The other day, my wife and I were driving to pick up our daughter from school.
We pulled up to the school and the kid jumped in and we started driving to the Vons just down the street from our apartment.
While we were driving, I popped in one of my CDs (as per my mission to teach my kid 'old school' music) and we started listening to Mötley Crüe's Greatest Hits.
As we were listening to one particular song, my daughter blurts out from the back seat something I thought I'd never hear associated with the Crüe; the song that was playing was Track 03 - Girls, Girls, Girls and what my daughter blurted out from the back seat should be included in one of the Mastercard commercials:
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Comments on Wrong Lyrics
The chorus to England Swings according to my then 8 year old little brother:
England swings like a pendulum do
|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, May 27, 2006 07:59 PM ||Bobbies ride bicycles two by two
Westminster Abbey
The tower of Big Ben
The rosy red cheeks of the little green men.
I got you beat by a mile:
When I was a teenager, my Mom came into my room one day while I was playing the live version of Depeche Mode's "I Just Can't Get Enough" on my stereo.
She stopped dead in her tracks, as a look of shock and horror came over her face. "Are they singing 'I just can't get it up?'"
Five minutes later, after I had stopped laughing, I explained it to her.
|| Posted by SMASH, May 28, 2006 08:24 AM ||More Squirrel HITS from the 80s:
"Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun" - Cyndi Lauper
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 30, 2006 06:31 AM ||"To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before" - Willie & Julio
"Uptown Squirrel" - Billy Joel
"Forever your Squirrel" - Paula Abdul
"Squirrel you know it's true" - Milli Vanilli
"West End Squirrels" - Pet Shop Boys
"China Squirrel" - David Bowie
"Who's That Squirrel?" - EURYTHMICS
"Waiting For A Squirrel Like You" - FOREIGNER
"California Squirrels" - David Lee Roth
& I'm wearing out my THIRD copy of that Crüe CD.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, May 30, 2006 06:34 AM ||That re-post just above this one? You might want to re-enable comments on it.
|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, June 1, 2006 05:54 AM |||| , 11:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Got Ammo?
If true, this would make the National Guard's presence at the border more significant than previously thought:
But the one question that pops into my head is whether or not they'll be issued ammunition.....Trackback Information for Got Ammo?
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|| , 10:39 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||May 26, 2006
More Fuel for the Fire
By way of Michelle Malkin comes yet another reason to change parties:
Can you believe this crap?Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall......
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Comments on More Fuel for the Fire
This is nothing short of treason.
I've just done a post whereby I list every traitorous senator that voted for this bill. They must be removed from office.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, May 26, 2006 02:42 PM ||It would be so much more satisfying if we could bang some senator's heads against the wall.
|| Posted by Carole, May 26, 2006 04:09 PM ||Time to send a detachment of minutemen to washington to start walling in the piliticos.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 29, 2006 06:43 AM ||Where does it say "veto"? I consult my neighbor before I put shubs on my property line with him but I ultimately decide what I will plant. How is this "consultation" different?
|| Posted by TBinSTL, May 30, 2006 08:37 PM |||| , 11:18 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
May 25, 2006
Cause & Effect
This is a late entry.
Last weekend, I received the voter registration card I requested from the San Diego Registrar of Voters.
As I said I would do, I changed my party affiliation from 'Republican' to 'Decline to State' and mailed it.
It is done - the GOP has lost another member of their party due to....well, them all being asshatted clowns.
Will others follow my example? I dunno, but I'll bet that while others might not change their party affiliation, they'll be taking a serious look at all of the candidates in the June 2006 primary and in the General election in November.
Will mine (and others) actions make any impact on how the Republicans in Congress vote? Again, I dunno but I know that my vote will not be wasted on policial hacks that operate merely to maintain their powerbase.
This is a shot-across-the-bow of the GOP; get your ducks in a row or you'll be looking for a job soon....
ADDENDUM: I've also removed the 'Blogs for Bush' button on the left side.
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Comments on Cause & Effect
My Southern roots go back to 1685 when my ancestors fled Wales to escape genocide after trying to change the 'systm'. A direct member of my family has served in every war since this country's beginning with the exception of Desert Storm. I am a disabled Vietnam-era veteran and my daughter will be leaving for Iraq in July as a member of the USAR.
Like most long time Southerners I was a registered Democrat until the mid 70's when the party abandoned my beliefs and I joined the Republican Party and became active in trying to change the harm done and the creeping crud of federalism.
One thing I learned is that you can't change minds from the outside. You can only change minds by working with the establishment, not by standing on the outside casting stones against a brick wall. In the final analysis most of us vote not for the best candidate but for the one that will do us the less harm.
In that respect, to find and encourage those that would do the less harm you have to work from the inside. Like you and millions of other conservatives I am extremely disappointed with the lost chances we've had in the last 6 years to truly make a difference in stopping this creeping crud of federalism (along with its cost), stop terrorism, and close our borders to hordes of uneducated future welfare recipients which with their resulting citizenship and votes will bring this country down.
Disgust with the present crew in D.C. is an understatement but we brought it upon ourselves by not supporting term limits and the majority of us being to afraid of being singled out by being un-PC. PC-ness is our enemy and the major enemy of any elected official because of the liberal press' attack dogs.
Dropping out is not the answer, dropping in is! I ask all, how many meetings of your local GOP organization have you attended? How many letters to the editor have you written? How many times a day do you bite your upper lip to remain PC? Third party candidates don't have a chance in Hell as we found out with Perot which gave us 8 years of decadence with a legacy of elementary children doing oral sex because it isn't sex.
We can't give up and walk away because we will have no voice as a small group of "outsiders", we have no choice but to work from within to bring some sanity back into government.
|| Posted by Jerry Ellis, May 25, 2006 04:35 PM ||Better late than never, eh? I am beginning to lose count of all the turncoats amongst my blog buddies/acquaintances ... nice to see yet another, though. And another, and another, and another.
|| Posted by Miko, May 31, 2006 03:17 AM |||| , 10:39 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
May 24, 2006
Gimme More Money - Now!
As if there wasn't enough to pay for at school:
Great.....more inane fees to pay for inane crap at UCSD.Well, I'll at least say that the 'bright side' to this is that the students get to vote on it.
If my memory is correct, the last few attempts at raising or creating new fees have always been voted down by UCSD students. And this one will probably meet the same fate.
I've always been of the opinion that kids are going to school to learn and that sports should be left as intermural events, like two frat houses sparing off against each other in touch football. I sure as Hell don't want to pay for some jocks to be lured to school just to use it as a springboard to professional sports. I honestly do not see the advantage(s) of having college-level sports at UCSD other than there might be some alumnii that get that warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that the water polo team beat the snot out of the team from UC Davis.
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Comments on Gimme More Money - Now!
I work at a university (as I am sure you can tell by your logs) where I see the misappropriation of monies.
A great example is this - With a tray full of food in one of the food courts in the middle of campus, I whip out my credit card. No bueno. We don't take credit cards here because the university will not pay for the credit card machines in the student food courts. But yet, righ outside, 100ft. acrossed the Pit, are these titanium world clocks (telling time from various locations around the world) that probably cost more money than 5 years worth of credit card service at that cafe.
As far as the atheltics, this is where I am a big propoentn of paying these guys and gals. You allow them to get paid via endorsements and the unviersity gets a percentage of that money to re-invest back in their own programs. That way, the programs pay for themselves and tutition, fees, etc. don't go into athletics.
|| Posted by nunya, May 25, 2006 05:03 AM |||| , 09:02 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
May 23, 2006
Good News Finally!!
When I was in the hospital and had fully 'awoken' from the coma they put me into, I was told that I wouldn't be able to drive for at least six months.
This was some seriously crappy news to hear - especially when I was trying to get my 'ducks in a row' and get back to my life. And it has been especially hard on my wife since she is the only one who can drive in our family.
I have never had any difficulty in driving and not since I was in high school have I ever been limited in 'getting around' with the possible exception of when I was in the Navy and I was transferred here to San Diego and didn't have a car.
Anyway....since I've been feeling better and better each day since I was released from the hospital back in late February, I had been wondering if I could appeal my driving restriction with the DMV. I talked to several of my doctors and they all said if there was a form that needed to be filled out and submitted, that they'd be happy to do so since I was improving medically.
So, I called the DMV and tried to find out what was needed to get back to driving. Some lacky at the DMV said that I'd have to come down there and pick up the form.
Okay.....that I could do, at least I could get my wife to drive me down.
She went down there late last week and was told to call some company/organization called Driver Safety; she gave me the paper with their number on it this morning for one of my morning chores (every morning, I sit down and make out a list of things I need to accomplish that day).
So, I called them this morning and they were more than happy to mail me the form. The young lady I talked to asked me for my driver's license number and I gave it to her.
There was a pause on the phone while she typed it into her computer and she then said:
"There is nothing to indicate that you cannot drive right now."
"Excuse me?" I said to her.
"Michael, there is no indication that you doctor sent anything into the DMV."
I asked her "So as far as the DMV is concerned, I'm still okay to drive?"
She responded "I would say that is correct. If your doctor had sent in paperwork saying that you weren't able to drive safely, we would have sent you a letter stating that your license was suspended for such a period and we'd say exactly why and what state law was applicable."
"Well then......I guess I'll let sleeping dogs lie. I guess I won't be needing that form after all."
So the good news is that I'll be driving myself around when I need it. The down side is that my wife will have to give me back my truck and we'll have to get my old truck tuned up and get that flat front-left tire fixed.
FINALLY!! There's some good news for my family!!!
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Comments on Good News Finally!!
I hate dealing with the DMV...in any state
|| Posted by jaws, May 23, 2006 04:37 PM ||Nice artwork my friend. I hope that isn't your ass in that picture man. I like that you actually had some intelligence to figure out what page was using your picture.
|| Posted by Vince, May 23, 2006 05:57 PM ||I do hope it was a case of your doctor being optimistic instead of forgetful. :)
|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, May 23, 2006 07:53 PM ||Mikey,
|| Posted by nunya, May 24, 2006 05:00 AM ||Thats great news! I don't think many people realize what an imprisoning feeling you have when you casnnot drive nor have tge means to do so. I remember years back when I was in an accident and totaled my car, since it wasn't my fault I had to fight the insurance company to get me a rental and I was without wheels for a week.
I cannot beleive how well you have progressed in such a short period of time. Keep getting better!
Thanks Nunya!
I honestly think that all of the good thoughts/prayers that people conjured up helped.
I am seriously one lucky man to not have had any permanent damage - especially brain damage; the docs told my wife that I would have some sort of damage, specifically in the learning and cognative sections of my brain.
I missed the bullet and I'm thanking God every day for that.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 24, 2006 10:24 AM ||well, it didn't damage anything that wasn't already messed up ;-)
|| Posted by nunya, May 24, 2006 12:20 PM ||So does this mean I'm not your Chauffeur after OTY's and the like anymore? *sniff*
CONGRATS!!!!!!! This is outstanding news :) God surely took care of you my friend...and I couldn't be happier.
All my love (and TONS of happy b-day wishes!!) to the illustrious Mrs. Mikey! Special kidlette hugs to Mini-Mikey.
See you all soon...right?
|| Posted by Gracie, May 24, 2006 02:38 PM |||| , 09:05 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Fans Still Remember
Offered with little comment:
As I had commented in my last post concerning the Dixie Chicks, their fan-base isn't forgetting what went down in 2003. I guess the Dixie Chicks will have to crank out another album full of indignation....UPDATE: It would appear that the lack of airplay is starting to make a dent in their resolve: their website has a page dedicated to get fans to request airplay; radio stations that would play their stuff are listed by state on the page and some include phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
I think that while the Dixie Chicks aren't 'ready to make nice', they are ready to 'hedge their bets'.....
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you know how I feel about this whole thing but at least I recognize that with the freedom of speech also comes the consequences. nobody ever said that these freedoms are without responsibility. Hats of to those girls if they can accept the consequences of what they say (this is why you dont see a whole lot of entertainers getting involved in political activism)
|| Posted by nunya, May 24, 2006 05:03 AM ||If you ask me, they brought it on themselves. They said something hey thought would get them a cheap pop in England and that no one in the US would ever hear, and they paid the price for it. Fans don't have to listen to people they don't want to listen to. They don't.
|| Posted by Davey, May 24, 2006 06:35 AM ||Well, I equate that to a buddy of mine who used to LOVE judas priest. I mean, he thought their music was it and nothing else existed. Then, Rob Halford, their lead singer came out of che closet. My friend being a very big homophobe, then couldn' stand Judas Priest. His loss.
And it is these fans' loss who like the Chicks music but want to be stubborn just because they may not like what political ideals they may have.
Personally, I am not a fan of their music, but I am a fan of their bluntness to call out the worst Administration and President in the history of this nation.
|| Posted by nunya, May 24, 2006 08:28 AM |||| , 07:07 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
May 21, 2006
Family Crisis
My grandmother passed away yesterday afternoon.
She had lived to the ripe old age of 97 years.
The funeral service will be held Thursday afternoon in Virginia. I won't be able to attend for several reasons - the biggest one being that I am not cleared to travel on an airplane by my doctors.
Rest in Peace Grandma.
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Sorry to hear that.
|| Posted by Maeve, May 21, 2006 08:36 PM ||:(
Sorry to hear that, Mike.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, May 22, 2006 10:49 AM ||My condolences to you and your family, Mike. :(
|| Posted by -=e=-, May 22, 2006 12:52 PM ||Go celebrate her life, Mike.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 22, 2006 01:23 PM |||| , 04:15 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Natalie Needs a Clue
You'd think that the Dixie Chicks would have learned their lesson the first and second times around:
I guess no one clued Natalie in on the reality of her opening her pie-hole.I'm still predicting that the two sisters will ask Natalie Maines to leave and will assign the blame on her 140% with possible quotes like "She was a loose cannon....she didn't speak for us at all."
Just wait for it.....
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Yeah, it's easy to say that three years after the fact and when no one pays attention to you anymore.
Didn't anyone else find it funny that Michael Moore suddenly developed a taste for the Dixie Chicks shortly after this?
|| Posted by Davey, May 22, 2006 07:29 PM ||Oh how dare she speak ou against our King, er, President. Where does she think he is, America?
Perhaps nobody is stirring much of a buzz because most people agree with her now. It is a shame that we had to get to this point for people to wake up to how terrible the Bush Administration is and how the GOP helped them get us here.
|| Posted by nunya, May 23, 2006 04:23 AM ||Oh how dare she speak ou against our King, er, President. Where does she think he is, America?
To me, it isn't that she 'spoke out', but rather the crocodile tears that she's putting on display.
She screwed up - she bashed the president and that offended a significant chunk of their audience and now that they're whining about being treated badly....it's falling on deaf ears.
The death threats are uncalled for - and I'm thinking that those probably came from some of their die-hard fans.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 23, 2006 06:39 AM ||TRUTH TO POWA!
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 23, 2006 08:46 AM ||I agree with some points that Maynes (however her name is spelled) is somewhat playing on this, but the point I am trying to make is for the longest time, the Administration, the GOP and just about every conservative labled anyone who dared question the president as unpatriotic and even siding with the terrorists. When we are now seeing why people have been against him and his administration all along and :gasp: there is some real validity to it. He has squandered so many opportunities that it makes my head spin.
But back to the point. Again, this whole things hasn't even made a splash because Maynes is not saying anything that 70% of the population already doesn't say themselves.
|| Posted by nunya, May 24, 2006 04:55 AM |||| , 03:19 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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