And this is what I was predicting would happen:
Kanye West Rips Bush During NBC ConcertGeez....there's a time for ranting about how something could have or should have been done this way or that, this this *cough* musician shows what most of us already know: there's no such thing as 'critical thinking' or 'class' anywhere near Hollywood.NEW YORK (AP) - It began, fittingly enough, with jazz from New Orleans natives Harry Connick Jr. and Wynton Marsalis. But "A Concert for Hurricane Relief," a heartfelt and dignified benefit aired on NBC and other networks Friday night, took an unexpected turn thanks to the outspoken rapper Kanye West.
Appearing two-thirds through the program, he claimed "George Bush doesn't care about black people" and said America is set up "to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible."
The show, simulcast from New York on NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and Pax, was aired live to the East Coast, enabling the Grammy-winning rapper's outburst to go out uncensored.
Comedian Mike Myers was paired with West for a 90-second segment that began with Myers speaking of Katrina's devastation. Then, to Myers' evident surprise, West began a rant by saying, "I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food."
While allowing that "the Red Cross is doing everything they can," West - who delivered an emotional outburst at the American Music Awards after he was snubbed for an award - declared that government authorities are intentionally dragging their feet on aid to the Gulf Coast. Without getting specific, he added, "They've given them permission to go down and shoot us."
After he stated, "George Bush doesn't care about black people," the camera cut away to comedian Chris Tucker.
TROLL UPDATE: Apparently, I am the target of another troll:
Apparently there is no such thing as class here either since you seem to be doing an awful lot of pissing and moaning about people that are not praising Bush or thinking along the same lines as you do in this whole crisis.I'd ask this *cough* person to point out where I am 'doing an awful lot of pissing and moaning about people that are not praising Bush', but like a good troll, they're too afraid to put an e-mail link to contact them at.You are a fucking piece of shit Mike.
Posted by go to hell at September 3, 2005 06:23 PM
Now as for the other part - thinking along the same lines as you do in this whole crisis. - well, they're right in this. However - that's the entire point of putting up a personal blog; it's where I get to blather on about how I see things in this world and how I would do things.
I haven't offered one bit of criticism as to how I would have handled the evacuation of New Orleans - not ONE-LITTLE-BIT.
I HAVE critiqued what people are saying about what has happened/not happened, but apparently this troll who's sitting in his mom's basement wearing Spiderman pajamas (ugh, I crossed the cliche line with that one!) this is the same thing.
Well Madam Troll, I'd like you to come back and discuss this with me here. Or are you just gonna do a 'hit-n-run' comment and scurry back to your roach motel?
Ah, I get it now - the location of this particular troll is Creedmoor, North Carolina (IP address and unless he/she/it has spawned a brother or two, it's none other than everyone's favorite truckstop 'refreshment coordinator' Nunya aka NeoCunt. He probably trucked in from Maria's place where I managed to put in a comment about the New Orleans nightmare; guess he thought he'd 'show me'...huh?
I'm a little surprised that he/she/it didn't use some of those wonderful anonymous proxies from Poland or Germany which he feels makes him 'invisible'.
And seeing as how it's Nunya, I'd not expect him to come back since that would entail being made a fool of....again.
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Comments on Didn't See This Coming...
"Geez....there's a time for ranting about how something could have or should have..."
"there's no such thing as 'critical thinking' or 'class' anywhere near Hollywood."
Apparently there is no such thing as class here either since you seem to be doing an awful lot of pissing and moaning about people that are not praising Bush or thinking along the same lines as you do in this whole crisis.
You are a fucking piece of shit Mike.
|| Posted by go to hell, September 3, 2005 06:23 PM ||We did NOT recieve permission to fire on ANYBODY. We can fire in self defense, and that is IT.
Of course Mr Kayne knows better. I am SURE he is helping in his own way. All I get to do is deploy to the area as part of a rescue team.
Maybe if Mr Kaynes took the opportunity to do a PLEDGE drive or some other useful thing instead of being an open sore on the asscrack of society, the problem could be helped.
But what fun is HELPING when you can spew your uninformed bullshit to a screaming crowd?
|| Posted by Yogimus, September 3, 2005 08:21 PM |||| , 04:31 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
September 02, 2005
Jackson is a Crackhead
Say what!?
Jesse Jackson is definitely doing crack cocaine.How do I know? Well, it's simple: anyone who blurts out something at fracking stupid about setting affimative action standards in the middle of a natural disaster has to be....fucking high.
Just when you think that there cannot be anything more stupid uttered in front of a television camera or microphone, along comes this clown to make even black people shake their heads.
I mean seriously - this sort of drug-induced, extra chromosone-influenced statement is just.....stupid. I don't think stupid can be mentioned enough in most sentences where Jackson is concerned.....damn!
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Comments on Jackson is a Crackhead
It seems everything is George Bush's fault, I just saw some celeb on the NBC telethon say "George Bush does not care about black people. The ignorance and anger by liberals is amazing and I live in Kennedy country (MA)
|| Posted by Rich, September 2, 2005 05:50 PM ||"george bush does not care about black people" said kanye west before nbc abruptly cut him off, switching to another speaker ... kanye had stopped reading his cue card ... can't he speak his mind?!
|| Posted by laura bush, September 2, 2005 05:57 PM ||The way he's talking almost makes it sound like the mayor is white or something.
|| Posted by Yogimus, September 2, 2005 08:03 PM ||I was wondering where he and Sharpton had snuck off to. Apparently they were getting their pointer fingers ready.
WTF! Seems the local leaders should have things better under control - at least have a better plan than simply get people out of the city.
With 911, Guiliani stepped into some big shoes and just plain LEAD them.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, September 3, 2005 09:08 AM ||...kanye had stopped reading his cue card ... can't he speak his mind?!
Talk to the censors over at NBC about that, but he's free to make an idiot of himself anytime.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 3, 2005 04:21 PM |||| , 03:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Today in Naval History
Taking a brief pause in the Hurricane Katrina nightmare, I'd like to mention that 60 years ago today in history a great struggle was finally coming to an official end:
Read More of "Today in Naval History"In late 1941 these warriors thought that by launching a suprise attack and attempting to cripple the American fleet at Pearl Harbor that they would be given 'free reign' throughout the Far East to do whatever they desired.
It is a possible myth that the admiral that planned the Pearl Harbor attack, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, was noted to have remarked after attack: 'I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.' Whether it was a myth or not, it is what Yamamoto felt concerning a protracted war with the United States:
Having studied at Harvard University from 1919 to 1921, he knew of the fierce determination of the American people and exactly what they were capable of if motivated. Yamamoto found this resolve out the hard way when long-range P-38 Lightnings intercepted his transport and blew it out of the sky.Certainly after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while the two nations were technically still at peace was the catalyst to forge anger into resolve for vengence created, that vengence culminating in the detonation of atomic devices over Hiroshima and Nagasaki little than a month before stepping onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay and signing an unconditional surrender.
For those that still bellyache about the United States nuking two Japanese cities, realize this: in 1940, the United States was content to stay out of the war just starting in Europe. But with the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of war on Japan - followed by Germany delcaring war on the United States - the American people were dragged into war and as history has shown, they finished it.
The moral of the story? Do not mess with Americans unless you want to have your ass handed to you on a platter....
All done with "Today in Naval History"?
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Bush Mobilizes a Huge Recovery Effort, on September 02, 2005, 02:18 PM
Excerpt: President Bush mobilized a broad federal government response to the region devastated by Hurricane
Comments on Today in Naval History
|| , 01:44 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||Smash's Plan
Smash has a plan to help out with the nightmare in the Gulf Coast states:
As for me, given my family's current financial situation, there isn't really much I can do. We're almost literally borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and this has been happening since April.A little side story: Back in April, I finally qualified for Social Security Diability Income (SSDI) (I believe that is the correct name for what I'm going to start getting); I 'qualified' by dropping the number of hours I worked until I got below a specific income threshold.
The added pain-in-the-ass is that I had a five-month period that I had to maintain this amount of income to start getting my beginning this month. It begins this month, but I won't see a nickle until mid-October. The suck part of this is that I normally work full-time during the summer; since I had to maintain a 'poverty' level income to satisfy the social security folks, I haven't been able to make any money this summer.
Back to what I was talking about....I don't know if I'll be able to sacrifice much of anything - we're already scrimping & saving all over the place. Hell, the only reason I'm looking at getting high-speed broadband internet in the house is that I'd be paying the same amount of money for all the services that I'm getting now and I'd actually be saving $10 or $20 a month.
That being said, I say BRAVO!! to Smash for this idea. He is indeed an Officer and a Gentlemen.
See if you can meet or even beat Smash's contribution cause more and more it's looking like the Gulf Coast states are in a world of hurt.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: HURRICANE DIGEST / Despite war, plenty of Guard troops, on September 02, 2005, 11:49 AM
Excerpt: Despite the deployment of 78,000 National Guard forces in Iraq and other overseas hot spots, hurrica
Comments on Smash's Plan
|| , 09:27 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||August 31, 2005
Read the Label SWWNBN!!
You'll love this:
Oh SWWNBN....you really should consult a physician before mixing prescription medications. And stop taking those 'vitamins' that your controllers are pushing down your throat.Trackback Information for Read the Label SWWNBN!!
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Comments on Read the Label SWWNBN!!
She doesn't need to mention global warming to get that label. Telling the world that her son died to protect Israel accomplished that task quite well, thank you. Yelling "war for oil" cemented that opinion. Not that we would actually expect anything else from her in the future - you know, like facts or an argument not based on her emotions.
|| Posted by J-P, September 1, 2005 06:14 AM ||Like building a huge city 8' below sea level was not a disaster waiting to happen?
|| Posted by Cait, September 1, 2005 06:30 AM ||I don't think anybody had noticed that she was still in Crawford for about three days.
|| Posted by Dave, September 1, 2005 06:40 AM |||| , 04:18 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Leo to Save Gulf States
Somehow I have a feeling that this has 'DOOM' written all over it:
Don't get me wrong - I think it's a great idea to raise money to help the people of the Gulf Coast.I just have a feeling that someone in that broadcast will say something stupid that infers that:
- All of this is somehow President Bush's fault, and/or
- President Bush could have prevented this, and/or
- Something totally inappropriate about the war in Iraq and/or the War on Terror.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I wouldn't put it past some of the Hollyweird morons to try and be 'in-your-face' about this.But what will make this all-the-more special will be the special an appearance by Leonardo DiCaprio! [/retching]
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: HURRICANE DIGEST / Despite war, plenty of Guard troops, on August 31, 2005, 07:48 PM
Excerpt: Despite the deployment of 78,000 National Guard forces in Iraq and other overseas hot spots, hurrica
Comments on Leo to Save Gulf States
Has anyone heard anything about the United Nations offering to help the victims of Katrina? I haven't. Does that sound strange? Not really, because if the U.N. was going to offer aid first they would have to get the money from the United States.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
|| Posted by David Schantz, August 31, 2005 07:34 PM |||| , 03:46 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
SWWNBN Death Spasms
This is almost too stupid to believe:
Let's see - listening to a psycho lady bitch about the President not seeing her or seeing the most awesome flight demonstration team known to mankind?Hmmmm......it's a toughy.
Gotta go with the Blues. SWWNBN has exhausted her '15 Minutes of Fame' and is IMHO trying to extend her relavence in the spotlight. Sooner or later she's gonna be one of those smelly psychos that walk along the street talking to their shoes and screaming at random objects.
I mean seriously: what would be the point in protesting the Blue Angels? Geez - I've known psycho-leftist protesters that go to watch the Blues perform and they don't say 'BOO' about it. Even my wife who 17 years ago was more 'peace-n-love'-like even enjoyed watching the show.
This actually hits a little close to 'home' for me - my father flew with the team right after it's creation back in 1946 and other than my family and my country (in that order) do I hold anything more 'near-n-dear' to my heart. I think that the only time I didn't enjoy watching the Blue Angels do a show was the one time I had a migraine headache. Almost every year I go to MCAS Miramar to watch them fly - it's never boring.
So, Ms. SWWNBN - you can officially go pound sand up your ass as far as I'm concerned.
And as far as attempting compare the U.S. Navy Blue Angels to your weak & sorry excuse for a *cough* cause is like comparing the Queen Elizabeth II to a candy wrapper floating in a cesse pool.
You don't even come CLOSE lady - not by any stretch of the imagination or in any sort of 'alternate universe'.
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Sheehan, War Protesters Leave Texas Camp, on August 31, 2005, 07:48 PM
Excerpt: After a 26-day vigil that ignited the anti-war movement, Cindy Sheehan took her protest on the road
Comments on SWWNBN Death Spasms
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 31, 2005 01:22 PM ||She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named
See this for why it's being used now.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 31, 2005 03:16 PM ||ah. ok. hadn't heard that one yet.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 31, 2005 06:22 PM |||| , 12:56 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
Status Confirmed
By way of Citizen Smash comes an increase in the Tsunami of Tstupidity here in San Diego, specifically those Rhodes Scholars from Code Pink.
And what is it that 145% qualifies them in having that extra chromosone? They are protesting in front of Balboa Naval Hospital. I guess they didn't want to be left out of the fun since Code Pink in Washington, D.C. was (and still is) protesting in front of Walter Reed Medical Center.
No need to track this one through FedEx online - it's confirmed: they're complete morons!
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Comments on Status Confirmed
|| , 12:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||August 30, 2005
Bush Derangement Syndrome Surfaces Again
It had to happen sooner or later: the ever fun-loving Bush Derangment Syndrome (BDS) would now be attached to weather events:
...a symbol of the sort of environmental terrors awaiting the world thanks to global warming??Firebombing Dresden was an environmental terror you schmucks.
Whether these German 'commentators' have an carte blanche in throwing this crap at us right after a freakin hurricane, they might want to take a moment....reflect on their world and realize that their Mercedes Benz aren't spewing out refreshing lilac scents.
And it's not surprising to see that they were the first (I believe) to show more symptoms of BDS. I honestly thought that the Extra Chromosome Gang over at The Daily Kos or the Democratic Underground would be the first, but I was wrong....it was the Germans.
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» Oblogatory Anecdotes links with: If Only We Had The Kyoto Protocol In 1886, on September 01, 2005, 08:44 PM
Excerpt: Here is a list of Hurricanes Since 1886 that could have been prevented by the Kyoto Protocol according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Comments on Bush Derangement Syndrome Surfaces Again
Don't miss psuedo-BDS where RFK Jr. is blaming Katrina on the Governor of Mississippi @ the Huffington Post.
|| Posted by the Pirate, August 31, 2005 07:38 AM ||No, No, No!!! I DID IT!!! Me and my old Buick landyacht, guzzling gas at insane rates and belching TONS of horroble chemicals into the atmosphere!
And I'll do it again, MWU-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
LA is simply the latest offering on my Altar of US Imperialism (tm). Get used to it. Who's next?
|| Posted by Old Buick Tanker, August 31, 2005 08:35 AM ||RFK Jr's statement that the Kyoto Protocol would have prevented Hurricane Katrina makes as much sence as the line in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "Explain again how sheeps bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes?" I have an article in my blog. I also put a link your site. Keep up the great work!
|| Posted by Ken Bingham, September 1, 2005 07:42 PM |||| , 02:45 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
New Orleans - Bad & Worst Seem
During most natural or man-made disasters, you see that the best in people comes out....helping strangers or the police & emergency technicians, acts of extreme bravery. The kind of stuff that gives most people that 'warm, fuzzy' feeling.
And then sometimes you see that some people are just plain leeches and will take advantage of a bad situation:
I remember seeing the video of people looting everything in sight right after the LA riots in 1992. The next day, people were having yards sales to sell the stuff they looted - sometimes with the store's price stickers still on the stuff!Why do people do this kind of crap? Are they that petty that that they'd steal a lollipop from a kid which is pretty much what this garbage amounts to, i.e., looting stores that are not protected.
I feel for the people of New Orleans after all this hit them in a very short time, but I would have no problem if the National Guard fired a few warning shots over the heads of these looters....none what-do-ever. Here's hoping that those looters pick up some nasty crap from the water....
UPDATE: Some one left a comment that quite frankly I wish I had thought of:
Seriously - does anyone seriously think that we'll be getting any sort of humanitarian aid from the rest of the world?F*ck no!!
We'll get criticism about how we're to blame because this is a symptom of 'global
whiningwarming' (see above post).And the next time there's another happenstance of 'shit happens' like the tsunami in the Indian Ocean last December, expect the United States to get a steaming hot mug of why-are-you-helpin-you-f*cking-greedy-Americans???
Ah hypocrisy - it is the fabric in which the world expects us to cover them in and we're to have shit-eating grins on our faces while we do it.
(Sorry for the f-bombs and the lapse in proper/clean English.....this sort of crap makes me lose my mind sometimes...)
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Comments on New Orleans - Bad & Worst Seem
WWL just reported that a looter shot a cop in the head....
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 30, 2005 02:16 PM ||If that's true, you're gonna see a lot more looters being shot - and quickly too.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 30, 2005 02:20 PM ||Where are all the foreign offers for aid in the wake of Katrina?
|| Posted by OK, August 30, 2005 02:32 PM ||All looters to be shot on site, bodies collected and burned.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 30, 2005 05:18 PM ||Not necessarily excusing the looting, but since 30% to 40% of the residents of New Orleans are below poverty level, it is not surprising that looting would occur. Also, since many trapped there have no food and water, no power, etc. I can see why they might steal food.
|| Posted by Cait, September 1, 2005 06:36 AM ||Well....I could understand getting food, but stealing televisions? Store shelves?
No - looting anything else besides food/water is IMO just scumbags trying to 'enact justice' on 'The Man'...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 1, 2005 10:03 AM ||It does seem odd, maybe even unsettling, that foreign governments are not wading in with offers of aid.
|| Posted by royston, September 1, 2005 02:07 PM ||I can only think that it's because your government is constantly making it clear that it
doesn't need any help, with anything, and will go it alone.
That aside, the whole thing is stunningly horrific and my heart goes out to those devastated people.
I saw the head of Homeland Security interviewed last night, and he stated that we have had numerous offers of aid from other countries, and that we plan to accept some of it.
|| Posted by Cait, September 2, 2005 05:57 AM |||| , 01:54 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Operation THANK YOU Continues...
While the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ detachment here in San Diego will be doing.....something near the Hotel Del Coronado this evening, San Diego Protest Warrior will be conducting Operation THANK YOU in Coronado at the intersection of 4th Street and Orange Avenue from 5pm to 7pm.
If you're able, come join us in thanking San Diego's military for kicking ass & taking names. And remember: this isn't a poltical event, so don't bring along 'polarizing' signs. Just flags and signs that basically say 'Thank You'.
CHANGE OF PLANS: Due to the fracking eye infection getting worse, I won't be there with Proest Warrior this evening. The infection has made me so sensitive to light (for the moment) that it's not safe for me to drive; right now my face is about eight inches from the monitor.
UPDATE: This is why I hated having to miss Operation THANK YOU last night:
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Comments on Operation THANK YOU Continues...
|| , 01:08 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||First Impressions
There's nothing 'interesting' to me in the news that's worthy of blogging about, so I'm falling back on a trusted stand-by: humor.
I was reminding one of my old professors at SWC about some of the important first impressions she had to make on her students this semester from the following list.
Read More of "First Impressions"50 Fun Things for Professors to Do on the First Day of Class
All done with "First Impressions"?
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Comments on First Impressions
An oldie but a goodie. I try to do at least one of these each semester ;)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 30, 2005 11:05 AM ||TV images of the desperate plight of people trapped in New Orleans keep flashing into my head. On occasion I even remember a scene that shows the suffering of a little white dog. Maybe you also saw the broadcast clip. As a rescue bus pulls away from the Superdome this fuzzy little dog stands alone at the bus’s closed door begging to be let on with its master or mistress. But this is not allowed. The bus pulls away and out of sight leaving the lonesome little critter behind.
|| Posted by Ed Gant, September 13, 2005 09:10 AM ||I can’t imagine what happened to this family pet, but its plight makes me think of our own loving dog, a Great Pyrenees named Blanca. If my wife and I were in a desperate situation, Blanca, regardless of the cost to her, would try to quickly come to our aid. And if she were the most powerful man in the free world with the most resources the world has ever seen, and given primary responsibility for Homeland Security, she would come and she would save my wife and me and all of our neighbors as far as the eye could see, and that little abandoned dog as well.
|| , 10:42 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
August 29, 2005
A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy
This is laugh riot from Little Green Footballs.
How Phony Can They Get?
Can you say 'Crock of shit'?
What do you bet that the 'string pullers' in Camp Cindy start attempting to limit/control the access of media to prevent the facade from slipping again like this?
Read More of "A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy"UPDATE/ADDED CLARIFICATION: Citizen Smash has something that's pure gold - an infiltration report from Camp Cindy. And it's everything that's being said about this whole three-ring circus: almost 100% scripted.
Now wait for the shrill screams of 'dishonesty' in how this anecdotal information was obtained, followed by the declarations of 'pay no mind to that man behind the curtain'.I know that there are some that grow weary of hearing about Cindy Sheehan - I'm partially there myself - but it is interesting to see this facade falling apart thread by thread; like most *cough* arguments from the Barking Moonbat Brigade™, it falls apart upon closer inspection....
ADDENDUM: San Diego blogger Neptunus Lex no longer calls this woman by her name. I'm guessing that he's taken a cue from all the Harry Potter books. In those books, most of the Wizarding community do not call the bad guy - Lord Voldemort - by his name; they refer to him as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Lex now refers to Cindy Sheehan as She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named or simply SWWNBN.
All done with "A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy"?
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» Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Sheen, Sharpton visit Texas anti-war camp, on August 30, 2005, 06:15 AM
Excerpt: Actor Martin Sheen and the Rev. Al Sharpton visited antiwar protester Cindy Sheehan?s makeshift camp
Comments on A Touching Moment in the Life of Cindy
I'm tired of hearing about Cindy Sheehan. Nuts to her, I say!
|| Posted by Dave, August 29, 2005 01:19 PM ||Looks like the same thing the media does when they try to villify Israel...same photo strategy
|| Posted by jaws, August 29, 2005 01:49 PM ||Mikey,
I would love to see the wide angle picture put on a T-Shite with Fox News' logo '...you decide!'
|| Posted by SeniorD, August 29, 2005 05:03 PM |||| , 11:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (1) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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