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I'm thinking of starting a 'Dipstick of the Week' weekly entry. This clown would be the first:
Driver flips car, hurts 5, flees to make tee time, police sayAnd I'm beating that this dork will plead 'Not Guilty' in court when he's arraigned....dipstick.
An Anchorage police officer records the license plate number of a mangled black Mitsubishi car Saturday afternoon in the eastbound lanes of Fifth Avenue. The driver of the car was later arrested at a South Anchorage golf course on a charge of driving under the influence. Five people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
A man speeding to a golf game triggered a wild wreck Saturday on Fifth Avenue that banged up four vehicles and injured five people, and then he fled the scene on foot, police said.
Juan M. Puliddo-Castaneda, 24, was arrested a short time later, six miles away, standing out front of Anchorage Golf Course on O'Malley Road and preparing for a round of golf, authorities said.
"He was at the golf course getting his tee time," said Patrol Sgt. Dave Koch, one of the officers who handled the call.
"I do not even have words to describe how crazy that is," Traffic Unit Lt. Nancy Reeder said glumly after learning the details of the wreck while shopping at Sam's Club with her family and relaying them by telephone to a reporter. "I have no idea why we didn't have a fatality out there this morning."
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