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This is almost too stupid to believe:
Cindy Sheehan to protest against Blue Angels air show in MaineLet's see - listening to a psycho lady bitch about the President not seeing her or seeing the most awesome flight demonstration team known to mankind?
BRUNSWICK, Maine The woman leading protests against President Bush's conduct of the Iraq war will protest a Blue Angels air show in Brunswick, Maine, next month.
Bruce Gagnon (GAHNG'-yuhn) of Maine Veterans for Peace says Cindy Sheehan will be the featured guest at a protest outside the Brunswick Naval Air Station on September tenth.
Sheehan, whose son Casey died in Iraq, camped outside the president's Central Texas ranch a month ago to demand a meeting with him. The Vacaville, California, woman hasn't gotten an audience, but she attracted a lot of support. She's promised to carry her protest to Washington and beyond after Bush goes back to work.
Bush has said he sympathizes with Sheehan's loss, but thinks it would dishonor the soldiers who gave their lives in Iraq to pull out before the job is done.'s a toughy.
Gotta go with the Blues. SWWNBN has exhausted her '15 Minutes of Fame' and is IMHO trying to extend her relavence in the spotlight. Sooner or later she's gonna be one of those smelly psychos that walk along the street talking to their shoes and screaming at random objects.
I mean seriously: what would be the point in protesting the Blue Angels? Geez - I've known psycho-leftist protesters that go to watch the Blues perform and they don't say 'BOO' about it. Even my wife who 17 years ago was more 'peace-n-love'-like even enjoyed watching the show.
This actually hits a little close to 'home' for me - my father flew with the team right after it's creation back in 1946 and other than my family and my country (in that order) do I hold anything more 'near-n-dear' to my heart. I think that the only time I didn't enjoy watching the Blue Angels do a show was the one time I had a migraine headache. Almost every year I go to MCAS Miramar to watch them fly - it's never boring.
So, Ms. SWWNBN - you can officially go pound sand up your ass as far as I'm concerned.
And as far as attempting compare the U.S. Navy Blue Angels to your weak & sorry excuse for a *cough* cause is like comparing the Queen Elizabeth II to a candy wrapper floating in a cesse pool.
You don't even come CLOSE lady - not by any stretch of the imagination or in any sort of 'alternate universe'.
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» Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Sheehan, War Protesters Leave Texas Camp, on August 31, 2005, 07:48 PM
Excerpt: After a 26-day vigil that ignited the anti-war movement, Cindy Sheehan took her protest on the road
Comments on SWWNBN Death Spasms
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 31, 2005 01:22 PM ||She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named
See this for why it's being used now.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 31, 2005 03:16 PM ||ah. ok. hadn't heard that one yet.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, August 31, 2005 06:22 PM ||