I've never heard of this guy before, but I'll be checking out his site(s) in the coming days: The Daily Gut
Here's one small snippet from the interview that basically 'says it all':
How would you rate Bush’s performance on 1) the war in Iraq, 2) immigration, 3) social issues (gay marriage, abortion, etc.)?(Hat tip to Right Wing News for providing the initial link)1) The war: At a time when many of the West’s leaders are racing to capitulate thousands of years of industrial and intellectual development to the worst medieval lunatics on earth, Bush has had the guts to finally DO something. But I guess supporters are just tired of having to do all the talking for him. That’s what is so infuriating. Even with a world press that essentially hates free enterprise, we should be able to get far better ink than we do. Hamas gets better press than the 82nd Airborne. That’s as much the State Department’s fault as it is Paul Krugman’s or LeMonde.
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Comments on Greg Gutfeld
He also contributes to The Huffington Post. His posts are always good, but the comments are even more HILARIOUS.
|| Posted by Jim Treacher, June 17, 2006 01:17 PM ||I'm definitely going to check it out.
|| Posted by Cait, June 18, 2006 05:16 AM ||Let's be fair here. I'm sure that the State Dept. puts out reems of info to inform the public but of course the federal gov. doesn't maintain a media outlet. Well....there's PBS but we know where THEY stand. Anyway, this info along with the accomplishments in Iraq and Afghanistan provided by the DOD and others must be filtered throught the MSM and most probably ends up in the trash. I would suspect the the MSM looks as any good news or policy statements(regardless of the the truth and logic) as propaganda and want nothing to do with it. The only way these people will ever believe it or reference it is if Thomas Friedman or Bob Woodward write a book about it.
|| Posted by Tbird, June 18, 2006 03:06 PM ||As Jim says, his posts on the HuffPo are a riot. Also check out his super-secret blog there (click on his bio link).
The comments from the bewildered lefty readers are just icing.
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, June 19, 2006 05:23 PM |||| , 10:58 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
Dixie 'Forrest Gump' Chicks Lament
In an interview with the UK's Telegraph, the Dixie Chicks ponder why their fans 'turned on them':
But what is really amazing (since stupid is a bit harsh) is this: I guess it'll take a clue in Aisle Four to get them to maybe grasp why it is that their fans turned on them......duh.This qualifies as a 'Launching a Butt Monkey'.....
And I'm still standing by my prediction that the sisters - Emily Robison and Martie Maguire - will wake up one morning, smell the coffee, and throw Natalie out of the band saying that 'she never spoke for us'.....wait for it.
(Hat tip to Little Green Footballs)
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Comments on Dixie 'Forrest Gump' Chicks Lament
Hey Mad One! How are things going? I've been lurking for awhile, but I've avoided leaving comments because my mother told me that if I had nothing nice to say ...
but about these Chicks... from the link you posted...
"There can be no rational explanation of how Maines's remark came to drive a red-hot poker into America's divided soul..."
Love it... 'no rational explanation'... :)
The chicks don't need their old fans... and they aren't going to break up, either. Have you listened to the album? It shore aint no cuntry muzik, thet's fer shore.
Sounds like they've said, "asta la vista, rednecks."
|| Posted by scroff, June 17, 2006 01:52 PM ||I think they are absolutely adorable, and manage to get a chuckle out of me.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 18, 2006 03:10 AM ||Well, I'm not afraid to come right out and say it. Natalie must be dumber than a pot plant. Or else, she's a really clever pacifist, with this stuff about being anti-nationalism. No, I vote for stupid.
|| Posted by Cait, June 18, 2006 05:19 AM ||Must we insult defenseless pot plants and actually-pretty-damned-cool Forrest Gump like this, by comparing that stupid gasbag "c-word" to them?
Natalie Maines is a friggin' talentless, not to mention FUGLY, moron.
I'd rather have an entire FIELD of pot plants tended by a HERD of Forrests than ONE of that bitch.
I sincerely hope Toby Keith pulls her head off and shits down her neck.
|| Posted by Stevie, June 18, 2006 06:50 PM ||Wow, that is truly amazing. She doesn't understand patriotism?
Agree or disagree with the war, the administration, border policy or state's rights, but how can you live here and not at least understand patriotism.
I've spoken about possibly leaving this country because of what it is becoming - a socialist state. But I'll always be an American, and will never renounce my citizenship, because I'll always believe in what American once was, and what it still can be. I just don't know if it will be "it" again in my lifetime.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, June 20, 2006 05:06 PM ||There are very patriotic Iraqis killing American troops, guess thats ok, right, being that they're patriots and all....
|| Posted by scroff, June 25, 2006 10:52 AM |||| , 10:34 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
June 13, 2006
Slick Willy is Off His Medication
But the interesting part of this article is this:
Wouldn't that be considered 'hate speech' by Clinton's standards?Trackback Information for Slick Willy is Off His Medication
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Comments on Slick Willy is Off His Medication
Hey Sweetness...
Totally off-topic, buuut...
Did you send me an email a few days ago asking for Pixy's email address?
I answered ya right away, then a few days later, I got some weird email saying that my email to you hadn't been deliverd yet, yadda, yadda... and all I cared about was you not thinking I'd ignored ya.
Then, I got a coupla other odd emails in the same vein about other shit and started wondering if you'd even sent the first email and...
Just thought I'd check with you.
AND, Paul (Light and Dark) has my Mozilla shit set so that when my info to post comments isn't "remembered", all I hafta do is double-click on the first two lines and it automatically fills it in.
I have to do the URL myself... I forget exactly why.
Anyway... when I just went to post this comment, I had to do the double-click thing to fill in my info EXCEPT...
for some reason it filled in "Acidman" for my name and his new email address for mine.
Now, yeah, I do love the guy and have been accused by people in my house of being him with boobs, but... daaaamn.
|| Posted by Stevie, June 14, 2006 10:54 AM ||To have my pooter start filling in shit like this with his name...
I'mina hafta call Paul ASAP, me thinks.
Yup, I sent you that e-mail and nope, I haven't gotten a reply. At least.....not in my Inbox.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 14, 2006 11:58 AM ||Well, that sucks a fat one.
Still need his email address?
Aw, gim'me a second. Let me just go get it now...
Here ya go, Lovey...
andrew at pixymisa dot net
Or if ya don't get him that way, you can always just do a post at Munu itself.
(You know how to do that, right? If not, I c'n tell ya...)
I am soooo sorry that stupid email/reply didn't get back to ya.
I did answer you right away, too.
(I'd never leave you hangin'.)
Now I feel bad... *pout*
Stupid damned computers-n-shit....
|| Posted by Stevie, June 15, 2006 08:37 AM ||Goddamned GOP. I heard they were responsible for the Ice Age, too, and the catastrophic event that caused the dinosaurs to die out. Fuckers.
|| Posted by Cait, June 18, 2006 05:20 AM |||| , 10:31 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||
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Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
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