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WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration said Friday that it wasn't interested in one-on-one talks with North Korea about its nuclear programs outside the six-party negotiations involving the communist nation's neighbors.
"It's not an issue between North Korea and the United States. It's a regional issue," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "And it's an issue that impacts all of its neighbors."
North Korea has plenty of opportunity to talk to the United States within six-party talks, McClellan said.
You got nukes?? So do we.....lots of them. Your call.....
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SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea defiantly told the world Thursday it does have nuclear weapons and that it's not interested in restarting disarmament talks anytime soon.
The communist nation argued it needs protection against what it considers an increasingly hostile United States.
Pyongyang's pronouncement was the first time it publicly confirmed what other nations suspected, but its claim could nevertheless not be independently verified.
It's pathetic that North Korea can be proudly admitting it's got a nuclear device but it can't feed its own people.
Okay, let the shrill girlie-man screams of Bush is to BLAME!!! from the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ begin....and let us not forget who bought the DPRK's song-and-dance about how they'd stop working on nukes back in the 90s....
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Alright, this is for those who are doomed to take ECE 103 with Luo next year('04-'05). Unless he's going to chance how he teaches and what he puts on the exams, what I say is very true. First of all, lectures don't have at all, trust me on this, I normally never miss any lectures. Homework is sort of helpful. For the first midterm, some problems were based on the homework. But the final is the one that's tricky. And if you don't write down the correct graphs or equations on your cheat-sheet, then you're screwed. Awfully many people get C's in this class. So if you're the type that never goes to lectures and study at home, take it. The "rather simple" material turned out to be rather pain-in-the-ass. The only things that kept me going were his thick-ass glasses are funny and his thick-ass accent.
Go to class only if you want to be really really confused. What a dickface.
And they're right about the lectures: confusing to say the least - even the eggheads sit in the back and read the newspaper.
And the homework is always fun. My friend and I sit and will preface each question we ask each other about the homework with the phrase What the fuck....(and she hardly cusses!) - it's a sad state of affairs when even the book blows. I guess it's true when they say that which does not kill you makes you stronger but damn....
My P. Chem class was like that. The louder we swore, the easier the work was to finish..
|| Posted by caltechgirl, February 9, 2005 01:54 PM ||
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On the other Replica handbags hand, websites like and don t specialize in just watches. They also sell such unrelated items as handbags, neckties, lighters, and Replica Handbags even pens! Miu Miu Watches Replica At, we always Replica Handbags recommend that you shop Replica Handbags from a store that specializes solely on replica watches. Other stores rely on mass purchases of items and don t have the time or expertise to review what they re selling.
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In the December 8, 2004 edition of Southwestern college newspaper The Sun, an editorial entitled "Illegal Immigrants are taxing on American Citizens" (attached) was published in the "viewpoints" section of the paper. Members of F.I.S.T, MECHA, other on campus organizations, and members of the faculty and staff are outraged! We find it to be a brutally insensitive slanderous, attack on undocumented immigrants! The writer of this article goes so far as to call US Citizens to commit violent hate crimes against undocumented people!
Of course, the article isn't to be found anywhere so I can't assert that these claims are true. Considering the Sun at Southwestern College, it's very doubtful that they'd publish anything like that.
In the past weeks S.F.C.A and MECHA have launched a campaign against racism and have since collected over 700 signatures from students that feel attacked harassed and let down by Southwestern College, the sun Newspaper, and the school administration.
Which means that they've gotten off their asses and are attempting to justify their existences at SWC.
Last Thursday January 27, 2005 representatives from both student organizations and their advisors met with the editors and Professor in charge of the newspaper in an effort to put the issue to rest. The students presented their demands (listed below). However, the writer, editor, and staff, of the sun fail to see the gravity of the situation. The meeting ended with the writer of the piece Nathaniel Pownell screaming, "I will not apologize for the article, I will never apologize for the article!"
It would appear that they 'MEChA mentality' did not prevail as they would have thought.
This Monday January 31,2005 The Sun sent a letter in response to those demands that unfortunately failed to address any of our concerns. The letter was beautifully written and meant to appease but the truth of the matter is that our demands were ignored. Now more than ever we need to make it clear that this racist attack is not tolerable!
We didn't get our way!! Waaaahhhhhh!!!
Needless to say, for the students this is not over! We demand:
1. A printed apology form The Sun to the students of Southwestern College
2. A retraction of the line that begins" "It's time to burn the leeches off of our society."
3. That a statute of limitations be set on what the school newspaper can print!
4. That our school newspaper remains free of racist propaganda!
'Statute of Limitations'??
Oh - these dorks mean that they want some sort of oversight committee that will determine what is 'fit' to print.
The battle is far from over! We need your support!
It is important for San Diego unite with the students of SWC and let the College administration know that this will not be tolerated!
Oh please - get fracked, will ya? It's one thing to see the Moonbats up at UCSD - they at least have some sembalance of an argument, but the Southwestern College crowd?!? Most of them still think that college is like high school except you're allowed to smoke on campus.
UPDATE: I sent an e-mail to the people behind this protest requesting a link or something to this editorial and they replied quickly.
I've read it and as I expected, it's nothing close to being racist. The writer is merely talking about the number of illegal immigrants that come into the United States and how they utilize public services to a significant sum of money; it's the reason that many emergency rooms here in Southern California are being closed - illegals are using them as clinics and the hospitals are being forced to treat them with no hope of being compensated.
Additionally, those voices of reason at La Voz de Aztlan have chimed in and all that can be said is that if they're siding with this protest, there's nothing of merit in their *cough* claims. I doubt they've even read the damn article....
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The New York Times reports today that the Bush Administration wants to raise veterans' co-payments for prescription drugs to $15 from a ridiculously low $7 and impose an annual enrollment fee of $250. Does anyone doubt that Democrats are going to talk incessantly about these "cuts"? But here's one thing I bet they won't mention: the Bush proposal is targeted at middle- and upper-income veterans whose disabilities aren't service-related. And here's another: Bush is asking for a total of $71 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs in the next fiscal year, up nearly 50 percent (from $48 billion) when he took office.
I heard about this on the radio in the last few days (can't remember exactly when or what show it was), but my first thought was Oh crap - here's more ammo for those Bush is screwing the vets!!! arguments.....
The specifics of this proposed 'cut' are the same as to why I shell out money for private insurance instead of relying on the VA to help me out: there are criteria for the amount of 'free' care a vet can receive, i.e., if you make decent money, you'll be asked to help out with your care.
Believe me, I'd love nothing more than to get the VA to kick down some help, especially since I'm spending $30 three times a week for dialysis. But I don't - partially since there's IMHO too much hassle/paperwork involved to get the VA to kick down some assistance, but mostly because there are veterans that are more FUBARed than I am that require the VA's undivided attention. the headlines and the anti-Bush cabal's talking points for this nugget of indignation and also take notice that this caviot of why there are 'cuts' is specifically overlooked.
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Rented Catwoman with Halle Berry on DVD the other night.
It was actually a decent movie - not just another re-make flash-in-the-pan. Halle Berry puts an excellent face on this incarnation of the 'Catwoman' - well worth the bucks to rent it. It's especially good when Halle Berry/Catwoman takes the controls of an Apache chopper in the middle of the movie.....oops - just watch it.
But didn't it "ruin" it for you to know that her stunt double was a man? I mean when you think she's hot doing all of that stuff in her skin tight leather... it's not her but a male double.
I was watching E Hollywood, and there was a party for Halle Berry. During the party, there was a punk or new wave band that was fronted by a female lead singer. Does anybody know the name of that band?
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A quartz Replica Handbags watch is very popular in the market place today as well and it runs on batteries. A tiny quartz crystal in the watch vibrates at a very stable frequency. This keeps the time instead Replica Handbags of the traditional mechanical movement.
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Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently
taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego
studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is
currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national
kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations
on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not
agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to
Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part
of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry
Contact Mikey
AIM: madmikeysblog
YIM: madmikey92037
Any/all e-mail sent to Mikey might be published if you get nasty or it's something worthwhile...
Comments on Cat Blogging Friday
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 05:27 AM |||| , 10:44 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
The Finger
The U.S. gives North Korea the Internation Sign of Friendship:
You got nukes?? So do we.....lots of them. Your call.....Comments on The Finger
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 05:28 AM |||| , 08:05 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Operation THANK YOU
San Diego Protest Warrior was out yesterday showing the Marines and Sailors at MCAS Miramar how appreciative we are of their sacrifices.
We call it Operation THANK YOU and our message is clear: thanks for protecting America - you are our heroes!
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend as I had a class that afternoon, not to mention that dialysis has been getting a little....harder lately.
Smash and Da Goddess have the after action report on this operation.
Comments on Operation THANK YOU
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 05:21 AM |||| , 07:22 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 10, 2005
Gee - didn't see this one coming:
It's pathetic that North Korea can be proudly admitting it's got a nuclear device but it can't feed its own people.Okay, let the shrill girlie-man screams of Bush is to BLAME!!! from the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ begin....and let us not forget who bought the DPRK's song-and-dance about how they'd stop working on nukes back in the 90s....
Comments on Really?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 04:59 AM |||| , 08:17 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 09, 2005
Rate Your UCSD Professor
I found a website that's maintained by students here at UCSD that rates the professors.
Here is what some have to say about one of my professors:
And another choice entry: And they're right about the lectures: confusing to say the least - even the eggheads sit in the back and read the newspaper.And the homework is always fun. My friend and I sit and will preface each question we ask each other about the homework with the phrase What the fuck....(and she hardly cusses!) - it's a sad state of affairs when even the book blows. I guess it's true when they say that which does not kill you makes you stronger but damn....
Comments on Rate Your UCSD Professor
My P. Chem class was like that. The louder we swore, the easier the work was to finish..
|| Posted by caltechgirl, February 9, 2005 01:54 PM ||Replica HandbagsWholesale Replica handbags And Purse - Discount Designer Handbags Purse - High Quality Bags Discount Watches, Fashion Watches, Wristwatch, Fake Watch, Wholesale Watches, Jewelry Watches, Replica Jewelry Watches. We ve covered website Replica Handbags design, Replica Handbags spelling and grammar to analyze the Replica Handbags possible scam website, and today we re going to talk about a website s focus. Companies like sell one thing and one thing only… replica Replica Handbags watches. Sites like these exist Replica HandBags for only that purpose which guarantees that their area of expertise is exactly the product you want to buy. These businesses have trained experts from around the Replica Handbags world, looking for the best replicas that they can replica watches find, while rejecting hundreds of inferior replicas.
|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 06:12 AM ||On the other Replica handbags hand, websites like and don t specialize in just watches. They also sell such unrelated items as handbags, neckties, lighters, and Replica Handbags even pens! Miu Miu Watches Replica At, we always Replica Handbags recommend that you shop Replica Handbags from a store that specializes solely on replica watches. Other stores rely on mass purchases of items and don t have the time or expertise to review what they re selling.
|| , 10:11 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
I attempted to look over the proposed 2006 budget - I got lost just trying to find where to start.....
Comments on Budget?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 06:06 AM |||| , 07:39 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Local Monbats Awaken, Stir
It would seem like the Barking Moonbat Brigade™ detachment at my old college is awakening from its coma.
Read More of "Local Monbats Awaken, Stir"From the psychos at Indy Media here in San Diego:
Of course, the article isn't to be found anywhere so I can't assert that these claims are true. Considering the Sun at Southwestern College, it's very doubtful that they'd publish anything like that. Which means that they've gotten off their asses and are attempting to justify their existences at SWC. It would appear that they 'MEChA mentality' did not prevail as they would have thought. We didn't get our way!! Waaaahhhhhh!!! 'Statute of Limitations'??Oh - these dorks mean that they want some sort of oversight committee that will determine what is 'fit' to print.
Oh please - get fracked, will ya? It's one thing to see the Moonbats up at UCSD - they at least have some sembalance of an argument, but the Southwestern College crowd?!? Most of them still think that college is like high school except you're allowed to smoke on campus.UPDATE: I sent an e-mail to the people behind this protest requesting a link or something to this editorial and they replied quickly.
Here is the editorial.
I've read it and as I expected, it's nothing close to being racist. The writer is merely talking about the number of illegal immigrants that come into the United States and how they utilize public services to a significant sum of money; it's the reason that many emergency rooms here in Southern California are being closed - illegals are using them as clinics and the hospitals are being forced to treat them with no hope of being compensated.
Additionally, those voices of reason at La Voz de Aztlan have chimed in and all that can be said is that if they're siding with this protest, there's nothing of merit in their *cough* claims. I doubt they've even read the damn article....
All done with "Local Monbats Awaken, Stir"?
Comments on Local Monbats Awaken, Stir
Good find. I googled about this issue because a Freeper started a thread. You can go to for a look.
|| Posted by Josef, February 20, 2005 03:32 PM ||This is also a matter of discussion on the Save our State forum, and your blog is now there. thanks for picking up on this.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 2, 2009 06:04 AM |||| , 07:08 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
February 07, 2005
Indignation Minus the Real Reason
The specifics of this proposed 'cut' are the same as to why I shell out money for private insurance instead of relying on the VA to help me out: there are criteria for the amount of 'free' care a vet can receive, i.e., if you make decent money, you'll be asked to help out with your care.
Believe me, I'd love nothing more than to get the VA to kick down some help, especially since I'm spending $30 three times a week for dialysis. But I don't - partially since there's IMHO too much hassle/paperwork involved to get the VA to kick down some assistance, but mostly because there are veterans that are more FUBARed than I am that require the VA's undivided attention. the headlines and the anti-Bush cabal's talking points for this nugget of indignation and also take notice that this caviot of why there are 'cuts' is specifically overlooked.
Comments on Indignation Minus the Real Reason
I constantly hear stories (or nightmare stories) about how often the VA docs create FUBAR that really true?
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February 06, 2005
Sunday Blahs
Like yesterday, today it's difficult to get motivated about semiconductor physics.....just can't seem to get into it.
Comments on Sunday Blahs
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 09:21 PM |||| , 11:29 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Halle Berry is Cool
It was actually a decent movie - not just another re-make flash-in-the-pan. Halle Berry puts an excellent face on this incarnation of the 'Catwoman' - well worth the bucks to rent it. It's especially good when Halle Berry/Catwoman takes the controls of an Apache chopper in the middle of the movie.....oops - just watch it.
Comments on Halle Berry is Cool
But didn't it "ruin" it for you to know that her stunt double was a man? I mean when you think she's hot doing all of that stuff in her skin tight leather... it's not her but a male double.
|| Posted by Chelle, February 6, 2005 11:32 AM ||Chelle...
Thought that was against Hollywood union regulations.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, February 7, 2005 05:42 AM ||I don't know, Rob. All I know is that I remember the fuss made over it when the movie debuted in theaters.
|| Posted by Chelle, February 7, 2005 05:56 PM ||I was watching E Hollywood, and there was a party for Halle Berry. During the party, there was a punk or new wave band that was fronted by a female lead singer. Does anybody know the name of that band?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 1, 2009 09:20 PM |||| , 09:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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