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Something I got in my e-mail INBOX this morning:
To be honest, I'm sick & tired of hearing about this 'wounded mother' and her whining.What is most interesting to me is that the press gives this little bunch of people who are protesting with Cindy so much air time without discussing Cindy's background.
This is a case of more press bias. It has been pointed out on just a couple of media outlets that Cindy divorced her first husband and left her son with him to be raised while she became a political activist for the Democratic Party.
She had very little to do with her son in his growing years.
She remarried. The 1st husband remarried.
The original father raised the son with his new wife. They miss their son and mourn the loss of his life. They have stated that they are very proud of their son and that they agree with the stance of America in Iraq and on terror. They said that their son was eager to serve and to go fight the terrorists in Iraq. He volunteered.
How many news stations carried their interview? Not many.
So the son dies in Iraq and then Cindy shows up to make a stink. She gets an audience with Bush. That was not enough. She goes to Crawford and demands another audience. How many news stations carry the ongoing saga of Cindy? Practically all of them.
Cindy didn't care about her son. She let another woman raise him. Cindy doesn't care about the other soldiers in Iraq. Cindy cares about her liberal, feminist agenda and about using the death of her son to lobby against Republicans and Bush. And the press is helping her. Why?
Then a few days ago, Cindy's 2nd husband filed for a divorce from Cindy. Cindy sounds like a feminist opportunist who did not have the sense of responsibility to even raise her own son. It looks like her 2nd husband is fed up with Cindy.
We middle Americans should be fed up with Cindy also. We should be fed up with the press. They manipulate us into their "group think" and into the responses that they want on their polls.
Assuming that the facts pointed out above are true, SWWNBN has about as much credibility & claim to her *cough* grief as Michael Newdow does in his pursuit of 'saving his daughter' from the Pledge of Allegiance and it's insidious two words that make him tighten up his sphincter.
Unless there's something that could be deemed 'launching a Butt Monkey' in the news about SWWNBN, this will be the last I chat about her and her zero percent validity in current events.
** Launching a Butt Monkey is a phrase that I heard Laura Ingraham use on her show recently. It refers to someone saying something so preposterous that you'd expect it to be said publically about as much as you'd expect monkeys to fly out of your butt. It's so apt for her that I'm creating a new category called 'Launching Butt Monkeys'.
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Comments on SWWNBN's Honest Look
They say its false.
|| Posted by Wander, September 23, 2005 08:32 PM ||The real issues is that the administration didn't realize what a banner this woman would become. If the president had met with her, it would have been historic - the stuff that LIFE magazine puts on it's cover, and would have made it look like he cared about each and every American, each and every soldier, and would have washed out this whole issue. It was a bad PR decision.
Instead, it appears that he closed the door on all soldiers families. And while he did send a decorated vet as an emissary, and that backfired on him, making it look like he was trying to "clever" his way out of a confrontation.
Some simple facts:
Casey Sheehan became a solider voluntarily, took the government's paycheck and ultimately became KIA. It's an occupational hazard.
Whether or not you agree with your commanding officers (of whom the President is the Commander in Chief), as a soldier, you do as you are told. As they say "salute the rank, not the man."
It's unfortunate that this boy died. It's unfortunate that any soldier dies. But they do.
Ms. Sheehan has her right to grieve the loss of her son, as do the families of any of the 1,000+ troops that have died in this conflict. Her celebirty is predicated on the appearance that the US has abandoned her after the loss of her son. She went from a small spark to a house on fire. How do you stop this now?
|| Posted by Krazy Ivan, September 25, 2005 09:42 AM ||Umm.....he did meet with her.
And you're right - she has the right to grieve her son if it wasn't being distorted and used as a tool.
SWWNBN will be quickly ending her '15-minutes' in the spotlight and will fade to oblivion like the other 'tools' that the anti-war lemmings have utilized. Remember Pablo *patooey* Paredes? He's scrubbing Navy sh!tters now and hasn't really been seen since his 15-minutes in the spotlight....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 25, 2005 04:59 PM ||