I always find that putting information into a cohesive format makes the information a lot easier to understand.
From a new blog that I've never heard of and will make all attempts to read it on a daily basis comes a comparison of what Dr. Sanity calls 'MSM hysteria' and how they don't seem to see the 'bigger picture'.
Beautiful IndifferenceIt's almost like watching a child throw a temper tantrum and for all the wrong reasons.Curiously, because they are journalists, and I would think that journalistic instincts are easily aroused by curiosity, the crop of journalists we must deal with today seem to be suffering from a form of mass hysteria. Their journalistic insticts; their curiosity; their "nose" for a story has been severely impaired--almost paralyzed you could say, and they don't much seem to care!
Here is a partial listing (in no particular order) of what the media is Obsessed by (on the LEFT) , compared to what they appear Indifferent to (on the Right):
(Hat tip to the Analog Kid at RNS for steering me to this)
Comments on Hysteria Under a Microscope
Glad you liked it.
|| Posted by AnalogKid, June 21, 2005 10:33 PM |||| , 03:04 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 16, 2005
Liberalism: Mental Disorder?
Geoff at Dog Snot Diaries points out the latest 'bashing' technique:
Read More of "Liberalism: Mental Disorder?"This reminds me of when I was down at Southwestern College a few years back. The Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-What-the-Fuck-am-I? club was 'selling' pink ribbons (I think they were pink...) to show concern for AIDS.
I was walking by the table in the middle of the quad and one of the minions there asked 'Want to donate to fight AIDS?'. I replied 'No, sorry. I don't have any money on me'.
The twit looked at me and replied with disdain: 'You have money for cigarettes' (I was smoking at that moment).
Trying to maintain my composure at that moment, I looked at this stupid broad (and she was a 'Large Marge' type) and told her point-blank: I don't really care one way or another. I'm not gay, don't plan on being gay. And since I'm married, I don't plan on sleeping around and I'm fairly confident that my wife won't sleep around either. If you want to fight AIDS, stop fucking around and sharing needles. Period. and walked away.
The sputtering and choking from this broad was loud enough that I could still hear her whining about my 'homophobia' to the other chicks/he-shes at the table from a good 100 meters away.
Anyway - the point I'm getting at is this new if-you-don't-go-overboard-with-compassion-you-are-a-RACIST attitude. It's almost like back in January 2005 when I got blown incredible amounts of crap for posting something that Moxie had said about the humanitarian relief for the tsunami in Southeast Asia and someone (a troll) said that since I didn't have a link to donate to relief efforts that I was a dickhead:
To some, it's simply black or white - you're either gushing with compassion and you're in touch with your feminine side or your an asshole.What's hard to believe is that this is my thinking on a great many subjects.....with a little wiggle room for updating of my opinion(s) on the given subject. But if I do this, I'm out of line.
I'm not a huge fan of Michael Savage, but I'm beginning to think he's right: Liberalism is a mental disorder....
All done with "Liberalism: Mental Disorder?"?
Comments on Liberalism: Mental Disorder?
I am afortunate enough to be a narcissistic self serving asshole that sees the suffering of others as amusement.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 04:01 PM ||You'll like this one, Mikey.
|| Posted by AnalogKid, June 17, 2005 09:47 PM |||| , 10:00 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Off His Rocker - Part Deux
- Housing? Check.
- Food that's religiously specific, i.e. 'kosher'? Check.
- Not blowing their brains out with a .45? Check.
- Not beating them with a lead pipe? Check.
- Not making them eat fried pork rinds? Check.
The fact that these prisoners haven't been strung up from the nearest tree at Gitmo is proof that the U.S. is giving them more than the Geneva Conventions calls for.So if you're inclined to think that the Gitmo facility is a 'gulag' or that we're 'torturing' them, then I suggest you take a closer look at the definition of 'gulag' and then take another closer look at the World Trade Center towers before they collapsed.
And if that doens't sink in, take a hard look at the list of people murdered on 9/11.
The people that were murdered on 9/11 isn't justification for wanton killing of just anyone - just the people that would attempt it again. And you can bet that those scumbags in Gitmo aren't there cause they were on their way to get ice cream for blind children when they accidently stumbled onto the battlefield and accidently picked up an assualt rifle which accidently discharged - multiple times - in the direction of American troops.
I've said this before: if anyone in the government wanted these prisoners to 'disappear', they could easily 'accidently' fall out of a chopper about a hundred miles from land over the ocean.....Ooops!! Damnit Ralph - there goes another one!!.
Quite honestly, I think the idea I had for returning illegal aliens using a trebuchet would work nicely for the Marines in Gitmo: live skeet/prisoner target practice.
Comments on Off His Rocker - Part Deux
We are not bound by the conventions. These people should have been shot in the streets.
Solution to Koran abuse? Take korans away.
(I think someone already said that.)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 03:59 PM ||New reports of torture from Gitmo...
Detainees are accusing guards of giving "wet willies," "noogies" and knocking on detainees' cell doors then running, both with and without "flaming paper bags of excrement" left on detainees' cell doorsteps
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, June 17, 2005 10:00 AM ||Well, America is not adhering to the Geneva Convention. Why are you in any doubt about this? Do you know what 'denial' is? Do you know that you are 'in denial'?
|| Posted by royston, June 22, 2005 03:22 PM ||p.s. People's lives revolve around the Koran, why can you not respect this. It's not difficult.
|| , 08:48 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 15, 2005
Off His Rocker
It's always refreshing how people equate one thing with another. We've seen the 'Bush = Hitler' blurbs from the Tin-Foil Hat Brigade. Now we get to see the same technique applied to those 'insidious' military guards at Gitmo.
James Taranto has the appropriate words for this....insightful comparison of Senator Dick Durbin's (Tin-Foil - IL) on the floor of the United States Senate:
Can the Left-wing moonbats - who are now closer and closer to being synonymous with Democrats - can they get any more absurd? Can we get any more reasons to just consider them so 'out there' that they should no longer be considered rationale?I doubt it.
What Senator Durbin doesn't see is that these are the techniques that are considered 'humane' as opposed to the really worthwhile techniques like breaking fingers, smashing that toe that goes wee-wee-wee all the way home with a hammer, or (my personal favorite) how about putting these prisoners in a pressure tank and taking them down one-half of an atmosphere? Nothing makes cooperation happen between people better than bursting blood vessels and exploding eyeballs....
Geez....it's going to get to the point where interviews will be conducted only using slightly harsh language and possibly the threat of withholding ice cream after dinner.
It's obvious that Durbin is off his rocker, that his elevator no longers goes all the way up, that he's a sandwich or two short of a picnic basket, that he's not shuffling a full deck....well, you get the picture. (The flash works, but there is no film in the camera?)
Comments on Off His Rocker
Have you fell from your rocker? When I read your blog on the Dick Durbin situation, I couldnt help but to get frustrated. I didn't think a grown man could be as ignorant, arrogant,and as low as you. I really want to say "your a piece of shit, low-life scumbag" but I wont.
|| Posted by Mathias Herriges, June 15, 2005 10:51 PM ||"We are fighting an enemy that murdered 3,000 innocent people on American soil 3 1/2 years ago and would murder millions more if given the chance--"
Wow. That pretty much shows it all. First of all, who is this "enemy" were fighting? All those innocent people we screw over?(if not literally) Murder millions more if given the chance? THINK. They have tons of chances. Your quote sounds like somthing i'd hear on fox news. Trying to scare thick-headed nervous people like you. Props to them for brainwashing you as well.
Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things? Its easy to see you dont give a damn for people. Mad Mikey... ha. You're one less person this world needs.
I really want to say "your a piece of shit, low-life scumbag" but I wont.
And I want to tell you that I love you. In a manly viking sort of way. I assure you mikey feels the same. He is a big hearted ol'e bloke.
Wow. That pretty much shows it all. First of all, who is this "enemy" were fighting?
Anyone who commits violent acts for the purpose of strengthening their political power and not in the name of government, assists those who commit such acts, or allows the commitment of such acts through willful inaction.
Murder millions more if given the chance? THINK. They have tons of chances.
I know. And they are using those chances to commit murder at every turn. MOST of the violence in Iraq is directed toward the civilian populace. It would be a fair statement to say that most of the losses we have suffered are due to us injecting ourselves into the crossfire between terrorist groups and civilian populations.
Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things?
Let us hear the other side. Come on now. Don't be shy.
Mad Mikey... ha. You're one less person this world needs.
So from what I gather... you want mikey DEAD... a person who has harmed no one in particular... because you disagree with him on something or another? (You have not stated what exactly) At least you have your priorities straight.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 01:32 AM ||I really want to say "your a piece of shit, low-life scumbag" but I wont.
--And I want to tell you that I love you. In a manly viking sort of way. I assure you mikey feels the same. He is a big hearted ol'e bloke.
Wow. That pretty much shows it all. First of all, who is this "enemy" were fighting?
--Anyone who commits violent acts for the purpose of strengthening their political power and not in the name of government, assists those who commit such acts, or allows the commitment of such acts through willful inaction.
Murder millions more if given the chance? THINK. They have tons of chances.
--I know. And they are using those chances to commit murder at every turn. MOST of the violence in Iraq is directed toward the civilian populace. It would be a fair statement to say that most of the losses we have suffered are due to us injecting ourselves into the crossfire between terrorist groups and civilian populations.
Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things?
--Let us hear the other side. Come on now. Don't be shy. And you don't HAVE to donate. You are not THAT important you know.
Mad Mikey... ha. You're one less person this world needs.
-- So from what I gather... you want mikey DEAD... a person who has harmed no one in particular... because you disagree with him on something or another? (You have not stated what exactly) At least you have your priorities straight.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 03:29 AM ||Why the hell would I donate to someone who cant even stop and think about both sides of things?
So you're not going to show us all how 'above' petty bickering your are and drop something in the donation bucket? Come on....surely you can exhibit superior intellect and demonstate by shooting some money my way, cant' you?
At least click on some of the GoogleAds on the left-hand side....
Its easy to see you dont give a damn for people.
Oh I give a damn about people....just not scumbags that would think nothing of killing another 3,000 people.
Obviously you don't have the capability to decern disgust for one specific type of person (and that's a loose definition) and disgust for everyone.
This must be a character flaw in your psyche and you probably havent' come to terms with your momma's potty training technique. Lots of therapy will help.
What we have here with Mathias Herriges is that he's one of many 'Blogs for Bush' trolls. (I get them every-so-often). They'll get insensed about something, cruise through a listing on the 'Blogs for Bush' site and do what I call a 'poodle pee' - he/she/it will hit as many sites in the blogroll at BfB and leave just a little urine to attempt to mark the territory. And like a poodle, they won't return to see what comes up.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 16, 2005 08:10 AM ||Mikey, your sadistic side helps perpetuate the circle of violence that humans don't seem to be able to escape from. If you hurt someone they hurt you right back. It's thanks to you, and your kind's, knee jerking that keeps everyone in a world of pain.
|| Posted by royston, June 24, 2005 05:35 PM ||...sadistic side perpetuate the circle of violence that humans don't seem to be able to escape from
Que? Where did the Hell did that come from...?
It's thanks to you, and your kind's, knee jerking that keeps everyone in a world of pain.
No need to thank me - just be glad that you weren't thrown into a Nazi work camp or a Soviet gulag.
What's that? No possibility of it?
For THAT, you can thank me twerp...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 25, 2005 04:46 PM |||| , 10:21 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Dean's Goal - Infinite Nothingness
Keep it up Howie - there's nothing funnier than when you make up stuff for us to talk about and we don't really have to work at it.
(Nicely glommed from Rodger Shultz at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical)
Comments on Dean's Goal - Infinite Nothingness
It's karl Rooove!
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 16, 2005 01:47 AM |||| , 04:48 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Geeks Are Better
By way of Dodd at Ipse Dixit comes something that proves why geeks/nerds are a better catch for the ladies:
Read More of "Geeks Are Better"You see, this is something that I've known for a long time being that I consider myself a geek.
I once talked to my wife about this phenomenon; I asked her why women will always go with a 'bad boy' that treats them like crap and yet they still go back - again and again.
I told her of watching 'bad boys' I knew in the Navy who'd treat their girlfriends like crap - play around on them, borrow money from them, etc. etc. - and for the love of God I didn't know why these women would go back to them again and again. It used to burn me up six ways to Sunday that these women - and they weren't Elle models....not by a long shot - wouldn't give me the time of day - literally; I once asked a Navy chick (in uniform) for the correct time when I was stationed in Memphis - her response was: F*ck off. And this chick was about as attractive as a sumo wrestler.
My wife responded: They'll seek out the 'bad boys' because they want the image and the fast times associated with them. And when they get tired of 'life in the fast lane', they'll hook up with someone who's basically boring and not a party animal.
So....if you're thinking of blowing off that geek/nerd whose asked you out on a date - take him up on it.
You know that you'll end up with one anyway....besides, we know how to fix computers, program VCRs, set up home entertainment systems, and we'll be the 'go-to' guy for helping the kids with math homework.
All done with "Geeks Are Better"?
Comments on Geeks Are Better
Well Said!
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 16, 2005 02:05 PM |||| , 04:29 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Dialysis Explained
Every so often I'm asked about exactly what happens at dialysis.
Well, that question is answered by someone I met on the Internet. Jim (who I understand recently got a kidney transplant) has an excellent sequence of photos (Flash required) that explain what happens.
Check it out.
And while some people feel 'on top of the world' after a dialysis treatment, I'm usually feeling achy....almost like just before you get the full effects of having the flu - that's me.
Jim did hemo dialysis for a month and then switched to PD (peritoneal dialysis) which seemed to work for him. I, on the other hand, cannot seem to get over that catheter-hanging-out-of-my-gut feeling and really just feel....oogie about considering PD as an alternative to hemodialysis.
Maybe it'll take a few more months of hating HD to get me to consider the catheter. Then again, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get a transplant, although it's not looking like that will happen in the near future....
Comments on Dialysis Explained
Thanks for the plug!
|| Posted by Tetzman, June 16, 2005 02:23 PM ||15days after a very successful transplant operation, and my labs are awesome! I can eat pretty much anything, and they want me to consume 3litres of water daily! The steroids make me hungry all the time, so I'm starting put a little weight back on. Did ya check out my update page?
The last clinic session I had 2 weeks before transplant, my nephrologist was concerned about adequacy of my dialysis. PD wasn't getting me as clean as it used to. The phosphorus levels were really kicking my butt as well...
Push for the transplant! PD offers more freedoms, but it's not as good as a transplant! You need to be more active out on the Living Donors Boards. My Donor found me through a post on one of the boards...
|| , 03:26 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
Brief Scare in California
Brief scare last night:
The only reason we knew of the tsunami alert was from a phone call from one of our friends; the wife and I were in the middle of watching Starship Troopers when we got the call.
Fifteen minutes later the alert was cancelled and we went back to watching the movie.
Comments on Brief Scare in California
|| , 02:49 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentJune 14, 2005
Killling Business - Part II
- Borders will have a marked decrease in online sales from California residents, or
- Borders will officially divest all interests between its 'brick-n-mortar' stores here in California and its online company.
In either case, it kills business....all in the name of taxation.My thinking is that anything sold online should be free from any sort of taxation. Exactly why is it that the government - state or federal - should get a 'slice of the pie' for people putting money back into the economy!? Quite frankly, neither state nor federal deserve to get d!ck out of any sales transaction.
Damn - it's crap like this that makes me consider changing my party affiliation from Republican to Libertarian....but for the moment I won't because I don't agree with the legalize-all-drugs argument. And especially with the Libertarians anti-war stance concerning Iraq.
Anyway...this crap really gives me a bad taste in my mouth when I see taxation for what it appears to be: socialism and that lets-MAKE-everyone-carry-the-load-for-all-those-dumbass-social-projects-that-no-one-really-wants....
Comments on Killling Business - Part II
OOH! a pie to stick a finger into!
Well, if the state constitution allows for it, let it be. If not, then sue and fire the individuals writing the legislation. (Publicly)
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 15, 2005 02:34 PM ||I don't agree with the legalize-all-drugs argument.
You mean I'm actually to the left of you on an issue? (big evil grin)
Mind you, I wouldn't burn a big spliff if they were to legalize pot, but that should be MY decision, not the government's.
I'm not all for legalizing certain drugs (Cocaine comes to mind, as does PCP), but most of the other drugs are only damaging the user. Criminaling stupidity is a hallmark of the nanny state, and I don't want any part of that.
|| Posted by timekeeper, June 16, 2005 10:00 AM |||| , 10:40 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 14th - Flag Day
I was reminded by a post of Michelle Malkin's that June 14th is Flag Day.
From a site called usflag.org I found the 'meaning of the colors' of Old Glory in the FAQ section:
Read More of "June 14th - Flag Day"And I found the reason that the American flag is referred to as 'Old Glory':
The Flag of the United States of America....some hate it, others fear it, most love it, and it has always stood as a symbol of freedom.Dispite what some might think of it, it will be around for quite a long time and it's symbolism will never fade, tarnish, or disappear from this Earth.
It has stood the test of a revolution to create it, a civil war between the states that redefined it, and a century of warfare where it fluttered over battlefields liberated from tyranny time and again.
It is the symbol of a people that are giving, a people that cherrish freedom and their rights as Americans, a people that will not bow to anyone or anything that would strip away their title of American citizen. It is a symbol of a people that will help others always and it is a symbol of a people that will not take anything sitting down.
To be honest, I still - to this day - get chills when I see this flag fluttering in the wind and think of what it means, what it symbolizes, and how Americans honor & love it.
All done with "June 14th - Flag Day"?
Comments on June 14th - Flag Day
Sad Video of Flag Desecration
|| Posted by Shawn Wasson, June 14, 2005 12:51 PM ||http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=flagrip
June 14th is also the Army's Birthday. Let's sing the song: First to fight for the right and to build the nation's might, and the Army goes rolling along. Proud of all we have done, fight until the battle's won and the Army goes rolling along. And its Hi, Hi, Hey and the Army's on its way. Call of your cadence loud and strong. For where we go, you will always know that the Army goes rolling along.
|| Posted by Davey, June 15, 2005 12:30 AM |||| , 10:16 AM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
June 13, 2005
'Dipstick of the Week' - Coming Soon!
I'm thinking of starting a 'Dipstick of the Week' weekly entry. This clown would be the first:
And I'm beating that this dork will plead 'Not Guilty' in court when he's arraigned....dipstick.Comments on 'Dipstick of the Week' - Coming Soon!
|| , 03:09 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your commentGo Figure...
To be honest, I'm a little surprised that this happened:
I guess it'll take about 40 miles of video tape showing Jackson playing 'Hide the Salami' with another young boy to take him out of the picture.It's a shame it'll have to come to this, but the jury has spoken.
Comments on Go Figure...
Expect to see little whiteboys rioting up and down Los Angeles.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 04:43 PM ||Quote for picture:
"Hey... smell my finger!"
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 04:52 PM ||"One in the goop, one in the poop!"
If he was a black man he would have been found guilty on all counts.
|| Posted by assrot, June 14, 2005 08:39 AM |||| , 02:22 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
More Folly
Just what the world needs: another proposal to level the field by taxing air travel:
This is indeed a 1-lb bag of Cricket Crap from Dicker & Dicker of Beaverly Hills.It's not much of a added tax, but it's the principle behind it: tax everyone who has money to pay for Africa's problems.
I'm all for helping people and nations get on their feet - not for making them take responsibility for their actions and/or inactions that put them there in the first place.
I get a chuckle out of these plans that propose to tax everyone who's responsible to pay for those that are not. Socialism in action....
Comments on More Folly
You want to help africa? cut ALL aid.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 13, 2005 05:18 PM ||You mean it's not the $150.00 dog statue ;)
|| Posted by caltechgirl, June 13, 2005 08:45 PM |||| , 02:17 PM || Permalink || Hide Comments || Add your comment
About Me
Who is Mikey?Mikey is a forty-something U.S. Navy veteran that is currently taking a break from being a full-time student at UC San Diego studying electrical engineering.
He's also a husband, a father, a former Independent/Democrat and is currently dealing with dialysis and getting on the national kidney transplant list.
The words written here are his opinions and his observations on the stupid things in life. If you do not like them or do not agree with them: tough squishies. In America, you're entitled to Freedom of Speech not Freedom to Not Be Offended.
Help Mikey by not being part of the problem and instead, be part of the solution so that he doesn't have to comment on your sorry actions.
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