necessary for people to not have to constantly re-fill in their information while leaving a comment.

I've tested it and it appears to least, it works for me.

Lemme know if there are any problem with this upgrade/fix.

May 11, 2005

40 Minutes

40 minutes.

That's all it took to rub Pablo's *patooey* nose in the crap he's created:

Military judge convicts sailor who refused to deploy

SAN DIEGO - A military judge today convicted a Navy sailor of one count for missing his ship's movement when he refused to board the USS Bonhomme Richard as it deployed to the Persian Gulf in December.

The judge, Lieutenant Commander Bob Klant deliberated about 40 minutes before finding Petty Officer Third Class Pablo Paredes guilty of the charge. He dismissed a second count of unauthorized absence, ruling the charge was duplicative.

Paredes stood at attention as the judge read the sentence, following the day's court-martial proceeding. The trial is now in the sentencing phase.

Paredes, a 23-year-old from the New York City borough of the Bronx, could receive a year in jail, a forfeiture of pay, reduction in rank and a bad-conduct discharge.

Pity that the judge dismissed the second change - Unauthorized Absence - but at least the convicion was swift.

Pablo *patooey* will now face the sentencing phase of the court martial and the time in the brig followed by the inability to get a job outside of Burger King or the *cough* anti-war movement where he might continue to be a whiny-ass punk...

UPDATE: I was talking with the wife about this last night and she pretty much suggested exactly what Gordon said in comments:

Send him non-rated to the Carrier, stripped of all rank and clearances, most of his pay, and put him on the CHT Team.
And while I've been a big proponant of this punk getting his head squished by the Navy, but this would be infinitely better: make him suffer on the boat....

UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* was reduced in rank to E-1 and was sentenced to three months hard labor.

Pitiful, but at least he got something.....selfish piece of sh!t.

(Hat tip to Smash)

Insults with Care in Them

Best drop-dead Hiroshima insult line from a recent movie - this case 'Blade: Trinity'

Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds), who is a former vampire is captured by vampires from his old 'clan' and is confronted by his former mentor Danica Talos (Parker Posey).

Danica threatens to re-make him a vampire and leave a little firl in the room with him until he succumbs to the thirst for blood - obviously a ploy to get him to reveal information about his friends.

His most excellent retort that I've heard in a long time delivered in a thundering voice that conveys metric tons of contempt: 'You cock juggling thunder-cunt!'

I almost coughed up a lung cause I was laughing so hard....

Busting a Gut Here

Drop-dead funny-ass comment of the day:

At least he wasn't forced to help tsunami victims. You know... for the oil.
....talking about Pablo *patooey* Paredes and his absence from USS Bonhomme Richard.

Almost got kicked out of the library cause I was laughing my ass off.....

|| , 07:51 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 10, 2005

Nobody's Home Dumbass

I'm sitting here in the Sun God Lounge at school, reading the news and blogs in my links section and I start to here a cell phone ring.

Like practically everyone on the planet, I stop what I'm doing for a second and reach for my cell on my belt and as soon as I reach it, I realize that it's not my phone.

Okay - not mine.....who's is it?

It's sitting in a backpack about 15 feet from me at another computer station here in the lounge.




After about the 2oth ring, I'm wondering if the owner will suddently rush up to answer it.

Oh hell no - they're no where in sight.




The freakin phone rings constantly for about 2 minutes and I'm wondering does the caller know that there's no one home??

Apparently the caller is a retard and is convinced that their call will draw their intended recipient from anywhere in the world.

Can people really be that stupid to think that if their call isn't picked up in three to five rings that letting it continue for THREE MINUTES will make any difference!?

It's a freakin miracle that humans survived being eaten by dinosaurs.....

Guide to Blogging

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has always been my guide in the do's and dont's of blogging. He has updated his infamous guide to new bloggers and here a portion of that guide:

25 Pieces Of Advice For Bloggers
  1. It's tempting -- even for me -- to get frustrated when some of the bigger bloggers don't link. But, don't let it get to you. Anybody with a big blog is busy and it's likely not personal if they don't link you.
  2. Keep in mind that even if you get a link from a big website, the overwhelming majority of those readers won't be back. So although there are exceptions, don't expect to make it big off of 1 or 2 posts.
  3. If you're going to be putting up multiple posts and then not posting for a while, put the best post on top. The number of readers drops significantly the further they have to go down the page.
  4. On the week-ends, expect your traffic to drop by roughly 40% whether you post or not.
  5. If you're going to send a promotional email out to other bloggers, make sure it's something worth promoting and try to keep it down to once or twice per week if possible. Send too many emails or promote posts of low quality and other bloggers will tune you out.
  6. Find ways to link to other blogs -- a lot. It's flattering to the blogger being linked and it may draw their attention to what you're writing. Of course, that means they may link you back.
And after looking at his new guide, I can say that almost most of these ideas are ones that I already follow - especially the 'dedication to posting', i.e., I post (or try to anyways) almost everyday.

And I'm hoping that John will follow-through on Point #1 and acknowledge my presence in the blogsphere....along with Michelle Malkin.[/kidding]

May 09, 2005

VE-Day 60 Years Later

There are lots of other bloggers - bigger, better, and with more daily readers - that have talked about the 60th anniversary of the end of combat operations in Europe at the end of World War II and they've done a better job than I probably could.

My blurb on this anniversary: we kicked their ass and occupied their land to rebuild it since we kick the living crap out of Germany. We came, we saw, we kicked ass.


And now....there's a greater Europe - now called the European Union - that thinks the United States is out to colonize the world with our 'aggression' et al...that is if you believe the *cough* MSM and what European polls indicate about the eurotrash says. you we have to kick their asses again to show that we're not looking to expand the 'sphere of influence' in the name of protecting our nation?

Sure as hell seems like it at'd think that they'd try to remember history - especially considering that one nation in particular started TWO world wars in the 20th century and it was the U.S. that came in to make it all better - and at least be semi-grateful about it.

Well, it's a nice thought, huh?

May 07, 2005

Polls in Favor of Digging Trench and Filling it with Gasoline

The proof is in the pudding:

Zogby poll: Americans fed up on illegal aliens

A new opinion poll by Zogby International indicates Americans are hardly pleased with the Bush administration on the subject of illegal immigration.

The poll, cited on CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight" program yesterday, noted a huge majority – 81 percent – believes local and state police should help federal authorities enforce laws against illegal immigration. Only 14 percent disagreed.

Voters were also asked, "Do you support or oppose the Bush administration's proposal to give millions of illegal aliens guest worker status and the opportunity to become citizens?" Only 35 percent gave their support, and 56 percent said no.

"A majority opposed illegal immigration," pollster John Zogby told CNN. "In fact, when you combine those two terms, 'illegal and immigration,' it really conjures up a considerable amount of negatives. And, in fact, we find that it's really across the board."

While some of you know my stance on polls - even those conducted by Zogby (IMHO a reliable source for field polls) which is that a poll question can be worded in such a way as to make Charles Manson a 'misunderstood scholar'.

I can take note of the significance of these numbers - 81% in favor of increased action - that the folks in Washington cannot continue to ignore this problem.

Additionally, mine isn't a case of 'white vigilantism' or *cough* racsim - a significant number of Americans are getting tired of this crap.

I honestly fear that it will result in another terrorist attack on the continential United States and that when the dust settles and the immediate questions are answered - HOW did this happen!? - that if the neon arrow points to the southern border that someone (read: President Bush) will get their ass kicked politically and HARD.

I'm not advocating increasing vigilance on the U.S. - Mexico border to save President Bush's administration....I just don't want another terrorist attack to be perpetrated on MY country.


Evil Zionist School Bus

Gee - I'm betting this won't make the NYT frontpage, backpage, or even those stupid advertisements that we all instantly toss aside (Hat Tip to Charles at LGF):

Gaza lull shaky as Palestinians fire rocket at settlers' school bus

Palestinians on Friday morning fired an anti-tank rocket on Friday morning at school bus carrying children outside the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Kfar Darom, shaking the fragile lull in violence. The rocket failed to hit the bus.

A mortar shell also hit a Gush Katif settlement. No damage or casualties were reported in either case.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired four Qassam rockets at the southern Israeli town of Sderot predawn Friday. The Magen David Adom ambulance service said that several people had been treated for shock.

Three of the rockets landed in an open field. One hit a building in the center of the Negev town, which was empty at the time due to renovation works.

The "Red Dawn" early warning system apparently did not work. Sderot residents last night talked of the return of fear to their lives.

Ah, nothing says COMMITTMENT TO PEACE like attempting to turn a school bus loaded with children into a huge ball of fire....I've changed my mind: do NOT give these psychos a country of their own. To do so would only legitimize these types of actions as effective and they'd f*ck it up anyways and then blame Israel for their ineptitude.

May 06, 2005

Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq

Student Suspended for Phone Conversation with Mom....calling from Iraq

Kevin Francois gave up his lunch break to talk to his mother, but it ended up costing him the rest of the school year.

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq"

Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!

UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* does a Admiral Kirk!! (see Read More...>>

With all the stuff I have going on this week - midterms, quizzes, dialysis, family stuff - this post from Smash really, really made my week much more pleasant.

I almost got kicked out of the library cause I was 'whoo-hoooooing' too loudly:

Two for One

It was Pablo Paredes, in the flesh.

Pablo and Friends - Photo glommed from SMASH

Other than a handful of his anti-war buddies, nobody was paying him much attention. He stepped away from the gaggle for a moment, and pulled out his cell phone.

It was an irresistible opportunity. Before he could dial, I stepped in front of him. “Hey, are you Pablo?”

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!"

We'll Kill You to Save You...

I know that some might think this is 'pandering' or 'manipulation' of the story and that I'm using it as justification for Operation Iraqi Freedom, but in my book this is terrorism:

Car Bomb at Iraqi Market Kills 24

BAGHDAD, Iraq — At least 24 people died and 40 were injured after a car bomb detonated outside a busy market just south of Baghdad on Friday.

The explosion ripped through crowds in the town of Suwayra. This area 25 miles south of the capital is known to be a notorious insurgent stronghold, routinely referred to as the Triangle of Death.

Earlier Friday, the bodies of at least 12 people who had been shot and killed were found buried at a garbage dump in Baghdad, Iraqi officials said. And in another attack targeting Iraqi security forces, a homicide car bomb destroyed a police minibus at a checkpoint in Saddam Hussein's hometown, killing at least eight policemen, officials said.

This wasn't an attack on U.S. forces in the wasn't a homicide bomber blowing himself up at a police recruiting station - it was a deliberate bombing in a crowded market place.

...ripped through crowds in the town of Suwayra

This is the classic definition of terrorism: inflicting pain, suffering, and death upon civilians to gain some sort of political or social leverage. They cannot win their argument(s) using reason, logic, or even Tinker-Toys for that matter so they revert to inciting terror on the civilians to attempt to be the preeminent group in power in the rebuilding of Iraq.

Anyone want to try to deny this?? Anyone want to try and justify this action in the so-over-abused 'resistance' argument? Cause this wasn't a case of 'oops!' - it was deliberate and I'm simply baffled as to how these Islamo-psychos can justify killing Iraqi civilians in the name of Allah or whatever diety they're trucking for...

They are plain animals. Not demented humans - but animals. That's what they are and that's the way that they're gonna be treated: shot down like a rabid dog.

And if my the grace of God they're captured alive and receive humane treatment, they they should thank their lucky stars that the trooper or Marine that captured them didn't just blow their brains all over the wall.

|| , 02:21 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Bush = Hitler! - A Primer

From Is This Blog On? (via Right Wing News) comes a bit of compare/contrast on the ever-popular 'Bush = Hitler!':

Bu$hitler/ a Primer

All this talk about Bush being exactly like Hitler has gotten me thinking. Some of these are just mind blowing.

Just to start BUSH (43rd president of the United States) and Hilter (Fuhrer of Germany, and mass murderer):

  1. Hitler held these awesome rallies in Nuremberg, and was a charismatic speaker. Bush, not so much. Ok, not so similar there.

  2. Hitler began his career in the "German Workers Party" which became the National SOCIALIST Workers Party. I feel pretty certain Bush never belong to any socialist organizations. Socialite, perhaps. Socialist? Never. But this one kinda has me confused ... because Hitler started out as a socialist, and ended up being a Fascist. Bush started out as a Socialite, and ended up as Republican ( who is called a fascist). Coincidence? I think not.

  3. Hitler's Minister of Information (Goebbels) controlled all media and education. To think that there is any Government control of media and/or education in the US, well, you'd have had to have a public school education. Which, I believe, is part of the problem.

  4. Nuremberg Laws versus the "Patriot Act". Something to think about. I mean, sure, the Nuremberg laws started out by taking away Jew's citizenship,and banning them from marrying non-jews. Eventually, they had to wear yellow stars on their coats, couldn't work, couldn't go to school or ride a bus, and finally were corralled into concentration camps to met a horrible death. The Patriot act may start with the aim of finding and persecuting terrorist, but who knows where it might end.

  5. Hitler killed Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and the mentally ill as part of his "final solution." Bush is against gay marriage. EXACTLY THE SAME!

  6. Hitler was ultimately responsible for the death of 12 MILLION innocent people in his concentration camps. Bush has imprisoned terrorists in Gitmo. Some have even been interrogated by SEXY FEMALES (edit - reference to this story). Oh, the horror.
I'm sure there are many other "comparisons" you can make between these two men, these are just the ones that stick out to me.
It's so fun to see this explained such that a child could understand it. Pity that it won't make a dent in the 'Bush = Hitler!' jugernaut that is the wacky left....

|| , 08:04 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

Athletic Bias


From the unbelievable public school follies file. Well, actually, entirely believable:

A Gwinnett County teacher was fired early Friday after refusing to raise a student athlete's grade he lowered because the student appeared to be sleeping in class.

The Gwinnett County School Board voted 4-1 early Friday _ after a marathon Thursday night meeting _ to fire Dacula High School science teacher Larry Neace, said school system spokeswoman Sloan Roach.

Blogger Winfield Myers has been following the story and has much more. Students are trying to rally around Neace. 114 of them have signed a petition asking for his reinstatement.

Contact info for the Gwinnett County School Board is here.

My intial read of this says that there might be more to this than appears, but it's still has all the appeal of a 10 pound bag of Cricket Crap from Dicker & Dicker of Beaverly Hills.

This is one of the reasons that I chose UC San Diego over San Diego State University - athlete's in the classroom.

Now, athletes aren't the scourge of the univerese - trigonometry is - but IMHO I see no reason for colleges to have any sort of athletic program outside of Phys Ed.

None what-so-ever.

And I don't see the logic is allowing jocks to slide where I'm busting my ass and in the end of things I'll be an engineering making lives better for people whereas the jock is pulling down seven figures in what ultimately comes down to 'playing a game'.

Sorry, you won't get any sympathy from me about the 'poor athlete struggling to stay awake cause they had an AWAY game and were on the bus all night'. B-O-O H-O-O.

You also won't be getting any alumni contributions to get the team new uniforms. Let them do a bake sales or a car wash...

Anyway...this is crap. That school board knows it, the students know it, and now lots more people know it.

And that student athlete sleeping in class? Throw erasers at him....

|| , 07:53 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 05, 2005

Before & After Photos

Chrenkof has some excellent before & after photos of those that would inflict harm upon America.

I really love the last one.....

Defend Pablo *patooey*

Here's a message I just sent to the DefendPablo pukes:

Richard Hall - How long after Pablo is found guilty at his court-martial will the anti-war movement drop him and move on to the next *cough* resister? A week? Two?

Pablo IS a selfish bastard and he'll reap what he's sown but you numb-skulls will always be using poor dipsticks like Pablo to try and further your cause and *attempt* to make an argument where the only suckers who believe it are within your own little psycho-circle.

Please convey to Pablo that he is a PUNK and that the mere thought of him makes me want to vomit. Really - I'm not exagerating on this....he's revolting in his I'm-right-and-doing-what-needs-to-be-done smarmy (yes, it's a word) attitude.

I sincerely hope that the Navy JAG tears him a new one and that he's busting big rocks into little one in Leavenworth.

The sad part is that his wife and child are going to be completely screwed because of this because he'll be in jail and I *KNOW* for a fact that you anti-war twerps will abandon them cause you'll be searching for new 'tools'.

Take an honest minute and think about what a mess Pablo has made of his and his family's lives and how YOU have contributed to it all for the *glory* of reliving the freakin 60s protests....

And while it sucks that Pablo *patooey* Paredes' family are the poor dopes that have to deal with the burned and scorched landscape that is their lives - all due to Pablo *patooey* and his act (believe me - it IS an act) I really do hope that Pablo *patooey* gets the Holy Reaming that's coming to him.

And I was honest about being revolted - so revolted and pissed am I about this that I almost signed this message wtih my full name and home e-mail, but I wasn't about to reveal my identity to the anti-war tards and have them do something stupid as they always do when confronted by the truth of the matter.

|| , 09:09 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

Marine Cleared for Wasting Possum in Mosque

This is most excellent news about the Marine that put 'two in the head' to a Islamo-psycho playing possum in the fight for Fallujah that I posted about here back in November 2004

(Hat Tip: Charles at Little Green Footballs)

No Court-Martial in Iraq Mosque Shooting

SAN DIEGO - A Marine corporal who was videotaped shooting an apparently injured and unarmed Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque last year will not face a court-martial, the Marine Corps announced Wednesday.

A review of the evidence showed the Marine's actions were "consistent with the established rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict," Maj. Gen. Richard F. Natonski, commanding general of the 1st Marine Division, said in a statement.

The corporal was not identified in the two-page statement issued by Camp Pendleton, the headquarters of the expeditionary force north of San Diego.

In sworn statements, the corporal said he shot three insurgents in self-defense in the mosque Nov. 13, believing they posed a threat to him and his fellow Marines, the statement said. Autopsy results showed that all three died of multiple wounds from gunshots fired from the corporal's M-16.

One of the shootings was recorded by Kevin Sites, an NBC cameraman embedded with the Marines, and the dramatic footage prompted outrage among Iraqis and an immediate investigation by the Marine Corps.

In the video, as the cameraman moved into the mosque, a Marine in the background could be heard shouting obscenities and yelling that one of the men was only pretending to be dead. The Marine then raised his rifle toward an Iraqi lying on the floor of the mosque and shot him.

The incident played out as the division's 3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment, returned to the unidentified Fallujah mosque. While Marines had secured the mosque complex on the previous day, intelligence reports indicated that the mosque had since been reoccupied by insurgents.

The Camp Pendleton statement said the corporal "could have reasonably believed that the AIF (anti-Iraq forces) shown in the videotape posed a hostile threat justifying his use of deadly force."

"...consistent with the established rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict"'re damn right it was consistent, especially when those Islamo-psychos were playing possum and putting U.S. Marines in harm's way all the while using a religious sanctuary as a base of operations.

One hundred percent justified and the Marine is clearer.


May 04, 2005

I Punched Saddam

This is a bit old, but it's still a good read:

"I Punched Saddam in the Mouth"


It had to have been the most sublime moment of his life. Samir tells how he arrived in Tikrit as an Arabic interpreter for United States Special Forces in late 2003, how he peered into a hidden bunker and heard a voice begging for mercy, how he reached into the darkness and pulled out Saddam Hussein.

"I was so angry," says Samir, who immigrated to St. Louis eleven years ago after fleeing Iraq. "I began cussing at him, calling him a motherfucker, a son-of-a-bitch -- you name it. I told him I was Shiite from the south and was part of the revolution against him in 1991. I said he murdered my uncles and cousins. He imprisoned my father.

"All these years of anger, I couldn't stop. I tried to say the worst things I could. I told him if he were a real man he would have killed himself. I asked him: 'Why are you living in that dirty little hole, you bastard? You are a rat. Your father is a rat.'"

In Arabic, Saddam told Samir to shut up. And when Saddam called him a traitor, an enraged Samir silenced his prisoner with a flurry of quick jabs to the face.

"I punched Saddam in the mouth."

Can't blame him at at all. Not one-little-bit.

(Hat tip to Jeff at Beatiful Atrocities)

Just Say No

Just say NO to Pablo *patooey* Paredes.

|| , 03:46 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Support Iraqi Resistance! Part Deux

I wonder if those numb-skulls that scream about supporting the Iraqi resistance got a look at this:

At Least 60 Killed in Iraq Bombing

IRBIL, Iraq — An Iraqi seen standing in line outside a police recruitment center with scores of job applicants blew himself up Wednesday, killing about 60 Iraqis and wounding 150 in the deadliest insurgent attack in more than two months, the U.S. military and Iraqi police said.

A militant group claimed responsibility, saying the attack in the Kurdish city of Irbil was in retaliation for Kurdish militias working with U.S. forces.

Later Wednesday, a car bomber attacked an Iraqi army checkpoint in Baghdad, killing at least nine soldiers and wounding 16, police said. The U.S. military said as many as 15 soldiers were killed.

Probably no since they're sooooo busy working for a free Iraq.

Lovely...just lovely.

Michelle's New Tagline

Michelle Malkin comtemplates needing a new tagline:


From the unhinged magazine, Znet:

Media mavens such as Michelle Malkin pollute the minds of readers with ideas that are so emotionally-driven, devoid of logic, and packed with ringing endorsements of American hubris that that they leave critical thinkers who have a social conscience reeling with nausea.
Take a Dramamine already, dude.
I thought I'd help her and think up some new taglines for her:
  • Michelle Malkin
    ...suspended somewhere between meltdown and kicking your ass.

  • Michelle Malkin
    ....not the timid chick you thought she was.

  • Michelle Malkin
    ....cause she finds your lack of faith disturbing[/Darth Vader].

  • Michelle Malkin
    ...likes ice cream and hates idiots!

  • Michelle Malkin
    ...still ignoring Mad Mikey for over a year!

  • Michelle Malkin
    ...try to prove her wrong....she DARES you....
They're just off the top of my head while sitting in Control Systems class so if you think they suck - bite me.

May 03, 2005

Tuesday Afternoon in my Life

Nothing interesting to post about this afternoon.

Dialysis was just *cough* wonderful...recovering from the mass sodimization everyone in ECE 107 had this morning with a midterm.

Sitting through a lecture right now in Digital Circuits class that would put anphetimine freaks to sleep. Honestly, the prof is a nice guy (he admitted me even though I didn't meet the prerequisites), but his lecture style needs a bit of improvement.

And now I'm getting IM'd from my cousin in Washington, D.C.

So, I thought I'd put up a beatiful painting of the plane my father flew in World War II - the Curtiss SB-2C Helldiver divebomber. The bonus of this painting is that the white stripes on the vertical stabilizer were the markings of my fathers air group - Air Group 9 on the USS Lexington. (Pretty sure it was Lexington....) My father's squadron was Bombing 9. As my brother says: Good stuff.

(Painter can be located at Dave's Warbirds.)

UPDATE: The website says that this painting is of one of USS Hancock's bombers. Honest - I was always told that Air Group 9 on USS Lexington had the white stripes on the vertical stabilizer.

I'll have to chat with my brother Tim and clarify this.....

Operation THANK YOU - 32nd Street Naval Station

From Citzen SMASH:

Operation THANK YOU Continues

Thanking the Sailors

OPERATION THANK YOU moves to a new venue this week: 32nd Street Naval Station. This base will be receiving quite a bit of attention in the coming weeks, with Pablo Paredes' pending court martial attracting peaceniks and yahoos from all over the state.

These sailors need your support.

(Another photo glommed from SMASH)

We'll meet on the NE corner of 32nd St and Harbor Dr., just opposite the main gate of the Naval Station, at 4:00pm on Thursday, and remain on station until about 5:30pm. We'll provide the signs and flags, if you don't have any. Bring friends. Come when you can, leave when you must.

Those of us familiar with this location know that parking can be extremely tricky. If you have a valid DoD sticker and ID, you can find parking pretty easily on the "dry" (north) side of the base. Heading north from Harbor Dr., turn right from 32nd St. (not left into the Autoport), and park at the first space you can find.

If you don't have a sticker, you have three options:

  1. Carpool with someone who does, and have them drop you off near the corner.
  2. Take the trolley to Pacific Fleet Station (right next to the rally site!)
  3. Park in the $5 "Allright Parking" lot on 32nd St, just south of the trolley tracks (accessible ONLY from the southbound lanes of 32nd St.) There is no free public parking on 32nd St. or Harbor Dr. in this area, so don't bother looking.
If you've always wanted to come to one of these, now would be a good time to start. See you on Thursday!
Although I have dialysis on Thursdays, I'm going to try to make this op.

If you're here in San Diego, drop by and join us! Believe me, I don't think I could ever duplicate the *rush* that I get from people honking their horns in support and pumping their fists in the air. About the only thing better is getting a big hug from my munchkin.

So come on out and join us Thursday to support the sailors and to show what you think of Pablo *patooey* Paredes.

|| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 02, 2005

'Punch in the Mouth'

This is the kind of stuff that makes you twitch:

Ayatollah warns U.S. needs punch in mouth

The spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is warning the U.S. to stay out of his country's business – and, in particular, its nuclear program, which is set to resume this week.

Speaking on a tour of southeast Iran, Khamenei called the U.S. "arrogant," "rude" and said the country "deserved a punch in the mouth."

He also said Iran's presidential elections in June would not make any difference to its nuclear policy.

Khamenei said it was not up to the U.S. to decide which countries needed nuclear technology.

Well, in a way he's right - it isn't up to the United States to decide who can utilize nuclear technology. But one phrase comes to mind when you think about 'Iran' and 'nuclear' - glass parking lot.

|| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

Say What? Behind the Counter?

Oh good - another example of people wanting to regulate practically every freakin aspect of your life in the name of 'protecting you'

Group Pushes Restricting of Cold Medicine

WASHINGTON - An association representing more than 36,000 pharmacies is issuing guidelines for possible federal legislation to restrict sales of cold medications containing a substance often used in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine — or "speed."

Pseudoephedrine, a main ingredient in a number of over-the-counter drugs like Sudafed, Nyquil and Sinutab, can be extracted by boiling down the cold medicines; toxic chemicals are then used to turn the substance into highly concentrated meth.

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores, moving to avoid a hodgepodge of state laws, is calling for an overarching federal law that would require that such products be kept behind the pharmacy counter and sold only by a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy personnel.

Purchases should be limited to 9 grams — or 366 30-milligram pills — in 30 days, the association says.

The guidelines also suggest that drugstores be required to keep written or electronic logs of all pseudoephedrine purchases to assist law enforcement efforts.

Ain't this great? Not only do you have to stand in line to get something for the creeping crud, but they'll want to know exactly who you are.

Oh and here's something that's really possible: if pharmacy's have to start stacking this stuff behind the counter, who do you think will be paying the extra money for the stock clerks and pharmacy techs to do this?? It sure as hell won’t be Sav-On or Walgreens - it'll be you.

I understand the reasoning behind this - San Diego was at one point (and maybe still is today?) known as the crystal meth capital of the world. Believe me - we've got a TON of crystal freaks, mostly out in the East County and in the South Bay. You don't need to impress upon me the need to crack down (no pun intended) on this crap, but this is ridiculous.

Just another example of trying to deal with a problem by regulating the crap out of everything slighly associated with it. Now where did I put my 14 cases of Vicks.....?

Billboard Correction

It would seem that someone in Los Angeles who isn't a barking moonbat has taken the situation in hand:


Here's the latest salvo in that "Los Angeles, Mexico" billboard war. Over the weekend, some patriots scaled the billboard and hung Old Glory over the sign:

Looks like there are some L.A. residents who are not taking reconquista lying down. Good for them.

Now, say it with me: Los Angeles, California.

There....I knew you could.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin....even though she hasn't replied to ANY of my e-mails to her.....)

|| , 08:14 AM || Permalink || Show Comments (2) || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||

May 01, 2005

Air America Filter

It isn't any plainer than this....

(politely glommed from Chris Muir's 'Day by Day')

|| , 11:42 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

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May 28, 2005

Memorial Day 2005

This weekend we're blessed with another three-day weekend. Most will be vacationing in other parts of the nation, some will be heading to the beach (where the weather permits) and some will simply be vegging on the couch.

Sadly, I was going to be one of those vegging and not really thinking about what Memorial Day means to Americans.

Last night I was privilidged to watch a dear friend of the family graduate from Southwestern College here in San Diego. At the beginning of the graduation ceremony, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and was immediately followed by the singing of the National Anthem. The crowd stood and recited the Pledge and not one person omitted the portion of 'under God' - not one that I could hear. My father-in-law and his wife, like I did, put emphasis on that portion. And the young lady singing the National Anthem really put her heart and soul into her singing. It was inspiring.

Anyway, I was thinking about America and Memorial Day and decided this afternoon to do a little research on the topic.

Did you know that Memorial Day was originally designated to be on May 30th of every year? It was changed back in 1971 with the passage of the National Holiday Act of 1971 and it further diluted the meaning of honoring America's war dead into a bonanzza of sales and other trite crap.

Here is a site I found that has a whole lot more history and facts on Memorial Day, including a movement to change it back from the three-day weekend to May 30th.

This weekend while I cannot place flags on graves in Rosecrans Cemetery due to just being FUBARed from dialysis, I will hang my American flag from my balcony in spite of apartment regulations.

And I will remember those that have fallen in the defense of America, it's people, and the ideals for which America is the greatest nation on the face of the planet.

May 27, 2005

Huh....I'm Blue

Your Lightsaber is Blue

Blue is often associated with depth and stability.
It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom,
confidence, and truth.

What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Picked up from Michelle at A Small Victory)

Peace....through Superior Firepower

Thanks to a donor who wishes to remain anonymous and their donation, I made a purchase this morning for a t-shirt to annoy liberals here at UCSD.

Can't wait to get it!

Again, many thanks to ANONYMOUS for the Pay Pal donation - it is much appreciated!

|| , 08:17 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 26, 2005

Who Are You

Sitting here in the Sun God Lounge working on Control Systems homework and I found the gem of homework music in my music library: The Who. And the perfect song for Control systems?? Who Are You.

Pity though.....I can't blast it here so I have to just enjoy it on headphones and try not to sing along with Roger Daltry....

May 25, 2005

Burger King is EVIL!!

Group asks Burger King to halt 'Star Wars' deal

The Force may — or may not — be with Burger King's latest Star Wars-themed Kids Meals.

One day after a record-shattering weekend for Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, an advocacy group is asking Burger King to stop the tie-in of its Kids Meals with the film because it is rated PG-13.

The same group, Dove Foundation, got McDonald's 13 years ago to apologize for "confusion" from its promotion of PG-13 Batman Returns with Happy Meals. Now, it's going after BK's latest Kids Meal promotion — targeted at kids ages 4 to 9. The meals feature characters from Sith or other Star Wars films.

"When Burger King puts that in a Kids Meal, there's an implicit endorsement of the movie," says Dick Rolfe, chairman of Dove Foundation.

Oh please shut up. Organizations like this are why the average IQ in America are so low....


Good news for American science fiction geeks like myself:

U.S.A. gets Season Two first

The U.S. SCI FI Channel will have the world premiere of Battlestar Galactica's second season when it kicks of 20 new episodes on July 15. According to a report at the BBC's Cult Television site, the U.K. network Sky One won't begin airing the new season until October.

The first, 13-episode season of the hit new series aired first in the United Kingdom, beginning last fall. SCI FI waited until January to premiere the series, which has proved a ratings winner on both sides of the Atlantic.

Sky will air the new season of Galactica alongside the ninth season of Stargate SG-1 and the second season of Stargate Atlantis. Because SCI FI traditionally takes a rerun break from September to January, it is likely that Sky will pass the U.S. cable network and air the second half of the season first.

And I'm anxiously awaiting the premieres of all three shows on Sci Fi Channel...

It's About Time

Senate Confirms Owen

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Priscilla Owen as a federal judge, ending a four-year effort by Democrats to derail one of President Bush's prime judicial nominees.

The vote was 56-43 in favor of sending Owen to the federal bench. Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee opposed her confirmation. Democratic Sens. Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana voted for Owen. Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, one of the 14 negotiators who sought to allow Owen's vote and Democrats' to maintain the filibuster option, did not vote.

"This is a long time coming," Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, told reporters after the vote. "I think she has shown absolute integrity, commitment, patience and above all, judicial demeanor through this process. I commend her for it. This is her day and it is well deserved."

Now, was that so hard?

|| , 02:09 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Sucking Eggs

Air America Radio is finding out that you cannot simply get a few millionaires to back you and throw money at the radio to make an impression:

Time For New Excuses?

Liberals Flat, Others Mixed, Air America Owes Wages

Newly released Arbitron radio ratings bring some questions to mind, such as:

--- Will Air America's apologists finally come up with a fresh batch of excuses, after insisting more time was needed for it to catch on? Isn't that one getting stale?

--- Will some of the traditional talk stations, now showing audience declines, make changes soon?

The Radio Equalizer has been providing a monthly forum for discussing talk radio's national performance, broken down city-by-city and based on available data. There's been a consistent pattern of lackluster showings by liberal talk radio stations running Air America and other "progressive" programming.

This month's data, so far, has not provided any rays of hope for the leftist talk radio format.


#17 San Diego:

KOGO-AM takes a half-share dip from recent highs, to a 4.8 share from a 5.3. Nothing to sound the alarm over, yet. This is the Limbaugh station in San Diego.

Rival KFMB-AM hasn't recovered from a massive recent ratings drop, which took it from a 4.8 to a 3.2. This is the Savage affiliate for the market. A lack of local programming has stalled this station.

Air America's KLSD-AM weighs in at a flat 1.6 share, no change since last month, but off the earlier high of 2.3. This is the station touted as lib talk's great hope, but it's in no danger of taking off, ever.

I occasionally tune in KLSD to hear the constant screech of crap from Air America Radio, mostly from Randi Rhodes. She seems to constantly be whining/screeching like she's just woken up from a nap and found her house full of armadillos.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you cannot just create an audience of radio listeners and expect to take off like a Saturn IIB rocket.

Ehh....they'll tank inside a year.

Moonbat Independence Day Celebration Planned

Oh dear God - this is why some protesters get their asses kicked by beefy WWII Marine veterans.

From those Fragile X folks at Indy Media:

This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!

This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!

Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies.
This July 4th is Flag Burning Day!

Every summer good Americans don their best red white and blue, and gorge themselves on beer and hotdogs to celebrate our independence from England, but from its very beginnings this country has been built on illegitimacies. The Indians helped the first few pilgrims to survive on thanksgiving and in return the colonialist settlers massacred the natives, stole their land and declared themselves sovereign. The “Fore Fathers” were the colonial American elite; they were among the richest men in the new country. The British King restricted them from taking some Indian land, so they revolted promising many of the soldiers large parcels of land in payment for fighting. Perhaps the slave holding founders had noble intentions when they constructed a system of governance that limited its own power, but even before its independence the state was just the strong-arm of big business. And since then the government has only grown more and more coercive in its aim of imposing American corporate interests everywhere it can around the world, so when the leaders talk about how “Independence Day” is all about freedom and democracy it reeks of hypocrisy. July 4th has only ever symbolized the independence of the New World royalty. So on this Fourth of July we call on you to express your feelings on their “Independence Day” by burning a flag in a nationally coordinated action. Together we will show the elite that we are everywhere and that we completely reject the false principals this holiday is based on.

Usually I don't have a problem with twerpy protesters burning a U.S. flag - it just shows that once again they cannot convey their argument(s) in a logical manner and have to take a few steps down the evolutionary ladder to grunt at the fire like so many chimps.

I do have to say that burning the flag on July 4th is taking a whole bunch of steps down the ladder and quite honestly I'd have a few choice words to say should this happen in my presence. And considering how many people go out for Independence Day celebrations here in San Diego, it'll be almost like a swarm of bums on a bologna sandwich.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin - 13 e-mails and counting....)

May 24, 2005


Here's something that I posted about before - the increasing whine from the California Teacher's Association.

To me, it appears that the CTA is acting like a gold-digging tramp that got caught in bed with a high school basketball team - they're getting slightly viscious about what they're 'entitled' to in the end. They're still saying that Governor Schwarzenegger is 'robbing the children'.
From the Sac Bee:

Daniel Weintraub: Governor was snared in Prop. 98 trap

As anyone who watches television in California must know by now, the public education lobby believes Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger shorted the schools by $2 billion when he proposed his budget for the coming year in January.

The California Teachers Association, one of the state's most powerful public employee unions, has been drumming that message home for weeks in political advertisements bashing the governor and his integrity. The attack has driven Schwarzernegger's approval ratings down and threatened his entire agenda for change in 2005.

Frustrated, the governor last week lashed out, accusing the union and its allies of lying about his record.

"I did not make a promise like they keep saying," Schwarenegger declared.

His outburst was ill-timed and impolitic. But in a way, it was understandable.


Earlier this month, the governor revised his budget, as the law requires, and gave the schools $126 million more than he proposed in January. Yet now we are told that he is shorting them not by $2.3 billion but by $3.1 billion. By the strict terms of the deal made last year, this is true. But it is also true that Schwarzenegger is proposing $500 million more than the law requires.

No wonder he's frustrated. The faster he runs, it seems, the farther he falls behind.

Puzzled? You have a right to be. Schwarzenegger is giving the schools more than the law requires, more than they got last year, more than they have ever received before, and enough to keep pace with higher enrollments and higher prices next year.

But he's $3.1 billion short of what they say they are entitled to - at a time when the state still faces a huge gap between its projected revenues and expenditures.

And why is the teacher's union foaming-at-the-mouth and touting that 'children will suffer'?? It's because in reality the union will suffer and they won't admit that they'll have to gouge their union members with higher fees.

I don't normally keep up with unions - they're mostly useless in the 21st century - but watch for indications of this.

These dorks need to STFU and work with what they've got instead of whining about what they don't have.

May 23, 2005

Buried Alive

When will this crap end?

Suspect Charged After Fla. Girl Buried Alive

LAKE WORTH, Fla. — An 8-year-old girl who was raped and buried alive told a friend she remembers her attacker towering over her before she passed out, then awoke seven hours later beneath a pile of rocks and concrete blocks when she heard the voices of rescuers.

The girl, who had been staying overnight at her godmother's house, was reported missing early Sunday. She was hospitalized in good condition Monday and a teenage boy who also had been staying at the home was arrested. Authorities said he confessed.

"She said the last thing she remembers is that he looked over her with these big eyes and then she said she went to sleep. She said she was waiting for us to find her," said 18-year-old Danielle Holloman, a family friend who calls the girl her sister.


Authorities said Milagro Cunningham, 17, confessed and was charged with attempted murder, sexual battery on a child under 12, and false imprisonment of a victim under age 13, police said. A court appearance was scheduled Monday.

The teen initially told investigators that the girl may have been abducted by five men in a station wagon, and that he tried to follow them. He changed his story during questioning, Boland said.

Jesus Jumpin Christ - what will it take for this to end?

Just thank God that she's alive.

I'll stick with my original proposal: public executions with a .45 calibre slug in the head.


And put it on pay-per-view.

Giving Thanks

Now this is how a veteran should be treated:

Hi Guys,

Ev got home last night at 7:05, Leann had signs and flowers and flags. Their vehicle was all decorated and Ev was all smiles. He had had 4 hours sleep since 7 pm our time Sunday night.

He was upgraded to first class on the Dallas flight, had the water trucks spraying an arch over the plane at Salt Lake and had 2 standing ovations on the Montana stretch of the flight. Plus more offers of a drink than he could shake a stick at. Several people at the airport came up to him and told him thanks and what a good job he was doing over there. And of course Ev could stand and talk to all of them.

I imagine he’s still sleeping, his belly’s full (he wanted a REAL hamburger and fries). Then he was going to take a hot shower and not worry about sand blowing on him while he was still wet (:}) More later after we talk again.

Fracking-A right buddy!!

Filibuster Whining

I haven't really addressed this situation much because I'm quite ambiguous about this 'nuclear option'. I understand the frustration that Republican senators have over trying to get a simple YES-NO vote; I've always thought that the Democrats would be excercising their 'voice' in a Senate vote.

And while I'm not certain about who is bending/breaking what Senate rules concerning judicial nominees, I do know that from my perspective that the Democrats are pulling the well-throw-a-sh*t-fit-if-we-dont-get-our-way ploy.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin even if she never replies to my e-mail)

Cots brought in a Senate gears up for all-nighter

CAPITOL HILL -- The Senate is gearing up for an all-night debate ahead of a critical vote on the fate of the judicial filibuster.

Custodians rolled cots into the Strom Thurmond room as the Senate convened for what will be a lengthy session.

A dozen moderates are running out of time in their effort to hammer out a compromise to avoid a vote on triggering the so-called nuclear option -- given that name because of the sweeping impact it will have on how the Senate does its work.

The Senate Republican leadership says the president's judicial nominees shouldn't be filibustered, but deserve an up-or-down vote.

Democrats say the filibuster is the only tool the minority has.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's timetable calls for critical votes on one nominee, Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen, to be cast tomorrow and Wednesday.

Owen's nominated to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Filibuster Whining"

|| , 03:36 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Rats from the Sinking Ship

Here's an article that an associate pointed out to me about how the left is starting to fracture. At least, here is one man's perspective of why he bailed on the 'progressive' movement:

Leaving the left

A turning point came at a dinner party on the day Ronald Reagan famously described the Soviet Union as the pre-eminent source of evil in the modern world. The general tenor of the evening was that Reagan's use of the word "evil" had moved the world closer to annihilation. There was a palpable sense that we might not make it to dessert.

When I casually offered that the surviving relatives of the more than 20 million people murdered on orders of Joseph Stalin might not find "evil'" too strong a word, the room took on a collective bemused smile of the sort you might expect if someone had casually mentioned taking up child molestation for sport.

My progressive companions had a point. It was rude to bring a word like "gulag" to the dinner table.

Growing up with a radical liberal mother in the 80s, I remember hearing - constantly - about how President Reagan was going to start a war in Central America. And I believed it, so much that at one point I wrote a letter to President Reagan asking him to not start a war cause my older brother - who was in George Mason University at the time - would be drafted. I didn't want him drafted and killed Vietnam-style - yet another instance of CURRENT HOT-SPOT ON THE GLOBE vs. Vietnam argument that constantly fails to make sense.

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Rats from the Sinking Ship"

Don't Go in Public

Michelle Malkin points out the down-side to wearing a Star Wars costume in public.

She advises readers to not drink anything while viewing these....superior examples of Western culture.

(Sadly, I must admit to wearing a Star Trek uniform to a couple of comic book conventions back in the early-90s)

Especially this shot. Or this one. Or especially this one.

Aww hell - all of them will get you to Asner...

Beyond Wiped

Went up to Disneyland yesterday as a chaperone for my daughter's Girl Scout troop and I am beyond wiped/dead.

It always amazes me that 10-year old girls have that much energy! We started out in the park around 8:30 am and I was just stone-cold dead-on-my-feet by 10:00 am! And by 7:00 pm....well, not even crack cocaine would have revived me.

The nice part is that even though it was a recipe for crankiness with the temperatre being on the H-O-T side and all the walking we did, all of the girls were extremely well-behaved (as they typically are) and everyone had a great time.

I took some great photos of the park and of the troop; I might post some this coming week....if I recover that is.

Word of Advice: if you go to Disneyland with a big group (or even a small one), designate one person to be the FASTPASS runner. One of the troop leaders would constantly sprint away and get FASTPASS tickets for the really busy rides and they enabled us to avoid at least an hour of waiting in the broiling sun. They are indeed worth the effort to get them in advance!

|| , 08:13 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 20, 2005

Team America - F*ck Yeah!

The wife rented Team America: World Police and we'll be watching it tonight since everything good on the Sci Fi Channel is in repeat mode.

I saw it when it hit the theaters, but by my wife hasn't seen it. Considering how long I've been married to her, I know she'll be asphyxiating herself laughing.

John Hawkins at Right Wing News as the The 10 Best Quotes From "Team America: World Police":

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Team America - F*ck Yeah!"

May 19, 2005

Coming to San Diego: Border Enforcement


Border vigil planned for California

Minuteman organizer James T. Gilchrist, whose 850 volunteers shut down the flow of illegal aliens along a 23-mile section of Arizona-Mexico border last month, has joined forces with another citizens group to help organize a new border vigil in California -- beginning in August.

The Minuteman Project has reached an agreement with the Friends of the Border Patrol (FBP) to help promote a new "border watch" aimed at assisting U.S. Border Patrol agents in apprehending illegal aliens on the California border near San Diego.

FBP Chairman Andy Ramirez said more than 500 volunteers have signed up to patrol areas of the California-Mexico border in August, including former Border Patrol agents, retired police and military personnel and pilots. He said yesterday that at least 2,000 more applications from volunteers nationwide are still being reviewed.

The California vigil will kick off an effort by the Minuteman Project to link anti-illegal immigration groups nationwide and create a network of civilian volunteers along the nation's borders, said Mr. Gilchrist, who lives in Aliso Viejo, Calif. He said he also intends to target employers in the near future who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

"We did in our first 10 days what the federal government and Congress couldn't do over the past 10 years," Mr. Gilchrist said.

This might be something worth looking into this summer....

Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith

Last 'Star Wars' Opens Amidst Much Fanfare

NEW YORK — It was a Jedi night to end all Jedi knights.

After weeks of intergalactic hype, the much-awaited and last-ever “Star Wars” movie finally opened at the stroke of midnight Thursday. Fanatics responded with zeal.

The most serious “force” enthusiasts took Thursday off work, waited for hours in line even though they already had tickets and eagerly poured into theaters overnight to see what all the fuss was about over George Lucas’ “Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith”

Last night the family and I went to see the midnight screening here in La Jolla. It was jam-packed but I was expecting a crowd.

A most excellent movie although my tail bone went numb from sitting in the front row - it was the best seating available for the three of us.

And although I'm technically alive dispite only getting about four hours of sleep (the movie let out about 2:45 am), I'm not really coherent enough to give any kind of detailed analysis. Dispite the overall 'greatness' of the film, there were a few continuity conflicts that both my wife and I noticed....then again, I'm a geek and will always notice slip-ups in the storyline of a science fiction movie of this magnitude.

Short recommendation: see it.

UPDATE: Here's something to make you wonder about people on both sides of the aisle:

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith"

May 18, 2005

It's Okay - Allah Says It's Cool

Oh - I'm so glad this is now explained in detail:

Tape justifies killing innocent Muslims

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A chilling, rambling audio file thought to be from the most-wanted man in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, says religious doctrine justifies the killing of innocent Muslims by insurgents.

The message was posted on several Islamist Web sites Wednesday, the same day a senior U.S. military official said the Jordanian-born leader of al Qaeda in Iraq ordered the recent wave of car bombings.

CNN has been unable to confirm that the voice is that of al-Zarqawi. The tape introduces the speaker as al-Zarqawi, but the speaker does not identify himself.

The voice says in Arabic: "The shedding of Muslim blood ... is allowed in order to avoid the greater evil of disrupting jihad."

The voice says the protection of religion "is more important than protecting lives, honor or wealth."

"God knows that we were careful not to kill Muslims, and we have called off many operations in the past to avoid losses ... but we cannot kill infidels without killing some Muslims. It is unavoidable," he adds.

The speaker defends suicide attacks, saying, "killing of infidels by any method including martyrdom operations has been sanctified by many scholars even if it meant killing innocent Muslims."

"This legality has been agreed upon ... so as not to disrupt jihad," or "holy war," the recording says.

And I bet if this clown - Zarqawi - is caught alive, he's gonna screech like a stuck pig...especially if some Iraqis get to him first.

It's always fun to identify the ends-justifies-the-means arguments - they're most like associated with psychos and those that are still getting their panties in a wad over making Iraqi prisoners wear underwear on their heads.

Say What? Part III

This is the stuff that make people shake their heads when the phrase 'modern nation' is associated with Mexico:

Mexico protests to U.S. in immigration furor

Mexico formally complained to the United States on Monday in an escalating dispute over immigration that led President Vicente Fox to make remarks last week that were widely condemned as racist.

Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez told reporters that Mexico sent Washington a diplomatic note, a form of official protest between two countries.

Mexico is complaining about tough new U.S. rules on foreigners that make it more difficult for millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico to get driver's licenses.

The controls, passed by Congress as part of a larger legislative package, also allow the extension of a fence on the border between California and Mexico aimed at stopping illegal immigrants.

Differences over immigration came to a head when Fox, frustrated that a proposal by President Bush to ease immigration restrictions had bogged down in Congress, told business people in Texas on Friday that Mexican immigrants "are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States."

Yes, we Americans need to stop enforcing our own nation's laws and borders and allow all of those down-trodden illegal immigrants aliens to continue violating the sovereignty of the United States.

Now, we could get nasty and just starting putting tanks on the border. Or we could take a page out of Mexico's immigration policy handbook and deal with illegal aliens like they do on their southern border - physically toss them back into Guatemala.

Naw....that would be mean.

My original suggestion stands: dig a trench and fill it with gasoline...

May 17, 2005


Nothing of interest to blog about this morning.....

The Newsweek flush-down-the-crapper story is being beat to death all over the place - nothing I can add since I kept Newsweek at arms length for the last few years.

Dreading dialysis today....just plain sucks.

More later if I'm inclined, feeling better from dialysis, or the world explodes because of the giant mutant spiders living under UCSD....

May 16, 2005

Down the Crapper


Gagging, not Homphobia

Via John Hawkins at Right Wing News:

Most readers will know that I don't place a metric ton of faith into pollings, but this does give a bit of impact on the wooden stake being pounded into the chest of the 'right-wing homophobia' monster.

While the numbers can be a bit sketchy and possibly the way the questions were asked might be iffy, the overall result is still the same IMO - having 'gay marriage' brought to the fore-front of political discussion results in what I talked about before: throwing this crap in our faces constantly will result in people getting fed up with it.

Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!! Gay Marriage!!

Uhhhh.....Hell no!!

This graphic does shed a little light on the topic and the resulting thunder-clap is resounding: many Americans aren't too keen on having gay marriage brought into the American lexicon. You will not that this isn't an indication of gay concentration camps nor is it an indication (unless you're part of the Barking Moonbat Brigade) of directed hate/discontent at homosexuals - it is an indication IMO of a BIG chunk of people just getting tired of having gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay jammed down their throats and when they gag being called 'homophobes'.

Action - REaction. So simple that even a first-year physics student can get it.

May 15, 2005

Political Leanings

Your Political Profile

Overall: 90% Conservative, 10% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

(Hat tip to Beth at Yeah Right Whatever)

May 14, 2005

Combatting Spammers

Hey, I need a favor: I want everyone to send me all sorts of useless crap to my Hotmail account: Please, this account ONLY.

I'm trying to get the Inbox soooo full that any spam coming in will be bounced back to the spammers.

I know, it's a useless attempt to stop this 'plague of locusts' in the digital age, but it's worth the attempt. And even though I have another primary e-mail account, I still use this one for some things.

So....send me all sorts of useless crap - the larger the file, the better.

May 13, 2005

Whining - Presidential Style

Somebody please tell me this is a joke:

Mexico furious at tough US law on migrants

Mexico has reacted furiously to a bill signed into law by the US this week that would fund a border wall and prevent illegal Mexican migrants from obtaining US driving licences.

President Vicente Fox said he would lodge a diplomatic complaint, and was considering complaints to multilateral bodies if Mexico could not unable to resolve the problem bilaterally.

In the US, leaders of the Mexican community threatened to strike to send a message to US employers that they could not survive without cheap Mexican labour.

Santiago Creel, Mexico's interior secretary, said the “Real ID” law was “negative, inconvenient, and obstructionist”.

Is Fox serious? Lodge a complaint on a multilateral basis? Who's he gonna whine to about this? And would anyone really take his complaint to heart? And it's not like 'Real ID' is legislating that we line up illegal immigrants aliens and mow them down with a .50 caliber machine gun - it's just making it harder for illegal immigrants aliens to obtain driver's licenses.

Ummm.....Presidente Fox? Please don't tell us how to legislate in OUR nation. Maybe you should get off your dead ass and possibly address the problem as to why MILLIONS of your citizens are leaving Mexico, huh?

You dipstick....

End of a Family Gathering

Well this is gonna suck.

On one hand, I'm sooooo looking forward to watching the two episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise tonight. The episodes are getting better and better.

On the other hand, I'm dreading it because these two episodes tonight will be the last.

I'm really, really, really hoping that the Sci Fi Channel is quietly working on picking the series up and saving it. While I cannot speak for all Star Trek fans, I'm just wondering if the Sci Fi Channel will make the smart move and pick it up....considering that their main audience is science fiction geeks like myself.

This is just pain gonna suck. Hell, even my kid is bummed about it and she's hardly a sci fi geek (although I'm working on converting her....[/evil laugh]).

It's like someone is taking a part of my family life away. I say this cause Friday nights we all gather around the tube and watch four hours of sci fi shows: Enterprise, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, and then the evening repeat of Stargate SG-1.

It's almost un-American to take away ANY version of Star Trek....and no, there's no blaming President Bush or any Republicans for this - it's the Hollyweird weinies that pulled the plug.

I Don't Think So Tim

Stand down? I don't think so Tim:

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned.

More than a dozen agents, all of whom asked not to be identified for fear of retribution, said orders relayed by Border Patrol supervisors at the Naco, Ariz., station made it clear that arrests were "not to go up" along the 23-mile section of border that the volunteers monitored to protest illegal immigration.

"It was clear to everyone here what was being said and why," said one veteran agent. "The apprehensions were not to increase after the Minuteman volunteers left. It was as simple as that."

Another agent said the Naco supervisors "were clear in their intention" to keep new arrests to an "absolute minimum" to offset the effect of the Minuteman vigil, adding that patrols along the border have been severely limited.

You know, this sucks. I'm talking about porn-star quality sucking magnitude.

WTF is it going to take for people in the government to do their job in spite of the *cough* political ramifications? I'm starting to run into crap like this where I work and although I've been able to duck-and-weave to avoid this crap, it really rubs me raw.

I've always thought that working in government was a nice thing - working for the betterment (is that a word?) of the nation and making a living at it at the same time. I'm guessing I'm (gulp!) in the minority here.

And it's sad to say that dispite my best hopes of people 'shining through' and working to better America, that even the Republican leadership and the party are starting to become IMHO no better than the Democrats.

I know I cannot speak for others here in the blogsphere, but this situation - the several lack of doing squat about illegal immigrants aliens - is causing me to take stock of my political standings....and where those standings dictate whom I vote for.

Washington: HINT-HINT-HINT!!

Does this mean I'm becoming a stark-raving mad moonbat?? Aw fu*k no - it just means that I'm attempting to send a CLEAR MESSAGE to the GOP and it's players: get your shit wired and fix this now!

Collaborator's Death Bunny

Ugh! I knew - Jane not only hob-nobbed with commies in North Vietnam, she's also in possession of an Iraqi Death Bunny™!

Where the f&%k is Hans Blix when you need him!?!

Comments Fixed

Good news - I obtained the 'tweak' necessary for people to not have to constantly re-fill in their information while leaving a comment.

I've tested it and it appears to least, it works for me.

Lemme know if there are any problem with this upgrade/fix.

May 11, 2005

40 Minutes

40 minutes.

That's all it took to rub Pablo's *patooey* nose in the crap he's created:

Military judge convicts sailor who refused to deploy

SAN DIEGO - A military judge today convicted a Navy sailor of one count for missing his ship's movement when he refused to board the USS Bonhomme Richard as it deployed to the Persian Gulf in December.

The judge, Lieutenant Commander Bob Klant deliberated about 40 minutes before finding Petty Officer Third Class Pablo Paredes guilty of the charge. He dismissed a second count of unauthorized absence, ruling the charge was duplicative.

Paredes stood at attention as the judge read the sentence, following the day's court-martial proceeding. The trial is now in the sentencing phase.

Paredes, a 23-year-old from the New York City borough of the Bronx, could receive a year in jail, a forfeiture of pay, reduction in rank and a bad-conduct discharge.

Pity that the judge dismissed the second change - Unauthorized Absence - but at least the convicion was swift.

Pablo *patooey* will now face the sentencing phase of the court martial and the time in the brig followed by the inability to get a job outside of Burger King or the *cough* anti-war movement where he might continue to be a whiny-ass punk...

UPDATE: I was talking with the wife about this last night and she pretty much suggested exactly what Gordon said in comments:

Send him non-rated to the Carrier, stripped of all rank and clearances, most of his pay, and put him on the CHT Team.
And while I've been a big proponant of this punk getting his head squished by the Navy, but this would be infinitely better: make him suffer on the boat....

UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* was reduced in rank to E-1 and was sentenced to three months hard labor.

Pitiful, but at least he got something.....selfish piece of sh!t.

(Hat tip to Smash)

Insults with Care in Them

Best drop-dead Hiroshima insult line from a recent movie - this case 'Blade: Trinity'

Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds), who is a former vampire is captured by vampires from his old 'clan' and is confronted by his former mentor Danica Talos (Parker Posey).

Danica threatens to re-make him a vampire and leave a little firl in the room with him until he succumbs to the thirst for blood - obviously a ploy to get him to reveal information about his friends.

His most excellent retort that I've heard in a long time delivered in a thundering voice that conveys metric tons of contempt: 'You cock juggling thunder-cunt!'

I almost coughed up a lung cause I was laughing so hard....

Busting a Gut Here

Drop-dead funny-ass comment of the day:

At least he wasn't forced to help tsunami victims. You know... for the oil.
....talking about Pablo *patooey* Paredes and his absence from USS Bonhomme Richard.

Almost got kicked out of the library cause I was laughing my ass off.....

|| , 07:51 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 10, 2005

Nobody's Home Dumbass

I'm sitting here in the Sun God Lounge at school, reading the news and blogs in my links section and I start to here a cell phone ring.

Like practically everyone on the planet, I stop what I'm doing for a second and reach for my cell on my belt and as soon as I reach it, I realize that it's not my phone.

Okay - not mine.....who's is it?

It's sitting in a backpack about 15 feet from me at another computer station here in the lounge.




After about the 2oth ring, I'm wondering if the owner will suddently rush up to answer it.

Oh hell no - they're no where in sight.




The freakin phone rings constantly for about 2 minutes and I'm wondering does the caller know that there's no one home??

Apparently the caller is a retard and is convinced that their call will draw their intended recipient from anywhere in the world.

Can people really be that stupid to think that if their call isn't picked up in three to five rings that letting it continue for THREE MINUTES will make any difference!?

It's a freakin miracle that humans survived being eaten by dinosaurs.....

Guide to Blogging

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has always been my guide in the do's and dont's of blogging. He has updated his infamous guide to new bloggers and here a portion of that guide:

25 Pieces Of Advice For Bloggers
  1. It's tempting -- even for me -- to get frustrated when some of the bigger bloggers don't link. But, don't let it get to you. Anybody with a big blog is busy and it's likely not personal if they don't link you.
  2. Keep in mind that even if you get a link from a big website, the overwhelming majority of those readers won't be back. So although there are exceptions, don't expect to make it big off of 1 or 2 posts.
  3. If you're going to be putting up multiple posts and then not posting for a while, put the best post on top. The number of readers drops significantly the further they have to go down the page.
  4. On the week-ends, expect your traffic to drop by roughly 40% whether you post or not.
  5. If you're going to send a promotional email out to other bloggers, make sure it's something worth promoting and try to keep it down to once or twice per week if possible. Send too many emails or promote posts of low quality and other bloggers will tune you out.
  6. Find ways to link to other blogs -- a lot. It's flattering to the blogger being linked and it may draw their attention to what you're writing. Of course, that means they may link you back.
And after looking at his new guide, I can say that almost most of these ideas are ones that I already follow - especially the 'dedication to posting', i.e., I post (or try to anyways) almost everyday.

And I'm hoping that John will follow-through on Point #1 and acknowledge my presence in the blogsphere....along with Michelle Malkin.[/kidding]

May 09, 2005

VE-Day 60 Years Later

There are lots of other bloggers - bigger, better, and with more daily readers - that have talked about the 60th anniversary of the end of combat operations in Europe at the end of World War II and they've done a better job than I probably could.

My blurb on this anniversary: we kicked their ass and occupied their land to rebuild it since we kick the living crap out of Germany. We came, we saw, we kicked ass.


And now....there's a greater Europe - now called the European Union - that thinks the United States is out to colonize the world with our 'aggression' et al...that is if you believe the *cough* MSM and what European polls indicate about the eurotrash says. you we have to kick their asses again to show that we're not looking to expand the 'sphere of influence' in the name of protecting our nation?

Sure as hell seems like it at'd think that they'd try to remember history - especially considering that one nation in particular started TWO world wars in the 20th century and it was the U.S. that came in to make it all better - and at least be semi-grateful about it.

Well, it's a nice thought, huh?

May 07, 2005

Polls in Favor of Digging Trench and Filling it with Gasoline

The proof is in the pudding:

Zogby poll: Americans fed up on illegal aliens

A new opinion poll by Zogby International indicates Americans are hardly pleased with the Bush administration on the subject of illegal immigration.

The poll, cited on CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight" program yesterday, noted a huge majority – 81 percent – believes local and state police should help federal authorities enforce laws against illegal immigration. Only 14 percent disagreed.

Voters were also asked, "Do you support or oppose the Bush administration's proposal to give millions of illegal aliens guest worker status and the opportunity to become citizens?" Only 35 percent gave their support, and 56 percent said no.

"A majority opposed illegal immigration," pollster John Zogby told CNN. "In fact, when you combine those two terms, 'illegal and immigration,' it really conjures up a considerable amount of negatives. And, in fact, we find that it's really across the board."

While some of you know my stance on polls - even those conducted by Zogby (IMHO a reliable source for field polls) which is that a poll question can be worded in such a way as to make Charles Manson a 'misunderstood scholar'.

I can take note of the significance of these numbers - 81% in favor of increased action - that the folks in Washington cannot continue to ignore this problem.

Additionally, mine isn't a case of 'white vigilantism' or *cough* racsim - a significant number of Americans are getting tired of this crap.

I honestly fear that it will result in another terrorist attack on the continential United States and that when the dust settles and the immediate questions are answered - HOW did this happen!? - that if the neon arrow points to the southern border that someone (read: President Bush) will get their ass kicked politically and HARD.

I'm not advocating increasing vigilance on the U.S. - Mexico border to save President Bush's administration....I just don't want another terrorist attack to be perpetrated on MY country.


Evil Zionist School Bus

Gee - I'm betting this won't make the NYT frontpage, backpage, or even those stupid advertisements that we all instantly toss aside (Hat Tip to Charles at LGF):

Gaza lull shaky as Palestinians fire rocket at settlers' school bus

Palestinians on Friday morning fired an anti-tank rocket on Friday morning at school bus carrying children outside the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Kfar Darom, shaking the fragile lull in violence. The rocket failed to hit the bus.

A mortar shell also hit a Gush Katif settlement. No damage or casualties were reported in either case.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired four Qassam rockets at the southern Israeli town of Sderot predawn Friday. The Magen David Adom ambulance service said that several people had been treated for shock.

Three of the rockets landed in an open field. One hit a building in the center of the Negev town, which was empty at the time due to renovation works.

The "Red Dawn" early warning system apparently did not work. Sderot residents last night talked of the return of fear to their lives.

Ah, nothing says COMMITTMENT TO PEACE like attempting to turn a school bus loaded with children into a huge ball of fire....I've changed my mind: do NOT give these psychos a country of their own. To do so would only legitimize these types of actions as effective and they'd f*ck it up anyways and then blame Israel for their ineptitude.

May 06, 2005

Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq

Student Suspended for Phone Conversation with Mom....calling from Iraq

Kevin Francois gave up his lunch break to talk to his mother, but it ended up costing him the rest of the school year.

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Student Suspended for Phone Call from Iraq"

Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!

UPDATE: Pablo *patooey* does a Admiral Kirk!! (see Read More...>>

With all the stuff I have going on this week - midterms, quizzes, dialysis, family stuff - this post from Smash really, really made my week much more pleasant.

I almost got kicked out of the library cause I was 'whoo-hoooooing' too loudly:

Two for One

It was Pablo Paredes, in the flesh.

Pablo and Friends - Photo glommed from SMASH

Other than a handful of his anti-war buddies, nobody was paying him much attention. He stepped away from the gaggle for a moment, and pulled out his cell phone.

It was an irresistible opportunity. Before he could dial, I stepped in front of him. “Hey, are you Pablo?”

Continue to be enlightened while reading "Boo-Yaaahhh Smash!!!"

We'll Kill You to Save You...

I know that some might think this is 'pandering' or 'manipulation' of the story and that I'm using it as justification for Operation Iraqi Freedom, but in my book this is terrorism:

Car Bomb at Iraqi Market Kills 24

BAGHDAD, Iraq — At least 24 people died and 40 were injured after a car bomb detonated outside a busy market just south of Baghdad on Friday.

The explosion ripped through crowds in the town of Suwayra. This area 25 miles south of the capital is known to be a notorious insurgent stronghold, routinely referred to as the Triangle of Death.

Earlier Friday, the bodies of at least 12 people who had been shot and killed were found buried at a garbage dump in Baghdad, Iraqi officials said. And in another attack targeting Iraqi security forces, a homicide car bomb destroyed a police minibus at a checkpoint in Saddam Hussein's hometown, killing at least eight policemen, officials said.

This wasn't an attack on U.S. forces in the wasn't a homicide bomber blowing himself up at a police recruiting station - it was a deliberate bombing in a crowded market place.

...ripped through crowds in the town of Suwayra

This is the classic definition of terrorism: inflicting pain, suffering, and death upon civilians to gain some sort of political or social leverage. They cannot win their argument(s) using reason, logic, or even Tinker-Toys for that matter so they revert to inciting terror on the civilians to attempt to be the preeminent group in power in the rebuilding of Iraq.

Anyone want to try to deny this?? Anyone want to try and justify this action in the so-over-abused 'resistance' argument? Cause this wasn't a case of 'oops!' - it was deliberate and I'm simply baffled as to how these Islamo-psychos can justify killing Iraqi civilians in the name of Allah or whatever diety they're trucking for...

They are plain animals. Not demented humans - but animals. That's what they are and that's the way that they're gonna be treated: shot down like a rabid dog.

And if my the grace of God they're captured alive and receive humane treatment, they they should thank their lucky stars that the trooper or Marine that captured them didn't just blow their brains all over the wall.

|| , 02:21 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Bush = Hitler! - A Primer

From Is This Blog On? (via Right Wing News) comes a bit of compare/contrast on the ever-popular 'Bush = Hitler!':

Bu$hitler/ a Primer

All this talk about Bush being exactly like Hitler has gotten me thinking. Some of these are just mind blowing.

Just to start BUSH (43rd president of the United States) and Hilter (Fuhrer of Germany, and mass murderer):

  1. Hitler held these awesome rallies in Nuremberg, and was a charismatic speaker. Bush, not so much. Ok, not so similar there.

  2. Hitler began his career in the "German Workers Party" which became the National SOCIALIST Workers Party. I feel pretty certain Bush never belong to any socialist organizations. Socialite, perhaps. Socialist? Never. But this one kinda has me confused ... because Hitler started out as a socialist, and ended up being a Fascist. Bush started out as a Socialite, and ended up as Republican ( who is called a fascist). Coincidence? I think not.

  3. Hitler's Minister of Information (Goebbels) controlled all media and education. To think that there is any Government control of media and/or education in the US, well, you'd have had to have a public school education. Which, I believe, is part of the problem.

  4. Nuremberg Laws versus the "Patriot Act". Something to think about. I mean, sure, the Nuremberg laws started out by taking away Jew's citizenship,and banning them from marrying non-jews. Eventually, they had to wear yellow stars on their coats, couldn't work, couldn't go to school or ride a bus, and finally were corralled into concentration camps to met a horrible death. The Patriot act may start with the aim of finding and persecuting terrorist, but who knows where it might end.

  5. Hitler killed Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and the mentally ill as part of his "final solution." Bush is against gay marriage. EXACTLY THE SAME!

  6. Hitler was ultimately responsible for the death of 12 MILLION innocent people in his concentration camps. Bush has imprisoned terrorists in Gitmo. Some have even been interrogated by SEXY FEMALES (edit - reference to this story). Oh, the horror.
I'm sure there are many other "comparisons" you can make between these two men, these are just the ones that stick out to me.
It's so fun to see this explained such that a child could understand it. Pity that it won't make a dent in the 'Bush = Hitler!' jugernaut that is the wacky left....

|| , 08:04 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

Athletic Bias


From the unbelievable public school follies file. Well, actually, entirely believable:

A Gwinnett County teacher was fired early Friday after refusing to raise a student athlete's grade he lowered because the student appeared to be sleeping in class.

The Gwinnett County School Board voted 4-1 early Friday _ after a marathon Thursday night meeting _ to fire Dacula High School science teacher Larry Neace, said school system spokeswoman Sloan Roach.

Blogger Winfield Myers has been following the story and has much more. Students are trying to rally around Neace. 114 of them have signed a petition asking for his reinstatement.

Contact info for the Gwinnett County School Board is here.

My intial read of this says that there might be more to this than appears, but it's still has all the appeal of a 10 pound bag of Cricket Crap from Dicker & Dicker of Beaverly Hills.

This is one of the reasons that I chose UC San Diego over San Diego State University - athlete's in the classroom.

Now, athletes aren't the scourge of the univerese - trigonometry is - but IMHO I see no reason for colleges to have any sort of athletic program outside of Phys Ed.

None what-so-ever.

And I don't see the logic is allowing jocks to slide where I'm busting my ass and in the end of things I'll be an engineering making lives better for people whereas the jock is pulling down seven figures in what ultimately comes down to 'playing a game'.

Sorry, you won't get any sympathy from me about the 'poor athlete struggling to stay awake cause they had an AWAY game and were on the bus all night'. B-O-O H-O-O.

You also won't be getting any alumni contributions to get the team new uniforms. Let them do a bake sales or a car wash...

Anyway...this is crap. That school board knows it, the students know it, and now lots more people know it.

And that student athlete sleeping in class? Throw erasers at him....

|| , 07:53 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 05, 2005

Before & After Photos

Chrenkof has some excellent before & after photos of those that would inflict harm upon America.

I really love the last one.....

Defend Pablo *patooey*

Here's a message I just sent to the DefendPablo pukes:

Richard Hall - How long after Pablo is found guilty at his court-martial will the anti-war movement drop him and move on to the next *cough* resister? A week? Two?

Pablo IS a selfish bastard and he'll reap what he's sown but you numb-skulls will always be using poor dipsticks like Pablo to try and further your cause and *attempt* to make an argument where the only suckers who believe it are within your own little psycho-circle.

Please convey to Pablo that he is a PUNK and that the mere thought of him makes me want to vomit. Really - I'm not exagerating on this....he's revolting in his I'm-right-and-doing-what-needs-to-be-done smarmy (yes, it's a word) attitude.

I sincerely hope that the Navy JAG tears him a new one and that he's busting big rocks into little one in Leavenworth.

The sad part is that his wife and child are going to be completely screwed because of this because he'll be in jail and I *KNOW* for a fact that you anti-war twerps will abandon them cause you'll be searching for new 'tools'.

Take an honest minute and think about what a mess Pablo has made of his and his family's lives and how YOU have contributed to it all for the *glory* of reliving the freakin 60s protests....

And while it sucks that Pablo *patooey* Paredes' family are the poor dopes that have to deal with the burned and scorched landscape that is their lives - all due to Pablo *patooey* and his act (believe me - it IS an act) I really do hope that Pablo *patooey* gets the Holy Reaming that's coming to him.

And I was honest about being revolted - so revolted and pissed am I about this that I almost signed this message wtih my full name and home e-mail, but I wasn't about to reveal my identity to the anti-war tards and have them do something stupid as they always do when confronted by the truth of the matter.

|| , 09:09 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

Marine Cleared for Wasting Possum in Mosque

This is most excellent news about the Marine that put 'two in the head' to a Islamo-psycho playing possum in the fight for Fallujah that I posted about here back in November 2004

(Hat Tip: Charles at Little Green Footballs)

No Court-Martial in Iraq Mosque Shooting

SAN DIEGO - A Marine corporal who was videotaped shooting an apparently injured and unarmed Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque last year will not face a court-martial, the Marine Corps announced Wednesday.

A review of the evidence showed the Marine's actions were "consistent with the established rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict," Maj. Gen. Richard F. Natonski, commanding general of the 1st Marine Division, said in a statement.

The corporal was not identified in the two-page statement issued by Camp Pendleton, the headquarters of the expeditionary force north of San Diego.

In sworn statements, the corporal said he shot three insurgents in self-defense in the mosque Nov. 13, believing they posed a threat to him and his fellow Marines, the statement said. Autopsy results showed that all three died of multiple wounds from gunshots fired from the corporal's M-16.

One of the shootings was recorded by Kevin Sites, an NBC cameraman embedded with the Marines, and the dramatic footage prompted outrage among Iraqis and an immediate investigation by the Marine Corps.

In the video, as the cameraman moved into the mosque, a Marine in the background could be heard shouting obscenities and yelling that one of the men was only pretending to be dead. The Marine then raised his rifle toward an Iraqi lying on the floor of the mosque and shot him.

The incident played out as the division's 3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment, returned to the unidentified Fallujah mosque. While Marines had secured the mosque complex on the previous day, intelligence reports indicated that the mosque had since been reoccupied by insurgents.

The Camp Pendleton statement said the corporal "could have reasonably believed that the AIF (anti-Iraq forces) shown in the videotape posed a hostile threat justifying his use of deadly force."

"...consistent with the established rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict"'re damn right it was consistent, especially when those Islamo-psychos were playing possum and putting U.S. Marines in harm's way all the while using a religious sanctuary as a base of operations.

One hundred percent justified and the Marine is clearer.


May 04, 2005

I Punched Saddam

This is a bit old, but it's still a good read:

"I Punched Saddam in the Mouth"


It had to have been the most sublime moment of his life. Samir tells how he arrived in Tikrit as an Arabic interpreter for United States Special Forces in late 2003, how he peered into a hidden bunker and heard a voice begging for mercy, how he reached into the darkness and pulled out Saddam Hussein.

"I was so angry," says Samir, who immigrated to St. Louis eleven years ago after fleeing Iraq. "I began cussing at him, calling him a motherfucker, a son-of-a-bitch -- you name it. I told him I was Shiite from the south and was part of the revolution against him in 1991. I said he murdered my uncles and cousins. He imprisoned my father.

"All these years of anger, I couldn't stop. I tried to say the worst things I could. I told him if he were a real man he would have killed himself. I asked him: 'Why are you living in that dirty little hole, you bastard? You are a rat. Your father is a rat.'"

In Arabic, Saddam told Samir to shut up. And when Saddam called him a traitor, an enraged Samir silenced his prisoner with a flurry of quick jabs to the face.

"I punched Saddam in the mouth."

Can't blame him at at all. Not one-little-bit.

(Hat tip to Jeff at Beatiful Atrocities)

Just Say No

Just say NO to Pablo *patooey* Paredes.

|| , 03:46 PM || Permalink || Add your comment

Support Iraqi Resistance! Part Deux

I wonder if those numb-skulls that scream about supporting the Iraqi resistance got a look at this:

At Least 60 Killed in Iraq Bombing

IRBIL, Iraq — An Iraqi seen standing in line outside a police recruitment center with scores of job applicants blew himself up Wednesday, killing about 60 Iraqis and wounding 150 in the deadliest insurgent attack in more than two months, the U.S. military and Iraqi police said.

A militant group claimed responsibility, saying the attack in the Kurdish city of Irbil was in retaliation for Kurdish militias working with U.S. forces.

Later Wednesday, a car bomber attacked an Iraqi army checkpoint in Baghdad, killing at least nine soldiers and wounding 16, police said. The U.S. military said as many as 15 soldiers were killed.

Probably no since they're sooooo busy working for a free Iraq.

Lovely...just lovely.

Michelle's New Tagline

Michelle Malkin comtemplates needing a new tagline:


From the unhinged magazine, Znet:

Media mavens such as Michelle Malkin pollute the minds of readers with ideas that are so emotionally-driven, devoid of logic, and packed with ringing endorsements of American hubris that that they leave critical thinkers who have a social conscience reeling with nausea.
Take a Dramamine already, dude.
I thought I'd help her and think up some new taglines for her:
  • Michelle Malkin
    ...suspended somewhere between meltdown and kicking your ass.

  • Michelle Malkin
    ....not the timid chick you thought she was.

  • Michelle Malkin
    ....cause she finds your lack of faith disturbing[/Darth Vader].

  • Michelle Malkin
    ...likes ice cream and hates idiots!

  • Michelle Malkin
    ...still ignoring Mad Mikey for over a year!

  • Michelle Malkin
    ...try to prove her wrong....she DARES you....
They're just off the top of my head while sitting in Control Systems class so if you think they suck - bite me.

May 03, 2005

Tuesday Afternoon in my Life

Nothing interesting to post about this afternoon.

Dialysis was just *cough* wonderful...recovering from the mass sodimization everyone in ECE 107 had this morning with a midterm.

Sitting through a lecture right now in Digital Circuits class that would put anphetimine freaks to sleep. Honestly, the prof is a nice guy (he admitted me even though I didn't meet the prerequisites), but his lecture style needs a bit of improvement.

And now I'm getting IM'd from my cousin in Washington, D.C.

So, I thought I'd put up a beatiful painting of the plane my father flew in World War II - the Curtiss SB-2C Helldiver divebomber. The bonus of this painting is that the white stripes on the vertical stabilizer were the markings of my fathers air group - Air Group 9 on the USS Lexington. (Pretty sure it was Lexington....) My father's squadron was Bombing 9. As my brother says: Good stuff.

(Painter can be located at Dave's Warbirds.)

UPDATE: The website says that this painting is of one of USS Hancock's bombers. Honest - I was always told that Air Group 9 on USS Lexington had the white stripes on the vertical stabilizer.

I'll have to chat with my brother Tim and clarify this.....

Operation THANK YOU - 32nd Street Naval Station

From Citzen SMASH:

Operation THANK YOU Continues

Thanking the Sailors

OPERATION THANK YOU moves to a new venue this week: 32nd Street Naval Station. This base will be receiving quite a bit of attention in the coming weeks, with Pablo Paredes' pending court martial attracting peaceniks and yahoos from all over the state.

These sailors need your support.

(Another photo glommed from SMASH)

We'll meet on the NE corner of 32nd St and Harbor Dr., just opposite the main gate of the Naval Station, at 4:00pm on Thursday, and remain on station until about 5:30pm. We'll provide the signs and flags, if you don't have any. Bring friends. Come when you can, leave when you must.

Those of us familiar with this location know that parking can be extremely tricky. If you have a valid DoD sticker and ID, you can find parking pretty easily on the "dry" (north) side of the base. Heading north from Harbor Dr., turn right from 32nd St. (not left into the Autoport), and park at the first space you can find.

If you don't have a sticker, you have three options:

  1. Carpool with someone who does, and have them drop you off near the corner.
  2. Take the trolley to Pacific Fleet Station (right next to the rally site!)
  3. Park in the $5 "Allright Parking" lot on 32nd St, just south of the trolley tracks (accessible ONLY from the southbound lanes of 32nd St.) There is no free public parking on 32nd St. or Harbor Dr. in this area, so don't bother looking.
If you've always wanted to come to one of these, now would be a good time to start. See you on Thursday!
Although I have dialysis on Thursdays, I'm going to try to make this op.

If you're here in San Diego, drop by and join us! Believe me, I don't think I could ever duplicate the *rush* that I get from people honking their horns in support and pumping their fists in the air. About the only thing better is getting a big hug from my munchkin.

So come on out and join us Thursday to support the sailors and to show what you think of Pablo *patooey* Paredes.

|| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

May 02, 2005

'Punch in the Mouth'

This is the kind of stuff that makes you twitch:

Ayatollah warns U.S. needs punch in mouth

The spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is warning the U.S. to stay out of his country's business – and, in particular, its nuclear program, which is set to resume this week.

Speaking on a tour of southeast Iran, Khamenei called the U.S. "arrogant," "rude" and said the country "deserved a punch in the mouth."

He also said Iran's presidential elections in June would not make any difference to its nuclear policy.

Khamenei said it was not up to the U.S. to decide which countries needed nuclear technology.

Well, in a way he's right - it isn't up to the United States to decide who can utilize nuclear technology. But one phrase comes to mind when you think about 'Iran' and 'nuclear' - glass parking lot.

|| , 10:10 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

Say What? Behind the Counter?

Oh good - another example of people wanting to regulate practically every freakin aspect of your life in the name of 'protecting you'

Group Pushes Restricting of Cold Medicine

WASHINGTON - An association representing more than 36,000 pharmacies is issuing guidelines for possible federal legislation to restrict sales of cold medications containing a substance often used in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine — or "speed."

Pseudoephedrine, a main ingredient in a number of over-the-counter drugs like Sudafed, Nyquil and Sinutab, can be extracted by boiling down the cold medicines; toxic chemicals are then used to turn the substance into highly concentrated meth.

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores, moving to avoid a hodgepodge of state laws, is calling for an overarching federal law that would require that such products be kept behind the pharmacy counter and sold only by a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy personnel.

Purchases should be limited to 9 grams — or 366 30-milligram pills — in 30 days, the association says.

The guidelines also suggest that drugstores be required to keep written or electronic logs of all pseudoephedrine purchases to assist law enforcement efforts.

Ain't this great? Not only do you have to stand in line to get something for the creeping crud, but they'll want to know exactly who you are.

Oh and here's something that's really possible: if pharmacy's have to start stacking this stuff behind the counter, who do you think will be paying the extra money for the stock clerks and pharmacy techs to do this?? It sure as hell won’t be Sav-On or Walgreens - it'll be you.

I understand the reasoning behind this - San Diego was at one point (and maybe still is today?) known as the crystal meth capital of the world. Believe me - we've got a TON of crystal freaks, mostly out in the East County and in the South Bay. You don't need to impress upon me the need to crack down (no pun intended) on this crap, but this is ridiculous.

Just another example of trying to deal with a problem by regulating the crap out of everything slighly associated with it. Now where did I put my 14 cases of Vicks.....?

Billboard Correction

It would seem that someone in Los Angeles who isn't a barking moonbat has taken the situation in hand:


Here's the latest salvo in that "Los Angeles, Mexico" billboard war. Over the weekend, some patriots scaled the billboard and hung Old Glory over the sign:

Looks like there are some L.A. residents who are not taking reconquista lying down. Good for them.

Now, say it with me: Los Angeles, California.

There....I knew you could.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin....even though she hasn't replied to ANY of my e-mails to her.....)

|| , 08:14 AM || Permalink || Show Comments (2) || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||

May 01, 2005

Air America Filter

It isn't any plainer than this....

(politely glommed from Chris Muir's 'Day by Day')

|| , 11:42 AM || Permalink || Add your comment

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