Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
The United States Supreme Court has spoken: Newdow - Go Pound Sand!
Supreme Court Rejects Atheist's Inauguration Prayer BidNow I expect we'll be hearing from the Barking Moonbat Brigade about the 'collusion' between Rehnquist and Bushitler and how it's all part & parcel of the VRWC and its plot to impose a theocratic regime here in North America.
WASHINGTON — An atheist lost his bid Wednesday to have the Supreme Court bar the saying of a prayer at President Bush's inauguration.
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist denied Michael Newdow's claim that a prayer at Thursday's ceremony would violate the Constitution by forcing him to accept unwanted religious beliefs.
In so doing, Rehnquist also rejected Newdow's request to recuse himself from the case because he is scheduled to swear in Bush. Newdow had argued that Rehnquist had become a willing fixture in a government ceremony "infused with sectarian Christian religion" and thus had a conflict of interest.
Rehnquist's order came without comment.
IMHO Michael Neudow is in the running for the A-Hole of the Millennia Award. He only has to get
Read more in Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
Rob@L&R said:
Newdow said allowing a sectarian prayer made him feel like a "Read more in Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
Mad Mikey said:
why do I have to keep entering my info on this page, mad one??
I dunno. I know th
Read more in Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
nathalie said:
is this guy still flinging his shit everywhere? what a complete ass. if you don't want to be "inf
Read more in Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
Comments on Common Sense - 2, Newdow - 0
is this guy still flinging his shit everywhere? what a complete ass. if you don't want to be "infused", then turn off the freakin' TV!!! this guy seems to forget that Atheism is also a set of religious beliefs, and most of America doesn't want to be "infused" with it. he seems to forget that in America we all have choices. and I have to wonder if this guy is even going to watch bushitler get sworn in anyway.
why do I have to keep entering my info on this page, mad one?? grrrrr!!! ;-)
|| Posted by nathalie, January 19, 2005 10:14 AM ||why do I have to keep entering my info on this page, mad one??
I dunno. I know that with IE6, it didn't like the extension for my site and I'd have to re-enter it all the time.
I'll have to check on this and see WTF is up....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 19, 2005 10:25 AM ||Newdow said allowing a sectarian prayer made him feel like a "second-class citizen"
Awww, WE don't believe you're a second-class citizen, Mr. Newdow; you're a NO-class citizen.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, January 19, 2005 12:39 PM ||"keep entering my info"
Seems to be a Mu.Nu thing.
IMHO Michael Neudow is in the running for the A-Hole of the Millennia Award. He only has to get around Michael Moore (a pretty huge feat knowing MM's size) to win.
Have Fun and great blog,
Paul Drabek
|| Posted by Paul Drabek, January 23, 2005 11:04 AM ||