Citizen Smash has the after-action report of our infiltration of the Bush Inauguration Day Protest that happened this past Thursday.
Go give it a read.
BTW, that's me holding that 'Free Cuba' sign in the photo on his site. If you look closely, you'll see the bandages on my arm from the dialysis treatment I had just a few hours ealier. (Dispite feeling like fried whale sh*t, I was there to help SDPW make its presence known).
It's so much fun getting out into the community and meeting such interesting people.....
Comments on After-Action Report
Pics from the Louisville Chapter of PW countering the leftist kooks of LPAC.
|| Posted by Brent, January 23, 2005 09:48 AM |||| , 07:43 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 21, 2005
Treating the Symptom, Not the Problem
I got an idea: let's reduce/eliminate the need for this by doing the following:
- Deal with convicted rapists in a new manner: blow their brains all over the pavement on television.
When anyone starts getting that gotta have me a piece of that feeling when looking at a woman, maybe the vision of seeing someones head evacuated in living color might deter them.(Gee, can you tell that I have ZERO compassion for anyone guilty of rape?)
Maybe the though of sitting in jail for 15 years might not be enough - public executions in a graphic manner might be the ticket.
The same goes for drunk drivers that kill people: 9mm slug in the back of the head - on the side of the road might get some to re-think that I'm okay to drive attitude.
As for 'unsafe sex', here's a thought: if you can't trust your partner, why are you screwing your partner??
And intravenous drug use: don't do drugs. If you cannot handle that concept, see my plan for rapists and drunk drivers.
Things would be much easier if I were just made Evil Overlord....
All done with "Treating the Symptom, Not the Problem"?
Comments on Treating the Symptom, Not the Problem
PW troll.
|| Posted by Geoffrey, January 22, 2005 10:55 AM ||Just rented "Harold & kumar" today because you said it was so funny. I need a good laugh, this cold is kicking my butt.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 19, 2009 04:21 AM |||| , 11:25 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
'We Love America!!'....Now Leave!
It's amazing how the United States was just blown massive amounts of crap for not forking over many millions/billions of dollars the nanosecond after that tsunami killed all those people in south Asia.
We were 'condemned' for being stingy, for usurping the *cough* authority of the United Nations in their (so called) relief efforts. And that's not too hard to do: the United Nations was just putting on their non-child manufactured shoes to go to the airport while Americans were already on the ground distributing water, food, medical aid, etc.
Read More of "'We Love America!!'....Now Leave!"Not much has been said about that dreaded 'instrument of bush's Warmongering' called the USS Abraham Lincoln speeding to the disaster zone and rendering aid & assistance to the survivors; not much except for the Indonesian government telling the battlegroup commander that they cannot conduct training excercises in Indonesia's territorial waters.
Then I read this account from a U.S. Naval officer onboard the Lincoln:
and this: What a Mongolian Cluster Fuck. It makes me want to puke.Can someone tell me why we're still a member of such an organization such as the United Nations when they demonstrate such a lack of intelligence that they probably couldn't find their way out of an open field??
(Hat tip to The Diplomad for the pointer)
All done with "'We Love America!!'....Now Leave!"?
Comments on 'We Love America!!'....Now Leave!
It amazes me to see the so called image of humanatrian responce the U.S. portrays in the face of any global "disaster" it feels will project an upstanding vision of compassion to the rest of the world. What about the homeless and ailing people here in this country who cannot afford adequate healthcare let alone find decent jobs in a declining job market, Anyone take a look at the last unemployment rate in Michigan lately? Personally it makes me sick to see the way america treats some of its very own citizens, and some of them are Veterans who served to protect and preserve the american way of life in the name of freedom and democracy, to enable our elected officials continuance to better improve life for all in america, not just the wealthy.
|| Posted by John J, February 24, 2005 09:39 PM ||I ought to know, I'm a Vet, live in Michigan, out of a job with most of what was my savings sucked dry from the outrageously out of control cost of living.
Hey Mr.President, before you go off and start mending fences abroad trying to renew friendships in other countries, I think you should really start at home and take care of your dirty laundry here first. The image you take with you of my country to present upon the rest of the world is not what I care to see. And really, If I can see right through your candy ass image of a leader so can the rest of the world's leaders. Time for a reality check!
|| , 10:59 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
The 'Rules'
I was just over at Maria's place and took note of her losing her shit...again...over comments and having to take measures to ban someone.
Considering that she's deleted some of my comments - possibly with cause, but most likely cause I made her look foolish - I thought I'd re-post the 'Golden Rules' about commenting here:
- My Blog, My Rules.
- Dissent is tolerated.
- Ass-hats are not.
- Keep foul language to a minimum, if at all.
- I reserve the right to be an ass-hat.
- I reserve the right to ban ass-hats and spammers.
- When in doubt, refer to rule #1.
There - so simple that even a barking moonbat can understand it.This means that you can disagree with me on what I post about.
This means that if you come across like a bezerk pre-schooler in your comments, it'll be deletion city for you.
Use common sense on this one - if anything, use lots of asteriks: * * *
And when I am, I'll admit it.
Here in the House of Mikey, I am the Evil Overlord and can act accordingly.
Then again, maybe not....
Comments on The 'Rules'
Man, I like those rules. Moon bats seem to understand it, I don't have any problems. Then again, I don't have high traffic so that could be it too. Ehhh.
|| Posted by kilabe, January 22, 2005 03:01 PM ||I should hope so Kilabe - I got them from you several months back.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 22, 2005 06:10 PM ||I don't get it
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|| , 09:11 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Cat Blogging Friday
Another Friday is upon us and I still don't have any 'new' photos of my cats.
So....here's another 'cat' that's cool: F7F Tigercat
Comments on Cat Blogging Friday
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|| , 08:43 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Stealing Their Thunder
There was an Anti-Bush Inauguration protest yesterday in downtown San Diego.
In attendance were the usual suspects and also San Diego Protest Warrior to steal the media away from the Barking Moonbat Brigade.
While some PW actions were met with the ever-present 'love' of the anti-war crowd, the action here in San Diego went quietly.
I'll post more later on this....
Comments on Stealing Their Thunder
Y'know, I think the 'lefties' in California need to take some lessons from us easterners. PW or some other right wing group has been at every protest I've been to, but we ignore them. Granted I can only say that the people in the area in which I happened to be at the time ignored them, in spite of of some pretty nasty verbage coming from them. I will admit that at one point I approached some young righties and started giving them a ration of shit, but I was strongly asked to move along by our own security.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 02:20 AM |||| , 07:55 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 20, 2005
Spoiled Brats
(Glommed from Cox & Forkum)
Comments on Spoiled Brats
L...O...L! :D
|| Posted by LB, January 20, 2005 01:39 PM ||I hate to see how much whinning they do if She becomes our next president.
|| Posted by Monster Kabasue, January 20, 2005 01:44 PM ||Would have to disagree, Monster K...
I would LOVE to see how much they would whine if she becomes our next president.
Condi '08!
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|| , 08:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 19, 2005
Subliminal Consent
If you look closely, you'll notice that one-time presidential candidate John "I Served in Vietnam" Kerry is subconsciously conceding the election by flashing a W.
There - it's now scientifically settled cause pictures don't lie.
Comments on Subliminal Consent
heh...love it!
|| Posted by Da Goddess, January 19, 2005 12:38 PM ||Wellll...
|| Posted by Stevie, January 19, 2005 04:43 PM ||actually it's a "triple"-u, but I did wonder why he was flashing West Coast gang signs for a second.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:58 AM |||| , 10:50 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Someone buy this t-shirt for me.
It would go over really well at school - especially when near the smelly-hippe-organic-food-cooperative-store....
Comments on Gimme-Gimme-Gimme
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:50 AM |||| , 10:33 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
The United States Supreme Court has spoken: Newdow - Go Pound Sand!
Now I expect we'll be hearing from the Barking Moonbat Brigade about the 'collusion' between Rehnquist and Bushitler and how it's all part & parcel of the VRWC and its plot to impose a theocratic regime here in North America.Comments on Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
is this guy still flinging his shit everywhere? what a complete ass. if you don't want to be "infused", then turn off the freakin' TV!!! this guy seems to forget that Atheism is also a set of religious beliefs, and most of America doesn't want to be "infused" with it. he seems to forget that in America we all have choices. and I have to wonder if this guy is even going to watch bushitler get sworn in anyway.
why do I have to keep entering my info on this page, mad one?? grrrrr!!! ;-)
|| Posted by nathalie, January 19, 2005 10:14 AM ||why do I have to keep entering my info on this page, mad one??
I dunno. I know that with IE6, it didn't like the mu.nu extension for my site and I'd have to re-enter it all the time.
I'll have to check on this and see WTF is up....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 19, 2005 10:25 AM ||Newdow said allowing a sectarian prayer made him feel like a "second-class citizen"
Awww, WE don't believe you're a second-class citizen, Mr. Newdow; you're a NO-class citizen.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, January 19, 2005 12:39 PM ||"keep entering my info"
Seems to be a Mu.Nu thing.
IMHO Michael Neudow is in the running for the A-Hole of the Millennia Award. He only has to get around Michael Moore (a pretty huge feat knowing MM's size) to win.
Have Fun and great blog,
Paul Drabek
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:49 AM |||| , 09:18 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Barbara Boxer - Representing!
I mean, I can't understand why people think that everyone in California is a stark-raving mad, wheat germ munching, tofu frying, lemon-scented water sipping esoteric jerk when we've got Barbara sitting in D.C. representing [/hip hop slang].
Case in point: yesterday, she's cited as saying the following during the Senate Hearings for the confirmation of Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice:
while holding up a piece of paper in a very Neville Chamberlain-like manner.And as with then-Prime Minister Chamberlain who was simply holding up a folded piece of paper for the cameras, Boxer was probably holding up her assistant's 'To Do' list for that day because unless Barbara was high on helium, the resolution she's referring to - the 'Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002' says a LOT more about why we were citing the reason(s) to go into Iraq.
Among the reasons:
- Non-compliance with the 1991 Gulf War cease-fire agreement,
- Iraq repeatedly showing hostile intent towards the United States,
- Iraq was harboring members of Al Qaida,
- Iraq was also harboring & aiding international terrorists,
but a bigger objective that seems to always get lost in the argument:- Whereas it is in the national security interests of the United States to restore international peace and security to the Persian Gulf region
You can read the resolution - the ENTIRE resolution - here.And what was the reason for getting off our asses back in September 2001? Oh yeah - to fight terrorism you ditzy broad.
There was a reason for getting extremely concerned about weapons of mass destruction: we were about to crap our pants over the thought of those Al Qaida psychos getting a gallon of Sarin or a beer cooler full of antrax and letting loose with that crap in New York, Los Angeles, or Washington, D.C.
So with these facts firmly in mind I'd like to make a suggestion to Barbara:
Now please - you're giving us anti-Idiotarians here in California a bad name.
Comments on Barbara Boxer - Representing!
In December 1998, after Clinton launched four days of air strikes on Iraq's suspected WMD targets, Boxer enthusiastically backed President Clinton's decision to attack Iraq after he argued that Saddam Hussein was prepared to use chemical, biological and nuclear weapons against the world.
"The president had no choice but to act today," Boxer said in a statement issued by her office. "Anyone who questions the timing of his decision ignores the fact that we committed a month ago to act if [chief U.N. weapons inspector] Richard Butler reported that Saddam was not cooperating. These critics are blinded by political considerations."
Who is "blinded by their political considerations" now?
Barbara Boxer has once again demonstrated why the rest of the United States refers to California as the land of "fruits and nuts"! (I DID enjoy the "howling moonbat" comment!)
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 01:53 AM |||| , 07:28 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 18, 2005
Oh My Dog!!
Although I'll give him credit for being tenacious, this clown just doesn't know when to quit:
I wouldn't be suprised - not one bit - if Newdow also wanted all dogs cleared out of the district because you can anagram D-O-G into G-O-D.Comments on Oh My Dog!!
I say we put him in Pelican bay for an overnighter. I bet he'll find God then.
|| Posted by Kilabe, January 18, 2005 03:44 PM ||Who IS this jerkoff? The Anti-Christ?
Oh, wait... I know what it is.
When he was born, they threw out the baby and his parents kept and animated the afterbirth.
Now it allll becomes clear...
To quote the great OzzMan:
|| Posted by Stevie, January 18, 2005 04:40 PM ||"Whut a *bleeeepin'* arsehole..."
ROFLMAO! As usual Stevie, you crack me up!
|| Posted by Maeve, January 18, 2005 09:35 PM ||I think the bone head has no life and too much time on his hands.
Holy crap.
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 02:02 AM |||| , 02:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
January 16, 2005
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
While this movie isn't for the 'faint of heart', it is one funny-ass movie.
I highly recommend it - just do not eat popcorn while watching it.
ADDED BONUS: If you rent this on DVD, put the disc into your player and turn it on - but don't select any of the options. Just watch it first.....you'll like it.
Comments on Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 06:14 AM |||| , 04:26 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Question for the Masses
Does anyone around here use Thunderbird for e-mail??
For the moment, I use MS Outlook at home for my e-mail (that's routed through my Internet Service Provider), but I'm curious about other e-mail programs other than the general MicroSoft crap.
Comments on Question for the Masses
I use it and I"m rather happy with it. It's learned spam rules and that's really helpful
|| Posted by jaws, January 16, 2005 04:17 PM ||I use it, and I really like it. I have multiple email accounts and you can load them all into separate folders under one program. It really helps out. An like above, the spam rules help out alot too.
|| Posted by kilabe, January 16, 2005 11:40 PM ||I use Netscape 7.1 for my mail. It works well for me.
|| Posted by Emily Nelson, January 17, 2005 06:35 AM ||Funny you should ask. I just downloaded it hte other day and have started using it. Also downloaded Mozilla's Firefox and like it a lot. Did these things after my husband's computer contracted a virus through Microsoft's Internet Explorer. can't tell you a lot about my experience with Mozilla products yet, but can say I asked around a lot and everyoned loved using them, both Firefox and Thunderbird.
|| Posted by Alina, January 18, 2005 05:54 AM ||I use it at home. Most of the PC's at work have it installed as well. The anti-spam filter is a favorite of everyone. Another option is the no downloading pictures in the preview pane. This option stops emails from auto downloading stuff from spammers letting them know your address is a live fish.
|| Posted by Rich, January 18, 2005 10:44 AM ||I've been using it since the day it came out, and I have to say I LOVE it. It has tons of features, and blocks spam really well. I used Eudora for years at home (I try to avoid MS programs whenever I can), and it corrupted a couple of months ago. I was looking for a new email client when Tbird came out. It has all the features of Eudora, and then some.
also using firefox. it's nice to get away from MS sometimes!
|| Posted by nathalie, January 18, 2005 01:39 PM ||I use it. I need to upgrade to a more current version, but yes, I use it. I love it!
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|| Posted by replica watches, August 26, 2009 06:15 AM |||| , 04:10 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Lefty Boilerplate
Just add spittle!!
From Protein Wisdom by way of Rob at Left & Right:
Comments on Lefty Boilerplate
LOL! Reminds me of that old cartoon... the picture of a guy talking to his dog....
What the guy says; "Here, boy! C'mon, Spot! Let's take a walk down to the park and toss the frisbee around for a while!"
What the dog hears; "Blah blah blah, Spot! Blah blah blah blah blah!"
Good analogy!
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Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
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