After reading about President Bush's response to a question about *cough* vigalantes, I decided to send my thoughts on this to the president.
Here's what I sent to the White House this afternoon:
Dear President Bush,Will I make a difference? I don't know, but I won't be silent about this.You're a busy guy so I'll make this short & sweet: START PAYING ATTENTION TO THE U.S./MEXICO BORDER! Sorry for the CAPS, but I wanted to emphasize my meaning.
Mr. President, follow-through on your campaign promises and get MORE U.S. Border Patrol agents on the border - not 200, but the 2000 you said last fall.
I think you're a smart guy but I'll say this anyway: if you don't follow through on your promises to strengthen the borders of the United States and some incident - big or small - happens due to negligence in this matter, the Republican Party will be feeling the after-effects for years. Short-term gains in cheap labor will seem paltry when compared to the long-term consequences of allowing the border to be practically open.
Please - beef up the border. Put the National Guard of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas on the border immediately. Or put more police there. Or dig a DEEP trench and fill it with gasoline - SOMETHING!
You're probably aware of the growing discontent many Americans have with illegal immigration, but I thought I'd make my voice heard.
Do not ignore the border situation.
"Mad Mikey"
Drop the White House a line: president@whitehouse.gov.
Yeah, it might only be read by some intern way down on the food chain, but it's still doing something.
UPDATE: After I sent the message, I found this grammar boo-boo:
Comments on Um, Deal with it!!
I think you got your point across Mikey :) We should start one of those online petitions and send to him.
|| Posted by Renee, March 25, 2005 06:15 PM ||That's easy to do. Just go to Petition.com and sign up. They're professional and take no sides in any issue. You can also find text help on how to write an effective petition and then email it out to people or link to it.
Easy as pie...
|| Posted by scroff, March 25, 2005 07:33 PM ||You don't need to know how to spell in order to be successful in the Navy, right, Mikey?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, March 25, 2005 08:09 PM ||It helps.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 25, 2005 08:28 PM ||Mikey: No job for you on Michelle's new foreigner-bashing blog?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, March 28, 2005 10:03 AM ||No job for you on Michelle's new foreigner-bashing blog?
1. Don't know WTF you're talking about - again.
2. Get a sense of continuity, i.e., explain WTF you're talking about.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 28, 2005 10:28 AM ||Now I know what you're babbling about.
Is this yet another machination of Republican hate that makes you cringe?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 28, 2005 11:22 AM ||Is this yet another machination of Republican hate that makes you cringe?
I am struck with the irony of the fact that for what is supposed to be a blog about US immigration problems, the inaugural post is about blacks and Arabs misbehaving in France.
Michelle's big post of the day on the US immigration blog is about Mexicans misbehaving at a soccer game in Mexico - it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration whatsoever.
Why bring either of those stories to the table unless "US immigration" is the stalking horse issue they are concerned about? The real issue they are concerned about, naturally, is race.
It is a very sad and somewhat scary little circle jerk she and Jesse have going on over there.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, March 28, 2005 02:15 PM ||I am struck with the irony of the fact that for what is supposed to be a blog about US immigration problems, the inaugural post is about blacks and Arabs misbehaving in France.
Uh yeah - the focus is on France's immigration policy and how it's starting to back-fire.
Michelle's big post of the day on the US immigration blog is about Mexicans misbehaving at a soccer game in Mexico - it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration whatsoever.
I believe it is about immigration in that anyone exhibitiing any sort of anti-Mexican attitude is instantly called RACIST!! while Americans are facing this sort of animosity while participating in a soccer match. It's pointing out the hypocrisy.
LA, you need to actually read the posts and then digest what they mean instead of simply looking at headlines....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 28, 2005 02:30 PM ||STOP Fighting over Ms. Malkin! Yes she's a looker but let's not make fools of ourselves. /humor
Now I have to go OT with some important info for servicemen/women.
NOTE: The following addresses "active duty military,their spouses and debt."
NOTE: The 2001 revision of SSCRA (Soldiers' And Sailors' Civil Relief Act) apparently only applies if the financial institution "knowingly" violated the SSCRA.
Some people should send a "registered letter" and/or "notarized statement" to their finance/debt/fee institutions alerting them to the SSCRA. A lawyer could also fulfill this necessity.
"Some Creditors Make Illegal Demands on Active-Duty Soldiers"
"The law is an updated version of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act, which was adopted on the eve of World War II [adopted 1940, -ed.] and remained largely unchanged through the Persian Gulf war of 1991. But in July 2001, a federal court ruled that service members could sue violators of the relief act for damages. And the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 prompted Congress to take up a long-deferred Pentagon proposal to update the old act. The revised statute, clearer and more protective than the old one, was signed into law in December 2003."
(Just found:
"If anyone can tell me where to find that video clip on the internet, a lot of us in my company are curious as to whether they taped it while hiding in a certain village.")
|| Posted by JP, March 28, 2005 04:08 PM ||LA, you need to actually read the posts and then digest what they mean instead of simply looking at headlines....
I didn't say that that clearly anti-Mexican post was racist (although it probably is). My point is that it has nothing to do with immigration.
As for the Blacks and Arabs in France story - wrong again. Blacks and Arabs in France are part of France's colonial legacy. Had the post taken pains to spell out whatever tenuous connection there may be between maligning blacks and Arabs in France and immigration problems in the US it might have been acceptable. In its current incarnation it is nothing but hatemongering fodder for the "angry white man" audience. You enjoyed it, didn't you, Mikey?
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, March 28, 2005 05:29 PM ||STOP Fighting over Ms. Malkin! Yes she's a looker but let's not make fools of ourselves.
You know, I am often fond of Asian women but Ms. Malkin really doesn't do it for me.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, April 1, 2005 05:21 PM ||I believe that we should arm the southern border into the US. Mexicans are causing undue financial and irreperable societal hardships onto the people of this nation. It has been proven that the average mexican that immigrates into the US has a 8th grade education. By having brain-drained immigrants coming into our country, we are lowering the power of our workforce. Mexicans typically have no healthcare or money when they immigrate, so they end up draining medicaid and housing assistance, which when last time I checked, took it away from legal American citizens. Illegal Mexicans are more likely to commit crimes of theft, rape, and assault, all of which affect the quality of life of legal citizens. Children now have to learn how to speak Spanish in order to graduate; should your children have to learn a secondary language in a country where English is dominant? Is it fair for your children to have money taken away from courses which could benefit them so that they can learn how to speak to people that shouldn't be here in the first place? Is it fair for people with disabilities to have money taken away from them so that it can be used to medically treat people that have no right to be here? And is it right for Americans to fear going to certain parts of town just so we can store illegals there? Conservatives and Liberals alike should be outraged at this administration letting an influx of poverished mexicans into this country; people that are a drain on the resources of those who need it. Anybody that is for Mexican immigration is blind to the needs of their countrymen. Stop wallowing in your ignorance and open your eyes to what is happening to this country... it is being destroyed, one illegal mexican at a time.
|| Posted by Stop Immigration Now!, May 1, 2005 07:11 AM ||Look, facts are facts. If you do not think that La Raza holds summer camps where it teaches Mexican/American kids that one day the western part of the United States of America will revert back to Mexican control, then you are simply blinded by truth. Go to the University of Texas. Call on the La Raza chapter there and simply see for yourself what is going on. Go to San Diego State University. Go to that La Raza chapter and see for yourself what is going on. It is not scary, it is TREASON. Even Bill Clinton had the sense to suggest that illegal immigration has the potential to unwind our 50 state union. If you neglect to see a major problem with illegal immigration from Mexico, then you are neglecting the USA. Make no mistake about it. A civil confrontation of sorts a few decades from now is not out of the realm of possibilities. I simply do not see how you can let a people of a different race, culture, and language enter your country and create a country within a country and have eveything work out just fine. The Mexicans want so much more than this. They want the the western part of the USA, plus Texas, back in Mexican control. Keep in mind, to understand the deep seeded hatred of the USA by Mexico you need only read the papers in Mexico City. Their cocktail of hatred against the USA is just as toxic as the hatred from Islam.
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|| , 02:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Terri Schiavo
On one hand, I completely understand the notion to honor her wishes (as related by her husband) to not be maintained on life support. I've told my wife in the past that I too do not wish to be maintained on a machine (or other means) if I was 'gone' mentally. Now I have to get it in writing soon so as not to burdern her with this type of grief.
On the other hand, the full weight of the law concerning this is all based on what the husband is reported to have heard from Terri and it would seem that to 'convict' someone of a crime simply based on hearsay is putting the entire will-to-live versus right-to-die argument on very shaky grounds.
All I can really say about Terri and her situation is this: my hopes and prays are with her and her family that this will end soon and that all will find some sort of peace in their hearts.
One additional hope: please - for the love of God - do NOT make this a plank in some political argument, left OR right. It serves no purpose to use this woman's life as ammunition. Doing so only makes this entire situation seem cheap and tawdry and it makes the one using it appear to be the type of person that would hide behind anyone.
Comments on Terri Schiavo
too late....
Here's a link for anyone interested in more info...
|| Posted by scroff, March 25, 2005 07:36 PM ||Damn straight it is too late. The GOP turned this into a politcal issue with their memo of how it was a "great political issue"
Bottom line? They should have kept their WASP noses out of this from the get go.
|| Posted by 2late, March 26, 2005 08:57 AM ||Don't go pointing fingers at the GOP for that *cough* memo - no one knows who started it...and this is EXACTLY what I was talking about:
Bottom line? They should have kept their WASP noses out of this from the get go.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 26, 2005 11:35 AM ||Well, Mikey, you have to admit those aren't liberal moonbats down in Florida trying to get Jeb Bush to take custody of her, and it wasn't a tinfoil totin wacko who offered a quarter of a million dollars for someone to kill her husband, and Bush didn't scamper back to the White House to sign a bill for a bunch of NAACP folks... This is definitely, IMNSHO, a black eye for the right... and the handful of Democrats who went along with the Schiavo Bill.
I watched my mother die, at home. I gave her her morphine every four hours. I stayed in the bed alongside her for most of the time she was dying, my father fed her while she could eat... if some christian wack job had come in and told us she had to be taken out of hospice care and put on life support he would have met a 12 gauge at the door.
|| Posted by scroff, March 26, 2005 11:57 AM ||Not a damned thing seems to have ever been improved by Congress meddling with it. The whole fiasco of their involvement was self-serving political posturing of the lowest form.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 4, 2009 04:33 AM |||| , 02:05 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
A New Direction
The Anti-War movement here in San Diego is facing a new challenge: they cannot seem to make a dent in public opinion about how they're right and anyone who supports the troops is wrong, so they're changing direction.
Now, instead of trying to make an argument that the War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom are bad, they're not targetting military recruiters.
That's right - since they know that the personnel manning those offices aren't going to openly/publicly fight back.And did they accomplish much?? It's hard to tell if they actually detered someone from enlisting, but they did cost the government money to clean up this crap.
Needless to say, I am really impressed with these children and their childish antics.
I bet their mommas are really PROUD of them and someday soon, they'll be the night-shift manager at Wendy's!!
Comments on A New Direction
See, this is why I never moved back to California, you got too many fruits and nuts out there...
|| Posted by scroff, March 25, 2005 07:55 PM ||http://www.graffiti.org/war/iraq_2003.jpg
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 4, 2009 04:21 AM |||| , 12:30 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Binary to Decimal
Something I came across today that peeked the 'inner geek' in me.
Test your knowledge on binary:
100,0002 - 102 = ?10
Read More of "Binary to Decimal"100,0002 - 102 = 11,1102
11,1102 = 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 0
= 16 + 8 + 4 + 2
= 30
All done with "Binary to Decimal"?
Comments on Binary to Decimal
I did it this way (much faster):
100,000(base 2) - 10 (base 2) = ? (base 10)
(convert to base 10)
2^5 - 2 = ?
32 - 2 = 30
See? Easy!
|| Posted by SMASH, March 25, 2005 01:30 PM ||Well *I* feel sheepish....[/ovine]
But remember: I can talk - AT LENGTH - about why red cars get tickets as compared to non-red cars....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 25, 2005 01:47 PM ||73
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|| , 12:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Down Yet Up?
You would think that this would have made a bigger 'spalsh' on the news wires:
The number of attacks on U.S. troops has decreased while attacks on Iraqis has increased.Hmmm....they can't take down the big man on the block so they're going after the weaker targets, the Iraqi civilians? It's either that or they're exacting some revenge for Iraqis excercising some free will and voting.
Man, what brave *cough* 'freedom fighters' they are....time to blow up another mosque boys!
Comments on Down Yet Up?
I noticed that the number of Troop deaths were slowing down... which further leads me to think there's a civil war going on, not just 'insurgents' anymore.
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|| , 11:38 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Anyone wanna take a crack at this....?
(Glommed from Chris Muir's ever-lasting 'Day by Day' cartoon)
Comments on Yeah....?
Oh hell, that's easy... who the fuck wants to work with a republican?
|| Posted by scroff, March 25, 2005 07:46 PM ||No - the obvious bias involved. Before this woman 'outted' herself, her work was fine. Afterwards....ewwwwww!!!
It just boggles me how some people can be so freaking intolerant of someone's politics, even if it doesn't factor into the quality of their work.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 30, 2005 08:38 AM ||Do I necessarily like Scoff, or agree with him? No, he can go f*ck himself as far as I'm concerned
This comment was from another thread that I refuse to be drawn into some psuedo political discussion in... but it demonstrates beautifully why no one wants to work with wingers. :-)
fuckin dipshit. Mikey start another thread where I can blast this asshole...
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|| , 11:26 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
March 23, 2005
Media Snapshot
United Nations, Amnesty International.
from engines, denies 'in-flight incident'.
stuck with her and Bruce Willis now.
no one notices.
Tom still going after Penelope Cruz.
Comments on Media Snapshot
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|| , 02:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Newton Wins Again
Newton's Third Law of Motion meets small-town politics...
ACTION: Not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and making a stink over it.
REACTION: Getting your butt voted out of office.
Well duh.This clown says he's a free thinker and that the phrase "under God" violates his religious beliefs. Well, that's okay David - the voters have removed that bothersom obstacle to your free thinking.
Why do people think that if they make a stink that it won't stick to them?? Newton wins again dork.
Comments on Newton Wins Again
I give the guy credit for standing, or rather, sitting for his beliefs...
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 4, 2009 03:17 AM |||| , 01:01 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Revisionist History, Revisionist Fact
There's always the element of sheer stupidity that pops up in American culture every so often and here's something that meets that criteria:
Read More of "Revisionist History, Revisionist Fact"I came across this early this morning over at Michael King's site (another Munuvian) where he had this to say about it:
The 'dipstick' factor here is that if you went through all of America's schools, libraries, parks, bridges, buildings, etc, and renamed them because of some nasty aspect of their historical prescence is offensive by today's standards, well....it would be a multi-generational undertaking.(Ironically, the first one on the list is in Fairfax County Public Schools where I went to high school. Not Lee, but George C. Marshall High School)
And you know what? Most of the kids going to any of the Robert E. Lee high schools wouldn't give a fig for the fact that Lee was fighting for the Confederate States. They'd probably just say "It's part of our history" and leave it at that. At least, that's what I'd do.
To those num-nums that think they're doing people and society a service by trying to eradicate all traces of B-A-D stuff from our history: don't. You're just making a fool out of yourselves and of our history.
YES, slavery in American history was a deplorable institution and it took way too long to eradicate both it and it's legacies from modern America, but it IS part of what makes America the nation today that it is. Accept history for what it is - something that happened in the PAST - learn from history, and work to prevent it from happening again if there was some part that was indeed B-A-D.
And if you insist upon revamping history cause you're 'offended', you'd better roll up your sleeves for all the stuff in West Virginia that's named after Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)....former Grand Kleagle of the Ku Kluz Klan. (Yeah - him).
Going back and (pardon the pun) 'whiting-out' all the nasty stuff just makes you look...well, stupid.
All done with "Revisionist History, Revisionist Fact"?
Comments on Revisionist History, Revisionist Fact
You can name the school in your community whatever you want. Presumably it should be a name that the people in the community are happy with.
Mikey - you are the epitome of the cranky, "woe is me, the world is out to get me," angry white guy under fire. You were embarrassingly so afflicted last summer when you were a commenter on Malkin's blog and you are twice as embarrassingly so afflicted now.
You're like Andy Rooney except half as old and twice as much of a crank.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, March 23, 2005 12:37 PM ||Okay, like Rain Man talking/mumbling you're only making sense to YOU.
WTF are you babbling about? 'Angry White Guy'...?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 23, 2005 01:03 PM ||Fairfax County still has Robert E. Lee High School (across the street from Springfield Mall), with no plans to rename it.
I went to Hayfield, which really should be called Hempfield. George Washington grew pot!
As for the Liberal Avenger (why do I picture him as Syndrome from The Incredibles?) ignore him, Mikey... he can't argue with you, so he calls you names, basically calling you a racist.
What's next, LA? Is Mikey a big POOPYHEAD?
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, March 23, 2005 02:07 PM ||why do I picture him as Syndrome from The Incredibles?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 23, 2005 02:53 PM ||You guys are a riot, pulling the racist thing out of your asses.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, March 23, 2005 04:04 PM ||You guys are a riot, pulling the racist thing out of your asses.
Okay...once again: WTF are you babbling about?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 23, 2005 05:07 PM ||Faster than a speeding anarchist!
More powerful than a smelly hippy!
Able to leap logic in a single bound!
Look! Down in the sewers!
It's a rat! It's a cockroach! It's a piece of fecal matter!
Strange visitor from another planet with politics and protests outside those of the mainstream!
LIBERAL AVENGER - who can change the courses of college students, twist words in his bare hands and who, disguised as a rage-mannered moonbat, the LIBERAL AVENGER fights a never-ending battle for tyranny, genocide and the ANTI-American way!
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, March 24, 2005 05:54 AM ||Find a name that everyone can agree upon? I think not. You can't please every one. SOMEONE will find a way to whine about something. Are these same people getting their panties in a wad over how the Japense people were treated during WW II? How about the Jews in the holocaust? Hell, no one would hire the Irish when they first came here. There is not one race that hasn't been discriminated against.
|| Posted by Maeve, March 24, 2005 10:57 AM ||More powerful than a smelly hippy!
Huh? What'd I do?
Seriously though, this kind of stuff is stupid. Hell we might just as well go ahead and change the name of the United States of America because, well, you know, the United States of America did some pretty nasty shit over it's history.... problem is, we'd also have to change the name of the Human Race, because, well, you know...
|| Posted by scroff, March 26, 2005 02:38 AM ||Scroff? YOU'RE the LIBERAL AVENGER?
Way to keep that secret identity a secret, huh?
But you're right (as Scroff). We would have to change the names of 1/2 the states, which are taken from native peoples languages, so not to 'offend' those native peoples.
Even my commie little brother says "Offended? Deal!"
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, March 26, 2005 05:58 AM ||Way to keep that secret identity a secret, huh?
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 4, 2009 03:12 AM |||| , 12:23 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
A Question of Ethics
Hey all you engineering types - I have a question concerning work-place ethics that I need to bounce off you.
Drop me an e-mail and I'll mass-mail it to everyone => madmikey1-IN THE DIRECTION OF-hotmail-PERIOD TYPE UNIT-com.
(Hopefully, you'll all 'get it' with that)
Comments on A Question of Ethics
Engineers + ethics??
|| Posted by scroff, March 26, 2005 12:11 PM ||*sorry, couldn't resist*
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|| , 11:37 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
The Numbers Please?
I've said this before and I guess I'll say it again: what numbers are the real thing?
So once again - which numbers or sets of numbers should you look at to get a 'decent' picture of the situation?I will admit that I'm a little troubled that I cannot get anyone to say what is a good indicator of the social security solvency problem(s); I'm even a little doubtful of the numbers that the pro-privitization folks utilize. (Ummm, even I know that some cases are slanted to favor those that utilize them).
So, anyone wanna take a crack at it? I've purposefully stayed away from chatting about this cause quite frankly no one has proposed anything concrete as far as serious changes - all it's been has been 'theories'.....
Comments on The Numbers Please?
I feel the same way as you do. All these different numbers swirling around.
Speaking of Concrete, has the President even put forward his plan?
|| Posted by jaws, March 23, 2005 05:48 PM ||All I have to know is that after all is said and done you still won't be able to control where your money goes or how much of it you can get once you retire, so wtf's the difference? If they want to 'fix' Social Security there are plenty of ways to do it without tearing it apart. My idea is to make 'benefits' contingent on what percentage of your annual income your Social Security taxes were... anybody who makes up to 90 g will get 100% benefit, whoever makes 180g will get 50%, whoever makes 360 g will get 25% etc. I heard something today that I have to check up on... that the trustees are using the assumption that life expectency will be 150 years within the next 75 years, and that the retirement age will still be 67, when they did their calculations. If they want to let people invest however they want like in an IRA and take out the entire amount when they retire to buy a house or a boat or a nice car if they want to it might be different, but you can't get the money you supposedly invest unless you buy an annuity, which will then dole out a certain amount each month, just like Social Security. If you die before the annuity is gone, you can't pass that on, it's gone. You can only pass on what you don't put into an annuity, which you then don't get while you're alive. If you die before you retire *poof* the money's gone. It's a real clusterfuck... leave it alone, either bite the bullet and raise the 90 g cap or do something like I suggested, but this crap is nuts.
|| Posted by scroff, March 23, 2005 08:18 PM ||At some point in time, between 2020 and 2040, the outlays from SS will be more than it takes in.
Which means it will be broke. Doesn't mean that the gubmint can't pay, just that it has to pay more out of the general fund (which it does anyway) than it already does and that the deficit will grow.
There is only a "trust fund" or "locked box" on paper; in reality, the money in and out of SS is spent on everything the government spends money on, but the government leaves an IOU (T-bonds or T-bills, I forget which)
Now, Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the US Govt, which means the "locked box" is full of IOUs that the government owes itself.
It's when the IOUs come due after the system goes broke that the system is considered insolvent. You will have to cut benefits or raise taxes to keep it solvent.
Cutting benefits hurts those who are near retirement and have paid into this scheme all their lives.
Raising taxes hurts those who are still paying into the system but will never see a dime of the money they have paid in.
I don't think there's any way to salvage it. What Bush is proposing certainly won't, but I think it will help keep younger workers from having nothing at all when they retire.
As it is, the return on investment (ROI) in Social Security is a joke, you can get better returns in a simple savings account at any bank. Inflation makes both bad long-term investments.
A money-market savings account is a little better, you might be able to keep up with inflation.
The stock market, though risky, is probably the best way to keep ahead of inflation in the long-term. Historically, even with the crashes in '29 & '86 (?) and the dotcom bubble burst, the market has performed at a solid 10% PER YEAR ROI average.
This is good news for those just entering the workforce; 40 to 45 years of investment, re-investing dividends and interest, the highs and lows of the market will even out.
Not good news for those set to retire in the next 10 to 15 years; not enough time to take the risk in a portfolio full of stocks.
At any rate, Social Security is broken... Terminally. There is no way to save it.
I will probably be able to collect, retiring in about 20 years.
You're 32, Mikey? Your chances of collecting are about 50/50.
My neice, 24 years old, doesn't have any chance of seeing a dime from Social Security.
There's no way to save it.
Maybe we shouldn't.
scroff: anybody who makes up to 90 g will get 100% benefit, whoever makes 180g will get 50%, whoever makes 360 g will get 25% etc
VERY bad idea: You've worked all your life, put a whole buttload of YOUR money into SS with faith that the government will repay you at the end of your working career, but you only get 1/2? or 1/4?
Only an idiot would accept 2 bits for every dollar they invested.
That's just another socia-list income redistribution scheme. (had to hyphenate that word, because cia-lis is apparently a blacklisted word.)
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, March 24, 2005 08:02 AM ||I suppose when put in those terms my idea is a bad idea. But SS is not a retirement account, never was meant to be any kind of investment. It was people paying in to ensure that people who work their whole life don't go into poverty when they can no longer work. You aren't supposed to expect to retire on it, and anyone who thinks you should doesn't get the idea. It's a way, as a nation, to help take care of our elderly. If I've worked my whole life and don't need the full benefit, I shouldn't get the full benefit. It takes some concern for the welfare of other Americans and a bit of compassion, to be sure, but it is a worthy program. The money I put in today helps our elderly today. I can't see anything wrong with that. It's like not taking the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving so someone else can have it, writ large. It does have soc-ialist overtones and it is redistribution of wealth, so what? In my not so humble opinion, someone who has worked their whole life and needs a hand at the end to live a decent life should get a hand. If the government, who will still have control over private accounts, wants to help people invest for retirement they can loosen up the laws concerning IRAs. They can exempt people who make under a certain amount from SS taxes so they can put that money into a retirement account, while either raising the cap or using a system like I suggested to make up the difference.
I keep hearing how this is a "Christian" nation founded on "Christian" principles... Love thy neighbor, remember? Instead I hear alot of "Me Me Me Mine Mine Mine", like Daffy Duck in the treasure chest... ;-)
I think it's funny that you can't write soshulist here :)
|| Posted by scroff, March 26, 2005 03:02 AM ||Agree with you on the IRA.
As far as the system you suggest, I might compromise with a less drastic benefit % dropoff, as per your example, $90k = 100%, $180k = 85% or 90%.
But then again, what would keep people from quitting their high-paying job a year or so before they start collecting SS & getting a lower-paying one just to get a higher payback % on SS?
Again, I don't see Social Security as being worth fixing.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 4, 2009 03:11 AM |||| , 11:01 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Preventative Bifurcation
Harsh? Maybe, but these scumbags did something to merit such a severe punishment; Jessica didn't.
Comments on Preventative Bifurcation
A 9mm cranial excavation while probably the most expedient of the way to remove the trash from society I prefer feeding them to starving wolves, it's more enviromentally friendly.
|| Posted by Paul Drabek, March 23, 2005 05:20 AM ||SCREW THAT! We should just nuke the whole damn country and whoever is left standing was meant to be there by god!
|| Posted by dashman, March 23, 2005 06:28 AM ||This was just astounding to me.
At a minimum, any male convicted of sexually violent crimes should be physically castrated. None of this chemical shit. Lop them off.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, March 23, 2005 08:22 AM ||Other Mike S. - if I thought that would help, I'd be all for it. But as the situation currently stands, let's not take any chances: let's get them to room temperature as soon as possible....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 23, 2005 10:22 AM ||I heard that he confessed so he could get help...
I was floored. Get help? The time to get help was when he found himself getting a woody when he saw Jessica the first time.
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|| , 04:46 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
March 20, 2005
Say What - Control the Movement?
Vicente, we don't 'control movements' here in the United States. While you may think that this is some sort of vigelante movement, the federal governemnt won't 'control' this any more than they can control the moon's orbit.
It's what we like to call 'freedom to assemble' here in America.
And bear in mind that this is just a reaction to the illegal immigration that you seem to have no problem ignoring, just as much as our government seems to ignore it. But this won't last forever; sooner or later the federal government will see this for what is really is - a national emergency - and will take step(s) to combat it. Personally, I'm in favor of putting the National Guard on the US-Mexico border armed with M-1 Abrhams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles and possibly digging a trench and filling it with gasoline.
Comments on Say What - Control the Movement?
Forget where I read that someone called the members of the Minuteman Project "undocumented Border Patrol agents."
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, March 21, 2005 05:14 AM ||YEAH! BURN THOSE FUCKERS!
|| Posted by Micheal, March 22, 2005 03:30 AM ||I really think we need a wall, a la Israel. Fox needs to control the northward flood by improving the economic realities for Mexicans. If they could make a living there, they wouldn't be coming here.
|| Posted by Cait, March 23, 2005 03:08 AM ||You're right Cait, but in the eyes of many Mexican nationals it's much easier and cheaper to just send all those poor people north....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, March 23, 2005 04:30 AM ||Then why don't we go down there and start killin those filthy bastards before they ever make it up here!
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|| , 04:41 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Fourth of July in March
Been wondering what San Diego Protesr Warrior would be doing to mark the 2nd anniversary of the Operation Iraqi Freedom? Well, wonder no more:
Patriot's Picnic in Balboa Park happened yesterday.
Da Goddess and Citizen Smash have the beginnings of the after-action reports. They also have links to others that are blogging about this event.
Go give them a look.
Comments on Fourth of July in March
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|| , 01:14 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
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