The Most Critical Battlefield
THE FOLLOWING COMMENT was left by a Marine serving in Iraq (IP address confirmed) in the "Operation FREE BALBOA" post:
Thanks for doing this. The battlefield this weekend will be on the homefront. The only thing that truly concerns me is that the seditionist groups will succeed in causing the American people to lose their will and the enemy will win politically the victory we have denied them militarily.
Let there be no mistake: we are winning here. Morale is outstanding and we are successfully taking the fight to the enemy. You will see a successful referendum in less than 3 weeks and a successfull election in less than 3 months. I see the positive resuts of our actions everyday. The MSM ignores or denigrates almost every piece of positive news, exaggerates every negative and makes the enemy and his actions out to be more than they are.
They absolutely cannot defeat us militarily and have no strategic vision except the destruction of all who oppose them. A strategy based on such a negative is doomed to fail, unless we cut and run. That is the enemy's only chance to win. The biggest threat we face is a determined enemy who will not quit because, like the Vietnamese they see the possibility of victory because of a perceived willingness to quit at home.
Read More of "Confirmation for SDPW"
You all are the ones who can help us out here by countering the enemy within. I've said it several times before: this war will be won or lost on the homefront, and the fact that there are so many of our so-called fellow citizens determined to defeat us scares me. You are the ones who can keep history from being repeated and you can help us by not allowing the anti-American crowd to help the enemy snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Some very poignant comments about how the same kind of seditionists helped the Communists succeed in Vietnam clearly proves the significance of what you are doing: " North Vietnamese Col. Bui Tin, who served under Gen. (Nguyen) Giap on the general staff of the North Vietnamese army, received South Vietnam's unconditional surrender on April 30, 1975.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal after his retirement, Col. Tin explicitly credited leaders of the U.S. anti-war movement, saying they were "essential to our strategy."
"Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9AM to follow the growth of the antiwar movement," Col. Tin told the Journal.
Visits to Hanoi by … anti-war allies Jane Fonda and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and others, he said, "gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses."
"We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war," the North Vietnamese military man explained.
"Through dissent and protest [America] lost the ability to mobilize a will to win," Col. Tin concluded."
Thanks for taking the time to help us out. You are the ones who clearly support the troops... because you support our mission. You may not appreciate the role you will play in helping to win this fight. But I do.
Thanks again.
This is the type of message that CONFIRMS what San Diego Protest Warriors are doing is the right thing to do. And it's the type of message that makes me
proud to be doing this - so proud that we'll all look back on in 10-15-20 years and be proud that we helped out on 'the home front' in supporting those heroes in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
And when I say proud, I mean looking someone in the eye if they talk smack about those 'evil Protest Warriors' and telling them "You're God damned RIGHT I did that stuff!! I'd do it again in heartbeat!".
So with that said - if you can, join us tomorrow at the south-east corner of 6th Street and Laurel Street in Balboa Park at 1:00pm to show the anti-war 'Tsunami of Tsupidity™' that there's another voice to be heard, that their's isn't the only one on the block (literally and figuretively). Join us as we say 'THANK YOU' to the troops for defending OUR right to speak out on any and all issues....even if the anti-war herd of lemmings cannot/will not recognize their hypocrisy.
As that commenter at Citizen Smash's place said: there IS a battle here on the homefront and the San Diego Protest Warriors will be 'fighting the good fight' on that battlefield.
And we won't lose.
All done with "Confirmation for SDPW"?
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Comments on Confirmation for SDPW
What's terrible is that after a while, the negative press begins to eat away the belief of even those who have supported the war. The press undoubtedly knows this. That method worked very well for them in turning the country against the war in Viet Nam. If we are repeatedly told the war is bad, it's going badly, and we hear nothing else, then we begin to doubt. It's almost impossible not to.
|| Posted by Cait, September 24, 2005 07:34 PM |||| , 01:01 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
SWWNBN's Honest Look
Something I got in my e-mail INBOX this morning:
To be honest, I'm sick & tired of hearing about this 'wounded mother' and her whining.Assuming that the facts pointed out above are true, SWWNBN has about as much credibility & claim to her *cough* grief as Michael Newdow does in his pursuit of 'saving his daughter' from the Pledge of Allegiance and it's insidious two words that make him tighten up his sphincter.
Unless there's something that could be deemed 'launching a Butt Monkey' in the news about SWWNBN, this will be the last I chat about her and her zero percent validity in current events.
** Launching a Butt Monkey is a phrase that I heard Laura Ingraham use on her show recently. It refers to someone saying something so preposterous that you'd expect it to be said publically about as much as you'd expect monkeys to fly out of your butt. It's so apt for her that I'm creating a new category called 'Launching Butt Monkeys'.
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Comments on SWWNBN's Honest Look
They say its false.
|| Posted by Wander, September 23, 2005 08:32 PM ||The real issues is that the administration didn't realize what a banner this woman would become. If the president had met with her, it would have been historic - the stuff that LIFE magazine puts on it's cover, and would have made it look like he cared about each and every American, each and every soldier, and would have washed out this whole issue. It was a bad PR decision.
Instead, it appears that he closed the door on all soldiers families. And while he did send a decorated vet as an emissary, and that backfired on him, making it look like he was trying to "clever" his way out of a confrontation.
Some simple facts:
Casey Sheehan became a solider voluntarily, took the government's paycheck and ultimately became KIA. It's an occupational hazard.
Whether or not you agree with your commanding officers (of whom the President is the Commander in Chief), as a soldier, you do as you are told. As they say "salute the rank, not the man."
It's unfortunate that this boy died. It's unfortunate that any soldier dies. But they do.
Ms. Sheehan has her right to grieve the loss of her son, as do the families of any of the 1,000+ troops that have died in this conflict. Her celebirty is predicated on the appearance that the US has abandoned her after the loss of her son. She went from a small spark to a house on fire. How do you stop this now?
|| Posted by Krazy Ivan, September 25, 2005 09:42 AM ||Umm.....he did meet with her.
And you're right - she has the right to grieve her son if it wasn't being distorted and used as a tool.
SWWNBN will be quickly ending her '15-minutes' in the spotlight and will fade to oblivion like the other 'tools' that the anti-war lemmings have utilized. Remember Pablo *patooey* Paredes? He's scrubbing Navy sh!tters now and hasn't really been seen since his 15-minutes in the spotlight....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 25, 2005 04:59 PM |||| , 11:21 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
News You Can Use, Part Dos Y Medio
Because you know you cannot live without it....
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Comments on News You Can Use, Part Dos Y Medio
well, unlike most of the schools discussed in the article, RPI is actually a GOOD school. It regularly competes with Caltech for the nerdiest kids from across the country. So it's a natural for RPI to offer classes in gaming technology. These kids are taking all of the other computer classes you can imagine and building there own game engines anyway.....
|| Posted by caltechgirl, September 23, 2005 10:37 AM ||I don't think it's such a bad idea. There has been a ton of money made by game designers.
|| Posted by Cait, September 24, 2005 07:31 PM |||| , 09:59 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 22, 2005
Confirmed but Not Completely
Read More of "Confirmed but Not Completely"
What really pisses me off is this:
So, being the politically motivated person that I am, I sent this e-mail to the dear Senator from California this afternoon: (And no I didn't sign it 'Mad Mikey'...)Seriously - this political HACK needs to be removed from office next fall....and I'm really going to help any way I can.
All done with "Confirmed but Not Completely"?
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» Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Sen. Leahy to back Roberts as chief justice, on September 22, 2005, 05:11 PM
Excerpt: Sen. Patrick Leahy, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, said Wednesday he would vote for Ju
Comments on Confirmed but Not Completely
|| , 04:26 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||Oh Crap....
I'm wondering......will President Bush be blamed for this hurricane too?
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|| , 01:35 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Sam Kinison Says....
'I Want My Records Back!!'
Rest in Peace're missed by many people on this Earth that you tickled with your humor.
Note to Self: Must ask for Sam Kinison CDs for birthday and Christmas....
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Comments on Sam Kinison Says....
I've got 4 of his CDs.... Would you like copies?
|| Posted by Tetzman, September 22, 2005 05:13 PM |||| , 09:26 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Don't Doink Rehashed
That's okay - you don't have to take it. You'll just have to budget money from the state general fund to promote/fuel your version of this program.
Of course, I've talked about this before and the message is still the same: Is getting some nasty disease really worth it for about 22 minutes of pleasure?
How's that phrase go...? Penny Wise, Pound Foolish?
You'll pay dearly later for 'getting some' now. And when you're rotting to death because of AIDS or some other nasty STD, you can think back to that little blond chippy that was a 'hot little thang' back when you were young....think back and remember that it seemed safe.
And then you'll have a better understanding of what we like to call 'personal responsibility'.
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|| , 09:03 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||Nosegear Malfunction
I watched this live on television during dialysis yesterday afternoon:
It looked like it was going to be another Irwin Allen disaster on live television, but it wasn't.And this isn't the first time that an Airbus 320 has had problems with its nose landing gear....kind of makes you want to fly a Boeing aircraft instead.
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» Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: JetBlue plane lands safely at LAX area after wheel problem, on September 22, 2005, 09:44 AM
Excerpt: A JetBlue airliner with faulty landing gear touched down safely Wednesday evening at Los Angeles Int
Comments on Nosegear Malfunction
Just not the MD 30 which is maybe the loudest airplane I've ever been in. And that was in first class. Coach must have been horrid.
|| Posted by Cait, September 22, 2005 10:12 AM |||| , 08:43 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Air America Begs for Money
Just received this through my INTEL network:
And here comes the reason for this message...Read More of "Air America Begs for Money"
I love their 'message': We've made such an impact that we're begging listeners for money through a stupid scheme to 'empower' them....
All done with "Air America Begs for Money"?
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» Tel-Chai Nation links with: Al Franken goes panhandling, on September 23, 2005, 05:55 AM
Excerpt: As Michelle Malkin reports, Air America is decending into financial ruin, and deservedly so
Comments on Air America Begs for Money
Air America Radio currently offers 15 shows and runs 24 hours a day of entertaining – at times irreverent – but always enlightening programming.
irreverent? I think it reads better as irrelevant.
In whose pocket(s) will this money go?
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|| , 08:20 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
September 21, 2005
The Liberal Heart
Geoffrey over at Dog Snot Diaries notes the.....hypocrisy of liberals much like I have in the past except for the fact that these liberals condone and PROMOTE rape as a retalitory weapon:
So we now we see beyond the curtain, wizard to see exactly what liberals really want in their heart-of-hears.Michael Savage was right: Liberalism IS a mental disorder.
UPDATE/ADDEnDUM: Unless Atrios decides to edit and/or delete these nasty comments least they make him look complicitous, here is the orginal comment thread where these nuggets of humanity might be found.
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Comments on The Liberal Heart
Do I need to scour LGF for some wingnut comments to conflate with your beliefs?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, September 21, 2005 08:47 PM ||LA: You have a point - there are nutjobs on both sides of the aisle....but this is still disturbing.
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|| , 10:43 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Hope for a Kidney?
Here's one of John Bergstrom's Attack Cartoons that I howl over whenever I read it:
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Comments on Hope for a Kidney?
I read today that 7 months prior to 9-11 the CIA said Iraq posed no threat to the US. You were stupid for supporting Bush and the war in Iraq.
I was right all along. CENSORED
And you were WRONG. CENSORED
|| Posted by Alan, September 21, 2005 11:25 AM ||I read today that 7 months prior to 9-11 the CIA said Iraq posed no threat to the US.
Really? Where - Disney Adventures?
You were stupid for supporting Bush and the war in Iraq.
Opinion - not admissible as fact.
I was right all along. CENSORED
And you were WRONG. CENSORED
I told you already Al - be civil and I won't have to exert my mighty power as GOD here in the comments.
Be civil and your comment stays up - be nasty like your last comment and I'll trackback your IP address and get your ass thrown out of the library in Cleveland for HATE CRIMES.
And I'll even make shit up to make it bear that in mind before you click on Post.
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|| , 10:30 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Don't Get Stuck on Stupid
I heard about this on The Laura Ingraham Show while taking my kid to school.
This is exactly how a press conference should go - reporters ask questions and the person giving the briefing tells them what-is-what at that moment and leave the second-guessing to arm-chair commentators.Trackback Information for Don't Get Stuck on Stupid
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|| , 10:11 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 20, 2005
Incorrectly Titled
I'm talking about 'Shark Boy & Lava Girl' type sucking.....'Matrix Reloaded' kind of suckiness.
We rented this and started to watch it today considering that it would be inappropriate for my daughter to watch and it had to be back to Hollywood Video this evening.
My wife got up and left 13 minutes into the movie. I suffered along for another couple of minutes, hoping in vain that it would pick up and get interesting.
Didn't happen.
This movie IMHO should have been called 'Suck City'. It should be shown repeatedly to Gitmo detainees; they'll be spilling their guts with all sorts of useful information after the second or third showing.
This is probably the first movie in about five years that I couldn't sit through and to me, it's indicative of the stretching that Hollywood script writers are facing. If it isn't adaptations of
comic books'graphic novels', then it's 'revamps' of every beat-to-sh!t television show from the late 60s/early 70s. Seriously, I'm waiting for appearances on the big screen for:- My Three Sons
- The Banana Splits
- The Bugaloos
- The Courtship of Eddie's Father (I know - from a movie to the small screen and back)
- Mannix
- Hawaii Five-O
- Grape Ape
- Jabber Jaw
Did I miss any?Didn't someone predict that Western civilization would crumble under the weight of 're-envisioned' movies/television shows? Could the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse really be a Hollywood producer instead of the California Secretary of State with a fistfull of initiatives?
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Comments on Incorrectly Titled
You didn't like Sin City? It was *awesome*.
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|| , 01:47 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 19, 2005
From Citizen Smash's site comes the San Diego Protest Warrior response to the Fall 2005 Whinefest:
We'll be there to present another aspect of events happening in our lives.If you can be there to stand with Protest Warrior, let me know by e-mail.
See you there!!
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Comments on Operation FREE BALBOA
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|| , 12:57 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Childish Antics
This is messed up:
And yet if the roles here were reversed, these Gente Unida stains would be HOWLING about being repressed and objects of 'hate crimes'.It is interesting to note that while the Friends of the Border Patrol are doing much the same work as the Minutemen Project, i.e. observing and reporting illegal aliens, the protesters are the ones that resort to violence since they obviously cannot formulate a cohesive argument....much like a spoild child throwing a temper tantrum.
It's okay children - we're going to have pudding later!! Yeah!!
UPDATE: Check out this video of this protest. Especially noteworthy is the exchange between a gentleman speaking calmly and getting some protester screaming SHUT THE F*CK UP!! about three inches from his face.
What lovely people.....makes me want to invite them over for some right-wing pizza wings. Or maybe to take a shower.
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|| , 10:09 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Attack Cartoons Return
Attack Cartoons - Copyright 2005 John Bergstrom. All Rights Reserved, Jack.
He's BACK!!
John Bergstrom's Attack Cartoons are back. This guy has me almost puking from laughing so hard!!
John, you have been soorrrreeeelllllyyyyy missed around here. Great to see you back in the saddle again!
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Comments on Attack Cartoons Return
40% is being kind to some of the "charities". Obviously, the part of religious teachings they took in was "Charity begins at home."
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|| , 07:16 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
No Nukes, Part ??
Where have we seen this before:
How's that saying go?Fool me twice, shame on me
Hard cash says that there is some sort of 'problem' with the inspectors entering the nuclear reactor site in Yongbyon....
UPDATE: And we all knew this was coming.....there's a catch to this entire deal.
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» Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: N. Korea vows to halt nuke work, on September 19, 2005, 09:14 AM
Excerpt: North Korea pledged to drop its nuclear weapons development and rejoin international arms treaties i
Comments on No Nukes, Part ??
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About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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